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01x02 - The Good Samaritan

Posted: 06/04/19 05:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me" God sent me a friend request?

Who's John Dove?

Somebody stop that guy!

I think you just saved my life.

Who the hell is Cara Bloom?

You wanna figure out who's screwing with you.

I'm a journalist.

I know how to find people.

- Moved from Ohio to New York.

- She's Cara's mom.

- Cara.

- Mom?


- You stay with me, Cara.

- You're the guy - from the subway.

- John Dove?

- She needs a doctor.

- I am a doctor.

I want to be a part of your life.

I told you I'd help you get to the bottom of it.

Maybe we'll do some good in the process.

New York City, a place where lives intersect in the most surprising ways.

Is it all part of a grand design or a game of chance?

A few days ago, someone calling themselves God on Facebook started sending me random friend suggestions from people I didn't know, like my new friend Cara.

She's a journalist who had writer's block.

I helped her reconnect with her mom, and now she's writing again.

The thing is, I know it's not God.

I don't believe in God.

But I am determined to figure out who's behind this.

Now, my best friend Rakesh and I have been trying to track them down.

So far, they're winning.

But it's not all bad.

I did reconnect with my dad.

Of course he's a reverend and I'm an atheist, so we've got a long way to go, but it's a start.

And it makes my sister Ali happy.

She really wants us to be a family again, and I'm pretty sure she's using us as a case study for her graduate psych thesis.

- - But for now I don't have time to worry - - about the God account.

And, sure, I'm intrigued, but I've got much bigger things going on that demand my attention.

A brand-new satellite radio company is interested in my podcast, "The Millennial Prophet.

" Now, I gotta keep the details hush-hush, but here's hoping that next time you hear from me, it's on a much larger platform.

- - Nope.

Let me get right to it, Miles.

When Frequency brought me over from Sirius to launch a new satellite station, I knew I had to have a podcast that would cut through the noise.

That podcast is yours.

Wow, thanks, man.

And "The Millennial Prophet" is exactly the kind of show that we can grow into an enormous hit.

Well, great.

Where do I sign?

I just I just wanna make sure that we're on - the same page moving forward.

- Yeah, of of course.

Now, the last few podcasts, you mentioned something called the God account.

That is that supposed to be some kind of metaphor, or Uh, yeah.



Drop it.

- Oh.

- Yeah, it's off-message.

See, I want the guy beating the drum of a godless world.

I don't want you to meet your audience in the middle.

I want you to pick a lane.

Stick to it.

So no more God account talk, okay?

What do you say, Miles?

You know what?

I say I'm your man.

Congrats, Miles.

- Thank you.

- Come on, I'll show you around.

Ready, Miles?


Look at that.

It's raining.

You wanna see me take a call?

Pretty incredible in action.

Not really.

But you are pretty cute in that headset.

Does that mean you wanna go out again?

- Sure.

- Great.

I'll make reservations for lunch tomorrow.

Two, actually, in case, uh, you prefer the vegan option.

Tomorrow I have I have plans.

You know what?

We'll figure it out later.

- Okay.

- I gotta go.

B bye.

She has plans.

Everybody has plans.

Plans aren't a big deal.


Did you get the gig?

- I got it!

- Ah!

Holy Dude, that's incredible.

Heading back down there tomorrow to record some promos, meet the engineer, producers, my whole team.

- You got a team?

- Yeah.

Best part?

I put my two weeks in.

I'm finally getting out of this place.

Miles, you're the most successful person I know.


Check this out.

Whoever's behind the God account changed their profile pic right after I accepted the gig.

- Ominous.

- No, no, no, no.

Literally, it's no joke.

I said yes, got the notification, and it started to rain.

Miles, there was rain in the forecast.

I brought an umbrella to work.

Besides, they probably hacked your phone.

For all you know, they were listening in.

No, the point is they fired a warning shot.

Okay, so what?

You really think the people behind this account don't want - you to work at Frequency?

- Consider the facts.

They erased my presentation last week, almost cost me the interview I can't have them screwing this up for me.

We gotta find them.

Wait, I think I just figured out how.

- They changed their profile pic.

- Yeah, I'm aware.

Yes, but are you aware that every picture uploaded online is geotagged?

