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08x12 - Whale Hunt

Posted: 06/14/19 07:41
by bunniefuu
I had a nightmare we made managing partner.

I couldn't get back to sleep.

Wasn't a nightmare.

You know it.

I cannot let my clients down.

It is just not in me.

I just found us a new managing partner.

I can handle finding Kessler a new general counsel.

Now, the better question is, can you handle this job that you agreed to take?

I was thinking about where we were a week ago, when I thought you were cold and heartless.

I went from that to being your best friend.

What's going on with ?

He's married.

I would never do...

I know.

But the heart doesn't always listen to what the brain says it would never do.

Finding you general counsel isn't about knowing your business.


It's about chemistry.

Yes, it is.

How do you know my type?

Life is gonna put that special someone in front of you.

When it happens, you'll be ready.

Truth is, I am running this place.

We all need to get on board with that, and it starts with you reading me in.

Have dinner with me. , I'm flattered, but you're a client, and...

I'm gonna give you bit of time, and if you still feel the same way, then I promise I will never ask again.




Well, what?

Are you gonna say yes to your mystery man.

You think we didn't catch you looking at your phone all night?

Those were work texts.

Work texts don't use emojize.


Don't change the subject.

The point is, you got a man who wants to go out with you.

, it's not just any man.

It's Kessler.

If you think would object because he's a client...

No, it's not just that.


Well, what is it?

Because you clearly like him.

So, what's stopping you from going out on a simple date and maybe getting your freak on?

Nothing, .

Absolutely freaking nothing.

Can I talk to you a second.


I want to say I shouldn't have yelled at you and Robert about Malik.

I should've heard you when you came to me, let you know how I was feeling.

It's okay.

I should've made you listen to me like Robert said.

Well, I've been thinking, trying to be the best leader I can, and a good leader inspires people to do what they do best.

And what you do best, Harvey, is close.

Can't argue with you there.

What do you say you land a big whale for us?

I get it.

You're a new captain.

You wanna make a new statement.

I want us to make a new statement.

In that case, I did hear Steven is looking for new representation.

Get that harpoon sharpened.

I'll be expecting a nice piece of scrimshaw by the end of the week.

What the hell is scrimshaw?

Carved whale bone.

What's the matter.

Not in the 1800s.

Well, scrimshaw dates back to the mid-1700s...

If you finish that sentence, no way I'm going after .

Consider the sentence unfinished.



It takes a big man to come in here and say all that.

I appreciate that.


I'll get you your whale.

Chips ahoy, Harvey.

One decaf chai tea, three sugars.

You're my associate, not my assistant.

You don't have to bring me my beverage when I ask to see you.

I can give it to if you don't want.

Give me that.

And it just so happens I have something for you too.

, I don't really wear women's...

Chelsea Conner's Adored.

As in Chelsea Conner, the makeup and fragrance giant.

They're looking for representation.

They reached out to me.

They heard about our Hi-Rise Fashion victory.

And now Chelsea wants us to go after a rival company who's copying their flagship fragrance.

, I think I might have found my partner specialty.

Consumer goods.

It's not as sexy or exciting as tax law, but let's face it, what is?

You don't get out much, do you?


You know what I mean.

I do.

What do you need me to do?

Find out everything there is to know about our product and theirs, and figure out a way to shut them down.

Consider it done.

And, hey, for the record, this is your victory as much as mine.

Thanks, .

It's got pretty good speed for something that runs on plants.

That particular vehicle runs on 91 unleaded.

But you're gonna make one like it that doesn't.

You're more interested in changing the world than in making money.

For a guy I've never met, you know a lot about my business.

I make it my business to know a lot about my clients.

Harvey Specter.

I take it you heard I'm on the market.

I've heard you're looking for a guy to k*ll it for you.

And you think you're that guy.

Well, I know I am.

People said you were cocky.

People said I was confident.

And I am.

But only because I can back it up.

But I'm afraid you wasted your trip.

