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01x12 - Ready Player Two

Posted: 06/04/19 05:55
by bunniefuu
If I could go back Just for a night I would see the future Welcome back, podcast listeners.

A few months back, I got a Friend Request from someone calling themselves God.

They started sending me Friend Suggestions for people who needed help.

And while the God Account has certainly turned my life upside down, it's brought some incredible people into my world and helped heal old wounds.

But through it all, the great mystery has been who's behind the God Account and why did they choose me?

A few days ago, my friends and I finally had a breakthrough.

It turns out, the Friend Suggestions I've gotten have created a road map to finding the man we believe is behind it all: Henry Chase, AKA Falken.

But when we got there, it wasn't Falken we came face to face with.

My name is Pria Amar.

I wasn't lying about who I was.

I met Henry in college.

What I didn't tell you was that we fell in love, started a life together.

So you know why he disappeared.

No, all I know is that when he did, the life I built ended and I've been looking for him ever since.

I'd almost given up hope, when, a few weeks ago, I saw the piece of the firewall you sent out.


I don't know much about code, but after talking to Henry for years about his work, I recognized it as his.

Why didn't you tell us any of this when we met with you?

Because I didn't know you.

I still don't.

But you've gotten closer to finding Henry in the last few months than I have in ten years.

But how do you know that?

When I sent Rakesh that text Oh, my God.

It had a mirror program inside it.

A friend of mine showed me how to clone your phone and access your computer.

And when I saw the spiral lead to Henry's childhood home, I thought he might be there.

But, instead, I found you.

So we are all looking for Henry Chase.

I mean, maybe that's why we've been brought together, to find him.

- How was your trip?

- Grandparents were good, though they still can't understand how playing music for people is a real job.

So I'm guessing they're not fans of Marshmello.

The kind you put in hot cocoa, yes.

The international DJ kind, not so much.

- I'm glad you're back.

- Yeah?

Yeah, I missed you.

I missed you too.

So is it fair to assume you missed me enough to check out the Thelonious Monk documentary - at the Angelika tonight?

- Oh, you're on.


- All right, hold on.


Sorry, I have to go.

It's the God Account.

I can come with.

I held my own with the pregnant lady in the elevator, remember?

No, yes, yes, you did, but this has nothing to do with a Friend Suggestion, actually.

Oh, okay.

Well, if you ever want to talk about things, I'm all ears.

You know, honestly, it's nice to be able to take a break from it with you.

Separation of church and state, I get it.



Have you spoken to Eli since you broke up?

No, I mean, we said our good-byes.

Better to just keep moving forward.

Besides, I think I'm happy just focusing on myself for a while.

Speaking of focusing on yourself, you've got a birthday on Saturday.

Any exciting plans?

I'm surprised you remembered.


Of course I remembered.

I always remembered.

Yeah, well, how would I know?

The last birthday you were at, I was seven.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't be.

I'm just not a birthday person, no big deal.



Oh, it's Miles.

I got to go.

- Of course.

- Tell Liv I said hi.

I will.


If I don't see you Saturday, happy birthday.

I've kept these for ten years.

I wasn't sure why until today.

These are Falken's journals.


Whatever Henry was working on or thinking about went into these.

He was protective over his work to the point of paranoia.

I thought there could be something in there that might help.

This is a window into one of the greatest hacker minds of all time.

This could definitely help.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is new.

The God Account just posted a link.

For what?

Uh, it looks like a GoFundMe page.


Heidi James.

She's a professor at Columbia University.

Says that she's building some kind of hearing aid prototype designed for hearing loss caused by a rare gene mutation.

Barely any donations since the page went up.

She's not getting any traffic.

Maybe we could help with that.

I mean, I could reach out, offer to write an article about what she's doing.

Yeah, it might drive people to her site.

Helping people before they even need it, certainly sounds like something Henry would do.

What do you mean?

When Henry was a little boy, he lost his sister to a tragic accident.

It was something Henry always believed could have been prevented.

- How?

- Predictive analytics.

He talked about creating an algorithm that, with enough information, could predict events before they happen.

That sounds like the God Account to me.

We'll get in touch with Heidi.

You two focus on breaking through this firewall.


So, Rakesh, what do you think?

Let's find Henry.

So what did Dr.

James have to say?

She was really excited when I spoke to her, said it was a passion project.

She couldn't wait to get the word out.

