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05x05 - The Tea

Posted: 07/09/19 06:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

- Wanna design videogames?

- I know you'd hate it.


I love it.

- You do?

- You found your passion.

You don't think I deserve to be here.

Most of us have to put in actual work to get an opportunity like this.

- You are playing with fire.

- Because a 200-year-old curse?

- Yes!

- Well, I am thinking about - buying a food truck.

- Sounds like a great idea.

- Maybe I can help.

- I'm back!

He put your house back in Middleton?

You're sitting in my chair.

I'm just getting the Merriwicks to trust me.

Don't worry, got everything that we need.


How many mini muffins would you say equal a regular-size muffin?

Um, exactly 3.



Hey, can I help you?

Just doing a safety check on these toys you're donating.

Wanna make sure none of my collectables are in there.

Are you talking about your dolls?

Action figures, which, in case you didn't know, can be worth 50 times what you paid for them.

OK, well, how much do you think my Snow Princess Walkie-Talkie is worth?

If it's an incomplete set, nothing.


I can't donate just one.

- - I'm sure it'll show up.

- Is that the mail?

- Why so curious?

It's not like it's college-acceptance season.

More like college-rejection season.


Think positive, OK?

We got this.

No matter what happens, I'm proud of both of you.

Anybody here apply to UCS California?

I'll take that.

It's big.

That's good, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

Is it for me?


Um, from Kenzer.

I I got in!


I'm proud of you, pal!

I knew you could do it.

- Me too.


- What about you?

Oh no, I'll look at mine later.

I have to go though because I'm gonna be really late for my internship.


This work is truly a labor of love.

Thank you for entrusting me with part of your legacy.

Well, you know, this portrait will need to withstand the test of time, serving as a glorious reminder of what Middleton and I mean to one another.

- Voilà !

- - Oh!

- Don't you love it?

- It's lovely.

- I love it too.

As a first draft.

You know, I can see some areas that could benefit from more color, perhaps some contouring.

And I think the expression on my face should be more dignified.


My reading of your aura was more of a subtle, quiet strength.

I wanted to tap into a deeper, untapped Martha, the Martha no one sees.

Oh no, I need to be seen.

I'm going for grandiose but grounded, ostentatious but humble.

- I paint what I receive.

- Ah And I'm not receiving what I need.

I'll need to meditate on that.


If that helps you tap into the true Martha Tinsdale.

I look forward to the grand reveal!

Oh, dear.

- We're gonna have a great time.

- Chelsea, - Paige, how are your rooms?

- Aw, they're beautiful!

- Help yourselves.

- Oooh!

These homemade biscuits are the icing on the cake.

Which reminds me there's also cake later.

Oh, see?

This is gonna be the best weekend ever.

It better be 'cause we haven't got to hang out in forever.

- Oh, I'm getting married.

- Oh, congrats!

Yeah, it's been all wedding for the last month and a half.

- I've barely seen her.

- Well, she's always busy - traveling all over the country.

- I do a sports podcast.

So it's nice you get this time together.

When's the big day?

Not 'til next year, but it's already overwhelming.

Which is why we're all about reconnecting this weekend.

I just have to let Spencer know we got here OK.

I promise, it's the last time.

Hey, we're here.

- That's what she always says.

- Spencer's the fiancé?

He's great, I'm really happy for them.

And is there a lucky man in your life?

There was, but I went through a breakup a couple of months ago.

Oh, sorry to hear that.

At least, you have a good friend to lean on.

(CHELSEA): Yes, that was with you.

- I love being with you.

- The best.

So what's there to do around here?

Oh, sightseeing, great restaurants, yoga.

- You won't be disappointed.

- I miss you too, baby.

But sounds what you two really need is some one-on-one time.

You should hike up to Foster's Woods.

Sounds pretty.

It is.

And I think you'll find it surprisingly free from distractions.

First day of residency, you guys nervous?

Nothing to be nervous about.

That's what I like to hear.

Oh, this is Adam, our chaplain.

He's one of the good guys.


And a heck of a card player.

I can hold my own.

You guys lucked out with Dr.

Radford, the best there is.

Oh, I can hold my own.

And this is your first patient: Mr.


Don't get too attached, I'm getting out of here quick.

He had a little bit of a fender-bender this morning.

- How's the head?

- Feels good.

No dizziness.


Holmberg, how's your shoulder?

- Fine, why?

- You are holding your cards - in your left hand.

- I am left-handed.

Yes, but you're resting your elbow in your right hand to take the pressure off the shoulder tendon, which could mean your rotator cuff is sprained or torn.


It's probably nothing.

Well, let's find out.

Can you raise your arm for me?

