06x01 - Judgement Call

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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06x01 - Judgement Call

Post by bunniefuu »

NCIS: New Orleans - 06x01 - Judgement Call

♪ ♪

(g*ns CLICK)

All clear.


MAN: We have an unknown package and confirmation of all six suspects inside the house now.

Lock and load. It's showtime.

Got an ID on the package?

Duffel bag. No visual confirmation.

We're gonna need that before we breach.

What's the crystal ball tell us?

Got our six dirtbags right there.

All right, what about the b*mb?

We got something in there.
It's popping blue like crazy.

Hannah, you hear that?

I got it, Chris.

Ready when you are.

VAN CLEEF: Special Agent Pride,

you've had quite a spring.

Joined a secret task force to take down a dangerous private intelligence organization.

Ran a rogue mission to rescue a captured FBI agent in foreign territory.

Got yourself kidnapped, drugged, and then freed.

And took out the leader of said private intelligence organization.

All without official authorization.

I miss anything?

No, sir.

You've covered it all.


I've been investigating Call to w*r for two years.

- They're as aggressive as they come.
- So expect resistance.

Especially when you have a s-era b*mb loaded with VX gas.

All right.

On my signal.

HANNAH (OVER RADIO): Wait. We need to hold.

What do you mean, hold?

I got movement in the back kitchen... It's two women.

Hannah, are you sure?

Thermal imaging didn't pick them up.

I don't know what to tell you.

I mean, we're looking right at 'em. They're unarmed.

Call to w*r is a coed white supremacist group.

They're probably backup.

Okay, well, we need to take a closer look.

Look after we've taken the house.

I can go in, I can pull them out before we breach.

And alert them to our presence?

- Negative, Special Agent Khoury.
- Hey, let's take a beat.

Bad guys are still gonna be there.

This is my operation.

We go now.

On my signal.

I'm going in.

Wait, what?

VAN CLEEF: You've really made a spectacle of yourself and your team, Special Agent Pride.

My team acted under my orders.

I'm solely responsible.

During my short tenure as deputy director, I've spent more time reviewing your actions than any other agent's.

Like you said, busy spring.

It could have been a disaster.


the ends justify the means.

Which is why this panel has unanimously agreed to present you with a commendation for conduct above and beyond the call of duty.


You're giving me a medal?

In a fashion.

Since the Apollyon operation was compartmented, there'll be no official ceremony, but it will be put into your permanent record... and redacted, of course.

Of course.

You're a credit to law enforcement and the intelligence community alike.

I wish I had ten more just like you.

HARPER (OVER RADIO): Khoury, what the hell are you doing?

We have an entire tactical unit ready to breach.

Get back...

I need you to come outside.

Now. Come on.

What's going on here?

- Who the hell are you?
- Hands where I can see 'em.






I got you covered. Go.

Go, go, go.

HANNAH (QUIETLY): Stay low, stay low.

Come on.

Go, go, go, go, go.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- Are you?
- Yeah, I think so.

LASALLE: House is secure.

Suspects down.

(EXHALES) That could have gone worse.

Maybe, but not much.

What do you mean?

Just checked the house.

The b*mb's gone.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪



- HANNAH: Hey.
- FBI confirmed someone got away with the b*mb.

- How bad are they?
- Pretty shot up.

EMTs say they'll survive. Suspects not so lucky.

- All six dead.
- Well, someone survived, because they made it out of that house with our b*mb.

- And a major assist from you, Khoury.
- Harper, listen.

What part of "on my signal" do you not understand?

- There were two innocent women...
- Innocent, my ass.

Both women are Call to w*r associates with long rap sheets.

I made a judgement call.

And because she did, those women are alive and, unlike our six suspects, can be questioned.

Oh, you want a thank-you, Khoury?

Thank you for unraveling a two-year investigation, getting two of my guys shot and letting someone escape with a b*mb loaded with VX gas.

Hey, I am aware of the stakes.

We will get it back.

Do me a favor, and don't do me any favors.

FBI's got it from here.

That b*mb is Navy property.

This is still our case.

You don't get it, do you?

You're screwed big-time.

Stay out of my way.

He's just blowing off steam.

Those CIRG guys are hotheads.

He's not wrong.

I broke it, I'm gonna fix it.