Because I'm not signing with you.

Why not?

You have a reputation.

My reputation is being the best closer in the city.

Which is exactly why you should sign with me.

It's also that you never do what you're told.

And I may consider myself a maverick, but I don't want my lawyer to be one.


Harvey, I just said no, and the reason is that you don't listen.

So if you even want a shot at my business, your best chance of changing my mind would be to turn around and let me be.

What do you say to that?

Hell of a car, Steven.

Hell of a car.



The answer is yes.

Yes to what?

Yes to the question that you asked me.

You're gonna have to forgive me, but which question was that?

I'm a very curious person.

I ask a lot of questions.

Okay, I get it.

You wanna hear me say the words, "Yes, I will go out with you." I might have.

Well, I just did.


In that case, the answer to your question is also yes.

I didn't ask you a question.

You were gonna ask if I made reservations.

And yes, I already made some.

How could you know that?

Well, one, I'm an optimist.

And two, I know you've spent your entire career making plans for other people, and I thought you might appreciate someone making plans for you.

Yeah, I would.

Here's what I want you to do.

Be ready for me to pick you up tomorrow night at 7.

Wear something stunning and hope to God I show up.


And, , why did you wanna hear me say it?

Because I may be an optimist, but it's still nice to hear.

I'll see you tomorrow night, then.

And then he tried to tell me he was right.

The man shows up 30 minutes late to our date, and I'm hearing some bullshit about Johnson v.


He didn't.

Hey, that's what she gets for dating a law student.


I was also a law student.

I still managed to communicate like a human being.

My skills have gotten a lot better since then.


How are his "I'm sorrys," and "You were right, honeys"?

How do you think they are?

I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

To be honest, I was surprised you suggested it.

Well, the truth is, didn't suggest it.

I did.

Well, now, I'm curious.

Rosalie figured we'd just been through a w*r.

What better way to start fresh than by breaking bread?

You've already met Joy.

This couldn't go any worse.

Clearly, I was wrong.

Well, there is another reason I wanted to sit down and have lunch.

After I had my babies, I left my law firm, and I wanted to raise them.

But they are older now, and it's time to get back in the game.

Wait a second.

Is this about your case?

It is.

I've got dozens of graduates that went to a worthless university.

They got a worthless degree, and now they're in debt.

And you could use a little help with it.


Yes, I could.

Rosalie, we didn't talk about...

Quiet, .

Your wife and I are talking.

What kind of help do you need?

Robert Zane.

Just the man I was looking to see.

Whatever it is, I have a tee time in an hour.

Well, that's okay.

This won't take long.

Are those my walking papers?

Rigoletto tickets.

Best in the house.

I know Laura's a fan.

I wish these were my walking papers.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

I'm just kidding.

This is a wonderful gesture.

You mind if I ask what it's for?

I know it couldn't have been easy stepping down for me.

I wanted to show you I appreciate it.

Thank you.

This means a lot.

texted you wanted to see me.

I wanted to see how it went with Steven.

I got him on the one-yard line.


You know I don't know baseball.

In that case, the fat lady's singing.

Music to my ears.

Should I lob in a call to get her to wrap it up?

Not necessary.

I got it.

You're all over it.

I won't push.

Robert, enjoy the tix.


Fat lady singing, my ass.

Excuse me?

The only one-yard line you're on is your own.

How do you know that?

Easier to tell someone's lying when they're lying to someone else.

For your information, I'm not really lying.

It doesn't matter what yard line, I'm landing this guy.

I am glad I'm not managing you anymore.

That is some prime-cut Harvey Specter bullshit.

Speaking of fat ladies.

You want these opera tickets?

No way I'm letting Laura drag me to another snoozefest.

I don't really...

That's a good man.

I have to say, I really think you married up.


I've been saying that for years.

But right now, I need to say something else.

I don't want you taking that case with Rosalie.

Yeah, you made that pretty clear at lunch.

Question is, why not?

You want me to list all the reasons?

