05x01 - Never Going Back to Normal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Med". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Chicago Med" follows the day-to-day chaos of the city's most expl*sive hospital and its staff as they tackle unique new cases inspired by topical events. Intertwines with "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD".
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05x01 - Never Going Back to Normal

Post by bunniefuu »

You'd do anything to get what you want.

What did she tell to you?

I can't wait to hear.

Your father is telling people I slept with him.

I should never have made you come.

Your father died from an overdose of insulin, and someone in the hospital gave it to him.

Well, there's nothing keeping us apart - You and I are way past that.

- Well, no Ava, stop!

You ungrateful prick.

When was the last time you had a mammogram?

You're saying that I have breast cancer?

I have something to tell you.

My lymphoma is back.

I want to marry you again.

Anyone else would have bailed on this whole mess a long time ago, but you're still here.

Because it's you, Ethan.

I'm late.

- "Late"?

- My period.

Tim Burke's out of prison.

You were responsible for his father and his brother being incarcerated.

You've known Natalie for a while.

What do you think?

Will she like it?

Agent Lee told me what was going on.

Will loves you.

You would be a fool not to take him back.

I am so sorry.








I got her!

Get to the doctors' lot!

Yes, Doctor.

What am I looking at?

Dr. Manning was thrown from the vehicle.

Blunt head trauma, loss of consciousness.

- Hey, Elsa?

- Yes?

Put a collar on her.

Start an IV and get her on the monitors.

- Yes, Doctor.

- And a nasal airway.

I got it.

- And a chest X-ray.

- Yes, Doctor.

Take our boy here to Trauma 2.

Elsa will give you a look-see.

- No, I'm staying with Natalie.

- You're a mess, Will, come on.

I'm staying!

Halstead, you're her boyfriend or whatnot.

Impairs judgment.


- Please, Dr. Halstead.

- Whoa!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

It's all right, man, I got her.

Go on, Dr.


Come on, come on, come on.

It's gonna be okay.


Talk to me.

She's not protecting her airway.

She's clamping down.

20 etomidate and 100 sux.

Right away.

And that's ready.


I'm in.

You should be in a gown, okay?

Please let me examine you properly.

Elsa, I'm fine.

I just need to catch my breath.

No, you're covered in blood.

Did you lose consciousness at any point?

No, I'm good.


Uh, you need stitches.

I need to call the plastics resident.

- No, you just do it.

- No, I'm only a student.

The resident will do a much better job.

I don't care, I just want to get back to Natalie.

Okay, um, suture kit, please.


Excuse me?

Excuse me?

I-I heard Dr.

Manning was in an accident.


Marcel from trauma is taking care of her.

- Natalie?

- Sir.

- Natalie?

- I'm sorry, Dr.


- Who are you?

- I'm her fiancé.

Her fiancé?

Yeah, as in we're engaged.

I guess night shift didn't get the memo.

Is she okay?

Chest X-Ray and FAST exam are negative, vitals are stable, but we don't know yet how bad her head injury is.

Tell CT we're bringing her up for a STAT pan scan.


Excuse me, can I, um Can I go up with her?

Just don't get in the way.


Let's roll.

Why didn't you call me right away?

Well, it It was your wedding night.


Goodwin, we just heard.

Sharon, how are they?

Well, Dr.

Halstead has some displaced rib fractures.

He's being held for observation.

Dr. Manning suffered a head trauma.

She's stable, her vitals are good, but she's unresponsive and intubated.

We're getting CTs now.

I'm gonna look in on Will.

Ethan, April, I need you now.

Elderly slip-and-fall in 3.

- I'll take that.

- Thanks.

Got it.

- Status on Tim Burke?

- Stable.

- You can take him to County.

- On our way.

Hey, he dies en route, wouldn't break my heart.

Heads-up, everybody, patients landing!

Possible drug-induced psychosis.

Doris, I need you.

- Sharon?

- Yeah?

I'm short-staffed.

- Uh, Dr.


- Ma'am?

I need you to stay.

Say no more.

