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02x02 - Karma

Posted: 06/06/19 15:17
by bunniefuu
May we all get what we want...

All: And never what we deserve.

Why are we still letting her run sh1t?

We're not 12 anymore.

For real, let's walk.

She doesn't give a sh1t about any of us.

She just uses us to get what she wants.

We just gotta get a job together quick.

I was thinking New Canticle.

Ripping off a church?

What kind of sh1t karma's that gonna be?

That's 34 grand.

I just need some more time.

It's got to be the full 50, or else there's nothing I can do.

Manny said you'd still look good.

Manny's not gettin' another cent from me.

He's dying.

So whatever sh1t went on between you, you're gonna come say goodbye.

You really think she could have left me?

Maybe she found out about Lucy.

I know something happened.

She wouldn't leave.

We take all the risk.

And then on top of it, you decide the split.

That's not very fair here.

You know, when you showed up, you hadn't eaten a meal in a week.

Who's tried to convince your own sons that you're not the cold-hearted bitch you seem to be?


[Bottle cap clinks]

I'm out.

Me, too.


Let's see how long you all last.

♪ ♪ ♪ She stares deeply ♪

♪ Locked inside me ♪

♪ Burnin' brightly ♪

♪ One they know that I cannot take ♪

♪ Waitin' for it all to begin ♪

♪ Every night now, they'll win ♪

♪ Come and meet my black hole ♪

♪ Got a big black hole ♪

♪ Got a big black hole ♪

♪ I've got a big black hole ♪

♪ I've got a big black, big black hole ♪


You really want to do coke before you go to school?

Yeah, you want some?


No, I wanna sleep some time in the next 100 years.

I'm gonna take some reds, sleep till tonight.

Mixing dr*gs is a science.

Takes years to learn.


Who needs school when I've got you, Professor Cody?

♪ ♪ Come on.

Come on.

I thought you left.

I just didn't want to wake you up.

Estabas roncando.


I haven't slept like that in a long time.

This coffee's good.

You don't make it strong enough.

I would have made you breakfast, but all you have here is protein powder.

[Drawer opens]

I like you being here.

[Drawer closes]

Yo sé.

I gotta go to work, but you wanna...

you wanna get some dinner later?

We could hit Wrench and Rodent, if you want.


It's dinner.

I have plans, Baz.

Cancel 'em.

"Come home with me.

Come have dinner with me.

Come have breakfast with me." What can I say?

I like watching you eat.

What's the big deal?


Watch this.


I knew you were gonna do that.

Don't do that.


[Smacks lips]





You can eat after.

¿Después de qué?


You promised you'd have the 50 grand.

I know, I know.

I will...

on Monday.

I got other offers, Deran.

All cash?

Is there anybody else offering you that?

You can offer me a g*dd*mn polar bear if you never plan on giving it to me.

Okay, okay, I'm gonna throw in an extra grand just for waiting.


I'm flying to Hawaii a week from today.

Sid wanted his ashes dumped in a volcano for some goddamned reason.

I need the money before I go.



No bullshit.

I swear to God, if I have to do this dance with you again, I...

Look, if I don't have the money on Monday, you can keep the deposit, okay?

Don't mess with me.

See you Monday.


Wake up.

Wake up.

Where's Grandma?

She's sleeping, so we have to be quiet.

Come on, get up.

Where's Dad?

I told him I'd take you.

Can you put this on?


Where's your shoes?


Trying to kidnap my granddaughter?

Baz asked me to take her to school.

I wanted him to take her.

She hasn't seen him in four days.

I don't know what to tell you.

He asked me to do it.

Go get dressed.

What's she supposed to do with two left shoes?

Please tell Baz to call.

Consistency is crucial to a child.

She barely knows you.

You've been in prison half her life.


Let's go.

Here's your shoes.

Come here, sweetie.


There you go.

Now give Grandma Smurf some spaghetti.



Put your shoes on in the car.

[Sea birds calling in distance]

[Fire crackling]

[Cutty Gold's "Clean My Hands" playing]



♪ ♪ [Whispers]

Craig, there's a fire.


