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01x04 - Error Code 1.61

Posted: 06/04/19 05:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me"

Someone calling themselves God on Facebook started sending me random friend suggestions from people I didn't know.

Now, my best friend, Rakesh, and I have been trying to track them down.

So far they're winning.

If we find out who's behind this account, that will make for an amazing story.

Look, Rakesh, we just met and you're fun.

We have to be able to communicate.

Miles and I were just friends.

You're worried that if you go for it with Miles and it ends badly, there go all those stories.

Whatever you're doing, keep it up.

That promotion is in sight.

I took your advice spoke with your sister.

Thank you.



Going out Okay, Dad.

I put the last box of donations to the Salvation Army in the car.

I want to thank you for coming over, Miles.

I really, really appreciate it.

Thank you.

What's this?

Well, you said that D was a big Jacob Laurence fan so I thought that the two of you would enjoy it.

Thank you.

We will take really great care of it.


And Miles, if you wouldn't mind, there's one more thing I'd like you to take to the car.

- But I'll grab it.

- Yeah, sure.

I see you and Dad are in a better place.

- I'm glad.

- Yeah.

Yeah, me too.

I see a reverend and an atheist can still surprise each other.


So, I, you know, just, um - Put it in the back seat.

- Yo, Dad, your sax?


I have not seen this in years.

You can't get rid of this.

Eh, it's just a dust collector.

I remember you used to play this for Mom all the time.

What was the name of the song that she loved?


" She could listen to me play that over, and over and over.

Why don't you pick it back up, Dad?

I think that my shot at Carnegie Hall has passed.


- And if I donate it, you know, who knows, it might end up inspiring the next Coltrane or Parker.

I'm sorry, I have to get to work.

Sure, I'll deal with the sax.

Thanks again, son.

Yeah, no problem, Dad.



What's up, bro?

Check it out.

I'm running the God account code through - the iDentitySeal server.

- Why?

Um, I need a bank of high speed processors to try and find any cracks in its firewall.

What's that?

Uh, Cara tagged us in all these photos from karaoke night.

I was just liking some of them.

- Uh-huh.

I don't get you man.

- What?

I mean, you two clearly have a connection.

Why don't you just ask her out already?


Man, Cara and I are just Friends?


That's what you're gonna go with?

Let me tell you what I've learned about love.

- Please don't.

- No, no, no, I insist.

I used to be just like you.

You know, lonely, scared of rejection.

- That's not it.

- Then what is it, bro?

I've seen you meet a woman in the line at Starbucks and get her number before she gets her latte.


Why this hesitation?


Cara's different.

What do you mean?

I've never connected with someone like this before.

Yo know, I can talk to her about anything.

And if I ask her out, and she says no, then what happens?

Okay, I get that.

But Miles, a woman like that's not gonna wait around forever.

Sooner or later, you're going to have to make a move.

And if she says yes, you get to have what I have.

- A girlfriend.

- Oh, Jaya.

She's your girlfriend now?

Did she say that?

Oh, well, not in those words exactly, but yeah Not in any words, actually.


- What the hell happened?


Yo, it's not just your screen.



Dude, does this have something to do with the software you were running?





What on God's good green Earth is happening here?


Get me IT on the phone.

- Oh man, Phil is pissed, dude.


Error code 1.


What does that mean?

I don't know.

There is no error code 1.

61 in the iDentitySeal system.

- Unless - What?

It came from whoever is behind the God account.

Or maybe you don't remember all of the error codes in the iDentitySeal system.

No, Miles, no, no, no.

I do.


61 is the Fibonacci ratio.

It is the most mysterious mathematical concept in all of nature.

Yeah, well what does it have to do with the God account?

Only that it's known as God's fingerprint.

Miles, whatever this means, I think it's fair to say that error code 1.

61 is a message from God.

Wait, so let me get this straight.

The God account sent you some message that relates back to a guy who died 800 years ago?

It's not about Fibonacci himself.

It's about the ratio 1.