Oh, she insisted we call her Heidi, FYI.

Oh, good to know.

Look, I'm just glad we don't have to explain the God Account to her.

Yeah, you're welcome.

What would I do without you?

Yeah, well, lucky for you, you never have to worry about that.

So no regrets on turning down the big promotion at "Catapult"?



Look, helping Heidi, chasing these kinds of stories with you, this is exactly where I want to be.

It's a next-gen hearing aid that pairs with a small processor.

It converts sound waves into a numerical code, kind of like a binary code of a computer, before it amplifies them.


I'm sorry, this is boring.

I'm boring you.

No, I didn't even follow enough of that to get bored so Sometimes I forget that just because the technical stuff is exciting to me doesn't mean it's exciting to others.

Probably why my GoFundMe page hasn't been gaining any traction.

Well, the technical aspect of what you're doing is extremely important.

It's just, people don't tend to root for the invention.

They root for the inventor.

So what drew you into researching this particular gene mutation?

That's easy.

I'm a carrier, which puts me at risk of losing my hearing one day.

You mentioned it was a hereditary gene.

Is anyone else in your family a carrier?

- I don't know.

- What do you mean?

I'm adopted.

I never met my birth parents, so I'm not even sure which one of them passed it down to me.


Have you ever looked for them?

- No.

- You've never wanted to?

They abandoned me.

What good would it do to find out why?

It's just, you've never been curious?

Of course.

As much as I love my parents, I'm Taiwanese and they're Caucasian.

I've always felt a little bit like an outsider.

But at the end of the day, having nothing but a mutated gene and a numbered bracelet gave me a drive to prove that I'm more than just those two things.

A numbered bracelet?


I was left at a Safe Haven location - somewhere in New York.

- You memorized the numbers?

It's a reminder of how far I've come.

I made myself a promise that even though my birth parents gave up on me, I'll never give up on the people who carry this gene.


Oh, sh**t, I have a lecture I need to get to.

Do you think you have enough for the article?

Um, any chance I could come back later, ask a few follow up questions?

Of course.

I'm always here, whatever you need.


Okay, this can't just be about her GoFundMe Page.

I think the God Account wants us to help Heidi find her birth parents.

You know, there's a code jotted down in here that looks like it could be an early version of the God Account firewall.

Oh, could that help you crack it?

Let's find out.

- What's that?

- Uh, this contains my decryption program as well as a record of every attempt I've made to hack into God Account.

Have you ever gotten close?

Uh, this one time, I tethered to the mainframe at work to boost computing power and I ended up with this train schedule for two star-crossed lovers.

It turns out we needed it, though, so our Friend Suggestion could stop his daughter from eloping.

You know, the more I hear about the God Account, the more it sounds like something Henry would be a part of.


You still love him, don't you?

Very much.

Henry always saw such beauty in the world and humanity.

He used to compare coding to magic.

How so?

He said the end result was like a good trick.

You didn't care how it was done, only that it worked.

In the end, the only trick was Henry's vanishing act.

Wait, Pria, that's it, a vanishing code.

- A what?

- It's this invisible code built into a host-based network that you can't see unless you know how to expose it, which, luckily for us, I do.


- Oh, no.

- Well, that can't be good.

Oh, no, no, it's not.

We crashed.

I'm sorry, okay.

Well, let's take a break, um, while I reboot, and, uh, I'll grab us some snacks.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

Because I'm pretty hangry.


Are you sure about this?

Look, I'm all for helping Heidi, but she didn't seem like she wanted to find her birth parents.

Well, why can't we do both?

Look, I'll write her article, and we help her find her parents.

We have her Safe Haven ID number.

It seems like a good place to start.

Hold up.

You think maybe you're pushing so hard in this because you see yourself in her?

- Excuse me?

- Look, I'm just saying.

You know what it's like to search for a parent and everything that comes with it.



Yeah, I do.

And I also know how much that eats at you, not knowing why you were abandoned, thinking your parents didn't want you.

Look, she's fighting it now, but I think deep down, Heidi wants to find her parents.

She's just been waiting.

For what?

For us.

Okay, maybe Rakesh - can track the ID number.


What is it?



Pria Amar, Henry Chase, Simon Hayes?

Simon Hayes, the tech billionaire?

Uh, excuse me, excuse me.

Could you tell us what the Everett Award is?

