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03x02 - Chapter 21

Posted: 07/04/19 08:23
by bunniefuu
Ostensebly on, "Legion" Far out.

You're just in time.

Come on.

We've been waiting for you.

What's that?



He makes it.

In here.

He's the Dream-Come-True-Man.

Why do you need a time traveler?

To go back in time.

What else?

- How far?

- Well, how far can you go?

They're coming.

The forces of division.

They're almost here.

I've seen them.

They k*ll you.

I'd hear them.

You didn't last time.

You're helping him, no?

I don't know what you're talking about.

How do you surprise someone who can go back in time and warn himself?

Oh, you've lost 900 baseball games And we kids all love to call you names And you never learned to fly a kite And you're penless so you cannot write And at lunch you sit alone and mope You're a wishy-washy kind of dope Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown You don't have one hope "Yes, I do, yes, I do That little girl who's new Smiled at me, smiled at me At lunch today And tonight I will go home and pray That tomorrow she might come and say Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown I'm glad to know you.

" Everybody out.



Is that Japanese?



So, um David wants you, right now, but don't get any ideas, because I am his major domo.

Got it?

This girl, not you, with your adorable fashion senseand your superpowers.

I help him more than you ever will.

He needs me.

So, if you want to live here and be part of the commune, you got to remember one thing: you work for me.

And I work for him.

And that is the order.

Got it?

I'll take that as a yes.

David Haller the little piece of shit?

No, that's not that's just - Used.


- words.

- Judged.

- Stop it!

This blonde thing that pretends to love us.

That is not We are in love.

That is real.

Take a seat.

That'll be all.

Thank you.

Get something to eat.

You're happy now.

Well, this girl's starving.

If you need me, I'll be inside, eating.

How does it work?

Your power.

There's a place I go.

A hallway?

It looks like a hallway.

With all these doors.

One way is the past.

The other way is the future.

Show me.

Little help?

I'm sorry.

I always go alone.

I don't know how to Pathetic.

What did you think would happen?

Well, that was never gonna work.

Did you really think she could help you?


- You got to try harder than that.

- Weak.

Are you mad?

Don't be mad.

Of course I'm not mad.

Here, sit.

- Do you believe in me?

- What do you mean?

Do you believe that I'm a good person?

That I deserve love just like everybody else?

Of course.

'Cause we can fix this world, all the bad things.

We just got to start over.

I do.

Go back, keep the house from being haunted.

It's so important.

Do you understand?

It's not about a girl.

It's about saving lives.

Starting with mine.

So we have to fix you, your powers.

You have the skill.

We just need to turn up the volume.

How do we do that?

I know a guy.

I wouldn't kick too hard.

It's a long way down.


Pressure plate.

See this big red button?

Let's just say, at this height, it's unclear whether you'll freeze to death before your lungs burst or the other way around.

I'm Dude Bro This is the wrong foot.

We're getting off on the wrong foot.

- Which foot should we be on?

- You know Right foot.

Correct foot.

You and me, us, that's the beauty he teaches, skipper how we're brothers.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Where's the house?

What house?

Your house.

It disappeared when we came for you.

Uh That doesn't sound like a house.

There's usually a foundation, you know, in the ground?

Where is he?



You're trying to trick me.

I'm a good boy.

Squirrel's a good boy!

Who are you talking to?

Jump, jump Mac Dad'll make you - Jump, jump - Where is David?

Or Lenny.

I-I will take Lenny.

Mac Dad'll make you jump, jump Squirrel, baby.

Mac Dad'll make you jump, jump Sweetheart.

Where's the house?

- I need to take you home.

- Jump, jump You want to go home, don't you?

Sleep in your own bed?


Daddy Mac will make you Yeah, yeah.








- Parachute deployed.

- Warning.

- Warning.


- It's a little low.

No, it's all right.

He's okay.

He's he's on foot.

He's limping a little.

He's heading due south.

Hey, h-hey, kid!

Miss me?

- Yo, the breakfast queen.

- Yeah.

Did he send you?

Get in.


Psst, psst.

Ho, ho, ho.


Promise me I get to fight her.

We got to find David.

That's the must-do, so you can fight her but not k*ll her.


Come here.



What did you do?


It's me.

I didn't want to scare you.

I'm not afraid.

For the record, I wasn't bothering anybody.

We just wanted to be left alone.

To find peace.


- My people.

- Your commune.

You're talking about your commune, where you seduce teenage girls with daddy issues.

You jealous?

I mean, no, that's not what I do.

It's about love.

I help people, open their minds.

I teach them how to care about each other.

You know?

Flaws and all.

'Cause people make mistakes.

We make mistakes.

We do things we can't take back, and then we stop loving ourselves.

And if we can't love ourselves Oh, is that the problem?

You stopped loving yourself?

Baby, I am so sorry.

- No.

- I am.

"I, I, I".

You have no idea what it's like to be me.

My problems, my life.

You the mind reader.

You don't see me.

You never really did.

- Don't-don't don't do that!

- Sorry.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

I'm just trying to tell you, trying to show you, you are all I see.

It's called love.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will k*ll them"?