61, which, by the way, should have been called the Pingala ratio after the Indian mathematician who literally found the thing a thousand years before the dude.

Can you get to the point, Rakesh?

Well, the ratio 1.

61, it represents perfect mathematical patterns or sequences, and you see it throughout nature.

You see it in the curve of seashells.

Even spiral galaxies abide by this ratio, right?

The God account is showing us pieces of a puzzle.



What is it?

I just got a friend suggestion.

- For who?

- That's the thing.

It's not for a person, it's for a place.


The God account sent you a suggestion for the Hayden Planetarium.

That doesn't make any sense.

No, that makes perfect sense.

Fibonacci, spiral galaxies, planetarium.

It all fits.

All pieces of a puzzle, guys.

- Oh, there she is.

- Dude, you invited Jaya?

Bro, we're about to embark on a Dan Brown-esque adventure here.

I'm not gonna be some third wheel.

Third wheel?

What's he talking about?

- I don't know.

- Hey.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- So much fun.

I haven't been here since, like, fifth grade.

So wait.

What are we looking for again?

Uh, something about Fibonacci, right, Rakesh?


It's either gonna be something to do with the pictures we saw on the computer or something to do with the number 1.

61, okay?

But I get this feeling, you know, we'll know when we see it.

Okay, let's split up and cover more ground, yeah?

Yeah, great thinking.

You guys, uh, have fun.

Come on, let's look around.


This place is amazing.

I've actually never been here before.

Yeah, my mom used to bring me and Ali here all the time when we were kids.

Yeah, it's how I turned into a science junkie.


All right, come on.

Let's look around for more God account clues.

Ah, wait.

Do we really think the person behind the God account sent us here to find them?

You got any better ideas?

I mean, think about the last couple weeks.

Me, John Dove, Katie and Nate, Ray and Issac.

It's all been about helping people.

Right, but then why didn't they just send us a name?

God account works in mysterious ways.

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe they're not on Facebook.

Or they despise social media like your sister.

That could be right, but I mean, look around.

How are we supposed to figure out who it is?

It's not like any of these people are going to jump out and ask for help.



BOTH: I'm so sorry.

I was on my way to the bathroom after spilling, um, oh, pretty much all over myself.

I'm so, so sorry.

What else could go wrong today?

Or maybe they will.

You think the God account sent us here to find her?

Why not?

I mean you literally just said someone wouldn't jump out at us and she practically did.

- Um, where's the bathroom?

- Yeah, I guess that's true.

Thank you.

Look, why don't I just see what her deal is?

- Mm-hmm.

- If she needs help, like really needs it, and if she doesn't, then we'll go looking for God with Rakesh, deal?

- Okay, I can get with that.

- All right.


I saw what happened out there.

Are you okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm fine, I just, uh, I can't find my stain remover pen.


I think it's a bigger job than that.


Oh, um, is this like a pickup or something?

Because I heard about weird stuff like this happening in New York but I didn't think that this was one of those places.

Oh, uh, no.

No, I'm not picking you up.


I just I thought you could use some help but maybe I was wrong.



I'm the one that should apologize.

It's just, you're the first person who has actually been nice to me since I got here.

Are you from out of town?

Uh, Nebraska.

- Can't you tell?


My flight actually leaves in six hours but honestly I'm so glad.

This trip has been a total bust.

That's what I get for coming to New York and thinking I'm just, ugh.


Nothing, nothing.

It's so stupid.


Try me.


Do you believe in destiny?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Okay, so my friend from high school, she just got married.

All the rest of my friends already have kids so I'm the only one left, and everyone always says "Oh, you'll find someone.

" But I'm from a small town.

I already know everyone.

That night when I got home from the wedding I found this list.

And it was like fate, a reminder that there is someone out there for me.

Where is it?

Where's my list?

- I can't find him without it.

- Find who?

The love of my life.

The reason that I came to New York.

Um, I know how this is gonna sound, but I think I'm supposed to help you find him.

I'm so glad you called me, Rakesh.

I really needed a break from studying.

Last year of med school is supposed - to be the hardest, right?