Happy to oblige.


Maggie, 18-year-old male Cameron Geddes.

Delusional, found wandering naked.

Too agitated to get vitals in the field.

This is his grandmother, Nancy Geddes.

Stop it!

What are we doing?

What are we doing?

Okay, here Dr.

Marcel, go to Treatment 5.

Need a psych consult.


I'll get a psych.

Then maybe you and I can talk?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

So I guess we'll be going.

I'm going, you're staying.

- What?

- You heard me.

CeCe, we just got married.

We're on our honeymoon.

Danny, I know you.

You want to be there for Will.


I could really use your help for a couple of hours.

- So am I calling upstairs?

- No.

I'll be back at the hotel by lunch, I promise.

I'm getting a massage and a facial, take your time.

- Good-bye, Sharon.

- Thank you, CeCe.

Your mammogram?

They found a mass.

I need a biopsy.

Don't feed the sharks, it's not good for them.

- Lock him in.

- How could you take dr*gs?

How could you do that?

Calm down, calm down.

Ma'am, can we give the doctors some room,

- let them do their job?

- I'm sorry, who are you?

Dr. Charles, head of psychiatry.

Other than abrasions, I'm not seeing any injuries.

5 of Haldol IM.

What is that?

What what are you doing?

I is that dr*gs?

Are you giving him more dr*gs?

Well, in order to help your grandson, we do need to calm him down a bit.

Let me get a CBC, BMP, EKG, and tox screen.

Make it an extended tox screen, cover all the bases.

So, Elsa says that you refused the gown and the CT head and chest.

Typical doctor terrible patient.

You know, I could plate your ribs.

It won't hurt as much.

Why am I not surprised?

Connor Natalie was coming to tell me something last night.

She got in the car, said, "I'm sorry," and then we were hit.

She she didn't get to finish.

Will, you okay?

Connor, Officer Atwater is here.

Says he wants to talk to you.


What's he want?

It's gotta be about my father.

Um, his death was labeled "suspicious.

" I'll be back to check on you.

Thank you.


- Appreciate you, Doc.

- Yeah, man.

First thing I want to tell you is that I'm sorry for your loss.

Appreciate that.

Take a seat, won't be too long.

No problem.

Um, your father was given insulin.

He was not a diabetic, none of the doctors ordered it in, and there's no record of it on his chart, so Yeah, you're saying that it was intentional.

'Cause normally, you wouldn't test for insulin in a heart patient going through cardiac arrest.


Luckily, the pathologist went the extra mile.

Even so, can't trace insulin, so I would suggest that they knew exactly what they were doing.

Is there anybody around here, Doc, that you think would want to hurt your father?

The fact is, my dad was the type of guy who could make enemies.

It's common knowledge you two didn't get along so well, right?

Uh, yeah, the relationship was complicated, but it it was improving.

You blamed him for your mother's su1c1de, accused him of sleeping with your girlfriend.

You punched him out at a party.

Can you tell me where you were before you father went into cardiac arrest?

I was at his house.

Kevin, what is this?

- Do I need to get a lawyer?

- It's up to you.

- You want me to stop?

- You gotta be kidding me.

I was looking for old photographs.

Anybody vouch for that?

Our housekeeper, Carlotta.

Now, are we done here?

For now.


I respect you.

Saved a lot of lives around here.

I just gotta make sure you didn't take one.

What did Dr.

Manning's scan show?

Well, you can see here a grade two liver laceration.

Small amount of blood in the abdomen.

You need to operate?

Well, we surgeons love to cut, but it's a solid organ injury.

No blush on the CT.

Not operative.

It's still wait-and-see.

You all go back to work, I'll let you know if anything changes.


We need to go to the pharmacy.



You told the police about my father and me.

He asked, I told him the truth.

Last night, you said that I was ungrateful.

Ungrateful for what, Ava?

Oh, my God, I got you your hybrid room, I defended you in front of the oversight committee You said, "He's gone, you're free.

We can be together now.

" Well, that was my mistake, wasn't it?

