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01x11 - Nobody knows anything

Posted: 06/19/19 06:21
by bunniefuu
Oh, debbie, you've got magic fingers.

Oh, i bet you give a great hand job.

Yeah, she does.

Hey, there's my baby.

Debbie, you gotta put her on the "a" list, really.

She rides better than willie shoemaker.

Did she go to the whip?

He is so crazy.

Only in the home stretch.

Ah, another satisfied customer.

I think he's having a heart att*ck!

Don't move.

Go see if dr.

Mop- n- glo is still here.

What do you mean, dr.

Mop- n- glo?


Don't worry.

He's a real doctor.

A dermatologist.

Excuse me.

What's the matter?


Edelstein, looks like he's having a heart att*ck.

I don't need no doctor.

It's just my back.

Nice and slow.

Oh, god.

Grab the rail.

Grab the rail.

That's right.

Go easy.

Go easy, now.

That's it.

Nice and easy.

Nice and easy.

Oh, mama.

That's it.

That's it.

Come on.

That's it.

Hold the rail.

I got it.

Hold the rail.

Go slow.

That's it.

That's it.

f*ck this.

What, your f*ckin' back still botherin' you?


F.B. I. !

Nobody move!

You believe this sh*t?

Come on.

It's a friendly card game.

Relax, jimmy.

If i wanted to bust up card games, i'd have a donut in my mouth.



Get him!



- oh, my goodness!

Do you know what this is?

It's a f*cking g*n!

f*ckin' jimmy's still in jail.

- It don't mean sh*t.

- I don't like it.

This is how it starts.

I think it was a potluck raid.

You know, make it look like they're earnin' their pay.

I agree.

Then why the f*ck would p*ssy run?

The guy's out of breath liftin' his d*ck up to take a leak.

So, puss, your ears must be ringin'.

Come on, run.

Ha, ha.

You guys are a f*ckin' riot.

We were just gonna draw straws to see who's goin' down there and bail you out.

My wife did.

I nearly strangled her on the ride home.

My head's hurtin', i got angina, and on top of all that, i threw my g*dd*mn back out again.

Maybe it was that ten- yard dash.

We don't run.

It's embarrassing.


They robbed me, those federal pricks.

- What do you mean?

- They grabbed four dimes from me.

You shouldn't carry that type of cash.

Never mind.

I need a drink.

Oh, jesus!

This better be good.

I was takin' my kid fishing.

Ah, jesus.

What, no "how you been?

How's it doin', vin"?

I thought we understood each other, right?

I don't give two shits about you, your family or whether you take it up the ass.

Now, what's so important you take me away from my boat?

Hey, f*ck face, where you goin'?

Why do you gotta talk to me like this?

I do a lot of risky sh*t for you.

You're not doin' charity work, remember?

All right.

I'm sorry.

Hey, vin, how ya doin'?

What do you got for me?

- Bompensiero.

- p*ssy?

- What about him?

- He's wired for sound.


I got it from a good source.

I thought you should know.

All right?

I'm sorry.

I know you like him.

Like him?

I fuckin'lovehim.

Now, who's your source?

He's on the force.

He's on the task force, all right?

Look, he's not lyin' to me.

He was in my wedding.

I wanna see the report.

I can't get my hands-- i wanna see the f*ckin' 3- 0- 2!

All right.

All right.

I'll see what i can do.

It doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, it does, ton, if you take the blinders off.

I'm in robbery/homicide.

I was told he was movin' a lot of "h" to pay for his kid's college.

Why would i know something like that?

And last spring, with that big heroin bust, where was he?

He told you he was in las vegas, am i right?

Again, i'm sorry, but, yeah, that's where he was.

He was in las vegas.

He was in a federal building, cutting a deal.

And why did he walk so easy from that thing the other day?

"Known wise guy resisted arrest.

" Who walks away from a thing like that with low- ball bail?


Why would he do it?


