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05x03 - The Honeymoon

Posted: 06/17/19 08:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

Have you told Grace you're going to school in New York?

- Something to talk about.

- That you're going?

- Yes.

- We'll make it work.

Well, if it isn't Middletown's media king.

He's looking for a host - for his new TV show.

- And he wants you?

- Well, after I audition.

- I suppose I owe you a thank you.

I suppose you owe me a dinner.

Slow down, Romeo.

Let's stick to a thank you.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.


You know, it was worth getting married - just for this cake.

- Well, it's good to know I rank below baked goods.

I didn't say below, but it's close.


Chocolaty, nice!

Oh, this view is incredible.

- Hmm - I prefer this view.

Thanks for an amazing honeymoon.

Well, I couldn't have done it without you.

Two glasses of Merlot for my favourite newlyweds.

- Thank you, Erin.

- That's what we're here for.

- Are you two enjoying yourself?

- Not really.

All this peace and quiet so distracting.

Think how I feel.

I had to live with it my whole life.

I can't believe how fast this week went by.

Mm-hmm, we hear that a lot.

I find it best just to enjoy the moment.

She sounds like you.

- She makes perfect sense.


- Everything OK?


Uh, sorry.

I take it you weren't expecting company?

I was not expecting my brother.

Excuse me.


- [GRACE.] : And that's my boyfriend Noah.

He went back to New York with his dad a few months ago.

Must be hard doing the long-distance thing.

Well, not for us.

No, we text, we videochat, - make it work.

- Can't wait to meet him.

Well, then you only have to wait two more days.

I'm gonna go to the store.

I'm gonna make him his favourite muffins.


This weekend cannot come fast enough.

Don't forget this.




- Oh!


Oh, great.

- Pardon me?

- I'm sorry.

- You're Martha Tinsdale.

- I am.

I was finally calming my nerves, but now that I know you're part of the competition this is a big waste of time.

Oh, well, no opportunity is a waste of time.

How do you always manage to be so on?

It's just who I am!

But in this situation, I'll take a deep breath and visualize the audition, walk in with confidence, and then when that red-light camera goes on, boom, - I'll knock their socks off.

- You ready, Martha?

For my close-up?


Break a leg.



- You can start whenever.

- Copy that!


Uh I um [THEODORE.] : Martha, are you OK?

I-I-I ummm - [GENTLE MUSIC.]

- I don't think anything could have made this more perfect.

- I saw cake over there.

- Oh, I stand corrected.

Ah, you're Erin's brother, right?

- Connor Cleig.

- Well, she's a wonderful host.

- My wife and I love it here.

- Yeah, it's, uh - very different than New York.

- Oh, is that where you're from?

It's where I live.

I'm from here.

I actually own half the place.


Well then, you'll be happy to know that we're planning to come back next year for our anniversary.


I'd enjoy it now.

The vineyard probably won't be here next year.

But I but I I-I thought that we were making this long-distance thing work.

No, no, I I get it.

I get it.

I-I guess I can't change your mind.

Bye now.


Hello to you too.




What happened with Noah?


That obvious?

- I just know that look.

- Yeah Noah was supposed to come and visit this weekend, but, uh - he broke up with me, so - Oh, Grace I'm really sorry.


Just, um [SNIFFLING.]

I wish I didn't have to feel this way.

Everybody wishes they could fast-forward past the pain of a breakup but it's not like we can set our clocks ahead.

I'm here if you want to talk.




Isn't the mayor's annual charity fundraiser supposed - to be the party of the year?

- It is.

Middleton's Fire Department is a deserving cause, right?

- Very.

- Don't people love your food?

- They do.

Thank you.

- Then why is my guest list shrinking with every text I get?

That's the fifth - cancellation today.

- You may get more.

- I'm listening.

- I heard through the caterers' grapevine that there's also a fundraiser for the Blairsville Hospital tomorrow night.

They moved it up at the last minute.

Who moves a fundraiser at the last minute?

Mayor Davenport.

- - Of course.

What's up, Nick?


Where have you been?

I haven't seen you - since freshman year.

- My dad transferred for his job.