What do we know?

There was another suspect in the house we didn't identify.

Best guess, they used the exit on the side of the house to escape the firefight.

Lasalle and Sebastian are leading a search.

Okay. Let's see what Patton knows. Let's go.

PATTON: I got access to the FBI's thermal imaging feed.

I was watching that feed in real time, P.

Counted six suspects in the front room with everyone else.

Yeah, but you was in the house during the breach.

You didn't see this. Watch the b*mb.

It's the blue blob in the middle of the screen.

Well, it didn't just get up and walk out of the house by itself.

- No. Someone carried it.
- How?

By using some sort of insulation, disrupting its body heat.

- Is that possible?
- Yeah.

Al-Qaeda's been doing it for years, avoiding drone detection.

Yeah, but you need more than proper equipment.

You need tactical knowledge.

Whoever we're looking for is skilled.

When the crap hit the fan, he made no move to help the others.

Just got out of Dodge with the b*mb.

I say it was the buyer.

I just heard over the FBI comms they found K stuffed in the crawl space.

The guy spent large on a b*mb filled with deadly nerve gas.

What's he gonna do with it?


RITA: Dwayne?

I'm coming out.

- You okay?
- Yeah, great.


Still reeling from my meeting with the brass.

Well, you should be happy. They gave you a medal.

No, they told me about the medal.

And a possibility of another promotion.

You've got a bright future ahead.

The bright future I see does not include a transfer to D.C. Paperwork and conferences and...

You do remember I live in D.C.?

Perhaps your only flaw.

Dwayne, we're meeting your mother.


Well, I don't want to have smeared lipstick the first time I meet her.

- She might not notice.

She's having a tough time, huh?

She has good days and not-so-good days.

Well, it's nice that you're coming to see her more often.

Well, it's nicer that you're coming here with me.



Twice in a month. You're spoiling me.

And you must be Rita.

Hello. It's so nice to meet you.

Well, he's told me so much, I feel like I know you already, darlin'.

- He has?

And I said, "Stop talking about her, and introduce me".

I want to get acquainted with the young woman who captured my boy's heart.

Oh, is that what I've done?

And here she is, Mama.

You know, he was very secretive about girls.

- He'd stop by the house in a crisp shirt, his hair all combed all nice.

- But it wasn't for me.
- Long time ago.

Checking his watch during dinner and skipping dessert because he was meeting the boys.

But I knew where you were going.

Now, what was the name of that girl that had you wrapped around her little finger, hmm?

Linda, Mom. My ex-wife.

But-but Cassius met her first.

I'm assuming you've met Cassius, right?

I never got the pleasure, no.

Cassius is dead, Mama.

What happened?

He was shot last year.

Well, that's... so sad.

I have cookies for us.

Be right back.

That's the fourth time I've told her.



Something wrong?

It's headquarters.

Maybe they changed their mind about the medal.

We followed the suspect's movements through the woods out to an access road about a mile away.

Yeah, wasn't easy, either.

Suspect knew how to cover his tracks.

He used switchbacks to throw off his scent.

Fits the profile of someone with tactical training.

SEBASTIAN: Yeah, well, he didn't cover everything.

We found tire tread marks on the access road.

HANNAH: He had a getaway car.

- We need to find it.
- Already have.

I got several traffic cam photos of the vehicle heading back towards New Orleans.

LASALLE: Whoa. Why does his face look like that?

Well, he's probably wearing some kind of an infrared cap.

Blocks your image from being recorded.

Where's the car now?

NOPD found it ten minutes ago dumped and torched

- outside of town.
- GREGORIO: All right.

- I'll tell Harper.
- HANNAH: Let's check it first.

Then we'll call FBI.

I don't want to waste Harper's time if it's nothing.

Is that a good idea?

No, it's not.

FBI should be informed immediately.

It's still a joint operation.

Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?

I was called back. The bosses are a bit concerned about the chemical w*apon that's floating around out there.

We got it under control.

D.C. wants a little hand-holding.

Follow up on that car,

see if you can pull any evidence.

Can we talk? Alone.

Hey, I'm really sorry they called you back, Dwayne.

I know you're supposed to be in New York tomorrow with Laurel.

We got bigger problems.

Deputy Director Van Cleef tells me you defied FBI orders during the raid.

