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04x09 - Mac-Liv-Moore

Posted: 07/20/19 07:03
by bunniefuu
Liv: Previously on iZombie...

The State Pen has agreed to take 20 of Seattle's worst criminals down to Walla Walla.


That one with the shotgun is getting away.

You have the zombie gear.


Hell yes!

Who's that?

Clive: A new uni.

Michelle, I think.


Major: Can't believe you guys talked me into bringing you here.

Chase: Renegade's operation turns more humans into zombies than all other county outfits combined.

I can take Mama's place.

I am willing to do the scratching.

Nice work, Renegade.

I understand why you're doing what you're doing.

Which is why I want to be a part of it.

Let's do this.

I'm tired of being sick.

How long does it take to kick in?

I'm gonna die, aren't I?

Hey, Mom.

Isobel's mom: Hey.

Wanna hear some jokes about Freylich Syndrome kids?


They never get old.

It's not funny, Isobel.

No, it is.

It's hilarious.

No, it's not.


You just have to take a step back.

Have you had any nose bleeds, honey?


No nose bleeds.

All good.

Okay, I'm so glad to hear that.

I've been so worried about you.


Gotta call you back.

The Spanish Inquisition just walked in.

Okay, I love you.


Love you, too.



We've made arrangements to get you back to Boise.



Why risk one of your coyote's lives just so I can die in my own bed?

Why don't you let us bring your mom here?

It's the same problem, though, isn't it?

Why bring my mom here just so she can watch me die?

You are a stubborn one.


So they tell me.

Any nose...


No nosebleeds.

Any murders?

Only, like, 20.


Oh, uh, we should've warned you.

This is our drawer of heads.

We're calling the prison bus murders "Satan's Jigsaw Puzzle".

We started with the face pieces and are working our way out.

Don't you zombies just like the brains?

How do you account for the dismemberment?

We figure the mob was starving, and everyone wanted a piece.

What a way to go.

Don't waste your sympathy on these guys.

They're the worst of the worst.

Who's that guy who put his victims' organs in jars?

Perry the Pickler.

There's Ice Pick Rick, Zombie k*ller Cain...

The nastiest K*llers this city has had to offer.

You think?

I think Seattle's seen worse.

You don't want to know what I had to do to get this brain.

You want me to blue brain it?


It's my $100,000 gift to you.


Did you get me Kid Rock?


If you bought a brain for 100 grand and I'm the one eating it, there's no way it's gonna be anything good.

You're gonna love it.

But, first, let me show you something.

You remember when I was on that real-estate agent brain a couple weeks ago?


You were asking me all those non-sequitur questions aimed at determining my annual income?

That's when this plan came to me.

This place on Kittitas sold for 22.6 mil.

It's on the market now for two.

No surprise there.

The prices took a dive after Seattle became the Lost City of Z.

Figure 20% down, you're looking at an outlay of 400,000 on a house worth more than 20 mil.

There's 100 properties like this inside the wall.

And when things return to normal, property values are gonna skyrocket.

And whoever owns 'em cheap will be filthy rich.

You think things are returning to normal?

Just eat that brain and trust that I have a plan.

Maybe you should lean back in your chair and do the Mr.

Burns thing with your hands.

Like this?

Oh, yeah.

And maybe cackle.

[inhales sharply and chuckles]

[theme music playing]

Uh, do you have the top half of a hairy arm, with a tattoo of a skull with a serpent crawling out of its eye socket?

Go fish.


Uh, no more victims.

We're full.


What can you tell us about our human victim?




Go watch some Jerry Lewis movies, you frog b*st*rd.

I'm sorry, Mr.

Schwartzman, my partner should be along soon.

Ain't no thing.

Hey, them vending machines you got upstairs is off the chain, though.


Baked from scratch.

Clive: Where'd you get this?

Treasures abound in the lost and found, dun.

You like?


Schwartzman, this is Liv Moore, our medical examiner.

'Sup, shawty?

What is good?

On my grind, you know.