Because he's facin' a possible sentence of "from now on.

" Mandatory, that's why.

Come on.

I know a lot of guys who can't do that kind of time.

Who is this guy, p*ssy, huh?

Who is he?

He's a man who loves his family above all else.

Well, guess what?

That's their favorite target.

No-- okay.

That's fine.

I just said it's fine.

Was that my mother?

She's not coming.

You say it like you expected different.

I hoped.

Every year we have this open house, and every year she pulls the same sh*t.

It's what they call "negative attention gettin'.

" Maybe i should call her back.

That's just what she wants you to do.

Come here.

You're bein' too nice.

Forget about her.

She'll be fine.

Will you do me a favor?

Can you get the guys to help you move the piano out of the way?

They're comin' to get it tomorrow because some people don't play.

- I will.

- When?

It's been gathering dust here for three months.

Oh, puss, come here.

Excuse me.

- What do you need?

- We're gonna move this.

I wanna slide this out of the way.

I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

The f*ckin' thing's on wheels.

My back, tony.

I'm thinkin' about goin' home, sittin' in the tub.

You all right?

Yeah, it's just my back.

They got me on these elephant pills.

All right.

Go easy on'em.

Go ahead, sit down.

Take it easy.

Listen, i want you to keep your eye on p*ssy.

There's somethin' wrong with him.

He's not himself.

You're tellin' me?

You know, he hasn't even done his rounds in a week.

He's startin' to look like an easy mark.

I told him, "if someone owes you money, even if you gotta crawl, you get it.

" I even told him to give me his list on who owes what, and i'll collect the f*ckin' thing.

What'd he say?

He just nodded like a f*ckin' ret*rd.

Yeah, it's those f*ckin' percs.

He's throwin' them in his mouth like they're m&ms.

And there isn't even anything wrong with his back.

What do you mean?

Remember when that guy hit me in the head with that pool cue, and i f*cked my neck up?

Yeah, down at the shore.


I went to this doctor.

This guy works on the jets' front line when they get hurt.

Yeah, he's f*ckin' like the jonas salk of backs.

Anyway, i send p*ssy to this doctor.

The guy gives him the works-- m. R. I. S, cat scans, dog scans, you name it.

He says there's not a f*ckin' thing wrong with his back.

Then again, he says, uh, when it comes to backs, nobody knows anything, really.

You know, i was on a good run, and then, boom.

I don't know.

It's like i'm walking down the street, and i'm looking up, because i feel like a safe's gonna land on my head.

A feeling of pending doom?

Let me ask you a question.

This mental stuff can cause physical problems, right?

Are you having any physical problems?

No, no, i'm fine.

But i got a friend, a dear, dear friend, and i'm concerned about him.

- What's wrong with him?

- It's his back.

See, he-- he's complaining about his back, but i think the doctor thinks it's all in his head.

That's very possible.

What do you think?

- I think we should just keep this about you.

- This is about me.

Every time i offer my opinion about any of your friends, it seems to interfere with our therapy.

You start cursing and screaming.

What kind of mental stuff would cause a backache?

- For conversation's sake?

- Absolutely.

With some people, the pain is caused by more responsibility than they can handle.

Well, that makes sense.

I mean, he's got a lot of bills, a lot of problems with his kid's school fund.


What do you mean?

Psychologically, a secret is a heavy load.

It leads to feelings of guilt which further burden the mind.

If you want my opinion, this can't be true.

Thanks, debbie.

You know, i told you that i would do what i could, but this is d. E. A. , feds, task force.

This is not as easy as you think-- gettin' my hands on the 3- 0- 2.

Now, you listen to me.

This is the most serious f*ckin' decision i've ever had to make in my life, and i need proof.

I'm not gonna hurt a man that i love because of some cop gossip from a degenerate f*ckin' gambler with a badge, you understand me?

You know, you got the amazing ability to sum up a man's whole life in a single sentence.