Come on, Rosalie said it herself.

We just went to w*r.

And I know you know what happened between me and .

We need something to bring us together.

Then let's have a bake sale.

There's a reason she and I don't mix work and our relationship.

I already told her I'd help.

I'm not gonna break my word.

Then I wanna be clear right now.

I don't care what happens, you leave me out of it.

You're strong women who have strong opinions about anything.

I don't wanna be in the middle.

As far as I am concerned, you will never hear one word about this from me.

Linda Janowitz.

I'm Bennett.

This is Altman.

We're here on behalf of Chelsea Conner.

In that case, this should be short.

If you'd prefer a long court fight, that can be arranged.

Actually, it's been arranged.

You're trying to shut me down?

This is a joke.

I don't think you'll be laughing when a court orders you to close your doors.

Why would they do that?

Because, as you're well aware, there's a 97 percent overlap between the packaging of your product and Adored.

It's not because we're copying your product.

We can prove it.


Is it?

We market-tested every aspect of our packaging.

Based on our focus groups, the color that women found most appealing was red.

They also responded to cursive lettering and gold foil trim.

So that's what we gave them.

What you gave them is a carbon copy of my client's flagship product.

As for focus groups, the best one I know is a jury.

So pull your product, repackage with a new name, and that lawsuit never gets filed.

Except for one thing.

There's no way you prove our product is a knockoff of yours when, among other things, they smell completely different.

Which anyone who takes one whiff of them can tell.




Zane Specter Litt.

Now a good time?

You must have gotten your wires crossed.

Your firm paid me a visit.

I know.

I know Harvey has you well in hand.

I wanted to tell you how much we value your business.

Value my business?

You don't have my business.

I know it's not official yet.

Let me tell you what I told Harvey.

I am not interested in your firm representing me.

I see.

Do you mind if I ask why not?

I'll tell you what I told him.

He has a reputation for not doing what he's told.

Well, I can't argue with that.

But I do not have that reputation.

I've become managing partner.

If you'll give me a chance to sit down with you I'm having a charity poker event tonight.

In that case...

Before you answer, it'll cost you $100,000.

So if you're willing to part with that amount of money, I'll see you there.

But I have to tell you, if you can't tell when Harvey Specter's playing you, I'm not sure it'll be worth your time.


I've been thinking about it.

Without proof they're lying, we've no way to make our case.


, we can still back out.


We back out, Chelsea's brand is going to mean nothing.

Not to mention my specialty goes out the window.

What are we gonna do?

We have to get Linda Janowitz to break in a deposition.

Which isn't going to be easy because we have no evidence.

Wait a second.

Maybe we do.

What do you mean?

They lied about the packaging.

What's to say they aren't lying about the perfumes themselves?

My God.

You're right.

They might smell exactly alike.

I can't tell if they smell different.

That's because you're smelling them wrong.


Try it now.

Keep your eyes closed.

It focuses your senses.



What do you think?

They're different.

Well, perfume is a personal thing.

It has to do with how it interacts with a person's skin and pheromones.

It's a personal thing.



Looks like our work is cut out for us.

We have to drop everything and focus on this.

I can't.

What do you mean?

I'm your associate, but I've been on the Hardwick team for six months.

Tonight is our final doc review.

Well, there are other people on that team.

I don't have anyone else.

What does that mean?

It means I'm gonna get you out of it.

I've gotta say, this is an impressive operation you've got your name on.

Well, there's a reason and I went to w*r.

I can't believe this is the first time you're seeing the offices.

It's not.

It's the first time I'm looking at it through new eyes.

What kind of eyes?

The kind that are looking to intimidate.

I'm listening.

I've got a bunch of victims who were promised the moon and the stars, a job placement rate close to zero, and an administration that claims those promises were never made.

In other words, they're lying.


But I need an office like this and a partner like you to get him to admit what he knows.

And then?

Even if he breaks at deposition, we can only commit so much man power.

