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Notebook, The (2004)

Posted: 09/26/19 06:55
by bunniefuu
The Notebook

Excuse me.

Come on, honey,
let's get you ready for bed.

DUKE: I am no one special...

just a common man
with common thoughts.

I've led a common life.

There are no monuments
dedicated to me.

And my name
will soon be forgotten.

But in one respect...

I've succeeded as gloriously
as anyone who ever lived.

- Looking good, Duke.
- Feeling good.

I've loved another
with all my heart and soul...

and for me that has
always been enough.

How's it hanging, Harry?

I keep trying to die,
but they won't let me.

Well, you can't have everything.

Big day today.

You say that every day,
you old devil.

It's a lovely day outside.

Let's take a walk.

I don't think so.

Well, we've got to get
you out of this room.

Come on now, honey.
Some fresh air would do you good.


I'm sorry, it's not a good day.

I don't think she's up for anything.


This is Duke, he's come to read to you.

- Read?
- Mm-hm.

No. I don't know.

Oh, come on, you'll like him.
He's very funny.


All right, now,
where did we leave off?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
it was the night of the carnival.

Noah was there with his friends
Fin and Sara.

- Noah?
- That's where they met.

June 6th, 1940.

Allie was 17 years old.

- BARKER 1: Little man wins a prize.
- Damn!

- Thank you for playing.
- Ha, you're real funny.

Man, I clobbered that thing.

I'm telling you,
these games are fixed.

- Hello.
- GIRL: How are you?

Hi, what's your name?

BARKER 2: Step right up here.

Over the hook, yeah.


- Who's this girl with Sara?
- Her name's Allie Hamilton.

She's here for the summer with her family.
Dad's got more money than God.

- Hi, Fin!
- FIN: Hi, honey.

Look, I won you a prize.


SARA: Oh, Fin, thank you!


Pretty great, huh?

Hey, Allie, you want
some cotton candy?

- Um, okay.
- GIRL: That would be so much fun.


BARKER: You only get one chance, son.

- You want to dance with me?
- No.

- Why not?
- Because I don't want to.

Noah, she's with us.

Hey, Allie, you wanna
ride the Ferris wheel?

- I'd love to.
- All right.

Excuse me.

- Noah Calhoun.
- What?

Works down
at the lumberyard with Fin.


Did you see he was standing
like two inches away from my face?

Yeah, I saw. That's Noah, though.

You know, I'm surprised he even came over.
I think he likes you.


- BOY: Hey, what...? Jerk!
- ALLIE: Get off me.


- Hey!
- Well, I... Ugh!

- What are you doing?
- Hey, you can't do that!

I'll pay you when I get down, Tommy.

I'm Noah Calhoun.

- So?
- So it's really nice to meet you.

- Allie, who is this guy?
- I don't know. Noah Calhoun.

- I would really like to take you out.
- Friend! Do you mind?

You can't sit more than two people
in a chair, Noah.

Okay, Tommy, all right.

Get down, Noah,
you're gonna k*ll yourself!

TOMMY: Noah, cut it out.

Now, will you go out with me?


- No.
- No?

- No!
- No?

- Hey, pal, she just told you.
- Why not?

I don't know, because I don't want to.

SARA: Noah!

All right. Well, you leave me
no other choice then.


- BOY: Oh, my God.
- I'm not kidding.

- Stop fooling around.
- BOY: What are you doing?

- TOMMY: Noah, grab the bar.
- I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Will you...

- or will you not go out with me?
- SARA: Noah, are you nuts?

- g*dd*mn, my hand's slipping.
- Then grab the bar, you idiot.

- Not until she agrees.
- Ah, go on out with him, honey.

- Okay, okay, fine, I'll go out with you.
- What?

- No, don't do me any favors.
- No, no. I want to.

- You want to? You want to?
- Yes!

- Say it.
- I want to go out with you.

- Say it again.
- I want to go out with you!

All right, all right, we'll go out.

You think you're so smart, don't you?

That wasn't funny, Noah, you idiot! ALLIE:
No, it's okay, I'll take care of this.

What are you doing?
Please don't do that.

- Please don't do that, Allie.
- I can't believe it.

- ALLIE: Ha, ha!
- Oh, God.


You're not so cocky now, are you?

I'm gonna get you for that.

Oh, maybe you will, maybe you won't.


- NOAH: Feel like saying anything?
- FIN: Oh, yeah, will you look at that?

It's that girl from the carnival, right?

Do you remember me?

Yeah, sure. Mr. Underwear, was it?

- Oh, yeah.
- How could I forget?

I wanted to clear that up with you.
I'm really sorry about that.

It was a really stupid thing to do, crawl
up a Ferris wheel to talk to somebody.

But I had to be next to you.

I was being drawn to you.


Oh, jeez, what a line!

You use that on all the girls?

- No.
- Right.

I saw you the other night
with Little Miss Ribbons.

- What are you doing tonight?
- What?

Or tomorrow night,
or this weekend, whatever.

- Why?
- Why? Our date.

What date?

- The date that you agreed to.
- No.

Yes, you did. You promised
and you swore it.

Well, I guess I changed my mind.

Look, I know you get some dirty guy
coming up to you on the street.

You don't know him.
You don't know me, but I know me.

And when I see something that I like,
I gotta... l-love it.


- I go... I mean, I go crazy for it.
- Okay, what are you talking about?

Well, you.

- Oh, you're good.
- What?

- You're good.
- No.

- You're good.
- No, you're getting me wrong.

- You're fantastic.
- I'm not.

You really are. I'm impressed.

- I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry.
- Oh, yes, you are.

I can be fun, if you want.

Pensive. Uh, smart.

Uh, superstitious, brave.

And, uh, I can be light on my feet.

I could be whatever you want.

You just tell me what you want
and I'll be that for you.

You're dumb.

I could be that.

Come on, one date.
What's it gonna hurt?

Mm, I don't think so.

Well, what can I do
to change your mind?

Guess you'll figure something out.

NOAH: You sure she's coming?

Relax, it's all set up.
We're meeting her for the late show. Look.

What did I tell you? Come on.

Oh, my goodness,
what a coincidence!

Look who's here!
Allie, you remember Noah, don't you?

- Yes, I remember.
- Yeah?

- Come here.
- Fin.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- It's nice to see you again.
- You too.

- You look great.
- Oh, thanks.

Really, really great.

You do look great. You look great.

And I know I look great,
so could we please go see this movie?

