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01x11 - 17 Years

Posted: 06/04/19 05:54
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "God Friended Me" You know Falken's real name?

- What was it?

- Henry Chase.

One of these students must have written the article about Henry Chase.

Her name's Pria Amar.

She hasn't seen Henry since college.

Lucky for you, I've kept the article I wrote.

After reading the articles, I started inputting all the coordinates of all the Friend Suggestions associated with them.

A Fibonacci Spiral.

Our next friend suggestion is gonna complete the Spiral and pinpoint the location.

For what?


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the "Millennial Prophet" my old friend and OG podcast guest, Rabbi Zoe Schwartz.

Thank you, Miles.

It's good to be back.

We certainly have a lot to chat about.

Well, I can tell that you are dying to talk about the God Account, so let's talk.

Miles, I'm not here to judge.

I've known you since college.

All you've ever wanted to do is help people.

It sounds like whoever's behind this God Account is giving you that chance, and you've embraced it.

- Thank you, Zoe.

- Yeah.

I I have to admit, the God Account with all of its mystery has given me a sense of purpose, and it feels good.

I'm happy for you, Miles, but as a rabbi, I would be remiss not to say that what you're doing reaching out to strangers, changing lives is an act of God.

You sound just like my father.

Ooh, speaking of Reverend Finer, how are things between you and Vader?

Actually, pretty great.

So I guess the only thing left is just figuring out who's behind the God Account and why they chose you.

Well, you came at a great time, Zoe, because I am about to drop some news for all of my listeners.

My friends and I have unmasked the man behind the digital curtain, found a hidden pattern that will lead to Oz himself.

Sounds like you have it all figured out, Miles, but just remember: every great story in the Torah, there's always a test in the end.

Are you prepared for that?

Well, I guess we're about to find out.

So have you told Miles you broke up with Eli?

It just happened, Parker.

Like, three days ago.

That's like a month in the dating world.


I'm gonna tell him, okay?

And before you ask, breaking up with Eli had absolutely nothing to do with Miles.

Of course.

Besides, he's with Nia, so it doesn't matter.

Cara, I wanted to let you know I have made a decision about the opening in features.

Congratulations, you got the job.

That's amazing, thank you.

Finish up whatever article you're working on.

You start Monday.


I know how badly you wanted this.


So now that you're moving on from local stories, I guess this means no more God Account.


Yeah, I guess it does.

- Ali.

- Morning, Dad.

Where should I put them?

Uh, on the table is fine.


They're beautiful.

- Mom's favorite.

- Mm-hmm.

Can't believe it will be 17 years tomorrow.

Your mother wanted peonies for her wedding bouquet but there was a, um uh, well, a mix-up with the florist on the day, and she got a bouquet full of calla lilies instead.

- Oh, God, she was so upset.

- Hmm.

At first, the day was ruined, but by the end of the wedding, she, uh, insisted that calla lilies were her new favorite flower.

Oh, I gotta run.

I gotta open up the bar.

Oh, oh, um, I was thinking: since things are going well with your brother and I, maybe he'd like to join us this year at the cemetery.

I can ask.

Oh, that'd be great.

Thank you.

Bye, Dad.

So I narrowed down the possible center of the Fibonacci Spiral to a radius of about ten square blocks, and I was studying the Spiral when I suddenly remembered something from Pria's article on Henry Chase.

She mentioned this electronics store where he bought his first computer, the computer that changed the trajectory of his life, and that address just so happens to be inside this ten-block radius.

This is where you guys are like, "Rakesh, you are a genius.

Thank you, Rakesh.

" Well, here we, uh here we are.


You sure you still want to go with "genius"?

Well, it looks like they just opened.

Google Maps must not have updated it.

I was just so sure that this would lead us to Falken, you know?

Well, it was a valiant effort, Rakesh.

Guess we'll just have to wait for another Friend Suggestion to narrow it down.

Hey, uh, you hear anything about your big promotion?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, actually, I - Where's Miles?

- Um Hey.




Hey, what's up?

This is the intersection where my mom was k*lled in the car accident.

Tomorrow it'll be 17 years.

Miles, I'm so sorry.