[Spatula scraping]


What's this all about?

I kind of like cooking.

I used to make breakfast for my mom.


I'm sure you did.

[Cellphone ring, vibrates]

I'll get that.

[Ring, vibrates]


[Smoke alarm beeping]

I don't know what to do.

I-I-I came down and...

and the couch was on fire.

And I-I...

Slow down.

And now it's spreading.

I don't know what happened.

But it...

Slow down.

Where's Craig?

He's passed out.

I can't wake him up.

Did you call 9-1-1?

I don't know if I should 'cause, like, I-I'm pretty high.

[Flames whoosh, window explodes]


Call 9-1-1.

Tell them there's a fire in an apartment at 765 on The Strand.

Okay, got it.

Okay, they're gonna be there in a few minutes.

Hey, I'm reporting a fire.

It's the fourth floor.

It's an apartment.

Is Craig still breathing okay?

Yeah, yeah, he's, um...

he's fine.

He's just sleeping.

He hasn't slept in a couple days 'cause we've been...

kind of partying.

Are there dr*gs still in the house?

[Speaks indistinctly]

Yeah, some coke and some weed.

Go get it.

Flush it down the toilet bowl, okay?

♪ ♪ [Toilet flushing]

[Smoke alarm continues beeping]

It's getting bigger.

Go get Craig's g*n.

His g*n is in his bedside table.

Now when you leave, take it with you, throw it in a bush, and remember where you put it.

Now get a glass of cold water and pour it in Craig's face.


That doesn't work, you're gonna have to hit him as hard as you can.


They're gonna be there in a few minutes.

I'm gonna go now.

Wake up!

Get up!

Come on!



You can barely see it.

It's all over my shirt.

All right, just change quick.

We're gonna be late.

What time does school start?

I don't know.

You don't know what time school starts?

Grandma Smurf just says, "Time for school." You need a watch.


[Lucy laughing]

All right, Lena, let's go.

All right, good.

You got your shirt changed?

[Laughter continues]


Come on, let's go.


No, Lena.




♪ ♪ Hey.

Uh, Lena, this is Daddy's friend, Lucy.



Come here.

Let's go.



♪ ♪ [Radio chatter]

Yo, man, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.

Another epic screwup.

Do you have any idea how lucky you are that Nicky called me first?

I'm guessing there was enough coke in that apartment for a nice federal charge.

Yeah, well, I've got a headache, Smurf.

Why did you get her to hit me so hard?

I wish she would have smacked the sh1t out of you.

And why is this still going on?

Is that girl on birth control?

Are you done?

No, I'm not done.

You're gonna pay for every cent of that renovation.

You've got insurance.


And what do I say when I put my claim in?

That my idiot son and the teenager he's banging left a lit joint on the couch that almost burnt the building down?

I'm sorry.


No, it's not okay.

And now would not be a good time for you to ask me to move back in.

Oh, I wouldn't.

I'll find somewhere else to crash.

Yeah, I got sh1t to do.

[Motorcycle engine starts]

[Engine revs]

[School bell ringing]

All right, give me a kiss.

Bye, Daddy.


[Children shouting playfully]

How about a text next time?

She spilled juice all over herself, wanted a clean shirt for school.

[Engine starts]

I'm supposed to know that Lucy was staying with you?

She's not staying with me.

She's here for a couple of days.

I was doing you a favor, man.

Yeah, well, then do me a favor and, you know, have my back next time.

sh**t me a text before you walk in the door.

Pope: Lucy seemed pretty pissed.

[Muuy Biien's "Sike Song" playing]

You smell like a bonfire.

I didn't have time to shower.

All that smoke inhalation can't be good for you.

It kills your brain cells.

You don't have too many left to spare.

Eat a d*ck.


You know, it's a good thing Nicky was there or you'd be barbecue, bud.

He knows you're banging Nicky.

I don't wanna be a d*ck about it.

I don't care.

It's fine.

You don't care that your girlfriend left you for this genius?


I would.

I broke up with her.

Ah, that's right, I forgot.

Craig's just gettin' your sloppy seconds.

