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02x04 - Broken Boards

Posted: 06/07/19 05:12
by bunniefuu
You know, I think all we're saying is, we wanna start making family decisions in a different way.

Well, every other idea you had was crap.

Not to us, you know, but we still had to suck it up.

You can't expect to still be...

Oh, I'm the boss, all right.

I would like the entry codes and the account passwords changed, please.

Woman: Right, which codes can we change for you today?

All of them.

Deran: And they wanna hit this church...

New Canticle.

Craig: Like the megachurch?

Uh, we're here about the AC unit.

We voted.

We're doing it.

You know, if this is how this is gonna work, then I'm done.

I'll do my own jobs, man.

Javi, you were 10 years old.

You told him to throw me out like I was a piece of trash!

You are fearless.

Like you.


♪ ♪ ♪ She stares deeply ♪ ♪ Locked inside me ♪ ♪ Burnin' brightly ♪ ♪ One they know that I cannot take ♪ ♪ Waitin' for it all to begin ♪ ♪ Every night now, they'll win ♪ ♪ Come and meet my black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black, big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole inside of me ♪ [Wind chimes tinkling]

[Clatter in distance]

♪ ♪ [Exhales deeply]

[Keypad beeps]


[Keypad beeps]


[Beeps slowly]

Automated female voice: Access denied.

[Alarm blaring]

Damn it, Smurf.

No, no need to send anyone.

It was a false alarm.

I took care of it.

Thank you.

Hey, baby.

I looked in your room this morning.

Where were you so early?

I went for a run.

Oh, then you are not leaving the house without eating something.

[Plate and utensils clink]

Is, uh...

is Lena okay?


I'm just lettin' her sleep in a little bit.

Yeah, I heard her crying.

She having nightmares?

All kids have nightmares.

[Coffee pouring]


You look like you slept like a baby.

I'm just curious about something.

When you let Craig in, does he come in through the window or do you open the front door for him?



Use the front door from now on.

[Inhales deeply]

I'm gonna go wake up Lena.

There you go.

[Nicky clears throat]

[Refrigerator door closes]

Uh, so, are you taking trigonometry?


Third period.

Yeah, it's such a bitch.

I hope whoever invented it died a horrible death.

[Cellphone chimes, vibrates]


Uh, it's Craig.

I gotta go.


[Door closes]

Come on, sleepyhead.

Hop up.

Where's Nicky?

Oh, she just left with Craig.

I wanna show you something after I drop Lena off at school today.

This morning?


You can miss a few classes.

Um, I have something.

Cancel it.

I can't.

But I can do this afternoon.

Did you have fun in the diner in Arizona?


Think you're ready for another job?


♪ ♪ What's up, man?

You said you were comin' in early.

It is early.


Yo, man, I got lost.

You need to put a, uh, sign up on the place.


No sign.

It's cooler that way.

Oh, it's cooler when people can't find the place?

Can you help me with these kegs, please?

[Exhales deeply]

You sure this place is ready to open?

It looks like it needs some more work.


a lot.

No, I don't want it to look polished.

[Kegs clank]

Well, mission accomplished.

Hey, I think it looks awesome.

What time do you want me to come over tonight?

I can help you set up.

No, I'm sorry.

You can't come.

Why not?

Do you want me to get shut down?

She's got a fake ID.


Yo, man, that's bullshit.

If she's not coming, neither am I.


Then don't come.


I got sh1t to do.

You sure?


Come on, I'll go call you an Uber.

Not cool, man.

Just hurry up, okay?

We gotta hit San Onofre and start drumming up some business.

Hi, Craig.

New bartender.

[Touchscreen clicking]


Woman: ♪ Tell me what you're thinkin', always overthinkin' ♪ ♪ I just wanna love you ♪ Woman: Do you need any help?

[Exhales deeply]


A lot.


What's the occasion?

First date.


it's our first time alone.


we met before.

Okay, well, then we definitely need to find the perfect shirt.

Do you have a designer you like?


Are you looking for French cuffs?

No, just regular cuffs is fine.

Okay, got it.

Well, this lavender one would go great with your skin tone.

Are you sh1tting me?


Try it on.

Oh, wait.

Do you know your neck size?


Is that bad?

We'll measure it.

Uh, stay here.

I'll go get the tape.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Cellphone rings]


What's up, Baz?

I couldn't get the tools.

