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05x04 - Ship Outta Luck

Posted: 09/24/19 16:18
by bunniefuu
Killjoys - 5x4 - Ship Outta Luck

Previously on Killjoys...

I have you. I have Westerley.

- It's over.
- Goodbye, thief.

Goodbye, ship.

Always and forever, Lucy girl.

Coren Jeers, in the name of the RAC you are locked and served.

[CHUCKLES] Well, damn.

There's something wrong with the rain.

These showers encode a false memory.

It's like, literal brainwashing.

I'll ask my husband, but...

I'm pretty sure he'll say I'm busy.

Ask me what?

So, where do we set our bait?

Somewhere they can't escape.



- _
- Bolt Ecker. Sentence: years.

Crime: Smuggling.

This makes no sense. The Lady's got a giant armada and a brainwashed moon to lock us up on.

So why is she sending us to a supermax prison?

I have no idea, but if this is where the bitch wants us.

We gotta get the hells out of here.

Zen Krill. Sentence: years.

Crime: First degree m*rder.

You thinking the Sugarpoint gambit?

Oh, the blitz dog play?

No. Cause a distraction, grab their g*ns, and sh**t our way out.

- Brutish, direct...
- Suicidal.

I was gonna say, "simple." I like it.

What'd you do?

Steal somebody's heart?

Yala Yardeen.

Sentence: years.

Crimes: Assassination, homicide,

vaticide, senicide...

You k*lled a poet?

- Not a good one.
- Hmm.


- Ow! [GROANS]

You two just bought yourselves a date with the Warden.

And this one a week in solitary.

Well, E for effort.

Welcome to my supermax, Prisoner .

John Jaqobis, sentenced to hard time.

Seven counts of felony theft, spaceship...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I am offended by that accusation.

I have stolen way more than seven ships.

But most importantly, your file is missing the big ass fact that I'm a Killjoy.

- There's obviously some sort of mistake.

You hear that guys? We got a Killjoy.

Oh, you need some proof?



"You've been locked and served."

Being a Killjoy wouldn't help you survive minutes, let alone years.

Back up. Did you say...


Seems like you're getting off easy to me.

You did k*ll your entire platoon before going AWOL.

That wasn't me.

I was under the influence of a military mind control device.

I'm better now.

Obviously there has been some sort of confusion.

It's possible that you are stuck in a false memory.

Have you experienced loss of time?

Nose bleeds?

Strange things that you can't fully explain?

Other than this conversation?

You are missing some very important facts here.

Okay? So let me enlighten you.

I love it when men explain things to me.

There's this alien.
She's called The Lady.

She wants my son.

I am quite possibly the best thief in the J and definitely the best hacker.

The Lady controls the Hullen, this super strong, undying, "not alien but kind of alien because they're infected with goo" people.

And you look like a smart cookie.

Someone that can tell that my valuable skills would be wasted on hard labor.

My team are the only people who can stop her from terraforming the Quad.

So you can see why I need out of here.

So, let's make a deal.

- I think I understand.
- You do?

I know exactly what to do with you.




♪ ♪


Well, that could have gone better.


♪ ♪

The Herks Supermax has received the prisoners along with orders to keep them alive.

Only one of them, Khlyen.

We only need one as bait.


Those were my instructions to the Warden.

- "Keep one alive."
- Stop.


Did I excuse you?

Forgive me.

I allow you these freedoms only as long as they serve my purpose.

Of course. It won't happen again.

You hope Dutch will be the one to survive, don't you?

Every father is driven to protect his own child.

Every good father.

Were you a good father, Khlyen?

I've done everything I can for you.

The bait is set. Jaq will come to them.


When his family starts dying in prison

it better be the incentive Jaq needs.



♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪


Prisoner present and accounted for.

Howdy, neighbor.

I heard the slot rattle for spot check so I know you're in there.


I've been alone for months.

I think.

This place just messes with your head.



Hello? [GROANS]




That's creepy.


"In case of emergency, watch me."


- Ah!