- Yes, ugh.

I don't want to talk about that though.

I just wanna enjoy being here with you.

I couldn't even imagine how I could spend an afternoon better than this, you know?

At the museum with my girlfriend.

Looking for clues to the God account, I mean What did you say?

About the God account?

No, before that.

You caught that, huh?

I don't know why we have to define this.

Labels kind of ruin things.

Mm, says the girl getting her M. D.


- Rakesh.

- Yeah, it's fine.

It's okay.

There's a tour leaving in ten minutes called "Exploring the Galaxy Through the Eyes of Fibonacci.

" No way.


Jaya, this is the next piece of the puzzle.

We need to get on this tour.




Miles, Miles.

Jaya and I are about to go on a tour called "Exploring the Galaxy Through the Eyes of Fibonacci.

" It's being led by that planetarian named Beaker.

This is it.

This is what the God account wants us to do.

Let's go.


Dude, Cara thinks that we're here to help some woman.

She's in the bathroom with her right now.

Oh my God.

Let me get this straight.

I'm offering you the chance to solve the greatest mystery of your life and you want to hang out with Cara and some random lady she met in the bathroom?

No, no, no, no, no.

She did not meet her in the bathroom.

Okay, the lady spilled her coffee and Cara went in to see if she needed our help.

Miles, if you want to hang out with Cara just say so.

Dude that is not what You don't have to make up stories about some lady spilling coffee on herself.

I'm not making up the story, okay?

What if Cara is right?

What if this is about a new friend suggestion?


What if, hmm?


She's totally our girl.

Her name is Fliss.

She's not on social media, and get this, she came to New York to look for her long lost love.

What's it gonna be, Miles?

If you find a lead on the God account, call me.

- Mm-hmm.

- Where is she?

She's in the gift shop getting a new shirt.

So, she came here looking for her childhood sweetheart.

They met at summer camp.

He's from New York, She's from the Midwest.

And the only thing she had to go on was this list of his favorite places in the city that he sent her like 20 years ago.

Problem is, she lost it.

Was her high school sweetheart's name Jim Smith?

How do you know that?

I found this on the floor near the scales of the universe.

Wait, Miles.

That is amazing.

Look, I know you don't believe in signs but you can't ignore it.

This is proof we're supposed to help her.

Yeah, but can't she just find the guy on the internet?

Yeah, well, she tried but do you know how many Jim Smiths live in New York?


Hey, check out my new shirt.

Easy comet, easy go.

Pretty snazzy, huh?

Hi, I'm Fliss.

- Hi.

- You must be Miles.


- Look.


My list.

Miles found it.

You really are meant to help me.

Okay, Fliss, um, what makes you think Jim is gonna be at one of these locations after all these years?

I don't.

It's a leap of faith.

And if that sounds nuts, well because it is, but I have to get on a flight in a couple hours and I don't want to leave with regrets.

So, what do you say, Miles?

Wanna take a leap of faith?

Okay, yeah, what's the next place on the list?


Central Park is totally different from the rest of New York.

I thought it was all angry cabbies and people screaming at each other, but everyone here looks so content.

Yeah, when I first moved here, I was terrified.

But now I can't imagine living anywhere else.

I think you'd do great here.

I'm not so sure.

I think I maybe just missed my window.

A window for what?

A real life.

You know, you make grand plans and then one day you wake up and you realize that you're a floor supervisor at a company that manufacture pipettes.


Oh, they're like pipes, but tiny.

They're mostly used for food service.

And every time we ship out a box, I think to myself "Those little pipettes have a more exciting life than I do.

" They go to Japan, and Brazil, and, oh, they go to Gloria's Soft Serve in Columbus Circle.

Whoo, I love that place.

Best soft serve in the city.

Maybe I'll treat myself to one after I find Jim.

Wow, this guy really made an impression on you, huh?

We had an instant connection.

He's the only person that ever saw me the way I wanted to see myself.

You know, it's hard to put yourself out there.

I respect that, Fliss.

- Thank you, Miles.