I'm not looking to go to trial.

I'm looking to close in the room.

How are you gonna do that?

I was thinking something like this.

I like you more and more.

Let's get something on the books.

These clowns are not gonna know what hit them.

If you're here to suggest we go out for drinks again, I would love to, but it just so happens that I'm...

That's not why I'm here.

I need you to clear 's schedule tonight.

Before you say...

Okay, I'll take care of it.

He's all yours.

That's it?

You're not going to tell me he's been working on the Hardwick case?

You can't just pull him off now?


Why would I tell you that?

And why do you look like you want me to tell you that?

, what's going on?

and I had...

a moment.

A "moment" moment?


... a "moment" moment.


I don't want this to come off wrong, but did you share a moment or did just you have a moment?

We had a moment, .

And nothing happened, but it was 100 percent a moment.

But I need his help on this case.

He's my associate.

I can't hide from him the rest of my life.

Are you sure you know what you're doing?

No, I'm not.

Then I just have one piece of advice.

If you don't wanna eat a cookie, stay out of the kitchen.


How's it going?

Nice weather.

Mind telling me why you lied about Steven ?



I talked to him, Harvey.

Before you lie again...

I didn't.

I told you I had him, and I do.

Then why did he tell me he wants nothing to do with you?

That's what all the girls say.

That's exactly what he's talking about.

You don't listen.

I don't what?

You heard me.

You didn't listen.

I was when you said you weren't gonna call him.

I said I wasn't gonna push.

And I didn't.

What I did was determine that I can't trust you.

I'm taking over.

The hell you are.

I heard him loud and clear.

He wanted me to show him that I respect him.

That's what I'm gonna do tonight.


At his poker game.

There's a change of plans.

Zane Specter Litt is still going, but Litt's gonna be the one at the table.

You go to that game, all you're gonna do is show you don't know shit about poker.

You go there, all you're gonna prove is all you care about is yourself.

Prove us both wrong and do as you're told for a change.

Back off my client.

I'm not backing off.

There's no negotiation, Harvey.

You stay away from that game tonight.

Your services are no longer needed.



I didn't think you'd put your money where your mouth is.

I hope tonight shows that when I make a promise, I keep it.

A potential client.

But I'll tell you what.

If you can take my money tonight, you'll be much closer to signing me.

Why don't we just have a seat?

HARVEY Don't mind if I do.

What are you doing here?

I was in the neighborhood.

I had an extra hundred thou in my pocket.

And I thought to myself, "Why not show you gentlemen how to play cards?" You think you can take my money?

I don't know.

But I'm sure can't.

You don't mind, do you, ?

No, of course not, I don't mind at all.

, I've been looking all over...

Before you say anything, I got you off Hardwick.

Instead of working in the library, we should work in the bullpen.

It's much...

I can't work tonight at all.


I told you I got you out.

It's not that.

Julie's out of town, and we just lost our babysitter.

Are you kidding?

We need to do this tonight.

I know, I'm sorry.

But she just got sick, I...

I get it.

It's not your fault.

I just need your help.

Okay, look.

I know it's not...

ideal, but we could work at my place tonight.

Your place?

I don't know what else to do.

Okay, but we need to focus.


One hundred percent.

All business.

Once he goes down, he sleeps through the night.

We work straight through.

What time should I be there?

Eight o'clock.

Want me to order food?

No, it's best if we've both eaten before I get there.

I couldn't agree more.

Raise 10,000.

You're bluffing.

That's what he does, Steven.

Not me.


I don't care whether either of you are bluffing or not, because...

I have a flush.


Whoa, not so fast, Steven.

I just happen to have a few queens reigning over a couple of tens.

That's bullshit.

You beat me on the river.

You had a 4 percent chance of having a flush.

Pot odds were in my favor.

River or not, I made the right call.

I made the right call.

I need a drink.

, can I talk to you.

That I'm beating your ass in a game you didn't think I knew how to play?

You don't know how to play it, .