- The show's about to start.
- After you.

You come back here, Li'l Abner.

You ain't gonna catch me, Daisy Mae!

DAISY MAE: It's Sadie Hawkins Day,
I'm supposed to catch you!

LL'L ABNER: I'm faster than you.

DAISY MAE: Get up here!


DAISY MAE: I'll get you!


LL'L ABNER: Go on, get!

DAISY MAE: Here I come!


You catch Polecat fair and square.


SARA: Wait for me.


SARA: What happened in that movie?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- FIN: What are you doing?
- Wanna walk with me?

- SARA: Yeah, what's going on?
- Yeah.

- We're gonna walk.
- Do you guys love each other?


Huh? Oh, I get it.

- You guys do love each other.
- SARA: Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Okay, goodbye.

- FIN: All right, all right.
- SARA: Mmm...

- That was fun.
- Mm-hm.

I haven't seen a movie in ages.

- Really?
- Mm-mm.

Not since I was a little kid.


No, I, uh...

I'm busy, you know,
I don't have a lot of time.

- You're busy?
- Mm-hm.

I have a very strict schedule.

My days are all planned out.

I get up in the morning.
Breakfast, math tutor, Latin tutor, lunch.

Tennis lesson, dance lesson...
Sometimes both.

French tutor, piano lesson,
then I eat dinner.

And after dinner I spend time
with my family.

And then I catch up on some reading.


- Sounds like the road to success.
- Oh, you bet.

We're applying to all these colleges.

Um, Radcliffe, Sarah Lawrence.
Those are the ones we want.

And who's we?


You just said, "The ones that we want."

Oh, Mama and Daddy.
We decide everything together.


No, not everything.

But the important things, yes.

And then everything else,
you get to decide all by yourself?

- Don't be rude.
- I'm sorry.

Just trying to figure out
what you do for fun.

What do you mean?

I mean...

I don't know. I mean all those things
are things you have to do, right?

So, what do you do
because you want to?

I just told you.

I don't know.

This surprises me.

- Why?
- I just always figured you were kind of...

Kind of what?





I am free.

You don't seem like it.

Well, I am.

Come here, I want to
show you something.

- Noah, what are you doing?
- Just come on.

- You're gonna get run over.
- By all the cars?

My Dad and I used to come out here...

and lay down and watch
the lights change.

Watch them go from green
to red to yellow.

You could try it, if you wanted to.

- No.
- Why not?

Because... I don't know.
Will you just get up?

That's your problem, you know that?

You don't do what you want.



What happens if a car comes?

- We die.
- What?

Just relax. Just trust.

You need to learn how to trust.


- Painting.
- Hm?

You asked me what I do for me.

- What now?
- I love to paint.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.


Most of the time, I have all these thoughts
bouncing around in my head.

But with a brush in my hand,
the world just gets kind of quiet.



DRIVER: Get out of the street!


Are you okay?

Why are you laughing?

Oh, that was fun.

Do you wanna dance with me?


- Now?
- Mm-hm.

- Here?
- Mm-hm.

Not supposed to dance
in the middle of the street.

Who said dance in the street?

And we don't have any music.

Well, we'll make some.


- You're a terrible singer.
- I know.

But I like this song.

DUKE: Southern summers are indifferent
to the trials of young love.

Armed with warnings and doubts...

Noah and Allie gave a remarkably
convincing portrayal of a boy and a girl...

traveling down a very long road
with no regard for the consequences.

They fell in love, didn't they?

- Yes, they did.
- Good.

I like this kind of story. Go on.


DUKE: After that night...

Allie and Noah spent
every waking hour together.

And soon they were inseparable.

- ALLIE: Noah, come on.
- FIN: Noah cannot beat me there.


- That's really nice.
- Try that.


- That's really nice.
- Mm, mm, mm.


NOAH: Beautiful dripping fragments.

The negligent list of one after another.

As I happen to call them to me.

Or drink to them.

The real poems
What we call poems being merely pictures.

The poems of the privacy of the night.

And of men like me.

This poem, drooping shy and unseen.

That I always carry
And that all men carry.

Not bad for Whitman.

Hey, looks like we got a visitor.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Well, don't apologize.
Come on up here, darling.

We could use a little something here
besides the smell of lumber.


Dad, this is Allison Hamilton.

Allison, I'm glad to meet you.

- Allie.
- Allie.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Calhoun.

Well, Mr. Calho...
What, am I old or something?

You can call me Frank.

- Here, come in and have a seat.
- Okay.

So, Allie. Well, she is pretty, son.

- Yes.
- She's a lot prettier than you let on.

- Oh, is that right?
- No, it's not right.

- Don't believe what he says.
- What is this you got?

Um, I just...
I brought you something.

Let me see. Let's have a look.

- Did you do this?
- Mm-hm.

Well, that's beautiful. Look at that.

That's a damn picture there.


Well, I know just where we can
put that, thank you.

Oh, that was a lovely poem.

What was it?

- Well...
- Whitman.

See, when he was a little kid
he used to stutter real bad.

- Dad...
- FRANK: So... Well, you did.

- ALLIE: L didn't know that.
- God. I stammered.

Stammered, stutter, what's the difference?
Couldn't understand a damn thing he said.

So I got him to read me poetry out loud.

It wasn't very pretty at first,
but then his stutter went away.

Well, it's a good idea, that poetry.

- Yeah, I thought so.
- ALLIE: Huh?

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

I'm a Tennyson man myself,
but he likes Whitman.

For some reason, I don't know.

How would you like some breakfast?
Would you like some breakfast?

- Breakfast?
- Yeah.

- Dad, it's 10:00.
- What's that got to do with it?

You can have pancakes
any damn time of night you want.

- Come on, you want some breakfast?
- Sure.


DUKE: It was an improbable romance.

He was a country boy.
She was from the city.

She had the world at her feet...

while he didn't have
two dimes to rub together.


Noah, come on.


Look at us.

What are we doing?

Do you think in another life,
I could have been a bird?

What do you mean?

Like reincarnation.

I don't know.

I think I could.


Say I'm a bird.


- Don't do it.
- Say I'm a bird.

- Stop it. Stop it now.
- Aah!

- You're not.
- Say it!

- You're a bird.
- Yeah.

Now say you're a bird too.

If you're a bird, I'm a bird.


- FRANK: Come on, darling.
- What are you doing?

Don't. Don't!


Here we go, on the count of three.

FIN: Real easy, on three, ready?