Yeah, it's the most prestigious award you can get in computer science.


Pria said she didn't know anything about computers or coding.


Why keep that a secret?



Yo, I don't mean to alarm you, but, uh, we're out of Dijon, my friend.

Rakesh, where's Pria?

Um, she just left.


Because she's, like, a hacker, like, a Falken-level hacker.

No way, bro, she [TENSE MUSIC]

- Oh, no.

- What?

Oh, no.

Uh Miles, Miles, she stole my thumb drive.

It has my decryption program on it.


Yo, if she hacks the God Account before us, we'll never find Falken.

How could you not notice her stealing your flash drive, Rakesh?

We we were on a break, I got hungry.

You bought all that turkey, and I love sandwiches.

Okay, how bad are we talking?

Well, she stole my decryption program as well as a log of everything we know about the firewall, so pretty bad.

- You don't have a backup?

- That was my backup.

I lost my first one when I crashed the system at IdentitySeal.

It doesn't make any sense.

She wants to find Falken just as bad as us.

- Why not work together?

- I don't know.

The lady clearly has trust issues.

How'd you guys find out that she was a superhacker, anyway?

She won some award in college.

Her name was on the trophy along with Henry Chase and Simon Hayes.

Simon Hayes?

He's like the Bill Gates of AI, dude.

You think he's got something to do with this?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe it's one of the many questions we'll ask Pria once we find her.

So how do we do that?


Reverse LoJack.

Every code I write has my signature on it, so the moment Pria logs in online and tries to hack the God Account, we can just trace it back to her location.

Hey, finally, some good news.

Okay, while we wait for Pria to log on, um, can you run something for me?

- Uh, okay.

- I think that we're supposed to help Heidi find her birth parents.

The only problem is, she was left at a Safe Haven location as a baby.

Safe Haven?

That's, like, where they drop off babies anonymously?


And a Safe Haven location can be anything: a police station, firehouse, hospital.

But I do have the numbers from her ID bracelet.


Yeah, I'll check it out.

I have a follow-up interview with Heidi, so hopefully, I can get some more info, - and narrow it down for you.



- You coming with?

- I can't.

I have to check up on something.

- I'll catch up with you later.

- Okay.

Call me if you get anything on Pria.

- Miles, hi.

- Hey.

- Thanks for meeting me.

- Yeah, of course.

So what'd you want to talk about?

Saturday is Cara's birthday.


Well, she didn't say anything.

No, because she doesn't celebrate it anymore.

How come?

Because of me.

When I left, her birthdays must have been a painful reminder that I wasn't there for her.

And I don't blame her, but here's the thing [SOFT MUSIC]

When she was a little girl, her birthdays were everything.

She used to keep a countdown calendar leading up to the day, and then, the next day, she'd start planning for the next one.

I want her to have that day back, to feel that way again.

We can do that.

My sister runs a bar.

I'll reach out to a few of Cara's friends, spread the word.

We'll put something together in no time.

That'd be perfect.

I'll text you the address and the time.

Actually, I think it's best if it's just friends.

I understand.

But I'll still text you the address just in case you change your mind.



- Hey, back for the follow-up?

- Uh, yeah.

I just had a couple more questions and a confession.

- A confession?

- Well, after we left, I couldn't stop thinking about what you'd said about not knowing your birth parents.

What what are you talking about?

Well, I gave the numbers from your ID bracelet to a friend of mine.

He's searching for the Safe Haven location - your parents left you at.

- What?

You had no right to do that.

I know, I know, I'm sorry.

I told you I didn't want anything to do with them.

Well, if that were true, then why did you move to New York?

- Excuse me?

- Well, I read all about you.

You're from Seattle.

You went to Stanford.

You could have done your research anywhere, yet you moved to the city you were born in because, on some level, you were searching for them.

A part of me came here hoping to find them.

But I never did, and I'm fine with that.

Are you sure?


I was seven when my mom left home.

And after college, I came here searching for answers.

It was scary.

What if she didn't want me?

What if the answer was "go away"?

But I knew that if I didn't try, I would always regret it.

Did you find her?


And I got the answers I was looking for.

They weren't perfect, and I'm still figuring things out, but at least now, I have someone to talk to.

I know I'm overstepping and my situation is completely different.

All I'm asking is that you think about it.


Thank you.

- Hey, Nia.

- Hey.