"Degenerate gambler with a badge," huh?

- You're a pisser.

You're a real pisser.

- Oh, i'm sorry.

I'm under a little bit of pressure here.

I don't have time to suck your d*ck!

- Apology accepted.

- f*ck you!

- f*ck me?

- Yeah, f*ck you!

You know, when i was a kid-- when i was a kid and my old man would be in one of his ways, with the screamin' back and forth, eventually it'd end with her throwin' the closest thing to her, and he'd smack her around!

I don't know why, but i would run into my room and i would hide under my bed.

There was somethin' peaceful, and there was somethin' safe under that bed.

And that's where i would wake up the next day.

Everything back to normal.

How about you, tony?

Do you ever feel like hidin' under a bed?


Right now.

Oh, you're a prick to the end, right?

You really like this place, huh?

It's my getaway.

This is where debbie's taken care of me for years.

- I'll bet she has.

- I'm serious, she has.

I mean, there were times when i'd be havin' a great weekend with the football, you know, and i would come in here with a pocketful of money, shitfaced, and every friggin', f*ckin' penny of it would be there when i got up in the morning.

She is an honest lady.

She'd do anything for you.


Come on.

You come in here, you flash your badge, you get some free p*ssy.

f*ckin' p*ssy.

I wouldn't f*ck one of these broads with your d*ck.

They have absolutely no class, and they're always on the hustle.

That's kind of what they're supposed to do, no?

"Oh, hello, carmela.

How nice to see you.

" How are you feeling?

Oh, what can i say?

What's that?

Uh, it's a "rigot" pie.

I saved it from the open house.

Are you wearing makeup?

I can't eat that.

It's got cholesterol.

I made it with the low- fat cheese.


Well, maybe your friends'll eat it.

What friends?

Fine, you can eat it when junior visits.

You know, ma, your son loves you very much.

He worries all the time.

He felt bad that you didn't come to the open house.

And i don't care if you think it's disrespectful, but i want you to cut the drama.

- It's k*lling tony.

- What are you talking about?

I'm talking about this "poor mother, nobody loves me" victim crap.

It is textbook manipulation, and i hate seeing tony so upset over it.

I know how to talk to people.

Well, i am a mother too, don't forget.

And you know the power that you have, and you use it like a pro.



What power?

I don't have power.

I'm a shut- in!

You are bigger than life!

You are his mother!

I don't think for one second you don't know what you're doin' to him.

Who, me?


What did i-- what did i do?

Look, i didn't come by to argue.

I came by to check on you and to bring you the rigot.

If you don't want it, you can give it to junior, 'cause i know he stops by a lot.

He's my husband's brother.

He can't check up on me once in a while?

It's none of anybody's business.

Oh, my god.

I am not saying that.

All i'm saying is, if you don't want it, give it to junior.

I know what you're hinting at.

Ma, there is nothing wrong with companionship!

- What is wrong?

- oh.

Wait until you're abandoned.




When johnny was alive, nobody treated me like this.

What are you talking about?

Who is treating you bad?

Tony would rather die than see you hurt!

- Johnny was a saint.

- Yes, we have heard.

Funny, though, i don't remember you telling him that when he was alive.

Junior couldn't carry johnny's socks.

Do you think i'd blacken my johnny's memory by getting mixed up with his brother?

Oh, jeez.

I didn't say that.

All i'm saying is that we are happy that you and junior get along so well.

Well, at least with junior, i-- i've got some purpose in life.

Somebody listens to me and doesn't treat me like an old shoe.


Don't worry about the dish.

I'll come back tomorrow and get it.

Oh, tony.

Hey, college boy!

Yo, dad, it's uncle tony.

There he is, the beached whale.

Hey, tony, what are you doin' here?

I figured you'd be havin' a cannoli withdrawal by now.


No, stop'n shop.

What do you think?

Hey, you're the best.

Kev, put those on a dish.

Wait till after supper.

