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03x05 - Attack the Rack

Posted: 07/23/19 09:35
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Killjoys" - 437 local agents have stopped reporting for duty.

Until we know why, my investigators and I are assuming full control of this RAC effective immediately.

There are two strains of Hullen.

Some were made to take orders.

Some were born to give them.

- We're coming for you.

- We can't win this w*r on skirmishes.

We need bigger targets.

We need an army.

Welcome to the revolution.

It's some kind of genetic b*mb.

You could wipe out an entire bloodline with this.


[all screaming]

Oh, yeah.

[man and woman moaning]

- I can't.

- Shh.

- Let them finish.

- Why?

We have g*ns.

They have no pants.

Professional etiquette.

- Cardiff's a ranking officer.

- [scoffs]

From a different sector.

Barely counts.

My ears need a shower.

Oh, my God, incoming!

Hard left, hard left!

And counseling.

Guys, kind of on a timeline.

[man and woman grunting and moaning]

- May I, Eddie Etiquette?

- You first.

[dramatic music]

- Oh.

- What the hells?

Is it too late to go back in the closet?

Yeah, a little bit.

Captain Cardiff, we're taking you to the Quad now.

Are you kidding me?

You know how little free time I get?

- Sorry.

- Apologies.

- You can, uh - Very rude.

Cover up with this.

- What the hells is this?

- A hostage-taking.

Again, we apologize.

- What's that for?

- Tipping her.

- She did all the work.

- Thank you.

Heading to Black Site.

Sorry for the cloak and dagger.

- Had to be done.

- Turin.

What the bloody hells?

Morning, sunshine.

Fancy, want to give Captain Drunk Pants a poke there for me?

You abducted three interstellar RAC captains from the biggest outposts in the J.

That ticks all the boxes for stupid.

Yeah, I wish your travel arrangements had been more befitting your rank, but I don't have time to give a shit.

- None of us do.

- [chuckles]

This some kind of joke to you, agent?

No, you pompous ass.

This is a bloody coup.

[rock music]

Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh I'm not gonna pretend that I ever liked you, Turin, but I never took you for a traitor.

It's okay, Cardiff.

I always took you for a moron.

But even you've heard of Level VI, haven't you?

Level VI?


That's a myth.

That's horseshit.

Yeah, that's what I thought, till I met folks like her.

Meet Lucian Kitaan.

Transferred to my RAC nine years ago.

Background unknown.

She's over 100 years old.

Looks pretty good, doesn't she?

- Why isn't she moving?

- A little paralytic agent we cooked up to help with the fidgeting.

You're gonna let that Killjoy and all of us go, or I'm gonna have your balls and your badge, all of you.

Then I definitely shouldn't do this.

[soft dramatic music]

They're called Hullen.

Human hosts taken over by an alien parasite.

Turns them into hive-minded sociopaths.

They're stronger, faster than us, and they can heal from almost any injury.

- What do they want?

- To make more of them and less of us.

Every RAC is crawling with them.

They use RACs to vet viable hosts and control strategic positions in the J.

You're only captains in name.

The real power behind the RAC are the Hullen.

I think I would know if alien parasites were hiding on my ship.

We knew you'd doubt us, but we don't have the time, so tonight we're gonna prove it teach you how to clean your house by cleaning ours.

What the hells does that mean?

We still have Hullen in our own RAC.

Tonight we wipe them out once and for all.

You have front-row seats to the show.

In front of you, you've got everything that you need if you join the fight the locations of all the plasma pools nearest your own RACs, a sample of the black plasma you'll use to poison that pool so these alien dickholes don't replicate, and a knife that you'll use to prove that you're all human.

- What's in the cup?

- Coffee.

It's gonna be a long night.

[suspenseful music]

Commander, why was Fell Squad given orders to divert course?

There is a package I need collected.

Fell Squad was closest to coordinate.

Fell Squad monitors the Quad.

After Kendry's misguided warrant for the Killjoy, I thought we agreed the Quad was of no strategic value.

Oh, did we?

Poor Kendry's been feeling homesick, so I thought I'd bring her back something - pretty from her galaxy.

- Ooh.

Commander, as your second, it is challenging to fulfill my duties if you don't share your plans with me.

You know there could be consequences to our acting alone.



Consequences like these?

My counsel is a privilege, Gander, not a right.

Aneela, please.

The poor little nugget is only trying to serve you as best as he knows how.

[grunts, breathing heavily]

- Thank you, Commander.

- Thank her, nugget.


Thank you, Kendry.