- You're welcome.

Ah, here we are.

Central Park Carousel.

All right, let's start looking.

Those are all examples How will we know the next clue when we find it?

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it will reveal itself the same way the tour did.

You mean by me pointing it out?

Okay, Jaya, I'm a fairly observant guy.

I would have noticed the sign eventually.

Well, I'm observant too, and I know you're disappointed.

Okay, you don't like labels.

I get it.

But I do like you, Rakesh, and just because I don't want to define things doesn't change that.

I'm not seeing anybody else.

I'm spending my day here taking a tour with you.

That should tell you everything you need to know.

How many of you have heard of the golden ratio?


What are we in second grade?

You sir.

You know the answer?

Yes, of course, bro.

Uh, the golden ratio is a special number approximately equal to 1. 61.

- It's also known as - The Fibonacci ratio.

Very good.

We see this golden ratio in numerous spiral galaxies across the universe when we fly through it using Open Space.

Open Space?

What's that?

It's an open source code we can use for many things including finding lost stars that have been thrown off their parent clusters.

That's awesome.

Have you ever found any?

As a matter of fact, I recently did.

And then I lost it.

Took me six months coming into work every day, and then it was gone.

Which never happens.


Let's move on, shall we?

- I love this guy.

- What?

He so badly wants to find his star.

- It's cute.

- No, no, no, no.

Don't be fooled by his charming nerdy exterior.

Casually mentioning an open source code like the God account's firewall?

Come on.

He might as well be challenging me to a duel.

Wait, you think this Beaker guy is - involved in the God account?

- Yes.

He's just some lonely dude looking for his star.

We'll see about that.


Yo, how much longer are we going to wait for this guy?

Wait, you think Fliss is crazy, don't you?

No, no, I think love makes people do crazy things.

Yeah, it's kind of the point.

Like, it's one of the only things in our lives that we can't control, we can't choose, as much as we all wish we could.


I take it you have a more grounded view?


I think people meet; there's an attraction; and they see what happens.

Look, relationships take work, just like anything else.

So you've never fallen head over heels?

Thrown caution to the wind?

Not to the point where I'm jumping on a plane with a list that's 20 years old.

What about you?

Uh, yeah.



What happened?

Well, I was dealing with finding my mom and he was obsessed with work, so the timing was just off.


And he broke up with me.

He broke up with you?

Yo, what's this crazy guy's name?


You still talk to him?

No, I haven't seen him in, like, a year.

I guess we all have that one person that got away, right?


- Um.


It's my boss, Phil.

The servers are back online.

But don't worry, I'm not going back to iDentitySeal.

Not now.

Gotta help out our girl, Fliss.

Oh, look who's all in now.


No luck.

But before we leave, I've been taking a picture of every place on Jim's list.

- Selfie.



Okay, um, what's next on the list?

Hey, look, Fliss, I really wanna help you.

I do.

But there must be a better way to find Jim.

- Yeah, he's right.

- Is there anything else that you can tell us about him?

We have to narrow it down, right?

- Make it specific about your guy.

- Like what?

- Uh, like a birthday.

- Okay, that one's easy.

His birthday is two days before mine so that's October 1st, 1983.

- Great.

- But how does that help us?

Well, I can run his name and his birthday through the database at my job.

We have access to the DMV records.

So you keep hitting locations on the list just in case you get lucky.

I'll call you if I find anything, okay?

All right.



- Oh, hey there.

- Hi.

How can I help you?

Well, I was hoping to get this repaired.

Uh, mind taking a look?

That's why I'm here.




A Buescher Aristocrat.



What happened to this gorgeous instrument?

Um, car accident.

It was in the back seat.


Well, this is your lucky day.

Not only is this an easy fix but I've got time to do it right now.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

There's no rush.

I'm just going to donate it anyway.

- Donate it?

- Yeah.

This is a professional's instrument.

Which tells me you know your way around the horn.

Well, I certainly used to.

As a matter of fact, I played a club just a couple of blocks up the street.

The Blue Danube?