That is not how I would portray it.

I was trying to save lives.

FBI doesn't see it that way.

They're furious.

It's gone up the chain.


Okay. Who do I apologize to?

Bigger than that, Hannah.

Official Washington's involved now.

Two FBI agents wounded and a b*mb missing.

I get it, Dwayne, and I'm on it.

I'm gonna go out there, I'm gonna get that b*mb, and I'm gonna bring it home. It's what we do.

Not you. You're being held back pending an immediate review of your actions.

You're suspended.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

We got an unidentified suspect down there in possession of a Navy b*mb filled with VX nerve agent.

We know he's got tactical training and equipment.

And, according to the two women in custody, no affiliation with the hate group.

The women couldn't describe him?

No. They were sent to the back room before he arrived.

Supposedly for their own safety.

The last known location of the suspect, he was heading east to New Orleans.

Special Agents Lasalle and Lund will fill you in on the rest of what we have.

Based on the boot prints we found at the crime scene,

he has a size- foot.


he's above average height,

five-ten to six feet.

And, according to these photos, he's Caucasian.

SEBASTIAN: And we found traces of expl*sives

and nerve agent in the burned-out getaway car.

We're gonna analyze what we got from the car

along with the bodies of the Call to w*r suspects.

Why are we in the bathroom?

Because I wanted to talk to you in private.

The kitchen, the courtyard, the interrogation room.

There's literally, like, a dozen other private places.

This is more secure.
Nobody bothers two women when they walk into the bathroom together.

(CHUCKLES) Fair enough. What's up?

I just want to say what's happening to you is really messed up, and we all agree you're being railroaded.

Well, the FBI doesn't seem to see it that way.


You're being made an example of because Harper's ego is wounded.

There's not much that I can do about it.

Well, listen, I still got people high up in the FBI.

I'm gonna get in their face until they back Harper off.

You need to focus on the case.

The suspect is gonna use that b*mb.

You need to stop him before he does.

And then you can come to my defense.

- Hey, I got this. I'm a multitasker.

Especially when it comes to one of my friends being in trouble.

What are you gonna do?

If you're hoping for some miraculous evidence transferred from your missing suspect to one of these gentlemen,

I'm afraid I'm gonna disappoint you, Dwayne.

Well, if you had something, you would've called me.

Actually, I would have called Hannah.

Because up until a minute ago, she was running this case, and you were on a road trip with Rita.

Is Hannah okay?

She's frustrated.


She made a judgement call I've made a thousand times.

Are you okay?

I'll smooth it out.

Just have to get on the phone with the bosses.

No, Dwayne. Are you okay?

I'm good, Loretta.

I'd prefer to be on my way to New York with Rita, but... we'll get there once this is all settled.

For a man who's used up so much vacation time, you don't look very rested.

It's a process.

You've been through a great deal of trauma.


Injected full of dr*gs.

You barely made it out alive.

But if you're telling me that you've got it all under control, I believe you.

I'm not sleeping.

♪ ♪

- And when I do, the dreams are...
- Bad?



Gotten to the point where I don't want to cl... close my eyes.


I got it! Got the break in the case that we've been hoping for.

I found it in the tire treads of the suspect's car.

Chicken manure.

That's not really the enthusiasm I was expecting.

Sorry, Sebastian. I find it very hard

to get enthusiastic about animal excrement these days.

Well, it's not excrement, you know. It's manure.

So, it's been processed as fertilizer?

Yeah. I'm breaking it down in the lab right now, but I'm pretty sure that I can trace it back to the specific farm where it came from.

Could be where our suspect's hiding out.

- Well, get to it, Sebastian.
- You want me...

All right.


Hey, baby.


- I tried out for soccer today.
- Yeah?

- I was so nervous...
- Oh.

But I think I did really well.

- Course you did.
- Yeah.

You got the all-state women's midfielder in your DNA.

I find out if I make it in the next two days.

- That is so exciting.

It's Katie. Can I call her?

Your mum's here.

It's okay. Go ahead.

I don't love that she has that thing.

I know, but it gives us a chance to know where she is.

Well... we've had dinner, but I can fix you a plate.

I'm not hungry.

So, what happened?

Don't say you're just here for Naomi, because you're gonna get her all next week.