What happened to the warehouse?

Smurf happened.

[Ice cubes rattling]

I thought you were with Craig.


I...I need to study.

Has Craig ever had a girlfriend?

Define "girlfriend." Like someone he doesn't screw around on.

I mean, he was checking out this skank at Deran's bar.

It was...

Oh, sh1t.

I really wasn't supposed to say anything.

Please don't tell Deran.

Nicky, what is it you want from Craig?

I don't know.

Yeah, you do.

To party, I guess.

He's gorgeous.

And he always has blow.


So s*x and dr*gs.

That's it?

Do you have any idea how powerful you are?

You know what that power is?

It's the one thing you have that every man wants.

You just have to let them think they have the power, but they never do, never, unless you give it to them.

And don't ever give it to them.

So it's...

it's just about s*x?

I think you can do a little better.

With Craig?

With every man.

You just have to decide what you want.

So what do you want, Nicky?

You want a hint, baby?


You take everything.

♪ ♪ Why can't Smurf just wash the clothes Lena already has?

I don't get it.

I'm just the messenger, man.

Oh, you are?

Well, then tell her thanks for changing the security codes on me, and I want my g*dd*mn tools from the warehouse.

Tell her that.

You know, Lena's been having nightmares.

Did she ask you to tell me that, too?


Well, then, I don't need a messenger, okay?

Just do the job I'm asking you to do.

I did a job with Smurf.

Were you a lookout while Smurf tunneled into a bank?

[Strained voice]

No, it was a diner.

[Clears throat]

We, uh, didn't get much, but it was more for fun, so...


What are you telling me?

You and Smurf ripped off a diner?

I can do more.

All right?

I'm ready.

Let me do this one.

Get in the car.

♪ ♪ So Marla's old place with the mermaids?

Yeah, that's the one.


Yeah, sweet, sweet.

I'll try to make it tonight, man.

All right, bro.

Right on.

Yo, uh, free pitcher if you bring a broken board!


Yo, you hit everyone by the cars?

Vic and Benny said they'd come, but they're constantly high as sh1t and unreliable, so I don't know.

What's up with Sean?

Is he comin'?

All it took was free beer.

You know I'm actually trying to make money at this bar, right?

You said you wanted broken boards.

Okay, but how much beer are you offering?

Maybe you should get some more kegs.




You don't like it?

Why don't you ask your, uh, friends at Surfline and see if they'll give you a cheap rate to get an ad, huh?


Word of mouth is cooler.


Hey, you know what's not cool?

An empty bar, bro.

It's sad.

Okay, no sh1t.

I get it.

You know, man, we should get going.

The later we are, the bitchier Baz gets.

I'm not going.

I'm not going.

I thought I was the one that didn't wanna do the job.

No, I'm doing the job.

I'm just...

I got sh1t to do.

I'm gonna tell Smurf.

About the bar?


Can't wait to see the look on her face.

Think she'll lose her sh1t?

I hope so.

Where are the other two?

Pope: Not here.

Wallace said we could stay as long as we need, but it wasn't cheap.

[Motorcycle approaches]

[Engine turns off]

Baz: Hey, where's Deran?

He's not here?

Don't bullshit me.


We can't wait all day.

I'll do it.

You'll do what?


I can do it.

All right, yeah.

You're gonna have to get in there.

["Talk to Me" by Run the Jewels playing]

♪ We return from the depths of the badland ♪ ♪ With a g*n and a knife in our waistband ♪ ♪ Went to w*r with the Devil and Shaytan ♪ ♪ He wore a bad toupee and a spray tan ♪ ♪ So high now, hoping that I land ♪ ♪ On a Thai stick, moving through Thailand ♪ ♪ On the radio, heard a plane hijack ♪ ♪ Government be in debt while they cook crack ♪ Bend.

♪ I move in a world of conspiracies ♪ ♪ Obey no rules, I'm doing me ♪ ♪ Smoke kush, transport to the airport ♪ ♪ Customs found a...

in my passport ♪ ♪ Pull cash and I gave him what he asked for ♪ ♪ God...

it's a mother...

miracle ♪ ♪ Small bribe, made it back into America ♪ ♪ Hit Uber and maneuvered out the area ♪ We good?


♪ Rap t*rror1st, terrorize, tear it up ♪ ♪ Brought gas and the matches to flare it up ♪ You sure about J?

