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03x08 - Heist, Heist Baby

Posted: 07/25/19 07:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Killjoys...

All girls are filled with magic.

I did it, Papa.

She's the me I should have been.

She's your good wolf.

Jelco, I have a very special package with your name on it.

I've got something for you instead.


You're not yourself these days.

You're right.

I can't be a leader right now.

I don't want to be.

It's your army.

Take good care of it.

Any c*ptive can wrestle Big Borna for their freedom.

Aneeia's abilities with the Green are unlike anyone else's.

But thanks to a recent scientific breakthrough, we may not need her anymore.

And that's where you come in.

Take her to treatment.

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t, search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK So that's obviously not the best case scenario.

Yeah, that's the only case scenario.

I've run every possible variable, and they all end like this.



Well, technically, this is an implosion.

Well then, what are we missing?

We've 34 Black Root ships we can pilot and sink now, 1,200 Ferran mercenaries, Qreshi money, and an assload of angry Killjoys out for revenge.

And the Hullen have biology, Aneela, and a sweet-ass armada.

Since when do you let biology make you her bitch?

Since 127 probable outcomes agree.

Look, the Cleansed that Fancy recruited helped me build this model.

Some of them have actually seen what we're up against, D'av.

Head-to-head, we are toast.

How am I supposed to present this to the w*r council tonight?

"Welcome, I'll be your general this evening." "Congratulations, you've all signed up for certain death." I guess you should have thought of that before giving yourself a promotion, jefe.

- Don't give me shit, Johnny.

- Oh, I'm giving you shit.

See this?

This is my shit face.

- You took Dutch's army.

- She abandoned her army.

I gave her a push to wake her up.

Since when doesn't she push back?

That trip down Aneela memory lane jacked her up, and she won't tell me why.

She's acting weird.

She's hiding something.

I'm worried about her, D'av.

So am I.

But we've got a w*r ringing our doorbell any minute, John.

We need a leader, and whether we like it or not, it's not gonna be Dutch.

I don't like it.

But if I have to follow anyone else into shitty odds and a fiery death, I don't hate that it's you.

Thank you.

You say we can't win this head-to-head.

- We gotta get dirtier.

- Ass-to-mouth?

I'm saying if we're gonna win this w*r, we gotta cheat, Killjoy-style.

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ - Whoa.

- Freaky, huh?

I can't believe you didn't tell me.

We had a sweet-ass piece of Hullen biotech just sitting here all lonesome?

Sabine led us to it.

I wanted it destroyed.

Which would have been senseless destruction of an innocent, beautiful device.

Shh, now, it's okay.

You're safe.


What's inside?

This one Khlyen made me was a safe house, but the first one he made was a prison for Aneela.

I saw it in her memories.

This baby only opens for Dutch, nobody else.

So one keeps Aneela out, the other locks her in.

If we can figure out how it tells the difference between them, maybe we can use it.

You learn anything about Aneela and the Remnant that might be useful?

Something so I know what to look for?

Just that she can go into the Green and do things with memories that no one else can.

D'av's ready for another round of w*r games.

You in?


I'll catch up.

You sure?


Okay, but I'm eating all the good snacks.

You don't have to stay.

This may take me a while.

I know, but forget science and the cube.

There's something more important I need you to do.

Please don't say arm wrestle.

They're all useless shells.

Maybe if we knew which of them helped Gander take the Qreshi woman...

Her name is Kendry.

Why are you helping me, Brynn?

You aren't sl*ve Hullen.

You have a choice.

You're free, like Gander.

I fear you more than I fear him.


Tell me what you know.

I'm sorry, Commander, all I know is he used your research and he hid her away.

He used my research on Kendry?

Where is Kendry?

It takes four minutes to drown.

I'd say you've drowned and regenerated over 1,000 times by now.

How's my math?

Very good, Commander.

Finally come for a chat?

No, Gander.

I have come to break you.

You got something?

Well, after our less-than-awesome w*r prognosis, I was studying the mirror cubes for Dutch, just pondering our Hullen ass-to-mouth conundrum.

You ponder that a lot?

And I got to thinking, what if it's not just swanky locks that make them safe?

So I ran a few diagnostics and found this.

- Ooh, ahh, you're a genius.

- Shut up.

Now, that awesomeness you didn't hear was that silver cube emitting a frequency that can't be detected by human senses.

