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08x06 - Cats Ballet Harvey Specter

Posted: 06/13/19 06:47
by bunniefuu

I want to talk to you about doing more pro bonos.

If you want to take on a pro bono, knock yourself out.

What is a COO of a law firm doing handing out pro bonos in the first place?

- I just thought that it...

- Rhetorical question, Donna.

I don't care what you thought.

I need you to supervise Brian Altman.

- Have someone else manage him.

- Damn it, Katrina.

This is your chance to be senior partner.

I was just thinking about where we were a week ago when I thought you were cold and heartless.

And I went from that to being your best friend.

Well, I wouldn't say best friends.

You want to know something about me?

You go ahead and ask.

And how should I trust that I'd get a straight answer?

Because I am on this team now.

I've got its best interests at heart.


I'm getting a divorce.

- What?

I was hoping that you could represent me.

It's my brother, what am I supposed to do?

I think that this could bring up a lot of shit for you.

HARVEY: He still loves you.

He deserves another chance as a father.


It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

I swear it took a piece of me, Donna.

You could look at it like you chose to give a piece of yourself.


Can I talk to you about something?

Sure, Donna, what's going on?

Well, ever since I got promoted I've been looking for a way to give back.

And it turns out that a friend of mine is working for a charity that helps at-risk girls.

And I figured the best way for me to give some of my time...

Would be to convince some lawyers to give some of theirs.

- Exactly.

- Donna, I'd love to say yes, but I'm slammed right now.

And a charity like this deserves more time than I can offer.

I appreciate you hearing me out.

I'll find somebody else.

Donna, I have to ask.

Given how it went the last time you took on a pro bono, have you cleared this with Robert?

I'd hate to see him bite your head off a second time.

Trust me, Alex, I don't make the same mistake twice.

Robert's good with it.

Then I hope you find someone to handle it for you.

Louis, what can I do for you?

Not me.

I'm here about what you can do for Emmet Ford.

You mean the owner of the hottest online retailer in the world?

Yes I do.

He wants to go public, there's a problem and you need to drop everything you're doing.

Louis, I can't right now.

I'm up to my eyeballs in the Ratchinson brief.

Then give it to someone else.

This is too important.

Well, if it's so important, why don't you handle it yourself?

I can't.

Louis, what's going on?

Katrina, you need this to make senior partner.


I thought I had to show Robert I could manage people to make senior partner, which I did.

It's not Robert.

Every partner gets a vote.

And Paul g*dd*mn Porter wants...

Don't tell me.

That douchebag Hanrahan.


Katrina, look, I know I let you down, and I'm sorry.

But you bring this home, I promise you will be senior partner next quarter.

Okay, Louis.

- I'll take care of it.

- Good.

Now I have to go deliver some more shitty news to someone who's gonna be less understanding than you.

I get it.

You're going through with the divorce, but I don't see why you can't...

No, I'm not okay with it, Marcus, but I guess I have to be.

Look, I got to go.


Louis, whatever it is, does it have to be now?

I wish it didn't, Harvey, but I got a call from Dominic Barone a week ago.

Aston Martin put in an offer to acquire McKernon Motors.

And I assume you're here to ask where they should shove that offer because...

I'm here to tell you that Dominic's taking it.

Louis, if McKernon is acquired...

Dominic won't be our client anymore.

I know.

Undo it.


I'll call him myself.

Harvey, it is what he wants.

Bullshit, he doesn't know what he wants.

Yes, he does.

And he's my client now.

It's a done deal, and I need you to accept what he wants, even if it means losing him.

DONNA: Louis.

I've been looking for you.

Joan Walsh is here.

Wait, what?

She's not on my schedule.

I know.

She says it's an emergency.

Well, I'm sorry I don't have time for her right now, Donna.

- Why the hell not?

- Because...

I have an appointment on my other schedule.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- It means I need to see Sheila right now.


And you know why.

Let me get this straight.

You're leaving the office when a client has an emergency so you can fool around with your girlfriend?

- Harvey.

- Yes, I am.

And I know this isn't the best time to ask, but she is an old client of yours.

So if you can please take the meeting, I will handle whatever it is when I get back.

Sure, Louis, you go ahead and enjoy your afternoon delight.

I'll just be here letting Dominic sell his company and babysitting Joan Walsh while you're gone.


What are you doing here?

I was...

Expecting Louis?

Well, he's not available right now, but I hear you have an emergency, Joan.

So why don't you read me in.

A model named Daisy Jones posted a video claiming my concealer gave her an allergic reaction.