I got suspended.

Assuming you can't give me the details.


But there is gonna be a review.


Part of me feels like I should just... take my medicine.

But the, uh... the Hannah part of you wants to fight it.

I thought we weren't gonna do this anymore, this whole husband-wife confiding thing.

(LAUGHING) That's why I didn't call and I drove around the neighborhood for, like, an hour.

You already know what you're gonna do.

You just want me to validate it, which I will... without knowing any of the details... because I know you.

Now, the very least you could do is come have some ice cream with us.

Appreciate you going back to see my mama today.

You didn't have to.

Well, we had a nice chat after you left, and then she invited me back for tea.

An offer I couldn't refuse.

Sorry about my sudden exit.

Wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last, right?

Duty calls.

Yeah, but I was just hoping this trip would... give me a chance to decompress from the last year.

Dwayne, let's be honest with each other.

A few days traveling around the East Coast is not gonna cure what ails.


Just bad dreams.

No. Night terrors, Dwayne.

And you've got to deal with it.

PRIDE'S MOTHER: Who are you talking to?


Is that you?

No, Mama.

It's me. It's Dwayne.

Dwayne is in school.

Quit playing with me.

Where were you all night?

I was worried sick.


Tell me where you are, and I will come and get you.

I-I got to get my car keys.

I'll find them.

(SIGHS) She's been like that all morning.

Yeah, not surprised.

You should get one of the nurses.

I've got it handled, Dwayne.

Pride, we got something.

Go. Save the day. I got Mom.

Thank you. What you got, Sebastian?

The manure traces back to Pembry Farms.

It's an organic chicken farm that operated outside the city until about a year ago.

It's been shuttered ever since.

Well, we should get there now.

Lasalle, Tammy and the FBI are on their way.

Spotters saw movement near the back buildings.

Male Caucasian matching the description of our suspect.

- Any sign of the b*mb?
- Nothing yet.

GREGORIO: We need to be careful and keep him alive.

Make sure we wrap this up.

Federal agents! Stay where you are!

I got him! Federal agent! Stop right there!

- b*mb!

Abort! Abort! Abort!


♪ ♪


GREGORIO: I don't know why the FBI gets to go on a manhunt for our suspect while we have to search the poisonous chicken coop.

We got the short straw.

This suit is awful.
I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I had.

Well, it's better than a lungful of VX gas.

Is it?

LASALLE: Man, it's gonna take us forever to find anything like this.

Can't see anything.
Can't touch anything.

Plus, the suspect got away.

Well, at least we know he didn't take the b*mb.

Yeah. He took something worse.


What in the world are you doing?

Place is clean of contamination.

That's a big problem.

There was no significant nerve agent present at the scene.

Just traces of the stuff.

Meaning our suspect removed it from the b*mb. Why?

Doesn't seem intent on blowing it up.

Maybe he's looking to sell?

Or he still may use it himself.

Something we should ask him when he's in custody.

Yeah, well, my people searched every square inch of the area, and he got away clean again.

This is your agent's screwup, Pride.

If Khoury had followed orders...

We can lay blame later.

Right now, we need to find something to identify and track this suspect with before anyone else gets hurt.

Making yourself useful, I see.

Oh. There's so much evidence to sort through, I thought I'd help.

Me, too.

Haven't you been suspended?

Well, every hand helps.

Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't think the FBI will.

And I don't want you in any more trouble.

We would not be in this situation if it weren't for me.

Well, from what I understand,

- you made a judgement call.
- Yeah.

And I was sure about it at the time, but not so much now.

That's what makes you a great agent.

(LAUGHS) Doubt?

Critical thinking, which allows you to consider being wrong.

And instinct, which may very well have saved two women's lives yesterday.

Can I get a closer look at that?

The shrapnel?

This isn't shrapnel. This...


This is a medal.

U.S. military?

Silver Star.

What's that mean?

Could mean identifying our suspect.

No, what it means is you're in deeper trouble than before.

I can see you're upset.

Because your suspended agent has continued to work on the case.

That may be overstating it.

She happened to be in the lab.

When she should have been home waiting for her punishment.

And she found critical evidence.

Which we would have found eventually.

But she found it first, which means it's getting processed quicker.

Every moment is vital right now.

I know we both want the same thing.