We just moved back.

- Oh, cool!

- So I heard you moved - into the Grey House.

- I did.

You know that place is haunted, right?

- Who told you that?

- It's not a secret.

- She look familiar?

- The Grey Lady?

Rumour has it that every night at exactly 11:13, she roams the halls looking for Clementine.

- Who's Clementine?

- Nobody knows, but you can hear the Grey Lady calling out the name "Clementine.

" I guess I've heard noises, but nothing like that.

- Don't worry, you'll hear her.

- Or not.

Well, only one way to know for sure.

- You want to find Clementine?

- I'm free tonight!

I can't tonight.

- You're good tomorrow?

- Yeah, definitely.

See you then.

Coconut cream pie, the ultimate comfort food.

Although I'm sure it didn't go - as badly as you think.

- You weren't there.

I fell flatter than a hotcake.

Well, you know what they say, "Never bet against talent.

" And you are the talented Mrs.


Well, thank you, Stephanie.

I suppose sometimes we all just need to be reminded of the obvious.


- Well, well, well, if it isn't the man who stole the wedding bouquet from those of us who might - have actually wanted it.

- It's not like I dove for it; it just kind of magically floated to me.


What can I get for you?

Just a coffee to go.

And how do you know I didn't want to catch it?

Aren't you married to the sea?

Or however that saying goes.

You wouldn't mock it if you've ever been out there.

- It's kind of transcendent.

- Actually, my dad used to take me sailing.

Watching the horizon, the sound of the water; it was very peaceful.

It was like - poetry.

- Poetry.


I owe you that coffee.

Oh, nice camera!

It'd be nice if it worked.

Well, it's nice either way.

It's more useful if it works.

- I guess that's true.


It's been acting up lately, it's kind of hit or miss.

Most people your age take pictures with their phones.

My dad says I'm an old soul.

- But I think film looks cool.

- Yeah, I agree.


Everybody thinks it's too much work.

Hmm Well, everybody sees things through a different lens.


How do you see things?

My glass tends to be half full.

- I am Cassie by the way.

- Alex.

- Hi.

- You're pretty easy to talk to.


So are you.

How long have you been a photographer?

Like my whole life.

- Wow!

- I want my pictures to bring - people together.

- I have no doubt they will.

I like it when they make people happy.

My dad thinks I should charge for them.

- What do you think?

- He doesn't get it.

- He's a stockbroker.

- Hm, well, we're pretty far - from Wall Street.

- I know.

- He owns this place with my aunt.

- Aaah They don't really get along.

We hardly ever visit.

Maybe they'll have a change of heart.

I wish.

I'd love to spend more time here.

Yeah, it is a very inspiring place.

I get amazing sh*ts around the vineyard.

Especially when my camera's working.

Why don't you give it another try.



It worked!

- Hm, glass half full.


- Is there a problem?

- You know there is.

Not for me.

My RSVPs are pouring in.


- Oh!

- There's another one.

- Stop playing games.

My fundraiser is equally as important as yours.

- I don't disagree.

- Then reschedule your party.

I can't do that.

But we could join forces.

You want to combine our fundraisers?

Imagine what we could accomplish together.

You're not a team player, what's in this for you?

For me?


This is about our hospital and your fire department.

Obviously, you're losing guests; I don't want to take donations from either cause.

- That's magnanimous.

- Tell your remaining guests to be here at city hall by 8 o'clock.

I didn't say I was on board.

You really don't have a choice.

If I agree to combining our fundraisers, then we hold it in Middleton.


How about we flip for it?

- I'll even let you call it.

- Heads.

Heads, your city hall.

Tails, mine.

Don't be late.



- If you had to choose, - the food or the wine?

- Hmm The company?

- That's a good answer.

- Mm-hmm.

OK, you two look entirely too happy.

I hope you're enjoying dinner?

- It's delicious.

- I'm glad to hear that.

Well, we weren't glad to hear that the vineyard might not be here next year.

I hope that's not true.

I guess you met my brother.

He shouldn't - have bothered you with that.

- Ah, it wasn't a bother.

We know how much this place means to you.