Sales on my new line are tanking.

All right, I'll take care of it.

Where is she based?

New York or Miami?

- Cleveland.

- I'm sorry?

She's not your typical model, Harvey.

She's a digital influencer.

All right, well, who is she managed by?

Her mother, last I checked.

- Joan, how old is this person?

- Sixteen.

Then, with all due respect, send her a gift basket and be done with it.

Harvey, you don't get it.

This girl has 50 million followers.

We need to sue her into the ground before she tanks my whole company.

We also need to be conscious of your image, and suing a 16-year-old isn't a pretty picture.

It's not the picture I'm worried about, Harvey.

It's that video.

So are you going to find a way to get it down, or do I need to find another firm who can?


See the money, wanna stay for your meal Get another piece of pie for your wife Everybody wanna know how it feel Everybody wanna see what it's like I'll even eat a bean pie I don't mind Me and missy is so early Busy, busy making money All right All step back, I'm 'bout to dance The greenback boogie SAMANTHA: Good morning, Donna.


What can I do for you today?

Actually, I thought there might be something I can do for you.

I heard you're looking for representation for your charity.


That's nice of you to offer, but I know how much Robert leans on you, and I don't think he's gonna be okay with me doing it if it means you doing it.

Why do I get the feeling that even if you would be okay with me doing this, you aren't?


Do you want the truth?

I don't think you're the person for this.

Because you still don't trust me.

Because you haven't shown me I can.

Okay, have it your way.

I'm sure Alex will knock it out of the park.

Oh, wait, he's too busy.

You could always try one of those junior partners.

Of course, they're all too afraid of Robert to spend billable hours on a pro bono.

- Are you done?

- I don't know.

Am I?

Not until you tell me why you want this so much.

Well, if I told you it's because I care about the work this charity does you'd never believe me.

So why don't we just say it's because a little birdie asked me to.

Okay, Samantha.

I'll send you their files.

Brian, there you are.

I need your help with something.

Sure, what is it?

Emmet Ford hit a roadblock getting listed on the stock exchange and we need to blow that roadblock away.

Whoa, whoa, Katrina, whatever this is, you can handle this yourself.

Why are you coming to me with it?

Three reasons.

One, you have more stock exchange experience than I do.

- Two, I want a show of force.

- And three?

Let's just say, Donna once said that you make everyone around you better.

And I need to be at my best on this case.

- Then I accept.

- Then read up.

We're meeting them in an hour.

Donna, just the person I was about to come see.

- Oh!

Is that a fact?

- You seem perturbed.

I am.

Because Samantha just asked to represent my charity and there's no way she would have done that if she hadn't heard about it from you.

Donna, you two got off on the wrong foot, and I know for a fact that she wants to fix it.

And how do you know that?

Because when I came to her with this, she said it'll k*ll two birds with one stone, and one of those birds was making good with you.

Well, I still wish you hadn't gone to her at all.

Does that mean I should tear up this check?

This is a donation for $5 million.

That Samantha insisted I get before she took on your charity.

Donna, she's serious about this.

Okay, Alex, I'll give her a chance.

Thank you for this check.


Ford, I'm Katrina Bennett.

- This is Brian Altman.

- It's nice to meet you both.

We've read up on your situation, but we want to hear it directly from you.

Okay, here it is.

I've spent the last six months trying to drum up interest in our IPO.

And then at the eleventh hour, the stock exchange pulls a rug out from under me.

- Why would they do that?

- Ask Marc Aiken.

- The chairman of the board?

- Yeah.

The jackass has had it in for me ever since we worked together at Goldman.

The board said they pulled support because of concern over our site's content, but I know damn well...

It's just a pretext for Marc to screw you over.


If I don't get this infusion of capital, I am dead in the water.

Then all we need to do is show this is bad faith and you're in.

And that shouldn't be too hard.

All we need are those board minutes.

I tried that myself already, they're sealed.

- Then we need to unseal them.

- How?

By getting it on record that Marc Aiken hates your guts.

All right, I understand we're here because of a few blackheads.

So what's it gonna take to get that video down?

My client's complexion is her livelihood, Mr.


Not only did this incident harm her brand, it brought her emotional anguish.

It was so bad I couldn't post a video for a week.

Except the one defaming my client.

Well, I had to show people what it did to my face.

It was shaming.

Which is why in addition to the video staying up we've prepared this.

Listen to me, if every 16-year-old girl filed suit every time she wasn't happy with what she saw in the mirror, our legal system would grind to a halt.

I'm not every 16-year-old girl, Mr.


