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05x04 - The Prince

Posted: 06/25/19 09:23
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Good Witch.

- Your romance is doomed.

He is a Davenport and you are a Merriwick.

[GRACE.] : I like writing and photography.

Then, do more of that and just figure out - what you like the best.

- I'd like to go on that date.

I don't want to be the rebound girl.

Fancy food, a warm fire, - and good company.

- Sounds romantic.

- What do you want, Martha?

- My job back!

You need to get this Blairsville town line nonsense fixed, so my house can be returned to Middleton.

This is my husband, Sam.

I think that's the first time I've heard you say that.

Hello, Martha.

- Crumpet?

- Oh, my!

Those do look delicious.

But business before baked goods.

Yes, I'd love to do your TV show.

You know, Cassie Nightingale, one of these days, I will surprise you.

You're constantly surprising me, Martha.

I'm gonna take that as a compliment, and I'm gonna take one of these crumpets.

Now, I was thinking, for the show, sort of a holistic healing demo.

You know, a few herbs, a couple of wonderful smelling oils, your wisdom, my wit; how can we go wrong?

Oh, these smell so good!

Perhaps I could take a few home for Tom.

Oh, I thought you might ask that.




I'm Cassie Nightingale.

You must be Henry.


Our phone call, my accent gave me away.

Let's just say it stuck in my memory.

And it's no wonder, it's simply music to the ears!

Martha Tinsdale, Middleton's authority on all things British.

- Delighted.

- What brings you to our charming little corner of the world?

I'm just looking for a little peace and quiet.

Well, normally, that describes Grey House perfectly.

Hmmm Oh my, what an inspired piece of luggage!

Military issue.

I just finished a tour with the Cordonian Royal Navy.

How adventurous!

Were you stationed somewhere exotic?

I did disaster relief in the South Pacific.

The stories you must have.

Which gives me a wonderful idea.

How would you like to be the first guest on my TV show?

I could interview you about your experiences.

It sounds much more exciting than it actually was.

And the truth is I'm a bit camera shy.

- Ohhh oh.

- Do I smell crumpets?

I just left some out for guests.

Help yourself.

Ohhh what a shame!

He would have been a fabulous first guest.

Of course, not as fabulous as you!

Thank you, Martha.

Don't forget your crumpets.



So, what do you think for tonight?

Some Like It Hot, or Breakfast At Tiffany's?

Not feeling the rom-come today.

I'm sorry, it's just this budget proposal.

I owe it to city council by tonight.

Budget proposal, that sounds important.

So I'm guessing you're gonna have to cancel movie night then.

I've had to cancel everything lately.

You know, I interned at Sam's office a while back.

Maybe I could intern for you at City Hall.

You want to intern at the mayor's office?


It would be great job experience and might even help me figure out what I wanna study in college.

- Do you have any references?

- My cousin's the mayor.

That's impressive.

Can you start this afternoon?


No, I can be there right after school.


Just a heads-up, I can be a pretty tough boss.

I think I can handle it.

We will find out.

[SAM.] : So serious?

- Very serious.

- What can I do to help?

Be ready to make a quick decision.

I've already decided.


I'll take the waffle iron.

Out of everything we have up for auction, - you want the waffle iron?

- One in Grey House is broke.

Waffle iron it is.

Just make sure you bid on it as soon - as the auction goes live.

- I guess they'll let anybody be chief of staff in this hospital.

I guess they'll let anybody just walk in here.

- This place is interesting.

- What are you doing here?

Can't a guy drop in on an old friend?

Oh, Adam, this is Patrick Taylor.


Patrick Taylor, head of cardiothoracic surgery - at St.

Percy's in Beverly Hills.

- Adam Hawkins, head of pastoral care here at Hillcrest Hospital.

- Good to meet you, Chaplain.

- You too.

Sam and I went to medical school together.

Even back then, I knew he'd make a heck of a doctor.

Not how I remember you putting it, but it has been 20 years.

You two must have a lot of catching up to do, I'll leave you to it.

What are you really doing here?

I need your help with a patient.

Um, alright.

Let's go talk in my office.

- Oh, hang on.

- I need a wheelchair and oxygen stat!

Take slow, deep breaths - in your chair.



Oh, Henry, I was just bringing you some tea.

How are you settling in?

Quite well.

Grey House is just like home, except warmer and less dusty.

I'm sure home's not all that bad.

Your family still there?

Lurking around every corner.

They sound involved.