Thinking you could get past yourself and we could start over.

So you did it so we can be together.


But I wasn't interested, and so now you're you're getting even?

You're not making any sense.

I think you k*lled my father.

You're as delusional as your mother was.

Tell us, Connor, with your father dead, how much do you inherit?

20 million?

A hundred?

Good morning, Dr. Latham.

It's negative.

I'm not pregnant.

Oh, okay.

It's weird, I'm never late.

But it's good, though, right?


We can still go to Cabo for Christmas.

I can have margaritas.

- We should get back.

- Okay.

So after this, we'll get some ice cream, all right?

- All right.

- What kind are you getting?

I don't know.


and Mrs.


Hi, I'm Dr.


- This is April Sexton.

- Hey.

- Hello.

- Hey, Thomas.

I understand you're not feeling well.

- My head hurts.

- Aww.

And he's been really tired lately.

And if you're standing to his side, he can't see you.

Has Thomas suffered any injuries lately?

- A fall, concussion?

- No.

Can you follow my finger?

He has some loss of peripheral vision.

Let's get a CBC, CMP, blood and urine cultures to start.


We're gonna find out what's going on, okay?

Excuse us.

What did he take?

He didn't.

His tox screen was negative.

Well, then, what's making him act like this?

We don't know yet, uh, which is why we'd like to have him admitted to the psych ward.

Psych ward?

What are you talking about?

Well, the psych ward is where Cameron can get the thorough evaluation that he needs.

No, no, my grandson is an A student.

He's going to college.

He's not crazy.

I'm not saying that he is.

This could be the result of something entirely physical, Mrs. Geddes.

Of course it's something physical.

You're not gonna take him to the psych ward.

Ms. Geddes, it's in your grandson's best No, you're not taking him.

I'm not gonna let you take him.



Well, um, how about this?

How about I have him admitted to one of our medical floors With a sitter And we'll have him evaluated there?

How about that?

- Okay.

- Okay, I'll write the order.

Every kid needs a grandma like you.

Had one myself.

Isn't he age-appropriate for schizophrenia?

Yeah, he is and I got a strong hunch that that's what we're dealing with here.

Then why the charade?

Sending him up to a medical floor?

Well, because I'm treating two people here.

I mean, a diagnosis of schizophrenia?

It's gonna be devastating to her.

The more we can ease her into the reality of that possibility, the less overwhelmed she'll be.

Dr. Rhodes.

I have to inform you that Dr.

Bekker has filed a complaint against you with HR.

You put your hands on her, and I witnessed it.


I also heard you accuse her of m*rder.

I don't understand.

Dr. Bekker is a first-rate surgeon, one of the best.

Why would you say something like that?

Dr. Latham, you can be a fine surgeon and still Have issues?

No, look, Dr.

Latham, I didn't mean to make any comparisons.

I find it inconceivable that Dr.

Bekker could have done such a thing, but if you feel so strongly about it, why haven't you gone to the police?

Because I don't know for sure, and I can't prove it one way or the other.

This is untenable.

Mr. and Mrs. Donovan, we got Thomas's labs back.

They were all normal.

Well, that's good news, isn't it?

Well, whatever's going on is not infectious.

But we still don't know what's causing his symptoms.

And given his headaches and lack of peripheral vision, we'd like him to have a CT scan of his head.

- His head?

- Yeah.

Uh, Thomas, honey, give Daddy and me a minute to talk to the doctor.

We'll be just outside, okay?


You can see us, and we'll be back.

Hey, why don't I stay with you, keep you company, is that cool?

Thank you.



You think this is something really serious.

Making a diagnosis is about ruling out possibilities.

This scan will allow us to do that.

He's a healthy kid, hardly ever catches a cold.

Whatever's bothering Thomas, this will help us find out.

I'm so sorry, Natalie.

What are you doing here?

Haven't you done enough, huh?

Look at her, for God's sake.

I-I didn't know she was gonna get in my car, so How do you even sleep at night, huh?

You realize you've done nothing but ruin her life?

Get out of my face.