Poker's about playing the man.

Guys like don't like to lose.

You don't give a shit about .

You're just mad that I beat you.

Beat me?

I just had a four of a kind.

But I laid it down, like I've been laying down all night.

I'm trying to let him win.


You don't let anybody win.

I do when I need them to know I can bend a knee.

Then why didn't you bend a knee to me by not coming here like I asked?

You didn't ask, you ordered.

What you asked was for me to close this guy because I'm better at it than you.

You were gonna throw a game he didn't know you threw just to prove you can bend a knee?

He'd know it in his heart.

He'd appreciate it.

I say it out loud, it humiliates him like you're doing.


The person I'm humiliating is you.

I'm closing the client, taking your money, and you can't stand me doing either one.

If that's what you think, let's get it on.

As of this minute, I don't give a shit if we land this guy or not.


How did it go today?

I thought you said you didn't wanna be involved.

I don't wanna be involved.

I didn't say I don't care.

In that case, it went well.

She's good, .

I know she is.

Then I have to ask.

Why don't you wanna work with her?

All right.

The truth?

Rosalie thinks I think I'm a better lawyer than her.

Do you?

I wouldn't have married her if I thought that.

Then why does she think it?

We did work together once.

Back in law school.

Mock trial?

Pro bono.

Something we both cared about.

The case hit a roadblock.

Rosalie suggested one strategy.

I suggested a different one.

We ended up getting in a huge fight.

Actually broke us up for a while.

You got back together.

We loved each other.

But we also knew if that could happen once...

There's a chance it could happen again.

Which is why I'm asking you how it went instead of asking her.

If it makes you feel any better, the case is in good hands.

And the more I get to know you, I'd say your marriage is in good hands.

Night, .

Good night, .

Okay, Harvey.

Just you and me now.

Tell you the truth, , I'm impressed that you lasted this long.

So take your participation trophy and go home.

Only thing I'll be going home with is your money.

You always fight like this?

Think of it this way.

If I fight like this at the table, imagine how I fight in a courtroom.


Don't listen to him.

Only thing Harvey fights hardest for is himself.

Raise 50,000.

Fifty isn't enough.

I'm all in.

Now, , before you decide how to play the hand that could clean you out, I want you to think of our entire history.

Of me always winning, and you always losing.

And when you're finished doing that, you'll realize it doesn't matter what you do.

Because whatever it is, it's gonna be the wrong decision.

I fold.


That's exactly what I was talking about.

All I had was ten high.

Not only did you lose, but you have to sit here on tilt for the rest of the night while I take the rest of your money.

Because like I said, poker isn't about playing the odds.

It's about playing the man.

I have to say, that was impressive.

Well, Steven, I didn't beat him to impress you.

I beat him because that's what I do.

I don't follow orders.

I don't bend a knee.

I win.

So if that's the kind of lawyer you want, good luck.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got ' money to take.


That woman was telling the truth.

According to Chelsea Conner's own focus group, consumers like red, cursive fonts...

In gold foiled trim.

Which means we've officially got gold-foiled nothing.

Give me the knockoff group results again.

Which one.

They did, like, two dozen.

Wait a second.

How many focus groups did we do?


Five versus 24.

If you're thinking the only time someone does that many focus groups is when they're trying to rig the results, then yes, I am.

If we know what we're looking for, we know what to do.

Which means our work here is done.


It doesn't matter where we work.

We make a great team.

That we do.

Great job tonight, .

Good focus, effort.

Got the job done.


Just in time.

Hey, buddy.

Looks like someone wants to say hello.

That's okay.

I can say hello from here.

You've never held a baby, have you?



I've held millions of babies.

I guess you won't mind holding one more.


How do I do it?


You just take him in your arms.

Like this.


I have to go.


, can you explain why people pay up to $25,000 a year to go to your college?

Why does anyone go to college?

Make their lives better.

And you promised their lives will be better by using lies.

We help our students invest in their future.