I mean, you wanna lose him to Smurf?

If Deran keeps going AWOL, we're gonna need J more than he needs us.

♪ But this is a fight against...

♪ ♪ Brave men didn't facedown in the Vietnam muck ♪ How long we gotta be in this g*dd*mn thing?

Don't know.

It could be hours.

Roomy in there?

Kiss my ass!

Let's see how long you can last.

♪ ♪ [Blower whirring loudly]

I bought a bar.


I know.

There's an office in the back.

It's big enough for me to stay in, so...

I'm gonna stay there.

I'm gonna leave your apartment.

I already started packing stuff up, so...


Are you mad?

Do you want me to be?

Well, I'm opening the bar tonight, so...

Do you wanna come?

Of course I would.

[Air speed increases]

Man, I can't breathe.

I'm sweating my balls off.


Yo, turn down the blower!

When did Craig turn into such a p*ssy?

I'm not hearing anything from J.

Craig: Maybe he passed out.


Turn the g*dd*mn blower down!

Man up!

[Panting, gasping]

Craig: Look, can you breathe?

[Exhales sharply]

I can't.


How much can you sweat till you lose consciousness?

Screw this, man.

I'm done.


Craig, come...

You're not seriously leaving, are you?

I told you that I didn't wanna do this job!


I'm not asking.


[Motorcycle engine starts]

I'm out!

That's it!

[Tires peal]

[Motor revs]

Looks like you got the job.

[Exhales deeply]

Where the hell were you?

I'm busy, man.

No, no, not busy.

Not good enough.

Where were you?

Look, I already do all the sh1t work.

I don't need to practice it, okay?

Okay, look, if you wanna surf, you surf on your own time.

You got it?

I bought a bar.

What do you mean, you bought a bar?

On Wisconsin and Tremont.

The one with all the mermaids with the...

with the tits?


Smurf let you buy a bar?


I didn't ask for her permission.


So what, no more jobs?

I'm doing the job.

Okay, well, then when I call a meeting, you come.

[Car door opens and closes]

[Engine starts]

[Hip-hop music playing]

[Tires peal]

[Birds chirping]

Hmm, it's nice to see you finally brought your daughter some clothes.

You changed the codes on me.

It's not your business, is it?

[Sighs deeply]

Smurf, I want my jackhammers.

No idea what you're talkin' about.

Oh, cut the sh1t.

My tools are the in warehouse.

I need them.

Actually, are you sure I didn't pay for those tools?

You want me to dig up the receipts?

I do.


What's the new code?

I wouldn't want you to take the wrong stuff.

We'll have to figure out a time when we can meet.

I need the tools this week.

What's the new code?


You pulling a job?

Oh, that's right.

The church.

What are you gonna hit next time?

An orphanage?

Oh, my God.

You're one to talk.

A diner?

The kid's too green to know you're gonna get him hurt.

J's a big boy.

How's the commune going?

No commune.

I'm in charge.

You're so full of sh1t.

[Refrigerator door opens]

The only person those boys hate more than me is you.

God, that is such bullshit.

I trained you, Baz.

You are me.


[Truck approaching]

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪ ♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na Na, na, na, na, na ♪ [Reverse alert beeping]

[Minutes Til Midnight's "Gospel of the Throttle" playing]

♪ Just give me the feeling ♪ ♪ Push my motor every day ♪ [Engine sputtering]

♪ Gospel of the throttle ♪ ♪ Push my engine all the way, singing ♪ [Engine turns over]

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na ♪ Hey!

Sayonara, b*tches.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na ♪ What the hell?!

[Indistinct conversations]





I-I like your shirt.

It's lavender.

♪ ♪ I hope you like Mexican food.

Did I mess up?


I-I love Mexican.

When I told you about my son.

I hope that didn't scare you off.

I'm here.

I'd feel dishonest if I didn't tell you.

I've done enough lying in my life.

I'm trying to make better choices.

[Man singing in Spanish]

So what does a property manager do all day?



[Dog barking in distance]

[Horn honking]

♪ ♪ [Metal slides, clanks]


What the hell is this?

Check it out.

Did you steal this?

Are you crazy?

Crazy good.

Yo, help me unload this sh1t.

No, no.

I don't want any stolen beer, man.

Tastes the same, don't it?

What if this truck has GPS or something, huh?

Did you think about that before you jacked it?


Get it the hell out of here, man.