Yes, that about sums it up.

Well, I hope you have time to meet the other guests.

"There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met yet. "

- Mr. Yeats, I believe.

- You know your poets.

What a lovely old piano.

Thank you.

Do you play?

It helps me think.

Then I'll leave you to your thoughts.


Oh, hi.

I didn't realize anyone was there.

I I didn't mean to interrupt.

Not at all.

I'm Henry.


I was on my way to work, and I heard you playing.

Chopin, right?

I'm so rusty, I'm surprised you recognized it.

Are you a fellow traveller?

I do love to travel, but I live in Middleton.

I'm just staying here while my house is being painted.

Do you play?


I write.


I adore poetry.

I'd give anything to be able to write it.

And I'd give anything to be able to play the piano.

You're from England?



Have you been to England?


I made it to the finals of the London Poetry Fellowship a few times, but no luck yet.

That, I'd say, is their loss.

And I say thank you.

I'm late, I have to get to the library.

- Overdue book?

- [CHUCKLING.] : No.

- I'm the librarian.

- It is wonderful meeting you.

You too.

- It's not a heart attack.

- It never is.

But there's still yet chest pains and shortness of breath.

Have you done a stress test or an angiogram?

I have seen five cardiologists, and I still don't have a diagnosis.

I'd like to help, but it's not really my area.

Are you kidding me?

You were one of the best diagnosticians I've ever seen.

I really need you to figure this out.

We've got a great cardiologist upstairs, maybe I should have him take a look.

I didn't come here for a referral, Sam.

I'll order some tests.

What, seriously?!

I was inches away from hitting the giant reef.

Let's hope my first day at the internship goes better than your first day on a yacht.

It will, so long as you stay caffeinated.

I already got it covered.

And Abigail's too.

Way to butter up the boss!

Well, the boss is going to want me to be on time, - so see you later.

- Alright.

Aaah your regular.

Thanks, Stephanie.

No, thank you for organizing the Bistro's first ever poetry open mic.

I've never been to an open mic before.

- You should come.

- Actually, I If you're busy, I completely understand.

- I'd love to come.

- You must be Henry.

Word certainly spreads quickly in this little town.

Yeah, well, it does when Martha's around.

I'm Stephanie.

You look like you could use a cup of coffee.

- You're a mind reader.


So, Martha says that you're from Cordonia.

- Guilty.

- You're from Cordonia?!

- You've heard of it?

- I've sailed in that port a few times.


Excuse me.

It was lovely to meet you all.


I brought your favourite coffee.

But it looks like you already have one.

Luke took care of my afternoon caffeine fix.

- And your budget proposal.

- Wow, you're good.

- Luke Williams.

- Grace Russell.

I know.

I've done my homework.

Luke is my other intern.

Your 3 o'clock starts in 5, Mayor Pershing.

Walk with me.

I've never seen you at school before.

It's 'cause I go to Regisland Academy.

This also needs your signature.

- Ohhh, what's this?

- Permit request.

Commercial developer wants to level Wishing Well Park and build a country club.

How can you build on a public park?

It's actually privately owned by the Dobson family.

They decided to sell.

That wishing well means a lot to Middleton, you can't let them tear it down.

I should have known.

- So, what do we do now?

- You don't have to do anything.

What do you mean by that?

Unlike some people, most of us have to put in actual work to get an opportunity like this.

You don't think I deserve to be here.


I guess we'll find out.


- This is Luke Williams.

There you go.

I can't believe this guy got you to marry him.

- She couldn't resist my charms.

- Or your sense of humour.


- You guys are just - like me and Serena.

- Serena?

- Edwards from med school?

- Serena Taylor now.

Guess she couldn't resist my charms either.

- How long you two been married?

- Nine years next week.

- Serena was brilliant.

- She still is.

She was head of neurology at Queensborough.

Wow, must be hard to be apart.

It's definitely tough being separated.

Well, let's figure out what's going on with you so you can get home.

- That looks fun.

- Do you want to give it a try?

I'll let you enjoy it.

It's the only golf you're gonna be playing around here.

You're denying my father's permit to build a country club.

If you want a golf course, build it in Blairsville.

We got a really great deal on the land in Middleton.


You're part of Davenport Enterprises.

It's all in the family.

Wishing Well Park is a Middleton landmark.

And the birthplace of the Merriwick-Davenport curse.

You believe in curses?

It's the only reason I haven't asked you out.

Or maybe you thought I'd say no.