By taking on a mountain of debt in loans which your college profits from, and you personally.

That is not true.

Isn't it?

Half your pay is tied to loan origination, correct?

That doesn't mean that I profit from the loans.

It means that it doesn't matter whether students find jobs, as long as bodies keep coming, signing their lives away with debt.

You're paid to say whatever it takes to make that happen, aren't you?

Don't answer.

I'll answer for you.

You are paid to do that.

And once we prove that, we can come after you personally.

Is that true?


And even if they do, we'll indemnify you.

So it's not true, but it might be true?

Who do you think she's looking out for.

They're gonna say you lied to inflate your compensation.

They're gonna hang you out to dry and wipe their hands clean.

This is your one and only chance.

Because now we will waive your liability.

You know what?

We're done here.

I lied about the numbers.

And did the board of directors instruct you to tell those lies?

They did.

We'll accept a settlement of $50,000 per plaintiff.

Fifteen thousand, the best you're gonna get.

The best we're gonna get is if we play that tape in court and a jury is gonna give us 100,000.

If they do, you won't even get 15.

We'll be bankrupt.

And if you don't believe me, I'll send our books to prove it.

Good, you're still here.

I'm leaving early.

I have plans.

The only plans you have is to stay and help me.

Okay, , if you want my help, I'd start with what's so important.

As usual, Harvey's out of control.

He lied about landing Steven , then he defies me by showing up to his card game.

Then he proceeds to humiliate me and a potential client.

And what do you want me to do?

Do for me what I know you did for .


Match make, .

Stay here to find me the perfect whale so I can prove I close just as well as Harvey can.

, I'm sorry you're in this situation, and I would be happy to help you at any other time, but not tonight.

Like I said, I have plans.

More drinks with the girls?

Not a girls' night.

It's my night.

You think I wouldn't rather spend my evening with Sheila?

I need this.

I need it tonight.

You said you feel responsible for me running this firm.


You want my help?

Here it is.

Instead of trying to prove to Harvey you're a better closer, why don't you act like a grown-up and work it out?

Or don't.

Either way, I'm going out.

Because I've earned it.

, I'm giving you a direct order.

So you can follow it or don't.

But if you don't, don't you ever tell me you feel responsible for putting me in this position again.

Ha, ha.

That was amazing.

You were amazing.

No, you were amazing.

All right.

I was.

You know what's even more amazing is we're gonna get 50,000 per client.

You mean 15,000 per client.

No, 50.

Don't tell me you believed that bullshit about their books.

You bet your ass I believed it.

They're not gonna send over cooked books.

Crying poor is the oldest trick in the book.

Not as old as being poor.

I was poor.

If you ask me, I'd rather have 50,000 than 15.

I'd rather get them a million, but that's not on the table.

Listen to me.

I know you're excited about getting an offer after being out of the ring for so long...

This isn't about being out of the ring.

This is about getting money for my clients.

It's also supposed to be about getting back in the game and building a reputation.

This builds a reputation for me just fine.

As someone any competent attorney can eat for breakfast.


I've heard you out.

Now you're gonna hear me.

I heard you.

And I'm telling you, you are making the wrong call.

Well, I disagree.

And I appreciate your help, but this is my case, and we're taking the offer.

Miss Janowitz, why did you conduct two dozen focus groups before launching your product?

To test the consumers' response to the product.

Except you weren't just testing their responses.

You were reshaping them.

Making changes based on results is the point of a test.

Deliberate changes to make your packaging look more and more like our client's.

I explained this.

Women respond to...

We all know what women respond to.

And you know what?

You gave them exactly what they were looking for, offered a package they couldn't resist.

And that confused them.

And you can't deny that you knew what you were doing and how it made them feel.

Is there a question here?

I have a question.

Did you know you were breaking the rules by enticing our loyal customers to stray?

We didn't break any rules.

But you flirted with them.

What someone buys is their choice.

Except you confused that.

As a result, people wanted something they didn't mean to want, but couldn't help themselves.