- Okay, okay.
- NOAH: One.

- Two.
- Two.

- FIN: Two.
- NOAH: Three!

No! I can't.

Get in the water!

- Get in! I'm sorry.
- FIN: Come on, chicken.

Get in the water, baby.
Baby, would you get in?

- Get in the water.
- I can't.

- Go!
- Get in the water!

- One. Two.
- FIN: Come on, jump.

ALL: Three.


Keep it down. No, no, no.

- Get to your good place.
- Down here.

And move. And keep it.

- No, don't move it!
- I don't understand...

what you're talking about.

DUKE: They didn't agree on much.

In fact, they rarely agreed on anything.
They fought all the time.

- Don't kick me!
- Don't push me.

And they challenged each other every day.

But despite their differences...

they had one important thing
in common.

They were crazy about each other.

Okay, I have to go.

- No!
- Yes, I do.


- MAN: Allie.
- Aah! Daddy.

Oh, Daddy, you...

I didn't see you there.

You kind of scared me.


Becoming friendly
with that boy down there.


Bring him to the house on Sunday.

I want to meet this young man.


Good night, Daddy.

Good night.


Oh, boy.

Boy goes, "Daddy, I don't understand."

He goes, "Well, in theory,
we're both millionaires."

But in reality, we live with
a bunch of whores."


Bishop Stevens told me that.

Olivier, please remove the liquor decanter
from in front of my husband.

I think he's had too much to drink.


JOHN: So, what do you do, Noah?

I work at the lumberyard with Fin.

Mainly milling and receiving logs,
and stripping the bark.

- Well, that's lovely, dear.
- Thank you.

If you don't mind my asking, uh,
how much do you make at your job?

Uh, how much money do I make?


About 40 cents an hour.

Yeah, it's not much,
but I don't need a lot.

And I save most of it.

Let's eat. Shall we?

WOMAN: Yes! Oh, it looks delicious.

So, Noah, you and Allie have been
spending a lot of time together.

You must be very fond of each other.

It's getting pretty serious, huh?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, summer's almost gone.
What will you do?

You know, Charleston's
only a couple of hours away.

But Allie's going to Sarah Lawrence.

Didn't she tell you?

No, she didn't tell me that.

- I just got the letter. I was gonna tell you.
- It's okay.

And Sarah Lawrence is in New York.

I didn't know that.

Anne, this conversation's
too stuffy for the dinner table.

Let the children have fun without
bringing in the Spanish inquisition.

My lips are buttoned, right now.

I do know another joke about
the nun and the full standing bishop.


ANNE: I'm leaving the table
if you tell another joke.


I'm gonna do it.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


That child's got too much spirit
for a girl of her circumstance.

JOHN: No, it's just summer love.

Trouble is what it is.

- Mm.
- Mm.

FRANK: Is that Allie out there?

Do you wanna go somewhere?


Wait here.

NOAH: Allie!

Come on.

All right, big step.

Big step. No, don't... Whoo!


All right, just stay there.

Don't open your eyes.


The Windsor Plantation.

It was built in 1772.

- Rumor has it that Francis Marion...
- Mm-hm?

Proposed to his wife right here
under these, uh... These steps.

- Huh.
- Watch out.

You be careful, these are broken.
Look at that.


This place is gigantic.

Yeah, a gigantic piece of crap.


It is. But I'm gonna buy it one day
and I'm gonna fix it up.

All it needs is a new floor.

And new walls and roof.

- Is that all?
- And plumbing and electric.

- And furniture.
- Yes, and furniture.

But it's right on the water.

And there's a big old barn up there,
I could turn that into my workshop.

Well, what about me?

Now, don't I get any say in this?

You want a say in this?

Yes, I would.

What do you want?

I want a white house...

- with blue shutters.
- Mm-hm.

And a room overlooking the river
so I could paint.

- Anything else?
- Yes.

I want a big old porch
that wraps around the entire house.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- We can drink tea...

and watch the sun go down.

- Okay.
- You promise?

Mm-hm, I promise.


- Where are you going?
- In here.




I can't play "Chopsticks"
if you're doing that.

Oh, God.

Oh, make love to me.

- Noah. Um...
- Yeah?

I know I said that I wanted you
to make love to me...

- but I think you...
- Yeah?

You're gonna have to
talk me through this.


- Right. You all right?
- Yeah.

- Did I hurt you?
- No, no.

I'm just... I'm just having
a lot of thoughts.

I'm just... I'm just having a lot of...

Oh, never mind.

Like, what are you thinking?
What are you thinking right now?

You know, right this second?

- Uh...
- Did you know...

that this was gonna happen
when you brought me here?

- No.
- No?

- No.
- No, you didn't think about it?

- Of course I thought about it.
- You did?

- Uh-huh.
- Well, what did you think?

Oh, I'm talking too much, aren't I?

Okay, okay, I'm just gonna shut up.

Mum's the word.


- You all right?
- Yeah.

- Uh-huh.
- All right.

I just don't understand
how come you're so quiet.

You don't have one thought?

I'm going crazy over here...

but, no, with you, everything's fine.

You don't have a care in the world?

I'm sorry.

I wanted this to be so perfect...

and now I can't shut up.

I love you.

Did you know that?

I love you too.


You don't have to do this
if you don't want to.

No, no, I want to, I do.

FIN: Noah! Noah!

What? Fin, get out of here!

Look, I'm sorry, but Allie's
parents are going crazy.

They got every cop in town
out looking for her.

- ALLIE: You sent the police for me?
- ANNE: Yes.

It is 2 in the morning.
We sent the police.

Thank God you're all right.
Where you been?

Mr. Hamilton, all this is my fault.

Would you give us a moment, please?

I'd like to talk to my daughter.

Alone, young lady.

JOHN: Thanks for everything, lieutenant.

LIEUTENANT: You bet, John, anytime.

You go straight home now, it's late.

Sir, it's really not her fault.

I lost track of time.

Sit down.


ALLIE: I'm sorry, Daddy.

ANNE: "I'm sorry, Daddy"?

Think you can bat your eyelashes
at your father and get away with it?

No. This time there's going to start
being some rules around here.

ALLIE: Like what?

If your father won't enforce them, I will.

- ALLIE: Like what, Mother?
- ANNE: You are gonna stop seeing Noah.

She is out fooling around with that boy
till 2:00 in the morning.

It has got to stop.

I didn't spend 17 years of my life
raising a daughter...

and giving her everything
so she could throw it away...

