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02x06 - Cry Havoc

Posted: 06/07/19 17:08
by bunniefuu
Do exactly as I say, and nobody's gonna get hurt.

You're a natural, baby!

- We're never coming back, Smurf.

- I didn't ask you to.

We have raised over $335,000 for our hospital!

We just gotta get a job together quick.

- I was thinking New Canticle.

- The church.

- Yeah.

- Smurf will love that.

Ripping off a church?

What kind of shit karma is that gonna be?

- What about the kid?

- We use him if we need him...

if he's willing to piss off Grandma.

Get out of here, man!

Get the hell out of here, or you're gonna get us all thrown in prison.

Holy shit.

Welcome to the family.

- Catherine, you okay?

- Yeah, I'm okay Patrick.

Don't come here anymore.

You like it when your d*ck's in my mouth, so you really need to stop treating me like a little kid.

Jake and I used to work with Manny before he left California.

- How much you want, Javi?

- 300 grand.

Javi knows.


No shit.


What happened?

3:00 a.m, I got dragged out of bed by a bunch of psychopaths.

What'd they want?

Manny and the tapes.

They know we're full of shit.

They wanted to hear me say it first.


And what?

I was just the driver that night, Smurf.

You told them?

Yeah, I told them.

Used me like an ashtray.

Worked their way down.

Said after my d*ck, they were gonna do my eyes.

Yeah, I told them.

Just pay 'em, will ya?

Whatever they want, just pay 'em.


Yeah, I'm her.

Yeah, I know him.

What's wrong?


What did he do?

- Shit.

- Hey.

- Where's Grandma Smurf?

- Yeah, I'll be right down.

Oh, she, uh, she had to go out.

Are you hungry?

How 'bout waffles?

Would you like me to make waffles?

- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

Hey, Lena.


How's the leg?

Oh, yeah.

It's okay.

Do you wanna help me with chem later?

Sure, if I'm around.


We're gonna make some breakfast.

Do you want anything?

Yeah, I-I gotta go, so maybe later.


I'll make extra.

Okay, cool.

Would you like chocolate chip or banana?




Hey, Cody.

Time to go.

You made bail.

Can't believe Smurf let you take the Jag.

She wasn't home.

So you just took it?


Well, thanks for picking me up.

You know what?

You owe me $500.

And also, my dad's gonna see it on his credit card.


Just tell him it was for one of your friends.

Oh, genius!

Problem solved!

I didn't know that my bike could go that fast.

You know, the colors blurred.

It was...

It was nuts.

You would've loved it.

Oh, shit.

I didn't know it was that banged up.

Get out.

Yeah, if it won't start, I-I don't have any money...

- Get out!

Get out of the...

- All right.


- Get out of the car!

- What the hell is the matter with you?

- I'm sick of your pathetic bullshit!

- All right!


Here, your freakin' money.

Love you, too!


Grandma Smurf, J let me have ice cream.

And waffles.

Go get dressed.

Your daddy wants to take you to school today.

- Why?

- Because he misses you, silly.

Wear your sparkly.

I'm gonna need you today.

Um, I can't.

You busy?

Get unbusy.

Is everything okay?

Everything's fine.

Bring your g*n.

Go kiss your dollies, baby.


I'll see you in a few days.

- Few days?

What's up?

- Just need a break.

If you're too busy, you could get Pope to take care of her.


We did the church last night.

You see it on the news?

No, I've been busy.

Yeah, it went good.

We were clean.


What are you gonna do next?

Soup kitchen?

Here's your cut.

Very nice score.


Give my cut to charity.

- You don't want it?

- I don't need it.

Suit yourself.

What's this about?

You gonna hit diners up and down the coast?

Lena gets out of school at 2:00.

Do you need me to give you directions?

Think I'll be able to handle it.

- And, Smurf...

- Yeah?

You really don't want your cut anymore, it'll be fine with us.

They said it would be routine questions 'cause I worked there.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down.

They brought up my shoplifting charge from when I was 19, my DUIs, my kid, as if I had something to do with stealing the mission drive money.

Hey, they know that you didn't.

It's just what cops do.

It's what they do.

The inventory room, where you helped me move the boxes?

The mission drive money was in a safe in the floor.

That's what got stolen.

And that's got nothing to do with you.

- They asked if I had an alibi.

- And you told them, right?

We were at your place.

We ordered take out.

The delivery guy saw us.

Your roommate was there.

- Yeah, I told them that.

I said that.

- Okay, all right.

- I told them everything.

- Come on, it's fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

It's gonna be fine.

I can't believe it.

Come on, you need to eat.

I'll drive.

That's a good idea.

Where are we going?

Someplace nobody knows about.

A black van just pulled in behind us.

Keep your eyes on 'em.

Where's the black Honda?

Took a right on the last street.