Be careful, Madam Mayor.

My father always gets what he wants.

So do I.

Good morning!

It is now!

I love strawberry crepes.

And don't forget the homemade whipped cream.

Ahhh Serena would love this.

- She must be worried about you.

- I haven't told her.

Hmmm I imagine that would be hard.

Um, hang on.

I bet you like chocolate chips.

I have them at home all the time.

Ah, well, we like Grey House to feel like home.

Home doesn't feel like home anymore.

Serena and I are separated.

Hmm I'm sorry to hear that.

She says I focus too much on work.

And what do you say?

I think if you want to be the best at what you do, you gotta put in the time.

But she still means the world to me.

Hmmm Well, maybe she needs to hear that.

Ugh I've got a bad headache.

Let me get you some lavender oil to rub on your temples.

No thanks, I prefer aspirin.

- Oh!

Someone's in a hurry.

- Yeah.

I'm stopping by city hall before school to reorganize Abigail's desk.

I like the initiative.

Sounds like internship's going well.

Do you think Abigail gave me the job 'cause we're related?


- Not what I wanted to hear.

- It doesn't mean - you don't deserve it.

- No, Luke doesn't think so.

- Who's Luke?

- My competition.

Sounds like he's keeping you on your toes.

He's trying, but I'm gonna show him that us Merriwicks work harder than anyone.


- Bye.

- Bye.


Nothing more impressive than hard work.

- Davis Davenport.

- Mayor Abigail Pershing.

My son speaks quite highly of you.

- I highly doubt that.

- A straight sh**t, - I like that.

Can I be straight?

- I'd appreciate it.

Let me build my country club.

Not gonna happen.

You do realize the money and prestige it would bring to your town?

That's not the image Middleton's striving for.

I was hoping we could work this out like professionals.

Professionals don't barge into someone's office trying to strong-arm them.

It would seem we're at an impasse.

It would seem we are.

You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

Thank you so much.

Ah, ooh!

You think Vincent will like them?

I'm sure he'll think they're beautiful.

Well, then, they are the perfect earrings for what I'm sure will be a perfect first date.


There's no but.

Why do you think there'd be a but?

I just want to make sure you're going out with the guy that you want to be going out with.

Are you talking about Adam?

Are you talking about Adam?

I like Vincent, and I really want to see where this goes.

Then, those are my gifts to you.

I hope - you two have a wonderful time.

- Oh, thank you.

- Awww!



Cassie, I just wanted to check in and make sure that you're ready for the show tomorrow.

- I'm ready for my close-up.

- Perfect!

Now we're gonna do hair first and then makeup.

And we want to avoid any colour clashing on camera, so I should tell you that I will be wearing Magenta?

Honestly, I don't know why I bother.

Stop worrying.

You are a natural.

I know, but it never hurts to hear it from others.

Be proud of yourself.

It's not easy to take on something new.

You know, being mayor will always be first in my heart, but at least with a show I can still serve the good people of Middleton.

- See?

You found Martha 2. 0.

- I still have no idea what that means, but I think it's become my catchphrase.


Well, your bloodwork looks good.

So far, everything's normal.

Still waiting on the results of your CT scan.

Sam, I owe you an apology.

The way I treated you in med school I was kind of obnoxious.

Yeah, you kind of were.

But could you blame me?

I was jealous.

Of what?

The smartest guy in the entire program.

I appreciate that, but Serena puts us both to shame.

- - She is one of a kind.

Nice to have somebody to lean on.

- It'd be nice if she were here.

- Yeah.

Why isn't she?

When do you think those CT results will come in?


You, bungee jumping?

I can't say that's easy to picture.

- Because I'm a librarian?

- It does break the mold a bit.

Well, "freedom lies in being bold.

" - Robert Frost.

- One of my favourites.

I couldn't get enough of his poems when I was a kid.

I bet you were a cute kid.

What about now?

Now, you're handsome.

You know what I can't wait to see?

- What?

- You reading a poem on stage.

I'd be too nervous.

You'll jump off a bridge with a rubber band tied to your ankles, but you won't regale us with your poetry?

- Pretty much.

- Well, hello, you two.

It would appear that Middleton has once again worked its romantic magic.

I am growing quite fond of your town.


- Oh!



Welcome, everyone, to the Bistro's first ever open mic poetry reading!


Now, our first performer needs no introduction.

You know her.

You love her.

She's Middleton's own - Martha Tinsdale!

- Oh!

