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05x10 - Last Dance

Posted: 09/30/19 18:15
by bunniefuu

Every story starts with a lie.


That's the job of beginnings to tell you you're safe.

That all of this lasts and nothing will change.

But underneath, there are signs of your true story.

Who made you.

Who harmed you.

What battles you were born to fight.

You won't want to hear it yet, so you'll run.


Collect the things that matter along the way.

An oath.

Your team.

A home.

Only then will you see the real enemy.


Last of a dying race come to destroy ours.

She has her ships and her slaves, but you have them.

This strange, messy, impossible family full of enemies and siblings lovers And hope.

It doesn't matter how your story begins.


It's about who's with you at the end.

Did everyone make it out in time?

Lord hopes.

Armada didn't much care for your baller move.

Started bombing other cities in retaliation.

We take much longer, there won't be any Quad left to save.

Did your refugees make it out?

Old Towners?

Yeah, safe on the prison ship with Rennika and Gared.

So this is it.

No backsies.

And no good-byes.

Stick to the plan, yeah?

We're gonna see each other again.

Tap our hearts.



Screw it, I want hugs.

- Oh, thank gods.

- Get in here, you animals.

Oh, apocalypse hugs are the best.

This is how cold sores are spread.

Come on, Ginger.

Bring it in.

Wake up.



You opened the cube?

I learned all of Yalena's secrets while in the green.

Do you know who I am?



Time to rise, Little Man.

For what?


That body you're in?

It's mine now.

Take him.


Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Ooh, ooh [HEAVY BREATHING]


Kidnapping me in the very ship I left you.

Has a certain poetry.

Assassin, Killjoy, poet.

I'm a busy girl.

What are you doing, Yalena?

What you obviously couldn't.

Beginning descent.

Fixing everything while we still can.

Okay, where's my w*apon?

Gimme, gimme, gimme.

It's a rework of the Ice9 pathogen Pawter's mother designed.

Fossil records ID'd The Lady's planet of origin.

It's a hellhole.

Life can only survive in those temperate extremes by going dormant.

So we force her into hibernation.


Drop her cell temp low enough and fast enough?

She'll be completely vulnerable, easy k*ll.

Now you just need to figure out how to get inside her box.


- Shut up.

Without letting her escape to eat your face.

Is this a face-eating situation?

I think it's just always good protocol to assume, so Can I tell you something?

You're my favorite pretend-little-sister ever.

And everything's gonna be okay.

You tell the best lies.

That's what fake brothers are for.


But if anything goes wrong Leave you, take Lucy, save Dutch.

So, this is our mystery destination.

Why Arkyn?

It's where you polluted our family tree and then the entire Quad, so it seems fitting for our final stand.

Ah, more poetry.

I've got a real solid limerick for you if you don't shut up.

Ooh, all this hostility.

- Why haven't you k*lled her?

- Who says I didn't try?

You don't try, you do.

That was the old me.

- The Hullen me.

- The useful you.

What good is this version to me?

The Khlyen who raised me never gave up on a fight.

She wants a name, Yala.

She asked me for one.

That's not collective thinking.

She's been in our bodies long enough it's affecting her.

In time, she'll have empathy.

She'll form a bond with humans and she will want to spare them.

Being human doesn't make you humane.

You should know that more than anyone.


- - Well, I think The Qreshis are here.

I can smell their tragic perfume.

Mother's council jacket.

I found it in her things.

Do you think it's still in style?

Power never goes out of style.


To the last of the Kin Rits.

It's an honor.

A lost family returns.

You look amazingly well for the presumed-dead, cousin.

You'll have to teach me that trick.

Another time.

Look, I won't trouble you with the minutia of our plan, Liam, but we need the armament codes from each of the Nine families.

It's the only way to keep Qresh safe.

We'll put it to a vote next council.

We already have five votes.

It's done.


Lands Derrish and Trus are old allies.

Kendry is heir of Land Kendry, guardian locum of Land Lahani, and I am the last of Land Kin Rit.


I speak for Land Kendry now.

And your land claim is as expired as your dress.

We need the armament codes.

We aren't asking.

Yes, but who isn't asking, exactly?

Your line is dead, and so are you, dear cousin.

So no harm in k*lling you both again.


We have soldiers outside, Liam.