And you want me to take down that video and not file this?

- I want $10 million.

- I see.

So this is a shakedown?

This is a legitimate claim, and your wisest course of action would be to write that check.

My course of action is gonna be to hit you with a defamation suit because you have no proof our product caused your break outs.

And I don't think you understand that I have 50 million followers who will do anything I tell them to.

So even if that video comes down, I can tell them not to use your client anyway.

That's it.

I don't care how old you are.

You know what you're doing.

You deserve what's coming for you, and this meeting's over.

- Okay, Harvey.

- Okay, what?


Why don't you make your jokes about me and Sheila procreating so we can get to you filling me in on Joan's emergency.

I don't need to fill you in, Louis.

I got it from here.

No, you don't have anything.

You were just supposed to babysit her.

That's the thing about actually being at work, Louis.

Situations change and you make adjustments.

This isn't a situation.

This is you taking my client.

And you were the one okay with clients leaving if that's what they wanted.

So that's what this is about.

You're mad because I let Dominic do what was best for him.

No, this is about you left the office to get your girlfriend knocked up.

I started working a case, and I'm gonna finish it.

Don't you bring Sheila into this.

I didn't, Louis.

You did.

Now, you listen to me closely 'cause I'm not gonna say this again.

Your services are no longer needed on this case.


Aiken, exactly how do you feel about Emmet Ford?

- Ambivalent.

- Ambivalent?

You worked together for seven years.

Asked and answered.

Where is this going?

It's going to the fact that your client deliberately tried to sabotage Emmet Ford's IPO because he doesn't like him.

That's bullshit.

Really, then why did you punch him?

- What?

- Why would you throw a punch at someone if you like them?

I didn't say I like him, and that incident happened on the trading floor at Goldman.

Throwing punches was considered friendly.

I got to tell you, Marc, it doesn't sound friendly.

I don't care what it sounds like.

Then let me tell you how it looks.

You had a fight, you held a grudge and when you got the chance to screw over a man you hate, you took it.

I didn't screw him over.

But you do hate him, don't you?

Okay, you know what?

I can't stand him.

I think he's a sanctimonious son of a bitch and if I never seem him again, it'll be too soon, but I did not keep him off that exchange.

And if you're not going to tell us the truth about that, the board minutes will.

You have no right to those minutes.

We do, now that he's admitted personal bias.

So, either we can subpoena those minutes and show this tape in open court, or you can turn them over today.

But you better decide fast because I've already drafted that subpoena.

You'll have them by the end of the day.

LOUIS: And then I said, "It's not the same." And then he said, "Well, you're the one "who's okay with clients leaving." And then he brought up Sheila, and then I got really mad, and then I got really sad and called you.

Now fix it.

Louis, customarily I find your frustrations with Harvey to be entirely of your own making, but in this instance, it sounds like Harvey may be the one in the wrong.

Holy shit, I need to go out and buy a lotto ticket right now.

Louis, stay with me.

You two have known each other a long time.

You've had your ups and downs.

Yeah, I know, it's like we're almost in a relationship.

Not almost, it is a relationship.

Oh, my God.

I'm in a relationship with Harvey.

Can I be the boy?

Scratch that, I don't even give a shit.

I'm in a relationship with Harvey.

And would you like to work on that relationship?

Or spend the rest of the session celebrating its existence.

I think we both know the answer to that, but I'll settle for working on it.

In that case, what would Harvey say if you were to ask him why he is so upset?

I don't know.

He's Harvey.

He'd say, "I'm right.

You're wrong." Touch his hair and leave.


If you cannot see him as a human being, I cannot help you.

- What if I brought him in?

- Excuse me?

You do couples counseling.

What if I brought him in to work on our relationship?

That is not exactly what I meant...

- You just said we're a couple.

- I didn't say that.

Well, then what did you say?

Because I don't know what he's feeling, but I do know that we need help.

Okay, Louis.

If you can bring him in, I'll help.

- Did you finish reading the minutes?

- Yes.

I read them twice to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

Well, you didn't.

All these show is hours of Aiken lobbying to keep Emmet's business and everyone else lobbying against him.

I know.

He set us up.

So we'd spend half the day wasting our time while the clock on that IPO is ticking.

Now I have to stay here all night because we're running out of time, and I'm not losing this case.

Then I just have one question.

Indian or Chinese?

Because if you're staying here all night, I am too.


Thanks, Brian.

Don't you look nice.

We doing costume changes in the middle of the day now?

Okay, first of all, it is not the middle of the day, and, second, I'm going to a gala for the charity that you said you didn't have time for.