[Cellphones chime, vibrate]

What does Baz mean by "new plan"?

Not my problem.

I told him I'm out.

You should, too.

No, I only had enough money to lease the bar.

I need more to fix it up.

Yo, what do you want me to do with the truck?

I don't give a sh1t.

Just get rid of it.

[Gate slams]

Sorry I asked for the check.

I have to get back to work.

I gotta meet up with my brothers.

You okay?

You didn't talk very much.

How do you live with yourself after what you did to your son?

I've done things...

♪ ♪ .. that I have to live with somehow.



I try to do things, little things, anything, to show myself that the person who made those mistakes isn't who I really am.

Like with your niece.

Where would she be without you?

Lena barely knows me.

I was in prison half her life.

♪ ♪ You can tell me anything.

Just next time, you do it at the beginning of our date.

♪ ♪ I know I'm late.

Baz stopped by.

By the way, I hear he's not getting along with your uncles too well.

Oh, yeah.

Craig pulled out of the job.

Aw, that's a shame.

So I took his place.



Give me your phone.



♪ ♪ [Shoes scrapes ground]


What's up?

Thanks for showing up this time.

Let's make it quick.

I got sh1t to do.

All right.

What, no Craig?


What's up, man?


What are you wearing?

Yeah, what are you wearing?

I'm wearing a shirt.

It's purple.

Yeah, it's not purple.

Where the hell were you?

I was at Bible study.

I was doing my job.

You called a meeting.

What do you want?

Okay, look, Smurf is just waiting for us to fall on our faces, okay?

And that's exactly what's gonna happen if the bullshit doesn't end right now.

You could've given us this lecture over the phone.

My bullshit.

My bullshit.

I have been acting like an assh*le.

But I'm not Smurf, and I sure as hell don't wanna be Smurf.

We didn't used to fight all the time, man.

We used to have fun.

Remember the Wexler Building?

Wexler Building.


The balcony.

Now that was the highest jump we ever did.

No, no.

It was the Hyatt pool jump.

That was the highest jump we did.

Okay, well, this one's higher than both.



We just have to wait for the crane operator to go to lunch.

I'll text Craig.

[Keys jangle, lock turns]

[Door closes]

It's nice, isn't it?

Is this your apartment?

It's one of them.

I hope you didn't think I was just some sleazy slumlord.

There's a Miss Janice Browne who pays $4K a month for this groovy pad.

Is it...

is it okay to just walk in?

Of course it is, because I'm Janice Browne.

She has a lease with a signature, a Social Security number.

She pays her rent with a money order.

The 1st of every month.

Same as eight of the other bogus tenants that supposedly live in this building.

So this is how you launder your money.

One of the ways.

You can't deposit stolen money into a bank, right?

Because bank deposits are tracked by the IRS.

So you have to set up a legitimate business.

Now I can clear $32K a month from this building alone.

There's another $20K from the shitholes on Mission and Whaley.

And then I have three houses that I rent out.

For free.

On the books, they bring in $5K.

Why do you rent them out for free?

Let's just say I rent them for services rendered.

I pay the boys their salary through the management company...

taxes, Social Security, pension plan, health insurance, all of it.

We're just another law-abiding family doing what we can to contribute to society.

So what's the job?

I just told you.

You want me to help you with the books?

Any idiot with a g*n can pull a job.

The ones that last are the ones that know what to do with the money once they get it.

My boys never understood that.

All they wanted was action.

Now if that's all you're after, then you stick with them.

I wanna learn.

[Engine rumbling]

♪ ♪ Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

[Fidlar's "Drone" playing]


♪ Running down the avenues ♪ ♪ Makes no difference what you do ♪ ♪ Hiding in the alleyway ♪ ♪ They won't hear what you say ♪ ♪ I wanna be a drone ♪ ♪ I wanna be a drone ♪ ♪ No more ♪ ♪ I can see the blue sky ♪ ♪ Is it gonna fly by?

♪ Whoo!

High enough for you guys?

What do you think?

Eight stories?

I'll let you know when I get to the bottom.


♪ I wanna be a drone ♪ ♪ No more ♪ sh1t!




♪ ♪ Whoo!


How long before the cops get here?

Seven or eight minutes, if they're not at lunch.

Better hurry, then.

♪ No more ♪ ♪ No more ♪ ♪ No more ♪ Whoo-hoo-hoo!