So, your father tells me you're takin' up astronomy in college.

No, business.

How come he keeps sayin' you're takin' up space in school?

Madron, don't make me laugh.

It kills my back.

He's a good- lookin' kid.

Sure he's yours?

You're lucky my wife's not home.

She'd toss you out for that.

She doesn't play.

I know.

He's a good boy, tony.

I pray to god i keep that f*ckin' tuition comin' in.

Hey, the kid can always go to city college.

This kid's stayin' right where he is.

He isn't gettin' f*cked 'cause his old man is!

You ought to relax.

You ought to take it easy a little.

"Take it easy.

" How the f*ck can i take it easy?

Things are happenin', tony.

What kind of things?


This f*ckin' back has taken me out of the game.

I'm way behind.

And top it off, i think i'm gettin' hooked on these f*ckin' painkillers.

I don't know.

I feel like someone put themaloikon me.

Puss, you got options.

Don't let anyone make you feel like you don't have any options, 'cause you got friends-- look at me-- friends that would die for you.

You understand me?


Yeah, i know.

You got anything you want to say to me?

Like what?

Like,"you want some coffee, tony?

You want somethin' to eat?" You want coffee?


What do you think, i'm gonna let you eat all those f*ckin' cannolis by yourself?

- You beached whale.

- Here.


Help me up.

You want coffee?

Who's gonna make it, you?

One, two, three.

You look good.


What's up, t?


f*ckin' traffic.

I would've been here Want a drink?


You okay?

- He's wearin' a wire.

- Who?

- p*ssy.

- Oh, get the f*ck outta here.

Our p*ssy?

Don't know how long.

- Are you sure about this, tony?

- Ninety percent.

Not enough to do what needs to be done.

Aw, jesus, tony, i'm f*ckin' dreamin' here.

Well, get used to it.

I've been walkin' into walls all week.

I'll do it.

It's my responsibility.

Tony, you waited a long time for the stripes.

This is one of the perks.

I'll do it.

We need to be I want you to see it.

I want you to see that f*ckin' wire strapped on his body!

I want you to see it.

You hear me?

I want you to see it.

Otherwise, all bets are off.

You understand?


This is our friend we're talkin' about here.

You say it.

You understand?

I understand.

Come in.

Mr. Soprano.

Are you busy?

No, no, no.

Come in, please.

I was in the neighborhood, figured i'd stop by and see my mother.

Brought her some mario lanza.

She, uh, loves the old guys.

I'm a little worried about her.

You know, she's always been depressed.

Sometimes these half- assed tenors can really do the trick.

You know where she is?

She's not in her room.

I wanted to tell her her house went into escrow.

She's with the other girls getting aqua therapy.

My mother?

The physical therapist told her if she didn't get any exercise, her back was gonna arch like an old lady.

I didn't even know she owned a bathing suit.

She's more connected to the world.

Which one?

This one or neptune?

No, really.

I think your uncle's visits has a lot to do with it.

Oh, she looks forward to them.

- Oh, could you excuse me one moment?

- Yeah, sure.

No, just, uh, tell her her house sold, and they accepted the counteroffer.



Yeah, i'll be right there.

I'm leavin', guys.

All right, p*ssy.

I'll see you later.

Feel better.

I'll tell ya if that horse is runnin'.

Don't do me any favors.

I gotta take off.

I'll see ya.

- Follow me.

- Where?

It's a surprise.

Come on, ya hard- on, before we get a ticket.

Paulie, i been here before.

What the f*ck you want?

Look around.

I'll give you three guesses.

Come on, down here.

We'll grab a rubdown after.


I don't know.

Come on, get undressed.

It's on me.

Why do you think those russian leaders live so long?

They take ashvitz every day.

I can't.

Now, don't be like that.

It's a gift.

Take your clothes off.


You want me to turn around?

The doctor said heat's no good for me.

I gotta avoid it.