You know, this intersection is within the ten-block radius of the Fibonacci Spiral.

Can't be a coincidence.

It's not.

Who's "Charles Cole"?

He's the drunk driver that k*lled my mom.

I mean, why would the God Account send me his name?

Why would it ever think that I would want to help him?

You know how the God Account works.

He obviously was sent to you for a reason.

I don't care!

There is no way in hell I'm gonna help the guy that k*lled my mom!


Miles, if we don't help him, we can't complete the Spiral.

Then we find another way.

Okay, look, maybe we should just give you a second.

Take a break.

I'm fine, okay?

Charles Cole is off-limits.

We're not helping him.


- Okay.

- Okay.

You okay?

I don't know.

I mean, there is a line I never thought the God Account would cross, but sending me Charles Cole?

They crossed it.


But still this can't be a coincidence.

You think I should help this guy.

I think that this might be about more than helping Charles Cole.

I'm fine.

I don't need any help.


Me and Dad are gonna go down to the cemetery tomorrow.

You haven't been in a long time.

Maybe you can join us.

That's you and Dad's thing.

So let's make it an "us" thing.

I mean, you guys are finally in a good place, and I know it would mean a lot to him and I think it would be good for you.

Thanks but I'm okay.

So what do Cara and Rakesh think about you refusing to help?

They're my friends, and they respect my decision.

I don't know, Cara.

Miles told us to leave this alone.

I think we should respect his decision.

Look, when Miles got that Friend Suggestion, I have never seen him so angry.

I mean, I think maybe this might be about him finally confronting his past.

Okay, um so you said you followed Charles Cole to a fire station.

You you know why he's there?

No, but I gotta go.

He just walked out.

I'm gonna go find out what he was doing.

After the gear's checked, I want everyone out back for drills.

Excuse me.

Hey, I I'm Cara Bloom.

Captain Daniel Estes.

How can I help you?

Um, I'm a journalist for an online magazine, and I'm writing a story on Charles Cole.

I just saw him leave here, and I was hoping you might be able to tell me why he stopped by?

I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.

If you'll excuse me Wait, please.

Look, last thing Charlie needs is a reporter digging up his past.

Yeah, that's that's not actually why I'm here.


I'm not here for a story.

I'm here because of my friend.

His mother was in the car Charles crashed into that night.

- I'm sorry.

- I was thinking if maybe he could talk to Charles, it might help somehow.

I just wanted to get a little background first.

Charles and I went through the Academy together.

We kept in touch over the years, not as much as I would have liked.

- He wanted to be a fireman?

- Yeah.

That's actually why he stopped by.

He wants to reapply to the Academy.

He was hoping I could give him a recommendation.

And you're not gonna give him one?

Even if I did, I doubt it would make a difference, not with his criminal record which is a shame.

Charles was only 18 when he went through the Academy.

From day one he knew he wanted to be the best, and he was.

The night we graduated, we all went out to Crowley's Bar to celebrate.

When I woke up the next morning, I found out about the accident.

Well, thank you for speaking with me.

Oh, um you know, after all these years, do you know why he's reapplying to the Academy now?

Age limit for enrollment is 36.

Charles' birthday is next month.

Guess he figured he'd give it one last shot.


It's no use, Miles.

I've tried everything I can think of in order to figure out how to complete the Spiral, but there's no way around it.

I need at least a few more data points, and the only way to get them is through our Friend Suggestion.

- Rakesh - I'm not trying to push.

- You're not?

- Okay, okay, I am.

I am, but just because helping him might be the only way we're gonna find Falken.

- Hey.

- Hey, what's up?

Uh, so I know you said Charles Cole was off-limits, but I think I know why the God Account - sent you his name.

- I've already told you, I don't care.

Okay, well, this isn't just about you.

I mean, we're all in this together.

We've all been helping these Friend Suggestions.

You can't just expect Rakesh and I to walk away.

Just for the record, I told her to respect your decision, but please go ahead.

Look, Miles, the night of the accident, Charles had just graduated from the Fire Academy, top of his class.

He was gonna be a firefighter and he still wants to be.

Well, no one's stopping him.

Yeah, but no one's helping him, either.


He does not deserve my help.