So you gonna run a bar?

You don't think I can?


No, I...

No, I didn't say that.

Why didn't you say something?

'Cause I knew you'd give me sh1t like you always do.

Maybe I would've been happy for you.

Happy about what?

Deran's bar.

What bar?

Deran bought Marla's place.

Yeah, I actually gotta go open up.

Today was fun, man, but I'm still not taking your sh1t.

And I'm still not doing the job.

Did I ask you to?

You say you're out, I respect it.

You're right.

I do make you do the sh1t work a lot of the time.

I do.

So now it's my turn.

What does that mean?

That means I'm taking your place in the duct.

For a higher cut?


We share equally.

I told you.

I'm not Smurf.

So we're good?

Yeah, we're good.


[Horn honks]

[Muffled rock music playing]

♪ ♪ Hey.

You think this beer's too flat?

No, like the last four times.

♪ ♪ I just wanna make sure the pressure gauge isn't off.

Hey, man, relax.

The bar is gonna fill up, okay?


I know.

Holy sh1t.

Where is everybody?

They'll be here just as soon as it's too dark to surf.

Deran: Yeah, well, it's been dark for over an hour, so...

Took me a while to find the place.

You should think about putting up a sign.


That's what I've been saying.


On the house.

Oh, I paid for that beer.

It cost me 16 grand.

Yo, look who's here.

What's up?

Heather, free pitchers for my boys.


I'll get the glasses.


[Indistinct conversations]

Okay, okay.

We did it.


What do you guys want?

[Pats counter]


I'm learning Quicken.

What's that?

Um, something for the family.

Money managing, stuff like that.

Smurf has you doing that?


Are you going out?

So are you ready for this midterm?

[Clicks teeth]

Well, it was a lot easier when I could copy off of you.

Finally got Lena to bed.

Try to keep it down, okay?

You look nice.

I do, don't I?

♪ ♪ [Indistinct conversations]

Hey, buddy.


You gotta be kiddin' me.


Maybe Deran isn't as much of a screwup as we thought.


It's just the first night, though.

Where is he?


Let's do some sh*ts.

[Clears throat]

[Exhales deeply]

Where's Craig at?


I don't know.

I have no idea.

What the hell is the name of this place?

Uh, it's The Drop.

To The Drop.

To The Drop, yeah.

Good job, buddy.

The Drop.

[Glasses clink]

♪ ♪ Hey.

Did you do this all yourself, baby?



Proud of you.

That's it?

You're leaving already?



You ever plan on seeing Lena again?

She's having nightmares.

What kind of question is that?

[Glass thuds]

It's nice to see you patched things up with your brothers.


It won't last.

We're never coming back, Smurf.

I didn't ask you to.

[Bottle thuds]

[Indistinct conversations, laughter]

[Man and woman speaking indistinctly]

Yo, who's in there?

Craig: [Clears throat]

What's up, man?

Hey, open up.

What's up, man?

You want some coke?

You remember Callie and, uh...

What are you doing?

.. her brother Christian.

Yeah, no, I don't.

Get out.

Get out now.


Get out.


Thank you.


Don't worry, man.

There's plenty left for you here.

No, not in my bar, man.

Not in my bar.

Let me see that.

Let me see that.

Let me see it.

What are you doing?

What are you...

What are you doing?!

Get off of me!


Deran, what is wrong with you?!

[Toilet flushes]

What is...

What is wrong with you, huh?!

[Breathing heavily]

[Indistinct conversations]

Let's go somewhere and do more blow.

Deran dumped it all in the toilet.

Agent Orange is playing at The Cove.

You know, I like Agent Orange, but, uh...

You know what?

I got a better idea.

[Royal blood's "where are you now" playing]

♪ I was a honest boy, yeah ♪ ♪ I was brought up right ♪ ♪ Fell for an honest girl, yeah ♪ ♪ We were so tight ♪ ♪ Luck was always on our side ♪ ♪ You gave in all your secrets ♪ ♪ Didn't give in mine ♪ ♪ Nowhere left to run, no ♪ ♪ We live to shine ♪ ♪ If only love was on your side ♪ [Bottles clatter, bottle top pops, clatters]

♪ And I was just a stranger passing by ♪ [Bottle clatters]

[Both panting]


♪ You saw me driving my car ♪ ♪ Like a dog running wild ♪ ♪ Oh, my hands were shaking ♪ ♪ Singing, "where are you now?" ♪ ♪ I wish I could go back somehow ♪ [Moaning]

So sine is the opposite side of a hypotenuse.

