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08x10 - Managing Partner

Posted: 06/13/19 06:49
by bunniefuu

GAVIN: One of my transport flights was carrying some art.

The hull depressurized, and one of the pieces got damaged.

It had to be insured, so what's the problem?

The insurance inspector's got the balls to say they'd be suing me for the damages.

I made an appointment with the top fertility specialist - in the country.

- You really think - we need a specialist?

- The sooner we get some help, the sooner we can hold that baby in our arms.

Two days ago, when you said this shady son of a bitch destroyed that painting intentionally...

Is that how you talk about your former clients?

Alex, this thing is a loser for you.

- Get your client under control.

- Don't talk to me about this case being a loser.

You're lucky we're even - in here.

- Bullshit.

We go to court and I will clean your clock.

Samantha and Alex are about to go to w*r.

- I told her to settle.

- Well, she didn't.

And if Samantha did that, I'll deal with her.


Because you've let her do whatever she wants ever since she got here.

I don't suppose it would do any good to ask you to let Alex go up there first.

I'm not backing down because I think I'm better than Alex Williams, and I'm not gonna say that I'm not.

You have some cervical fibroids that, unfortunately, your OB missed, and I'd like to remove them.

If we keep doing nothing...

It's worse than letting them settle it themselves.

One case, head-to-head, winner gets name partner.

As you both know, Harvey and I each made a promise to put your names on the door next.

And obviously it's not possible for us both to keep that promise.

This better not be you telling us we're going up at the same time, because as far as I'm concerned, that's as bullshit as telling me you're giving it to him.

And for once, you and I agree.

Good, because we have another idea.

Are those what I think they are?

HARVEY: Two conflict of interest waivers giving you the green light to take off the gloves and get in the ring.

ROBERT: You wanted a fight.

You got it.

The winner gets their name up next.

Any questions?

I got one.

Is it gonna be "and Williams," or just "Zane Specter Litt Williams"?

I can answer that.

It's not gonna be either one.

Then I guess we'll just have to find out.

I guess we will.

LOUIS: Well, before you start taking any swings, I wanna make one thing clear.

This is a fair fight.

No using inside information.

No looking at the other person's shit.

Are we clear?

- Yes.

- Clear.

ROBERT: And if no one else is gonna say it, I will.

Let's get ready to rumble.


What are you doing here?

I came to say I know this isn't how either of us thought this would go down.

And I wanted to make sure you were good with it.

If this is what it's gonna take, then I'm not just good with it.

I'm also good with this.

Let me guess.

You want me to take care of this for you.

It's nothing you haven't done before.

What happened to you don't like it when I get involved?

What I don't like is you getting involved when I asked you to stay out of it.

This is me telling you to get your ass in it.

All right, Alex.

Are you sure?

Because once I do this, there's no taking it back.

Yes, I'm sure.

Because I guarantee you, she's going to Robert to do the same damn thing.

So the question is, are you here for me or not?

I'm here for you, Alex.

I'm right the hell here.


- Good, you're here.

- No.

What do you mean no?

You don't even know - what I want.

- Bullshit, I don't.

You're here for some kind of edge with Alex Williams, and I'm not gonna give it to you.

- Why not?

- Because if I step in to help you, it undermines the whole arrangement.

All I'm asking is to delay the trial a week.

Samantha, I'm managing partner here because I stayed out when it was time.

Well, it's still time.

And if you wanna delay this thing, you're gonna have to do it on your own.

- That is bullshit.

- And you're entitled to your opinion.

Now, unless you got some other business, why don't you just let me wash my hands in peace?


See the money, wanna stay for your meal Get another piece of pie for your wife Everybody wanna know how it feel Everybody wanna see what it's like I'll even eat a bean pie I don't mind Me and missy is so early Busy, busy making money All right!

All step back I'm 'bout to dance The greenback boogie Thank you.

You ending the night or starting the day?


Same here.

Banker or lawyer?


What I am is not interested.

Well, you might not be interested, but you're going to listen.

Now, we can be formal about this, Samantha, or you can just call me Tom.

Okay, Tom.

I'm listening.

We know there's money laundering going on at your firm, but we don't know how high up the food chain it goes.

And the bureau thinks that you'd be the perfect person to help us answer that question.

- Why me?

- We know that you served your country once before.

This is a chance to serve it again.

Well, you can wave the flag all you want, but I don't know anything, and I'm loyal to the people I'm in the foxhole with right now.