Hello, Zepherelli.

I hate that nickname. I know we hate that nickname.

But I wanted you to know for sure

that I'm you. Me.

And if you/me are watching this,

then we've been memory wiped.

That's why you don't remember recording this.

Oh, Gods. Oh, Gods.

Hey, hey, don't panic because I can fix it.

I just need you to find this

and plug it into your neck.


Okay, got it?

It's a preloaded charge so just let 'er rip.

Oh, and, um, don't worry.

I've tried this before and I'm okay.

I can no longer taste cheese, but...



If I say so.




Oh, crap. I need to rescue Dutch.

Oh, crap. I need help.

Not a talker, huh? That's okay.

We could sing a round.

Yeah, I'm kind of busy at the moment.

Trying to find a way to get the hells out of here.

No one escapes this prison.

[SIGHS] I'm not no one, and I'm on a schedule.

I've gotta literally save the world.

Forget the world outside, dove.

You're buried in Hell.

And the only good place in Hell is on top of it.

Wow, that's incredibly unhelpful.

Prisoner present and accounted for.

Every minutes.

That's cute. I used to keep track too.

See, that's the thing about being in here.

It gives you lots of time to think.

I've used every second in here to plan my revenge on the bounty hunter assholes who put me in here.

Not a fan of Killjoys, huh?

Everyone in here hates Killjoys, but my hate is very special.

♪ k*ll the Killjoys ♪

♪ s*ab the Killjoys ♪

♪ In the skull ♪

- ♪ In the skull ♪
- Shit.




Hey. Wanna have your mind blown?

Once you try what I've got, you'll never be the same.

Yeah, I'm sure there's a market out there for stinky raincoat sex, but it ain't me.

- Hard pass.
- Okay, offensive, but that's not what I'm selling.

I've cooked up this cool new drug.

I call it, "Reality, Man."

Yeah? No one's gonna pay for that.

This is not insubordination.


Did it work?

God damn it.

God damn it!

How did we let this happen?

Who's ass am I writing up for this shit?

[LAUGHS] I've missed you, Angry ginger.


Okay, one down, one to go.


♪ ♪


Hello, gorgeous.

- The hells?
- Can you believe this guy?

He said, "For Carlos," and then rammed you.

Geez, some prisoners, huh?

He's lying!

Whoa, whoa-whoa.

- You're going to the Warden.
- I didn't do nothing!



How's that for thieving, Warden?

Now for the inmate manifest.

We know where Dutch is, so where's D'av?

As long as he's not in a hypermax unit, we're all good.

Huh. Surprise twist.

Theft-proof auto-destruct in three, two...


I'm not crazy, Doc.

I've just...

I've had a rough couple of days.

Or maybe a rough couple months.

You've gotta let me out of here, Doc.

I hate to interrupt because this is the most entertainment I get in here, but you're bargaining with a chair.


Hi. I'm Calvert. You?

Want my recreational opinion?

You're not "crazy," you're just out of your mind on a big dose of Ryklex.

Don't feel bad. That shit'll drop even the big boys hard.

Oh, yeah, no, there's boys a lot bigger than you in this joint.

Trust me. That's why I'm in here.

And if you're smart, you'll stay here too.

You miss the part where I'm not crazy?

[WHISPERS] Neither am I.

I just play fruit-loopy every once in a while to get sent down here for a hour eval.

Food's better, they beat you less, and if you play your cards right you get a nice dose of Ryklex, you get a great night's sleep.


Hey, bit of advice, buddy.

Drop the agro bullshit 'cause that's the fastest way to an electro-shock halo.

See that guy?



Once you get one of those, it doesn't matter if you weren't crazy.

Halos fry your lemons permanently.



♪ ♪


Serial number T .

Ah, girl. You're breaking my heart.


Serial number T X .

Serial number T x ...


Serial number T X .

That's my girl.

I am so Gods damn happy to hear your voice, Lucy.

I am base program serial number...

No, override that shit.

Your name is New Lucy. Newcy.