It's just 4 over s...



Um, you're just...

you're being really nice.

You didn't...

you didn't have to help me.

Don't want your dad hauling you off to Guam.


He doesn't either.

It's not like he put up much of a fight when I said I wanted to stay.

I thought he wanted you to finish high school here.

I think he was glad to get rid of me.

He doesn't give a sh1t.


No, he's...

he's not your mom.

He gives a sh1t.

[Mouths word]

You hungry?



Let's take a break.


You sure you don't want to go to The Cove?

No, I got sh1t to do.

Hit me up sometime.


[Touchscreen clicking]

[Door closes]

[Cellphone vibrating]



Hey, what are you doing?


Screw that.

Why don't you come out?

Oh, I thought I wasn't supposed to set foot in Deran's bar.

Yeah, well, look, uh, Agent Orange are playing at The Cove.

You wanna roll?



I gotta go.

I forgot I was meeting somebody.





♪ ♪ [Indistinct conversations]

Heather: Deran!

Deran, could use some help.

♪ ♪ What's up?

Uh, he's next.

Oh, sh1t.

What's up, Adrian?


No, I own the bar.


How much did, uh, Smurf give you to buy the place?

No, it's got nothing to do with her.


I would've given you the news, but, I don't know, you kind of made it clear that you didn't wanna hear from me, so...

Anyway, what do you want?

What can I get you?

Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech...

All: Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech...

Turn down the music!

Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech...

Man: Come on, Deran!

Speech, speech, speech, speech, speech, speech...


Speech, speech, speech.


[Applause subsides]

Thank you for coming.

It means a lot to me, so...

sh1t, I'm sorry.

I've never given a speech before, so...

[Beer sloshes]


Man: You got this, dude!

I have something I'd like to say.

I'll take it.


Public speaking never really was your strong suit, was it?

Remember that time with ESPN?

ESPN wanted to interview Deran when he won this, uh...

What was it?

A Rip Curl contest down in Baja?

I swear, the boy was scared shitless.


He was taking down surfers twice his age...

[Voice fades]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ..

nobody, and this bar proves it.

So here's to the runt of my litter, my beautiful baby boy.

To Deran.

All: To Deran!

[Cheers and applause]

What's going on out here, baby?

You couldn't just let me have even this?



I'm gay.


It's gonna be okay, baby.

It's not okay.

[Breathing heavily]

'Cause I can't...


Isn't that what you want?

To feel like that's what I want?

I guess you're gonna have to see if Pope and Craig are into it because, you know, Baz isn't your real son, so it makes it less interesting.

♪ ♪ You never loved me.

You never loved any of us.

It's all about you.

It's always been about you.

♪ ♪ [Gate slams]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Door closes]

Craig: Was hoping you'd still be open.

I'm not.

It's after 2 a.m.

[Bottles clinking]

Yo, about earlier...

It's all good.

Hey, is it cool if I, uh...

if I'm here?


What's with the broken boards?

He's gonna put 'em up on the wall.


'Cause that's what it's all about.

Giving up something to chase something awesome.

Right, bro?

[Bottles and cans rattle]

What's with you?

[Bottles clatter]


♪ ♪ I told her.

Told her what?

♪ ♪ sh1t, really?


[Clears throat]





I really gave it to her.

♪ ♪ I said more than I needed to.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, man.

[Bottles clatter]

You bought a bar.

And you opened it tonight.

It was lit.

People came, and they loved it.

♪ ♪ You need to forget her bullshit.

She knows she had nothing to do with it and she hates it.

This was all yours.

This is all you.

You need to know that.


♪ ♪ All right.

Come on, let's put some of your boards up.

Nick, can you pass me the, uh, left board?

♪ ♪ Nicky: Here you go.

Come on, man.

I can't do this all alone.

♪ ♪ Come on.


♪ ♪ [Grunts]

You know, that was, uh, really good blow that you flushed.

Oh, come on.

You were snorting it off a toilet seat.


That's disgusting.

What do you want me to do with that?

All right, well, next time, I'll just do it off your bar.


I'm done.

Now I gotta clean up all this sh1t on the bar, too.

[Speaking indistinctly]

.. clean up all this sh1t after everybody.