This is an original work entitled An Ode to Middleton.

"Middleton, my Middleton, "mighty as the raging sea.

"Middleton, dear Middleton, "my heart only beats - for thee.



It would be quite lovely to hear one of your poems.

Are you sure you can't be persuaded?

Apparently, I can be.

Alright, our next poet is Oh!

I guess it's Olivia.


"When I come to the end of the road, "it will be filled with tender memories, "and I shall walk humble in my grief "for the only true freedom "is love.


You said you loved the whole poem.

And I meant it, but that one line about freedom "I shall walk humble in my grief for the only true freedom is love.

" Amazing!

- Tonight was delightful.

- It really was.

Do we press our luck and venture out again or do we simply hold onto the memory of this wonderful evening?

I say we throw caution in the wind.

Then, I propose a night of dining and dancing.

It'll be more like a night of dining and stepping on your toes.

I kind of have two left feet.

You're wonderfully forthright, I find that charming.

You're kind of charming yourself.

- Until tomorrow then.

- Mm-hmm.

- Good night.

- Good night.

I know where I remember you from.

Brompton Park Polo Club.

You were sitting in the royal box.

Sorry, mate, you must have me mistaken for someone else.

Good night.

I'm just wondering what Prince Henry of Cordonia is doing in Middleton.

I'd prefer you keep that between us.

You're a prince?!

It's good to talk to you, Serena.

Yeah, I will.

Take care.

Patrick's wife?

Not for long.

They're separated.

- Yeah, he told me.

- Strawberry crepes.

- Works every time.


She said Patrick wants her back.

- What does she want?

- Just to know that he's OK, which he seems to be according to every test I've run so far.

I don't think there's a test for what's wrong with him.

- Meaning?

- He misses Serena.

It's clearly taken a toll on him.

Stress can do that.


So can a broken heart.

"The clock was about to strike midnight and Cinderella knew she had to leave.

" Why?

Because Cinderella was afraid to let the prince see her in her real clothes.


Are you a real prince?

I am.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

I just didn't want to be given the royal treatment.

That's a little presumptuous.

Actually, it's very presumptuous.

And probably true.

- Nice outfit.

- You like it?

It suits you.

Let's try this again.


I'm Prince Henry of Cordonia, and you are?

Olivia of Middleton.

Might I be so forward as to ask you to join me for dinner, Olivia of Middleton?

That sounds lovely.

I pushed your call with the finance department and got the city council to hold their vote early, so your budget is now approved.

Plus, I did some research on zoning law for the arbitration this afternoon.

It's complicated, but these notes should hopefully help.

A few days on the job, and you're basically deputy mayor.

I will take the title bump if you're offering it.

Are you sure you don't want the actual mayor job instead?

Ah, Mayor Pershing, I have your latte.

Grace beat you to it.


Then, would you like to go over schedule for the day?

I already did that too.

OK, then.

Councilman Humphrey called about - the Wishing Well Park situation.

- About that, I need you both to go over every map of the park you can find and see if there's anything I can use in arbitration, while I go over these extensive notes from Grace.

The mayor has spoken, off you go.


Do you have a minute?

I have 30 seconds.

- Can I give you some advice?

- This should be good.

- Don't go up against my father.

- Are you threatening me?

I'm protecting you.

For once, I actually believe you.

It's just easier to give him what he wants.

Is that what you've always done?

Good luck.

Doing a little light reading on your lunch break?

Did you hear Henry's a prince?

- I suspected.

- You should have seen him in his royal outfit.

He looked very Dignified?

- I was gonna say cute.


It's kind of surreal.

I mean, yesterday, we were talking about bungee jumping, and now I'm trying to figure out if I'm supposed to bow in front of him.

Hmm, women are supposed to curtsey, not bow.


When was this written?

I figured etiquette is etiquette.

Do you really think I have to curtsey?

Um, I think a handshake will do.

This was a lot easier when he wasn't a prince.

Well, prince or not, he's still the same person.

But now, there's a whole side of him I don't know about.

That's what second dates are for.


This is amazing!

- You did good.

- Did I pass muster, Captain?

Oh, you did more than pass.

I am gonna promote you to first officer.


Well, with a discerning palate like yours, - I had to bring my A game.

- Oh, well, you brought it.

I'm really glad we did this.

Me too.


So how is it that you're still on the market?

Uh, yeah, I am quite the catch.


- When you spend more time on water than dry land, it's hard to connect with someone.