I've watched my parents put everything they had into making this place a success, and I'm gonna do everything I can to continue the tradition.

There's nothing quite like a family tradition.

Sometimes, thinking about yesterday can help get us through to tomorrow.

Unfortunately, my brother doesn't think about much other than the bottom line.

I'm sorry, I've interrupted your dinner for too long.

- Enjoy.

- Thanks.






Jump forward in time.






- Are you sure you're OK?

- I'm great!

- That was pretty quick.

- Well, why dwell in the past when you can bake muffins?

I'm glad you're handling it so well.

There's nothing to handle.

Noah is a distant memory.

- Who's Noah?

- Oh!


Guess you and Abigail have it all worked out.

You have nothing to worry about.

We're fine.

Go back to your honeymoon.

GRACE: She's right, go back to your honeymoon.

In that case, I think I will.

- Have fun.

- Bye.

So we're pretending nothing happened?

Who's pretending?



Could you give me a hand?


Grab one of these boxes.


What's your story, Vincent?

I got a feeling you've heard my story.

I heard you have a new outlook.

Is that true?

- Haha!

I hope so.

- I hope so too.

If not, we're gonna have a problem.

Oh, I definitely don't want to get on your bad side.

Smart man.

Now that we've had a little chat, do me a favour and drive me to city hall?

Any more favours I could do for you?

Actually, I'm doing you a favour.

Oh, hi, Stephanie!


I am glad you're here.

Try this.

- Salmon?

- Smoked with a bit of dill.

- Wow, that was amazing!

- I take my job very seriously.

I can see that!

Makes me wish I was coming to the party.

- You're not?

- I wasn't invited.

I'm kidding.

I have tickets to see the Blairsville - Blasters tonight.

- Ugh, I love hockey.

- Why don't you come with me?

- Um, wish I could.

It's their last home game for a while Then I suggest you find something just as entertaining another day, and I might join you.

I might just do that.


Well, this is working up an appetite.

I could use some pancakes.

- Haha!

You read my mind.

- Haha!

Guess the surprise is already gone out of our marriage.

Yeah, I was hoping that we would last at least a week.

- You know something I love?

- Hmm?

I know you'll never stop surprising me.

Good morning.

Or is it?

Just examining this year's crop.

I don't know much about wine grapes, but I'm guessing this is not what you were hoping for.

It's been this way since Connor and I inherited the vineyard.

Two bad harvests in a row.

Well, maybe this year will be the charm.

Maybe if my dad was here.

Hmm A strong vine may bend, but it doesn't break.

- I hope you're right.

- [ABIGAIL.] : I've got it all under control, Martha.

Planning these events can turn even the most capable person into a ball of nerves.

I've seen it happen time and time again.

Well, you won't see it happen this time.

My party is going to be amazing.

I remember when the mayor's annual fundraiser was my party.



OK, breathe.

Just breathe.

You are the talented Mrs.



Martha Tinsdale!

Oh, hello, Theodore.


Oh yes!

Well, of course.


Uh, no, no, no.

Um, thank you anyway.

What did he say?

First, I'm unjustly removed from office, and now this.

My star is dimming.

Don't worry, it's not like you can't show your face around town.

You know where I can show my face?

At your party.

At my party?

Theodore Carter will be one of your guests.

It could be the perfect opportunity for a second-chance schmooze.

- You are the queen of schmooze.

- Awww, thank you.


Oh, hey.

Taking pictures to remember the place?

Erin's done a great job keeping it on.

- Maybe you should tell her.

- She doesn't want to hear anything from me.

I'm the New Yorker.


Yeah, I was too.

I'd see more patients in a day than I see in a month now.

- I don't miss that grind.

- You gave it up?


For things that matter.

Spend more time with son, less time dealing with stress.

I get it.

I remember when I first started.

I loved the action.

You know, the buying and the selling and the expensive lunches and the fancy suits and now I just feel burnt out.

Be careful.

It's easy to bring that home with you.

- Yeah, I guess.

- Please stop bothering guests.


I'm the one bothering him.

I was just gonna come looking from you.

I found someone who's interested in buying the vineyard.