Is that right?

So what's up, J?

When you gonna move out?

You got enough cash?

I mean, between Pendleton and this, you should probably get your own place.

Hey, believe me.

You stay, Smurf is gonna be all over your sh1t, man, making you feel like you owe her or something.

Baz and Pope, they're paranoid.

Don't give 'em a reason not to trust you.

I don't tell her anything.

Oh, I know.

I know.


I'm saying, you stay there, you'll never leave.

Ask Craig.

He's literally seconds away from crawling back.

Hey, assh*le, you breast-fed till you were, like, 7.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah?

Mucho titty sucking.

The Smurf nipples on your mouth, liking that?

Hey, no.





Remember Smurf?

How long have you been staying with Craig?

Oh, um...

just a...

just a couple of days.

You two a thing now?


I don't know.

It's really nice he let me stay with him.

He sure did leave in a hurry, though.

He could have given you a pair of pants.

Yeah, he, uh, he said he had to do some air conditioning thing with Deran.

Like, fixing an air conditioner at a church or something?

Do you guys go to church?


I thought it was weird.

Why don't you come stay at the house for a little while, huh?

Just until you find something else.




If it's not an imposition.

Make Craig happy.

And I have a lot of room.

Thank you.


Deran: And you're not staying with me, by the way.

You're filthy, and I don't want the D.A.

banging down my door.

Craig: Did I ask to stay with you?

You were about to.

[Engine turns off]

You cool?

Yeah, man.

All right, you ready, boys?

Let's do this.


♪ ♪ [Car doors close]

You should have a stick of gum or something.

You stink.

Let's do it.

♪ ♪ [Indistinct conversations]



Uh, we're here about the A/C unit.


A/C unit?

I don't see a note or anything.

Uh, well, someone called our dispatcher and said there was a weird smell coming from it, so we're just here to take a look.

I don't have you on the schedule.

Okay, well, I guess we could come back.


See, the thing is, we have to fix a unit at an office park in San Diego this afternoon, so the rest of the week is totally booked, so, uh, we wouldn't be able to come back till next Friday at least.

♪ ♪ [Door opens]

It's just at the top right there.

Thanks so much.


♪ ♪ Man: ♪ Singing Alleluia ♪ ♪ To the Lamb upon the throne ♪ ♪ Singing glory, glory ♪ ♪ Let your praises...

♪ You know, churches have all these programs to help people.

Homeless shelters, giving soup to people who are hungry.

You still on this karma bullshit?

If you can tell me for sure that I'm not going to end up like a-a cockroach, then fine.

Maybe I'll be okay with it.

What the hell are you talking about, man?

Reincarnation, bro.

Rippin' off a church is gonna bring serious karmic vengeance.

I mean, why we even doing this?

We should have done your yacht job.

Well, it would have taken months to get Baz onboard, and I need money now.

Doesn't feel right.

You know, maybe that's why your apartment burned down.


God knew you were thinking about robbing a church.


Either that or the lit joint you left burning on your couch.


♪ Singing alleluia ♪

♪ All blessing ♪

♪ All honor ♪

♪ All glory ♪

♪ All power ♪

♪ All wisdom ♪

♪ All wonder is yours ♪

♪ It is yours ♪

♪ All justice, all...

♪ [Water running]

[Faucet turns off]

♪ ♪ [Knocks on door]





Can I help you?

Yeah, I was at your 8 a.m.

service on Sunday, and I lost my wallet, and I was just, you know, wondering if anyone might have turned it in.


Well, we, uh, we keep a box in the back here.

Oh, you do?


Uh, what's your name?

Uh, David Pratt.

All right.

[Cellphone chimes]

♪ ♪ Man: Yeah.

All right.

Let's see.


Pratt, you said?




♪ ♪ sh1t.


That's not it.



No David Pratt.


You know, you could check the front office.

Oh, okay.

A lot of times, they, uh, you know, people drop them off there.

Okay, great.


where is that at?

Uh, just down to the right.

Okay, awesome.

Thanks a lot.

I appreciate it.

You bet.