Not true.

Admit it.

You confused innocent customers about what they wanted because you wanted to be what they wanted.

So they'd choose you.

They can't choose you.

No matter how much they want to.

They've chosen someone else.

I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but this deposition is over.

, we need to talk.


There's only one thing you'd be here to talk about, and I wanna stay out of it.

Well, you should know.

Rosalie's about to make a mistake.


No, forget I asked that.

You did ask.

We've got them by the throat, but unless we take 30 cents on the dollar, they're gonna go bankrupt.



You know.

They're not going bankrupt.

I'm not gonna stick my nose in her case.

I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking if I'm right.

I think I said I'd stay out.

Which means you agree with me.

And I'm saying I think we should counter.


I can't.

She's first chair.

What do you want me to do?

Tell her you think my way is better.

Damn it, I don't wanna say whose way is better.

I know you don't want to cause conflict with your wife, but you know this is the right thing to do.

Look, I know you kids eat late these days, but shouldn't you be going?


But if I can't figure something out soon, I'll have to cancel with .

What is an assh*le, and so is Harvey.

That's not a reason, .

That's just a Tuesday.

I don't find it funny that and Harvey are in a fight, and it's gonna ruin my night.

It's not ruining anything.

And whatever it is, it's their problem, not yours.

That's I told .

But he threw it back in my face that I'm responsible for him being managing partner.

I don't give a g*dd*mn what he did.

Stop telling yourself that bullshit right now.



I have seen you put this firm first more times than I can count.

What you need to be doing is headed home, putting on that dress I know you laid out this morning.


But what about and Harvey?

You leave those two fools to me.

Robert, can I talk to you.

You knew Harvey lied to me about Steven , didn't you?

I did.


why didn't you say anything?

Would you have told me if the shoe was on the other foot?

No, I wouldn't.

Now, , I obviously wasn't successful dealing with Harvey myself.

But from what I know of the situation, you stuck your hand in too early and got it bit off.

What would you do?

I'd make a gesture of holding my other hand out.

You'd really do that?

Probably not.

But I sure wish I would.

And, , one more thing.

Harvey wasn't being disrespectful to you.

He was just treating you the same way he treated Jessica and me.

I get it.

He's an equal-opportunity assh*le.

Serving the community 24 hours a day.

Thank you, Robert.

You're welcome, .

Baby, I don't know what that celery did, but I want you to know I'm on your side.


Because that stalk right there just put the moves on me.


I've been meaning to ask.

How's it going with your case?

You mean didn't tell you?

We got an offer, and it's amazing.

That's great.

How much?

I don't believe it.

Believe what?

You think I can't tell when you're trying to back.

Your mother's 80th birthday?


told you, you agree with her.

Admit it.

I do.

Because I've seen people cook the books before.

Damn it, .

This is what happened in law school.

You think you know better than me.

Well, if you don't respect me as a lawyer, you just tell me to my face.

I do have faith in you.

Only thing that's the same is you don't believe me.

I do respect you, which is why I'm telling you to your face.

Reject that deal.

Didn't sound like you were gonna tell that to my face.

You've a chip on your shoulder that shows up whenever we talk about the law.

Which is why I didn't wanna get involved in the first place.

You really respect me as a lawyer?

I wouldn't have married you if I didn't.

Can we please put our g*ns down and just forget that I said anything?

No, we can't.

But we can put our g*ns down.

What do you mean?

I mean, I wanna take you through why I think I'm making the right decision.

What can I do for you?

You need to sit your ass down and listen to me.

Excuse me?

I see you're on your way to some dinner or card game or whatever you're spending your time on.

You turn yourself around, make things right with .

I don't need to do anything.

This is between me and .

No, it isn't.

When you get into one of your death matches, it puts the burden on the rest of us.

And I, for one, am tired of it.

You're tired of it, are you?

Yes, I am.

Makes me sick, the two of you acting like children.