What I wanted was to wrap this case up yesterday morning, but Khoury decided to play hero.

That's not what happened.

You decided that you knew better than every other agent on the ground.

But it won't happen again, I promise you.

I know what you're gonna say.

You're gonna say I should have... stayed out of it.

Actually, I was gonna say, "Good job".


(SIGHS) Where's Pride?

He just left with Hannah to Belle Chasse for an official inquiry.

So fast? Sounds bad.

Deputy director flew down to meet them personally, so yeah, it's not the best sign.

(SIGHS) All right, well, maybe what I got can help.

You get DNA from the Silver Star?

No, but I was able to track down who it was awarded to.

Marine Lance Corporal Andrea Gaines.

She received it six months ago for bravery above and beyond her duty during a JSOC operation.

Suspect fleeing the farm was a man.

Could be an accomplice.

Yeah, well, I can assure you that Corporal Gaines here had nothing to do with stealing the b*mb or the VX nerve agent.

She was KIA eight months ago?

Yeah, during the same JSOC operation.

The medal was presented to her father,

Holden Gaines.

LASALLE: Former Army Green Beret.

Yeah, he's got extensive SERE training and a specialty

- in chemical weapons.
- And his location?

Dropped off the grid two weeks ago.

Well, it looks like we found our missing suspect.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Holden Gaines had a distinguished Army career until about ten years ago when he started questioning orders and disrespecting his commanding officers.

At his court-martial, he made a big show of criticizing U.S. military operations around the world.

Yeah, that didn't go over so well, so he got discharged under Article .

He's been living outside of Atlanta, repairing air conditioners.

So, he had a discipline problem, lost faith in the mission.

What leads him to buy stolen nerve agent from white supremacists?

It's the daughter... Corporal Andrea Gaines.

She was k*lled along with two others on a mission in Central America.

She died a hero, saving most of her unit from the same fate.

That's not how Holden Gaines sees it.

I dug into his social media and his e-mail.

Officially, she was on a routine patrol that got ambushed by extremists, but Gaines is convinced that the military's holding back the truth.

According to him, the unit was ambushed because the commanding officers mishandled vital intel.

So, basically, they sent Gaines and six others on a su1c1de mission.

- Any validity to this claim?
- Just rumors.

Gaines called the Army, his congressman, the media, anyone who could help.

But no one did. The mission was classified.

Two weeks, he closed up shop, emptied his bank account of grand and disappeared.

Could explain why he had Andrea's

Silver Star with him at the chicken farm.

It's like a talisman to his dead daughter.

All right, we need names of Corporal Gaines's commanding officers or anybody else the father had conflict with.

Compile a list of military targets.

All right, we got an ID on this guy.

We'll paper the southwest with his photo and track him down.

We've gone over your version of the events of yesterday morning.

Is there anything else you'd like to say before you're dismissed?

Yes. I would like to know why you are doing this.

Excuse me?

I have worked dozens of cases for NCIS, many of them far more on the line than this one.

You want to talk about your other cases?

I want to know why the deputy director of NCIS has come all this way to question my actions.

You allowed a dangerous chemical w*apon to disappear.

I made a split-second decision based on the evidence at hand.

But that's not my point.

What is your point, Special Agent Khoury?

Something else is going on here.

We'll make sure the record reflects your paranoia.

We're done here.

Andrea Gaines was attached to a JSOC unit specializing in urban warfare.

They were stationed out of Fort Bragg.

You think her father was trying to transport that nerve agent all the way to North Carolina?

He wants to make a statement, doesn't get much bigger than that.

He doesn't want to make a big statement.

He never intended to blow that b*mb.

Well, I got half a concussion that says otherwise.

Yeah, he used the expl*sives to escape when we were onto him, but his goal was the VX gas.

He's gonna release it somehow.

It'll be deadly but quiet.

And that's not a statement. That's revenge.

Well, that still doesn't help us knowing who or where his target is.

Not till now.

Let Triple P illuminate the situation.

I did some digging, and I learned that Corporal Gaines has an urban combat group on a training mission not far from where we are now.

Jackson, Mississippi?

If he wants revenge, who better than the commanders he blames in his daughter's death?

- Pride?

How'd it go?

It could have gone better.

They want to talk to you next.