Gettin' that schmoney.

So, Weston, you and your brother Walden were originally a rap duo, is that correct?


Lil' Driz and Dirty Reign.

The Precipitation Collaboration.


And when a manager signed your brother and not you, your brother went solo.


Oh, I see how you playin' it now.

No comment.

I pulled up these lyrics for a diss track you wrote about your brother.

"You a bad seed, son," rhymes corny as they come, used to be chill, now you got a swole head, like Icarus flyin' in the sun.


You say you come dirty, rain, but it's all just doom and gloom.

You whack, you stale, I shoulda ate you in the womb.

Damn, that's cold.

Care to comment?

♪ Comin' at you from the basement of the SPD ♪ ♪ It's the E to the M to the C-E-E ♪ ♪ ME's rolling up for an autopsy ♪ ♪ Getting brain like a boss ♪ ♪ Call me Queen Zombie ♪ ♪ Emcee ME The rizzle O-Z ♪ I'm just gonna say it.

I love dead people.


You're a necrophiliac, dude, and this is how it ends.


[sighs heavily]

Good stuff?

I saw Rain and his lady at The Scratching Post.

Some hater was throwin' mad shade.

You saw him?

Yeah, somewhere.

He was...

He's right behind you.

That's our k*ller!

Aren't his pieces currently strewn about the morgue?

The Scratching Post has only been letting humans in for a few weeks.

My vision has to be recent, and that guy was in prison before The Scratching Post even opened.

Then he must have escaped from the bus m*ssacre.

Who is this guy?

Liv: "Ronnie 'Sugar' Cain." "AKA Zombie k*ller Cain.

Convicted m*rder*r of nine".

Better make that 11.

So what's a zombie hater doing hanging out at The Scratching Post?

You're hunting zombies, you go to their watering hole.

Maybe we go over there, see if anyone remembers the guy?


Let's do it.

You know who the first two zombies Cain k*lled were?

His wife and daughter.

At his trial he said he considered them already dead.


I'm-a text my posse.

We was hittin' a movie, and this Cain fool was making me miss it.

I was about to go ham on a large tub with extra butter.

[cell phone chiming]


"A citywide lockdown is immediately in effect as Fillmore-Graves conducts a manhunt for serial k*ller Ronnie 'Sugar' Cain." Fillmore-Graves can declare martial law now?

I was gonna get me some of those Scratching Post jalapeño brain poppers.

My snack game is officially DOA.

There are some new vending machines on the fifth floor.

People are making a big deal about them.

For reals?

One of the machines is zombie-friendly.

Liv out.

Let's do it.


We're stuck here.

Why not?

We should let Mosco know.

Texting him now.

Ten minutes?

[indistinct chatter]

I got a bone to pick with Blaine.

Oh, hello, Candy.

Don't you look...

Don't I look what?


You said "Hello, Candy.

Don't you look..." And then you did that.

Focus, Sinead.


I think I'm on virgin brain.


Did Blaine really tell the mayor he could have me on the house, and we'd go all night?


In fairness, the whole city is on lockdown.

So, it's not as if you could leave anyway.


So I may as well just stay here and spank Mayor Freakfest for eight hours?


Is that what's happening?

Blaine always has a good reason for doing what he does.

I usually just motorboat with it.


I hate New Seattle.

I wish the whole country would just go zombie already.

I was almost through with flight attendant training.

And now this!


Did you miss me?

[indistinct chatter]

Blaine DeBeers, you are as cunning as you are handsome.

You've figured out a way to turn the whole country zombie.

Once that happens, all the properties we're going to buy dirt cheap skyrocket in value.

Have a seat, pal, because the fun doesn't stop there.

I have another gift for you.

Holy motherboard.

It's a Boldbook.

A 4K touch-screen precision display, gunmetal chassis and a hyper-charged SSD that makes its Y-Series brethren look like a little...


Wait a minute...

You sprang for the optional Core i7 CPU?


Will you judge me if I happy cry?