Well, if I'd known you were gonna dress like that, I'd have made time.

And if had known that a married man was going to hit on me at work, I'd have served him with papers.

Come on, baby, don't be like that.

Seriously, Donna, I'm glad it worked out with Samantha.

Thanks, Alex.

I'm glad it did too.

Brian, I don't know where you found this place, but this is the best masala I've had since college.

I just realized this is, like, our third dinner we've had together, and I don't even know where you went to college.

Well, if you must know, I went to Princeton, but before you can ask about my major, I couldn't decide...

Holy shit, Princeton.

Brian, it's not that big a deal.

Everybody here went to Harvard Law...

I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about Tony Gold.

Who's Tony Gold?

He was my rival on the debate team in high school.

He knew Princeton was my dream and that my parents couldn't afford to send me to the interview in person.

So Tony offered to let me ride up with his family as an olive branch.

- How'd the interview go?

- He never picked me up.

Princeton thought I'd bailed.

He got in, I didn't.

Brian, that's horrible.

It is, but Tony came up with a bullshit story about why they never showed, and I believed him.

Until his little brother told me the truth a few months later.

What are you saying?

I'm saying Tony couldn't keep it to himself.

Because when you do something like that...

You have to tell someone.

Which means all we need to do is find Marc Aiken's little brother.

You got a little masala on your...

Other side.

Your, um...


Let me get it.



I just made it 1,000 times worse.

You look like Ronald McDonald.

I thought you do this with your son, like, every day.

Well, I haven't had to do it with him in months because his food is the train, and he keeps it in the station.



Give me that napkin.

- No.

Not till after I take a picture.

No, you are not taking a picture of me.

Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you let me wipe sauce all over your face.

All right, I'll get it off.

BRIAN: I don't think we should eat any more masala.



Donna, I cannot thank you enough for your donation.

You're already making such a difference.

Oh, please, Peggy, you're the ones making the real difference.

- I'm just happy I could help you do it.


- Will you excuse me for a minute?

- Sure.

- Samantha.

- Donna.

I have to say I didn't expect to see you here.

I didn't expect to be here.

Did you come to show me how good you look all dressed up?

What if I came to see how good you look all dressed up?

Miss Wheeler, are you flirting with me?

And how would that make you feel if I was?

- Are you kidding?

I went to theater camp.

- Hmm.

But I would still like to know why you're here.

I mean, you don't strike me as the kind of person who would come to an event like this unless she had to.

I wouldn't, but if I'm gonna represent these people, I need to know what they do and how they do it.

While we're on the subject of working, I got that check from Alex.

Is that your way of saying you're good with me doing this?

It is, but it's not just because of the money.

You're here showing interest.

That's just the kind of representation this place needs.

Well, in that case, maybe we should hit up the food.

I may not have come for the shrimp cocktail, but I'm gonna eat the shit out of some.

I've already had 16 oysters myself.

Seventeenth won't hurt anybody.

I don't know about you, but not all the cocktails I had last night were shrimp.

Thank you, Donna.

You didn't have to.

Just like you didn't have to take on this charity.

But I got the impression from Alex that he saw a side of you that I hadn't, and last night I think I started to see it too.

Well, as long as we're talking about last night, I may have found something wrong.

What do you mean?

I mean, charities typically spend 5% of their budget on fundraising, but based on the disclosures I got from your friend, Peggy, they've been at 5.3% for the last five years.

Sound like a simple rounding error.


I have a nose for this kind of thing, and I think Peggy is up to something shady.

And the problem with people who fix things is they can't stop looking for problems to fix.

You think I'm making this up?

I think you're making .3% into more than it is.

And I think the devil is in the details, and I am telling you this detail is trouble.


If you're so sure, I'll talk to Peggy.

Maybe I should be the one...

Samantha, if my friend has been lying to me, I'm not gonna ignore it.

I'm gonna turn on my Spidey-senses and I'm gonna find out if you're right, and what I want you to do is not try to fix this in the meantime.


Let me know what you find.

Harvey, we need to talk because our relationship needs tending.

Our what needs what?

You heard me.

We're in a relationship, and it's not working.

Then break up with me and go out with somebody else, 'cause I'm busy.

Harvey, I am serious.

We're partners.

We need to work on our relationship, and we need help doing it.

Louis, what exactly are you getting at?

- Dr.


- Your therapist?

- Yeah, and he agreed...

- No.

- But...

- Louis, there's no way I'm going to a session with your therapist.