Acknowledged, Rights Holder.

Uh, and call me John.

- Acknowledged, Sean.

Yeah, okay. We'll... we can work on that.

Now, for the rest of the g*ng.


♪ ♪



- Food.


- Aw, must be Thursday.
- Damn it.

Told ya. No one escapes.

Hope you didn't waste your slop.

Did your slot open again?

Did you get a second lunch?

I didn't get a second lunch.

Is it dessert? Did you get dessert?



I got a Johnny and a ticket out of here.

If I could just flex hard enough.

You want starch with that?

We got regular or potato scent.

Oh, I'm glad you're amusing yourself.

[WHISPERS] How did you get past the guards?

Never underestimate the power of cleaning sheets that no one else wants to touch.

John, you gotta get me out of here.

Don't worry, I got an exit plan.

We're in a supermax, obvs, and the oxygen vents suggest recycled air, and the layout indicates a vertical structure.

We're underground, which means access tunnels for maintenance.

So all we gotta do is find one and climb to the freedomy surface. [CLICKS TONGUE]

Great plan.

Except Dutch is in solitary and I'm in the looney bin.

In your defense, we've all been through a lot the past few days.

And it was a shorter walk for you.

What about you?

Losing Lucy?

- Losing Dutch?
- I didn't lose Dutch.

She's just temporarily locked in a cupboard.

Come on.

If anyone should feel awkward about this situation, it's me.

Shit, John, you were married.

You and Dutch have always been tight.

Dutch has what she needs to escape.

You... you need an electro-shock halo.

Electro-shock halos are for nutjobs.

I've been trying to convince them I'm not crazy.

- No... no, John, no.
- Yeah.

You can't do... ow!

He bit me, people! We got a biter, here.


No, no, no. No, no.

No, come on. Oh, no.


You sure no one saw us drag him down here?

No, but somebody sure felt it.

Was it necessary to hit every rung?


Not to mention the k*ller headache those wakeup darts gave me.

Maybe that's just the fumes.

Look, no one saw us because no one ever sees me and that is the power of the raincoat.

You know, that thing doesn't actually make you invisible.

If only you could hide the smell.

So, let's have it.

Man-bun and I need to catch up.

- Sit-rep?
- Seriously?

People with brains believed you were head of the RAC?

Oh, chipmunk. I hate how good I was at it.

The sit is bad.

Team Awesome Force was captured by The Lady who has everyone trapped in a false memory and is currently terraforming all of Westerley for her creepy offspring.

That's a kick in the taint.

We were trying to stop the memory rain when Dutch was captured.

Now we're running out of time before terraforming is complete and everyone dies.

By my count, days.

We need to wake up Westerley and fast.

- Yeah, starting with Gared.
- The more people we wake up, the more attention we risk drawing to ourselves.

If The Lady catches us she'll wipe us again or worse.

He's safer in the dark till we have a plan to stop her.

I'm trying to decide who I trust him with less.

The Lady, or Cindy.


So, Mr. RAC, we need to find Dutch and the boys.

Where's The Lady keep her prisoners?

How should I know?

The RAC doesn't work for The Lady.

Take no sides, take no bribes. Blah, blah, Warrant.

You were that good at it, huh?

Look, the whole moon is on lockdown.

The lady can't have taken them that far.

Well, there is a dead spot on the live map of the Salt Plains.

I noticed it when I borrowed a company tablet to search for the Widow.


I've seen Black Root ships flying in from the south.

That sounds like an underground holding site to me.

We need to get eyes on it.

Six, five, four, three, two, one.

- Prisoner ...



Are you free?

Holy shit, it sounds like you're free.

- Little help?

Sorry, friend. I'm on a schedule.


♪ ♪



Thanks for the lift, sailor.

Uh... [CLEARS THROAT] so we are in a subterranean prison.

All we gotta do is find an access tunnel... climb to the surface.

[WHISPERS] Okay, so where's D'av?

We need to go get him.

Out of the psych ward.