- Yeah, that's the one.

- Get out of here.

I met my wife playing at that club.

Well what does she have to say about you getting rid of this?

Um, she passed, a while back.


Well, look, if you really want to donate this, I can give it to the Kaufman School of Music.

And they'll find it a great home.

Oh, that would be best.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Excuse me.


Sorry, that was my dad that just left and this is his sax.

Well, pleasure meeting you.

I'm Trish.

I own this place.

I apologize.

I'm Miles.

- It's a pleasure to meet you as well.

- Nice to meet you.

Could you please tell me why he brought it in?

Well he wanted to get it repaired before he donated it.


What repairs?

Well, he said it had been in a car accident.


How long ago did he stop playing?

17 years ago.


Um, do you mind if I pay for the repairs and pick it up later?

I think that would be a great idea.

Thank you for joining us today at the American Museum of Natural History for the exploration of the galaxy through the eyes of Fibonacci.

And remember, even though the universe is big we all have a place in it.

So find yours.


- So what do you want to do?

- We follow him.


We in Atlanta black bandana Bald head no amber Pose for the camera Ass up on the banner Drinking a Fanta She loving my clout Bih loving my grammar - - Snatching your bih now Hello, Beaker!

Guess who guess who Uh, you're that couple from my tour.

Oh, well, we don't like labels, but yes, yes.

We were on your tour.

And now, we're here.

And we want answers.

Uh, about?

Well you can start with the God account.

Who's behind it?

With the God a-what?

Oh, you guys aren't supposed to be in here.

I don't think he knows anything, Rakesh.

Jaya, I know code, okay?

And this code right here?

This can only be one thing.

- This is Open Space.

- What?

The open source code that I mentioned on the tour?

The code that's going to help me track down my missing star?

What's the God account?

Guess who guess who Guess who Guess who guess who Hey, guess who Hey.

It's Cara.

Leave a message.

Cara, I found Jim Smith.

And you're not gonna believe it.

He works at the planetarium.

Rakesh is on his tour.

Meet me there with Fliss.

Guess who [UPBEAT MUSIC]

So how did you and Jim lose touch?

Well, after camp, we promised to stay in touch.

We wrote letters.

We made grand plans.

And then somewhere along the way, life just took over.

How long have you and Miles been together?

Oh, uh, no, we're not together.


Do you mind me asking why not?

I mean, that chemistry is pretty obvious.


Yeah, I don't know.

It's complicated.

Take it from me.

It's not.

It's scary simple.

Uh, let's just focus on finding Jim.

- Oh, he is not here.


Oh, you know what?

I missed a call from Miles.

- Give me a second.

- Hmm.

I'm gonna go check out that arch.

I think he's telling the truth, Rakesh.

Yeah, I'm beginning to come around to that idea.

It's just, I was so sure the clues were leading me to him.


What are you guys talking about?


Hey, Miles, what are you doing here?

Your name is Jim Smith, right?

You went to summer camp with Fliss.

How do you know Fliss?

It's a long story, but she is here in New York and she is looking for you.

And all she had to go on was a list that you gave her 20 years ago.

Are you following any of this?

Not at all.

She still has that?

I can't believe it.

But she's actually here.

Looking for me.

I um, that's insane So, where is she?


- Hold that thought.

- Hello?

- Hey Cara, I am here with Jim.

You and Fliss need to get down here.

Uh, yeah.

About that.

Just one problem.

- I lost Fliss.

- You lost Fliss?

How do you lose an entire person?

Well, I stepped away for a second to listen to your voicemail.

And then I turned around, and she's gone.

I looked everywhere, but I don't have her cell.

Uh, you're on speaker.

Fliss was with my friend, Cara.

She lost her.

But, she had most of the places crossed off.

Do you remember an the places on the list?

Uh, I haven't thought about it in years.

- Did you guys hit Lincoln Center?

- No.

I know that that was definitely on the list.

Okay, I'll meet you guys down there.

Okay, we're on our way down.

Come on.

Rakesh, did you hear that?