If someone is tailing us, what are we gonna do?

Whatever we have to do.

You have a storage unit?

The boys don't know about it, and neither do you.

No, you wait here.

Just honk if you hear anyone come up the ramp.

I won't be long.

...and if anyone's interested in investing in an alarm system, please check out these handouts here on the table.

Not all are created equal, and, uh, the OPD has some tips.

Oh, hey.

Everybody, please welcome new member Deran Cody.


Yeah, I don't know, man.

She doesn't want it.

She actually said I should give it to charity.

Oh, that's a tough one...

Smurf, Mother Teresa.

God, she's full of shit.

- Deran here?

- Nope.

All right, well, then...

Could I get a couple of tequilas on ice?

- Tequila?

- Yeah.

Bring us the good stuff, not the crappy stuff.

Yeah, the good stuff.

- Business good this weekend?

- Till now, since Deran keeps letting you come in and drink for free.



Keep the change.

You happy?

- Yeah.

- Good.

So what's goin' on, man?

You all right?

You didn't call me back last night.

I texted you.

Dinner went late.

You know, listen, you did a great job with that, uh, that girl.



Yeah, you worked her just right.

You gotta keep it going now for a couple more weeks, then you can wind it down.

Before you know it, you'll be free.

I don't wanna be free.

I like it.

I might even join the church.

You're gonna join the church you robbed?

- Actually, yeah.

- Okay.

Amy and I are...

She's my girlfriend.

- Can't be this stupid.

- It just happened.

What does she know, Pope?

Nothin' about the job or our family.

- Does she know your real name?

- Yeah.

- Does she know you did time?

- Yes.

Oh, that's just great, man.

That's great.

So when the cops start asking her questions, you know, 'cause she works there, you don't think they're gonna connect the dots - and start lookin' at us for this?

- That's not gonna happen.

Oh, bullshit!

Of course it will.

Think about it.

You don't know shit about it.

Hey, thanks for coming, Deran.


The stronger our community, the more we all profit.

- Totally.

- Questions?


No, I'm good.


All right, man.

Well, we'll see you next month.

You just drop off your check in the basket there.

I'm sorry.



You didn't read the pamphlet.

We all pay a monthly fee to augment city services, including sanitation, you know, which should be of special interest to you because of the vomit and urine problem.

- Don't taxes pay for that?

- Yeah.

Well, if we relied on the city alone, a lot would be different.

This just allows us to solve problems faster without any of the red tape.

Okay, well, it's not, like, mandatory or anything, right?


It's deductible.

And everybody does it because it's in the common interest.

All right.

Well, thanks, but I'll clean up the puke, I mean, around my bar, if it gets bad.

The fee this month is 273 bucks.

That'll get you a nice case of tequila.

You're making a mistake.

Well, wouldn't be the first one.

Just pay the money.

Trust me.

Nancy Smalls.

Bailey & Smalls Pest Control.

I'm serious.

He'll make your life hell if you don't.

Thanks for the tip.

I'll take my chances.

Is there money in that bag?

How much?


Thank you, baby.

Okay, I'll see you in a little while.

Is that it?

Well, this isn't exactly a diner in the middle of nowhere.

You keep saying that I'm ready for more.

That's why you've been teaching me all this shit, showing me how everything works.

Get out of the car.

It's about this guy Javi, isn't it?

The guy at the funeral.

Javi thinks that a long time ago, I did a bad thing to him.

Very bad.

So now I'll pay him, and he'll go away.

What does he think you did?

Come on.

Get out of the car.

So you're gonna go and meet this guy by yourself?

I thought that you said you needed my help.

I did, and now I don't.

So get out of the car.

10 grand each from Monica.

It's an advance on the credit cards.

She thinks we're gonna get north of 100K.

Holy shit.

And the checks?

She's got a guy to kite 'em, but she's never worked with him before, I say we eat 'em, not risk it.

Well, it's a 100 in cards, 196 in cash.

- That'll be fine.

- Yeah.

You got a shredder?

- No.

- No?

Spark up the fire pit.

- No.

- What?

What are you worried about?

We'll get rid of the ashes when we're done.

- It's not up to code.

- Oh, Jesus Christ.

It's a real thing, okay?

I can't afford to get cited right now.

I'll take care of it.

Don't sit on 'em.

Do it ASAP.

I know how to burn shit.

- Is it J?

- Yeah, he ain't showin'.

He still nursing that leg?

Well, I saw him this morning with Smurf.

He looked fine to me.

She's probably giving him shit for doing a job with us.

And the Swamp Thing returns.

What the hell happened to you?

Okay if I grab some food?

Get any of my texts?

I'm hungry, bro.

Can I...

Yeah, go ahead.

Knock yourself out.

Uh, okay, so, uh...

when can we start divvying up this cash?