- on a summer romance.
- Daddy, come on!

She will wind up with her
heart broken or pregnant.

- JOHN: Anne, please.
- Now, he is a nice boy.

- He's a nice boy, but he's...
- He's what? He's what? Tell me.

He is trash, trash, trash. Not for you.

- ALLIE: Trash?
- ANNE: He's a laborer. He's a woodworker.

- ALLIE: So what?
- ANNE: What are you gonna do?

Are you gonna move down here, live in his
father's house and pop out a few kids?

ALLIE: Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind.

Don't touch me!

You are not to see him anymore,
and that's final.

- No, it's not final.
- Yes, it is.

No, it's not final!

You're not gonna tell me
who I'm gonna love.

- JOHN: Love?
- Yes, Daddy, I love him.

I love him.

He's not suitable for you, baby.


I love him.

You are 17 years old,
you don't know anything about love.

Oh, and you do?

You don't look at Daddy
the way I look at Noah.

You don't touch or laugh.

You don't play.
You don't know anything about love.


Hey, hey.

You leaving?

I'm so sorry.

I don't even know what to say.
I'm humiliated.

- It's all right.
- No, it's not.

- Yeah.
- No, it's not.



- I'm gonna go.
- No, I don't want you to go.

I gotta think about some stuff.

What do you gotta think about, huh?

Come here and talk to me.

- Talk to me!
- About what? You want...

You're going away!

You're leaving.

And I'm staying here.

And I'm so happy
that you're doing that...

but you're gonna have
a million things to do.

- No.
- You got so much ahead of you.

- Don't talk like that.
- It's true.

I'm not gonna have nice things,
fancy things.

It doesn't...

It's never gonna happen for me.
It's not in the cards for me.

- I don't have to go to school, okay?
- Yes, you do.

- I can stay here.
- No.

- That's exactly what I'm talking about.
- Then you can come with me.

- To New York?
- Yes.

What am I gonna do in New York?

Be with me?


I don't know.

We don't gotta figure
all this out tonight, you know?

We'll finish out the summer
and we'll see what happens.

You saying you want to break it off?

What I'm saying,
we see how it goes later on.

Are you breaking up with me?

I don't see how it's gonna work.

I see.

Please don't do this.

You don't mean it.

Oh, hell, well, if you're gonna do it,
why wait until the summer ends, huh?

Why don't you just do it right now?

Huh? Come on.

- Come on.
- What are you doing?

Do it! Do it!

Do it right now.

Do it! Aah!

Stop it! Oh!

You know what? I'm gonna do it.
It's over.

Okay? It's over.

- Come here.
- Don't touch me.

I hate you, I hate you.

I'm gonna go.

Why don't you?
Why don't you just go? Get out.

Leave! Go! Go!

No, no, just wait a minute.
We're not really breaking up, are we?

Come on.
This is just a fight we're having.

And tomorrow it'll be
like it never happened, right?

- Gone?
- Gone.

Well, she must have been devastated.

She was.

He was only trying
to do the right thing.


But what he really should have done
is just told those parents to go to hell.

Just stick it where the sun don't shine.

Yeah, you're right, probably should've.

DUKE: The next day...

Allie woke up to find her world
completely changed.

What's going on?

We're going home.

- We're going now?
- Mm-hm.

No, we're not supposed to be
leaving for another week.

Get dressed and then come
and have some breakfast, dear.

Willa will pack your things.

I'd be happy to pack your things,
Miss Allie.

I don't want you to pack my things.

I don't want you to touch my stuff.
I'm not going.

- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.

- Yes, Allie, you are.
- No, I'm not.

Allie, you are going
whether you like it or not.

Now, even if Aaron has to throw you
over his shoulder...

and drag you the whole way,
you're going.

Excuse me.

MAN: All right, let's go.
We have to have all these done by lunch.

You shouldn't be standing around.
Here we go.


Where's Noah?

He's out delivering a load.

- What's going on?
- I'm leaving town.

- Leaving?
- Yeah.

- When?
- Now. Right now. Like today.


Look, I need you to tell Noah
something, okay?

I need you to tell him that I love him.
Tell him that I'm sorry for everything, okay?

Look, I was up all night
with him, Allie.

I've never seen him so low.

It's over. Don't make it
any harder than it already is.

No! No, it's not over.

Fin, we had a fight last night.

We said some things we didn't mean,
but it's not over.

- It is over.
- No.

Leave it alone. Let it go.


I'm coming. Mama, I'm coming!

- Look, he understands.
- But...

It's hard, but he really does.

Summer's over
and it's time to go home.

If he wants to talk to you,
he'll write. If not?


Okay, can you just...? Can you just
tell him that I love him, then?

- Can you do that?
- I'll tell him.

Bye, Fin.


She's gone.

DUKE: Summer romances end
for all kinds of reasons.

But when all is said and done...

they have one thing in common:

They are sh**ting stars.

A spectacular moment
of light in the heavens.

A fleeting glimpse of eternity.

And in a flash, they're gone.

DUKE: Noah was desperate.

He wrote to Allie
that he was sorry and stupid...

for breaking up with her.

He wrote to tell her that he still
loved her, and he wanted to see her.

And that if she would write back,
he would come to wherever she was.

He wrote one letter a day
for a year, 365 letters.

But they all went unanswered.

Hey, Fred! Nothing?

- Sorry.
- All right, thank you.

DUKE: Finally, after a year of silence...

he decided to put it all behind him
and start a new life.

So he wrote a farewell letter...

and he and Fin packed their bags...

and headed for Atlanta.

FIN: Noah! Noah!


Come on, listen to this!

A state of w*r has existed...

between the United States and the...

The Constitution of the United States...

against all enemies,
foreign and domestic.

DUKE: Noah and Fin enlisted together.

And after two years of chasing Rommel
through the North African desert...

they were deployed
to Patton's Third Army in Europe.





Do I contradict myself?

Very well, then, I contradict myself.

Allie was in her third year of college...

when she volunteered as a nurse's aid.

To her, the broken men
with shattered bodies...

who filled the ward were all Noah.

Or someone who fought
beside him in the jungle...

or a frozen snow-swept road.

I'm gonna lift you up.


There we go.

Now, I'm gonna bring this leg over.

Set it on the stool.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Miss, can I ask you a question?

- Hm?
- I noticed that you aren't wearing a ring.

And I was wondering
if I could take you out.

- Excuse me?
- On a date.