I guess The Lady did a number on our heads.

Yeah, yours especially.

[CLEARS THROAT] The, um, psych wards are bad.

Excuse me.

So, how do we get D'av out?

Still got that freshly stolen smell.

Easy. Don't think violent thoughts.



You think we can rewire this thing to zap him for eating my yogurt out of the fridge?

Please don't tell me this is just for your entertainment.

Can't it be both? Spoon.


♪ ♪



So, escaping prison, check.

Next step in our defeat-The-Lady-plan?

Wake everyone up on Westerley, stop the terraforming, destroy The Lady and all her creepy offspring.

Yeah, sure, we just need to stop the rain, weapons, and a shit-ton of manpower to fight The Lady's forces.

That is, if we can manage to get out of this hells-hole.

Easy. There should be an access tunnel to the surface down that hall.

And then we're home free.


Hmm. After a slight detour.

John, John, that's the Warden's office.

Which is the opposite to escaping.

I know it may be surprising, but even in my thrillingly capable hands a hacked halo can only get you so far.

Now, I can get us access to the tunnels, but I can't open the surface hatch without the Warden's override codes.

♪ ♪


- And it's all clear...

It'll just take me a minute to find the codes.

♪ ♪

Eh, two minutes, max.


[ROBOTIC VOICE] Opening forward shield.


What the...

Uh, Johnny.

This isn't exactly subterranean.

We're in a Gods damn prison ship.

Ah, I guess you're shit out of luck, huh?

♪ ♪

So, not a subterranean prison.

And those chips in your necks?

Not just punitive. Also trackers.

You're in the Herks Supermax and not many escape attempts get as far as you did.

Makes me wonder if you really are Killjoys.


Is that why you didn't k*ll us for trying?

Professional courtesy?


Fancy produce deep in space?

My guess is money.

You're being paid to keep us alive, aren't you?

My instructions are to keep one of you alive.

- Doesn't matter which one.
- Who's paying you?


Whether you're Killjoys or not, your resourcefulness impressed me.

So I have a proposal.

Help me with this task and I'll transfer you to G Wing.

It's a little less shabby.

Who knows, you might all survive.

So, what's the task?

I've been hearing rumors that there's a hit planned on a powerful inmate.

Sparlow. Leader of Herks' biggest g*ng.

Rumor is, it's happening any day now.

I'm sending you into X Wing.

- Ooh, that sounds bad.
- Mm-hmm.

I want you to find out who ordered this hit and how they got their fingers into my prison.

Funny how that rumor didn't cover that part.

Well, my informants either don't know or they're too afraid to tell me.

Anyone with the balls to go after Sparlow must be one scary bastard.

What, too scary for your heavily armed staff of trained guards to look into?

Now, I own you.

I control everything this side of the bars,

but Sparlow controls everything behind them.



Even my guards are afraid of him.

But if you can find out who is behind the hit, I'll transfer you out of the hypermax and into G Wing.

Not only does G Wing have better food, it also has lower security.

I guarantee you, we can escape G Wing.

We've gotta survive X Wing first.

[EXHALES] Piece of cake.

As long as no one finds out we're Killjoys, we...

What do we got here?


... might survive.

Look, fresh fish!

- Ow! John, what the hells?

First rule of prison: Pick a fight with the biggest guy.

Everyone else will leave you alone.

Yeah, he's not the biggest.

And your brother.

Well, if you can't be scary, be unpredictable.


♪ ♪

Do you want to open it?

Oh, I suspect I'd rather not.

They can't survive in this atmosphere yet.

But soon.

She k*lled some of my hatchlings, but I can always create more.

So, you're cloning an army?

Am I expected to be impressed?

You're expected to be afraid.


Your species went extinct before.

You can be defeated again.

Do you know what separates my kind from yours?

I'd say the urge to annihilate everything else but sadly, I know my own species.

Emotional memories.

You relive past experiences, keeping them alive, meaningful.

When you remember where you have been, you dream of where you might go.