Well, how do you know that?

Okay, you don't know anything else about him.

I don't need to know anything else about him.

That's the point.

No no, the point is that you don't want to know anything else about him, because if you did, if you knew who he was before that night or who he's been since then, he'd become a real person, and not just some ghost that you can be angry at and never have to face.

She's right, Miles.

I've known you for a long time, man, and I think you owe it to yourself to talk to this man.

- Can I interrupt?

- Ah, always.

Twice in one day.

Here, what's on your mind?

The God Account sent Miles a new Friend Suggestion.


Charles Cole.

I imagine that did not go down well.

No, it didn't.

He refuses to help him.

I think he should, but he's not ready to hear that yet.

I'm afraid he might never be.


Which is why I think you need to finally tell him.

He may not be ready to hear it, but he needs to, Dad.

I know, I know.

It's just it's taken us so long to get back to where we are, to the kind of relationship I've always wanted for us.

That's why it's important that it comes from you.

I'll talk to him, just not today.

We both know how that conversation will go.

I just need to get through the next few days and remember your mother in peace, if that's okay.

Of course.

I'm glad you decided to do this.

No matter what he says, I'm not helping him.

I'm not asking you to, all right?

I'm just asking you to talk to him.


It's been 17 years for him as well.

My guess is you're not the only one who's thought about this.

And if he hasn't?

Well, then, we leave.

We never come back.


Can I help you?

My name is Miles Finer.

I think it's time we finally talk.

I always knew this day would come, but Now that it's here, I, uh I don't really know where to begin.


Tomorrow will be 17 years since you took my mother from me.

Do you know that?

Does that day mean anything to you?

Of course it does.

I don't think about what happened just one day a year.

I think about it every day.

You know she had just beat cancer.

She had her whole life ahead of her, and you stole it.

You know, nothing I can say will ever make things right, but clearly you came here looking for answers, so anything that you want to ask, please go ahead.

Why did you get in that car that night?

I've asked myself that same question for 17 years, and the answer is always the same I don't know.

I'd just graduated the Fire Academy.

Everyone was going out to celebrate.

I thought I was totally fine to drive home And obviously I wasn't.

I mean, I was a kid.

I was 18 years old and that's not an excuse.

No, it's you know, it was just a mistake.

Things weren't supposed to turn out like this.

That's why you're reapplying to the Academy.

Hoping for a second chance.

Yeah, ever since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be a firefighter.

But instead of saving lives I ended up taking one.

I'm sorry, Miles.

I'm truly sorry.


I'm home.

Got out of work early, figured I'd surprise you.



I didn't know you had company.

Hi, I'm Angela.

I'm Charles' fiancée.

So weird, I'm still not used to saying that.

I'm Cara.

- Miles.

- Hey.

So, how do you guys know Charles?

They're just old friends.

- Listen, do you mind - Whoa, um, I'm sorry.

She doesn't know, does she?

- Know what?

- Um - Unbelievable.

- Miles, please.

No, we're not friends.

We're anything but.

I I don't understand.

So how do you know each other?

He k*lled my mom.


What is he talking about?

I can explain, okay?

Um it was a long time ago.

I had too much to drink, I got behind the wheel of a car Oh, my God.

Did you go to jail?


Were you ever gonna tell me?

I'm glad I found out now.


Miles, slow down.

- Miles, talk to me.

- Look, I'm not apologizing, okay?

He doesn't get to ignore the past as if it never happened.

I'm not saying he does, and I'm not defending him, but he didn't strike me as the kind of guy who wants to ignore the past.

Then why did he lie to his fiancé?

I don't know, okay?

But walking away now is not gonna fix anything.

You think I care about making his life better?

He does not deserve a second chance.

I'm not talking about him, Miles.

I was talking about you.

Look, I know how hard this must be But this isn't you, Miles.

You see the good in people even when others can't.

If you don't face this now, you are gonna be running forever.

You wanted me to come down here.

I came.

I'm done.

- Hey, what's up?

- Hey.

Uh, sorry to just drop by.

I know what today means to you.

- You got a second?

- Yeah, is everything okay?

Uh, I don't know.

I don't know.

