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01x15 - The Special Ops Squad - Prelude to the Counterattack (part 2)

Posted: 06/15/19 06:20
by bunniefuu
01x15 - The Special Ops Squad - Prelude to the Counterattack (part 2)

You cowards.

Just shut up and let me shoulder it all! You don't need to be educated by words.

You need training.

I've made my decision.

Eren was put under the care of the Recon Corps.

He was to dedicate himself to missions outside the Wall.

♪ Oh, my friend! ♪
♪ This is a victory for us! ♪
♪ Our fame starts here! ♪
♪ Oh, my friend! ♪
♪ Let us celebrate this victory ♪
♪ for the next battle! ♪
♪ "I died for naught" ♪
♪ I won't let it end ♪
♪ like that for you.

♪ ♪ Until I am the last one standing ♪ ♪

The enemy is cruel...

♪ ♪ We will k*ll...

♪ ♪ The enemy is colossal...

We will jump...

♪ ♪ In our hands we hold blades of glory.

♪ ♪ And sing in the name of victory ♪
♪ We bear the wings of freedom on our backs ♪
♪ Swearing iron determination upon our hearts, ♪
♪ we slash apart the circle of idiocy ♪
♪ and soar through the sky ♪
♪ With our wings of freedom ♪
The Special Ops Squad Prelude to the Counterattack (pt )

Trost Former Recon Corps HQ The former Recon Corps headquarters.

It's nothing more than a renovated old castle.

While it definitely looks impressive, it's so far from the Walls and all rivers that it's completely useless to the Recon Corps.

The story goes back to the ambitious early days when the Corps was formed.

Who would've thought we'd end up using it again to serve as your hideout? Don't get cocky, new blood.

What? I don't know the deal with this crap about you being a Titan, but we can't have Captain Levi babysit...

That's what you get for talking while riding your horse.

The first moments leave the most important impression.

That newbie was scared shitless.

I think he was just stunned silent by how lame you are.

Still, it's all going according to plan.

Man, you never used to talk like that.

If, by chance, you're trying to imitate Captain Levi, you should really stop it.

You two are nothing alike, but still...

Do you want to chain me down, Petra? You're still ways to go to be fitting for my wife.

If only you'd bled to death from biting your tongue.

You keep on boasting about how many Titans you've k*lled too.

So what? I've boasted about you guys too.

Those people are the Recon Corps' Special Ops Squad, commonly known as the Levi Unit.

You're pathetic! Petra Ral.

Took down Titans.

Assisted with taking down another .

Auruo Bossard.

Took down .

Assisted with another .

They are the elite of the elite.

Erd Gin.

Took down .

Assisted with another .

Günther Schultz.

Took down .

Assisted with another .

They are the top tier of the Recon Corps, hand-picked by Captain Levi.

If I went berserk, these people would be the ones to k*ll me.

It's covered in weeds.

It looks terrible.

It's been disused for a very long time.

Inside, a sea of dust is probably awaiting us.

That is indeed a severe problem.

We must sort it out immediately.

We're done cleaning the upper floors.

Where will I get to sleep in the building, sir? Your room is in the basement.

The basement again, sir? Of course.

You're not in complete control of yourself yet.

If you drifted off and turned into a Titan, at least if you're underground we can restrain you right away.

That was one of the conditions agreed upon for us to get custody of you.

It's a rule that we must follow.

I'll take a look around the rooms.

You do this room, Eren.

Yes, sir.

You've got quite a despairing look on your face, Eren.

I do? Ah, I'll be calling you Eren.

Captain Levi does the same.

Here, his word is the law.


I don't mind that, but did I really have a despairing look on my face? It's not surprising at all.

He doesn't come across as the perfect, invulnerable hero people think he is, does he? The true Levi is surprisingly short, irritable, violent, and hard to approach.

That's not it.

I was surprised how obediently he accepts the decisions of the higher-ups.

Did you think that, as strong as he is, he wouldn't care about rank or the chain of command? Yes.

I expected him not to acquiesce to anyone's words.

I don't know the details myself, but I heard he was pretty much like that originally.

Before joining the Recon Corps, he was a famous thug in the capital's underworld.

But then, why? I don't know exactly what happened.

He was taken in to the Recon Corps under Commander Erwin's hands.

The Commander? Hey, Eren! Yes, sir? It's no good at all.

Redo it all from scratch.