Now, before you go and say no...

I'll have you know that
I am an excellent dancer.

And my intentions
are completely dishonorable.



Okay, okay, Casanova, come on.

Let's just get you better,
and then we'll talk about a date, okay?


Would you get a load of him?

Oh, my gosh, he is dreamy.

What is he doing here?

He's staring at you.

Oh, miss?

I'm all better.

Now, how's about that date?

DUKE: Allie was surprised how quickly...

she fell in love with Lon Hammond.

He was handsome, smart...

funny, sophisticated and charming.


He also came from old Southern money...

and was fabulously wealthy.




Oh, what's happening?

- Where are you going?
- Where they going?

- ANNE: See you later, sweetheart.
- LON: Look at that.

Allie, I've been thinking a lot about
why we shouldn't get married.

Okay, I give up,
why shouldn't we get married?

LON: That's the thing,
I couldn't think of anything at first.

And then, it just dawned on me.
Your parents.

- My parents?
- Absolutely.

Your old mom and dad.
Thank you for that.

- Mom?
- You see, the problem is that they love me.

- I'm exactly the type of man...
- They do?

- They want you to end up with.
- Really?

You know, I'm wealthy,
I'm from the South, I got a decent job.

You know, I'm an incredible dancer,
I'm a really smart guy.

I look great. Ha-ha-ha.

- So, what's the problem, huh?
- I like to think...

- Now just this. If you marry me...
- Mm-hm.

- Now listen close.
- Ha, ha.

- If you marry me...
- Mm.

Then you will have lost a lifelong
battle of defiance against them.

- My goodness. What are we gonna do?
- I do not know.

Hey, band, you feeling all right?

BAND: Hey, man, we're feeling all right.



You say it!


See, Allie, I think...
Damn it, I think you have to marry me.

- I think you need to marry me.
- I do?

- Yes, you do.
- I do, why?

Because if you do,
your parents will always know...

the unhappiness that you feel
for not being able to disappoint them.

I think you may have overlooked
one minor detail.

And what's that?

Well, you see, you have to
get their permission first.

And I think you may have overestimated
their affection for you.

- Is that right?
- Mm-hm.

- Oh, I don't think so.
- Mm.

- And why not?
- Oh, because I asked them already...

and they said yes.


One more thing.

- Aah!
- I love you.

Will you marry me, honey?

I know I kid around a lot,
but I'm crazy about you.

Marry me? Make me
the happiest man in the world?

Yes. Yes, yes!

- Just hold tight.
- Where are you going?


Oh, my. Mama.


Okay, stop the band. Excuse me.
I'd like everyone here to know...

that this young lady
and I are getting married.


DUKE: She agreed with all her heart,
but couldn't understand...

why at the very moment
she said yes...

Noah's face came to her mind.

Hey, Noah, yeah!

Oh, good to see you. Let me see you.

You bleeding anywhere? No?

- Everything good?
- Yeah.

Oh, I love you.


Come on, there's something
I gotta show you. Come on.

What's going on? What is this?


I sold the house.

- You sold the house?
- Yup.

Gotta be out
by the end of the month.

Between that and your GI Bill,
you ought to be able to get it now.

- Get what?
- Your dream house.

- The Windsor Plantation.
- Dad...

Don't "Dad" me,
I don't wanna hear about it.

I already talked to the bank,
they're gonna give you the loan.

- Well, I can't let you sell your house.
- It's done.


It's a good thing. You should do it.

Wait a second. You sell the house,
where are you gonna live?

With you, dummy, what do you think?
Somebody's gotta help you fix it up.

DUKE: Noah took a look at the house...

but only saw one thing:


He decided right there
to fulfill his lifelong dream.

He would rebuild the old house
from the ground up.

And when Noah went to Charleston
to get the building plans approved...

fate stepped in
and dealt him a sweet card.

Stop the bus! Stop the bus.

Sorry, I can't stop the bus
until I get to the depot.

No, please stop the bus now. Please.

Do you understand English, pal?

No one gets off till we get
to the depot. Now sit down.

- God.
- DRIVER: Hey!

MAN 1: Watch it, screwball!

MAN 2: What are you doing?

WOMAN: How old is your daughter now?

- Hi.
- Mm-hm, he's right over there.

LON: Baby, hello.

- Oh!
- Hold it.

Oh, come on.

DUKE: After seeing Allie that day...

something inside Noah snapped.

He got the notion into his head...

that if he restored the old house
where they had come that night...

Allie would find a way
to come back to him.

Some called it a labor of love.

Others called it something else.

But in fact,
Noah had gone a little mad.

- Excuse me.
- Would...

- it's time to eat.
- Oh.

Lunch will be served
in the Sun Room today.

The melon is good. I had a bite.

Did they ever see each other again?

- Noah and Allie?
- Ha, ha.

Now you don't want me
to spoil the end of the story...

before I get to the good part, do you?

Where did I leave off?

I shall not want.

When Noah's father died in November...

the house was all he had.

MINISTER: He leadeth me down...


DUKE: In time, Noah finished the house.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Okay, smile. Here we go.

He took a good look
at what he had accomplished...

got rip-roaring drunk for 10 days...

thought seriously
about setting it on fire...

then finally put the house up for sale.

I'm prepared to offer you this much.

He had a number of interested buyers...

but he always found a reason
not to sell it to them.


Either their bids were too low...

or if they met his asking price,
he felt it was worth a lot more.

It's a lot of money, but I'll take it.

Fifty thousand dollars.

- That's more than my asking price.
- That's right.

It's a great deal more.

He told the man
that offered him $5000 over his price...

that no one in his right mind
would do that...

and he wouldn't have
a lunatic living in his house.

He worked out his frustration with life
on the creek every morning.

And in the evenings,
to temper the sting of loneliness...

there was Martha Shaw.

Martha was a w*r widow
who lived in Quail Ridge, a town away.

MARTHA: So you wanna go out tomorrow?

I gotta work.

Well, we could go down to the river
if you want to.

Next week, sometime.

MARTHA: Maybe take a drive somewhere?


MARTHA: Well, I'm just asking you.

What do you want, Noah?

What do you mean, what do I want?

From me.


Sometimes when you talk to me,
you don't even see me.

Look, a woman knows
when a man looks into her eyes...

and sees someone else.

Now, you know I want to give you
all the things that you want.


But I can't.

Because they're gone.

They're broken.

All right?

Is the veil too much?

Are you kidding? You look perfect!