I already told you the vineyard's not for sale.

This guy can bring this place back to its glory days.

He even agreed to continue bottling under the family name.

Don't act like you care about the family name.

Erin, don't let emotion get in the way of business.

I'm gonna give you guys some privacy.

What's the point?

I know exactly what Connor's going through.

I hope he thinks about what I said.

I mean you're the perfect example of how to push past that.

If I hadn't, we wouldn't be on our honeymoon.


Fate always finds a way.

- Hello, Alex.

- Hey, Cassie!

Oh, um, this is my husband, Sam.

I think that's the first time I've heard you say that.

- We're newlyweds.

- Cool!


Any chance you guys are headed back?

I've been taking pics - and got all turned around.

- Follow us.

Aw, that's awesome!

- I gotta show my followers.

- How many do you have?

- Over 10000.

- Oh!


- That's a problem.

- What's wrong?

My shutter jammed.

I guess you'll have to come back later.

Ready to bust some ghosts?!

I forgot how much you get into this stuff.

"This stuff"?

This is some serious ghost-finding business.

Ah, there she is.

- Now what?

- Now, we wait for her to speak.

I just remembered.

When I first moved here, you tried to convince me that Bigfoot lived in Foster's Woods.

Bigfoot is child's play compared to this.


What was that?

Maybe it's the Grey Lady.

- I have an app for that.

- Hmm!

- What are you two doing?

- Would you believe - we're ghost hunting?

- [LAUGHING.] : Same old Tyler.

The app shows that there's electromagnetic energy upstairs.

Meaning what?


A lot of them.

You may have too much time on your hands.

Sorry, I was joking.

Oh, it's cool.

We should head upstairs.

Yeah, well, I'm, uh, I'm gonna bake, so You've been baking a lot lately.

- When I feel good, I bake.

- Didn't - you and Noah just break up?


That feels like weeks ago.

[ABIGAIL.] : A few feet further back.


A little more.


It is a perfect night, isn't it?

I didn't see you come in.

- And yet here I am.

- Mm-hmm.

What do you think?

I think my city hall is nicer than your city hall.

You just can't help yourself, can you?

It's part of my charm.

I suppose it is.



- You look stunning.

- Just not as stunning as you?

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" - "It's part of my charm.

" - I hope you're just as charming - when you give your speech.

- What speech?

Host of the fundraiser always gives the speech.


Nobody told me about this tradition.

- Well, I'm telling you now.

- No problem.


Fancy meeting you here.

Well, it is a fundraiser for the hospital.

As chaplain, I thought it should help guilt people into donating.

Hmm I didn't know chaplains were allowed to be funny.

- I also knew you'd be here.

- You wanted to see me?


I thought you were dealing with some things.

I was.

But now you're not?

My fiancée and I split up, and I've just kind of been laying low ever since.

I am so sorry.

That must be hard.


No, no.

Meeting you has, uh made it a little easier.


Oh, I gotta get back to work.


Have a great night.


Welcome, everybody, and thank you again for supporting our mayor's or, shall I say, co-mayors' annual fundraiser.

I want to thank Mayor Pershing for opening up city hall so we can honour the great women and men of our communities.

And as it's tradition to hear from the host, Madam Mayor, the floor is yours.

I was unaware of this tradition until just a few minutes ago, so I don't have a speech prepared.

But I can tell you what I've noticed in the short time we've been here this evening.

Middleton and Blairsville have not always seen eye to eye, but tonight we've put aside our differences to come together for two great causes.

And when we value each other's strengths, great things can happen.

So here's to our brave first responders and our dedicated hospital staff.

Thank you for your service, your sacrifice and your selflessness.

- Cheers.

- [CROWD.] : Cheers.


The key to the perfect s'more is charring the marshmallow, not burning it.

I like burnt marshmallows.

- That's not possible.

- It's totally possible.

I guess there's more than one way to make the perfect s'more.

Your grandpa used to roast the best marshmallows.

And your dad would grab them when they were too hot.

- He never learned to wait.

- He's still kind of that way.


- What way?

You're kind of impatient.