Can I get you a drink?

No, thanks, I'm just meeting Miles here, and then we're off to catch a movie.

- Hey, Rakesh.

- Hey.

Yeah, he's not that great with small talk.

Sorry, kind of in the zone right now.

What are you working on?

I created an algorithm to scan the identification numbers given out at all the Safe Haven sites in 1983.

He's looking into one of Miles' Friend Suggestions.

Got you.

So is that where he's at?

Yep, him and Cara are out in the field while I do all the important work.


So what's the deal with Miles and Cara?

They're just friends.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I wasn't sure if you were going to show.

- Huh?

- I texted you.

- You didn't text me back.

- Oh, yeah.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Cara and I were helping our new Friend Suggestion.

Oh, speaking of which, any progress?

Uh, my algorithm is working away on the Safe Haven sites as we speak.

- What about Pria?

- Nothing on Pria, man.


Oh, hey, Al, can I ask you for a favor?

- Always.

- Cara's birthday is this Saturday, and I wanted to throw her a surprise party.

- Can we do it here?

- Absolutely.

Great, all right, all set.

Uh, Miles?

You may want to cancel your plans.


I just found the Safe Haven location Heidi's parents left her at.

It's your dad's church.



This is where my birth parents dropped me off?

Yeah, our friend Rakesh was able to match the numbers on your Safe Haven ID bracelet to this location.

Um, I I appreciate all this.

I'm just not sure how it'll change anything.

Well, Miles' father is actually the reverend here.

- That's a crazy coincidence.

- Yeah.

Um, look, anyways, I called ahead, I told him your story, and he wants to meet you.

- Why?

- I think it's better - if he tells you.

- Miles.


James, I'm Reverend Arthur Finer.

- Heidi.

- Why don't we take a seat?



I'm sorry, it's not every day that something like this happens.

I'm a little confused.

What exactly do you mean?

Well, I was here the night that your parents walked through that door.


Now, I remember because I'd only been with the church a few weeks when they came in to speak with me.

They were teenagers, uh, kids, really.

They loved each other, and they clearly loved the little baby girl that they were holding.

But, unfortunately, their families threatened to disown them, and without any support, they didn't see how they were going to be able to raise you on their own and give you everything that you needed.

I tried to counsel them and find a solution, but, in the end, they believed that the best thing for you, the best way to give you the life that they thought that you deserved, was to let you go.


So they kissed you good-bye and asked me to take you to a good foster home where you would be safe.

Um, do you remember their names?

I only remember your mother's first name, Cynthia.

But your father came back a few weeks later.

I don't understand.

Well, he wanted to make sure that I'd made good on my promise.

I will never forget that or his name, Michael Yang.

My last name is Yang.

I work at IdentitySeal.

I can run his name.

Maybe we can find an address.

Look, I know it's scary.

But you've come this far.


Hey, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?

Oh, we seem to have a pretty loose visitor policy.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, it's just I mean, when we first started with the God Account, everything seemed so random, but then Uncle Terrence and Aaron Booker, Charles Cole, and now Heidi at Harlem Episcopal.

Hm, it does seem like the God Account - knows everything about you.

- And not just me.

I mean, my family, my dad's church, it's all connected.

I need to know who's behind this and why they're doing it.


- Guys, here we go.

Uh, I got a match for a Michael Yang, lives in Brooklyn.

We did it.

We found Heidi's birth father.

I I got to call her.


Oh, no, it's Pria.

She's running my decryption program.

She's going to try and hack into the God Account.



757 Park Avenue.

We need to go now.

Okay, you guys deal with Pria.

I got to be there for Heidi.


- Nice place.

- Can I help you?

Uh, we just stopped by to say hi to a friend of ours, Pria Amar.

Ms. Amar isn't expecting any friends.

Everyone likes surprises, right?

- He doesn't like surprises.

- No.

Okay, well, why don't you just call Ms.

Amar and tell her that Miles Finer and Rakesh Singh are in the lobby?


I have two gentleman in the lobby claiming that the Yes.

Very good, ma'am.

- 57th floor.

- Thank you.

Oh, what unit?

Ms. Amar's unit comprises the entire floor.

Thank you.


This place is insane.

Dude, what is going on right now?

I never did care for heights, but you can't beat the view.

Okay, let's try this again.

Who are you?

Everything I've told you is true.