Or did you think we'd be unprepared?

Our house guards have them flanked, and our missiles have their ships in sights.

You're out of moves, ladies.

You were never very good at games, Liam.

But you're worse with warfare.

It's not the number of weapons that matters.

It's their proximity.

And mine is much closer.


She's Hullen.

We Nine were taught to fear Hullen from the cradle, and now here one is.

The shovel in your grave.

Unless "Unless"?

You kneel to your Queens.

Do you like her dress now?

You can't k*ll her, Yala.

She's too valuable.

If her spawn make it beyond the Quad, she's the only one that will be able to control them.

If you didn't want me to k*ll, you should never have made me your w*apon.



Here's good.

Good for what?

She is not just going to come at your bidding.

Of course she is.

I have her new toy.


All she needs is a little push.

And when Gared popped by the Armada to say hello, he dropped a little something extra.


What are they gonna do to me?

For now, take cloning samples.


You're one of a kind.

I can't risk breaking you like the others.

I need to breed more of you.

That's really gross.



I prefer HoloPerson.

I don't care about her.

Shut it off.

I know you're looking everywhere for us.

Well, him.


Oh, go ahead.

Have your people track our transmission.

I'm not hiding.

And why would I come to you?

So you can say good-bye.

What was that?


It's the poison that the assassin used in my memories that you made me relive a thousand times.

I thought you'd appreciate the symmetry.

Do you remember how painful it is?

I know what it's like to learn from Khlyen.

He doesn't tell you everything.

He strings you along a bit at a time so that you'll always need him.

What hasn't he told you?


How to use Jaq?

Or how to splice the best parts of us into your little shit spawn?

Time's running out for your answers.

You have two hours.

If I see anyone but you, I will dose him again.


That wasn't sugar water, was it?


No, it wasn't.

She might have a biofeedback chip in you.

I couldn't risk the lie.


- You're cured.

If I lose doesn't matter what happens to any of us, anyway.

I think I may have taught you too well, Yalena.

Come on.


Problematic parents first.


So your bait may work.

What's your hook?

You worried I forgot how to fish?

No, I'm just curious how you plan to stay on top.

If she comes, she'll outnumber us, she'll out-w*apon us.

- Out-bitch us.



How do you plan to survive?


Who says I do?

Boys, are you there?

- Go ahead, Dutch.

- Bait is set.

Heading in.

Good luck.

Back at you.


Setting course for Armada.

Delle Seyah, we are a go.

It's time.


If any of these codes are wrong, I will show you what your innards look like and wear them as a skirt.

- Thank you.


I like your family.

They're polite.


Bombs away.

Where's the antidote?

Ready my ship.



- Report?

- Qresh is attacking us.

[MUFFLED expl*si*n]

Send out the bombers.


Delle Seyah, assload of fighter ships coming your way.

Keep 'em busy.

Okay, it's gonna get bumpy.

Just 'cause they can't see us don't mean they can't hit us.

Thank you.

I am aware of how physics works.

Science burn.


Well, then.

Let's try on your new party trick, Luce.

Engage cloak.

It tickles, Johnny.

Here we go.


Hey, didn't we already save the world here once?

I'm getting Armageddon déjà vu.


Okay, tracking your position.


Why are you whispering?

They can't hear you.


Uh, empathy?

When you get to the next juncture, keep left.

That's the clearest route.

Ping me when you're there.




Okay, Lucy.

We have control over all docking gates.

Lock this one open in case we need a fast exit.

Docking bay secured.

Zeph, there's an anomaly in the Armada security files.

One of your patients is being held - in their containment unit.

- Mine?


I thought this was the clear route?

It was.




We're taking fire!

We need a new route.

Yes, hi, hold on!

Hang on, hang on.

There's a side hall 50 feet ahead.

Take that one.



Holy shit.



You're okay.


Neely, what's wrong?

No, no, no, no.

Come on, Jaq.

Get me my ship.

Go, do as she says.

Hey, we gotta move him.

Come on, - come on, come on.

- Hang tight while I buy us some time.

Come on, Jaq.

Come on, come on, come on.


You're alive.

- Oh, shit.

- Hey.



That was a dead shot.

How the hells did you survive that?

Take after my mom.

Then why are you healing so slowly?

- Oh, 'cause you take after me.