I kept digging into Charles Cole, hoping I could find something in his life that would help me complete the Fibonacci Spiral I'm guessing by the tone of your voice and your inability to keep still you found something.

I did, um, but it's not what I was expecting.

So we know Charles is reapplying for the Fire Academy, um, but it's not his first time.

- So?

- So, about seven years ago he applied, and since he had a felony, he had to go before a board and I mean, ultimately he didn't get in, but he got pretty close thanks to a, uh, recommendation from a prominent member of the community.


Your dad.

We need to talk.

Miles, what's wrong?

I know what you did for Charles Cole.

- Miles - No, no!

How can you help the man that k*lled your wife?

About a year after your mother died, I went to see him in prison.

I need to look into his eyes and have him do the same, and what I saw was a man full of regret, full of sorrow, a man who made a mistake and paid for it, and when he was released, he wanted to volunteer his services to give back, and so I supported him, because it was the right thing to do.

If it was the right thing to do, why lie to me about it?

Because you weren't ready to hear the truth.

You were so angry, and whether you know it or not, - you still are.

- Yeah, yeah, I still am, but the real question is, why aren't you?

When your mother first got sick we had to prepare for the worst as we were praying for the best, which meant having conversations about the end.

What we would say to you and your sister.

The one comfort I had was knowing that we would be able to say our goodbyes.

But you never got to.

None of us did.

You asked why I am not angry.

I was.

For a very long time.

I was the one in the car the night she died.

I held her in my arms when she took her last breath, when she closed her eyes for the last time, so you're damn right I was angry, until one morning I woke up and realized, "I want "to remember my wife with love, with a with a smile," and I couldn't do that if I was carrying around all that anger.

I had to let it go, and the only way to do that was to forgive Charles Cole.

No, Dad, you forgave him because your faith told you to.

No, I forgave him because that's what your mother would have done.

I forgave him because that's what I needed to do.

Look Your sister said that the God Account sent you his name.

I think that's for a reason.

It's time for you to let go, son, because if you don't you will never be able to move forward.

What are you doing here?

Um I was hoping to speak with you and Charles.

Charles isn't here.

Do you mind if I come in?

The engagement's off.

I'm sorry.

I know how difficult it must have been to find out something like that.

But it was 17 years ago.

Are you sure you just want to end things?

I'm not the one who ended it.

After you and your friend Miles left I told Charles that I was hurt that he'd kept something like that from me, but that at the end of the day, I wanted to work through it.

What did he say?

That he still loved me, but we shouldn't get married.


He said I would see him differently knowing what he'd done, and I told him that wasn't true, but he didn't believe me.

He packed a bag and left.


How did you find me?

Uh, actually, Rakesh tracked your location using Find Friends.

What are you doing down here?

Um Charles broke off his engagement to Angela.

He said that she would see him differently from now on knowing about his past.

You think he's right?

I don't know.

My father thinks I'm still holding on to my anger over losing my mom, that if I don't let go, I'll never be able to move on.

I'll never be able to remember her without feeling this way.

What do you think?

That even if he's right I don't know how to let it go, or if I can.

You know what scared me the most about reconnecting with my mom?

It was knowing that if I forgave her, I would have to let go of all of that anger that I carried around with me.

And if I did I might not know who I was anymore.

Wouldn't know what to replace it with.

And for a long time that scared me more than holding onto it.

How'd you get through it?


Miles, you helped me through it.

Everything we've been doing with the God Account That replaced all of it.

Well, thank you for always being honest with me.

Uh about that.

Um I got that promotion.

You did?

Well, hey, why didn't you tell me?

Well, uh 'cause it would take me away from these stories and all the people we've been helping.

So you think you've got one more story in you?

Are you saying you want to help Charles Cole?

I think it's time that I stopped running away from the past.

But I can't do that without you.

Well, you don't have to.

Did Angela have an idea of where Charles might be?


Too bad there's no "Find Friend Suggestions" app.

Actually we may have something better.

So what are we looking for?

Some place from Charles' past that might be important.

Somewhere along the Spiral he might be at.

What about Crowley's Bar?

It's where Charles went that night after he graduated - from the Academy.

- Okay.