Seyah Kendry is my full title.



Not getting nervous about your op, are you?

- I don't do nervous.

- Might want to start.

Kidnapping RAC captains?

If we fail, they'll bring the entire agency down on our heads, and, oh, yeah, humanity dies.

Well, your pep talk needs work, Coach.

- All human.

- Even Cardiff?

Well, I guess even the Hullen have standards.

Me and Fancy will keep the brass in line.

You go kick some alien ass.

Planning on it, starting with Banyon Grey.

[soft dramatic music]

Captain, latest surveillance report on target agents no missteps yet.

Don't worry.

They will.

Attack squads are on approach.

Listen up.

Be smart in there.

Know your pattern, and we all come home.

Sweep, search, skewer, squad by squad.

Each squad has been assigned a sector of the RAC.

Ours is 40.

Area maps are on your PDDs.

Level IIIs and up, keep an eye on the newbies.

Lose one and answer to me.

Benji, McAvoy, you're with us.

What is it, Pukes?

There'll be hundreds of agents on the ship.

- How many are Hullen?

- We don't know.

We're hunting Hullen in a haystack.

But if they look just like us, isn't it hunting hay in a haystack?

That's what these are for, wiseass.

Do not remove your masks until Johnny has vented the station and given us the all-clear.

The paralytic agent he's releasing works on Hullen and humans, so if this shit gets in your lungs, your muscles seize for hours.

- Where's Johnny now?

- Doing what he does best.

[computer beeping]

Jerry, my friend, - I have returned.

- Get the hells out of here, Jaqobis.

It's my ass if Turin finds out you're here.

Gingervitis still can't take a joke, huh?

Dude, you vented the box through his office.

Which is why I brought air freshener, to make amends.

Leithian pine.

- Sorry, Jer.

- [gasps, grunting]

Way to make me not have to k*ll you, Jer.

I owe you a beer.

Now to seduce life support with some sweet, sultry hacking.

Special targets need special weapons.

Test is simple.

They bleed, they're human.

They heal on the spot This will be your new best friend.

Remember, jab and s*ab to the brain pan.

Aren't they still Killjoys?

These are not your friends.

These are not your coworkers.

They're an alien bug who will k*ll you and wear your body like a sweater.

So don't cry for the monsters we k*ll.

Think of the Killjoys we save.

Damn, you give good speech, lady.

External comms are disabled.

The only data going out is our feed to the Black Site.

We're live to air, people, so look pretty for the cameras.

You heard the man.

Final weapons check.

What if we get separated?

I make one promise to my team if I got you in, I'll get you out.

I can't believe you say that to all the nerds.

What, you didn't think you were special, did you?

RAC systems are synced to your PDDs, which means masks on, ladies and gents.

We are officially a go.

Copy that.

Go for attack.

Yes, they are stronger and faster, but they are not Killjoys.

We do not run.

We do not hide.

We hit first.

The warrant is all.

All: The warrant is all.

A and B Squad are in final approach.

Docking now.

Good luck in there.

[suspenseful music]

Gas is ignited.

Paralytic effects will last one hour.

All units wait for my signal.

Warning contamination detected.

[alarm blaring]

Proceed to emergency stations.

[indistinct shouting]

Captain, your target agents have entered the RAC.

I've got you now.

[all coughing]

All squads go for entry.

Dutch's strike team has deck to 40.

Venting complete.

Oxygen levels normal.

Boys time to slice and dice.

[suspenseful music]

[breathing shakily]

Just nick them, McAvoy, you don't need to shave them.

Everybody stay calm.

We're not here to hurt you.

Most of you.

Damn, another bleeder.

Which is a good thing.

I thought you were worried about k*lling Killjoys.

The Hullens aren't Killjoys, right?

Meat puppets in a uniform?

Once we sweep this sector, we regroup with the rest of the squad.

Copy that.

- Guys, I think I got one.

- Then you know what to do.

If he could move, Benji, he wouldn't hesitate to k*ll you.

Come on.

Don't be a p*ssy, Benj.

You got this, Pukes.

So, so, so sorry.

- Benji!

- [choking]

Sweet mother of shit.

Why aren't they paralyzed?

- They keep coming.

- Headshots, then dreadnoughts.




Someone respond.

What the hells is going on?

How the hells are the Hullen moving?

It's an ambush.

They're outnumbered.

They have to get the hell out of there.

They've seen worse odds.

Trust me.

Dutch knows what she's doing.

The blasts can k*ll our own.

Watch your fire.

- There's too many of them.

