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07x07 - Full Disclosure

Posted: 06/11/19 15:22
by bunniefuu
I'm talking about the both of us, convincing Hardman that two kickass junior partners are worth as much as one new senior partner.

You had the chance to triple our business, and all you had to do was take a knee.

Tell me right now you weren't the one that Fletcher Engines my game plan.

Hardman told me he wasn't gonna make you partner anyway.

And once he offered it to me, all I had to do was - Sell me out.

Mike's pro Bono is against some prison.

And guess who builds those prisons.

I gave him my word.

And you once gave your word to me and went back on it.

I had to lie to Harvey's face.

You either go and work at the clinic or you stay at Pearson Specter.

But you can't play them both for fools and put me in the middle.

I have a binding agreement signed by his legal clinic, stating that they would have no outside help from Pearson Specter Litt on this case.

Yet they did.

You convinced me the only way to heal was to keep this from happening to someone else, and now I have nothing.

This isn't just about you protecting your client's interests.

It's about you protecting yourself.

Why don't you tell me what's really going on here?

That's it.

They've had me by the balls ever since.

Jesus--how'd you let yourself get compromised like that?

This is my situation, Harvey.


This is a firm situation, and we need to cut ties with those bastards right the hell now.

I don't believe this.

You're pulling rank after I opened up to you?

That's bullshit.

No, Alex.

What's bullshit is you letting yourself be put in that position for the last five years.

- Letting?

- Yeah, letting.

And now I gotta get us out, because you did this to me.

Well, as long as we're throwing blame around, Harvey, I didn't do shit to you.

You did this to me.

[tense music]

All in.

Not this time, brother.

I got you.

Bullshit, you got me.


I know how you play.

You checked to open.

You got jack/ten at best.

This is a bluff.

I'm calling.

Do what you have to do.

Kings over sevens, motherfu--er.

Trip sevens, little man.

Maybe you don't know how I play after all.


You're on tilt.

You've been on tilt all night.

That was a stupid play and you know it.

What's going on with you?

I was supposed to make partner today, but Louis Litt screwed me over, so there.

That's why I'm pissed.


I didn't know.

Well, now you do.

I don't understand, Harvey.

I thought you were Jessica Pearson's guy over there.

I thought so too, but she didn't have my back.

Well, what if I had your back?

What are you talking about?

I heard Tommy Bratton talking.

They're looking to bring someone in.

You say the word, I bet I can get you in as partner.

What's in it for you?

Bratton's about to make an offer to some big-time earner at Skadden.

I say you and me go in there and tell him two junior partners are a hell of a lot better than one senior partner.

- Pass.

- Come on, Harvey.

At least think about it.

I don't need to think about it.

I just went through the same thing, and the guy who proposed it ended up stabbing me in the back.

I wouldn't do that to you.

Yeah, well, I appreciate your offer, but I'm not going to give you the opportunity.

Now, you need me to stake you?

There's 300.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I heard about what happened in court.

I know you gave up the case, Mike, I'm sorry.

Rachel, I gave the case up because you reminded me to be a man of my word, but like I said, I gave my word to Oscar Reyes first.

What does that mean?

It means that I don't want to lie to you, and I don't want to lie to Harvey, but I'm going to get this case opened in criminal court, and for the record, that does not violate the agreement that I signed.

So you're going to tell Harvey, right?

If he asks me, I'll tell him, but I'm not going to volunteer it, and I need to know if you're good with that.

- Mike-- - Before you answer, I want you to think about the fact that these guys are extending sentences.

What if it were me in there, and it was my sentence that got extended?

I just have one question.

What if Harvey asks me about it?

Then you tell him the truth.

Then yeah, I'm good with it.

See the money, wanna stay for your meal Get another piece of pie for your wife Everybody wanna know how it feel Everybody wanna see what it's like I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money All right All step back, I'm 'bout to dance Suits 7x07 Full Disclosure The greenback boogie [solemn music]

What's this?

I never thanked you for allowing me into the Bar, and I figured you'd prefer a criminal case to a fruit basket.

This is a civil case.

It was a civil case.

But it doesn't have to be.

That doesn't sound like a gift to me.

It sounds like a favor for you.

Anita, you said you're about doing what's right.

People are being kept in prison for money.

That's not right.

If that's true.

I wish there was something I could do about it, but I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

You know what I mean.

Nobody wants to see me spending my time getting bad guys out of prison.

And what if I told you it was a criminal conspiracy between two Fortune 500 companies?