Above the shoulder?


It's probably a little more than nothing.

Hmm My daughter's tennis camp is next week; I don't want to miss the father-daughter tournament.

Sounds like fun, I wouldn't want to miss it either, - but gotta make sure you're 100%.

- (BEEP!



I gotta take this.

Uh, Dr.

Harkins, why don't you go ahead and order an X-ray.

Nice work.

Thank you, Dr.


OK, uh, I need to check your strength.

Can you push against my hand?

You know, my daughter is ranked number one in her 14-and-under team.


Ohhh Madame Mayor, congratulations on your reinstatement.

Thank you, Cassie.

It does feel wonderful to be back at the helm of the ship.

I'm sure it does.

What can I help you with?

- My legacy.

- Ooh, you're out of luck, - I sold the last one an hour ago.

- Hohoho!

No, but seriously, Cassie, being away from the mayor's office made me realize that it's not just a job, it's a calling.

I truly appreciate serving my beloved citizens of Middleton.

And to make sure they know just how much I appreciate them, I've commissioned a portrait of myself.

Um, portrait or not, I don't think Middleton could ever forget you.

Well, this painting will make certain of that.

That is if this artist and I can ever see eye to eye.

Oh Not capturing the real you?


Which is frustrating because I carefully explained what I'm looking for.

I have no doubt.

Maybe you're overloading the artist.

Sometimes, to get what we want, it's better to say less, not more.

Well, you know me: restraint is not my strong suit.

Well, I find a cup of tea helps me choose calm over criticism.

I do love your tea.


Oh my!

That's wonderful!


Has a bit of a kick.


Sometimes, a good kick is all we need.



I hear you got into that college you wanted.

- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

You sound thrilled, kid.

It's just that most of the students have been designing videogames for much longer than I have.


- So, I'm kind of feeling the pressure.

- From who?

It's one of the best programs in the country.

You're going to college to get the experience and education you need.

You should be proud of yourself.

What are you looking at?


Pictures of my high-school sweetheart.

She's beautiful.


She had her day.

What happened?

Got old, kicked the bucket.

Well, did you sell it?


I didn't have the heart to let her go.

So, you still have the truck?

Yeah, it's in storage in a local garage.

Maybe I can buy it.

I tell you what, you get it running, and you can have her.

- Seriously?

- You bet.

Uh OK.

- OK.



- You actually took the leap.

- Haha!

Yeah, right into the deep end.

Thanks to you for finding this truck.

You're sure Cassie doesn't mind that it's parked out here.

Oh yeah, she knows I'm helping - you get it seaworthy.

- Yeah Haha!

About that Um I'm feeling kind of guilty.


'Cause we just started hanging out?

And you don't want to take advantage of me?


Well, what if I make you an offer?

How about I make you an offer?

- We work together.

- You want to be partners?

You're a good investment.

Well I got here before you?!

- Hmm!

- What's going on?

Absolutely nothing's going on.

First day with the new mayor, might want to get in a better mood.

Martha is not new, and my mood is just fine.

Good morning, interns!

Morning, Mayor Tinsdale!

- You must be Luke.

- Extra hot.

Oh my!

Someone's been doing their homework.

- I like to be prepared.

- You're not the only one!

Alright now, gather up, troops!

There there's only two of us.

And I'm afraid that may be one too many.

- Wait, what do you mean?

- Mayor Pershing may have been fine with hiring interns "willy-nilly," but Mayor Tinsdale's office is a tightly-run ship.


So you're letting one of us go?

Based on whoever writes the best dissertation on the history of my family, the legendary Endicotts.

Grace, it's a continuation of the research you started last year.

That's not fair.

Well, that's politics.


I'll make my decision at the end of the day.

Now, I would hurry off to the archive room if I were you.



You got a second?

Uh, sure, what's up?

You're rip-the-Band-Aid-off- fast kind of guy - or rip it off slow?

- Haha!

Rip away.

Your new resident, Dr.

Harkins, his bedside manner could use some work.

- What happened?

- After you left the room, Dr.

Harkins was a bit impersonal with Mr.


A little more compassion wouldn't have been a bad thing.

Just thought you'd want to know.

It's his first week, I haven't spent much time with him.

- But I'll keep an eye on it.

- Thanks, Sam.

- Ah, thank you.

- Yeah.


Is that a smile I see?

What can I say?

I enjoy what I do.

Clearly, life out of the public eye is treating you well.

Which I have you to thank for.

You do, don't you?

Not gonna make this easy for me, are you?

Where's the fun in that?

I appreciate you moving the town line back.

I'm gonna miss our sparring sessions.