I don't want you coming around here again.

I don't care what you want.

She's not your responsibility, man!

- She's mine!

- How do you figure that?

- Hey!

- I think Everything okay with you boys?


Natalie and I are engaged.


See for yourself.

We're getting married.

You on the square, fiancé?

I'm sorry, what What is that supposed to mean?

Well, I didn't see that ring on her finger when she came in, 'cause we certainly would have removed it.

Is this really any of your business?

As her doctor, yeah, it is.


How's Natalie?

She's still out.

I now know what she was gonna tell me.

She got engaged.

- To Phillip?

- You knew?

No, he he showed me the ring, said he was gonna ask her, and to be honest, it was weird.

Weird how?

It was right when his daughter was being prepped for surgery.

You'd think he would've been focused on that.

Yeah, I never liked the guy, but, you know, I'm not exactly unbiased.

Will, you're splinting.

No, I'm just a little short of breath.

No, you're more than just a little short of breath.

Let's get you back down to the ED.

Gonna get you a chest X-ray.

It could be a pneumothorax.

I'm not going Will, Will, Will, now.


You may feel a little pressure, but nothing more after that.

You okay?

He says he can hardly see at all now.

Here, I'll take a look.

This is Dr.

Abrams, our chief of neurosurgery.


Thomas, do me a favor: uh, look straight ahead.

Raise your hand when you see my finger.

Thomas, don't you see the doctor's finger?

That's it, just keep looking straight ahead.

Don't move your head.

Could we step outside?

So your son's CT scan and MRI indicate a mass around the pituitary, most likely a craniopharyngioma.

A-a what?

A tumor.

A benign tumor.

Oh, benign.

But unfortunately, he needs surgery.

Right, the deterioration in his vision indicate that the tumor's pressing against his optic chiasm, so we need to operate as soon as possible.

I believe we'll have a good outcome.

I know this is hard.

I am so sorry.

He's so little.

My baby.

Thomas was a surprise.

The doctor said Livie'd never be able to get pregnant.

And then Then when she told me the news, God, I wasn't sure I even wanted a kid.

Now I can't imagine life without him.

He's our whole world.

I just hate the thought This little kid having brain surgery?

Yeah, me too.

I'll catch up with you in a little bit.


Yeah, a pneumothorax.

If Dr.

Halstead had let me give him a proper examination, this never would It's not your fault.

Will, I need to admit you and put in a chest tube.


You're at risk for a tension pneumothorax.

- You could die.

- She's right.

Aspirate and put in a one-way valve tube.

That is not protocol.

Elsa, please It'll temporize me, and I won't need to be admitted.

Come on, Connor, I don't want I don't want to be here anymore.

I hear you.

Ms. Curry, get me a small chest tube with a Heimlich valve.


What's going on?

Charge nurse refused our patient.


Darya, come on.

No, no, Dan, we can't turf him here.

- He just needs a workup.

- In the psych ward.

My nurses aren't equipped.


Charles, where are we going?

- To the psych ward.

- No, we talked about this.

He's not crazy.


Geddes, I'm sorry, I have nowhere else to put him.

- I'm not gonna let you.

- Ma'am, please.

No, no, I'm gonna take him home.

- I just can't let you do that.

- Well, you can't stop me.

- Yes, ma'am, he can.

- He's my grandson!

Cameron is 18.

He's an adult who, right now, is a danger to himself and potentially to others.

No, no, we we need to go home.

- I'm gonna take him home.

- Believe me He'll be better at home.

This is what your grandson needs right now.

No, he needs to go home.

Please, let me Mrs.


I'm gonna call security.




Geddes, please.

Honey, we're gonna have to wait in here.

- No.

- You're going to be fine.

You're gonna take a nap, and when you wake up, we'll be with you.

Just like at home.

Everything's gonna be all right, sweetheart.

The doctors are gonna make you feel all better.

- We love you.

- April?

Have you seen Dr.


Oh, he should be headed up any minute.


I've been going over Thomas's history.

I'm just not sure we're doing the right thing.