What are you talking about?

I couldn't pursue the case because we represent another client who was pressuring me to drop it, and there's no way they did that just to protect Reform Corp.

, which means they're in on it.

Do you have any proof?

No, but-- You bring me some proof of a conspiracy and I'll pursue it.

That's the best I can do.

Anita, I don't have the resources to-- Not my problem.

And another thing Whatever you do bring me has to be on the Reform Corp.

side of the arrangement, because if it isn't, you're breaking privilege, and I can't use any of it.


There's something I want to tell you, but I need to know if you're over what happened with Louis and the promotion.

I'm fine, Donna.

Good, because I need to leave work early tomorrow night.

What for?

It's my six-month anniversary with Mark.

What's that face?

- Nothing.

I guess I just didn't think you were one of those people.

What people?

The people that celebrate their niece's third-grade graduation like it was the Moon landing.

And when was the last time you saw anyone seriously for six months?

I'm not the topic of this conversation.

How could you be?

Because we're talking about a mature and committed relationship.

You're right, Donna, we are, which is why I got you a gift to celebrate your anniversary.

Harvey this is very generous, but I can't accept it.

Why not?

Because Mark planned a special night for us, and how's he going to feel when I pull out a gift card to help pay for it?

- That wasn't the idea.

- I know, but if you want to really give me a gift, promise you won't call or interrupt me the entire night.

I promise.

Thanks, Harvey.

God damn it, Jeffrey, this is a place of business, not a petting zoo, so you either flush the goldfish or you're fired.

You don't have the authority to do that.

Section 207, paragraph three of the by-laws: Insubordination to a partner results in termination.

This has nothing to do with my fish and you know it.

It's got everything to do with that fish, and I don't want to hear another word about it, so unless you want to say another word-- Louis, can I talk to you for a second?

Hey, Jessica, I was just in the middle of something-- Now.


What the hell do you think you're doing?

I'm exercising my authority as junior partner over that douche.

By trying to k*ll his fish?

No, by trying to keep order in the bullpen.

Jessica, Jeffrey's work habits are-- It's because I didn't call him junior partner.

Shut up, this has nothing to do with how I feel about his stupid, disrespectful assh*le fish.

Louis have you considered therapy?

Why would I do that?

That would be like Baryshnikov taking dance lessons.

- Louis-- - Jessica, shrinks are for pussies.

Now, can I go back to yelling at Jeffrey?

Because these associates need guidance and discipline.

Listen to me, Louis.

I stayed out of that whole thing between you and Harvey because that was Daniel's call.

And you want to go off on the associates, that's one thing, but you let this promotion go to your head, and you take it out on Harvey, I'm going to step the hell back in.

Jessica, you have my word as junior partner: if there's any problem with Harvey, it won't be because of me.

I'm a little busy right now.

Well, whatever it is, put it to the side.

Daniel wants you to work with Louis on the Reinsdorf case.

You got something to say, Harvey, say it.

Okay, I'll say it.

You didn't have my back when Hardman screwed me over, and now you're carrying his water while he tries to humiliate me.

I don't care what he's doing.

I care about what I'm doing, which is to see if you can put that ego of yours aside and play the long game.

What the hell are you talking about?

Do you have any idea how many times I had to smile and take it when Charles Van d*ke pawned his work off on me?

Or when Stanley Gordon would call me into his office just so he could ogle my ass when I left?

That is not the same thing.

Not to mention when Schmidt would talk about "the blacks" like he was living in 1950.

I sucked it up for years, Harvey.

Now it's your turn.

What if I won't?

Then you're not my guy, because if you can't even pretend to bend a knee to your rivals, it doesn't matter what you do to get ahead of them in the future.

They're going to see you coming a mile away.


Kreuger, I appreciate you meeting me.

This isn't Downton Abbey, Harvey.

It's a construction firm.

Call me Pat, or see yourself out.

Fair enough, Pat.

I'm sure you know that a junior partner at our firm broke his word.

I think you're owed an apology.

Usually the clients pay the lawyers, not the other way around.

This is a unique situation.

This looks a lot like you're trying to pay me off.

I'm trying to make things right, and allow you to move on.

You want to know how to get someone's best effort, Harvey?

It's not paying them the most money.

It's making sure that their interests are aligned with yours, and Alex Williams wants this case to go away as much as I do.

You don't need your interests aligned anymore.

This case is over.

Maybe it is.