Yeah, well, they're gonna have to wait.

Just got a probable location on our suspect and the nerve gas.

He's going to attack a training exercise in Mississippi.

- You on your way?
- Yep. That's my ride.

The FBI and the team will meet me there.

I want to come.

Not a good idea, Hannah.

You need to play it safe until your review is finished.

Dwayne, the review is finished.

They already made their decision.

And it's not just about yesterday.

I'm not gonna sit back if there's a chance that I can help stop this attack.

Sure about this?

I've never been more sure.

- Take us up.
- PILOT: Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



COLONEL FREEMAN: The entire area is secured.

How the hell would this Holden Gaines even be able to access the facility?

He was a Green Beret for years.

- He trained for stealth.
- How exactly would he release this gas?

Best guess... through the air ducts.

Major Welles, put out an emergency order to the battalion.

We're evacuating this complex.

You can't do that, sir.

I've got Special Forces running an exercise here.

I'm not leaving them in harm's way.

That's the point. Gaines could be anywhere.

If he gets wind that you called for an evacuation, he will release the nerve agent.

We need to find him and stop him before he can do that.

And what about my people?

Alert 'em face-to-face.

Pull 'em out quietly.

Sergeant, send a small detachment.

Have 'em go squad by squad till they're all clear.

We need access to the buildings to search for Gaines.

Where are the rest of your agents?

NCIS, FBI and a T.H.R.U. unit are on their way, but until they get here, it's just us.

Major, escort Special Agent Khoury to the southern entrance.

This way.

I'll take you to the northern end myself.

One more thing, sir.

The mission in Central America where Corporal Andrea Gaines was k*lled...

What about it?

Gonna need the identity of the officer in charge.

You're looking at him.

Well, then I'm hoping you can tell me everything that led to Corporal Gaines's death.

♪ ♪

WELLES: There's got to be two miles

of hallways and stairwells in this place.

How are we gonna find this Gaines?

We need to head to the maintenance area.

If he's using the ducts, that's his access point.

- We'll head to the basement.
- Okay.

You don't want to do that, Holden.

You're too late. It's done.

You run now, you might make it out.

You know we're not going anywhere.

Then we'll die together.

Not if you put that canister down.

Just sh**t me already!

What are you doing?

If we sh**t, he could drop that canister.

So I'm gonna have a conversation... with Holden here.

You understand what I'm holding in my hands?

VX nerve gas.

Even a small amount of exposure could lead to... convulsions and respiratory failure.

But we need to talk.

What are we going to talk about?

What happened to your daughter Andrea.

FREEMAN (OVER RADIO): If you've got Gaines, why isn't he dead yet?

WELLES (OVER RADIO): Special Agent Khoury is trying to talk him down.

He's not gonna be negotiated out of this.

- He's insane.
- It's our only way out, sir.

Without risking dozens of deaths.

You think your agent can convince him to stand down?

Yes, with your help.

What happened to Andrea Gaines?

I told you that information is classified.

You've got more than men still in these buildings.

You want to save lives, you need to declassify it now.

You think Andrea would approve of what you're doing here?

I guess we'll never find out.

She was a hero.

She made the ultimate sacrifice.

I think it's pretty clear how she would feel about all this.

HOLDEN: You don't know what it's like in the field when you realize all your leaders are clueless.

Actually, I do.

I'm not talking about extra paperwork.

I'm talking about lives at risk.

So am I.

I talked to survivors of Andrea's unit.

I know they were fed bad intel and led into an ambush.

If that's true, that's tragic.

But this is not the answer.

I tried everything else.

Wrote letters, made phone calls.

No one will give me an answer!

PRIDE: We will, Holden.

Who are you?

I'm Special Agent Pride, NCIS.

This is Colonel Freeman, Andrea's commanding officer.

- No!
- HANNAH: Wait! Wait!

Everybody t-t... take a breath.

You want answers, Holden?

Colonel Freeman has them for you.

But you have to stand down.



FREEMAN: We received intel about extremists operating in Central America.

It was questionable, from an unreliable source,

but I decided we needed to follow up.

I sent a unit in for recon.

It was an ambush.

And my Andrea was k*lled.

That's right.

Along with two others.

I made a judgement call, and I was wrong.