Actually, it would be for the both of us.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Well, he thinks it's a good idea.

Which just goes to show that he's an idiot, - and so are you.

- Don't turn this on me and don't talk about him that way.

What's going on here?

Harvey won't go to couples counseling with me.

- What?

- HARVEY: Exactly.

No, not exactly.

Because you took my client, you're upset about Dominic, you insulted me, my therapist, and the woman I love.

And none of that would have happened if you put the needs of this firm over your afternoon delight.

And here we go again.

Louis, will you give us a minute?

Donna, I don't want to talk about this.

Too bad, because I heard the way you spoke to Louis before and just now, and there's clearly stuff going on with you that you're not dealing with.

Probably has something to do with what you just went through with Marcus.

This has nothing to do with him getting a divorce.

He's what?

He called.

They're not gonna try to work it out.

Well, I don't care if you go see Lipschitz or someone else, but you need to deal with yourself.

And stop treating Louis like you used to, because he's not that man anymore.

And I thought you weren't either.

- Okay, thanks for your time.

- Anything?



That was the 15th person I've called that knows Marc Aiken, and no one says they're anything more than an acquaintance.

That tracks with what Emmet told me.

The man has no friends, no family, just a bunch of associates who can barely stand him.

The guy I just talked to said he's got a standing tee time at Quaker Ridge for the sole purpose of advancing his career.

I bet it works.

My father would tolerate anyone to play there.

- Your dad's a golfer?

- Yeah.

I am too, actually.


I had no idea.

Well, I don't get to play as much as I'd like.

- Wait a second.

- What?

If he has a standing tee time, he has a standing caddy.

And a caddy might not be someone he confides in, but if all he ever talks about is business...

We need to get to Quaker Ridge.

- Let's go.

- You go.

We're running out of time, and if you get something, we're going to need a complaint ready to file with the SEC.

Uh, Harvey, if you are here to tell me that you think another of my ideas is stupid...

I'm not here to tell you that, Louis.

I'm here to say I'll go see Lipschitz with you.

Do you really mean that, or is this gonna be like the time that you said you would take me to dinner for my 35th birthday and you never showed up.

It's not gonna be like that time.

- And what about the time...

- Not that time either.

I'll show up for this.

I promise.

And that's exactly what you said the time...

Louis, if you mention one more time, it will be like all those times.

And I want you to know that I really appreciate you doing this, Harvey.

And to save time when we get there, you should know that I sit on the left-hand side of the couch.


And I probably don't need to tell you this, but you don't have to bring your own tissues.

Why would I bring my own tissues?

Because we're gonna be doing some deep work, Harvey.

So if you need to have a good cry, I just want you to know that you're safe, and I will not judge you.

See you there, Louis.

Wait, do you think we should hug now to set the tone or do it after...

Okay, we'll do it after.

Good call.


Hey, what are you doing?

Don't act like you don't know, Donna.

- I've been fired.

- What?

How could I know that?

Because it happened after Samantha Wheeler called my CEO and put a stop payment on that check.

Peggy, you have got to believe me.

- I had nothing to do with that.

- What difference does it make?

My boss blamed me for getting us involved with you, - and he fired me.

- That's bullshit.

What's bullshit is that I trusted you.

And now I'm out on my ass.

You can still trust me, Peggy.

I swear I'm gonna make this right.

What the hell is wrong with you?


I specifically told you not to do anything until you heard from me, and you said you wouldn't.

I said I'd let you talk to Peggy, and I did.

After you called up her boss, put a stop payment on that check, and got her fired.

I didn't call her boss to get her fired.

I called because I decided to trust your judgment.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means I asked myself, "What if Donna's right?" What if the only thing going on is some vendors taking advantage of a charity.

So I called up the CEO and offered a solution.

And he said, "No, thanks, we like our current situation." So you ran a stress test after I told you not to.

I called a client and made a suggestion.

- Don't bullshit me.

- Okay, fine.

It was a test, but I'm not gonna let a client donate $5 million to anyone without knowing what's what.

So I k*lled two birds with one stone.

Which is exactly what you said to Alex and making good with me was supposed to be one of those birds.

g*dd*mn it, Donna, why don't you ever seem to believe me?

Maybe because you never give anyone the full story.

You want the full story?

They are stealing money from little girls.

Maybe that doesn't matter to you, but it sure as hell matters to me.

You don't know what matters to me.

And there are about 500 different ways you could have handled this, and you picked the one that cost me my friend.

So as far as I'm concerned, I was right about you all along.


Now that we've made our introductions, I'd like to start with Harvey describing what he thinks Louis' perspective is on the situation.