I got bills to pay.

Well, we gotta launder it first.

He's gonna do 20 at Pechanga.

I'm gonna do the same at Pala.

That still leaves a big chunk here.


5 grand a week.

Who's gonna notice?

And more if business picks up.

No, the Feds live for this shit.


They love taking down new businesses.

- Smurf's been doing it for years.

- You want me to be Smurf?

If it means we get to spend the money we steal, yeah.


That's not why I bought this bar, guys.

Then why'd you buy it?

Why'd you buy the bar?

Some of us helped you buy the bar, by the way.

- Okay, you want the cash?

Here, take it.

- No, I don't want the cash.

- Don't be an idiot.

- Deran, listen.

Deran, listen, to me.

- We need to move the money now.

- No!


We're not going through my bar.


Don't get hot and do anything stupid with that thing.

I won't if they won't.


What's taking your boys so long?

My boys aren't coming.

This is our problem, not theirs.

It's just us?


Just us.

We're meeting Javi by the jetty in one hour.

Kind of like the old days, huh?


The shit we did when we were young.

'Cause we had to.

We didn't have a choice.

Javi just got screwed.

We owe that kid this money.

I'm sorry, Smurf.

Let's go.

I am sorry.

You know for years, you paid Manny off to keep his mouth shut.

- But me?

- You're Craig's father, for God sake.

We had a baby together.

Does he know that?!


No, he doesn't know that 'cause you never told him!

You treat me like I'm an employee!

I don't know where you think you're goin'.

Anywhere but with you.


So you're just gonna leave Javi standing out there on the beach?

- I'll take my chances.

- Good luck.

Not only are you on the run from Javi, now you're on the run from me.

J, you wanna keep working with us, you can't miss a meeting.

- Yeah, I'm sorry, man.

- Where were you?

My leg opened up.

Did Smurf take you to a hospital?

No, no, the drugstore to get more antiseptic.

And that took all morning?

Dude, half the staples fell out.

It hurt like a bitch, so I had to...



There you go, man.

Get out of the car.

On your knees.

Hands on your head.

Your wife...

She had a bank account with 22 grand in it.

Did you know that?

Probably not, 'cause if you did, you would've drained it.

Nobody's seen or heard from her in 2 1/2 months, and she didn't spend a dime.

What do you think that means?

Excuse me.

Am I under arrest?

'Cause if so, I'd like to call my lawyer.

I will find out what you did to her.

Understand me?

You've reached Janine Cody.

Leave a message.


Where's Smurf?

- I don't know.

- No Lena either?


She's at Baz's.

I just ordered a pizza.

You still wanna help me with chem later?


I'll go get my books.


I need you.

So two years experience in Long Beach, huh?

- Yeah.

- You feel comfortable with all aspects?

Table service, bar, buffet, setup, and breakdown?

- Definitely.

- What's in a mojito, Eric?

Uh, rum, lime juice, and, uh, sugar?

And mint and club soda.

- Right.

- You'll be fine.

- You ever get seasick?

- No.

Company policy.


Bathroom's down the hall.

Unless there's a problem, job's yours.




Hey, uh...

I'm gonna need your piss.



Hey, man, don't be a d*ck.

I'll give you 20 bucks.

Help, help, help!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.


Okay, okay, please.

- Okay?

- Yeah.


All right.

Now you see that cup?


Off we go.


I, uh, I-I can't...


with that.



Hey, man.

Not now.

We're cleaning.

Come on.

- Out.

Out we go.

Not now.

- Wait.


Good man.





You don't do dr*gs, do you?

- No.

- Good man.

What the hell happened to your bike?

It's a-a long story.

What's that?

The $3,300 I owe you.

No, man.


that's cash for having me crash upstairs.

- Just take it.

- I'm not taking it.

- Take it, man.

- No!

I lost my mind, man.

- I shouldn't have shown up last night.

- You think?

Could've really screwed us, man.

Especially for a job that you shit on and you didn't even wanna do in the first place.

Look, I thought you weren't gonna do it, okay?

Without me, you know, once you thought I was being serious.

I mean, the others?


But you?



Look, I can't keep doing this, okay?

I gotta be able to do my own shit.

You get that?

You understand that?

Besides, I thought you were gonna change your mind once you realized I wasn't bailing.

Where were you last night, man?

I texted you, like, 10 times.


Got shitfaced.

Wrecked my bike.

Woke up in jail.

Did Smurf bail you out?


Called Nicky.

What is she?

Like, your new mom?

- No, but she acted like it.

- Mm-hmm.

I got it.

- You got what?

- The job.

As a caterer.

You're gonna be a caterer?

Our way in, man.

- For the yacht heist we were talking about.

- Oh.

- Are you sh1tting me?

- Used an alias, one of the ones we bought for the Indian Casino thing last year.