Just because I'm not mayor anymore doesn't mean we're suddenly gonna get along.

How about long enough for me to order a bouquet?

Suppose I could stomach that.

- What did you have in mind?

- You're the expert, - surprise me.

- Is there an occasion?

I've got a date.

- Who's the unlucky lady?


It's nice to know how you really feel about me.

- - How about this one?

- How do you think they look?

- I think they're beautiful.

Then it's a good thing they're for you.

You're buying me flowers?

And asking you out.

What do you say?


I don't get it.

Why did my mom let me out of the house - wearing that outfit?

- And on school picture day.

- Well, no one said a thing.

- Except me.

Sounds like you two are catching up on your childhood.

Cassie, thank you for sending us to Foster's Woods.

Yeah, it was gorgeous.

We took about 400 photos?

And you finally had a chance to catch up.

You know, there was no cell reception up there.


My bars are back!


Look, Spencer had sushi for lunch.


And I was worried when he didn't send you - a breakfast photo.

- Ha!

Oh, no, my battery is dying.

Do you have somewhere I can plug in?


Right under the jewelry table.

Oh, that necklace, I've never seen anything like it before.

- It's jade, right?

- It's called a pikorua.

The Maori of New Zealand make them.

What does it symbolize?


How it connects people no matter where life takes us.

I'm gonna get it for you.

- Do you have two?

- I do.

Then, they're on me.

Mayor Tinsdale really is larger than life, huh?

Surprised you didn't know that already from all your research.

Of course I did.

Still doesn't prepare you for the real deal.

Seems like you'd rather work in silence.

Just have a lot on my mind.

I'm a good listener.



Is it on your résumé?


- Come on!

I thought we were done with this whole competitive thing.

Except now we are actually competing.

And I'm not gonna be the one who loses.

It's bolder, yet so simple.

Look closely.

Your greatness is illuminated in subtlety.

You hate it?

You know what?

You're right.

Maybe this journey is not mine to take.

I hope it wasn't something I said.


- Namaste.

- (OTHERS): Namaste.

And namaste to you for bringing me here.


I don't do this enough.

- We don't do this enough.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, it's definitely a good mental break.

Hmm Food truck?

Vincent wants to go into business with me, and I don't know if I should.


What's stopping you?

Well, not much.

I mean, I barely have time to run the Bistro, and I know that he would do a great job.


But we've only been out a few times.

I really like him, but what if going into business together just muddies things?

Well, no one wants to make decisions, but everyone likes to have choices.



This was awesome.

- That was such a great class.

- Yeah.

And since when can you get into flying crow pose?

Since I broke up with Brian, I've been doing this every day.


Should have known that.

- It's OK.


Oh no, I missed Spencer's video chat.

- Do you mind if I call him back?

- Go ahead, yeah.

I'll just be like five minutes.

Hey, what's up?

I miss you too.


Sorry to bother you, but aren't you the host - of Sports Page Today?

- You watch?

Thank you!

It's so nice to meet one of my viewers.


I'm Harper by the way, a journalism major.

That's how I got started.


Are you here doing a story on Middleton?


I'm here on a girls' weekend, but I seem to have lost the other girl.

Um, well, if you're not in a hurry, there's a smoothie shop across the street, I would love to pick your brain for a minute.


Let me just let my friend know.


So, what kind of journalism - are you interested in?

- Sports.

I do.

Yes, it's still sparkly.

So that's where you went: to get coffee to bribe Martha.

Actually, it's for you.


Seemed like you could use a pick-me-up.

I, uh I'm sorry that I haven't felt very chatty today.

I heard back from my first college, it was a rejection.

I wouldn't sweat it.

I'm sure you'll get accepted to every other school - you applied to.


Well, that is easy for you to say.

- You got into Kenzer.

- How did you know that?


Oh, I can see your acceptance letter sticking out of your backpack.


Yeah, I got in.

It's expensive.

But you go to Regislane.

Yeah It's complicated.

Well, hey, I'm a good listener.

Kenzer doesn't know what they're missing.

- Hi!

- Hello!

Donovan asked me out.

To lunch at the park this afternoon.


How do you feel about that?

I think you know.

There's nothing wrong with being nervous.


I don't get nervous.

So why am I so nervous?

- You like him.

- I've liked plenty of guys.

Have you?

- What if I screw it up?

- Just be open and honest.

Have you met me?

I'm not really great at letting my guard down, especially not with him.

Drink this, it'll help.

The answer to everything is not a cup of tea.

Might not be the answer, but I find it can help clarify the question.

Guess I better go home and change.



We have the results of your ultrasound.

And I'll be back in the court in no time.

You have a full thickness rotator cuff tear or an RCT.