Then I won't.


Blaine: You'll get it back.

I need your full attention.

We're going to auction off ten zombie cures to the highest bidders on the Dark Web.

We need to make sure that no one can ever trace it back to us.

That's where you come in.

You now have the ability to make us invisible, impenetrable.

I paid a lot of money to turn you into a computer genius.

Prove to me that it was money well spent, huh?

♪ Chase roll into Seattle like he own the place ♪ ♪ Birdbrain with a corny beret ♪ ♪ Hope you came to play ♪ ♪ 'Cause I came to slay ♪ ♪ I'm the real Renegade ♪ ♪ Pick up where Mama left off ♪ ♪ Run with a pack of dogs ♪ ♪ No one fresher than my clique ♪ ♪ And my rhymes are slick ♪ ♪ Don't like the underground, bitch?

♪ ♪ Well, kiss my ass, top brass ♪ ♪ Eat a bag of...

♪ Okay, fish sticks.

Fish sticks!

Hi, Liv!

We're here!

Hey, my bizzles!

You didn't get my text?

Oh, we were closer to here than home when the sirens went off, so...

Rapper brain?

Zombie k*ller Cain capped his ass.

Zombie k*ller Cain is loose.

He made it off the bus?

Seems he got his hands on a shotgun and got right back to work k*lling zombies.

Hence the lockdown.

That's a real dead body.

There's more where that came from.


Where's Ravi?

Oh, he's getting his nap on in the detective bunk room.

Oh, I told Isobel she's our neighbor, if anyone asks.

[cell phone ringing]

Oh, speaking of dead weight...

Where the hell is the mayor?

I need him to make an official statement about the lockdown.

Your boss is a triflin' ass-chimp.


Yeah, I have no idea where he is.

How'd he die?

Shotgun blast right to the chest.

And you ate his brain?


Oh, man, that's gross.

Major: Every Fillmore-Graves soldier is gonna be out there hunting for Cain.

All right?

I want our unit to be the one to bring him in.


A word?

Yes, sir.

Bring me up to speed on our friend, Russ Roche.

I'm making progress.

He took me out with his crew.

We busted up a few brain stills.

Roughed up his competition.


Keep at it.

Sir, if I may ask, how the hell did Cain escape?

A zombie horde att*cked a prison transport bus.

Cain was on the bus, and somehow he got away.

Any chance that horde was from the Triple Cross church?

"Triple Cross" what?

A church for zombies.

The preachers work them into a lather.

My unit dropped in when we were tracking down that phone video.

We almost didn't make it out alive.

Why am I just hearing about this now?

I can't do my job if I don't know what's going on in this city!

I put it all in the report, sir.

I left nothing out.

I never saw it.

Maybe it got misplaced?

It wasn't misplaced.

It was withheld from me.


I'm not sure who I can count on here, Major.

But I'm sure I can count on you.

Of course.

All right.

Let's head out.

Yeah, but...


That was my locker.

[all chuckling]

[cell phone ringing]

Hey, Ravi.

Ravi: Major.

I forgot my briefcase this morning.

Would you mind picking it up, bringing it by the station?

Yeah, sure.

'Cause I've got nothing else to do.

I'm sorry to be a pain.

It's just, it's vital to something I'm working on.

Well, patrol will take me right by the house.

Oh, splendid!

You're a savior.

Thanks, mate!

Yeah, later.

He will bear it hither!

Mosco Bandiwax, a resourceful halfling if there ever was one.

So then, adventurers...

Shall we commence?

all: Too-rye, Too-rye, Too-rye, aye!

What's that you say, amateur script kiddies?

You can't get past my firewall?

Well, eat my shorts!

Hey, dweeb.

How goes the auction prep?

The packet filters on my DMZ have more layers than the atmosphere.

Which is five layers.


Actually, six if you include the ionosphere.


Bottom-line me.

Our auction is impenetrable to law enforcement, and no one will ever trace it back to us.

That is music to my ears.

Oh, just...