But if I fire the ship up, check out what these delicious little hertzes do to Hullen tech.


Complete disruption.

Navs, comms, weapons systems: All fritzed.

I think it's got something to do with how the Hullen link up neurally with the ships.

I think they're communicating via a frequency on a wavelength that we can't detect.

But this little baby disrupts it.

Johnny, this is good.

This is good shit.

If we can figure out a way to transmit this on a mass scale, we can fry them all mid-flight.

It's not a trap yet, but it's a good start.

Can you and Zeph nerd-g*ng some giant speaker unit for it?

A amplifier's not a problem.

The problem is locating a giant, sonic agitator.

That is a specialty item.

You need a giant vibrator.

For science.

And a little pleasure.

But science first.


There's a mining clan on Westerley.

Now, they use a Bio-Frequency Sonic Disruptor to strip-mine photonic crystals.

It's not perfect, but we can modify it to make it work.

- So let's go.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold on a second.

There's this one little problem.

These are not the kind of people that you buy things from.

Or trade with, or talk to, or make direct eye contact with.

So we gotta steal it.

Oh, we're gonna steal it.

And I know who can help us.

We come bearing gifts, Borna.

Surprised to get your message.

I heard Killjoys were going extinct in the Quad.

And you two are next.

Rumor is the RAC's under new management.

- Jelco?

- Tut-tut-tut.

g*ns down, everyone.

We're all old friends here.

If anything, I owe you two a thank you.

For what?

Taking you hostage?

- Getting you fired?

- Exploding your house?

- Ooh, I forgot about that one.

That's a good one.

- Yeah.

When your associate Fancy cut me loose, I did get into a bit of trouble in the wilds, it's true.

But Borna here got me out of it.

And we came to an exciting new arrangement.

I made him my wife.


The term is husband.

- Turd.

- "Third." Husband number three.

Not to brag.


You want intel on the Mole Miner Clan.

- What are you offering?

- The Royale's finest hokk.

We got three more crates of it.

Back of the line, turd.

Is he Borna's prisoner, or is Jelco into this?

With him, it's hard to tell.

The miners are violent, territorial, and paranoid.

The photonic crystals they mine are worth a fortune in joy, but no one has ever managed to successfully rob them.

Like I said, assholes.

- Vulnerabilities?

- One.

In transit.

They take the crystals and all their gear in a convoy at the end of each dig.

Specs on the convoy.

Only thing I couldn't get was codes for the safe truck they keep the crystals in.

It's all right.

We don't need them.

So if you have all this intel, why haven't you robbed them yourselves?

'Cause I ain't stupid.

It'd take big brains and bigger balls to rob these bastards and live.

Thank you.

Compliment accepted.




We're getting tired now, aren't we?

Your voice is dulcet as ever.

I've slashed your lungs twice, blinded you four...


Five times.

And I've literally had your guts for garters, which, sadly, wasn't as flattering as either of us might have hoped.


I've searched this ship high and low.

Where is Kendry?

If you really wanted to know, you'd let me connect to the Green.

Then you could go into my memories, and you could see for yourself.

But you won't, because you're avoiding it.

Oh, Commander, are we afraid?

You should be.

Oh, I'm afraid, Gander...

But not of what you think.

Okay, when we get back to the RAC, I'll put together a team.

Twenty or so guys.

Couple armored vehicles.

No, can't be a Killjoys-army mission.

- Where have you been?

- With Zeph.

Mani-pedis, pillow fights.


Trust me, this is literally the kind of job the phrase "you and what army?" was made for.

Johnny filled me in.

It's a good plan.

Okay, but...

But your secret w*apon only works if we keep it secret, D'av.

Look, I love our people, but the last time we tried a group op, we had a traitor.

And we know how that ended.

Okay, so, - what's the alternative?

- Us.

The way I see it, this is a straight-up reclamation gig.

Don't you think, Johnny?

Well, Westerley is old-school Killjoy turf.

So you're in?

Why not?

One last team mission.

Just us assholes saving the day while we steal a shiny w*apon.

Could be fun.

Remember fun?

That's the thing that comes with all the scars, right'?

Only if you do it right.

Buckle up, buttercup.

We're going on a heist.

Okay, yeah, something is definitely wrong with her.


So, they say the Mole Miner Clan are impossible to rob.

Blah, blah, blah, get to the ass-kickery bit, please.