Sam, I think we're rushing this, and I know what you're gonna say.

Whoa, whoa, don't assume you know what I'm gonna say.

What is it?

When Thomas came in, his pulse was a little slow.

His reaction time too.

Mom said he'd been tired lately.

All consistent with craniopharyngioma.

But the kid's really small for his age, right?

What, you're suggesting this is an endocrine problem?

- Possible, isn't it?

- Unlikely.

Very unlikely.

All right, do the blood work.

Hey, just so you know, if we delay surgery and you're wrong, this kid could go blind or he could wind up comatose.


Bekker, thank you.

I have information which I think will be of welcome news to you both.

I pressed the lab to analyze the insulin which k*lled Mr.

Rhodes What's the point?

It's untraceable.

Normally, yes, but I thought no stone should be left unturned.

Well, it appears that this particular batch was ever so slightly contaminated with chromium, which is indeed traceable, and we will find, in no time, who had access to it.

- That's great news.

- Yes.

The police seem confident that they should wrap this up quickly, which means that you two can stop accusing one another and my department can get back to normal.




Give me an hour to get to O'Hare.

One hour.

You'll never see me again.


I did it for you.

Ava, come on.

We could have been so happy.

You ruined it all.

You really are an ungrateful prick.


No, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no!


I need help in here!



Dr. Latham!

She slashed her carotid.

Do we have a prepped OR?

- I'll bump my case.

- Right.

- Pressure on the artery.

- One, two, three, go!

- Let's go, let's go.

- Come on.

I got fingers on the carotid, but I'm losing her pulse.

She's arresting.

We're gonna open up the chest.


Marty, she needs blood, epi.

I'm working as fast as I can.

Rib spreader.

Dr. Rhodes?

She tried to k*ll herself.

Dr. Manning, can you hear me?

Lighten her sedation.

All right, she's breathing on her own.

Dr. Manning, I'm gonna pull your tube.

Sorry for any discomfort.

Do you know where you are?


Do you recognize me?


All right, squeeze my hand.


All right, follow the light with your eyes.


Do you know why you're in the hospital?

You don't remember what happened?




You were hit by a car.

No fractures, but you do have a TBI.

Memory loss is consistent.

- It'll likely resolve.

- Mm Your initial neuro exam is heartening.

You you try to rest.

I'll be back tomorrow, and we can discuss your treatment going forward.

I'm, uh I'm happy that, all things considered, you're doing well.

I'll tell your fiancé he can come in and see you.


Yeah, keep it brief.

Carotid clamps are on.

Marty, how much blood has she got?

- Ten units and ten of plasma.

- All right, it's now or never.

Intracardiac epi?

Fibrillating, another round of epi.


Charge to 20.

- Charging.

- Clear.

Come on.

Come on.

- Dr.


- Come on.

Dr. Rhodes, she's gone.

Time of death, 16:22.

Until we sort through this, it does not become public knowledge.

Hey, man.

Internist is on her way.

Okay, good.

Kid's getting a slew of tests.

I heard you got married last night.


- Yeah, thanks.

- Yeah.

You know, I really should not still be here.

You know, I was doing my surgical oncology rotation last month, met your wife.

Not an easy road.


Just a sec.

My grandson doesn't belong here.

Maybe not.

But what I do want to tell you is that Cameron is at an age when schizophrenia tends to present itself, especially in young men.

Now, if that's what we're dealing with, could be a a onetime episode, or it could be the start of a longer illness.


No, no.

Ms. Geddes.

It it's an illness that can be managed, you know?

People can live long, very full lives.

I've taken care of Cameron since he was a baby.

I've tried to protect him against his mama, who was a drug addict, and against gangs from getting arrested Cameron survived.

Cameron made it out.

He has a full scholarship.

This this can't be happening to him.

Listen, I mean, all kinds of things happen to us that we can't anticipate, we can't imagine, and what I've learned, from my own experience, anyway, is that until we learn to accept the The unacceptable we're we're just of no use to anyone.

Not to our loved ones, not to ourselves.