If I could change the outcome, sir,

I would.

HANNAH: You have your answer, Holden.

I know how much you're hurting.

But k*lling all of us in this room, it won't bring Andrea back.

Put the canister down.

It's over.

She was my girl.

She was all I had.


I know. I understand, Holden, I do.


♪ ♪


It seems more congratulations are in order.

Hannah's the one you should be congratulating.


I'm ready to talk to you about her now.

I know you'll back her up.

You're loyal to your people.

But Special Agent Khoury is unpredictable

- and a risk to her fellow agents.
- That's not true.

She might have helped out today, but the situation wouldn't have been so dire if she'd followed orders

- in the first place.
- Listen to me...

This goes far beyond her time in New Orleans.

What is that supposed to mean?

Not your concern.

Just know she's done.

And that's the end of it.

No, sir.

It's not.



I don't know why we're all feeling so nervous.

You know? Hannah was amazing today.

Bosses are obviously gonna see that. Right?

Hope so, Sebastian.

Yeah, well, if there's one thing I've learned, bosses can be jackasses a lot of the time.

Present company excluded, by the way.

Thank you, but there is no reason for you all to be sticking around.

You've had a long day. I'll be fine.

We're a team.

We stick it out together.


You're back.


Took a little bit of time.

Is that good or bad?

Let's talk.

That didn't sound good at all.

So they're demoting me?

You'll no longer lead the team, but you'll remain at your pay grade.


I don't care about all that.


So, who's leading the team?


So they're demoting you, too?

Not exactly.

You struck a deal, didn't you?

I was never cut out for administration.

I need to be out in the field.

That is not an answer, Dwayne.

It was not your place to negotiate on my behalf.

I deserve a choice.

You do.

You can either accept the terms or resign.

With full benefits.


That is completely unfair.

If roles were reversed

- and you were in my place...
- They'd give me a medal.

So, what, I'm supposed to swallow this?

You do what you feel is right.

I'll back your play.

There's something else.

Van Cleef said this goes beyond what happened yesterday.

Any idea what he meant?

No clue, Dwayne.

I'm done.

I'm not gonna take this anymore.

Hold on a moment.

They already decided that I was in the wrong.

They wouldn't even hear me out.

- It could have gone so much worse.
- Yeah.

And the only reason that it didn't was because Dwayne stepped in on my behalf, which he totally shouldn't have done.

Yeah, maybe not, but it's a good thing he did.

None of this is good.

I'm gonna resign.

I'm gonna get a job in the private sector.

With my international experience...

I mean, it's gonna mean a lot of travel, but... the money will be way better.

Why are you looking at me like that?

'Cause those jobs don't exist in New Orleans.


Guess what.


I made the team.

That is so cool.

Coach said I was one of the strongest players.

We're gonna have games Saturdays.

You'll come, right?



I'm gonna come to every one.

Great job.

I know I could have waited till morning, grabbed a plane, but I didn't want to waste any more of our time.

Uh-huh. That's sweet, Dwayne.

I'm sure your insomnia has nothing to do with it.

- Let's stick with sweet.
- Okay.

- No! Listen.
- Calm down.

Where is my husband?

- I want to talk to him right now!
- Is that my mother?

Yeah. Her bad day turned into a worse night.

Well, where are the nurses?

They're here. It's just, it's not doing any good, so they called me.

I'm trapped in here! That lousy jackass is the reason

I'm locked up in here now so he could go out and see his whores!

Put her on the phone.

So he can go and see his whores.

Are you sure? It's bad, Dwayne.

No, I'm sure.


It's for you.

Who is this? Cassius?

Cassius, is this you?

No, Mom, it's me. It's Dwayne.


Where are you?

I'm... I'm surrounded by strangers.

You-you need to calm down till I get there.

(PANTING) I can't.

I can't.

(CRYING) I'm scared.

I'm scared.




Did I ever tell you you have a lovely singing voice?

Yes, Mama, you did.

So do you.





Rita. Hey. Hey.

RITA: Hey, Dwayne, you okay?

Uh, no, I-I just pulled over for a little catnap.

Okay, good. We were just wondering how the drive's going.

- What?

Is something wrong?

What? No. No.

E-Everything's just fine.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Watch the new season of "New Amsterdam", next on Global.
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