Yeah, I get it.

I mean, between the Bistro and my catering, I find it really hard to find time.

- Hmm.

- And now well, I am thinking about buying a food truck.

Well, that sounds like a great idea.


It would be if I could find one in my price range.

What kind of price range are we walking about?

- Not a very big one.

- Oh.

Maybe I can help.



What brings you in?

I was hoping to find a gift to give Olivia on our date.

Oh, did you have something in mind?

- I'm not sure.

- About the gift or the date?

Olivia's wonderful, it's more the loose ends I have back at home.


I have these new journals in.

Maybe Olivia would like one for poetry.

"Rather than love, "than money, than fame, give me truth.

" Mr.


Walden, right?

I forgot how unromantic he was.

He didn't believe that love could exist without truth.

I'm not sure I trust his love advice, living alone at that pond all those years.

The only thing you need to trust is your heart.

Excuse me.


Oh, good, there you are.

Everything OK?

You seem a little on edge.

Well, I do become Mama Bear when someone is pulling the wool over the eyes - of a fellow Middletonian.

- You heard Henry's a prince?

Of course I did, and really, I should have known.

But anyway, that revelation prompted me to do a little digging on my Royal watcher websites.

- You follow the Royals?

- Chat rooms are a buzz.

Word is that Henry's family is making an official announcement tomorrow.

Announcement about what?

It appears that your prince Henry is engaged to Lady Georgina, duchess of Southerly.

I'm so sorry.


Is everything OK?

I'm not so sure.

I can't find Olivia.

She's not returning my texts or calls.

That's because you're engaged.

I'm sorry you found out, but it's not what it sounds like.

- I gotta go.

- Please, let me explain.

Excuse me.

I'm not even engaged.

Well, I I suppose I am.

My parents expect me to marry the duchess of Southerly.

It's royal tradition.

"Takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

" E. E.



- You found anything yet?

- Nope.

I can't believe someone would want to tear down Wishing Well Park.

Me either.

It's an important part of Middleton's history.

You care about the wishing well?

A lot of couples threw coins in that well, and if it's gone, then what happens to them?

The legend says that their love is supposed to last a lifetime.

You believe in all that?

Don't you?

- You are a Merriwick.

- So?

So, your family's responsible for the well being magical.

Well, it is going to take something magical to stop David Davenport from building that country club.

So I'm gonna go see if I can find any more maps.



Well, the last of the test results are in.

Good news is there's nothing physically wrong with you.

The bad news is you think it's all in my head.

I was leaning that way, yeah, but then Cassie had another thought.

I wasn't aware your wife went to medical school.

Well, she's an expert in matters of the heart.

And she thinks yours is broken.


Broken heart syndrome?

Is that what you think?

I think you need to make things right with Serena.

Serena's done with me.

She knows how hard you work as a doctor.

All she's asking is you work just as hard as a husband.

That won't be easy.

Maybe not, but it'll be worth it.

Last chance, Mayor Pershing.

I hear you're used to getting your way.

Not this time.

You're not going to take this away from Middleton.

You have just as much to gain from this as I do.

It's what I'll lose that's the problem.

- You're talking about her?

- He's talking about preserving a piece of history that links our two families.

Didn't you and Mom toss a coin in that well?

You're a Davenport, she's a Merriwick; it won't work.

Not if you bulldoze the well, it won't.

Make me an offer.

Donate the park back to Middleton and get a tax write-off.

And if I don't, will you back down?

You taught me better than that.


I didn't know how I was going to tell your mother anyway.

So, you'll be sitting in the chair on the left, and I'll sit camera right, which favours my profile.

You seem very calm for your first episode.

Well, of course I am, Cassie.

I'm a professional.

60 seconds.

60 seconds.

We go live in 60 seconds.

Oh, my goodness, we're going live!

I need to warm up.

Red leather, yellow leather.

Red leather, yellow leather.

Unique New York.

Unique New York.

Sushi chefs.

Sushi chefs.

Martha, it's gonna be OK.

You were made for this job.

Just be yourself, it'll be fine.


You're right.

I'm back.

First up will be your lavender oil demonstration.

I have a feeling something else may be first up.

Martha, forgive my intrusion, but if you'll still have me, I'd love to be on your show.

I'm not sure I want you on my show.

I think you should give him a chance.

Uh, 15 seconds.

15 seconds!


Oh, very well, I'll allow it.

Three, two, - one.

- Welcome to Middleton Today.