You know, Cameron needs you, and the person he is right now needs you more than ever.

You two have faced a lot together, and there's just there's just no doubt in my mind that you can face this too.


Well, I can go home early.

Wow, that's it?

He feels bad.

That's his way of showing it.

Mr. and Mrs. Donovan?

Good news: Thomas doesn't need surgery.


His latest tests show that he is severely hypothyroid.

That would account for his headaches, fatigue, even his vision problems.

But but the scans showed a tumor on the pituitary.

What they showed was a mass called hyperplasia, an enlargement of the organ due to his hypothyroidism, but it's not a tumor, and it will shrink with medication.

Thomas, honey, you're going to be just fine.

So I don't have to take a nap?

No, you don't need to.

Hey, they, um they had this in the lost and found.

Don't know how clean it is.

You really should be admitted.

That's what you'd tell any patient in your condition.

Elsa, stop.

I'm leaving.

Okay, but you're not gonna leave, leave, are you?

Why would you ask that?

Uh, you You've been through a lot.

No, I'll be back.


Did you get your results?

Metastatic adenocarcinoma.

Yeah, I'll need to get a PET scan to determine where it's spread, and then either lumpectomy followed by radiation and chemo or a mastectomy.

Sharon, I don't want anyone to know.

Mag, you're looking at a long course of treatment, likely debilitating.

I don't care, I'll manage.

If you're having the treatment here, people are bound to find out.

No, I'll go to East Mercy.

Mag I don't want to be the sick person.

I don't want to be pitied.

I intend to keep on working.



I was just so worried because you were unconscious and and no one was actually sure if you would wake up.

But but, hey, you did.

You made it.

You're gonna be okay.

I can't remember what happened.

I know, I know, and And that's okay.

The doctors said that the memory loss, that's that's normal.

Phillip Yeah?

I don't I don't remember you asking me to marry you.

That's okay.

You will, I promise.


Eyesight's better.

He's already responding to the levothyroxine.



April, would it really have been so bad if you'd been pregnant?

You can ask me about having a kid after what we saw those parents go through today?

That's why I'm asking.

I it's a lot of pain, I know.

But it's a lot of love too.


Makes me think maybe we're missing out on something.

Maybe we are.


Yeah, someday.

Rough day, huh?

You have no idea.

Why are you still here?

I'm just leaving.

Whatever you said, grandma's on board.


So how do you want me to manage the kid tonight?

Ativan, 2 milligram, IVPRN.

One Haldol if he needs something stronger.

Copy that.


There you are.

I was just coming to you.

I'm so sorry.

I made a reservation for us at Gibson's.

I think you know Dr.


Hey, I think I met you the day I got some really challenging news, right?

Good evening, ma'am.

How are you?

You know, I've never been better.

- Glad to hear.

- Thank you.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- "Never better," huh?

- Never better, huh?

Not gonna let a little thing like cancer get in your way?

Mm, we gon' press on.

- It's just like you taught me.

- Hmm.

You know what?

I think I might have passed that along today.

- Yeah?

- Tried to, anyway.

- Hmm.

- You're good looking.


Latham, uh, I just want to say thank you.

Uh, I couldn't imagine having had a better teacher.

You're welcome but I don't understand.

I'm leaving Med.


But we did everything we could to save her.

And your father's death, you've been exonerated.

It doesn't matter.

I'm never gonna be able to get past what happened here and nobody's ever gonna be able to forget.

I need a fresh start.

And I just I need to go somewhere where all I will be is just another doctor.


I don't want you to go.

That's very kind of you, but you will find another surgeon.

No, that's not what I mean.

I'm not talking about a surgeon.

I don't want my friend to go.

I got a call from Dr.


Please don't try to talk me out of it.

You know, I've been known to be very persuasive But I won't.

You've been really good to me, Ms.


I hope I'm not disappointing you.

No, you have not.

You will be missed, Connor Rhodes.

Would you mind saying good-bye to everybody for me?

I just think it might be a little hard.

Of course.

Good luck, my friend.

Thank you.
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