You're the most beautiful bride.


- You look gorgeous, honey.
- Thank you.

Wait until Lon sees you in this dress,
he's gonna go crazy.

He won't be able to take
his eyes off you.

Or his hands.

Oh, you are bad!

Have you seen this morning's paper?

The Daily Journal says
that you are going to be...

- the social highlight of the season.
- Of the season?

This is a celebration the likes of which
this town's never seen!


She doesn't plan, she plots, doesn't she?


- Mama, look, the governor's coming.
- He better. Let me see.

Oh, boy.


- All right, Savannah, where are we at?
- We're 82 now.

- Memphis, where are we at?
- We're 89 now.

- Eighty-nine, great, up from 85. Yes?
- Sir?

You have a visitor.

Well, hello. Baby, I didn't know
you were coming.

I'm so sorry, I should have called.

Baby, what are you talking about?
You don't have to call.

- Guys, could you give us a minute?
- All right.

Yes, sir. Miss Allie.



So, what's up?

I don't paint anymore.

I used to paint all the time.

I really loved it.

- I didn't know that.
- Yeah.

So paint.

I will. You know...

I'm gonna start.


Is everything okay?

I need to get away.


I need to take care of a few things.

I need to clear my head.

Okay, should I be worried?

- No, I don't think so.
- Oh, that's reassuring.

Listen, are you all right?

- Yeah.
- Okay, then go.

Take your time,
do whatever you need to do.

It's okay to be nervous.

It's normal to get cold feet
before your wedding.

No, no second thoughts. Uh-uh.

I love you.

I'm gonna be back from Seabrook
in a couple of days, okay?

- Seabrook?
- Yeah, Seabrook.





I saw your picture in the paper.

The one with you and the house.

And I just wanted to come
and see if you were okay.

I mean, I wasn't in the neighborhood
or anything. I just...

So are you okay?

Okay, good.

I'm a stupid woman,
I shouldn't have come.


You want to come in?


This is a good story.

I'm glad you like it.

I think I've heard it before.


Perhaps more than once?

Doctor needs to see you.

- Me? Now?
- No, him.

But he hasn't finished reading the story.

I'll read some more
when I'm through with the doctor.

It shouldn't take too long.

- All right.
- Don't you go away.

I'll be right back.

While you waiting, maybe you'd like
to play the piano for a few minutes.

You do like that.

- I do?
- Mm-hm.

- I don't know any tunes.
- You can read music.

- No kidding?
- Mm-hm.


Who are you?

I'm Dr. Barnwell, one of
the new attending physicians.

We haven't met,
so I thought I'd examine you myself.

Okay, so I see here...

that you've had two heart att*cks
over the last 18 months.

Yeah, minor ones,
I think one was angina.

- Okay, any complications?
- Nope, feel fine.

Okay, deep breath for me.

Okay, one more time.

And deep breath.

And one more.

Terrific, terrific.
You still taking your medication?

- Every day, twice a day.
- Good, good, good.

Okay, you can put your shirt on.

So I understand that you read
to Miss Hamilton.

Yeah, to help her remember.

- Hm.
- You don't think it'll help?

No, I don't.

She remembers, doc.

I read to her and she remembers.

Not always, but she remembers.

But senile dementia is irreversible.

It's degenerative.

After a certain point,
its victims don't come back.

Yeah, that's what they keep telling me.

I just don't want you
to get your hopes up.

Well, thanks, doc,
but you know what they say.

Science goes only so far
and then comes God.

Then comes God.


Damn, they forgot to turn the page for her.
You through with me?

OP. 28, NO. 4"]

I guess they flipped that page.

No, that she's playing by memory.

His name is Lon Hammond, Jr.

Hammond? As in Hammond Cotton?

As in Hammond Cotton.

Well, your parents must love him.

He's a really good man, Noah.
You'd really like him.

You love him?

Yeah, I do. I love him very much.


Well, that's that.

You marry Lon and we can be friends.



Are you hungry?

Do you want to stay for dinner?



I have to warn you, I'm a cheap drunk.

A couple more of these and you're gonna
be carrying me right out of here.

Well, go slow then, I don't want
to have to take advantage of you.

You wouldn't dare. I'm a married woman.

Not yet.


Why are you looking at me like that?

Just memories.

This room.

This... Is this where...?

This is the room?


- I'm full.
- Me too.

O how your fingers drowse me!

Your breath falls around me like dew.

Your pulse lulls the tympans of my ears

I feel immerged from head to foot.

Delicious, enough.

It was real, wasn't it?

You and me.

Such a long time ago,
we were just a couple of kids.

But we really loved each other,
didn't we?

I should go.


Do you think you could back
tomorrow morning?

There's someplace I'd like to show you.


- Okay.
- Okay.


DUKE: She had come back into his life
like a sudden flame...

blazing and streaming into his heart.

Noah stayed up all night...

contemplating the certain agony
he knew would be his...

if he were to lose her twice.

Oh, I do wish I could
figure out the end of this story.

NURSE: The children are here.


- Not yours, his.
- Oh.

- Do you mind?
- Oh, I'd love to meet them.

Come over here. Ha, ha.

- Hi, Daddy.
- Sweetheart, how are you?

- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, Maggie.

Hi, I'm Allie.

- Hi, I'm Mary Allen.
- Mary Allen.

- Nice to see you.
- Nice to see you.

- Hi. Maggie.
- Hi.

Maggie, how are you?

- Hello there, honey.
- Hi. Davanee.

- What a pretty name.
- Thank you.

Oh, my, thank you.


- And who's this?
- DUKE: Edmond.

Hi, Edmond.


You know, I think I'll run on up...

and take my afternoon nap, all right?

- NURSE: Come on, honey, let's go.
- DUKE: There you go.

- All right. Good.
- Thank you.

DUKE: I'll read some more later.

All right, thank you.

I'm so happy to meet you all.

- Goodbye.
- Bye-bye.

- Nice to meet you.
- Goodbye.


- She seems good today.
- DUKE: She is good.

I don't know,
there's something about today.

Maybe it's a day for a miracle.

MARY ALLEN: Daddy...

come home.

Mama doesn't know us.

She doesn't recognize you.
She'll never understand.

We miss you.

This is crazy, you living here.

Yeah, you know,
we'll all help with Mom.

We can take shifts visiting.

Look, guys.

That's my sweetheart in there.

I'm not leaving her.

This is my home now.

Your mother is my home.


- Hello?
- LON: Hey there.