- Keep it together, newbie!

[all shouting]

Clear my path.

Hold on, Benji!

Burn the ashes Fire burns Rising slowly As you fall [choking]

Rise Rise Why the hells is the gas not working?

I don't know.

This is a disaster.

This is worse than a disaster.

This is a failed g*dd*mn mutiny, and that is on you.

Shut your mouth so I can think beyond the fumes.

You had that green shit in your veins.

Any idea how they got the jump on us?

Wait, wait, hold on.

Are you saying he was one of them?

Not on purpose.

I'm better now.


- Talk.

- Hullen don't play possum.

If all they wanted was to stop our attack, we never would have got inside.

They want something else.



Kitaan's only been in custody a week.

She may know something.

Let me talk to her.

Dutch took the last of the nerve toxin, and that shit's wearing off.

I'm not putting you alone in a cage with a barracuda.


She's got a b*mb collar.

What can she do?

Blow her head off if she tries anything.

- Medi patch.

- They were mainlining anti-paralytic the whole time.

That's why the gas didn't affect them.

- They knew we were coming?

- Because someone sold us out.

We have a mole.

What about the other strike teams?

Well, most of their comms are offline.

They're either hiding or dead.

We need to abort, get back to the Black Site, have the other RAC captains call for reinforcement.

They can't call for backup until they know their own RACs are clean, and we can't abort because we've paralyzed every human on this g*dd*mn station.

We're the only ones who can stop the Hullen - from slitting their throats.

- a*mo's tight.

We didn't pack for active combatants.

We're outnumbered maybe ten to one.

Let's head to the Armory start shopping for some heavy firepower.

I'll cook us up a shortcut.

[PDD beeping]

[soft dramatic music]

I promised Benji I'd get him out of this.

He knew the risks.

He went out a hero.

Got our exit.

McAvoy, let's go.

- Move fast, stay close.

- [sighs]

Keep your distance.

If she tries anything, she's brain paste.

[devices beep]

Someone cut the feeds.

We've lost eyes.

Make it quick.


Bad day at the office, huh?


[comm beeps]


A Squad, we can't hear you.

We're taking fire!

Retreating now!

Heading to the Armory.

We'll join you when we can.

First firefight?

Benji had a quick death.

He wouldn't have felt it.

Yeah, if you forget the strangling part.

There's a time for sad, okay?

But right now we need to hold on to the mad.

- It'll keep you alive.

- He shouldn't have died.

Benji didn't even want field duty.

I pushed him.

I'm just so sick of guys like you getting all the g*ns and glory.

Don't feel so glorious, does it?


Armory's right below us.

Quickest way is through that garbage chute there.


Time to get your hands dirty, McAvoy.

You have no idea.


Oh, please.

Weapons down.

I suggest you follow the young man's lead.

I suggest you learn how to count, because you're outnumbered.

Hmm, one, two, three, four.

Oh, look, we have more.

g*ns down.

Thank you.

[dramatic music]

You see, we'd rather not damage the merchandise.

Stop her!

[blaster firing]

You, find her.

Or the commander will boil your eyes in their sockets.

Well, they say that one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Which one are you?

[dramatic music]

[electricity fizzles]

And shit.

Boys, if you can hear me, I'm heading to the Armory.

I'm clean if you're worried.

Getting tested regularly, that's just good manners.

Sample successful.

Label this Jaqobis one.

You don't have to worry about D'Av, though.

He's going through a bit of a dry spell.


I had a little brother once.


It's a complicated relationship.

That's probably why I k*lled him.

His constant need to prove himself to me was exhausting.

- [grunts]

- Am I right, D'Avin?

Look, I don't mean to insult another man's work, but I've seen kittens play better mind games.



Take a jump ship.

Leave the Quad and wait for your orders from the commander.

I have so many questions.

Where to begin?

How about how exactly did you poison our pool in Arkyn?

We know it was someone on your team.

We just don't know how.

So what makes you boys so special?

Hey, we'd love to tell you - super-chatty guys - Super chatty.

But then you'd have no reason to keep us all alive.

Hmm, perhaps a little incentive, then.

I could execute all the humans that you so thoughtfully paralyzed for us.

Theatrics can be a persuasive tool, but I'm also drawn to more intimate threats.

Well, then I hope that chair's ribbed for our pleasure.


You see, the beauty of this device is your low pain tolerance makes it very effective, but your soft tissue makes it very entertaining.

- Oh, sounds like a dare.

- Yes.

I double-dog-dare you to watch your brother suffer Until you give me the answers that I need.