Quick question...

Under the heading, "You probably already thought of this..." Why would anyone bid on one of these cures without proof that they're effective?

Obviously we're going to cure a zombie on-camera for all the world to see, and then k*ll him in a way that only a human can die.


Of course.

Just one more thing...

How exactly will people know that our, um, subject wasn't simply human to begin with?

I guess we'll have to find ourselves a well-known zombie, won't we?



Isobel laughing: Oh, my God.

This is gnarly.

We're running prints to help us put the bodies back together again.

Major: Hey, Liv.


Why you rolling up?

Looking for Ravi.

I'm supposed to bring him this.

Hey, there.

I'm Major.

Hello, sir.


Bitch, please.

This is just Major.

Major, this is my neighbor, Isobel.

And Ravi, he's...


Not here.

Major, Seattle is getting on my last nerve.

I told you to wait upstairs.

So now you just walk away in the middle of a conversation.


They're hands.

Man up.

Hey, you two are getting on my last nerve.

They got beef, Major.

Let 'em sort it out.

What's your situation, son?

I thought we had something, but apparently we were just hooking up.

I never said we were exclusive.

Your body made a promise.

♪ Thought my boo was ride or die ♪ ♪ Till I got the 411 ♪ ♪ 'Cause he just a blank-faced coward with a narrow mind and a big-ass g*n ♪ Liv, I know you're on a brain, but seriously, what's your problem?

What did you do?

Wait in the lobby!

So what am I in trouble for now?

You have to ask?

You were right there when Chase Graves crushed Mama Leone's skull.

You probably had to wash bits of her off of you.

Renegade was breaking the law and fully aware of the consequences.

Her death, while tragic, probably saves lives.

Hey, Major.

I've seen that movie, too.

You're quoting the bad guy.

Will you two knock it off?

You both love each other, you've been through tough stuff before, and this, too, shall pass.

[cell phone vibrates]

It's Ravi.

We should do this more often.

[Don E.


PCharles to DocChak.

"Hey, babe." Blaine, are you sure you want to do this?

Reading your ex's e-mails seems like a slippery slope.

I paid a truckload for that brain you're on.

Just give it to me.

Don E.: "I have to work a bit on Saturday afternoon but I'm all yours before then.

Let the sleep-in snuggle-fest begin!" She used the words "snuggle-fest?" Is that even a thing?

Maybe it's their thing?

The guy is a British yeti.

Just looking at him makes me itchy.

What does she see in him?

I found this guy passed out next to our dumpster.

You look how I feel, brother.

Feel handsome?

Call Fillmore-Graves.

Have someone come pick the drunk b*st*rd up.

Will do.

When the right woman comes along, you won't hurt anymore.

Take it from me.

Five years happily married to my best friend.

The walking waterfall has a wife?

[inhales sharply]

Yeah, and he's insanely jealous.

His wife is built like Jessica Rabbit, so if she comes in here, don't.

Just don't.


We saw Ravi eating a brain tube.

How is Peyton sleeping with him if he's a zombie?

If he's not a zombie, what is he?

I'm a halfling monk.

People see halfling and always think thief.

But, have you not noticed the way I've played my character, hmm?

The celibacy?

The way I work the teachings of Anubis into conversation?

My lack of regard for worldly possessions?

You sure jumped on those Bracers of Defense for someone who doesn't care about worldly possessions.


[clearing throat]

What news have you, Morrisey the Mage?

Uh, I've studied the map we won in that game of knucklebones with Ban-Yonn, the idiot of Knoforks.

And without a thief, our mission is doomed.

[both sigh]

[knocking at door]

Fellow adventurers, I apologize for walking into your camp unannounced, but I saw the fire, and I hoped I might find fellowship as well.


I don't know what you saw, but this isn't...

I am Foxy Brown of Shondaland, the greatest thief in the realm.

I'm sorry.


All my information's there.

I seek wealth and adventure.

Can I hear a huzzah?

all: Huzzah.