I don't feel comfortable...

Please, just say the first thoughts that come to mind.

About how Louis thinks?


Let's see...

Cats, ballet, Harvey Specter.

Something like that.

That is not what I sound like.

HARVEY: All right, Louis.

You wanna know what you sound like to me?

"I've been jealous of you since day one.

"You were always Jessica's favorite and everyone else's.

"You got everything I wanted without ever trying.

"In fact, I'm trying to have a baby "because I think it will take my mind off you "even though I know deep inside it won't." Tell him to stop.

He's being honest about his feelings, Louis.

What about your feelings about who's fault this whole thing was?


- What?

I should have known you just wanted to get me in here to have him tell me this is my fault.

It is your fault.

Louis, we are not here to discuss fault.

LOUIS: Well, then why the hell are we here?

Because he took my client, he won't give her back and he needs to apologize about what he just said about me having a baby.

I am not apologizing about anything.

You wanted me to come here.

You said this was a safe place.

And now you can't handle what I think about you trying to have a baby.

Oh, no, no, you don't get to make this my fault.

Because it's always my fault, but I thought this time we could come here so you could tell him that it's his fault, but if all you're gonna do is mock me and all you're gonna do is coddle him, well, then you can keep Joan Walsh, you can go to hell and this whole session is over.

Well, this was a waste of time.

Maybe so, but for what it's worth...

I think you have some things you could work on.

And provided Louis was okay...

I'd be happy to talk with you any time.

Alex, I need you to reverse that stop payment.

- What?

- I said I need you to call up that client and tell them to let that donation go through.

Well, I'm not gonna do that because Samantha told me what's going on.

Samantha doesn't know what's going on, and you were wrong to involve her.

- So this is about me.

- No, this is about the fact that my friend just got fired.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Donna, but I can't help you.

Then don't help me.

Help the charity.

Because you're taking money away from people who need it.

Donna, if I do what you're asking, I might as well tell my clients they can't trust my advice.

And my advice to you is get your head on straight.

You're saying I'm not seeing this clearly?

I'm saying Samantha specializes in shady shit.

So if she suspects something's up, you might not believe it, but I do.

And I'm not cutting that charity another check.

Almost done?


Sorry, Katrina.

That's okay.

I take it you were thinking about something.

To tell you the truth, I actually came in here to think.

But I've hogged this thing long enough.

It's all yours.

As long as you're here, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Of course, what is it?

Louis said if I win this case I'll finally make senior partner, but...

He's said that before, and you wanna know if this time it's true?

I do.

Then the answer is yes.

It is.

Thanks, Donna.

As long as you're here, do you mind if I ask you something?

What's going on with you and Brian?


I noticed when the two of you were working together last night you seemed to have gotten...


We have.

We've become friends.

Looks like you might be becoming more than that.

Donna, he's married.

He has a son.

I would never do it.

I know, but I also know that the heart doesn't always listen to what the brain says it would never do.

Well, you don't need to worry because I don't feel anything for Brian except friendship.

Then good luck with the case.

Copier's all yours.



So what do you want to do now, Stan?

Tell me Drake the Snake was my fault too?

Louis, I know our session didn't go as planned, but I do think there is still some hope.


I'd like your blessing to begin seeing Harvey one on one.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

You're choosing his side again?

I am not choosing his side, Louis.

I am trying to help both of you.

No, you're not, because anyone who has a choice between Harvey and me always chooses him.

You know it's my biggest fear, and you made it out like it was all my fault.

No, I didn't, and I stand by my assessment.

There are aspects of this situation that are of Harvey's making.

Well, then why didn't you say that to him, Stan?

Because, Louis, when someone is hurting, you don't throw stones at them.

What do you mean Harvey's hurting?

I mean, people lash out when they are in pain.

He lashed out at you, and if you care about your relationship with him, you will let me do my job.

What if I don't care about my relationship with him, and I'd rather keep you to myself?

Louis, I know how much you care about Harvey even when he hurts you.

That is something I have always admired about you, and I do not think you should take it lightly.

All right, he can see you, but he doesn't have my blessing.

Katrina, I talked to Aiken's caddy.

I tried every trick in the book.

He froze me out.

We didn't just get frozen out, Brian.

They slapped us with a countersuit for slandering Marc.

- We just made it 1,000 times worse.

- Shit.

- Look, maybe we can still...

- I can't f*cking believe it!


Katrina, it's just a case.

No, it's not just a case.

- It's my senior partnership.

- What?