Sometimes, things need to get done.

Which is why I filed a petition to divide the property.


- You wanna split the vineyard?

This way, you can do whatever you want with your half.

[ERIN.] : Well, you know that's never gonna work!

- It can work if you just - Guys Sorry, Alex.

Sweetheart, I need you to pack your things.

- We're going home in the morning.

- Is your arm hurting?

Uh, it'll be OK.

Let's go check you out.

- Sit down.

- Thank you.


- You think it's a heart attack?

- No.

Left arm is heart attack; right arm's generally stress.

Take a couple of deep breaths.


OK, good.

I'm guessing it's not the first time this has happened.

No, it's been going on about six months.

Coming home shouldn't add to your stress.

I gotta get this vineyard sold, and then I can calm down.

Well, if you don't, the next one may be a heart attack.



My you're looking dapper.


You know, I was thinking how we go back a long way You don't have to save face, Martha, - I know you weren't on your game.

- Perhaps, will that compel you to give an old friend a second chance?

That wouldn't be fair to the other candidates, you know that.

Of course.

Well then, just enjoy the festivities.

It's that Ahem!




Time Are you alright?

- [MURMURING.] : My voice is gone.



Excuse me.



It's time to play a little game that I like to call Martha says.

So, everybody, raise your glass, Ah!



I didn't say, "Martha says. " [CHUCKLING.]

Alright, now round 2.

Martha says give Mayor Pershing and Mayor Davenport some well-deserved applause for co-hosting this extraordinary evening.


And now that you're in a giving mood, Martha says take out your chequebooks.


- Come on now, don't be shy.

And most important, Martha says be the charitable people that I know you are.

Thank you.

It won't be easy just to walk away.

But you never have to walk away from your memories.

Tonight's one I'd like to forget.

Have any of you seen Alex?

Not since you sent her to pack.

I've looked everywhere, she's gone.

If she's anything like my daughter, she's constantly posting pictures and tagging them.


[SAM.] : Of course, the swing.

She just posted 10 minutes ago.

- [CONNOR.] : Where is it?

- Not too far.

My, you certainly are a giver!

Your donation is most appreciated, thank you.

Now, that was the Martha I hoped would be at the audition.

Very impressive.

It's exactly what the show needs.

Well, if I didn't know any better, it sounds like you're offering me a second chance.

Actually, Martha, I'm offering you the job.


I promise you it'll be the best decision you've ever made.

We'll make Middleton our own little Tinseltown.


I'm sorry you and Noah broke up, but these muffins are good.

My baking has nothing to do with Noah.

If you say so.

I haven't thought about him once today.

Any ghosts?

No paranormal activity in the kitchen.

- Maybe we should just call it.

- Why?

I've got all night.

- Don't you have to go home?

- Not really.

My parents work late.



- Wait.

I've got something.

- What?


- Shh, shh, shh!

It's coming from the hallway.

- Did he just shush us?

- The guy knows his ghosts.



Nick, over here.

- Got a strong signal.

- Maybe it's the Grey Lady.

Uh, no, it's too early for her.

But it could be Clementine.

- Did you do that?

- [WOMAN'S VOICE.] : Clementine.





I was so worried about you.

I'm worried too.

- About what?

- Our family.

I don't think we should leave.

I haven't up here in ages.

Oh, this swing!

Dad used to push us on this when we were kids.

- Grandpa?

- Yeah.

I bet you two need some time to talk, and we need some honeymoon photos under the stars.

[SAM.] : Exactly what I was thinking.

Alex, would you mind taking some pictures of Sam and me?




- Don't judge me, I earned this.

- Oh, I'm not judging.

I'm joining.

Nice speech.

You may have a future in this yet.

You really love it, don't you?

I do.

Even the calls about potholes and pigeons?

Especially the calls about potholes and pigeons.

It's how I get to know the people.

People aren't really my thing.

What is your thing?


To cupcakes.

- Tyler's gone.

- He went home?

No, he disappeared.

You think the Grey Lady got him?

- Or Clementine.

- Who's Clementine?

- Nobody knows.


I've got terrible news.

- What?