And to think I was considering retiring.

When, if I left now, the two of you would shit all over your bunk beds.

Are you finished.

It's a two-way street, .

I'm not the only assh*le in the room.

You're the only one in the room right now.


I said my piece.

I would've been gentle.

Sometimes someone needs to knock the shit out of you.

Andjust so happens to have plans tonight.

Well I did.

And she's still gonna recommend the deal.

g*dd*mn it.

That is not what we talked about.

We talked about me telling her what I thought.

I did.

Then she changed my mind.

Of course she did.

As you've made clear, your relationship is more important than any client.

I don't care who's first chair.

I'm not letting my clients down.

I'm not backing Rosalie because she's my wife.

She's one hell of a lawyer.

Don't tell me you believe Logan Tech will go under.

You don't know whether they're lying.

That's why I wanna fight, find...

What if you lose?

You're not the only one who knows what it's like to be poor.

When you shake the cushions for change, the difference between 15,000 and nothing is a lot bigger than the one between 15 and 50.

I won't lose.

You sure?

Because you have lost before, and one of those times was to me.

So let it go or don't.

But I'm backing my wife.

And one more thing, you said it yourself.

This was supposed to bring us together.


I'll let it go.

But that does not mean I agree.

If it makes you feel any better, if you two didn't team up on this, those people would be getting nothing.


You ran right out after the deposition.

I wanted to make sure you're...

I'm not.


... we can't.

I know.

It's no one's fault.

I know.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

But you can't be my associate anymore.

You're sticking with that?

Your favorite is Springsteen?

In the beginning, it was just me and my garage.

I'd sketch designs on the walls, crank the Boss, and build.

Well, looking at your pieces, it's obvious you're doing what you love.

What about you.

What was she up to?

Twenty-somethingwas eating ramen every night and acting in an off-off-extra-off-Broadway production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

Careful, Maggie, your claws are showing.

You know Cat on a Hot Tin Roof I was Brick.

In college?

No, ninth grade.

But that's not the point.

The point is, if I wasn't so bad at acting, I never would've realized my passion for design.

So you're saying I was a bad actor, and that's why I'm a great COO?

You couldn't hide that you liked me when we first met.

Is that how you wanna play this?

It doesn't have to be.

In retrospect, I shouldn't have.

Is it getting hot in here or.

See, I knew you liked me.

I do.

And I'll tell you something else.

As you know, I was worried about mixing business with pleasure.


I haven't thought about business all night.

So it's been all pleasure.


It has.

Me too.

Hey, you wanna go somewhere and get a nightcap?

I'd love that.

, I've been looking for you.

I was looking all over for you too.

Got thirsty, thought I'd make myself a caffeine-free prunie.

Do they usually have caffeine?

You'd be surprised.

I don't know how to say it, so I'm just gonna come out with it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too, Harvey.

I stepped in too early, I shouldn't have.

I wish I could say I won't do it again, but I probably will.

You definitely will.

You are right.

Another thing I might do again is call the client I'm trying to sign, tell them to sign with you.

You're the best lawyer I've ever worked with.

That's never gonna change.

Called and said that?

I did.

That's funny because I called him, told him I was the best lawyer you ever worked with too.

No, you didn't.

No, I didn't.

I told him he should sign with you.

Because there's no lawyer in this city that I'd be more afraid to go up against than you.

You think it worked?

Tell you the truth, I don't care if we sign Steven or not.

We're the two best lawyers in this city, and that is never gonna change.

Thank you, Harvey.

Thank you, Managing Partner.


Don't mind if I do.


this is me.

I know.


They never actually come that fast when I want them to.

What can I say?

I've got a way with cabs.

Thank you, , for an amazing night.

, I've just gotta tell you, sometimes you don't know what you've been missing until you have it.

So look, I don't wanna wait three days to call you or whatever the rules are.

Can we just skip that?

Can tomorrow be our three days?

What if we just say it's tonight?

And you come on up.

I just called a cab.