No, that's awful.

You need to turn yourself in.

So you can treat me?

Or k*ll me?

Like you did yesterday, twice?

I saw.

She showed me.

The time traveler.

She saved me from you.

Syd, how could you do that?

Without a word.

- We - Don't say "love each other".

Lenny said not to come, but I had to know.

I had to know.

I am a good person.

I deserve love.

- I deserve love.

- You deserve love?

I know, but you did bad things to me.

You drugged me and had sex with me.

What if I could change that?

The timeline.

You would still be the man who tricked me.

Who took advantage of me.

I just wouldn't know.

No, no, I-I mean before.

Go back before.

- You pick the time - It doesn't matter what you did.

It's who you are, David.

And all of this, your undoing project, - it's just another trick.

- Well, fine.

Then-then let me go.


I won't bother you.

I won't bother anybody.

- I can't.

- Why?

If you hate me so much.

Because you end the world.

It's red.

It's red.

It's red.

Are we here?

Is this the house?

Ticktock, little bird.

Pull up a mushroom.

Do you have the - Ah.

- Ah-ah-ah.

Little birdies only get treats after they sing.

Is he here?

That's starling for: "Who's asking?" Where you been, little bird?

The house went to Oz, and you weren't in it.

I was in the airplane.

- The sky.

- Oh, yeah?

You fly first class?

They warm your nuts?

- What?

- Focus, asshat.

I'm asking about the temperature of your nuts.

Can I can I just have the dr*gs now?

Ah I thought the blue stuff.

You like wine, little bird?


A nice Chianti?



The Loire Valley?

Ever seen blue wine?


- This is the good stuff.

- Oh.

That blue water's just for beginners.

And you're not a beginner, are you?

- Oh, little baby.

- Oh.


Yes, take off his little hat.

You know what to do.


Aw, and put it back on.

- Can we go?

- They're doing the dr*gs.

It's not it's just "dr*gs".

Can we go?

- What?

- It's not "the dr*gs".

Is he there?


I don't think so.

Heat sensors show the barn is empty.

Can we go?

What does the mainframe say?

Probability of capturing all accomplices alive: 63%.

Well, we don't need them all.

Just Lenny.



Drop the net.




Cary, come in.

We've lost the principal.

Do you have eyes on her?



Oh, Kerry!

We need to talk.

He thinks he's the victim.

And that's why he's dangerous.

His mind is fixed.

His reality is alternate.

So talk is useless.

He said I k*lled him.


We had him.

And he had her.

How do we stop him if he can just go back and undo everything?

We must stop her first.

But still, he is listening for us.

We won't surprise him again.

If only we knew how he does it, destroys the world.

Then maybe we could get ahead of him.

What would be the fun in that?

You are the one to reach him.

An army cannot sneak up on a man.

But a lover can.

We're not that.

And I won't do that.

To save the world?


Well the intimacy we need is emotional, not physical.

I will teach you to lie so well, David thanks you when you s*ab him in the back.


You said something to me at the trial, if that's what you want to call it.

I think we saw that as an intervention.

You tried to gas me.

Not me, personally, if that makes any It doesn't.


What-what did I say at the, at the trial?

You said, "Your mind can't reconcile the person we see with the person you think you are.

" Yes.

I-I think that's right.

- Don't k*ll me.

- I'm not gonna - She needs me.

- Stop.

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

You're gonna do something for me.

I am?

I need a t*nk or a tool, something that magnifies powers.



She's young, right?

I think that's the problem.

They're not fully developed yet, her powers.

So you're gonna build a t*nk or a tool to help her help me.

Help you do what?

Fix things.

David, you don't have to do this.

Come back with me No.

Open your mind, your heart.

This is good.

You want to do this.

I do?

You will.

Oh Shh Cesium, Cs.

Zirconium, Zr.

Cesium, Cs.

Zirconium, Zr.

Mommy says, when we grow up, we're gonna be just like her.

Daddy says wolfram is another name for tungsten.

That's why its periodic symbol is W. W W W W W W W W W W W You ride on the swing in and out of the bars Capturing moments of life In a jar Playing with children No.

- Let me lead.

- It's my dance.

I said let me lead.

Let me lead.

He says that you can help us, magnify the field.

The field?

What do you know about time travel?

I have a PhD in quantum mechanics and a masters in nuclear physics.

Have you ever seen the hall?

The hall?

Time is a hallway.

It moves in two directions, forwards and back.

And by drawing a doorway in the air like this I can access the time stream.

That's fascinating.

But only I can go, so I need youto expand the field, my field, so I can take him with me.

I'll need tools, technology.

Hey there, Professor, we got your shit!

That'll do, hon.


What you making?

There's a, uh The quantum field generated by Subject A is too narrow to encompass also Subject B, so I have to determine whether it's the intensity of the field or its width breadth?

that's width that's the issueand then devise a solution.

Something wearable maybe?

Or - a scepter - Hey!

Get your own hammer, grabby.



Transponders - When?

- What?


- When will it be ready?

- No.

When is he going?


I mean, what time period?

What's he gonna do?

Save the world.

Now I get it.