- Huh?

- We should go.

No, no, no, I think I need to be here.

Hey, um, Open Space is basically built using dynamic scene graphs, right?

That's right.

Well, did you check to see if the precision errors are propagated through the code or not?

Rakesh, we really need to go.

We don't have much time before Fliss leaves town.

That might be your mission, Miles, but I get this feeling the God account wants me to be here and help find Beaker's star.

Beaker, you mind if I make a few minor tweaks?

And by minor I mean a complete refactoring of the code.

First you accuse me of being part of this God account, and now, you want to rewrite my code?


Hey, hey, hey, psst.


Let's go.

Great, knock yourself out.


Hey, it's cool if you want to go with them.

What can I do to help?


You want to stay?

I want to be with you.


Jim Smith.

Cara Bloom.

I can't believe we actually found you.

I can't believe that Florence actually came to New York looking for me.

I haven't seen her in 20 years.

- Wait, her name is Florence?

- Yeah.

Fliss is just a nickname that she gave to herself in camp.

Just like me with Beaker.

Okay, let's go.

Really missed having her in my life.

I don't have too many close friends like that these days.

Probably because I spend all of my time in the planetarium looking for stars.

You know, sometimes people come into our lives at just the right moment.


Tell me where we're going Home is better than wandering in our heads We tried to everything to save our love The best was always waiting to come Do you feel a little broken?

I guess I should wish to see you again, Jim.

But maybe it's time for me to stop wishing for my life to change and start doing something about it.

Do you feel a little broken?

Memories come and then they go Good-bye, Jim Smith.

Sometimes sometimes you wanna wanna go back But it don't I don't see her.

Well, she has to be here.

Oh, my God.


It's my list.


I remember writing this and sending it to her.

I can't can't believe this.

She actually kept it for all of these years.

She's gone, isn't she?



It's Rakesh.

Hey, what's up?

Hey, Miles, is Beaker there?

I need to talk to him.

Yeah, yeah.

He wants to talk to you.

- Hello?

- Beaker, hey.

Um, so, I might have oversold my expertise on, um, dynamic scene graphs just a tiny little bit.


What are you talking about?

I think I may have broken your Open Space code.

Uh, I think your friend might have introduced a bug into the Open Space code.

I have to go.

I don't think I've actually been to any of these places since I wrote this list.

Do you mind if I keep it?

No, it's yours.


It's hers.

Maybe this is Fliss's way of reminding me that life isn't always up in the stars.

And now I can always try to look her up in Nebraska.

Thank you.


I'm gonna look up flights.

We've gotta figure out which one she's on.

It can't end like this.

We need to stop her from going home.

Yeah, no, no, no, she's not at the airport.

- Not yet.

- What?


You remember she said she was going to go to Gloria's to get ice cream after she met Jim?

It's nearby.

That's why she saved Lincoln Center for last.

But what if we go and she's at the airport?

- We'll never catch her.

- No, she's there.

Are you asking me to take a leap of faith?

Absolutely not.

I'm asking you to trust me.

Are you coming?

Let's go to Gloria's.

Awh, damn it, man.

I thought she would be here.

Have a nice flight home, Fliss.


Miles and Cara, what are you guys doing here?

I think you're gonna miss your flight.

- What?


- We found Jim.


You're certain that it's my Jim Smith?

Yeah, he was there this morning.

You must have missed each other.

I was on my way to take that tour when I spilled coffee on my shirt at the café.

Otherwise we would have met right then and there.


Wait, what's wrong?

He's just inside.

I know.

I can't believe it.

I've been waiting for this moment ever since I left Nebraska and now that it's finally here [SOFT MUSIC]

Is it crazy to be scared of getting exactly what you wanted?

Uh You've come this far.

Crazy would be to turn back now.

You two are amazing, you know that?


So, do I look as fabulous as I feel?

More fabulous.

Come on.

Yeah, Beaker, I've tried a whole bunch of things.

I just I can't find your star.

Maybe it's hiding.

Stars don't hide.

Can they?

Actually, they can.