Hi. Who is this?

It's Lon, who were you expecting?

Uh, ha, nobody, I...

I just... I'm just surprised.
How did you find me?

Well, there's only one hotel in Seabrook.
And when you didn't call, I got worried.

Where you been? Are you all right?

You know, I feel like an idiot, because
I called your hotel about a hundred times.


I'm fine.

- Anything you want to tell me?
- No.

- No?
- No.


Lon, I love you.

Call you tomorrow?






NOAH: Hey there.

Well, we better get going,
the rain's coming in.

- You like it?
- It's spectacular.

It's like a dream.

- Do you wanna feed them?
- Yeah.

What are they all doing here?

I don't know.

They're supposed to migrate
to Guatemala sound.

They won't stay here?


They'll go back where they came from.

You're different.

What do you mean?

Just the way you look. Everything.

You look different too,
but in a good way.


You know,
you're kind of the same though.



And you really did it.

- What?
- Everything.

The house.

It's beautiful, what you did.

Well, I promised you I would.



We gotta go.






Why didn't you write me?


It wasn't over for me.

I waited for you for seven years.

And now it's too late.

I wrote you 365 letters.

I wrote you every day for a year.

- You wrote me?
- Yes.


It wasn't over.

It still isn't over.





You gotta be kidding me.

All this time,
that's what I been missing?

Let's do it again.





- Wake up.
- Hm?

- Wake up.
- Mm-mm.

- Mm-mm.
- Mm-hm.

- Mm-hm.
- Mmm...


- Hi.
- You're trying to k*ll me, woman.

- Mm-mm.
- Mm-hm.


- I need rest.
- Mmm.

I need food so I can regain my strength.

Okay, what do you want?


Um, some pancakes.


And some bacon.

- Okay.
- And some chicken.




She's the one, isn't she?

Can I meet her?

- I'd really like to meet her.
- I don't know if that's a good idea, Martha.

So this is Martha?

Hi, I'm Allie.

I've heard a lot about you.

I've heard a lot about you too.

You want to come in?

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Yeah, Noah was just saying
how hungry he was.

And, you know, you could put on
a pot of tea.

Come on in.

ALLIE: It was nice meeting you, Martha.

- MARTHA: Nice meeting you too.
- ALLIE: Goodbye.

MARTHA: Take care.


She's sensational.

She really is.

I'm really glad that I came, Noah.

I'd forgotten what it's like.

For the first time since I lost Richard...

I feel like I've got something
to look forward to.





Lon is on his way here.

I'm afraid your father
spilled the beans about Noah.

When Lon didn't
hear from you last night...

- he decided to come.
- Well, that's great.

Ha-ha-ha. That's just terrific.

You, me, Noah and Lon,
one big happy family.

Tell me about the letters, Mother.

- Is it true?
- Yes.

You watched me cry myself to sleep...

for months and months...

and you never said anything.

- How could you do that?
- I'm sorry.

- You're sorry? You're sorry?
- Yes, I am sorry.

Because of you,
my entire life is ruined!

Okay, yes, I stole your letters.

It was wrong, but stop being dramatic and
at least take some of the responsibility.

You came down here.

You knew what you were doing.
You knew this would happen.

Oh, so now I'm a tramp?

You are unbelievable.


Go on and get some clothes on.

Let's take a drive.

Let's take a drive? Why would I
want to go anywhere with you?

Because I might know you
a little better than you think.

I don't want you waking up
one morning...

thinking if you'd known everything,
you might have done something different.

What are we doing here, Mama?

Do you see that man, there?


Doesn't look like it now,
but 25 years ago...

Oh, my goodness,
he was really something.

We were out of our minds in love,
let me tell you.


ANNE: Well, naturally,
your grandfather was furious...

so we decided to run away.

We didn't even make the next town
before the police picked us up.

But that was then.

You know, sometimes
when I'm in the area...

I just stop here and I watch him...

trying to picture how different
my life might have been.

I want you to know that I love your father.

- Mama, I'm...
- No, g*dd*mn it, this is important.

And you need to hear it. I do.

He is a wonderful man.

He is good to me
and I don't deserve him.

- I love him, Allie, I do, I love him.
- I know, Mama.

I know.

Oh, God.

This is just very embarrassing.

Oh, I'm a stupid woman.

- Look at me, the big old bawl-bag.
- Ha, ha.

It's crazy.


I don't even know who that person is.

Oh, boy.




I hope you make the right choice.

Interesting morning?


Lon's here in town.

He's here?

Yeah, we saw his car on the way.

At the hotel.


I see you got my letters.


What are you gonna do, Al?

I don't know.

We're back to that?

Are we back there?

What about the past couple of days?
They happened, you know.

I know that they happened,
and they were wonderful.

But they were also very irresponsible.

I have a fiancé waiting for me at a hotel
who's gonna be crushed...

- when he finds out...
- So you make love to me...

and then you go back to your husband?

Was that your plan?

- Was that a test that I didn't pass?
- I made a promise to a man.

- He gave me a ring, I gave him my word.
- Your word is shot to hell now...

- don't you think?
- I don't know.

- I'll find out when I talk to him.
- This is not about keeping your promise.

And it's not about following your heart.

- It's about security.
- What is that supposed to mean?

- Money!
- What are you ta...?

- He's got a lot of money.
- Now I hate you, you smug bastard.

Well, I hate you.
If you leave here, I hate you.

Have you been paying attention
to anything that's happening?

I guess I must have misread
all of those signals.

I guess you did.

You're bored.
You're bored and you know it.

You wouldn't be here
if there wasn't something missing.

You arrogant son of a bitch!

Would you just stay with me?

Stay with you? What for?

- Look at us, we're already fighting.
- Well, that's what we do.

We fight. You tell me when I'm being
an arrogant son of a bitch...

and I tell you when you're being
a pain in the ass.

Which you are, 99 percent of the time.

I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings.

They have like
a two-second rebound rate...

and you're back doing
the next pain-in-the-ass thing.

- So, what?
- So it's not gonna be easy.

It's gonna be really hard.

We're gonna have to work
at this every day...

but I want to do that,
because I want you.

I want all of you, forever.

You and me, every day.

Will you do something for me?

Please? Will you just
picture your life for me?

Thirty years from now, 40 years
from now, what's it look like?

If it's with that guy, go! Go!

I lost you once,
I think I could do it again...

if I thought it's
what you really wanted.

- But don't you take the easy way out.
- What easy way? There is no easy way.