[Door opens]

What are you doing?


I-I was looking for the N.A.


N.A.'s around the corner at the end of the hall.

Doesn't start till noon.

Okay, cool.

Thanks, man.

[Praise song continues indistinctly]

♪ ♪ [Door closes]

Woman: Pretty good, right?

[Indistinct conversations]

I don't actually have any musical ability.

I just love hearing them play.

Sort of a groupie.

Oh, yeah, they're...

they're good.


I don't think we've met.


I'm Amy.

I'm Andrew.

Are you new here?



Yeah, I'm looking for a new church.

Where did you go before?

[Clicks teeth]

Sort of a non-denominational thing, but I'm leaning toward...


Well, I work here a couple days a week.

I can answer any questions that you have.

Oh, and I teach a Bible study Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sunday nights.

You should come sometime.

How many parishioners do you guys have?



It depends on the service.

You come on a Sunday, 10 a.m., the place is packed.

There'll be at least 1,500 people here.




And next month is our mission weekend.

We have a whole festival.

Parties, raffles.

Last year, we raised almost $300,000.

I'd like to be a part of something like that.


We'd love to have you.

♪ ♪ I need new locks on the Howley apartment and the warehouse.

Man: I can do Howley this afternoon, but that warehouse is a bigger job.

No, no, no.

I need both done today.

I don't want to gouge you, Smurf.

I don't care what it cost.

I need them done today.

[Cellphone beeps, line rings]

This is Melissa with Sohn Alarm.

Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?

Yeah, this is Janine Cody.

I own 13 properties with your company.

Hi, Janine.

How can I help you?

I would like the entry codes and the account passwords changed, please.


Which codes can we change for you today?

All of them.

Baz: All right, so they put in a big renovation here, and they moved the safe.

That's it.

Yeah, the safe's in concrete, built in.

There's some pictures there.

Look, I don't know why we didn't do this two years ago.

They got cameras and sh1t now.

It's too hot.

Let's just hit that Union Bank.

We can get past the cameras.

It's fine.

He's worried about karma.

People we know go to that church.

I thought we didn't sh1t where we eat.

Don't think of it as a church.

It is a church.

Craig, they are printing money, okay?

They got DVDs and T-shirts, merchandise.

Let's just put it to a vote.

We voted.

We're doing it.

That was when it was easy!

Union Bank is good to go.

We go in there when they open, hit the cameras, take the teller.

Craig, no banks.

If we wait three weeks, we can make 300K.

Lady at the church says they do a mission fundraising drive so, you know, kids doing car washes, raffles.

Saturday night is a fair with rides and sh1t.

That means cash, lots of cash.

Last year, they took in $300,000 for some hospital in Angola.

Oh, great.

A hospital, even better.

Did they use the same safe?

I don't see why not.

No, no, no.

I don't have three weeks, okay?

I need cash now.

Where's your Pendleton money?

Well, I thought the brewery was gonna work out, and it didn't.

Look, we're going in on Sunday, okay?

Craig's apartment just burned down.

We're waiting.

We're not taking a risk for a quarter of what we can make in three weeks.

Look, you wanted New Canticle, okay, and we didn't, and we said fine, right?

And you're just gonna hit pause now?

Yes, I am.


You know, if this is how this is gonna work, then I'm done.

I'll do my own jobs, man.

I don't...


Go ahead.

Go rob a liquor store.

All right.

Eat sh1t.

I'm hittin' the bank.

[Sliding door opens]

What's that about?

Do you want me to stay?

No, you can go home.

We'll figure it out.

When that happens, you gotta have my back, okay?


we gotta be together in front of these guys, okay?

If you wanna change the plan, that's fine.

That's cool.


run it by me first.

Run it by you?

I'll do the same for you.

It's not a big deal.

And I'm fine with J scouting, doing simple sh1t.

That's fine.

But he's not ready to go in, and we need four guys for this one.


I'll talk to Deran.

[Waves crashing, sea birds calling]

Craig: Don't worry about it, man.

Why does he need money?

I told him I wouldn't say anything.

How bad is it?

I don't know.