And maybe it isn't.

But I've heard that from your firm once before.

And then I believe it was your own associate who opened the case again in the first place.

So, you see, Harvey, it's not just Alex's interests that are aligned with mine.

It's yours.

And I plan to keep it that way.

[solemn music]

Let me guess: you're here to go over my testimony.

I already told you I'm not giving you anything until my daughter gets paid.

It's not what I'm here for, Frank.

I need to know if you know anything about a conspiracy outside of Reform Corp.

Conspiracy outside of R-- What are you talking about?

What the hell's going on here?

We got thrown off the case.

What did you just say to me?

- Frank-- - 'Cause you came in here promising my daughter a future.

Now you're telling me it's all a bunch of shit.

It's not a bunch of shit, and I can get the case reopened, but I need evidence of a conspiracy with Masterson Construction.

Then I can't help you, 'cause all I know is, those are the guys that put us all to work.


What are you talking about?

Those places aren't like Danbury.

We work our asses off to build their prison so they can put more of us away.

But if you're looking for a conspiracy, there's not.

They do it all out in the open, call it "rehabilitation.

" Well, it may not have been hidden, but something is.

And I think you just pointed me in the right direction.

What the hell did you do?

What are you talking about?

You went to Masterson behind my back.

I did what I told you I was going to do.

I got you into this mess, I'm going to get you out.

Then all going to Masterson does is put you in their crosshairs.

I'm already in their crosshairs.

And now that I know what happened, I might as well have been a part of it myself.

Then maybe instead of poking the bear, we should tell Mike Ross the truth.

What are you talking about?

We both know that Mike is not going to let this thing go till he gets to the bottom of it.

Maybe, if I just come clean-- Listen to me, Alex.

You go to him with your story, you're going to give him a map to what happened, a can of gas, and a match to light the whole damn thing on fire.

I hope you're right, Harvey, because I've got a daughter, and if I didn't take a chance to stop this thing when I had it I'm telling you, Alex, you let it go.

- Harvey.

- Louis.

Jessica said Hardman wants us to work on the Reinsdorf case together.

She said the same thing to me.

Well, I'm here to help, not get in a fight.

My feelings exactly.

Good, I thought we could start by talking strategy.

I'm sorry, but are you first chair?

No, you are, but I just thought-- Doesn't matter what you thought, because our strategy is to go after their general counsel.

And when would you like to depose this guy?

Never, because I'm going to put that assh*le on the stand, and I'm going to crack him like a piece of matzo on Passover.

Louis, you put him on the stand without deposing him, you'll be asking questions you don't know the answers to.

- So what?

- So, that's the number one rule of lawyering.

Well, thank you, F.

Lee Bailey.

And here I thought the number one rule was to know your g*dd*mn place.

And I don't need to take advice from a sixth-year associate.

And I don't need to take a loss on my record because you're too insecure to listen to reason.

You know what, Harvey, you don't need to take anything because you're not in charge.

So it's up to you: you gonna get on board or are you gonna go crying to mama?

You're right, Louis.

You're the partner.

I'm just here to back you up.

Donna, I want you to pull whatever strings you have to to get the Reinsdorf trial moved up to tomorrow.

I'll get right on it.

And one more thing: don't tell Louis.


Harvey, Jessica said to bury the hatchet, not stick it in Louis's back.

Donna, I went into his office in good faith and it took him less than 30 seconds to wave his title in my face.

What does that have to do with putting the firm's interest above your ego?

Because, when I brought up a legitimate issue with his strategy, he shot me down for no other reason than it came out of my mouth.

I'm telling you: we don't do this, we're going to lose.

Look at me.

Are you sure this is the right call?

Listen to me.

Jessica wants me to play the long game, and that's what I'm doing.

I sat in there, ate shit, and he bought it.

So now, tomorrow, I'm going to win this thing, and Jessica's going to know she can count on me.

All right.

I'll move the court date, and I'll make sure Louis doesn't find out.

Harvey, good, you're here.

We didn't get a chance to talk about what happened with you, Alex, and Mike.

No, we didn't, and as a matter of fact, I'm wondering where Mike is.

Well, he was in earlier, but then he left.

But I'm guessing that's not really the question you're asking.

You want to know if he's somehow still pursing that case.

And what if I do?

I would say from personal experience, don't ask a question unless you're really ready to hear the answer.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Jessica, how did you know?

It doesn't matter how.

What matters is, I told you to work it out with Louis, and right now, he's sitting in his office with no idea this case is starting.