- But I thought Louis said...

- I know what he said, but there was a hitch.

This was the case to put me over the top.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because it's my career and my responsibility.

Katrina, I'm not just the other name on this lawsuit.

I'm your friend.

If senior partner's on the line for you, it is for me too.

- Now, we can still...

- Not just a name on a lawsuit.

- That's it.

- What's it?

The attorney of record on this suit isn't the same attorney Aiken took the deposition with.

He changed lawyers in the middle of the case.

What are you getting at?

They sent back the deposition last night and the new guy signed it.

Brian, it's one thing to have him handle the slander case, but to sign off on a deposition?

Holy shit.

The first guy knew Aiken was lying, and he wouldn't sign it.

He wouldn't suborn perjury.

Katrina, we got him.

I know.


We're going to get that tape.

We're gonna look at his reaction when Aiken says he's innocent.

We're gonna find out their entire history together.

I don't care if it takes all night.

This is fantastic.

I'm gonna go order that masala, you're gonna get it all over your face.


- I'm not even gonna tell you about it this time.

You better tell me about it just like you better get extra naan.

Triple supreme naan it is.

I'm just gonna go order it, call my wife real quick to tell her not to wait up, and then you and I...

Wait, stop.


No what?

You're not staying tonight.

I can handle this myself, and I'm going to.

Katrina, what's going on?

Did I do something wrong?

You've done nothing wrong, Brian.

But you've got a wife and a baby, and I'm not going to keep you from them any more than I already have.

Katrina, I told you if your partnership's on the line, my partnership's on the line.

I know, but I got this.

Go home.

You mind if I come in?


I was just about to come see you.

Well, before you tell me why, I'd like to apologize.

You would?


I realized I'm too close to this.

And instead of hearing you, I lashed out, and I'm sorry.

You realized?

I went to see Alex.

Well, that's funny, because I wanted to apologize too.

You wanted to apologize?

Donna, I told you I wouldn't take action, and I shouldn't have.

But I couldn't help myself.

Because I care about the kids this charity is supposed to serve.

But you wouldn't know that, because like you said, I never tell anyone the full story.

And the reason I never tell the full story is because I just don't trust...


Pretty much.


Alex talked to you after he talked to me, didn't he?

He did.

We might have to do something about that guy.

We might.

But not before we do something about this situation.

Because I'm not gonna let them get away with scamming children.

I'm with you on that.

Then let me ask.

You read people.

Are you absolutely sure Peggy wasn't in on this, because they could have fired her even if she was.

I am 100% sure.

Then I know what to do.

I'm glad you decided to come in.

You mind if I ask how you got Louis to agree to let me see you?

I don't, but I would prefer to ask, when Louis came in and said you were losing this McKernon Motors, how did you feel?

- You want to just jump right in, huh?

- Yes, I do.

Well, how do you think I felt?

I didn't like it.

Because you were losing your oldest client?

Because Louis told me there was nothing I could do about it.

And then Donna came in and said Joan was there, and Louis couldn't even take care of her.

- And it irritated you?

- It infuriated me.

- Why?

- Because he told me that I couldn't have what I wanted and then he put his own selfish interests above the firm's.

Forgive me, Harvey, but isn't that Louis' historical concern about you?

- This is different.

- I think perhaps it is different because he is the one doing it to you, and more importantly, what those selfish interests are.

What are you getting at?

When you two were here, you spent quite a lot of time - on Louis having a baby.

- So?

So would you ever want to have a baby?

Or a family?

I have a family, and if you're gonna say this has something to do with my brother's divorce...

I didn't even know your brother was getting a divorce.

Well, he is.

- That must be painful.

- Of course it's painful.

My family's falling apart, and at the same time I'm getting it rubbed in my face that Louis' family is growing.

Forgive me, Harvey, but...

Louis did not rub anything in your face.

No, he didn't.

But perhaps it feels that way because for the first time, Louis has something in his life that you do not.

Jesus Christ, you're saying I'm envious of Louis?

And what if you were?

I'd ask what in God's name am I supposed to do with that?

Does is it occur to you to share that with him?

No, even if I wanted to, he's pissed off at me.

He would forgive you in a moment.

And even if he did, I'm afraid to...

To what, Harvey?

Louis makes space for the people in his life whom he loves.

He makes space for people like Sheila and a baby, but...

- But what?

- But once he has that baby, he might not make space for me.

Where would you get a notion like that, that Louis wouldn't have time for you?

Because they leave.

Everyone leaves.

Mike, Rachel, Jessica, my sister-in-law.