Such a waste.

Khylen's right-hand man demoted to asswipe.

Bad look for Hullen.

I'm not Hullen anymore.

I've been cleansed.

Ha, is that what the kids are calling it?

Must be recent.

Still have that new-human smell.

You said they feel no emotions.

Manipulation is not an emotion.

Hullen feel no connections, but they love to mess with your head.

The longer your brother sits in the hot seat, the more the machine eats his memory.

Little details go first you know, what he had for breakfast, his favorite color until he loses the concept of breakfast entirely, which would be a pity.

I'm guessing he's the smart one.

Maybe this will make you chattier.

[machine thrumming]

[strains, screams]

[machine powers down]

[exhaling sharply]



Bacon, eggs, and two sh*ts of hock.

I've been blowing my brain cells for years on booze, boobs, and back issues of "Captain Apex," and I'm still the smartest guy in the Quad.


Let's see what we can do about that.

[device beeps, machine thrums]



Aneela's on the bridge.

But I was hoping to find you, Seyah.

I wanted to thank you for speaking on my behalf earlier.

If only I had the same soothing effect on the commander.

What's your technique?

Pillow fights?

Bubble baths?

Oh, stop.

I'm getting aroused.

How about we skip to what you want, toad?

Well, what I want involves excising your tongue with a nail file, but then how would you tell me what you want?

What I want?

The commander showed zero interest in the Quad until you arrived, and now we're heading, all g*ns, towards it.

- Imagine that.

- Oh, she changed her mind.

Isn't that the fun of being an all-powerful despot?

Oh, I wouldn't know, but I suspect you would.

What does your blunt little heart desire?

A fleet?

A corner of the J?

I can give you whatever you hunger for.


Said every gross man ever.

I don't need you to give me things, Gander.

I'm quite capable of just taking them.

Well, you'll never take my place, Seyah, try as you might.

Oh, sweetie I already have.

[mischievous music]

This should make things interesting.

Ah, you brought me a gift.

- Are we dating now?

- Optic implant.

- Dial it up - [device beeping]

And you can hear your own blood pumping, your eyeballs moving.

You can't focus.

It will drive anyone crazy, even you.

- [screaming]

- [high-pitched whirring]

What's happening in the RAC?

What are your people doing to my people?

Remind me which of them are your people now?

Hullen or human?

Well, doesn't that just cuddle my ballsack.

Whole operation's gone sideways, and what do you do?

You put an ex-double agent in a cell with a former puppet master.

- Solid strategy, Turin.

- Fancy is cleansed.

Poison the source, and the parasites die.

That's the rainbow at the end of this shit-nami.

If there is a mole, Fancy's the best g*dd*mn shot we got at learning who it is. .

What if he's the mole, idiot?

[tense music]


Almost to the Armory, boys.

Then I'm coming straight for you.

[boots squeaking]

[suspenseful music]

They'll smell me before they can hear me.

Back to basics, Yale.

[door opens]

- Level 32 is secure, sir.

- Sweep all floors.

We're not leaving until we find her.


Who is the mole?

Do you miss it?

How the green connects us?

No fear.

They're all coming back to us, you know.

- The cleansed.

- Bullshit.

You traded virtual immortality for what?

A pension?

Working for people who will never stop fearing you?

My people trust me.

They shouldn't.

I wouldn't.

You traded down, and that truth will become an itch, and it will grow into a burn until you come begging us to make you Hullen again, and they know it.

You weren't cleansed.

You're in remission.

You better double that boy's pension, or he's coming for all of us.


[machine powers down]


Johnny, you with me?

Johnny, what's 6 times 12?

Ask me questions you actually know the answer to.

Who's the first person you slept with?

[soft dramatic music]

I can't remember.

[breathing sharply]

D'Av, I can't remember.

Surely, whatever you're hiding can't be worth a lobotomy.

Depends on who's getting it.

D'Av, let's all just keep it in our pants till Dutch gets her ass here, okay?

Such faith.

Perhaps we should give her a little green upgrade.

Anyone who tries gets a nasty case of the deads.

Challenge accepted.

I do hope she hurries.

She's next on my list.

- [machine thrums]

- [screaming]

Hang in there, boys.

I'm still in the Armory packing a nutritious death for that little shit burger.

[suspenseful music]

Holy hells.

What are you doing here?


Turin, you cheeky bastard.


Just pack away the most dangerous w*apon ever invented in a dusty box.

All haircut, no brains.

On that we agree.

But whose box are you calling dusty?