Exactly, I'm playing the long game, like you said.

No, Harvey.

You're not playing anything, because this case is mine now.

- What?

- You heard me.

I gave you a direct order, and you spat in my face.

Jessica, this is bullshit.

I went in there and he spat in my face, and I was willing to take it, but what I'm not willing to take is losing this thing out of spite, and if you take this case right now, you're going to lose, because you have no idea what's going on with it.

Maybe I will and maybe I won't.

But sometimes you have to bench your quarterback to show 'em who's running the team, whether you take a loss or not.

All rise!

Time's up, Harvey.

Step aside.

Jessica, please don't do this to me in public.

I'm not doing anything to you.

You did this to yourself.

Do we have a problem, counselor?

No, Your Honor, we don't.

My colleague is needed back at our firm.

I'm stepping in.

In that case, be seated, everyone.

Court is now in session.

[bangs gavel]

Michael, why are you closing the door?

You know I'm uncomfortable with obstructed exits.

Because I need to ask you something, and I don't want to be interrupted.

Michael, you're asking me to hack a government institution.

I can't do that.

Look closely, Benjamin.

It's a private corporation, and I'm telling you, they're scumbags.

What's it for?

What do you mean?

I mean, if you're asking me to do something like this, I have to bill it to a case.

And what if I asked you not to?

I would have to ask you why.

I'm going against Harvey's wishes.

You asked me to do that once before for a mock trial.

And I need to know, is this mock, or is it real?

It's real, and Harvey can't know.

[tense music]

Harvey, I didn't think you ever got south of Canal Street.

Yeah, well, today I'm making an exception.

Is that offer still on the table?

Are you serious?

I'm here, aren't I?

Then hell yeah, it's still on the table.

I'll talk to Tommy Bratton right now.

Well, when you talk to him, you tell him I'm only coming over if he meets my demands.

And what demands would those be?

I don't just want partner.

I want an office with a view.

I want to eat what I k*ll and I want to get paid more than any other junior partner in the firm.

Those are some pretty big asks.

I can't guarantee Bratton's going to say yes.

You want to make partner on my coattails, you make him say yes.

Your coattails?

I'm talking about me helping you as much as about you helping me.

Then do what you said you were going to do, because if you can't make that happen, they don't respect me, and I'm not coming to a place where I'm not respected.

Okay, Harvey, but if you want respect, you need to show some damn respect.

I go in to stick my neck out for you, you don't come back and say you'll consider it.

It's a done g*dd*mn deal.

Okay, Alex, you have my word.

You get me everything I'm asking for I'm done with Pearson Hardman.


Hey, how are ya?

Louis, remember when we talked about not abusing your power with Harvey?

Absolutely, and that's why I treated him with the utmost respect.

Well, if that's the case, then exactly why did he litigate Reinsdorf behind your back?

g*dd*mn it.

What the hell did he do?

I'm not concerned with what he did.

I'm concerned with what you did.

Jessica, I swear, I was the perfect gentleman, but then Harvey questioned my leadership.

In other words, he had a better idea than you?

Well, whether it was or it wasn't, he didn't respect the office of junior partner.

Because there is no office of junior partner, Louis, and the real problem here isn't Harvey.

It's that chip on your shoulder.

What chip?

Louis, I need you to be at this address tomorrow morning at 9:00 a. m.

- Why?

- Because I believe you will benefit from therapy, and this man is the best in the business.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the truck up.

Jessica, therapy?


I'm the most stable, secure man you ever met.

And you fight me on this, you'll be the most unemployed man I've ever met.

Do we understand each other?


9:00 a. m. it is.

And Louis, when you walk through that door, you're going to be tempted to turn right the hell around, and I'm telling you, if you want a future here, you won't.

[elevator bell dings]

Harvey, what are you doing here?

I thought you were in court all day.

Well, Jessica had other plans, like booting me off this case.


She walked in there and threw me out with my tail between my legs, like I was a piece-of-shit first-year associate.

Listen to me, you need to calm down so we can figure out what we're going to do.

I am calm, and I already took care of what we're going to do.

What are you talking about?

I got us an offer at Bratton Gould.

If everything goes like I think, we'll be there by the end of the week.


Harvey, that doesn't make any sense.

Jessica's your biggest fan.

She's always been in your corner.

Was she in my corner when Hardman promoted Louis?

That's not fair.

That was his call.