How much?

16 grand.

You think he'd do something stupid?

He might.

[Lock rattles, gate creaks]


[Keys clatter]

[Dial clicking]


[Sliding door opens]

Where you been?

Just getting a present for Carlos.

So you're not gonna talk to me?

You're just gonna leave?

I've been here four days, Baz.


You never mentioned your daughter was living here.


Sometimes she stays here, yeah.

"Sometimes she stays." What's that even mean?

Where's Catherine?

I don't know.

How can you not know?

She's gone.

She left.

What did you do?

What did I do?


A woman just doesn't leave her kid like that.

Well, that's what I thought until she did.

¿Por qué no puedes ser honesto conmigo?

[Pounds tabletop]

I'm not doing this right now.

I'm trying to run a big job without Smurf, the boys are ready to k*ll each other, and I'm raising a kid by myself!

I'm not doing this!

[Speaks Spanish]


I said, "Do what you always do, 'cause you're great at it." Just...

just get angry, change the subject.

I had to look that kid in her face this morning and say, "Sorry, I'm not your mother." She's fine!

She was already over it by the time I dropped her off at school.

She was fine!

That is not the point!

Then what is the point?




This doesn't work between us.


Yes, this.

We're better at night, okay?

Let's just keep it that way.

♪ ♪ Te veo quando estes en Tijuana.

[Footsteps depart]

[Siren wailing in distance, dog barking in distance]

When's the last time you scouted Union Bank?

[Car door slams]

I'm gonna scout it first.

There's not just one teller now.

They changed the schedule.

It's at least three tellers.

They got cameras, digital.

Uploaded the second you step foot in the door.

What, you gonna take a-a g*n?

Make it armed robbery?

Your record, that's six minimum.

Look, I need money, so I'm gonna go get some.

Isn't that what we do?

I got a better idea.

Craig's in.

You interested?

What is it?

It's not a g*dd*mn bank.

You got a ski mask?

♪ ♪ ♪ Sit down, let the world spin around me ♪ [Exhales deeply]

Man, could we not crank this down?

I'm sweatin' my balls off.


Just leave it alone.


I'm done.

Roll your window down.

You know, next time, we're stealing a Navigator.

♪ I wanna sit down and let the world spin around me ♪ What kind of an assh*le pays 18 bucks for a sandwich?

These assholes.

Pope says they also sell molly out of the back of the truck, too.

They do?


♪ ♪ She's upstairs.


[Wheels rattling]

I'm sorry about the short notice.

Oh, Janine, stop.

Anything for you.

Can I get you anything?


Thank you, Monica.

My boys and I hit a benefit in Carlsbad a few years back.


It's a rare one.

You're gonna have to cut it up to sell it.

Might take a minute.

That's okay.

It's just insurance, in case I decide to get out of the game for a bit.

Are you taking some heat?

No, nothing like that, no.


restructuring operations, let's say.


Boys are gettin' very careless.

Last job, they were very sloppy.

Everything's fine, but...

could have been a big deal.


How much do you want me to ask for?

Whatever you think is fair.

I trust you.

Take another 5% off the top for the added risk.

That's very generous.

Baz is gonna come to you in a little while, thinking he can run things on his own.

I'm not telling you who to do business with, but just be a little careful.

♪ ♪ All right, they're closing up.

[Food truck engine starts]

Let's go.

[Engines start]

♪ ♪ Look, I don't have much for you.

What do you mean, you don't have much for me?

I told you this sh1t is gonna take some time.

Two months is time.

What are you talkin' about?

I found a foster mother in San Marcos and another one in Imperial Beach, but they haven't talked in years.

Nothing from any hospital or no bank account activity, nothing from the cellphone or the credit card or e-mail.

It just...

it doesn't make any sense, man.


how does someone like Cath just disappear?

She didn't have any of those kind of contacts.

Look, if somebody really wants to, they can get pretty good and lost.

Doesn't mean they can't be found.

Just gonna take some resources.

Okay, you gotta be kidding me.

3 grand gets me, "She hasn't checked her e-mail"?

Come on, man.