Well, if you're not gonna ask what you can do for your country, then maybe you should ask what your country can do to you.

- These records were sealed.

- They were.

And whether they stay sealed is entirely your choice.

See what you can dig up, and don't say a word about this to anyone.

HARVEY: You don't usually come in and sit right down.

- This must be important.

- I need to say something about this trial, and I need you to hear me.

Donna, if this is about us not consulting you, it was a name partner decision.

It's not about that, Harvey.

I'm here to talk about what we're gonna do when it's over.

- What do you mean?

- We're all still gonna be here, and win or lose, it's gonna be on you to keep the peace.

I hope you're asking the same of Zane.

- I'm not.

- Why not?

Because this is still more your firm than his, and everybody knows it.

So if Alex wins, you need to be magnanimous about it.

And Harvey, if Samantha wins, you need to be the bigger man and accept it with grace.

You don't think Alex can win, do you?

- What if I said I don't?

- I'd wanna know why.

Because this isn't about who the better lawyer is.

It's about winning.

And unless he suddenly becomes a different person, he's not willing to go as far as she is to win.

Well, then maybe he is becoming a different person.

- What do you mean?

- I mean, he came to me for help, and he wasn't asking.

He was telling.

- And you gave it to him?

- I did.

Harvey, if Alex comes to you asking for help again, - say no.

- Why?

Because this isn't just about keeping the peace later.

If we're not careful, this could rip us apart before it's even over.

What's all this?

Just wanted to make sure you had all of our discovery.

You're bringing me a cartload of documents to go through at 9:00 at night?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

You might wanna order takeout.

How much of this is purely to waste my time?

I'll leave that to you, but speaking of time...

I don't believe it!

You moved the trial to tomorrow?

I don't run the four corners, Samantha.

I fast-break.

And right now, it's show time.

You think I don't know what you're doing?

You're trying to speed this thing up because you know your client is guilty, just like you know if I have time to dig in, I'll prove it.

I'm trying to speed this up because the longer this goes on, the longer my client's image gets dragged through the mud.

Spare me the song and dance, Alex.

The judge might not have seen through it, but I do.

You're right.

He did see it my way.

And the only thing you're gonna see is me wiping the floor with you starting tomorrow.


- Yeah?

- SHEILA: Louis.

Hey, I was just thinking about you.

What's going on?

How was your day?

Well, I've got some good news and some bad news.

- What happened?

- SHEILA: Dean Stanton's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, and he's stepping down to spend time with her.

Sheila, I am so sorry.

SHEILA: The good news is he recommended me to be interim dean.

LOUIS: Oh, my God, that's amazing.

I'm gonna come home right now, and we're gonna go out and celebrate.

SHEILA: Louis, you don't have to do that.

Well, I know I don't have to.

I want to.

No, I mean, you don't have to do that.

Because I'm already here.

I am so proud of you.

Louis, it hasn't happened yet.

It will.

I know it will.

Excuse me, Mr.


Do you have a minute?

Of course I do.

But first I'll need a name.

Samantha Wheeler.

Well, Samantha Wheeler, what can I do for you?

When I was hired, I was told I could come to senior management with anything.

And you can.

We pride ourselves on our reputation for looking after our associates.

Which is why I'm hoping you can help me.

I was approached by the FBI this morning.

They think something's going on here.


And, well, what did you say?

I said I'm loyal to my firm.

Well, that would presume there's something to be loyal about.

The guy that came at me believes we're laundering money.

What are you working on right now?

The suit against Monsanto.

First thing tomorrow, I'm farming it out to someone else, because if the FBI's right, then I need someone to dig into our books.

If I go to accounting, then whoever's doing this is gonna know there's something rotten in Denmark.

- I'm on it.

- Good.

Oh, and, Samantha, if you find anything, no matter how small, please, let me know.

Ladies and gentlemen, you're going to hear a lot of numbers in this trial, but the only number that matters is seven.

That's how many safeguards there are to keep a cargo hold from depressurizing.

It simply can't happen.

Unless someone wants it to happen.

Twenty years ago, I parked my car outside a 7-Eleven.

When I came out, it was totaled, and it took me two years to collect $1,800 I couldn't afford to lose.

Gavin Andrews stood to gain millions of dollars from destroying the very painting he was charged with transporting.

Now, imagine it wasn't a Corolla.

It was a $100 million painting.