I highly recommend an arthroscopy, unless you want it to get worse.

I want to play tennis with my daughter next week.

- That's not possible.

- But she's counting on me.

- I promised her I'd be there.

- I can schedule your surgery for tomorrow morning, 8 a. m.


Harkins, can I have a word?

Yeah, of course.

I gotta be honest with you: I didn't love your conversation with Mr.


- My diagnosis was perfect.

- Yeah, it was, but your bedside manner could use some work.

I don't understand.

My explanation was textbook.

That's the problem.

What you need to learn is not in a textbook.

I'm sorry, isn't it our job to heal them?

It is, but compassion can be as healing as medicine.

You're right, Dr.


They didn't teach that in med school.


I thought this was supposed to be our weekend.

- It is.

- How come you left me?

You were on the phone.

I was just checking in with Spencer.

I, uh, thought you two could use some tea.

I'm sorry.

I could actually use some space.

She was hanging out with someone else when it was supposed to be just the two of us, and it's my fault?

You're sure it's just the two of you?


You look confused.

I am.

You've got a leak.

I know.

I caused it.

Aren't you supposed to be fixing this thing?

I don't know what I'm doing, Grace.

Grandpa tried to give me this truck for my 16th birthday.

- Glad I said no.

- That's not helping.

You can try the user's manual.

I can't find one online.

- Check the glovebox.

- I already did.

Maybe you missed it.

I missed it?



Know anything else about this truck?

Good luck.


No "Hi, Sam"?

- I thought I'd mix it up for once.


You always surprise me.

It's why I love you.

I thought I'd come home for lunch.

Yeah, something's bothering you.


It's one of my new residents.

He's in the top of his class, except when it comes to connecting with patients.


Well, if anyone can help him, it's you.


How do you teach somebody to care?

By showing them that you care?



Thanks for doing all this.

Have you thought about my proposal?

I have done nothing but think about it.

- And?

- And - I really like you.

- I really like you too.

That's the problem.

You're worried about mixing our personal lives with our professional lives?

- You're not?

- No.

I'm worried about where we're gonna go on our next date and I'm worried about getting this truck up and running, but I'm not worried - about them at the same time.

- You really think - we can keep 'em separate?

- I know we can.



- Partners.

- Haha!

Here you go.


I don't know whether it was that tea or the advice you gave me, but I was quiet as a church mouse when Kate showed me her second attempt at my portrait.

- Oh, how did it go?

- Not well.

She quit!

Well, you handed responsibility back to the artist, let's see what she does with it.

Well, she's going to do nothing with it because, as I mentioned, she quit.

Well, the question is: did she move on?

- Good boy.

Come on!


- So much for man's best friend.

- I think he likes me.

I don't blame him.

You bring Klondike on all your dates?

You're the first woman I've ever introduced him to.

I'm flattered.

You should be.

We've been together a long time.

He's a cutie.

Where did you get him?

His mom abandoned him when he was a pup.

You rescued him?

- Yeah, we rescued each other.


I found him after I lost my first election.

You got a sensitive side.

I like it.

Oh, looks like someone's hungry.

- Ready for some lunch?

- Yeah.


Come on!


- How's it going?

I don't think she likes me very much.

Don't take it personally, she can be stubborn.

Hey, where did you find this?

The glovebox.

I thought I lost this years ago.

I changed the fluids and filters, replaced the sparkplugs, tie in the hoses, and I still can't get it to turn over.


- Maybe time to throw in the towel.

Look, why don't we give it a once-over together.

We'll see what happens.


Why not?


Here we go.

This is amazing!

Where did you get this?

- I made it.

- You did not.

I did too.

I'm impressed.

That was the plan.

I wish I could cook.

Did you just admit you're not good at something?

Did I?

Now, that's the Abigail I know.

Oh, so you think you know me now?

I'd like to.

I'd like that.

We do have to think about the Davenport-Merriwick curse.

- I'm up for the challenge.

- I was hoping you'd say that.

Come on, Klondike!

Let's go play!


All of you could be great doctors, but you're not great yet.

Your specialties may differ, your opinions may differ, your advice may differ, but there's one thing that separates good doctors from the great ones, and that's compassion.

Somebody recently told me they don't teach that in med school, but lucky for you, we teach it here.

So starting today, you're all gonna do a four-week rotation with Adam, the hospital chaplain.

Thank you, Dr.


I fully subscribe to the healing benefits of medicine, but equally beneficial is the human connection.

So, why don't we take a five-minute break and we'll get started.


He doesn't look happy.

It's not my job to make him happy.

My job is to make him a better doctor.


Radford thank you.