They move the photonic crystals in a safe truck.

That's my sandwich, your shitty mugs are the guard vehicles, the safe truck is uncrackable, and outfitted with dead-man nukes.

- You enter the wrong code once...

- And there she blows.

Igniting all the crystals and sending everyone in a 50-mile radius to a horrific, fiery death.

I vote for not that.

Well, luckily we don't actually want the crystals, so we are not gonna mess with the highly explody safe truck, right, boys and girls?

Hey, hey.

You just ate a gunner.

The grapes represent the Moles' armed guards, and these b*tches do not mess around.

Now, the mine gear is in the rear.

The Sonic Disruptor will be right there.

Okay, so we know where the new dig site is.

How do we know what route the convoy's gonna take to get to it?

If it was my convoy, I'd go straight through the plains.

Fairly direct.

There's a workable ambush spot here.

I call dibs.

Yeah, if we can get the convoy to stop.

That's gonna be tricky.

All the vehicles are controlled with retinal scan ignitions.

And the Moles, they get a new batch of drivers every time they move sites.

Well, it sounds like we need a woman on the inside.

Let's do this, shall we, Gander?

Well, I can't say I've enjoyed the foreplay so far, Commander.

I know where Kendry is.

And now, the Lady does too.

So be it.

Commander, what's happening?

We're changing course.

Where are we going?

I think the Lady wants to have a word with you.

You know what this is, don't you, Brynn?

The core Green, it runs the ship.

Do you know where this goes?


Take me there.

Lock the door.

What is all this?

The library.

Whenever we pass a new plasma pool, Gander sends out ships to bring back samples.

And what do they use them for?


Our real job as handmaids is changing the plasma you bathe in and drink from, so Gander can study you for the Lady.

What's going on?

It's her.

All this is bonded to her.

Tell them to stand down.

I can't override her.

As long as she controls the plasma, she controls my ship, she controls my slaves.

She controls me.

Not anymore.

What are you doing?

Taking back what's mine.

- Are we safe?

- For now.

We need to get Kendry, before the Lady sends reinforcements.

That's him.

He's one of the Moles' new drivers.

You gotta get him alone upstairs so we can take him out quietly.

Hey, handsome.

Is this seat taken?

It's a shame to drink alone.

Hook a girl up?

Barkeep's over there.

Okay, then.

Well, it's, uh.

Hot out there today, huh?

I sure could use a long, cool drink.

Buy you a drink upstairs?



Oh, like you were any smoother.

He's into g*ns.

Just not mine.

We don't have time for this.

Hey, buddy, got a sec?

Sweet package.

Is that a Troubetzkoy Blaster?

- Latest model.

- Never seen one up close.

- Looks like it's got some heft.

- Yeah.

But it's not the big g*ns you gotta look out for.

It's the little pricks you never see coming.

You okay, guy?

Had a little too much to drink, huh?

I thought we were gonna do this somewhere private.

We were, until it became clear someone had to get actual g*ns out.

What did I tell you about incapacitating my customers?

Keep it in the back rooms...

And not the ones that tip.

Thank you.

Even if it determines the fate of our w*r?

'Cause I think that deserves some front-room action.

Front or back should always be a pre-game discussion, sweet cheeks.


I'll keep him here and out of your hair.

Not done with him yet.

One for me.

And one for me.

Three loads today.

Pick your position.

Kind of into missionary.

You're in the front, creeper.

All right.

I'll go familiarize myself.

Tough crowd.

All right, Dutch is already in position.

I just need you to hit the detonator and stop the convoy on the mark.

You remember which wiry thing to plant the expl*sive on?


Base combustion.

Cut the fuel line, wheels stop.

Just make sure it's the line and not the t*nk.

The last thing that we need is this whole safe truck to go boom.

Not my first rodeo, Johnny.

The b*mb is on a five-second delay.

You got the detonator?

In my pocket.

Hey, stop him!

Stop that thief!

Where is it?

He's got a crystal.

All right, listen up, primates.

This is what happens when you screw with the Moles.

Back to work.

Get that piece of shit out of here.

I'm in position.

Meet you at the rendezvous.

Good to go.

One last thing.

What if I have to pee?

You guys are all about 10:00 and 2:00, huh?

Safety first.

It's a little restrictive.

You talk too much.

Hey, Dutch, the truck in the back has the Sonic.