"Crowley's Bar.

" Address is Guys, this bar is practically in the center of the Spiral.

You mind if I go alone?

Hey, is is everyone okay?

I don't know.

Fire department's on its way.


Hey, hey, what are you doing here?

I was down the street when I saw the fire.

There's two people trapped inside.

- We don't have time to wait.

- Okay, let's go.

Stay close.


Hello, is anyone there?

Somebody help, please!

Somebody help!

- Please wake up, Mom!

- Stand back.

Mom, wake up!

I've got her, go!



Okay, I got you.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

- Oh, my God!

- Guys You okay?

Help me.

Just put her down here.


Miss, can you hear me?

Okay, buddy.

Come on.

It's okay.

- Everyone okay?

- Yeah.

Apparently one of the tenants left their stove on.

- Luckily the fire was contained.

- Yeah.

Can you just give us a minute?

What are you doing down here, Miles?

I was on my way to Crowley's Bar, hoping to find you.

I haven't been back to that place since the night of the accident, and I haven't had a drink since that night, but I don't know, today of all days, I somehow just found myself standing outside of it, and before I could head in, I saw the fire and I knew I had to do something, no matter what the consequences.

I know about Angela.

You broke things off with her.

I I'm sorry.

Not your fault.

It was gonna happen eventually.

What do you mean?

Well, after I got out of prison most of my friends didn't want to have anything to do with me.

I didn't blame them, and over the years I've only had a handful of serious relationships and each time, I would tell them what happened.

You know, what I did, because I never wanted to hide it, but inevitably we would grow apart.

Things would end.

That's why you didn't tell Angela.

I wanted to.

Kept on telling myself that I would and I never did.

I guess I just didn't want her to look at me the same way everyone else does when they find out.

Maybe she won't.

Maybe those relationships didn't end because they pushed you away after they found out.

Maybe they ended because you pushed them away.

No matter what happens with the Academy whether you get in or you don't your life moving forward belongs with Angela.

You need to let go of the past of the life you lost and start living the life you have.

It's time both of us do.

When I was eight years old, my mother died in a car accident and until recently, I assumed that was the defining moment in my life.

I didn't realize the real moment would come 17 years later.

We usually think of second chances as a way to move on, move forward.

I'm sorry.

But I think second chances are about acceptance.

That's why they're so rare.

Because accepting who you are and what you really want isn't as easy as we like to think.

I just read your piece about the firefighter.

It was excellent, a nice way to end that series.


Good luck in features.

But more often than not, it brings us to the place we should have been coming to all along.

I'm glad you're here.

Me, too.

I helped Charles Cole.

Mind me asking what changed your mind?

You did.

I want to remember her the same way you do.

I want to remember how lucky I was that she was my mom Even if only for a short time.

I know that's what she would have wanted.

- Dad, can I ask you something?

- Hmm?

What would you have said to her if you had gotten the chance?

Thank you for loving me.

I knew I should have waited to put on my mascara.



I visited my mom with my dad and Ali yesterday.

How was it?

It was actually nice.

- It's good you went.

- Mm-hmm.

It was exactly where I needed to be.

Too bad you're no longer writing about the God Account.

It won't be long until we find Falken.

Yeah, um, about that.

I sort of turned down the job.



In these last few months, I've finally figured out who I want to be and how I'm gonna get there and I'm not willing to trade that for anything.

I'm glad, 'cause doing this without you would not be the same, but I am still buying you the drink for getting the promotion, even if you turned it down.

Unless you have plans with Eli.

Yeah, about that, too.

We kind of broke up.

What happened?

He wasn't the one.




Bro, is everything okay?

Uh, it's better than okay.

Um, I found Falken.

Wait, you did?


So the address of the fire was 55 144th Street, and the next number in the Fibonacci Sequence is 89.

So I looked up 89 144th Street, and guess who owns the place?

- Who?

- Bill and Lila Chase, Henry's parents.

It was his childhood home.

Should we knock, or ?

It's unlocked.

It looks like no one's lived here in years.

Hello, Miles.

- Pria?

- Wait, you lied to us?

Had to know I could trust you.

Are you Falken?

It's time you knew the truth.