For Queen, for country!

all: Huzzah!

[all laughing]

This character sheet just has your name on it, and it says you have 200 hit points.

It seemed like more was better.



Have a seat.

Major knocking at door: Hello.


[clearing throat]

Whoa, whoa.

What's going on in there?

I heard huzzahs.

Uh, official police business.

Strictly need-to-know.


Quite a police emergency.

So I guess Sirjay decided to sit this one out, huh?

What with the lockdown, you know...

Open the briefcase, Ravi.


So, you know, I'm out on the streets trying to catch a m*rder*r.

I catch a m*rder*r every week.

Did you know Peyton is downstairs?

She is?

But you're gonna stay and play though, right?


Be your own man, Mosco.

She'll understand you staying up here playing D&D while you know she's downstairs.

How will she know I'm playing D&D?

Oh, she'll get the text I'm sending right now.



What a marvelous nap!

I feel so refreshed.

[cell phone ringing]

[ringing continues]

[ringing stops]

Isobel muffled: Hey, Mom.

Thanls for checking in.

[continues speaking indistinctly]

It's good.

I'm hanging out with the girls today.

Maybe catch you a little later.

Uh, Mom?

Can I call you back?

[cell phone beeps]

And who might you be?



Nice to meet you, Isobel.


Uh, I assume you weren't dead before I arrived.


So you haven't somehow sprung back to life?

Because that would be cause for celebration.


Perhaps you've always been alive, but were mistaken for dead.


I give up, then.

I'm Liv and Peyton's neighbor.

They were gonna take me to the movies tonight.

Then the lockdown happened.

And where are those gals?

Fifth floor.


Of course.


And so, with the morgue to yourself, you decided to climb in one of the drawers where we keep the dead?

Seems strange without context, doesn't it?


I'd love to hear the context.

Snacks in the hizzouse!

Sorry it took so long.


Look who I met.

Did you know your neighbor is certifiably brilliant?

True dat.

[cell phone chimes]

Text from your other girlfriend?


[clears throat]


What does Miss Cheyenne Longneckings require?

"Mosco Bandiwax fell to his death in the Cavern of Nasty Pricks." Does that mean anything to anyone?

Only to a little old halfling lady in Mirkwood who will have one less mince pie to bake during the Feast of Belbuck.


[dice rolls]


[clears throat]

Lady Pursella...


We have returned.

Our quest is complete.

We bring you the head of the bandit Sh-Krelly, the hostages he held and the crown he stole.

I see you lost one of your compatriots.

No great loss, Your Highness.

I assure you.

For your valor, I present each of you a jewel.

It's called an Apple Emerald.


Obviously, named for the size and not the hue.

So I guess this is where we wrap.


Michelle: Wait...

We're spending some time here in the castle?



On night one, I break into Morrisey and Sir Choppers' rooms and I steal their Apple Emeralds.



She can't do that!

I buried mine out in the field during my morning ride.

No, you didn't.


I said something about this earlier.

I said, "Every day I bury my treasure..." We could check the tape.

Say what?

See that red light?



That recording must be destroyed.

Oh, you're being silly.

All the detectives here are going to love it.

All of YouTube is going to love it.

If that's your plan, just take my g*n and sh**t me.

That's a little dramatic, don't you think?

You're telling me I'm gonna be the Star Wars kid, and I shouldn't be concerned?


Well, there's concerned, and there's asking for death by cop.



Oh, come on, is that the best you got?

[both chuckle]

You forgot this.

We were just, uh...

What happens in the Misty Dunes stays in the Misty Dunes.

[door closes]

I didn't mean for that to happen.

But it did.

So I went to the zoo on Freebie Friday...


It was weird.

They keep the bald eagles in cages.

Why would you keep the symbol of American freedom in captivity?

You know, with this lockdown, we're all kinda bald eagles tonight.

And with the wall up, we're actually bald eagles all the time.



I'll get the package.

I hear you have something of ours.

We're getting it.

Is that Lil' Bones Jones?