I just haven't told you all of it.

Yeah, no kidding.

Your decryption program had a few bugs, so I fixed it.

Are you saying you got through the firewall?

Yes, but, unfortunately, it was a dead end.

Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you are not the most trustworthy of hackers so See for yourself.

So why do this alone?

Because we're looking for Henry for entirely different reasons.

I couldn't risk you getting in my way.

She's telling the truth.

Falken's not using a localized ISP.

He's running the account remotely.

- Meaning?

- Meaning he could be anywhere in the world.

Okay, looks like he's using a server farm in Palo Alto to be his main relay.


These servers are inside Singular Dynamics.

That's Simon Hayes' company.

I saw that Everett Award you won at Columbia.

All three of your names were on it.

- You were all friends?

- More than that.

The three of us were going to change the world together.


What happened?

Henry and Simon created an algorithm that was the foundation for modern AI.

The applications were limitless.

Henry wasn't interested in monetizing it, and Simon was, and Simon always got what he wanted.

Simon betrayed him.

Not just Simon.

I thought the three of us could build a company together.

I was wrong.

That's when Henry disappeared?


Simon went on to become a tech billionaire, me right along with him.

So why would Falken run the God Account through Simon's servers?

Because it's Henry's way of making a point.

He doesn't want to be found, and he never will.

- You ready?

- Not really.


Your birth father came back to the church to check on you.

He loved you.

You might not get all the answers that you're looking for, but it's a start.


Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, we're looking for Michael Yang.

Oh, I just moved in here a few weeks ago.

- I didn't know them.

- Them?

Michael and his wife, Cynthia.

They're still together?

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this.

The Yangs died two months ago in an accident.


Thank you.

Heidi, Heidi, hold on.

I am so sorry.

It doesn't matter.

I never had a connection to them, and now I never will.

- You wrote this last night?

- Yeah.

Why, does it read like that?

No, it's, uh it's really great.

Yeah, well, it's the least I could do after pushing Heidi to find her parents.

Hopefully, some people will read it and find her GoFundMe page, which is all she really wanted in the first place.

She knows her parents loved her now, that they didn't want to give her up.

When she's ready, she'll remember that.



- Hey, uh, we need to talk.

- Yeah, we do.

Let's start with how did you just let yourself into my apartment?

You gave me a key, remember?

Yeah, I also remember taking it back after you and Jaya used my place to hook up after your first date.

That was such a great evening.

I made another copy.

Consider it perks of being your personal God Account hacker.

Anyway, last night, I was digging into Singular Dynamics, and I started thinking, what if Simon Hayes is behind the God Account?


I don't know, you heard what Pria said.

Okay, he doesn't sound like the helping type.

Yeah, but they designed the code together, man.

Look, I'm not suggesting we take Falken off the board.

I'm just saying maybe we should consider adding another option.

Okay, well, how do you expect us to look into one of the most powerful tech billionaires in the world?

I don't know, um Well, maybe he'd like to be profiled by "Catapult," you know?

It worked wonders for Heidi.

No, seriously, guys.

I checked her GoFundMe Page on the way here, and it is blowing up.

Look, Rakesh is right.

She's raised over 200 grand in the last few hours.

"Saw the article, wanted to donate.

" "Have a friend with the condition.

" "So glad people are finally knowing about this.

" Whoa, check this out.

"Gene runs in my family.

Thank you so much.

This gives me hope.

" Look at the name.

Mary Yang.

Hey, Heidi.

What are you two doing here?

Uh, I wanted to apologize about what happened.

I know the article doesn't make up for it, but I'm hoping it'll at least reach enough people to make a difference.

It was great.

Thank you.

We checked out the GoFundMe page earlier.

It seems like people are really responding.

I haven't had time to log in in a few hours, but reading some of the comments this morning, it's been amazing to hear from so many people.

Yeah, that's actually why we're here.

We tracked down one of your new donors, thought you might want to meet them.

Of course, I'd love to.


Hi, um, I'm Heidi James.

I'm Mary, Mary Yang.

My parents were Cynthia and Michael Yang.

Yeah, I believe we're sisters.


I'm sorry.

I never knew about you, and I never would have if your friends hadn't knocked on my door.

I'm glad they did.

I guess we have a lot to catch up on.


I know this is going to sound terrible, but I'm so glad you carry the gene, otherwise, we never would have found each other.