The safe truck with the crystals is in the middle.

Almost in the pipe.

Are you ready?

For about two hours.

Starting to get a bloody cramp.

D'av should be stopping the safe truck any minute now.

Any minute.

Okay, well, this is a little bit awkward, but, uh, between us boys, I left the army on a med ticket.

I got this, uh, well, I guess you could call it a skin condition.

Moist rash, if you will.

I got a cream in my pocket, but damn these cuffed hands.

That sounds like D'av may not be in play.

D'av, you're gonna ride right past Dutch in five, four, three, two...


They've just gone straight past.

What the hells is up with D'av?

He can't get to the detonator.

What am I supposed to do, hitch a bloody ride?

Can you stop them remotely?


No, I can't risk it, not with the dead-man nukes on the safe truck.

D'av, you need to hit that trigger right now.

Use your damn elbow if you have to.

What the hells?

Sorry, fellas!

Sometimes you just gotta scratch.

The fuel engine should pop any second.

What was that?

What's happening?

The safe truck's lost power.

Full company!



Come here.

Keep your eye on this one.

I don't trust him.

Convoy's halted.

The Sonic truck has two guards.

Time to move, Dutch.

Yeah, with pleasure.

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

We got company.

Out here?

What are they, dust mites?



Yeah, always popping up to ruin the mood.

That's him, the STD of villains.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

This is a robbery.

Is this some kind of joke?

I don't think so.

You think so?

Nope, no, this is quite definitely a robbery.

You think three men can take on the Moles?

Oh, I can do a few better than that.

And that driver is also a thief.


Even if you get through us, you still need the right codes to get into the safe truck.

Otherwise, the whole thing blows sky high.

Look at this face.

Does it look worried?


You know why not?

Because my friend there has got the codes already.

No, I don't.

What do you mean, no, you don't?

You told Borna you don't need the codes.

Oh, shitballs.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that safe truck is a pants-shittingly powerful nuclear w*apon.

What the hells is Jelco doing?

Crashing the party, stealing our crystals.

Now, let's not waste a sparkly distraction.

I'm grabbing the Sonic.

Uncuff me, man.

Don't worry, sailor, you'll be together soon.

Oh, well, thanks for keeping the seat warm.

I've got the Sonic!

Time to sail, D'av.


Working on it!


Bringing Lucy round to the rendezvous in three minutes.

- D'av.

- Get the Sonic out of here.

Don't wait for me.

And there's my backup.

You were supposed to make this simple for us.

Why would your lady friend ignore the big safe full of photonic crystals entirely?

She's not into material things?

You're going to have to explain a lot more than that.


You could both just die a real painful death.

So this is definitely a good news/bad news.

- We got the Sonic...

- But they've got D'av.

The Moles will be in retreat mode after the attack.

We go in hot, they won't be expecting it so fast.

You think we got enough firepower for that?

Just you and me?

Well, they've got two trucks, maybe 12 men who just blew half their a*mo in the heist.

- We've got...

- Company.

Oh, hey, Borna.

Slabs of meat.

What the hells is a Sonic?

And why do the Moles want it back from me?

Lucy, remember we talked about not opening the door for anyone with pamphlets?

Their pamphlets had nuke g*ns, Dutch.

And we'll use them, unless you tell me why my asshat third husband is in a Mole camp right now.

Because he ambushed our heist to steal the Moles' crystals.



Also, do you know any other words?

If people find out you've been double-crossing, it'll be bad for business.

Right now, my business is getting his scrawny ass back.

Get that Sonic junk.

You touch my junk, I touch yours.

Borna, think it through.

The minute you hand over this, they'll k*ll Jelco, D'av, and you.

Jelco's my strategy husband.

I need him for this shit.

Yeah, they've got my right-hand guy too.


I'm right here.

You're my left, John.

That's the handsome one, right?

Closest to my heart.

Let's go get our boys back, shall we?

Is she dead?

She's beautiful.

Incubation override.

And she's alive.

They both are.

Then why isn't she moving?

She needs time.

If I wake her too soon, it may traumatize...




We've come to put you back in your cage.

Oh, I don't think so.

I don't like cages.

The Lady sends her regards.

And I'll be sure to send her your heads.

Remember this moment, so you can pass on the message to your Lady.

I found the door.

And I know how to close it.

Miss me?


I was supposed to save you.

Are you well?

I feel strong.