Think how hard they'll fight not to pay.

Because it's what insurance companies do.

They blame someone else.

They call it an act of God.

Or they just say, "Screw you.

Come and get it." The truth is, this is a crime, and he should go to prison for it.

Unfortunately, we can't put him away for this, but what we can do is make him pay for it.

Because they'll do whatever it takes to keep their money, and we're not gonna let them get away with it.


Wheeler, your first witness.

Your Honor, I call Gavin Andrews to the stand.

I guess you aren't big on foreplay.

Oh, I like foreplay just fine, Alex.

But you're right about one thing.

You're about to get f*cked.


Andrews, when a plane depressurizes, the NTSB is supposed to investigate.

But before they could, you cleared out the cargo hold.

Why would you do that?

Because you don't leave million-dollar works of art to bake in the sun.

And thanks to my call, we were able to save most of them.

Most of them.

But not the Vermeer.

And if there's one less Vermeer in the world, then yours is more valuable.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't want that painting destroyed.

I wanted to buy it.

Then let's talk about your other art.

Five years ago, you bought a Renoir for $8 million and recently sold it.

Is that correct?

It is.

How much did you sell it for?

- Considerably more.

- Isn't it true you sold it for $55 million to an airline manufacturer who then happened - to win your business?

- ALEX: Your Honor, that's a violation of the terms of our waiver.

She's using privileged information.

It would be privileged, except Mr.

Andrews' wife detailed all of this in their divorce filing.

- What?

- He hid assets from their prenuptial agreement.

He took bribes and hid them as art transactions...

Hearsay, Your Honor.

Allegations from a bitter ex-wife.

A woman who knows this man better than anyone.

Overruled, Mr.


Divorce filings are publicly available.


Andrews, you take kickbacks from your suppliers.

You cheated your own wife.

Do you really expect a jury to believe what happened to the Vermeer was an accident?

It was an accident.

Well, actions speak louder than words.

And your actions aren't just speaking.

They are screaming that you're guilty, and all of these people can hear it.

God damn it, we had an agreement, and you broke it.

I didn't break anything.

Don't give me that shit.

There's no public record of that divorce filing, and there's no way his wife knew about that $55 million.

Then go check the filing yourself.

I think you'll find that it's been recently amended and placed in the public record, which means I didn't violate anything.

All right, Samantha.

You want public record.

I'll give you public record.


Horford, instead of looking at the whole chain of custody, you only focused on Starboard Airlines.

Why is that?

We looked at the whole chain of custody, Mr.


For how long?

Ten minutes?

An hour?

Or just long enough to figure that of all the people you could sue, Gavin Andrews had the deepest pockets?

HORFORD: That's insulting.

We don't do business that way.

ALEX: I think you do, which is why you lost Starboard Airlines as a client when Gavin Andrews took his business elsewhere.

That has nothing to do with this.

It has to do with you missing out on your bonus that year.

If you're implying that I would use my company for personal reasons...

Isn't that what you're accusing my client of doing?

And when an analyst at Goldman asked you why you lost Starboard Airlines, you said, "The way Gavin Andrews does business will come back "to haunt him," meaning you would come back to haunt him.

That's not what I meant.

It sure sounds like what it meant.

What I meant was that our biggest rival gave him - a kickback to drop...

- You have proof of that?

No, you don't, just like you don't have proof that my client damaged that painting.

All you have is a bunch of smear tactics and a grudge.

Objection, testifying.

ALEX: Then I'll wrap it up.

Because you were right, actions do speak louder than words.

And all this is, is a good old-fashioned case of payback.

I came home as soon as I got the voicemail.

I got the job.

Sheila, that is fantastic.

I am so proud of you.

And not only that, they said if I do well, I can have it permanently.

- Permanently?

- Yes.

They were discussing it, and the head of the search committee said...

- Louis, what's wrong?

- Nothing, it's just we agreed after the baby, I'd do the heavy lifting in the fall, and you would take over after recruiting season ended.

The dean of a law school, Sheila, that's a year-round job.

There's no way you'll be able to do both.

Well, we can, we can make an adjustment.

What kind of adjustment?

Well, I don't know.

Don't most couples with full-time jobs get a nanny?

I don't want a stranger raising my child.

So you want me to turn down an opportunity - that may never come again?

- Not the interim part, but the permanent part, yes.

Louis, if I did that and we have a daughter, how would I ever look her in the eye?