Your obsession with the future, your ambition is because you can't forget your past.

I will take that from you, give it to my people, teach them to dream of more, and then we will be perfect.


So, Sparlow seems nice.

Someone who needs that much protection must be.

Can't even get close to him.

If we're gonna save him from a hit we need to get, like, underwear close.

What do you know about him?

According to the Warden's intel, he's got every market in here covered.

Booze, dr*gs, toilet paper.

Okay, so Sparlow's a business man.

We need to approach him with business.

What the hells can we offer him from inside here?


Warned you, food's way better in the psych ward.

Hey, Calvert.

How did you get out?

Oh, you made a new friend?

Well, I'm very charming.


Finished my eval. Not bonkers.

So they got me back on kitchen detail.

What about you? How'd you pull it off?

No one comes back from a halo.

He barely has a residual twitch.

Do you have any other tips like how to get better food?

See that? That's the good slop.

It's reserved for Sparlow's crew.

As long as I make sure they get the good stuff,

Sparlow makes sure I don't get my ass kicked.



♪ ♪

We found our way in.

Okay, let's find Dutch.

It's latitude . ,

longitude . .

Ah, there it is. The dead zone.

I couldn't get close enough on foot to get eyes on it, but I clocked two guards at regular patrols.

You gonna liven that up some?

Okay, so this is two feeds streaming at once.

The dead spot is a dummy feed layered over top of...

[WHISTLES] A whole shit ton of Black Root ships.

Clearly this is not where The Lady is keeping Dutch and the boys.

Spaceships and limited guards doesn't exactly say detention site.

- What is this place?
- An opportunity.

We may not know where Team Awesome Force is yet, but now we know where our enemy keeps her ships.

So, let's go kick her in the cockpit.



I want a meeting with Sparlow.

I've got something he'll want to see.

Sparlow has seen it all.

And he's not accepting any applications for any new sexers.

Oh, I've got something much more beautiful and rare.

♪ ♪

You oughta let me try it first, boss, in case it's poisoned.

Our new guest is going to test it for poison.

I no like it. What if it's a trick?

Luckily, what you like doesn't matter for shit in my operation.

Mmm. Satisfied?

I can't be friends with your corpse.

Okay, "friend."

But how?

Even I can't get food in here and I can get anything.

Trade secret.

I'm not interested in competing with you.

I wanna fill in the gaps in your supply chain.

How come I don't know you?

People like me get sent to places like this to be forgotten.

Political prisoner?

There's a w*r going on in Westerley.

Not that anyone else in the rest of the Quad knows about it.

No one gives a shit about Westerley.

But there's always room at my table for another dirt eater.

[SNIFFS] Salt planes.

Born and crazed.

♪ k*ll the Killjoys, s*ab them in the eyeballs ♪

♪ k*ll the Killjoys, s*ab them in the skull! ♪


- Coren Jeers!

Thanks for doing that stint

- in solitary, my man.
- You got it.

♪ ♪



What an unpleasant surprise.

- You know each other?

Oh, yeah.

This is the RAC's resident bitch.

Which means that your weird little sister-wives sidekicks can't be far behind, hmm?


Thought you were doing your time in Westhole, Coren.

Wait, didn't it blow up?

Maybe not the best time to bring that up, D'av.

I got escalated out of Westhole for my bad behavior.

Turns out I got a lot of anger issues about the assh*le bounty hunters who put me in prison!

Coren, think. No need to make a scene.

We can work something out.


Sharpen your shivs, folks.

They're Killjoys in our midst.

Riot protocol initiated.

- Riot protocol initiated.

Riot protocol initiated.

Well, you cocked that up fast, didn't you?

I can't believe I sacrificed one of my precious apples for that.

Not only didn't you find out who's behind the hit, but you managed to make sure every assh*le in here

- wants you dead.
- Oh, it's our process.

It looks like we're failing until we don't.

I'm throwing you back in solitary.

I get paid to keep one of you shitheads alive and thanks to you for blowing your cover, that just got a lot harder.