- Uh-huh.

How did The Lady even find you?

She didn't.

I led her to me.

I started having visions again and I seen you get shot, so I came to save you.

The things I see they're all bad.

You can't do this without me, and I'm not sure we can do this at all.

No, no.

You are a kid, not a human shield.

I'm taking you to Lucy.

John, how are we doing on that exit?


You don't get to protect your family by risking everyone else's.

That's not how it works.

Remember when you were like a toddler for five hours and had no opinion?

I miss that time.


Can you walk?

Jaq, way to heal.

- So double shield?

- Okay.

Stay between us, bud.

And close your eyes.


Daddy's about to sh**t a whole bunch of people.

This is where you were born.

Yeah, if you want to call it that.


- The poison's dehydrating you.

- I'm well aware, Yala.

I taught you about Hallcyon, remember?

I think the words you're looking for are "thank you.

" - Dutch?

- Yeah, go ahead, Lucy.

A ship from the Armada has breached your atmosphere.

All right, girl.

You know what to do.

She'll be landing soon.

Last chance, Yala.

I'm worried about you.

And underestimating me, as always.


I think I know you better than anyone.

And every harm, and every failure, and every sin I committed against you and Aneela.

Yes, I know those, too, which is why I'm trying to fix all this.

I don't want you to fix this.

Well, then what do you want me to do?

I want you stop making me feel small so you can feel big!

I want you to stop hurting me so that you can save me.

Because the only person I have ever needed saving from is you.



All right, Yalena.

You have my attention.



You've got shit taste in jewelry, do you know that?



When we're back with the Armada, I'll find you a choker that's more your style.

You're not going back to the Armada, ever.

You're going to stop me?

Already did the minute you landed.

There's a shield over Arkyn.

No ships in, no ships out without a particular piece of tech that whoopsie you don't have.


That's very clever.

Told you I could bloody fish.

- What about your ship?

- Afraid not.

See, we're trapped in here with you now.

So I'd get comfy if I were you, 'cause it's gonna be one hell of a slumber party.


Look into it.

Why try to detain me?



They're after my body.

Like a virgin on prom night.

And, oh, they're gonna get it.

While you risk yourself to, what?

Distract me?

I also plan to k*ll you a bunch.


I think I actually missed you.

It's the one thing I enjoyed in the green.

Sliding through your memories like they were my own.

All right.

If these are my last memories of you, let's do something fun.


Please say karaoke.

I'm going to watch you die in here, Yala.

I'm going to watch you k*ll her.

- Don't.

- Stand!

Your slumber party just got interesting.

Lucy, what is this place?

A research lab.





Is it you?

How do I know it's really you?

- Say something!

- Don't come any closer!



Because it's cold and I'm not at my best.

You idiot!

It is you!

You still think she's worth saving?

Do you remember the dance you taught Yala for her wedding?

I love that memory.

You both seemed happy.

I was always happy around her.

Dance for me.

Is your plan to embarrass us to death?


Is this some kind of fetish?

'Cause I'm really not into m*rder foreplay.

I won't have to m*rder you at all if you just drop the shield.

Sorry, I can't from here.

Only Aneela can.

I'd spare your friends.

Or I can give my people the order to slaughter them right now.

Nice try.

You can't contact the Armada.

The comms don't work when the shields are up.

I don't think you understand how my communications work.

Drop her.

Enough warm-up.

Take your weapons.




Stay with me.

Come on.


- Oh, no, no, no.

Here, here.

Here, here.

- John, D'av, come in.

- Here.

Thought we lost you for a sec.

We're outside ground zero ready to go in.

There's been a complication.

- What kind of - I found Pippin.



I don't know.

I don't understand, but I've got him.

And I'm not letting him go, Johnny.

Yeah, no, I get it.

I get it.




Zeph, that's great.

Just get him to Lucy.

We got this.

Thank you.


I can help you from Lucy as soon as I'm back.



Did she say "Pippin"?



- Did you think - It would be That easy?


Did you?

Hello, Little Bear.

Miss me?

- Fight.



Nice move, Yala.

Not one I taught you.

Picked some new ones up on the way.

If we're gonna k*ll each other, we might as well go out in style.

Oh, I quite agree.

Finish this.

Come on, Yala.

You can do this.