And hungry.

Oh, my...

Am I...

Don't panic.

What did they do to me?

Gander used my research.

It was only a theory, but...

It worked.

What is this?

I'm not sure yet.

But it may be the answer to our problems.

Do you trust me?

I do.

Then we'll figure this out together.

Do you want to go and t*rture Gander for a bit?

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

Let's go t*rture Gander for a bit.

Like, a lot of t*rture.

Oh, as much as you want.

And ice cream.

I got word to Borna.

Guess we'll see if she likes you more than her last third husband.

If I were you, I'd be more worried about hurting any of her boys.

She's rather fond of them.

And my boys aren't too fond of dirt pirates who rip them off.

So you better hope that.

Borna gets here soon with our machine before we run out of targets.

He's just talking tough.

They wouldn't dare lay a hand on Borna's boys.

No, don't, please!

Oh, God.

We're all gonna die.

Well, maybe you should've thought about that before trying to rob these psychopaths.

Oh, oh, really?

And what's your excuse?

We're on a mission to save the Quad, and humanity.

Oh, spare me the speeches.

Your real mission is protecting Dutch, whether she wants you to or not.

I see the way you look at her.

You'd cut the balls from a dead man if she asked.

Which I understand.

The things we do for love, hey.

I'm not a third husband, Jelco.

No, but you are a number two.

You want to rethink that?

Well, take me and Borna.

She's got a lot of muscle around, especially Number One.

Seen his abs?

Is there such a thing as an eight-pack?

Jelco, if you wanted help escaping Borna, you could have just told us.


Why would I want to escape?

I love Borna.

- You do?

- Well, of course.

She's powerful and wily.

Delicious curves.

The way she treats you?

Well, if you think that's bad, you've never seen a Company year-end review.

At least with Borna, after the berating and the punching, there's cuddles.

And then more punching, the sexy kind.

No, I like where I'm headed, Jaqobis.

Not on top.

Certainly not on bottom.

But right at her side.

That's the only spot that matters to me.

That's where I shine.

Dutch is different.

She doesn't want to lead anymore.

I don't know how to get through to her.

Some advice then?

Do you know the key to a good number two?


Give her something that no one else can, something she needs, whether she knows it or not.

Like a truckload of crystals?

It was our anniversary.

Oh, gosh, this is it.

No, no, no, I know that auto-burst pattern.

That's not the Moles.

That's Dutch.

Oh, we're saved?

Well, we are sitting on a nuke truck.

It can never be just one thing, can it?

You fellas ready to come home?

Borna, darling.

One husband as promised.

♪ There she goes ♪ I guess he's into it.

♪ There she goes ♪ Mmm.

Try that shit again, I k*ll you myself.

But I'm glad you survived.

You can ride up front with me.

Oh, yes.

Watch your back, Number One.

I'm coming for you.

And your eight-pack.

So, we good?

My lady.

They're good.

And she has my ring.

Poor little lamb.

Had a bit of a day, have we?

I know the feeling.

You're looking well.

New haircut?

I'll almost miss you, Gander.

Oh, am I going somewhere?

I'll get my bag.

I can tell you to enjoy these last few minutes, but honestly, I don't want you to.

You are nothing, you know'?

Just another pretty doll, trying to reach outside her box, until I made you special.

See, this is your fundamental problem.

You keep underestimating me.

This is about free will, which you took from me and no longer get to have.


You put something in me, Gander.

So now, I'm putting something in you.

- Take him to the chair.

- No.



Round up all the other free Hullen.

- Transfuse them all.

- No.

Except Brynn.

She earned her reward.

- Feeling better?

- I will.

I've got a list of degrading things I can't wait to make him do.

Who was he working for, Aneela?

If not you, then...

We call her the Lady.

She lives in the Green.

Like the way you can go inside it?

Yes, but she's stuck there.

And she wants out.



I ran everything like you asked.

I stripped your double helixes to their backbones.

You and Aneela are virtually identical, except for one thing.

You're her chiral.

Her what?

A double helix spins, right?

Your DNA spins in the opposite direction of Aneela's, like a flipped image.

The right strands of her DNA are the left of yours.

That's not supposed to be possible.


What the hells is going on, Dutch?

Remember when I told you that.

Aneela can do tricks in the Green?

Yeah, she can go inside memories.

And she can bring things back.

She brought me out of the Green, Zeph.