You're gonna release all three of us back into X Wing.

We're gonna do you one better than finding out who ordered the hit.
We're gonna stop it.

Because you can pull that off?

Well, you said it yourself.

Your guards definitely can't.

So, I'll throw Sparlow in solitary, too.


you let the hit go down.

Find out who's behind it.

Which is what you really want, isn't it?

We have Sparlow exactly where we need him to draw out the assassin.

While everyone's looking at us, the hitman will feel safer making his move.

Then we grab him alive for you to question to your little angry heart's desire.

And what about the other prisoners?

I can't protect you from all of X Wing.


We're used to people wanting us dead.

Hasn't stopped us yet.


And two guards.

See? You miss this when you're in the delusion.

Now you're back in your element stirring shit up.

Yeah, well, that's the thing about stirring shit.

You're still in shit.

I just don't get why The Lady would leave her fleet of Black Root ships just sitting here empty, with so few guards.

Maybe for once we don't ask questions that probably have craptastic answers.

Maybe we just get down to blowing up ships like we came here to do.

It's on pre-programmed autopilot.

Hmm. This ship has logged the same flight path every day for the past days, but it's just doing a circuit at , feet.

That's barely above cloud cover.

Oh. Oh!

Payload tanks are full and set to jettison when we hit altitude.

Turin, this is how The Lady is seeding the clouds.

These Black Root ships, and whatever's in their tanks.

This is how she's making the rain.

I'm not complaining about hiding in here since half the prison wants to k*ll us, but do you really think the hitman is one of Sparlow's own entourage?

Well, if three badass Killjoys can't get past them to Sparlow, a prison hitman wouldn't be able to either.

This is nice.


Just the two of us, working angles, doing business.

Normal Killjoy shit.

Normal "us" shit.

Not that I'm assuming everything is normal.

And there's zero pressure.

A lot has changed.

Weird memories.

People thinking they had babies together.

Yeah, fake memories.
We're all awake now.

Why would anything change?

I don't know, it... could be confusing.


People could be confused.

By this conversation?

It's a vulnerable time for John.

I know what you're gonna say.


Yeah. He blames me.


He lost the love of his life.

W... wow. Ok...

Okay, yeah.

Guess I was sort of in denial about it, but.. yeah, if we're gonna go there.

Love of his life.

And I think he wants it back.

So do I.

Piece of my heart is gone too, D'avin.

♪ ♪

So you wanna... be with John?


N... no? Wait...

What are we talking about?

I'm talking about Lucy.

About all of us missing Lucy.

Right. Yes, absolutely.

That is absolutely what I'm talking about, too.

D'avin Jaqobis...

Tattoo-face guy.


Weight room's all clear for you, boss.

I'm taking a piss.

♪ ♪

All right guys, the coast is clear.

You better cross your legs so we can have a nice little chat.


Oh, come on, Dutch.

Too much pressure to the windpipe.

Elite assassin .

I didn't put any pressure on his windpipe.

There's burnt lilac on his breath.

That's what Ryklex smells like when it's ingested orally.

- It's a powerful...
- Sedative, yeah.

I am familiar.

Yeah, but we've been watching them all day.

How did someone get close enough to Sparlow's entourage to drug 'em?

Must have been in something he ate.

Ryklex, access to food...

Gods damn it.



♪ ♪

- Eight.
- Yep, it's all you.

It's all you. It's all you.

Come on, boss, you got this.

- Nine.
- Come on.



Hey, buddy.

- Full disclosure...

I never really needed your protection.


Calvert, please. Wait! I...



Hey, Calvert.

Little advice: don't let him bounce the bar.

Oh, mister talks-with-chairs.


♪ Better better get out my way ♪

Pretty violent though. I can see why you got a halo.

Oh, you don't know how violent we can be.


What kind of stims is she on?

The good kind! [GRUNTS]

Is it just me or is she wasted on kitchen patrol?

Talking is for after a fight, John.

- Ah!

♪ Get out my way ♪

♪ ♪

- Ow.