That's why i sit in the shade.

What the f*ck you talkin' about?

Heat is good for your back.

Take your clothes off.

Look, paulie, i appreciate it, but maybe another time, huh?

Take your clothes off.

You're f*ckin' crazy.

I'm goin' home.

Why don't you wanna take your clothes off?

I got high blood pressure, you f*ckin' idiot.

I go in there, i could check the f*ck out.

My doctor mentioned steam and sauna specifically as no- no's!

He said stay the f*ck away from heat!

Thanks for the thought, but get out of my f*ckin' face.

What'd you find out?

It's good.

It's f*ckin' very good.

Spit it out.

He's into p*ssy, big.

I mean, with a capital "b.

" This f*ckin' makazian, he's a lyin' m*therf*cker.

He's into p*ssy for, like, 30 large.

Twenty grand just on football.

Uh, the rest is shy.

p*ssy must be burying this prick in vig alone.

It doesn't mean he's a liar.

It just means he's got a reason to see p*ssy dead.

It buys him time.

Could this prick have the balls to try somethin' like this?

Hey, we're talkin' about I don't even wanna think about what me and you would do to remove that debt.

I wouldn't bet football.

I gotta think about this.

Look, t, if my vote counts for anything, i cannot believe that p*ssy would fear the can enough to hurt his friends.

That's what they said about gravano.

All right.

Go back in.

I gotta think.



Why don't you take it easy?

I would think a whore would like a little pain.

Come on!

Take it easy!

Vinnie, stop it!

Let's get this show on the road!

Look at this.

A doctor, a madam, wise guy and a cop.

That's what i call a vice superfecta.

The four were arrested last night.

A police spokesman says that the officer in question will be placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the hearing set for this morning.

I'd hate to have been there when he got home.

I don't know which is more embarrassing-- to be caught in a bordello or to be caught with the wise guy.

Meanwhile, there was a fire-- assh*le.

What's a bordello?

It's a fancy name for a whorehouse.

- Don't start, okay?

- It is.

Yeah, i know it is.

I just don't like that talk.

This country's light years behind the rest of the world.

Most civilized countries have legalized prostitution.

Don't you got somewhere to be?

It's a joke.

Look what they're putting the president through.

- He deserved what he got.

- He got monica "kazinski" and the broad with the long nose.

I just don't think sex should be a punishable offense.

That's where i agree with you.

I don't think sex should be a punishable offense either.

I do think that talkin' about sex at the breakfast table isa punishable offense.

- So no more sex talk, okay?

- It's the 90s.

Parents are supposed to discuss sex with their children.

Yeah, but that's where you're wrong.

You see, out there it's the 1990s, but in this house it's 1954.

So now and forever, i don't wanna hear any more sex talk, okay?

What's with him?

Come on!

Let's go!

Come on, come on!

Come on, you lame- ass driver!

Keep moving, please.

Come on!

Move it!

Where do you want me to go?

- g*dd*mn it!

- Come on, pull up!

Come on, g*dd*mn it!

Come on!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Oh, go right ahead, detective.

Excuse me.

Move it out, please.

Got a police officer here.

Move it out!

Let's go.

Pull up.

Come on.

Police vehicle comin' through!

Are you sure?

Who told you this?



Yeah, i'm still here.

All right, thanks.

I'll talk to you later.

You gonna tell me?

The f*ckin' jerk did a header off the road one bridge.




There goes our only sh*t to find out for sure the truth about p*ssy.

Well, if it matters, he always said how much he respected you.

It matters.

He helped me out of a lot of jams.

Not just with the law.

What the f*ck was he thinkin'?

He could've kept his job.

He might've been suspended, that's all.

It wasn't like he was dealin'.

That's not why he did it.

Don't get me wrong, it was the straw.

But he was not happy with himself, how he turned out.

What did he come here for, therapy?

You could say that.

Instead of a couch you use a bed?

It's not a bad deal.