You look at her in the eye and you tell her, "I chose you." If you don't, you'll never be able to look her in the eye at all because you'll be working.

Okay, that's not fair, Louis.

And if we worked out the Jewish thing, we can work this out.

Well, we haven't figured that out yet.

And that was something we hadn't discussed.

This is something we agreed on.

Like when we agreed you'd give up mudding, and then you didn't.

Don't throw that back on me.

I lived up to it in the end.

Okay, well, this is a little bit bigger than mudding, Louis.

This is my life.

And I want this job, and I want a baby, and I don't see why I can't have both.

Well, I don't know what to say to all that.

How about, "I support your choices"?

Because I'm gonna have surgery in three days to help us have this baby.

And I'd feel a lot better about it knowing we were both on the same team.



What are you doing down here?

There was an error with a client's billing.

I'm trying to fix it before it gets noticed.

Which client?

Maybe I can help.

I appreciate that.

I just took care of it.

- Have a nice night.

- Samantha.

There's only two reasons someone who's not an accountant would be here on a Friday night.

Either they can't get a date, or they want to be here when no one's around.

What are you saying?

You're not here to fix something.

You're here to find something.

- That's not what I'm do...

- It's okay.

I'm here for the same thing.

I think there's something shady going on here with the money.

I just can't prove it.

Let's say I trust you.

What have you found so far?

- There's two issues.

- Bonus payments - and retainer fees.

- Exactly.

So I tell you what.

You take the retainers.

I'll take the bonuses.

A week from now, we meet up and see what's what.

Sounds like a plan.

Robert, why are you doing this?

Because I don't mind defending criminals, but I don't put myself through law school to work for them.

All right, you wanted help.

Well, here it is.

What I wanted was help yesterday.

You said no, and now it's too late.

The trial's already started.

Well, I was wrong.

So you can hold a grudge, or you can think of something else.

All right.

There is one thing.

After Alex tore Nina to pieces on the stand, I told her we needed to shore up the investigation into the packing company.

- She got a look on her face.

- What kind of look?

The kind of look that said I'm not gonna be able to shore up anything.

So I said, "Forget I asked." Let me guess.

She already sent the files over.

I'm pretty sure they got here after I got back.

But I don't know since I didn't look.

Which means you need me to make that box disappear.

Yes, I do.

Samantha, let me ask you one question.

Are you sure Gavin Andrews is guilty?

Robert, I represented the man for years.

He is always guilty.

Then consider it gone.

10:00, right on schedule.

I'm nothing if not prompt.

So, what'd you come up with?

Not a thing.

The retainers all checked out.


Why shit?

Well, I dug into the bonuses and struck out, too.

Maybe there's nothing to find.

I didn't say I didn't find anything, Robert.

I said the retainers all checked out.

After I went down my path, I went down yours, and wouldn't you know?

It led right back to you.

So tell me, Robert.

Why am I holding a $100,000 off-the-books wire transfer with your name on it?

Six months ago I found out all three named partners were laundering money.

They offered to cut me in.

I said no.

They put that money in there to make me look complicit.

- Bullshit.

- It's not bullshit.

They wouldn't take the money back, no matter what I said.

So I did the next best thing and gave it to charity.

If you don't believe me, I'll show you the check.

So you can cut a check, but you can't blow the whistle?

How noble.

It's more complicated than that.

Seems pretty simple to me.

You witness a crime, you tell the authorities.

Which is what I'm gonna do right now.

Why don't you try telling me that after you have a daughter?

Her name is Rachel.

She wants to be a lawyer.

But how is that gonna go when she applies to the bar and they say, "Isn't your father a criminal?" You show them the check and make them believe you're not a criminal.

If this comes out, my name is tainted forever.

They'll never believe me.

And if it was just me, I'd take that chance.

I'm sorry, Robert.



- It's not my call.

- Please.

Now, you came in here because you wanted to hear my side of the story.

My story is I'm a father with a daughter.

And I need your help.


I was wondering when this visit was coming.

- What visit is that?

- The one where - you thr*aten me.

- I'm not here to thr*aten you.

I'm here to offer you a way out before publicly humiliating you because you're still a client of my firm.

Get off my property.

And I do that, the jury's gonna hear from Phillip Jones.

You thought you could hide him from me.

I don't know anyone by that name.

Funny, because he has security footage showing you meeting with him two weeks before you destroyed that painting.