♪ ♪

♪ Better better get out my way ♪

Ugh, so tiny, so mean.

- Hey, can you breathe?

How many weight bars am I holding up?

Just the one that almost k*lled me.

Do you know what makes a great thank you gift?

Protection, for starters.

Don't push it, Killjoy.

You know, this thing really is heavy.


All right, all right.

I'll put the word out that you're under my protection.

- Uh-huh?
- And I officially owe you one.




But I wanna know who she's working for.

♪ ♪

The Warden wants to know who's behind the hit.

She'll probably cut you a deal.

Give a name and I'll hand you over to the Warden instead of Sparlow, here.

You think I wanna be doing this?

It's not just about me.

Besides, it don't mean shit if word gets out that I talked.

Dutch hands you over to the Warden and you disappear.

No one needs to know that you sang.

But I need to know who's coming after me.

Or I'm coming after you.

Coren Jeers.

He wants your turf, Sparlow.

That dirty double crossing shitstain.

Yeah, shitstain's kind of his brand.

I honestly thought that we'd be cleaning up pieces of you out of the floor grids by now.

I'll take it from here.

In the meantime, I owe you and your boys a transfer to G Wing.

Actually, we'd rather stay in X Wing.

You think Sparlow will protect you?

I think we've survived in worse places.

But it's a lot harder to do when you're turning down favors of a person who runs this place.

Remember that, Yardeen.


What were you thinking turning down a transfer, Dutch?

In G Wing we'd have...

- Better chance of escaping.
- Better food.

We need to get back to Westerley and get Jaq.

And then what?

Fight The Lady, as per ushe.

Look, we've never faced an enemy as powerful as The Lady.

She can literally control people's minds.

We're outmatched.

So she has the upper hand.
We'll take it back.


The only good place in Hell is on top.

We need to take over this prison, use it to fight The Lady, and we need to win.

Two inmates per cell.

Fall in.

Well, you guys take this one.

Johnny, are you sure?

Yeah. Plan is to make scary new friends, right?

Might as well start now.


♪ Spaces cry ♪

♪ Time ♪

♪ Is never ♪

♪ On your side ♪

Looks like it's just you and me, Newcy.

- Acknowledged, Sean.
- ♪ Evil is ♪

♪ One step behind ♪

If this is the protein

The Lady's seeding the memory rain with,

I can use it to figure out how the rain works and eventually stop it.

How eventually?

Hopefully in less than days.

We're on a ship.

The Lady controls our airspace, but we could make a run for it.

Go get help.


Westerley is already in an advanced stage of terraforming.

Everyone in the Quad would be able to see it from space by now.

They just don't give a shit.

So, we're the help.

We go back to Old Town and we fix this shit.

Starting with the rain.

You said it would take some time to figure out how to stop it.

It will, but like you said, we came here to stir shit up and blow shit up.

- So let's get to it.

How many ships were destroyed?

[SHOUTS] How many?

% of your west seeding fleet.

Do you have any idea how many workers could wake up from their delusions without that rain?

Throw him out the airlock.

No, no. Please!

You still have the showers.


Just increase their frequency in the factories to keep the workers enslaved until the ships are replaced.

Be a bit clever, Khlyen.

It's not about the ships.

It's that someone knew enough to destroy them.

♪ ♪

We have a rebellion.

- Find out who's awake.
- And then what?

I don't know!


All of these weak emotions.

These feelings I have now.

How do you manage?

It's like a poison inside of me.

This body can't control them and I hate it.

That poison is the price of emotional memory.

Now are you sure you're ready for your children to feel the same?

But we aren't human.

And by controlling the humans' emotions, I own their lives and their memories, so why do they keep fighting me?

♪ ♪

You still don't understand us.

Humanity's resilience doesn't come from our ability to remember.

It comes from our ability to hope.

♪ Die every day, die every day ♪

♪ We come and die every day, die every day ♪

♪ Just fly every day, fly every day ♪

♪ I die every day, die every day ♪