Well, whose call was cutting my balls off in front of the entire courtroom today?

I don't care what she did.

The woman paid for you to go to law school out of her own pocket.

The least you can do is talk to her before you do something like this.

Donna, I tried talking to her.

But it doesn't matter.

It's too late.

I gave Alex my word.

It's a done deal.

Well, it may be a done deal for you, but it isn't a done deal for me.

- Donna-- - I like it here, Harvey, and you can't just make this kind of decision about my life without running it by me first.

If this is your way of trying to get me to stay I'm not trying to get you to do anything, but I'm not just gonna follow you out the door without thinking this through.

What do you want, Donna?

You want an apology?

Well, here it is: I'm sorry I didn't consult with you.

I don't want an apology, Harvey.

I wanted to talk this thing through with you, which, by the way, is what you should have done with Jessica.

Well, you know what, Donna?

I didn't come to you for advice.

I came to tell you to start packing.

But if you don't want to come with me, then don't come with me.


Rachel, do you have a second?

Of course.

Mike went to prison for me.

I owe him, and I know it.

But he's not the only guy I owe, and that guy's going to have a serious problem if I stick my head in the sand, pretending Mike isn't who I know he really is.

That's a shitty situation to be in.

Yeah, it is, so I'm going to ask you something, but I need you to be honest with me.

Is Mike still working on the case against Reform Corp. ?

He is.

And for the record, Harvey, he told me that if you asked, to tell you everything you wanted to know.

What exactly is he doing?

He's trying to build a criminal case to give to Anita Gibbs, which he has every right to do.

Because the agreement he signed only precluded a civil suit.


How far along is he?

I don't know, but knowing Mike, I'm sure he's a hell of a lot closer than he was this morning.

What do you think?

Do you want to share a bottle of rosé?

I think I remember what happened the last time we did that.

All the more reason to get it, then.

I couldn't agree more.

Good, now that that is decided Happy anniversary.

[lounge music playing]

Shakespeare's sonnets.

Everyone is talking about this guy.

Apparently he's all the rage right now.


This was my favorite class in college.

How did you know?

I do my homework.

Thank you.

- What?

- Nothing.

It's just so nice to be with a man who's so thoughtful after spending all day with a man who doesn't even know what the word means.

Talking about Harvey.

He's leaving the firm, and he just assumed that I would go with him.

He didn't even think to ask me first.

We're celebrating tonight.

Let's not talk about Harvey.

I'm not talking about Harvey; I'm talking about my life, and a huge decision that I have to make.

Wait a second--you're actually thinking about going with him?

Even after the way he treated you?

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Well, what if I said that I'd like you to stay at Pearson Hardman?

- Why would you say that?

- You know why.

Because Harvey's like a silent partner in our relationship.

I mean, we can't even get through a dinner without his name coming up.

Mark, I specifically told him not to interrupt us tonight so he wouldn't come up.

And yet he came up anyway.

- Mark-- - Look, I don't pretend to be as insightful as you are, but if you can't even separate yourself from him when he's asking you to leave a job that you love makes me wonder if it's really the job you love after all.

What do you want me to say, Mark?

I want you to say that you're not going to follow the guy wherever he goes for the rest of your life.

I'm not going to say that.

Okay, well, I guess I have my answer, then.

[somber music]

Rachel, you are not going to believe-- Mike, before you say anything Harvey asked me if you were still going after Reform Corp.

, and I told him that you were.

Doesn't matter, 'cause I got 'em.


Gallo told me that Masterson was using Reform Corp.

's inmates to build new prisons.

Okay, but using inmates for private companies is illegal.

It would be, except five years ago, Alex Williams got a waiver from the state corrections board allowing them to supplement their workforce with inmates.

So where's the crime?

Wait a second.

Why are Masterson's budgets on Reform Corp.

's email server?

More importantly, why are the labor costs 1/5 of what they submitted to the state?


Mike, they didn't just use the inmates to supplement the workforce; the inmates were the workforce.

Which means Reform Corp. 's not just extending sentences, they're defrauding the state, and they're splitting the profits with Masterson, 50/50.

Mike, where did you get all this?

- What does that matter?

- It matters because if it came from Masterson, then Harvey can stop Anita Gibbs from using it.

Well, it didn't.

Benjamin got it from Reform Corp. 's server, which means we can redact Masterson, give it to Gibbs, and she can put the pieces together herself.

There is nothing that Harvey can do about it.

Mike, he could fire you for this.