I was hoping you'd show yourself.

Banyon, give me the codes to open the door.

And let you take out more of my agents?

I've got this entire level on lockdown.

- You're not going anywhere?

- Can we cut the shit?

No one wins an award for best performance of a human by an alien parasite bitch.

If my friends die because of you, I'll scrape out your skull with a spoon.


Give me the override codes, you Hullen bitch!

[grunts, breathing heavily]

Why aren't you healing?

Oh, you're human?

At least one of us is.

He's not gonna tell you anything, and I don't plan to.

We're cool like that.

You're good men.

Good men break.


What the hells is this?

- [g*n clicks]

- Is the life of an innocent worth keeping your brotherly secrets?

The suspense is unbearable.

What are you doing, Radek?

We had a deal.

McAvoy, you sold us out?

- It's not what you think.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

Don't be modest.

This tricky dicky traded your attack plans for the promise of eternal life.

Hmm, too bad, so sad.

Not Hullen material.

I mean, is this what you're fighting for, boys?

So these shining examples of the human spirit can survive?

That's the deal.

Humans get to choose.

McAvoy chose wrong.


And that's why you'll never defeat us.

Our soldiers lack morality biologically incapable of betraying one another.

That sounds a lot like sl*very to me.

Yeah, well what empire is built without slaves?

The good kind.

Is that right, McAvoy?


"Nuh-uh, Radek.

" [chuckles]


Theatrics can be a very powerful learning tool.

How did you survive the gas?

I used my jacket to make an emergency seal.

How the hells did you make it through field training?

Open the doors.

I'll go and get help.


I got stabbed.

I'm not stupid.

What the hells is going on out there?

Covert op.

We used the gas to flush out hidden enemies hiding in the ranks, but we were we were double-crossed.

- You you called them Hullen.

- Parasitic collective.

They use the RACs to shop for bodies.

- Level VI is real.

- I knew it.

I've been chasing that shit for years at my RAC.

Every time I got close, the brass would shut me down.

That's why I came here to find out why your agents went AWOL and why you were in the middle of it.

I thought you were the enemy.


Banyon, I'm sorry.

Ah, I bet you that doesn't come out of your mouth much.

Not one of my go-tos.

Look, d-don't be sorry, girl.

Just be stronger.

Be smarter.

And that's the only way we'll win.

G-give me your PDD.

[somber music]

[device whirring]

I'll come back for you.

If you don't, I'll come for you.

If I can't break you, how about I make you one of us?

Hullen have no secrets.

Or are you going to stop me, big brother?

Thinking about it real hard.

D'Av, don't.

- [high-pitch whirring]

- [whimpering]

[dramatic music]


Nice work.

Wrong guy.

I've only seen the commander do something like that.

Now I see why she wants you.

All right, take him to the ship.

Hey, how about round 15.

Still got a lot of sappy love songs stuck in my head I'm looking to offload.

Oh still trying to get out of your brother's shadow.

Heartbreaking if I had a heart.

k*ll him.

Stop fighting who you really are.

You've been on both sides.

- You know which one will win.

- Fancy, what's she saying?


Let me out.

Get me to the green so I can contact our people.

Don't let her mess with your head.

I'll tell them what you did.

You can be whole again.

I am whole.

Oh, well I did try.

Pull that trigger, we both go boom.

Do it.

That's how you make it interesting.

Before you get all sh**t, grant a dying man's last request.


I didn't say which of us would be dying.

Thought I'd return the favor.

- McAvoy?

- He's the mole.

What, are you planning a trip to the beach?

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah.

Where's D'Av?

Radek forced the green magic out of him.

Now they're taking him to the big Hullen zoo in the sky, so we have to catch them.

We might not have to.

- Remember this?

- Holy shit.

It's a genetic b*mb.

Turin had it locked up in the Armory.

Well, he never was a planner.

All Hullen share the same parasite DNA, right?

Think we can take them out with this remotely?

Maybe, if we can find a lab, and if those bastards didn't fry the wire whispering out of me.

Come on, beautiful.

Time to open the kimono.

What are you waiting for?

Do it!

- Blow the b*mb!

- That's my man in there.

Wake up!

They're working together.

- It's an act.

- Shut up!

See, Fancy?

Tell me again about human loyalty.

Suck it, snake.

Turin, open the door!

If you unlock that door, he's gonna k*ll us all.

He is not one of us.

- Turin!

- [grunts]

[suspenseful music]

Lost your chance.

Name one thing that's better about being human.

- One!

- [choking]

Not being you.