Hey, who wouldn't want to sleep with their shrink?

What does that mean?

You would be amazed how much easier it is to open up when you're naked and in the arms of someone who cares for you.

Did he evermention anything about my guys to you?

He didn't like paulie.

He thought he was a psycho.

- What about p*ssy?

- He really didn't have much to say about any of you guys.

Except that he owed some money.

He wasn't worried because you liked him, and as long as he had you in his corner, there was nothing really to worry about.

I'm not gonna lie 'cause he's dead.

He didn't have a good thing to say about anybody, but he did feel like he could trust you, tony.

He said many times, "at least with tony soprano, you know where you stand.

" Livia, open up.

It's junior.

Come on in.

It's open.

What's goin' on?

My dominican girl said you called me.

Well, he sold our house.

Don't people have names anymore?

Who's "he"?


He sold my house-- the home that my husband and i made!

What else were they gonna do with it?

You too?


I suppose he would've found it harder to have his meetings atmyhouse than in this nursing home.

What are you talkin' about, "meetings"?

Don't think i'll ever see any of that money either.

- What meetings?

- Raymond, larry, that sneak from manhattan.

Johnny sack?

Johnny sack was here?

With his mohair suits and his shoe lifts.



More than once he was here?

Why didn't i know about this?

Well, maybe it was you they were talking about.

Who knows?

I just don't like being put in the middle of things.

I should've known something was strange when suddenly larry boy's mother moved in here and then jimmy altieri's mother.

Three of mycappos have their mothers in this place?

Instead of living in normal homes with their sons, like human beings.

This must be some kind of f*ckin' end move.

What, do they think i'm stupid?

We'll see.

Now, wait a minute.

I don't like that kind of talk.

Now, just stop it.

It upsets me.

Or i won't tell you anything anymore.

If this is true, livia, you know what i-- i mean-- i'm divorced, for christ's sake!

If i don't act, blood or no-- i have to!

Oh, god!

What-- what did i say now?

I suppose i should have just kept my mouth shut, like a mute, and then everybody would have been happy.

Anthony, go see who's at the door.

- I'm eating.

- But you won't have any teeth left to eat with if you don't get off your ass and see who's at the door.

Make sure you know who it is before you answer it!

Who is coming at dinnertime?

People can't call?

I don't know.

It's uncle jimmy!

Uncle jimmy?

Let him in!

I don't believe it.

How'd you get out?


Carm, look who's here.

It's jimmy.

He's out.

Oh, my god!


Thought you'd never see me again, huh?

So, what happened?

Long story.

You got someplace in private we can talk?

Yeah, in the basement.

What's goin' on?

You got a problem.

Yeah, i know.

I'm workin' on it.

- Workin' on what?

- Why, what were you gonna say?

- You better lay low with that safe house money.

- What are you talkin' about?

They were askin' me a lot of questions in there, you know?

If i knew anything about the dead columbian in the apartment and all that.

You look good.


I wasn't gone that long.


Yeah, i know.

My lawyer told him, "he doesn't own the building.

He's not responsible for what's in the building.

" I told him the pool table was there when i first rented the joint.

Good thinkin'.

Missed your callin'.

Should've been a lawyer.


Enough people hate me.

So, uh, what are you gonna do about the columbian money?

They were puttin' the screws to me like i was a school kid, tellin' me that the money was marked.

They even said that there's a new fingerprint technique that lifts'em right off the bills.

- You're a lucky man, jimmy.

- What do you mean?

- You're out on bail on that conspiracy thing, right?

- Yeah, so?

So only a lucky prick like you would get pinched with a g*n while he's out on bail for something else and still be out in time for dinner.

You're a lucky guy.

Speakin' of dinner, carmela's got some lasagna.

You want some?

Come on.

I'll pass.

I still got a few people to see that are late with payments.

Oh, yeah?

I gotta make sure they see my face, otherwise they think they're off the hook.