Rachel, I've been torn up trying to reconcile two parts of myself for as long as I can remember: pro Bono versus corporate law.

[tense music]

If he lets me go, then he lets me go.


Hi, I'm Louis Litt, here for my 9:00 a. m. appointment.


[German accent]

Hi, ya, Mr.


We've been expecting you.

I'm sorry, but did you just speak in a German accent?

Please, taken ze seat.

Holy shit, you're a g*dd*mn n*zi.

What did you just say to me?

I said I'm not going to sit here and talk to you about the weather, let alone my g*dd*mn feelings.

Thanks, but no thanks, wiener schnitzel.

Please, Louis.

Just give me two minutes.

Two minutes.

First of all I take it you're Jewish?

Yeah, I'm not comfortable answering that right now.

Well, it seems very clear, based on the fact that you just called me a n*zi.

What's your point?

Would it interest you to know that I'm Jewish too?

Yeah, well, take out your circumcised junk, and maybe I'll believe you.

I'm not going to do that, Louis.

But I will tell you that my parents were both children during the w*r.

They survived by fleeing the country and felt it their duty to eventually return and raise both my sister and myself as proud Germans and Jews.

So, if you want to leave because you don't like the way I speak, I understand, but if not, why don't you tell me what brings you here?


I'm here because no matter what I do, nobody respects me.

Jessica, we need to talk.

We do.

But if you're looking for an apology-- I'm not here for an apology.

I'm here to tell you that I'm expecting a job offer from Bratton Gould.

You're expecting one or you went looking for one?

- Does it matter?

- It does to me.

Then you should know, I was offered a job, I turned it down, and it was going to stay turned down until you made it crystal clear that you don't respect me.

What I made clear is that I call the sh*ts, and if you don't see how that helps you in the long run-- Screw the long run!

They're going to make me a partner now.

You won't even go to bat for me.

You know what, Harvey?

I'm about done with your little song and dance about how I don't have your back.

I picked you out of the g*dd*mn mail room, and I've given you every opportunity you ever had.

This was a mistake.

What was a mistake?

I came here to give you a chance to talk me out of leaving, but when this offer comes in, it's too late.

Just out of curiosity, what would you have me do?

You know what the hell I'd have you do.

Harvey, you have more raw talent than 99% of the partners in this firm, but I'm not going to give you a promotion based on a threat.

You'll get one when you're ready.

And if that's not good enough for you then I wish you luck at Bratton Gould.

Then consider this my official notice.

Louis, we spent the last 40 minutes going over every person who has shown you disrespect since the day you were born.

You kidding?

I'm just getting started.

Be that as it may, if I ask you the one person whose respect you crave the most, who would it be?

Don't dwell on it.

Just say the first name that pops into your head.

Harvey Specter.


What's he like?

He's like a cross between Marlon Brando and Superman.

[pen clicks]


I'm just picturing.

[pen clicks]

This Harvey, is he a friend?

He's my best friend.

Would he describe you as his best friend?

What the--what the fu-- is that supposed to mean?

- Louis-- - You son of a bitch.

Are you implying that I'm not as good as him?

That I'm worthless?

Well you know what, you n*zi supposed Jew, I don't need to take that from you.

I'm g*dd*mn out of here!

Louis, this is wonderful.

What the hell are you talking about?

Most people take years to reveal their true selves.

But you, you are like a man without skin.

I can see right through you.

This is fantastic.

How the hell is this fantastic?

Because I can help you.

Your feelings of disrespect are internal, and you project them onto the people in front of you, and in your life, those people throw that disrespect back at you.

Well, I'm not going to do that to you.

I'm going to be here for you.

That sounds like a load of crap.

Listen to me.

If you keep treating the people in your life like this, you're going to push them away.

You know what, doc?

Jessica made me come here, and I did.

And now that I have, it's crystal clear the last thing I need in the world is therapy.

Louis, calm down, you're wearing a hole in the carpet.

Well, I'm sorry, Donna, Harvey called an emergency meeting.

What do you expect?

I expect a little self-control.

Good, you're here.

Gretchen said it couldn't wait--what's going on?

I've got a move I want to make, but before I do, I want to put it to a vote.

- What kind of move?

- A big one.

Harvey, does this have something to do with the fight between you, Alex, and Mike?

Yes, and I have reason to believe that fight's not over.

Harvey, what's going on?

Alex has a g*n to his head, and if I don't do something about it, he's going to be in some deep shit.