A binary star looks like one star but it is actually two stars that orbit around each other very closely, making it seem like a much more massive star.

Maybe that's why we haven't been able to find it.


I know how that feels.


Hello, Jim.

- Wha - [SOFT LAUGH]

- I can't believe it's you.


I thought you'd left.


I've missed you.

I've missed you too.


You don't think me coming here is crazy, do you?

I absolutely do.

And you have no idea how much my life could use a little bit of crazy.

You could?

I can't believe that you followed my list to find me.

I know.

Truth is, I never thought it would work.

I just knew I had to shake my life up.

And your list gave me the chance.

And now that we're here, together, under the stars, it's like we were meant to be.


Uh, Fliss.

Oh, no.


You're married, aren't you?

- No.

- Engaged?

- No.

- Girlfriend?


I'm gay.

I did not see that coming.

Yeah, definitely didn't see that coming.

Are you okay?


Actually, yeah.

I am.

I'm more than okay.

- You're not disappointed?

- No.

I mean, yeah.

Of course, maybe a little.

But, searching for you today has been the best day of my whole life.

I made new friends.

I fell in love with a new city.

I came to New York to follow my destiny and this whole time, I thought it was you, but now I realize that maybe I'm here to find someone else.




- Beaker.


- Dude, Beaker.

I think I found your star.




- [BEEP]




There it is.

Rakesh, you did it!


So incredible.


I have to say, for my first time at the planetarium this will be hard to beat.

Hey, isn't it true that when you find a star, you get to name it?

Uh, well.

It'll have to get an official name, but since it's actually two stars, we could nickname it Fliss.

Beaker and Fliss.

I love it.

And you fill my head with you Well that is not exactly the ending we thought, but still a happy one.

And you didn't want to go along.

- I was playing hard to get.

- Oh, really?


Rose for the lady?

- Oh, no, I'm okay.

- Come on.

Such a pretty lady deserves a beautiful flower.


The man is just trying to make a living.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.

Can I be close to you?

You know, there is something that I've been wanting to ask you.


Can I be close you?


- Eli?


That that's so weird, I was just talking about you today.


Hopefully all good?


Umm, this is my friend, Miles.

- Eli.

- Oh, hey, nice to meet you.


Yeah, you know, it's funny.

I'm never on the west side.

I was just grabbing dinner with some friends a few blocks away and figured I'd cut through the park and take a walk.

But, uh, yeah, I'm glad I did.

I gotta run, but can I text you?

I'd love to grab a drink and catch up.

Yeah, yeah sure.



Umm I'll see ya.

Okay, bye.

- So that was Eli?

- Yeah.

Yeah, what are the odds?

Hey, what did you want to ask me?

You know what?

It's nothing.

Are you sure?


Yeah, it's nothing.


Come on.

People talk about fate or destiny like some things are meant to be but I don't believe in destiny.

Our lives are the result of the choices we make, big and small.

And when it comes to love, that's when our choices matter the most.


- - And you fill my head with you - - Shall I write it in a letter?

- We choose when to open up to it, how to define it, or if we even need to.

Hey, um, about the whole labels thing.

Jaya, Jaya, it's okay.

- You sure?

- More than sure.

And the trees are filled with memories We choose when to let it back in, and how to move forward.

Ali and I paid for the repairs.

Dad, you can't give that away.

The two of you shouldn't have done that.

It was in the car when Mom died, wasn't it?

She used to love it when I played.

Always brought a smile to her face.

It did the same for you.

Maybe it's time to give it another go.

Close to you We can even choose the kind of love we need.

I have to say now that you've come back into my life I don't want you to leave.

Then you will be happy to know that when I get back to Nebraska, I'm going to put in my notice at work 'cause it's time for me to start outliving those little pipettes.


Then there's something we need to do.

- What?

- Make a new list.

Love doesn't always go the way you hope it will.

Sometimes the timing just isn't right.

And even though I don't believe in destiny, I do believe in second chances.

You just have to be ready for it when it comes.

Can I be close to you?