You mean Major Jones.

Major Jones with a major booze Jones, Major Major.


Where's Good?

Out in the Humvee.


You're welcome.

Damn it.

Jumped the g*n.

I should've waited for the "thank you." Tell you what...

I'll trade you two annoying, baby-faced soldiers for one workhorse goon.

I'm good.

Uncool, man.



No, I wasn't talking about you two.

It was two other soldiers.

You guys don't know them.


All I'm saying is I really like you...

You shouldn't.


You don't like me?

Major: Where's that water?

Here you go.

You should drink ten of these.



I'm hungry.

I need a brain tube.

Use my card.

Where's my ID?

With respect, you gotta get a handle on your drinking, sir.

Losing your ID...

I wasn't drinking.

Did it just fall out?

Major, he's bleeding.


Who hit you?

I don't remember.

Oh, no.

What is it?

He's got level five security clearance.

His ID authorizes entry into any area of this building.

Go find Justin in the armory...

Tell him to lock down the campus!

[phone ringing]

I guess they'll need to call back during office hours.

It probably would have been easier to drop your grievances in the comment box.

Stand up.

Over there.


I had this dog named Rocky.

I loved him so much.

One day he wasn't acting right.

He got real aggressive.

Started drooling.

Limped around like...


I waited too long to put him down.

I watched him suffer.

Finally, I took him out back and I shot him.

Was that wrong?

Could Rocky do long division?


You see what I'm getting at?

I can.

You k*lled Cynthia and Georgie!

I may have put the buckshot in their heads, but you k*lled them!

I didn't wanna watch them suffer.

I don't think any zombie should suffer.

Do I look like I'm suffering?

[screaming and groaning]

Why was I the one in prison, Chase?


You're the mass m*rder*r.

[Chase groaning]

Cain: I've k*lled so many.

You're gonna be number...


Oh, you know what?

I've lost count.

And that's only if you count putting a zombie out of his misery.

Which I don't!

You k*lled 10,000 human beings.

I mean...



[g*n fires]


Go check the school dorm!

He might've gone there first!

[Cain groaning]

[breathing heavily]

Nobody gank my taquitos.


No cookies?

They take 15 minutes.

Because the machine bakes them especially for you.

That's what they say.

I want in on that.

Cookies on me.

Grab as many as you can with that.

She won't be able to carry that many.


How 'bout you join her?

I have work stuff to discuss with Liv.


You got it.

Come on, Isobel.

Isobel has Freylich Syndrome.

It's a death sentence.

Victims rarely see their 18th birthday.


Why haven't you scratched her?

She told you?

I found her testing out a morgue drawer.

It came up pretty quickly.

Scratching humans is a capital offense, you know.

I know.

And it would be completely unfair of me to ask you to put your life on the line.


I'll do it.

During my next bout of the zombies.


We can feed her with brains from the morgue.

Please, don't try and talk me out of this.

I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it.

You're not?


Because I already scratched her.

And it didn't take.



That's impossible.

It's not.

I tried it, I had other zombies try.

Isobel is immune.

I don't understand.

I read an article on false immunity outliers...

It just doesn't make sense.

Could it be genetic?


Isobel's had several experimental treatments.

Maybe one of those caused her immunity.

Altered her brain chemistry somehow.

Whatever the reason, she's never gonna be a zombie.

She's gonna die, there's nothing we can do about it.

Then we need to study her, figure out what makes her immune.

Maybe she's the key to finding a vaccine.

[cell phone ringing]

Can I call you right back, Mom?

[cell phone beeps]

Did you want chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin?


And the king of Bremerton!






Don E.

and I had an inspired idea for the remainder of this lockdown.

I love it already.

We're calling it "La Petite Mort Masquerade." And I'm sure you know what "little death" we're talking about.



Candy and the girls already have their masks.

We'll pick yours out in a minute.

It's kind of a group project.


"Group project." Yeah!

You are speaking my language.

And it all starts with a little pick-me-up.

What is it?