Actually, I don't.


I'd like you to meet someone.

This is your Aunt Heidi.


Hi, Molly.

I'm so happy to meet you.

We're going to be great friends.

Sometimes, life takes us on a journey to find an answer we didn't even know we were looking for.


When it comes to me, I have no idea if it's Henry Chase or Simon Hayes who's behind the God Account or why I was chosen for all of this.

But that's part of life too.

Sometimes, we just have to accept that the answers we think we need, we may never find.

- Pria!

- Miles.

Thank you for meeting me.

Going somewhere?


You found him, didn't you?

After you left yesterday, I started to think about everything.

I always assumed Henry didn't want me to find him.

But then I took another look, and I saw it.


Something I should have seen right away.

Where is he?

I owe you and your friends a debt.

I never thought I would find Henry to look into his eyes and say sorry.

When I find him, I'll let you know.

And until then?

Keep doing what you're doing.

You and your friends are making a difference.

Simon, Henry, and I, we wanted to change the world, but we never got the chance.

Don't let anything get in your way.

I can't pretend, no, I can't pretend All I know is, I'm willing to keep following this path because I'm on it with some pretty amazing people.

And, together, I think we can really make a difference in this world.

It's not the end, no, it's not the end Hey, got your text.

You know they serve the drinks inside, right?

- Oh, yeah.

- What's going on?

Happy birthday.


- Thanks.

- Mm-hmm.

- How'd you find out?

- Your mom.

She thought you should do something special.

I agree.

What did you do?


I mean, hypothetically, if a bunch of your friends were inside and wanted to give you gifts and eat cake and yell "surprise," you would be cool with that, right?


I get why you don't like your birthday, what it reminds you of.


But that's not you anymore.

I know.

I guess it's just there are still things that are going to come up between my mom and me, and I'm not sure how to handle them.

Kind of need to get better at that.

Here's a perfect opportunity.

What do you say?


- I'll act surprised.

- Okay.

ALL: Surprise!


This is crazy!

Don't over-sell it.


Welcome to the fresh air, I will breathe you - Hey.

- Hey.

I want you to be with your friends.

I just dropped by to give you something.

What are all these?

I wrote you a card every year, and I saved them.


I was always thinking about you, Cara, missing you, even though I felt like I couldn't reach out.

Thank you.

Happy birthday.

Well, it doesn't hold a candle to your party, but that's mostly because you were here for that one.

Sounds like you miss me.


Maybe a little.

And by "little," I mean a lot.


Well, I hope you still feel the same way in a few weeks when I come to visit.

Wait, Jaya, don't toy with my emotions.

I'm serious.

I miss you.

Well, that's the best piece of news I've heard all day, and I reunited long-lost sisters so [LAUGHS]

Miles threw all this together fast.

He get a lot of help.

I do run this place.

I know.

I just mean The memories that you made with me Get up, get out, and love somebody Get up, get out, and love someone I hope you go love somebody I'm so glad you could come.

Uh, can we talk?

Get up, get out, and love somebody I'll give you two a minute.

Get up, get out, and love someone I hope you go love somebody What's up?

You're a good guy, Miles.

Ooh, this does not sound like a good guy talk.

But you have a lot going on, which is great, but not if you don't want to share it with me.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

It is not that, okay?

It's just Separation of church and state.



I can't help but think that there's more to that.

Cara and I are just friends.

I know, this isn't about jealousy.

Okay, then what is it about?

I know who I am and I know what I want and I want to share all of it with you.

If you're ever ready to do the same, give me a call.

Everything okay?

Nia just ended things, said that I couldn't separate the God Account and my personal life.

Can you?


I don't know.

- Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- You good?

- Yeah, yeah.


To Cara.

Happy birthday.

We would have all gotten you gifts, but since we didn't know it's your birthday, drinks will have to do.


ALL: Cheers!


Hey, what are you doing?

I am hunting around inside the Singular Dynamics server farm.

You think you can find what Pria discovered?

Honestly, no idea.

But it's good to start, you know, secretly investigating into Simon Hayes.

Should get to know him, see if there are any connections or Trust me, there is no connection between me and a billionaire who lives 3,000 miles away.


Well, the one advantage that we do have is that he doesn't know we're onto him.

Could I have everybody's attention?

It was just relayed to management that IdentitySeal has been sold.


To who?

Simon Hayes.