- OK, got it.

- Nice work!

And now what?

The moment of truth.

Well, you should do it.

You earned it.


Give her some gas.




- We did it!

- You did it.

There's no skill you can't learn when you put your mind to it.

Imagine what you can do when you design your videogames.

Thanks, George.

- Take her for a spin.

- Not without you!


Let's go!

What was in the tea you gave me?

Uh tea.

I was hoping I could blame you.

I acted like a giddy schoolgirl.

- What's wrong with that?

- Everything!

I was so pleasant!

- Well, it's about time.

- What is that supposed to mean?

It just means that it's OK to let him see what a wonderful person you are.

I hope you're right.

Cassie, I think I'm gonna check out early.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I guess friendship can't conquer everything.

As our paths diverge, they can also cross again.

That's how friendships evolve and grow stronger.

Unless they end.

Snow Princess Walkie-talkies?

That was my daughter's.

She's donating it to a toy drive if we can find the other one.

Chelsea and I had these when we were kids.

We even had codenames.

I was Rainbow, and she was Pinky.


She lived two houses down, and we used to talk at night until the batteries died.

It's nice to have those memories.


Nice to create new ones too.

- Hello?


- Hello?

- Rainbow?


I'm the worst friend ever.

No, I am the worst friend ever.

Remember what we used to do when we were kids?

How could I forget?

One - Two.

- (TOGETHER): Three.


When you and Brian broke up, I should have been there for you.

And I should be more understanding about Spencer.

No matter who comes into my life, you're my best friend, I'll always make room for you.

- Ten-four, Pinky.

- Over and out, Rainbow.


Hello, my little worker bees.

Your moment has arrived.

So, what tantalizing tales of Endicott glory do you two have for me?

I, um I think you're gonna like what we found.


That's right.

We, uh, we wrote it together.


Just as I planned.

What was your plan exactly?

To keep you both.

So, this was just all a A team-building exercise.

You built a team, so you both passed.

Now, we have a lot of work to do, so I will expect to see both of you here bright and early tomorrow morning.




What are you doing here?

Your silence spoke volumes.

Oh I'm listening.

When I reflected upon our time together, I knew what needed to be done.


It's phenomenal!


Because it's you.


It is, isn't it?

Oh - Wow!


- You like?

I love.

So, how long 'til we can hit the streets?

About another week, we should be ready to launch.

I better get working on the menu then.

Oh no, unfortunately, you can't start now.

- What's up?

- The business day just ended.

Follow me.


You did all this?

I call it separating our professional lives from our personal.

- (POP!)

- Well, I call it sweet.


Oh - There you are.

- Thank you.

- Should we toast?

- Absolutely.

- (TOGETHER): To the food truck!


- Jinx.

- Jinx.

Well, I guess we know what's on both our minds.

Guess so.

Kind of all I'm thinking about.

Me too.

And don't think I haven't noticed.

- You're wrong.

- You let the patients win - every time you play Gin.

- It's good bedside manner.


- I really appreciate you bringing the Josh situation to my attention.

I really appreciate you listening.

Not all doctors would be so receptive.

Well, I'm glad you're part of our team.

- Me too.

- To compassion.

- Compassion.


- - Oh, it turned out beautifully!

- Middleton will love it!

- Hmm.

Are you following my advice to say nothing?

And it works wonders!

People just feel the need to keep talking, and the truth pours out.

Just don't let on that I told you the secret.

Cassie, I don't know what I'd do without your advice.

- I'm glad I could help.

- Can I ask you something?

- Of course.

- How do you do what you do?

You know exactly what people need point them in the right direction and always pop up at just the right time.

Oh Mm-hmm.

Now, you're saying nothing.

Sometimes, silence is true wisdom's best reply.




The truth is I don't know where the truth is - Hi.

- Hey.

I just came to tell you that Klondike had a really great time today.

Tell Klondike that I did too.

That makes three of us.

You know how you admitted that you can't cook?

Well, I'm a terrible dancer.

Baby, stay I bet you're a great kisser.

We can make it through, you'll see When the sparks fade And it's you and me - Stay, baby - Stay, baby Stay with me (SIGHING)



- Ever.

At least, you didn't say worst day ever.


It ended better than it started.


It's not how you start, it's how you finish.

I love you, Mom.

- And I love you too.

- Hmm!


- What is that?

Uhhh must have gotten mixed in with the magazines this morning.

It's from Wellingsly.

My alma mater.




This is either a very detailed full-color rejection letter or I got in!

- I got an acceptance letter!


Oh, my God!

First of many, I'm sure.

You know what?

Even if it isn't I think I'm gonna be fine.

I know you will be.