Fight to win.

What are you doing to Papa and Yala?

I'm hurting them.

Or making them hurt each other.

You should really be there, Aneela.

Why aren't you helping them?


Okay, John, what do you need?

Some space and a little smooth jazz, because I'm about to punch her right in the box.

Wait, you can't do that.


What happens?



It's really not good.

Okay, shit.

Uh, plan "B"?

Got one.

We need to get out of here and find her ventilation source.

- Aneela, you good?

- Go.

Come on.


Zeph, wait, wait.


I I don't want to die again or save the world until I have a chance to tell you that I already know.

I want 12 babies.

Wha Pippin, you are tripping balls!

- Ow.

- Come on, fight it.

I need to stabilize your central nervous system before you pass out.


Oh, man.

Feel like I'm inside a constipated robot.

Zeph, we got problems.

- What is it, John?

- New plan.

I'm gonna have to go through the atmo feed-pipe.

Lucy, schematics.

I need to know where that pipe starts.

Sending coordinates.


What kind of pipe is it?

Is it gas permeable?

Uh, well, then I guess we'll just freeze to death.

BOTH: I heard that.

Can we all be Suzy Sunshines for a minute and assume that this plan is gonna work, and we flip her into hibernation mode?

And once we have her neutralized, what's your preferred k*ll-shot, Zeph?



Burn her like she deserves.

You got it.

All right.

What do you want?


I wish you could hear them screaming.

She doesn't have much time left.

He's winning.

If you make him hurt her [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC]

He will never forgive you.

He always hurts her.

And you.

Not like this.

Why are you crying?

I don't want to hurt you, Aneela.

We're the same.

Ruthless, alone, until her.

My favorite memory is one of yours.

The one Khlyen hid from us.

The day Yala was born in that mirror box.

You were so happy.

Do you remember?



It feels right to end her where she began.

I can say goodbye for you.


Any last words?

Let her go!



Stay with me.

Come on.

You're stronger than this.

Do you remember your tenth birthday?


Focus on the day.

All you wanted was a gift.

Your father had that made just for you.

I wanted a doll.

Dolls are for little girls, not little warriors.

You're better than that.

Doesn't feel better.

It will.

The world is unkind to little girls.

Because they don't think you can be warriors.

Their mistake is your advantage.

Use it.

Always keep this blade hidden where they can never find it, until it's too late.




Good girl.

Now finish it, please.

Before she makes me.


I don't like this anymore!

Why aren't I enjoying this?


Stop that!



Make me.

This is it.

This must be her life support.

Okay, it's pneumatic, so it's gotta be one of the back ones.

Which one is it?

Why are you asking me?

You're the smart one.

Hey, first of all, you are very smart.

But we are about to die and you are psychic as shit, - so which one is it?

- It doesn't work on command.

Okay, okay.

Um, what if I touch them?




Is that doing anything?

Okay, please pick before we die.



This one.

You're sure?

Pretty sure.


If we die you're still my favorite nephew.

I was gonna pick that one, too.



Okay, go, go, go.

We have 20 seconds.

Stop moving.

I am not your doll anymore.

Or his.

You're not much of anything to anyone.

You're a cheap copy.

Not even as good as the real Aneela.

I'll tell you what I am.

I'm the woman who's gonna bloody end you.







Is it dead?

It's dead.


It's over.

Oh Now are you glad I got you that birthday knife?


It's over.




- Way to not die.

- You too.



- Jack-jack-jack Jack the system-jack Jack the system Jack the system-jack Jack the system So it doesn't bother you that "prison party" and "prison riot" sounds the same?

Your spider's shrinking.

From the cryo, maybe?

Shrinking's good, right?

Not sure.

How did you survive the expl*si*n?

Honestly, I don't know.

The last thing I remember is just being really, really noble.

Maybe your little brain buddy has some sort of self-defense mode, or got you into an escape pod.

Or you could just relax, chill with all the science stuff for one minute and celebrate with me.

'Cause yay, I'm not dead.

I'm not getting my hopes up just to lose you again.

Yeah, no one gets to be safe forever.

And look, I know that hope is hard.


But at the same time, it's kind of the best.

And I'm not giving up on mine, so maybe don't look a gift Pippin in the mouth.

Or at his hideous new scars, because that would make him feel insecure.