- He'll never testify.

- He already has.

I have him under oath saying you specifically asked him how much your Vermeer would go up if another one got destroyed.

I've got you, Gavin, and I am not letting go.

This is illegal and inadmissible.

You hacked my shit.

What I did was do to you what I used to do for you.

And you can thr*aten me or throw me off your property, but once we're in that courtroom, I am not going anywhere.

Give me a day.

Excuse me?

I'll pay what we owe.

I just...

I need a day to get the board's approval.

No, I don't trust you.

You don't need to trust me.

You got me.

Like you just said.

I'm still a client of the firm.

- That's gotta count for something.

- It doesn't.

Samantha, please.

I know you once told me about your family.

Well, I have a family and...

If this comes out, think about what it's gonna do to my kids.

One day.

I'll give you one day.

And then I'm putting you on the stand.

KATRINA: Louis, what's going on?

What do you mean?

I just found a bouquet of pink carnations on my desk.

And since we both know that's the widely accepted bouquet of apology, I thought I'd ask what you're apologizing for.

I wasn't apologizing to you.

I was apologizing to Sheila.

It turns out, she didn't want an apology.

She wanted a change of heart.

And you just made senior partner, so I thought rather than throw them away...

Thank you, Louis.

But I thought you and Sheila were doing great.

Yeah, we were until she got offered to be the dean of Columbia Law School.

And you're afraid if she takes it, she won't have time for the baby.

Exactly, and with this added responsibility, Katrina, I...

I don't know how it's gonna work.

I know it's not my place.

But did you consider that if Sheila has less time, you might be able to make more time?

Katrina, I can't just leave the firm.

I know that, Louis, but three nights ago, you came into my office and said you saw a look on my face that you had seen on yours before.

Yes, the look of wishing for someone to share your life with.

You don't have that look anymore.

What you do have is two name partners and a new senior partner who have your back.

Which means that when the time comes, you'll be able to step back a little and trust that the firm is in good hands.

Speaking of keeping the firm in good hands, Katrina, I need to tell you something.

Gavin, what are you doing here?

We're due in court in an hour.

No, we're not, because Samantha asked for a recess, and she got it.

What does she have now?

Doesn't matter what she has.

It matters what I have.

- What is that?

- A list of ethical violations Samantha Wheeler engaged in over the course of six years as my attorney.

No, I'm not ruining Samantha's career.

Look, you don't have to ruin anything.

You thr*aten to take this to the bar, and she'll cave.

I'm not gonna take that chance.

And we don't need to.

We're winning.

No, Alex, we're not.

What are you talking about?

Samantha came to my house this morning.

She has proof that I asked an appraiser what would happen to the value of my Vermeer if that painting got destroyed.

- Now, if he gets on the stand...

- Let me get this straight.

There's a g*dd*mn smoking g*n, and you kept it from me?

'Cause you're a Boy Scout, and you would've given it to her.

All right, look.

It's bad, but it's not proof.

We can cross-examine - this guy and...

- Let me make myself clear!

This is not a suggestion.

It is an order.

If you don't use this, I will.

And if I do it, Alex, we're gonna skip the part where she gets the chance to walk away because I'll be going straight to the bar.

I don't like that look on your face.

- What look?

- The look that says you're about to tell me some serious shit.

Samantha's got Gavin by the balls.

But I think I got a way out.

- How?

- I did some digging.

Dexhart has 80% of the reinsurance for the packing company that should have protected that painting.

Which means they'd have incentive to clear them of any fault.

Which I believe they did with a false report.

And you think Samantha's hiding the real report?

I think she's too smart to look at the real report in the first place.

And I know if we ask for it with a subpoena, it'll never see the light of day.

What exactly are you here to ask me, Alex?

I want you to get Katrina Bennett to go over there and ask for the unredacted version of that report.

- No way.

- Harvey.

You're asking to have one of our lawyers - commit a crime.

- It's not a crime.

She's a senior partner at this firm.

All she has to do is say that, ask for the files, - and get the hell out.

- And if it's so innocent, why don't you go over there and do it yourself?

Because I'm not blonde and no one's gonna mistake me for Samantha Wheeler.

Damn it, Alex, you said you could beat her.

I can beat her.

This is what it's gonna take.

And I wouldn't be in this position if you didn't break your promise to me.

And that's bullshit because you said you were good with fighting to get your name up.

What the hell was I supposed to say?