- [high-pitched whirring]

- [screaming]


Is she dead?

- [breathing heavily]

- Not yet.

Inform the commander that we've obtained the package.

We'll head to the rendezvous coordinates as soon as the rest of the Fell Squad returns to the ship.

And the rest of the station?

Find the girl, k*ll the rest.

- I stabbed Banyon.

- Well, that was the plan.

She's not Hullen, Johnny.

She's one of us, and I stabbed her.

- She's still alive.

- We'll get her help.

Promise, but right now we need to focus on getting D'Av back.

Will the b*mb take out all the Hullen?


It targets specific DNA strands.

Hullen DNA is bonded to the human cells of the host.

Now, in theory, I can expand the genetic parameters to tell the difference between them and us, in theory.

So why isn't your face happier?

Because there's a chance the b*mb won't be able to tell what is human and what is Hullen, and it will k*ll us all.

Hells, we share 50% of the same genetic material as that soft, yellow thing with the peel.

- What?

- Did I mention that my brain has been set to scramble for the past hour?

What other chance do we have?

If those bastards take over the RAC, then the Quad is finished, and if they get away with D'Av, then we're never gonna get him back.

Load her up.



Not yet.

[door opens]

I know.


It's called a banana.

- Now!

- [both scream]


[dramatic music, woman vocalizing]


Hey, D'Av.


Talk to me.

First girl you slept with was Jenny Peck the summer you turned 15, and you didn't shut up about it for weeks.

- [laughs]

- Oh, 6 times 12 is 72, sock-tosser.

Where's Dutch?

[somber music]


Victories aren't free, and this one's cost us more than I'd like, but home is home again.

I'm sorry that we doubted you.

Whatever you need from my people, we're with you.

One fist, one army, one RAC against the Hullen.

- Good.

- To the ones we lost and we who stand, no sides, no bribes.

- The w*r is all.

- all: The w*r is all.

Keep them flowing, people.

No one leaves my bar in pain tonight.

- To Banyon.

- all: To Banyon.

This the designated assh*le corner?

Call me your child Look, Cardiff was all over my ass, and I let myself doubt.

All those Killjoys died 'cause there was a rat right under my nose and I didn't see it.

You're one of the good ones, Fancy.

Hold on Till we get it all in line The assh*le corner only has room for one.

It's all yours.

Pay close attention now Don't make me turn my back and leave you down and out [dramatic music]

Commander, we've lost contact with Fell Squad.

What about the package?

Well, I presume it disappeared with them.

Commander, I strongly recommend you remove Kendry from your immediate counsel.

Her judgment is still dangerously human.

And I suggest you remove your lips from her ass.


Stop your bickering.

I am very pleased with the both of you.

[soft dramatic music]

I'll send a recon crew to determine what happened to Fell Squad.


I have what I need.

Commander, may I You're dismissed, Gander.

Now will you tell me what was in the package?

Promise not to tell.

- [sighs]

- [chuckles]

You know, Aneela, friends share.

Is that what you think we are?

The Hullen have no need for companionship.

Yes, but you're not quite like the rest of them, are you?

How about your champion, then?


You have enough sycophants on this ship.

If there's one thing I learned in my human life, crowns make for shitty companions and lonely queens.

What happened in the Quad, Aneela?

You went after the wrong brother.

I fixed it.

Fixed it how?

Approaching Captain Cardiff's RAC outpost, Zar Quadrant.

[device beeping]

Your stop.

Oh, it's been a long day.

Well, it's gonna get longer.

Bugs to hunt.

- Pools to poison.

- I'm ready.

Just hope I can recruit a team as ballsy as yours.

- Thank you, agents.

- Packed and ready?

I didn't really have time to pack, if you remember.

I would really rather not.

- [expl*si*n]

- What the hells?

Oh, my God.

The tide is high Now, let's put Daddy's k*ller in the corner and teach her what pain is.

[computer beeps]

All all of them?

You blew up all of them.

Not hers.

Just the stations near the Quad that were about to betray us.

Be a shame to come all this way to watch her die on holo.

Playing Gander off me was just a distraction to keep us out of your way to set this up.

I won't let my demons win When I k*ll her, I want her to be completely alone like I was for years.

No help coming, no friends.

Fireworks are a nice way to kick things off, don't you think?


I'm impressed.

You and Gander love your little intrigues, but real power is direct.

It's gone completely gone.

- What about the others?

- Farouk, report in.

Commander Duhane?

[chorus vocalizing]

I agree.

My only rival is within [vocalizing]