I have a way out of it, but there's going to be some consequences.

- For who?

- For Mike.

Harvey, is there any other way out of this mess?

If there were, I wouldn't be standing here.

Then tell us what you want to do, and let's get this over with.

Don't tell me this is the "two partners for the price of one" idea you pitched me a year ago?

It is, but Harvey Specter isn't like any lawyer we've ever had.

Well, he's better not be, if he has the balls to ask for the moon and stars like this.

Look, the problem is, I already have an offer out to a hotshot at Skadden.

And if he hasn't already said yes, what the hell is he waiting for?

I'll tell you what: he's afraid he can't hack it here, or he's using us to get a better offer.

Either way, Harvey and I are a better choice.

All right, Alex.

It looks like you two guys have your shit together.

But here's the thing: I pull this offer, and your guy says no, I'm left here with nothing but my d*ck in my hand.

So you tell right now you guarantee that he says yes.

You think I didn't know you were going to demand that?

I already talked to him about it.

He gave me his word.

Okay, looks like I have two new partners.

But Alex this thing goes south, it's your ass that's on the line.

So you're having a good coffee?

Is that what we're doing with our 11:00s now?


What the hell is your problem?

My problem is I found out you moved my court dates, so why don't you go tell your work husband if he thinks I'm going to forget about this, he's got another thing coming.

You know what, Louis?

Why don't you go tell him yourself?

But you better hurry, because as of Monday, Harvey doesn't work here anymore.

- What?

- You heard me.

Harvey's leaving, my life is a mess, and as far as I'm concerned, that's on you.


What do you mean, me?

If you can't figure out what I mean by that, then you may be a good junior partner, but you got a long way to go as a human being.

[tense music]

What are you doing here?

What do you mean, what am I doing here?

You wanted a conspiracy, I got you one.

I don't want anything from you, and for the record, I was a fool to think I could trust you in the first place.

Anita, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Don't play dumb with me.

Pearson Specter doesn't just represent Masterson; you also represent Reform Corp.

Which means anything I get from you is tainted because you broke privilege.

g*dd*mn it, Harvey must have just signed them.

So what you're saying is, Harvey was never on board with this in the first place?

Anita, you can still take this case, all right?

You just say you received the evidence-- Anonymously?

I don't think so, Mike.

And one more thing: the next time you're looking to involve me in a w*r with Harvey Specter, go to someone else.

Jessica, I heard about Harvey.

Louis, he made his choice.

It's not the choice that I wanted, but we're just going to have to deal with it.

Now, if you don't mind Well, actually, I do mind.

Jessica, this whole thing was my fault.

I put him in a position where he had to leave, and you know it.

Louis, that's big of you, but-- But nothing.

Doctor Lipschitz said when you don't respect yourself, you go looking for signs of disrespect in others, and the way I got to junior partner I don't respect myself for that.

What are you saying?

I'm saying if it was my pride in refusing to admit that he was right and I was wrong that caused him to go, I won't be able to forgive myself.

So please, do not let him go.



[stirring pop music]

Did you mean what you said the other day?

About the associates needing guidance and discipline?

To tell you the truth, I didn't at the time.

But yes, they do.

Then as the firm's newest partner, how would you like to officially be in charge of the associates?

I'd like that very much.

Treat them well.

I will.

Did you come here to say good-bye?

Because I think we already did that.

No, Harvey.

I came here to let you know that I did what I should have done in the first place.

And what exactly does that mean?

It means I went to see Daniel, and I told him if the next person we promote to junior partner isn't you, I'm leaving.

You did that for me?

Sometimes playing the long game means understanding who you want to be teammates with in the long run, and the person I want to be teammates with in the long run is you.

I hope I'm not too late, Harvey, but if I am, I really do wish you luck at Bratton Gould.

Harvey, Alex Williams just called.

Says it's a done deal.

For the record, I would have gone with you.

For the record, I should have asked you first.

[phone rings]



Lipschitz, it's Louis Litt.

Listen, you were right.

I do need someone who isn't going to let me push them away.

I'm very happy to hear that, Louis.

Do you think five days a week is too much?

Why don't we just start with an appointment on Monday and go from there?

Sounds good.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong with me.

I ordered you to drop this thing.

You didn't, so I figured out a way to make you drop it.

You think signing Reform Corp.

is going to make this go away, you're out of your mind.

And if you think that's true, you wouldn't be in my face right now.