Well, I can tell you if you keep treating Louis like this, you may cause him to leave yourself.

James Davenport?

I'm Donna Paulsen, and this is my colleague Samantha Wheeler.

The same Samantha Wheeler that had a $5 million donation yanked from us?

The Samantha Wheeler who offered you a venue for your next event for a fraction of the one you've been using, and you said no.

DONNA: Which means you cut a deal with your current venue where you overpay and they kick back a percentage to you.

Specifically,.3% of your annual budget.

- Get out of my office.

- SAMANTHA: I don't think so, James.

Because we may not have had time to find proof, but a reporter will.

Especially after we tell them that you fired an innocent woman just because a potential donor asked a few questions about your books.

When you put it that way, it sounds like he did all this to cover his guilty ass.

Maybe we should give that to the Journal.

That's a nice turn of phrase.

Thank you, Donna.

What do you want?

We want you to step down and name Peggy Davis as your replacement.

- You can't be serious.

- You don't want to find out how serious we are, James.

Because you're looking at two pissed-off women who know exactly what you did and how to prove it.

You'll have my resignation by tonight.


And don't look at me like that.

If it wouldn't mean your charity would go out of business, you'd be spending the next five years in prison.



How'd it go?

We won.

Listen, about last night...

Brian, I didn't mean to come off like...

You didn't come off like anything.

I just wanted to thank you for not making me stay.

- But I thought you wanted...

- I know.

I wanted to help.

But Julie and I, (CHUCKLES)

we had a great time.

Austin slept through the night, and we actually stayed up and watched The Breakfast Club.

What's that?


Just Julie and my favorite movie of all time.

- I've never heard of it.

- Oh, my God.

You've never even heard of it?

You have to see it.

I'm bringing you a copy.

Brian, you don't have to do that.

I know I don't, but that's what friends do.

- Friends.

- Yeah, friends.

That's what we said, right?

Yes, it is.

And thanks, I would love to see it sometime.

Hey, you want to get some lunch?


I mean, that's also what friends do, right?

Am I your first friend?



You know you're not.

Come on, let's go.

- You get that letter of resignation?

- Right here.

And Peggy's job offer is on its way.

- Look, Donna...

- Listen, Samantha...

Let me go first this time.

I was thinking about how I don't trust people.

And I thought maybe I should start.

And then I thought, maybe I should start by telling you why I cared so much about this charity in the first place.

Is this a rosé story or a martini story?


How about tonight?

That would be nice.

Meet you in the lobby in half an hour?

You got it.

See you down there.

I'm glad I caught you in here of all places.

Why's that?

Because we have a lot of history here.

And it seems like the right place for me to make things right.

You must have gone to see Stan.

I did.

Thank you for that.

Make things right.

Thanking me.

What went on in there?

Among other things, he helped me realize I care about you.

I value you and I was afraid of...

Losing me?

Which is why you pushed me away.

Oh, my God.

You pulled a Litt.

Harvey, you became me.

Louis, I wouldn't go that far.

Oh, no, you would.

And you did.

We are brothers from another mother.

And if you don't say that right now, I'm gonna tell everyone that you're afraid of losing me.

- Louis.

- Right now.

Starting with Paul Porter.

We're brothers from another mother.

I'm sorry, I couldn't...

Could you repeat that?

- No, Louis, I couldn't.

- Why not?

Because I know you're about to record it - on your dictaphone.

- And what if I am?

Because if you don't say it again, I'm gonna tell everyone that you're afraid of losing me.

And if you say that one more time, our friendship's over, and I'm never looking back.

Because I suffered a momentary weakness, but let's not forget who's who in this situation.

I'll never mention it again.

Now, put your hands where I can see 'em.

- Why?

- Just do it.

What the hell did you do that for?

Because, you and me are going out tonight.

I'm gonna say a lot of nice things to you, and there isn't gonna be any record of it.

I can live with that.

Wait a minute.

How long did it take for you to come to that with Stan?

- About 25 minutes, why?

- I don't believe it.

You're even better at therapy than I am.

Maybe I am.

But trust me.

Stan likes you better than me, and he always will.

- You really think so?

- No, Louis, I don't.

Wait a minute.

Does this mean I get to have Joan back?

You sure can.

And your first order of business is gonna be telling her we filed suit against a 16-year-old that's gonna make her look like shit.


You really did that?

What can I tell you, Louis?

The fear of losing you makes a man do crazy things.

Well, in that case, after Sheila and I are pregnant, do you want to go mudding?

- No, Louis, I don't.

- Well...