I paid for her foster care information.

That sh1t wasn't cheap.

You working outside the system, people want a payday, man.

Maybe she changed her name.

Maybe we should widen the search, start digging around in Mexico, South America, maybe.

Depends on how bad you want it.

Badly, Joe.

What do you think I'm doing here?

Then I'm-a need another 5.

Is she dead?

[Sea bird calling]

I have no reason to believe that she is, but I have no reason to believe that she isn't.

You can always go to the cops.

♪ ♪ [Spanish dance music playing]

♪ ♪ [Brakes squeal]


Put your hands in the air!

Stay there!

Open the door!


Get down!

Get down!

Get in the car!

Where in the hell did they get g*ns?!

Didn't you say they sell dr*gs?

[Crash, tires squealing]

[Loud thud]

♪ ♪ Deran: There's three of us and two of you.

Craig: You really wanna die for some taco money?

Open the door!


[b*llet ricochets]


♪ ♪ What are we doing here, Pope?

I thought you said this was gonna be easy!


Pope: Hey!

Don't k*ll anybody!

Tell them that!

Cover me!

I got this.


♪ ♪ Flash bang!


[Men coughing]

Come on!

Come out!

You get it?



[Breathing heavily]


Oh, hey.

Are those my pants?

Oh, um...


I, uh, I didn't have any clothes.

Do you mind?


You don't...

you don't really wear these, right?


No, that's fine, honestly.


Smurf said I could stay here.

There was a fire at Craig's place.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I heard.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It was, um, it was a little scary.

It wasn't Craig's fault.


I haven't seen you at school.

I go sometimes, enough to graduate.


Where is everybody?

Uh, they don't come by the house much.

[Glass clatters]


[Refrigerator door opens]

They had a fight with Smurf.

Wait, all of them?

Yeah, pretty much.



but you're still living here?

Yeah, yeah.

I-I mean, I'm...

I'm probably gonna find my own place, but...


[Glass clatters]

Deran: A flash bang?



What, you carry an RPG, too?


Craig: Why, you got one?

[Bottles clink]

See, this is the sh1t that we should be doing, not Baz's bullshit.

Admit it, you had fun.

It went okay today.

It doesn't always go that way.

We never had any trouble when we did simple sh1t.

You went to prison 'cause of Baz.

No, you didn't wanna hit that branch.

We all thought it was too hot.

No, I went to prison because a guard wasn't where he was supposed to be.

sh1t happens.

How you gonna let him do that to you?

Jesus, man.

Let it go.

No, it's true, it's true.

And Baz acts like we work for him.

I mean, maybe us more than you, but...

Come on, I know you see it.



No, man.


No, this is what she wants.

This is what she does.

She wants us fighting and turning on each other.

I'm not...

I'm not doing that.

[Inhales and exhales deeply]

Almost 10 grand.

g*dd*mn truffle fries.

Take it.

No, he didn't say sh1t except you need money.

Now you have it.

I'll give you the rest.


You need 16K, right?

No, I don't need your money.

Consider it a loan, if you want.

Pay me back when we do the church.

Take it.

You, too?

You ain't gotta pay me back, man, but, uh...

I need a place to crash.

[TV playing loudly]

[Refrigerator door closes]

Lena, turn that down.

[Laser g*nf*re on TV]


We good?

Deran will wait.

Lena, what did I say?

[TV volume decreases]

I've been alone with her for three hours.

I'm ready to k*ll myself.

Where's Lucy?

She went back to Mexico.

So look, way in doesn't change, but we gotta deal with the cameras.

We got two in the hallway, one in the room.

A/C unit's the same, so that's good.

[TV volume increases]

We just gotta figure out how to get the tools in, but I think I know how.

Hold on a second.

[TV playing loudly]

[TV audio mutes, remote control shatters]

I said turn it down!


Lena, go get your shoes.

We'll go for a walk or somethin'.

It's okay.

Go get your shoes.

I've been asking her to turn it down for an hour.

She's 7.

You put her in front of the TV all day?

Maybe she's trying to get your attention.

You got any other parenting tips for me, man?