Yeah, i know how that is.

- Get off the phone!

- I gotta go.

What's up?

It's jimmy!

It's f*ckin' jimmy!


The wire, it's f*ckin' jimmy!

What are you talkin' about?

The wire.

Do you understand?

The wire, it's f*ckin' jimmy.

Holy sh*t.

"New fingerprint technique.

" I should've k*lled him right in my f*ckin' basement.

Makazian's guy got his facts crossed.

They both got busted at the same f*ckin' time-- jimmy and p*ssy, you understand?

Two fat fucks with black hair.

Where the f*ck is paulie?

Uh, he called an hour ago, i swear to god.

He said he's on his way.

Why the f*ck isn't he here now?

Jesus, tony.

You don't think, uh, paulie jumped the g*n?

Shut up.

God forbid.

God forbid.

Don't talk like that.

Where's p*ssy?

Get him on the phone.

All right.

All right.

I haven't seen him since, uh, paulie took him to theshvitz.

Hey, fellas.

Where the f*ck have you been?

I've been calling you all f*ckin' night long!

I was at mygoombahs.

I told silvio i was comin'.

You answer me like i'm jesus christ himself, and if you f*ckin' lie to me, may your mother die of cancer of the eyes.

Where's p*ssy?

I don't know.

Don't you f*ckin' lie to me.


Did you do it?

Tony-- shh.

Don't f*ckin' lie to me.

Did you do it?


Did you f*ckin' do it?


Did you f*ckin' do it?

I said no!

Now get your f*ckin' hands off me.

Come on, tony.

Come on.

I'm sorry, paulie.

I can't find p*ssy anywhere!

Nobody knows anything!

I haven't seen him since theshvitz.

The last thing he said to me was, "go f*ck yourself.

" Did he at least take theshvitz?

He refused to take his clothes off.

The rat, it's f*ckin' jimmy.

Ah, f*ck it.

Let's all have a drink.


Here we go, here we go, here we go.

All right.

Hey, babe!

- Look what chucky brought us.

- Oh, another kitchen appliance.

Whoop- f*ckin'- pee.

Well, slit your wrists, why don't ya?

A truckload fell off the loading dock at zim's last night.

Oh, it's not even a "bra- oom.

" That's a braun, babe.

Junior said for me to tell ya yeah?

He's decided on that thing.

He said we should look out of town for who's gonna do it.




It's gonna be a busy month.


I'll see ya.

All right.

See ya later.

All right.

I'll see ya, jo.

Yeah, see ya.

- What was that sick f*ck talkin' about?

- Mind your business.

Whatever it is, mikey, we're goin' to vegas next month.

I already lined up child care for frances albert, so i don't wanna hear it.

Forget it.

Somethin's come up.

Somethin' always comes up.

This is a good somethin'.

I hope it means more money, 'cause i need a new car.

Trust me.

If this goes down, you're gonna have a new car and then some.

Can you tell me?

Oh, come on, mikey.

Tell me.

Mm- mmm.

Come on.


I may be gettin' bumped up a notch or two.

Tony soprano's on his way out, and i mean as inforever.

Oh, my god!

He's goin' to jail?

No, the other forever.

Does junior know?

Oh, jeez.

Now, listen to me.

If you breathe a word of this to anybody, they're gonna be buryin' me and you right next to tony soprano, understand?



Make it decaf.

You don't belittle a man like junior soprano.

He's old school.

You don't joke about cuntlapping, and you definitely don't spill your guts out to a f*ckin' shrink about business that isn't yours to talk about.

Tony soprano sees a shrink?

You f*ckin' believe that?

And to add insult to injury, he was plannin' on makin' a move against junior.

His own uncle?

Were you this f*ckin' stupid when i married you?

- Oh, f*ck you!

- No, f*ck you.

What are you doin' standin' there?

Make the coffee.

Take it easy!

Take it easy.

It's brewin'.