Alex, helping to speed up the trial is one thing.

Putting Katrina at risk?

I'm not doing it.

Then you should know, I don't do this, Gavin Andrews goes to the bar tomorrow with a list of shady things Samantha's done over the years.

So you can help me with this or not.

Either way, her name's not going on that wall.

Katrina, if you're here to go out for drinks tonight, I can only say that the answer is a big, fat, "Yes, please." As much as I would love to say that's why I'm here, what I need is a big, fat piece of advice.

- What is it?

- Harvey basically asked me to impersonate Samantha Wheeler.


It's the only way to get what they need to help Alex win.

What'd you tell him?

I told him I didn't know.

Well, if Harvey wants you to do this, why not do it?

Other than not wanting to get on Samantha's bad side, Louis specifically told me not to help either one of them.

Did he say why?

He said that if too many people got involved, their fight could tear the firm apart.

Then I say...

too many people are already involved.

You might as well go ahead.

Help Harvey.

Thanks, Donna.

What's this?

A settlement agreement.

You're dropping that lawsuit, paying Gavin's legal fees, and issuing a public apology.

The hell we are.

Samantha, you can kick and scream all you want, but I got proof the packing company skimped on materials and your client knew about it.

How the f*ck did you get these?

The same way I got everything else.

You shared it with me in discovery.

I didn't share shit with you.

I never even saw these documents.

You never saw them because you never wanted to see them.

But Dexhart Insurance has records proving it was sent.

You son of a bitch.

You cheated.

No, I just played by your rules.

- So don't start crying now.

- Oh, I'm not crying.

And I as sure as hell am not signing this.

And let me tell you what happens if you don't.

Gavin Andrews gets you disbarred.

- What?

- He's got information that could end your career, and he told me to use it, but I didn't because I didn't wanna do that to you.

So, what?

I'm supposed to thank you now?

I don't expect you to thank me, but I do expect you to accept that it's over.

- I'm not accepting anything.

- I get it.

You're not used to losing.

But whether you wanna admit it or not, I won, you lost.

And come tomorrow, my name's going up on that wall.

Louis, what are you doing here?

Not bringing you more flowers, if that's what you're wondering.

Sheila, the reason I was so thrown with you taking on more responsibility was because...

I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to take on less.

And whether you are offered the permanent position or not, when the time comes, I wanna take time for our family.

Well, I'm...

I'm glad to hear you say that.

Because the time has come.

You mean you were offered the permanent position?

No, not that time, Louis.

The other time.

Oh, my God.

Are you saying what I think you're saying?

I saw Chaz this afternoon.

And we're not gonna need that surgery because we're gonna have a baby.

I don't believe this.

Are you sure?

I mean, are you absolutely sure?

Yes, I'm positive.


And I'm sorry we fought.

I just...

I'm stressed, and I've got hormones running through me, and I'm not even sure if I want that permanent position.

Hey, it's okay.

It's all gonna be okay.

I am right here by your side.

I'm not going anywhere.

How are you so calm?

Because I know what's important now.

And it's this.

Everything's gonna be okay.



I got your message.

You're late.

I had some thinking to do.

Well, I'm glad you showed up.

Because I was beginning to wonder if I was meeting you or the feds in here tonight.

I think I have a way to get you out of this.

You mind if I ask you what changed your mind?

Because I believe you.

I also know if I do this for you, you'll always have my back.

You're saying I owe you?

I'm saying you'll feel grateful.

It isn't the same thing.

No, it's not.

So, what's your plan?

Who here do you trust more than anyone else?


After tonight, that's easy.


No, it can't be me.

It raises too many red flags.

Besides, I'm not old enough.

It's not my time.

Well, what are you talking about?

Just answer the question.

You need somebody here to have your back.

It isn't me.

Who is it?

Two people.

Ellen Rand and Eric Kaldor.

Then get them.

'Cause we're not out of the woods yet.

It's good that you reached out to me when you did.

I was starting to think you made a wrong choice.

I've made enough wrong choices in my life, Tom.

I'm not gonna make a wrong one on this.

- So, what'd you find?

- Nothing.

All I found was a glitch in the billing system.

Bullshit, we've got information that your firm...

I don't care what you've got.

Clients were overcharged, then reimbursed.

That's all there was to it.

And when I subpoena every billing record from the last five years, that's never gonna hold up.

And if you could have subpoenaed those records, you wouldn't have come to me in the first place.