So, in thirty days, we're to go outside the Walls to build a stronghold for the supply chain? Not to mention we'll be taking fresh graduates with us too.

If we even get any new recruits that is.

In my opinion, this is far too hasty.

Eren's current position is a temporary thing.

We must quickly and smoothly prove his usefulness to Central.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the Police will make another move to...

Can't you take that mask off at least for me, Erwin? You're really good at sniffing out things like this, Mike.

Too bad you have no scent whatsoever.

I'll tell you when the time is right.

We'll probably be ordered to stand by for a few more days, but I heard we're supposed to be going on a large-scale extramural expedition.

And we'll be taking the new graduates with us as well.

Is this true, Erd? Isn't it awfully soon? Even considering that they handled this last Titan attack quite well...

I heard those kids' pants required multiple washings to remove the shitstains.

Is this all true, Captain? I'm not involved in making our plans.

It's Erwin.

He's likely considering far more variables that might occur to us.

It's true that we're in an unprecedented situation.

On the one hand, we lost the Maria reconquest route that we established through huge sacrifices, but on the other hand, we got an unexpected ray of hope.

I still have trouble believing it.

You can "turn into a Titan", but what's that mean, Eren? My memories from that time are quite hazy.

It felt like a selfless, dreaming state.

It can be triggered by hurting myself.

Like, if I bite...

Wait, how do I know this? You guys know all of this too.

We couldn't get any more out of him than what's written in the reports.

She won't stay put though.

Her meddling could even k*ll you, Eren.

She? Who? Good evening, gentlemen of the Levi Unit! Have you made yourselves at home in the castle? You're early.

How could I stay put now? Major Hanji? Sorry for the wait, Eren.

I'm charged with experimenting on the two Titans we caught alive in the city.

I want you to help me out with tomorrow's experiments.

I came to ask permission for that.

An experiment? What am I supposed to...

What else but that totally awesome thing you do! Uh...

I can't give you permission myself.

I don't have authority over myself, you see.

Levi, what are Eren's plans for tomorrow? Cleaning the garden.

Okay then, it's decided! I'll be counting on you tomorrow, Eren! Yes, ma'am.

But what exactly are these experiments on the Titans? Hm? Uh...

What exactly are these experiments...

Stop that.

Don't ask her.

Ah, I knew it.

You just had this expression like you wanted to know.

Were you that interested? Then I've got no choice.

I guess I've gotta tell you what I know about those pretties we caught earlier.

Currently Disclosable Information: The Wall Faith (pt ) A religious sect with growing influence in the inner lands.

They worship the Walls and won't allow anyone to touch them, even for defense purposes.

Currently Disclosable Information: The Wall Faith ( ) Since the fall of Wall Maria, the number of their followers is growing rapidly, and so does their influence.

First, we repeated the experiments we'd done each of the five prior times we had Titans to play with.


First, we attempted communication.

How are you feeling? What's your name? Does it hurt anywhere? Major, you're too close! Hello.

Isn't the weather wonderful today? Are you hungry? Whoa! Whoa-whoa, that was close! Major, it's too dangerous! Sadly, communication proved impossible this time as well.

But for me, interacting with the Titans was so enlightening that it made me entirely forget my everyday fatigue.

A long, long time ago, there was a tribe who ate people.

They weren't Titans like you.

They were humans.

They hid out in caves in the mountains, att*cked travelers who happened to tread the roads nearby, robbed them of their valuables, k*lled them, and ate their flesh.

She's started another one of her naming ceremonies.

What did we end up with last time? Chicacchironi and Albert.

They kept up their resistance for years.

During that time, over people became their prey.

That might be more than the humans you guys ate.

They also experimented with various ways of preparing their meals.

Turning the buttocks into steaks.

Cutting the thighs up into cubes and cooking a stew with them.

They minced, kneaded, and fried the hard meat.

Out of fat and innards, they even made sausages.

That's right.

They knew the concept of "cooking".

That's how they were different from you.

But then those cannibals made a mistake, and they were all caught and ex*cuted.

That's the same as you.

You made the mistake of attacking mankind, and you were caught.

So I'll name you after the man who led that clan.

You're Sawney.

You're Bean.

But don't worry.

I won't have you ex*cuted.

Nice to meet you, Sawney.

You too, Bean.

Let's try to get along.

Thus I named the meter class Bean, and the meter class Sawney.

Next we tried denying them sunlight.

The Titans are clearly less active during the night.

These experiments tried to prove that they gain some kind of power from the sunlight.