The scars are cool.


If Jaq breaks his first curfew, I will blame his father.


Oh, sweetie.

You know I love you, but I'm super not into medical play.


You don't owe me this.

If you want to stay human I will hold your hands when you turn gray.

I will bury you with honor and burn worlds in your name.

And you will not be forgotten.


The w*r is over.

And we have a son.

And an empire.

And I need my Queen.

Do you even have enough green left in you to share?

I want to find out.

If you do.


Who's sober?

Ah, never mind.

You're never sober.



Wouldn't relax your taints just yet.

We have issues.

Remember when the Armada's bombers left the mother ship, we thought to attack Qresh?

Turns out The Lady sent half her fleet outside the Quad.

- Why?

- I sent out a boomer to sh**t one of them down.

Just heard back.

It was full of hatchlings.

Oh, shit.

How many ships escaped?

Don't know how many.

We don't know how long she's been sending them or where they went?

I think I can find out.

Why didn't you k*ll me?

One of Khlyen's first lessons.

Don't k*ll what you might need.

I'm not gonna help you find my children, Yalena.

We've tracked down most of your ships to start the hunt.

So the sooner you help us find the rest, the sooner you get some privileges in here.


They'll k*ll everyone.

And then I will find a way to get out of here.

You can try.

You're just a human girl now, trapped in that body.

Humans get to choose.

But choices have consequences.

And I get to choose, too, and if you decide to do that, I will k*ll you.

Think about it.


From Khlyen?



The w*r's over.

Now the rebuild begins.

Soon as we find every last God damn bug.

New RAC calls for a new oath.

As of today, we're everyone's citizens.

Everyone's soldiers.

We swear to keep the J safe, defending our code, our team, and the Quad.

Fist to heart.

Welcome to the new Level 6.

Now let's go hunt for some hatchlings.


I'm still terrified.



Stop following me.

You're like a very tall rash.

Oh, we are not done.

Westerlyns suffered and died in a w*r you Qreshis started.

They need relocation, reparations.

- They have rights.

- Fine.

Prima Dezz of various filthy moons and planets: I, Delle Seyah Kendry of Land Kendry do cast upon you the office of Lord Governor of all Westerley.

Bitch, do not toy with my emotions.


Go on, open it.



Could be snakes.

Aneela and I will donate land on Leith to Westerlyn refugees until you help them rebuild.

I'm never going to be nice, Pree.

But I am going to try to be good.

I'll hold you to that.

I hope you do.


My husband's Governor.




Okay, sweetie.


I made it, Ma!




Looks like you got all the help you need for a while.

If I don't leave now, I never will.

Good, 'cause we're not done yet.

We still have the hatchlings.

There's always gonna be something.

Another warrant, another apocalypse.

But I won't leave unless you say you're okay with it.



No, that that wasn't a real option, you d*ck.

Well, you shouldn't have said it then, assh*le.



If it's what you need Then it's what we do.

And while you're at it, take Lucy.

Dutch, I can't do that.

Please don't fight over me, it's awkward.

Also, I choose Johnny.


- Well - See?


Lucy Promise me you'll bring him home safe and in exactly one year.

Do you understand?


It's a date.

Find what you're looking for, Johnny.

And then bring it home.

Tap my heart.

I've located one of the missing bombers.

Shall I engage?


One for the road?


The J is a big place.

What are you gonna do first?

I don't know, get a moon-tan on Hoff.

Find Clara, destroy the Hackmod factory.

You know, we could help.

Hey, I'm allowed to have my own things.

But also, I'm calling you for backup if shit gets weird.

All right, landing gear's prepped.

How do you want to play this?

You take point, I'll lay down a flash-cover.

But first I love you, too.

Don't make a big deal about it.

I said it first.

- Johnny, count us down.

- You got it.

Giving alien babies hells and not feeling bad about it in five four three two one.

Whoa Whoa Heartbeat pounding deep Got moves you've never seen Crack them knuckles, ready for the hustle Blow that whistle Whoa I'm gonna miss this.

Let's go get 'em.

Whoa Dibs on the big one.


Coming in like a champion Burning like a legend Hey, hey, hey!

- Come on!

- Heartbeat pounding deep Got moves you've never seen Crack them knuckles, ready for the hustle