I get it.

They paid you off, and now you're as guilty as they are.

Don't you say that to me.

You tried to use my history to get me to turn on my family.

And if you unseal my records, I guarantee you the firm of Rand Kaldor Zane will use every resource they have to come after you for malicious prosecution.

- Rand Kaldor Zane?

- That's right.

Jarvis, Ellis, and Green are all stepping down, so if you're convinced they really did something, think of it as a little punishment getting served - after all.

- That's not punishment.

That's getting away scot-free.

And if you think having your name ripped off the wall you've worked your entire life to get up there isn't punishment, you don't know what it is to be a lawyer.

Because trust me, it's all any of us ever want.

Then why didn't you put your own name up there?

Because it's not my time, Tom.

But you can bet your ass someday it will be.

ROBERT: Samantha.

Are you here to tell me you won?

I'm here to tell you Alex Williams has a smoking g*n, and he's got me dead to rights.


I lost, Robert.

It's over.

How the hell did that happen?

I had him.

I had my foot on Gavin's neck.

I gave him extra time.

And I'm not gonna lose what's mine because Alex used that time to win.

What are you saying?

I don't give a shit what the agreement was.

My name's going up on that wall, and you're gonna make it happen.

- I can't do that.

- Why not?

- Samantha...

- God damn it, Robert!

They found those files, which means you didn't tip the scales at all.

What is it gonna take for you to get off the sidelines?

I wouldn't have to get off the sidelines if you hadn't shown Gavin Andrews mercy!

Well, I didn't just do that because he's still a client.

I did it because he told me he had a family.

Just like you once did.

You're saying I owe you.

You have owed me for years, and you know it.

And before you gave them your word, you gave your word to me.

So the question is, which word are you gonna live up to?


Louis, we need to talk.

It's important.

Yeah, of course.

Come in.

Actually, I'm glad you're here, 'cause I have some big news of my own.

Well, whatever it is, it's not as big as this.

Robert's about to tell Harvey that he's gonna put up Samantha's name instead of Alex's.

No, no, Alex won.

Robert can't break his word like that.

Well, he's going to, and if we don't do something, we're not gonna have a firm tomorrow.

We're gonna have a w*r on our hands.

Okay, I hear you.

First thing tomorrow we'll get into a conference room, we'll talk this thing through.

Louis, it's too late for that.

The time for talking is over.

We need to do something.

- And that something is...

- I'll step down.


Donna, Sheila's pregnant.

I'm gonna be a father.

Oh, my God.

I was gonna ratchet down anyway.

This way they can both put their names up.

Louis, I am so happy for you.

- But that's not gonna work.

- What are you saying?

I'm saying you need to step in as managing partner.

- What?

- Louis, Robert can't run this firm right now and neither can Harvey.

You're the only one who can.

Sorry, Donna.

I can't.

- Why not?

- Because I'm not a leader.

They won't follow me.


I know you went to Katrina to protect the firm.

And you just offered to step down to do the same thing.

If that's not the leadership we need right now, - I don't know what is.

- Why does it have to be now?

I just wanna be a father.

And the last thing I'd ever wanna do is take that away from you.

But your baby's not due for another nine months.

And this firm is your baby too, and it needs you right now.

I can't make that decision without talking to Sheila first.

Then hurry.

Because we don't have a lot of time.

Donna, even if I said yes...

Harvey and Robert would never vote to make me managing partner.

You leave that to me.

I take it you're celebrating.

It's a drink, Robert.

I'm not rubbing it in anybody's face, but, yeah, I'm happy for my guy.

Well, I'm here to say something that's gonna make you less happy.

What's that?

I'm putting Samantha's name on the wall, not Alex's.

I must be getting old because I'm pretty sure I just heard you say you're breaking your word.

Harvey, I know.

I made a promise.

You didn't just make a promise.

You looked me in the eye and you said, "Let's settle this in the ring." And I don't care.

I owe her.

Then you should have put her name up years ago.

- Not when it costs someone else.

- God damn it, I am the managing partner of this firm.

And we can change that right now because I was here before you, and I'm gonna be here long after you're gone.

- Are you threatening me?

- I'm giving you a choice.

You and Samantha can accept Alex or you can pack up - your shit right now.

- I'm not going anywhere and neither is Samantha, because you're the past, and she's the future.

Not here, she's not.

Now get the f*ck out of my office.