Is that Utopium?


It's better!

It's like Molly, China Girl and U-Boat had a threesome in your brain.

And right after you snort it, I'm gonna give you a little vitamin cocktail injection in your booty, so that you'll be in tip-top shape for your mayoral duties tomorrow.

Always thinking, boys!

Always thinking!


Would you take a seat.


We are really going all out on this one.

For the mayor of New Seattle, the sky's the limit.

That is quite a map.


I'm thinking of investing in some real estate.



You're ready?


Well, you guys are doing it, too, right?


Of course.

All right.


I like it.

That's good.

Setting the mood.

Blaine chuckles: Feeling good?






[both snorting]



Ooh, I feel funny.

I think it's kicking in.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I'm human again!

[breathing heavily]

I can feel it!

How did you...

I'm human again!

I'm human again!




[clears throat]


I thought that went well.


Well, he didn't land on you.

I got tired of waiting.


I went with chocolate chip.

Okay, something funky's going on.

Ravi should study me.

I agree.

He can't.

Why not?

Thanks, sweetie.

I'm staying in Seattle.

We've been through this.

You're not.


Where else is she gonna go?


She's going home.

No, I'm not.

Where's home?



Which is where she's going.

Isobel: I'm staying here.

My dying wish is to be a guinea pig.

You can't deny me my dying wish.


How did you get into Seattle?

A coyote...



Working for Liv.


What does she mean, "A coyote working for Liv"?

She meant the coyote that I know.

No, I didn't.


Liv has taken over Mama Leone's organization.

Underground Railroad, head-got-smushed Mama Leone?


Thanks, Peyton.

Look, I'm tired of keeping this secret from Ravi.

Your friends are trying to help you.

We're the No Secrets Club.

It's dangerous information.

And you knew?

For a few weeks.

That's all.

And you didn't tell me?

She didn't volunteer the information to me.

I caught her red-handed making fake zombie ID cards for her clients.


Your family is back in Boise?

It's just my mom.

No way I'm letting her make the trip here.

Then we should send you back.


I'm the one who's dying, and I get to decide what I do with the rest of my short life.

I'm staying in Seattle, so, please, study me.

I wanna go out knowing that my life had meaning.

[siren blaring]

Lockdown's over.

They must have caught Cain.

Thank God.

Let's all go home.


What about me?

All clear in the dorm.

The perimeter is clear.

Well done, Major.



If I collect them all, I win a prize.

You're aware Cain is back here?

Chase: Sure am.

He still breathing?


Should I get him medical attention?

Let's do him one better.

Scratch him.

[Cain wheezing]


Just let me die.


Scratch him, soldier.

That's an order.

He has an appointment with the guillotine.



[indistinct chatter]




Madame Acting Mayor.

So, who's taking the lead on this?

Uh, it's a strange case.

What is he?

Yesterday he was a zombie, but what zombie dies from a b*llet through the heart?

Well, maybe this'll help.

This popped up all over the Web last night.

No one's been able to discover where it originated.



Oh, my God.

I'm human again.

I can feel it!

How did you...

I'm human again!

I'm human again!

[g*n fires]



This is settled.

He's human.

The case is yours.


Liv rapping: ♪ Always been the baddest bitch ♪ ♪ Take down the biggest bads ♪ ♪ Solving murders on the daily ♪ ♪ I got skills you wish you had ♪ ♪ New Seattle got me shook ♪ ♪ Everywhere I look ♪ ♪ All I see is F-G and other two-bit crooks ♪ Top bid's at 10 million.

And climbing.

Some millionaires out there really don't wanna be zombies.


[laughs and drums hands]

♪ Woke up to a wall ♪ ♪ Now we woke, no doubt ♪ ♪ No place like home ♪ ♪ That's truth ♪ ♪ Locked in or locked out ♪ ♪ No cure for what ails Seattle ♪ ♪ Got a case to catch ♪ ♪ Oz a powder keg now ♪ ♪ All we need is a match ♪