You're lookin' at Eric Miller, who starts his first shift on Saturday.


Well done.

- Huh?

- Mm-hmm.

You wanna have a drink?

Kick it a little bit?

- Hell, yeah, I do, man.

- All right.

Longer we sit here, dumber we are.

She's treating you like a punk.

She's gonna give us that money.

All weak acids are insoluble...

true or false?

How will I ever use that?

Do you wanna fail on chem again?

Okay, one day, I'm gonna be, like, driving or shopping when suddenly, I'm gonna need to know if vinegar can release hydrogen?

Is that what you're gonna write on your test?






God, that must k*ll.

Are you sure you don't want some of Craig's oxy?

No, I'm good.

Okay, if two bodies are the same temperature but have a different heat capacity...

It was that church on the news, right?

That's what you guys robbed?

Oh, my God.

I knew it!

- I knew it!

- Did heat transfer occur or not?

Oh, my God.

Did you carry a g*n?

Holy shit.

Was it a rush?

How much did you get away with?

50 grand?



I'm not gonna talk about it.

That's why you broke up with me, right?

To protect me from it all?

So I wouldn't get sucked in?

But if I wanna get sucked in, J?

What if that's what I want?

- Oh, shit.

- What's going on?

- Turn out that light.

- Why?

Turn it out.

- Get in the closet.

- Why?

Just get in there.

Where's your phone?

It's in the kitchen.

Oh, shit.

Okay, Nicky, stay here.

I'm gonna get my g*n.


Hey, grab his wrists and hold him, hold him, hold him.


Who else is in the house, man?

No one.

It's just me.

Go check the bedroom.

Smurf isn't here?

She went to...

she went to meet you.

She didn't show.

Get him up.

Get up.

Hey, J.

Where does Smurf keep her money?

- I don't know, man.

- You're full of shit!


One more time.

Where's Smurf's money?


Where is it?

I told you, I don't know!

She doesn't have enough here.

- I don't know!

- Bullshit!

Tell me where it is.

- Behind the dryer.

- Huh?

Yeah, there's money behind the dryer, and...


and shoeboxes in her room.

Get his ass out.

Check her bedroom.

Check the dryer.


You better not be lying to me.

You lyin' to me?


Let J go or I'll sh**t.



Get out of the house.

I'm not afraid to do it.

It's gonna be hard with the bolt not pulled back.

Stay back.


- Oh, shit!

- Bitch!



Come here, you little bitch!

No, no!


- Come on!

- Please!


- No, please.

- Shut up!

Let go of me!


No one else here, huh?

No one else here?

Now I know you're a liar.

10 behind the dryer.

You think I came all this way for 25 grand?


I swear, that's all I know about!

For the last g*dd*mn time, where's the real money?!

I swear to you, I don't know!

I swear!

How'd you hurt your leg?


- Aah!

- It healing okay?

I think she likes you, bro.

You like her, too?

Get her out of here.

- No!






- I'm gonna take a look at this shit.

- No!


- Oh!

Oh, shit!

- No!

- Take a look.

Take a look.

- You did this.

You did this shit.

- Oh, no, no, please!




You and your family are full of shit!

You ain't lyin' to me anymore!

You're gonna pay me what you owe me!

Smurf's got a storage unit on Fremont!

- What?

- She has a storage unit on Fremont...

What's the number of the unit?

I don't know, but I can take you there.

You just gotta leave Nicky alone, please.

- Huh?

- You just gotta leave Nicky alone, please!


Let's go.

Bring her with us.




Stay in the car.

I said stay in the car!



Get out here!


Look at me.


J, are you with me?

W-where were you?

Where are you?

It's okay, baby.

It's okay, baby.

Don't move, don't move, don't move.

- Talk to me.

Come on, it's okay.

- Hey, I got you.

All right, all right.

- Keep talking.

Keep talking.

- All right, slowly.


Come on.

We'll get you up.

Just relax.


They took Nicky.

- Who took Nicky, J?

- Javi.



That kid from way back Javi?

- Javi?

- Uh-huh.




H-hey, it's me.


It's Nicky.

It's Nicky.


is she okay?

Nicky, do they still have you?


Okay, did you call the cops?




Did they hurt you?

I'll be okay.

- Is she okay?

- She's okay, J.

She's okay.


they just...

they just left me on the road somewhere.

- I don't know where I am.

- Okay, tell me where you are, and we'll pick you up.

Just in some neighborhood somewhere.

Walk around, look for a street sign.

Just look up.

Any kind of street sign.



Trailhead and...

and Ash.


Smurf, can you...

can you hear me?

What is it?

Is she okay?




Smurf, are you coming?

It's where we buried him.

Smurf, can you hear me?


Javi's father.

Are you coming?

Smurf, can you hear me?



Please come.