There was a huge variation between individual Titans.

You've worked hard, Sawney.

Good night.

See you tomorrow.

Sawney's activity dropped an hour after we denied them sunlight.

In contrast...

You really like to stay up late, huh, Bean? It's okay.

I'll stay here with you.

Bean stayed lively for three hours.

They always manage to surprise me.

They don't need water or food.

They have vocal organs, yet they don't need to breathe.

All they need to stay alive is sunlight.

To be honest, I'm curious what would happen if we denied them sunlight completely, but they're such valuable experimental subjects, I can't risk them dying.

We k*lled the previous captures by accident.

I accidentally hit the nape of the neck when we tried cutting their heads off.

Their names were Chicacchironi and Albert.

They had such beautiful smiles.

I feel bad about what I did to them.

I don't want that to happen again...

I'm sorry.

Major Hanji...

And then, I moved on to the next stage, testing their sense of pain by actually touching them! Major, you shouldn't be the one screaming...

How could I not scream, doing this?! Bean is in so much pain! Don't give up, Bean! Hang in there! We had to confirm whether they had any weaknesses besides the nape of the neck.

It was really tough work.

Sawney? I just pierced your heart.

Doesn't it hurt? How does it feel? Compared to Bean, Sawney was a lot quieter.

He hardly reacted at all.

Hm? What was that? Major, fall back! Haha, that was really close! You're gonna end up actually dying! Sawney isn't very good at expressing himself.

He just keeps trying to bite my head off.

Um, Major Hanji...

How can you stay so carefree in front of the Titans? They're our natural enemies, who drove us to the brink of extinction.

I'm sure you've had to face their threat a number of times before yourself too.

That's right.

I've had countless comrades m*rder*d by them right in front of my eyes.

Back when I joined the Recon Corps, I fought them, fueled by hate.

But then one day I realized...

It was when I cut off and kicked the head of a -meter class.

It was light.

Unnaturally so.

Their bodies are light.

Normally such huge bodies shouldn't even be able to stand and walk on two legs.

It's the same with every Titan.

Their cut-off body parts were much lighter than they should have been for their size.

I heard that when you turned into a Titan, that body appeared out of thin air.

I considered that maybe the things we see are not the things that are actually there.

I tried fighting the Titans out of hatred for decades.

Now I want to try looking at them from a different point of view than everyone else.

It might prove to be futile.

But still, I'll do it.

Since I entered the Recon Corps, all I get are surprises.

It's not just Major Hanji.

They're all weirdos.

It's like a haven for freaks.

But it's also a group of people who demand change.

That is the Recon Corps.

Major Hanji, would you be so kind as to tell me more about your experiments? Really? Yes.

I think it might prove useful in tomorrow's experiments if I learn as much as I can.


I did skip over some of the details in my summary earlier.

Let me tell you everything then.

It may end up taking quite a while though.

That's fine.

When we first captured a Titan, I made a hypothesis.

So you've learned nothing new from what I told you, right? You should have learned all this as a Cadet.

You knew it all, right? Yes.

There was nothing new.

So let's go over it again, and this time I'll add my personal opinions and assumptions! Um, I think we...

First of all, the Tita...

Is Major Hanji here?! The experiment subjects...

Both of the Titans were k*lled! Sawney! Bean! This can't be for real! Someone tell me I'm dreaming! Those experimental subjects were very valuable.

Was it a soldier? Yes.

The culprits are still unknown.

Both Titans were k*lled before sunrise.

When a guard spotted them, they escaped using their D Maneuver Gear.

So it was a premeditated move by at least two people? Sawney! Check it out! Major Hanji is losing her sh1t.

What on Earth...

Let's go.

This is the jurisdiction of the Police.

Yes, sir...

What do you see there? Who do you think is the enemy? Excuse me? Sorry, don't mind me.

If we suppose that I am not me, Can you say with certainty that you are you?

Will you be able to pick up after yourself Once your sand-like shell breaks and your heart crumbles?

I could hear someone calling But now my ears are just ringing It's as if time has frozen

Now, wake up I began to walk through a deep dark abyss As swift as a gale, I escaped for my life I felt like a living corpse We break out of our walls To reunite in worlds we've yet to map The investigation into the m*rder of Sawney and Bean is ongoing.

Mikasa, Armin, and the rest of the th Cadets face their own fears and doubts as they choose which force they will join.

What to do now? Prelude to the Counterattack (pt )