[WHISPERING.] : Wrong camera.



I'm your new host, Martha Tinsdale, and today we have a very special guest from across the pond, Prince Henry Mountjoy of Cordonia.

Thank you for having me on such short notice.

Let's dive right in, shall we?

According to my online sources, you've recently become engaged.

That's what my parents would want you to believe.

But is it the truth?

It's more a question of tradition.

They expect me to marry a fellow Royal, but, unfortunately, we disagree.

Forgive me, but it doesn't seem like you have a choice.

Everyone has a choice.

I know that now.

A royal title means nothing to me if I can't share it with someone I truly care for.

And have you met that certain someone?

Perhaps, but I need to ask her for a second chance.

Perhaps she's watching.

You could ask right now.

I came to Middleton to gather my thoughts, and now all I can think about is you.

Olivia, you were right, the only true freedom is love.




Caught up in the moment.

Well, that's our show for today.

No, no, no!

We still have 28 more minutes, keep it going.


Uh, oof, of course we do.


Ummm And of course, you all know my second guest: Cassie Nightingale.

Oh, nice place!

For you.

- You got me chocolates?

- Cherry's in the middle.

- That's my favourite.

- I took a chance.

Like you did for Middleton.

And me.

I just figured it was a better political move - than getting a whole town upset.

- Right.

And I do want to run for governor someday.

I can see you as governor.

I think that's the first thing we've agreed on.

Not sure how I feel about that.

Don't worry, won't last.



I'll be right with you.


And then I have to go to city hall for a zoning meeting that just got moved up.

Well flower shop owner, chocolatier and mayor, - it's a lot of balls in the air.

- One too many.

Flowers are overrated.

Running a business, I love; running a city, not so much.

Thanks again for the chocolates.

Thank you and let me know how that chimichurri sauce is.



Hey there, stranger.

Where have you been?

Working a lot, and my bantam league team made the playoffs.

That's amazing!


- Thank you.

- You know, I meant what I said - about us being friends.

- In that case, I'm gonna take you up on it.

I need your window.

We're doing a silent auction for bantam league; any chance I could hang up a poster?

Only if you let me donate something.

How about a dinner for two?

"Dinner for two"?

Yeah, for the bantam league silent auction.


Uh, Vincent, you met Adam at the wedding?

Yeah, you were the guy upfront.

Nice job on ceremony.

Nice job on the bouquet!

I'm not gonna live that down, am I?


- I should get this up.

- OK.

Hey, after our date I couldn't stop thinking about what you said.

I said a lot of things, you're gonna have to narrow it down.

Starting a food truck.

Something like that could really take off around here.

And check this out.

I saw this for sale.

- Is that really the price?

- Don't get excited, there's - a reason it's cheap.

- Does it run?

It will, it needs work, but I might be able to help you out with that.

You'd do that?

Hey, thanks again.

- Oh!

Yeah, anytime.

- Good to see you.

You too.


We were talking about a food truck.




I thought you were someone else.

Did you mean everything you said on the show?


Every word.


What's the secret?

They're made with love.

- You did not just say that.

- I really did.

Serena and I used to kiss over dessert.

Ah, I have a feeling you will again.

Thanks to both of you.

You make a good diagnosis team.


I second that opinion.

Don't ever let him take you for granted.

I don't think I have to worry about that.

Neither does Serena.

We just had a long talk.

I'm going home.

Well, let's not let another 20 years go by.

No chance.

I'm gonna pack.

Those crepes are pretty magical, right?

"It's because they're made with love.

" - You did not just say that.

- He really did.


I'm back!

I'm not in the mood, Martha!

Yes, you do seem a tad overworked.

- "A tad"?

- You'll be thrilled to know that our dear friend, Mayor Davenport, has provided a solution.

What are you talking about?

The town line and moi are both back to where we belong.

He put your house back in Middleton?

He did!


And now, if you don't mind, I believe you're sitting in my chair.

- I don't mind at all.


Aaah The office is yours, Mayor Tinsdale.


Thanks for the pastry.

Thanks for the coffee.

Hey, I'm sorry if I implied that you only got the job - because of family connections.

- You weren't completely wrong.

But you did put in the work, and I suppose you belong there as much as I do.


Was that painful to admit?

- I'll survive.



- I gotta take this.

- Yeah, sure.

This is Luke.

- - [SIGHING.]

I'm just getting the Merriwicks to trust me.

Don't worry, Got everything that we need.