- I haven't found anything.

Where were you?

When Grace turned off the lights, I went outside to go - look around.

- How did you know it was me?

Who else was it gonna be?

There's no such thing - as ghosts.

- Maybe not, but I sure had fun scaring the both of you.


If there's no such thing as ghosts, then why are you here?

Maybe he just wanted to hang out.

I guess I should go home.

Or maybe you could stay, and we'll watch a movie.


That'd be pretty cool.

- [GRACE.] : Hmm!

- And by the way, I loved how you whispered "Clementine.

" I didn't whisper anything.



- I think we should go out.

- Excuse me?

I'd like to go on that date with you.

I'd like to go on that date with you.


But I'm not going to.

I don't want to be the rebound girl.

I don't want you to be either.

You're making this very difficult for me.

Then just say yes.

- Yes.


Just not right now.

Fair enough.

Seeing you on that brings back a lot of memories.

Any of them good?

- All of them.

- Really?

'Cause you couldn't wait to leave home.

Your life was here, mine wasn't.

I'm sorry.

I'm just frustrated.

Do you remember why Dad only built one swing?

- So we'd share.


I miss those days.

Me too.


Alex hates New York.

She told me.

Did she tell you I hate it too?

You do?


And for a while now.

- It's changed.

- Maybe you have.

I know how much this place means to you.

- Then help me save it.

- I wish I could.

It means just as much to me, Erin.

Thank you.

Good night.

It was a good party, Red.

I'm sorry, did you just call me "Red"?

I thought I'd try it out.

Try again.

I'd rather try this.

Well, this is awkward.

Sorry to interrupt, but I seem to have left my keys somewhere.

You're not interrupting anything.

I was just leaving.

- Good night, ladies.

- Good night.

Good night.



You are playing with fire.

He is a Davenport, and you are a Merriwick.

I know where you're going with this, but I don't have the energy.

Your romance is doomed.

Because of a 200-year-old curse?


When Patience broke off her engagement to Roderick, it was the beginning of the end for every Merriwick and Davenport couple ever since.

Well, it's a good thing that Donovan and I aren't a couple.

Heed my words.

Heed my words.

Good night.


I don't get why everybody is so surprised that I'm not sad about it.

Because breakups can be really tough.

Well, not this one.

Don't you think you have enough muffins?

[LAUGHING.] : You can never have enough muffins.

Didn't you say they were Noah's favourites?


Doesn't matter.

- It should matter.

- But I I really don't feel a thing.

Well, that's because you're not allowing yourself to.



So, you can't just fast-forward to the part where you feel better.

You need to go through the pain to help you heal.


And if I don't?

If you don't, you're gonna be baking a lot more of these.



We've had an amazing honeymoon.

Thank you for being such a wonderful host.

Thank you for being such wonderful guests.

Hmm, it's not easy to say goodbye to this place.

It's not easy for us either.


The grapes!

The grapes!

- What happened?

- They're back!



Look how rich the colour is, they've never been this beautiful!

How is this even possible?

Don't you remember when we were kids?

- This happened once before.

- I guess you just never know.

If this section ripened, I bet we can bring back the rest.

Maybe we should hold off on selling.

Sounds like you'll be pretty busy for a while.

I'll never be able to do this on my own.

Well, I guess it'll be a family effort.

I couldn't agree more.

- Does that mean we can stay?

- Uh - I think that's up to Aunt Erin.

- I would love that.

There you go.

- Guess what I found.

- Aaah something as entertaining as a hockey game?

- Who told you?

- What is it?

Fancy food, a warm fire and good company.

Sounds romantic.

Is it a date?




Uh, yes.

It's a date.


So, um, stomping grapes is not on my bucket list.

Come on, when are we gonna get another chance to do this?

It's really cool, especially when the grapes squish - between your toes.

- Now, there's no way I'm getting in that barrel.



- That looks fun.

- Yeah.

You're thinking about Noah?


I know, it's painful.

And I know I have to go through it.

But you don't have to do it alone.



I love this movie.

He leaves her waiting on top of the Empire State Building?

We're definitely gonna need more Rocky Road.