No matter what I do, somebody gets hurt.

Would you stop thinking
about what everyone wants?

Stop thinking about what I want.
What he wants, what your parents want.

What do you want?

- What do you want?
- It's not that simple.

- What do you want?
- It's not...

g*dd*mn it, what do you want?

I have to go.


NOAH: My dearest Allie.

I couldn't sleep last night because
I know that it's over between us.

I'm not bitter anymore, because
I know that what we had was real.

And if in some distant place in the future
we see each other in our new lives...

I'll smile at you with joy...

and remember how we spent
a summer beneath the trees...

learning from each other
and growing in love.


The best love is the kind
that awakens the soul...

and makes us reach for more.

That plants a fire in our hearts...

and brings peace to our minds.

And that's what you've given me.

That's what I'd hoped
to give to you forever.

I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah.

It's beautiful. It's a beautiful story.

Yes, it is.

I don't know why,
but it makes me feel sad.

I know you feel lost right now...

but don't worry.

Nothing is ever lost, or can be lost.

The body, sluggish, aged, cold.

The embers left from earlier fires.

Shall duly flame again.

Did you write that?

No, that was Walt Whitman.

I think I knew him.

I think you did.


Shall we go in?
I'm feeling a little chilly.


Thank you.

Well, who did all of this?

I did, with a little help
from my friends on the nursing staff.


I've never seen anything so beautiful.

Neither have I.

Shall we?

- Some grape juice?
- I'd love it.

Ah, so many pills. How sick are you?

Sickness has become
a relative term for me.

I think of it now as more
a general wearing-out process.

To you.

So, what happened?

In the story.

Which one did she choose?


The way I see it, I got three choices.

One, I can sh**t him.

Two, I can kick the crap out of him.

Or three, I leave you.

But all that's no good.

You see, because...

none of those options get me you.

And in spite of everything...

I love you.

I love you too.

I meant what I said
when I gave you that ring.

I did too.

I did too. It's just that when I'm...

When I'm with Noah
I feel like one person...

and when I'm with you
I feel like someone totally different.

Look, it's normal not to forget
your first love.

I love you, Allie.

But I want you for myself.

I don't want to have
to convince my fiancé...

that she should be with me.

You don't have to.

I already know I should be with you.

And they lived happily ever after.

Who? Who did?

Oh, yes.

Of course.


I remember now.

It was us.

- It was us. It was us.
- Oh, my darling.

Oh, my sweetheart.


I love you so much.

- Oh, my baby.
- Ah.


Noah, Noah.

I love you, angel.

- What happened to me?
- Nothing.

You just went away for a little while.

- How much time do we have?
- I'm not sure.

Last time it was no more
than five minutes.


Hey, I brought along an old friend.


- How are the children?
- Oh, they're fine.

Yeah, they were here today.

Little Noah, Davanee too. Heh.

They're getting so big.

Oh, boy.

- How fast the time goes.
- Mm-hm.

- It flies right on by.
- Oh, yes, it does.

Will you tell them I love them?

Of course I will.

And that I'm sorry.

I'll tell them, sweetheart.

Remember that story you were
reading to me?


Do you think
that I could be her tonight?

Would that be all right?

You know what we could do?

Maybe we could get a car
and we could go for a ride.

We could get out of here and just
go someplace, you want to?

I don't think so. Not tonight, darling.

Come on, why not?

Wait a minute.

Why did you call me darling?
I don't know you.

What's going on here?
Am I supposed to know you?

- Allie. Allie, sweetheart.
- No, no, no!

Hey, Allie, I love you,
stay with me, don't leave...


- Who are you?
- I'm Noah, I'm Noah and you're Allie.

What do you want?
What are you doing here?

- Come on, baby.
- Don't come near me!

- Don't you come near me!
- Allie... Allie, I...

Help! Help!

- Help me!
- Calm down, Allie, calm down.

- No, not you!
- Calm down, Allie! It's all right, come on.

- No! Let me go!
- It's all right. Calm down.

- No! Leave me alone.
- Calm down, Allie, it's all right.

- Somebody help me!
- Now calm down.

- Help!
- Doctor!

- Talk to me.
- NURSE: She's sundowning.

- Somebody help me!
- NURSE: Calm down!

- DOCTOR: Give her two cc's.
- ALLIE: No! No!

NURSE: Calm down, Allie.

DOCTOR: One, two, three.


- Allie, it's all right. It's all right.
- Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, now take a look.

Let's take a look. One. Oh, she's fine.

- Good. Just breathe. Shh.
- She's fine. She's fine.

Stay calm, just breathe
in and out, come on.

- NURSE: Relax.
- DOCTOR: You're gonna be okay, Allie.

- NURSE: Relax.
- DOCTOR: Allie?

You're fine, honey.


NURSE: Morning, Mr. Calhoun.

Mr. Calhoun?

Call Dr. Von Pettit, MUSC, okay?

I've got no BP, I got no pulse.
I've got nothing.

Let them know we're in full arrest.
Call me on my cell.

NURSE: Okay, will do.

We talked about this.

It's all right now.
Come on, come on, precious.

Okay, yes, come on, let's go.

It's okay, baby, come on.

You know Mr. Holmes.

NURSE: Just try it.

Oh, Mr. Calhoun.

Welcome back.

- How do you feel?
- Fine. Fit as a fiddle.

- Where you going?
- I was just taking a walk.

I can't sleep.

Well, you know you're not supposed to,
it's against the rules.

Yeah, I know.

You weren't really going
for a walk, were you?

You were going to see Miss Allie.

I just got out of the hospital.

And I miss her.

Mr. Calhoun.

I'm sorry, but I can't
let you see her tonight.

Now you're gonna have
to go back to your room.

As for me...

I'm gonna go downstairs
and get myself a cup of coffee.

I won't be back to check on you
for a while.

So don't do anything foolish.



Hi, sweetheart.

I'm sorry I haven't been able
to be here to read to you.

I didn't know what to do.

I was afraid you were never coming back.

I'll always come back.

What's gonna happen...

when I can't remember
anything anymore?

What will you do?

Oh, I'll be here.

I'll never leave you.

I need to ask you something.

What is it, sweetheart?

Do you think...

that our love...

can create miracles?

Yes, I do.

That's what brings you back
to me each time.

Do you think our love...

could take us away together?

I think our love can do
anything we want it to.

I love you.

I love you, Allie.

Good night.

I'll be seeing you.