DONNA: That's enough.

No one's going anywhere, and neither one of you is managing partner anymore.

Donna, stay out of this.

No, I am putting a stop to this, and I'm putting a stop to it right now.

'Cause this isn't just a friendly gathering.

This is a formal partner meeting.

And here's how it's gonna go.

I'm voting for Louis for managing partner.

And he's voting for himself.

And since there is no way that either one of you is voting for the other, you might as well both vote for him and keep this a united front.

Because make no mistake.

Louis is managing partner.


There's no way you're pulling this off.

She's not pulling this off, Robert.

I am.

This is happening whether you like it or not.

So you think you have what it takes to run this firm?

I know I do.

And my first order of business is promoting Alex and Samantha at the same time.

And any managing partner worth his salt can see they'll never go for it.


They're either both gonna accept this or they're both gonna walk the f*ck out the door because I am sick of this shit.

And I'll tell you something else.

You two are gonna g*dd*mn sell it to them.

DONNA: So, what's it gonna be?

Me and Louis in a split decision?

Or are we gonna make this thing unanimous?

How'd they take it?

Kicking and screaming.

Bet you wouldn't have it any other way.

- Nope, I wouldn't.


What'd you tell Rand and Kaldor?

That all they had to do was be ready to act in charge, and I could get them the firm.

And let me guess.

They knew not to ask any more questions than that.

Isn't that what being a great lawyer is all about?


Sometimes it's about asking the right questions.

Okay, then.

Why'd you do it?

- Do what?

- Help me.

And don't give me that line about always having your back, because it's gotta be about something more.

I didn't have a father.


I have no idea who my parents were.

Didn't even know their names.

I bounced around the foster care system.

Never lived in the same place for more than two years.

What does that have to do with...

Your daughter.

I helped you because I would have given anything to have someone like you looking out for me.

And I didn't wanna take it away from her.

I don't know what to say.

Say that from now on I'll always have someone looking out for me.


- Robert.

- Samantha, have a seat.

I don't want one.

Unless you're saying it's a seat at the table.

It is.

But you're not alone.

Alex is getting a promotion too.

Are you kidding me?

The whole point of there being only one is to have it mean something.

I know what the point is, Samantha.

- So you sold me out.

- I didn't sell anyone out.

I once told you I'd look out for you.

And I let that get in my head, and it almost cost us what we have here.

So now I'm gonna look out for you in a way that I should have in the first place.

- How's that?

- By telling you the truth.

They beat us at our own game, Samantha.

Whether we like it or not.

But you know what that means?

We are surrounded by some badass people.

So let's stop fighting in here and start fighting everyone else out there.

Because it's time to make peace.

Am I interrupting?

Because I wanted to say Harvey gave me the news, and I'm good with it if you are.

Of course I am, partner.

Then I guess there's only one thing to figure out.

Williams Wheeler or Wheeler Williams.

You won, Alex.

It's your choice.

So what do you say we have ourselves a good old-fashioned group hug?

Harvey, it's been a long day, so if you're here to yell at me...

Relax, Louis.

I'm here to say thank you.

We lost ourselves, and you brought us back.

Thanks, Harvey.

Appreciate that.

It takes a lot of balls to come at me and Robert like that.

No, Harvey, it didn't.

Because for the first time, I didn't care how either one of you saw me because...

I didn't even care to be managing partner in the first place.

What do you mean?

I'm gonna have a baby, Harvey.

I'm gonna be a dad.

And once that hit me, dealing with this felt so simple.

Congratulations, Louis.

I think you're gonna make a great managing partner, and I know you're gonna make an outstanding father.

You two need to get a room?

Or does anybody wanna go out and celebrate?

Actually I think I'm just gonna stay here for a bit and take it all in.

I understand.

- Good night, Louis.

- Good night.

Level with me.

You really think he can handle this?

I think desperate times require desperate measures.

And I think something else too.

What's that?

I'm going to enjoy watching you and Robert take orders from Louis.

We're not gonna be the only ones he's in charge of.

He'll be giving you plenty of orders, too.

No, he won't.

You're forgetting.


I'm the Louis Whisperer.

Are you sure about that?

When he walked in, he said you weren't pulling it off.

He was.

And who do you think told him to say that?

Holy shit, are you saying you're - the real managing partner?

- I'm not saying that.

But I'm also not not saying that.

Come on, pretty.

Drinks are on you.