Harvey, they are lining their pockets on the backs of people who should have gone free years ago, and you're letting them get away with it.

I'm their lawyer.

I'm not a prosecutor.

What the fu-- does Alex Williams have on you, huh?

Nobody has anything on me.

Then why the hell are you doing this?

'Cause there's no way it's for the money.

You don't understand.

I'll tell you what I do understand.

You owe him something, and they have something on him, and if I can figure that out, how long do you think it's gonna take before whatever it is gets out anyway?

You listen to me.

If you ever valued the times that we've had each other's backs, you'll have mine now, because I'm telling you, I need it.

Then tell me what's going on.

I'm not going to do that, because I can't trust you.

But I'll tell you this: You lift a finger to do something that even looks like you're making another move on this case, I don't care if you're calling Oscar Reyes to wish him a happy birthday, you're fired.

[tense music]

So why don't you take the night and decide if you trust me enough to keep working here or not.

Hey, hey.

You here to check out your new office?

Because it's ready.

Alex, I'm staying at Pearson Hardman.


We had a deal.

I know that, but then I realized Jessica's family, and no title is worth giving that up.

I don't care what you realized.

I told Tommy Bratton you'd sign on the dotted line.

He pulled an offer to that hotshot from Skadden for me.

I know this puts you in a bad spot.

Bad spot?

You stood in front of me, gave me your g*dd*mn word, and I banked on that, so I don't care what kind of come-to-Jesus moment you think you had, that shit is legally binding.

If you want to try to enforce that, go right ahead, but what does it say to the world when a firm has to sue a lawyer just to get him to come there?

What's it say when I can't trust you anymore?

Alex, you don't need me to make partner.

Maybe I don't, but this is some bullshit.

I'm not saying it's not.

And I know right now, my word means nothing, but I promise you, someday you're going to need help with something, and no matter what it is, I'll be there for you.

I owe you one.

And you can let it go or not, but I'm telling you, man to man, this is something I have to do.

Okay, Harvey, I'll let it go, but you do owe me one, and someday I'm going to come calling.

Harvey, I know you want to help Alex, but if it means losing Mike, then I have to ask, is it worth it?

Mike went to prison for you.

I know that, Donna.

Harvey, what did Alex do?

Why do you owe him?



What are you doing here?

I'm here to come clean to you.

Does Harvey know you're here?

No--in fact, he told me not to talk to you at all, but you have a right to know the truth, and I'm tired of having this whole thing hanging over my head.

Come on in.

After Alex told Bratton that I wasn't coming, he was nothing.

They gave him unwinnable cases and worked him 90 hours a week until one day, Bratton came to him and said there was a way back.

All he had to do was take on Masterson Construction as a client.

- Exactly.

- And he said yes.

Of course I said yes.

There were no red flags.

The waiver that put inmates to work was just smart business.

On the surface, everything was legit.

So how'd you figure out it wasn't?

One day, I was at Brunswick, and a guard gave me a letter.

It said an inmate had died on the job site, and that it was being covered up.

Let me guess: you took it to Pat Kreuger, Masterson's CEO, and he said that he'd look into it.

Two weeks later, that guard was m*rder*d by an inmate.

Holy shit.

And that's when he knew Masterson and Reform Corp.

had been colluding from the start.

So what did he do?

He went to his managing partner, and Tommy Bratton said it wasn't collusion between two parties.

It was collusion between three parties.

They tied all my bonuses to all the key dates - The waiver - The start of construction - The guard's death - It looked like I orchestrated the whole damn thing.

So you covered up a m*rder?

I had no proof of anything.

I had a wife and daughter, and it looked like I was in on it.

Harvey, that's horrible, but this isn't on you.

Alex still could've made a call anonymously.

And so could you when you found out Mike was a fraud.

You didn't have to be a party to a crime, but you were.

That crime wasn't a m*rder.

Did you hear me, Donna?

They had him.

I had a wife and daughter, and they set me up.

What was I supposed to do?

Mike, I hate these people.

They deserve to go away for what they did, and every morning when I woke up and every night when I went to sleep, I wanted to make that happen, but I didn't, for one reason: I didn't want my daughter to grow up without a father, and if you pursue this, there's no way I don't get caught up in it.

- You don't know that.

- Yes, I do.

When Bratton came after our clients, Alex signed a declaration saying he took full responsibility.

Harvey, if you're asking Mike to let this thing go I don't know if I can do that.

I'm not asking you to let it go.

I'm telling you what will happen if you don't.