Oh, yeah, I know that kids don't like it when you scream at them.

And you know what, Pope?

Why don't you figure out your own sh1t before you start telling me how to raise my kid?

Her mother left, and you're banging some woman that she's never seen before in her mother's bedroom.

It's not Lena's fault that your girlfriend doesn't like your kid, Baz.

You don't know sh1t and you never will.

Do you get that?

No one is ever gonna have a kid with you, ever.

Come on, Lena, let's go.

[Rain falling]


♪ ♪ [Boys' laughter]

Baz, throw it to me!

Get out of the way, Deran!

Here, you try.



Here it is!

[Boys shouting indistinctly and laughing]

Pass it, pass it!

Over here!

Where did it go?

[Boys speaking indistinctly]

Up for the 3!

[Boys cheer and laugh]

Woman: Hi.

Thanks for joining us today.

And what's your name?

[Door closes]

Andrew, right?

Oh, who's this?


Hey, Lena.

There's some toys in the room next door.

You wanna check it out?

There might even be cake.

Can I?



She's beautiful.

Has your smile.

She's not mine.


she's my niece.


I help my brother out sometimes.

His wife...

left him.

Well, he's, um, lucky to have you.

A bunch of us are gonna grab ice cream after Bible study.

You guys should come.

S-sure, yeah.


she loves ice cream.

What, you don't like ice cream?

No, I do.


[Indistinct conversations]

When the health inspector comes, make sure the fridge is turned way down.

They'll screw you if it's not cold enough.

And don't let the bugs get in the bottles.

Once they're in there, you'll never get 'em out.

Oh, you need a tax ID number, so register with the state tomorrow.

Don't put it off, or it'll take forever to get the liquor guy in here.


Baby, it's gonna be a lot harder than you think.

I know.

I would have sold this place 16 years ago, but Sid loved this sh*thole.

He was here 80 hours a week some weeks.

Well, I'm ready to put in the work.

Well, that's good, 'cause it's gonna take a lot of work.

Sid had a passion for big-titted mermaids.

Corny assh*le.



♪ ♪ You came through, kid.

Thank you.


[Keys jangle]


Beans & Fatback: ♪ So pop that bottle and bottoms up ♪

♪ Hold that bottle and whip it up ♪

♪ We gotta do it now ♪

♪ We gonna do it ♪

♪ We gonna do it ♪

♪ Do it like we used to do it ♪

♪ We gonna do it ♪

♪ We gonna do it ♪

♪ We gonna do it ♪

♪ Do it like we used to do it ♪

♪ Do it like we used to do it ♪

♪ Do it like we used to do it ♪ ♪ ♪

[Engine rumbling]

[Knock on door]

[Exhales deeply]

[Dog barking in distance]


¿Qué quieres?

You said see you next time I'm in Tijuana.

I'm in Tijuana.

You gonna invite me in?

[Door creaks]

What are you doing here?

I owe you an apology.


You do.


I'm sorry.

I should have told you the truth about Cath and Lena.

It's your business.

I don't need to know everything.

Don't do that.

Listen to me.

Cath left me because she found out about you.

♪ ♪ She wanted me to promise that I would never see you again.

I told her I couldn't do that.

I wouldn't do that.

That was a stupid thing to tell her.


I'm tired.


I'm going to bed.

Are you coming?

Hey, baby.

I probably should have asked you before I told Nicky she could stay.


I'm sorry, sweetie.

This is your house, too.

I want you to be comfortable.

Your uncles giving you a hard time about moving out?

I don't think they want you living with the enemy.

What do you want, J?

I want to stay.

[Telephone rings]

Do you mind?



[Ring, beep]


Yeah, do you want to speak to her?



All right, thank you.

[Telephone beeps, receiver clatters]

That was, uh, that was a guy called Jake.

He, um...

he said that Manny died.

The wake's on Thursday.

He said that you had his number.

Who's Manny?

He's an old friend.

Are you okay?

You wanna come with me to a wake?

Little road trip through the desert.

You don't have to.

♪ ♪ Sure, I'll come.