Took me from a memory.

What's that make me?


Which pool of Green Plasma did she pull you from?



She made it from her spinal fluid, her Green.



Hang on, we need to think this through until we understand the rules, rework our plan of attack.

- No, we don't.

- You aren't getting it.

In Hullen terms, Aneela may be your original source.

- I know.

- You need a demonstration.


I know.

I just needed to be sure.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

This is not okay.

We finally have our secret w*apon.

The armada will always have more ships.

So, rangers, we need your people to scout and find an ideal site for w*r on the ground.

How do we lure them into a ground fight?

We'll need some kind of bait.

Then we deploy the Sonic once their ships approach.

And then...

Cut their numbers in half with one stroke.

Half of them is still an assload more than all of us.

If you want to be a pessimist.

And if the Sonic disrupts their ships, won't it disrupt our Black Root ships too?

Yeah, we're working on that, okay?

This plan has an awful lot of moving parts.

Are you fighting this w*r because it's easy'?

Or because it's important?

It's a good plan, you guys.


I'm tired of hearing how strong the Hullen are, that they're unbeatable, because in battle, they're one entity.

What one knows, they all know.

What one wants, they all want.

- You're not helping.

- You are.

The w*apon that John is building right now changes that.

It disrupts their connection.

Separated, they are no different than us.

They still have instant healing and superior strength.

The Hullen have no weakness.

Oh, the Hullen have a weakness.


Numbers don't count without free will.

They're not a million soldiers, they're one soldier.


So it doesn't matter how many more legs a spider has.

All you have to do is cut off its head.

k*ll Aneela, win the w*r.

Have you decided what you want to do?

Not yet.

In my defense, not exactly the type of decision I pictured making as a Hullen.

How did you first become Hullen?

I had an arrangement with your father.

Protect his interests during the Quad handover, he'd transform me once it was done.

But I failed.

Papa didn't like failure.

Neither do I.

But the conversion tools were still buried beneath Spring Hill, so I improvised.


Why did you first bring me here, Aneela?

Papa trusted you.

So I thought I might too.

What's the point of living forever if you have to do it all alone?

Gander has been dosing me with so much Green all this time.

I have so many memories swimming in my head.

I've tried to fix myself for so long.

You're the only thing that's worked.

You're my tether, Kendry.

She's going to keep coming for us, isn't she, the Lady?

Let her.

I have hated Dutch for so long it blinded me.

But I figured out a way to destroy her and the Lady too.

Two b*tches, one stone.

I need you to do something for me first.

You're not gonna like it.

That's pretty.

Aw, thanks.

I meant your tune.

Your pottery is still a hate crime.

You know, ever since you got back from your Remnant acid trip, you have been in a very good mood.

We just got a w*apon that can take out half the Hullen and had some hasty goodness.

What's not to be happy about?

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out.

'Cause this is weird.

Something's weird.

You're weird.

Oh, because I'm humming?

Yeah, I'm a real monster.

What happened in the Remnant, Dutch?

What did you see?

I told you.

Just old family photos, baby shoes.

Aneela can do parlor tricks.


There's more to it.

Nothing relevant to the w*r, General.

Yeah, that right there, that's how I know something's up.

It's not like you to step back from a fight.

I am not.

- I know what I have to do.

- k*ll Aneela?

We need something more concrete.

You need a plan.

I have a plan.

Then tell me.

I'm the guy you don't protect from ugly shit.

Why start now?



Aneela made me.

From her Green.

I'm part of her.

What does that mean, made you?


That doesn't even make sense.

All that matters is that it's true.

That's how I'm tied to her.

Aneela's my original source, D'av.

This is Hullen 101, Dutch.

If you k*ll Aneela...

I die too.

That's why you're the general.

I need you to think like one now.

Johnny would put me first.

And you know that can't happen, right?

But with John's new toy, we can distract the Hullen force.

Minimal casualties.

I sneak onto the armada.

And then what?

I take down Aneela, like an assassin, like I was raised to.

When I end Aneela, the w*r ends too.

No one else has to die.

Except you.

You can't save me without losing this w*r.

And if we lose this w*r, she's gonna k*ll me anyway.

All that I ask is to get to take that bitch with me.

That's my plan.


♪ There she goes ♪ ♪ That angel in my eyes ♪ ♪ I love her ♪ ♪ For she is my dream ♪