All we have to do is run an image search.

Once we get a match, I can trace the exact location it was uploaded from.

It's just it'll take some time.

- Great.

- Yeah.

So what do I do in the meantime?

You got a friend suggestion.

Play along.

See where it goes.


Katie Brooks.

Says she's a waitress at the Blue Pin Café.

I'll call Cara and have her meet me there for dinner.


- What?

- What?


She said she wanted to be looped in.

Mm-hmm, to dinner.

I understand.

Bro, it is not even like that.

We're just friends.

Miles, "just friends" is the beginning of every great romantic comedy ever, so Yeah, I'm glad you called.

Uh, when did you get the new friend suggestion?

- A few days ago.

- Well, why didn't you tell me?

Well, because with everything going on with my podcast, I was hoping to focus on that and this would go away.

You know, Miles, I think you're looking at this whole God account thing wrong.

Why don't you stop seeing it as a nuisance and see it for what it is?

Which is what, ice cream lady?

Which is, if we find out who's behind this account, that'll make for an amazing story.

And if it turns out to be God, greatest mystery of the universe solved.

- Win-win.

- Can I ask you something?

Yeah, sure.

Do you always eat ice cream for dinner?

- Only when I'm stressed.

- Mm.

- So don't judge.

- No judgment.

No judgment.

I actually think it's pretty adorable.


Okay, then.

So, you wanna talk about it?

- What?

- You said you're stressed.

- Oh.

- I mean, it's cool - if you don't wanna talk about it.

- No, no, it's fine.

Um it's just my mom.

I spent my whole life trying to find her.

And now that I have, it's like I don't know how to take the next step.

Yeah, I told my dad about the Frequency gig.

- Mm-hmm.

- That was a quick convo.

I mean, I don't know what I was expecting.

It's not like he ever listened to the podcast anyways.

It's tough.

I mean, I saw my mom at my sister's soccer game.

- Oh.

- It was so awkward.

And we're supposed to see each other again tomorrow, and I don't even know what we're gonna talk about.

It's just a lot harder than I thought it would be.


Oh, hey, hey.


It's her.

What are you gonna say?

I dunno.

Do you have any ideas?

Just don't tell her God sent you.

You're late again.

I know, I know.

I'm sorry.

- What's the excuse this time?

- Look, I'm here now, right?

Well, hey, don't walk away from me.

- Whoa.

- I said I'm sorry.

I had to get Nate home.

You know, I'm sick and tired of the damn excuses, Katie.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, take take it easy.

- Excuse me?

- You're causing a scene.

And that is no way to talk to a lady.

Thank you, but, uh, it's really not necessary.

Yeah, uh, Romeo, why don't you take a seat and mind your own damn business?


In this situation, he's really more of a Mercutio.

Listen, I really think you owe her an apology.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

- I said it's fine.

- No.

Katie, he's right.

I'm sorry.

You're fired!

Whoa, wait, no, no.

- That is not what I meant.

- Wait, wait, wait.


And you, pal, can get the hell out of my restaurant.

You can't do this!

Thanks for nothing.

All right, we're off to a great start.

Wait, you're serious?

You got her fired?

Miles, you gotta be the worst do-gooder ever.

- Not helpful, Rakesh.

- You did the right thing.

How could you have known that she was gonna get fired?

Well, I should have never stepped in.

Hey, Cara, can I ask you a, um, non-God-account-related question?


So, like, if a guy you like asks you to lunch, why would you say you have other plans?

Because I had other plans?

Now that we solved that mystery, can you get me Katie's address?

Uh, sure.


Because I wanna go down and apologize.

I mean, I feel really bad, and I don't know, maybe I can help her get a new job.

What are you, careerbuilder.


Yeah, he has a point.

Who do you know that could get her a job?

There is one person.

- Miles, I can't hire her.

- Why not?

Aren't you, like, the manager?

I mean, you must have the authority to hire bartenders.

I do.

But you said she's a waitress.

We're looking for experienced bartenders.

Like someone who can make a Long Island, for example.

Oh, gin, white rum, tequila, vodka, splash of sour, and a splash of Coke.

Oh, I used to date a bartender.

Oh, oh, speaking of drinks, I invited some friends to the bar later to celebrate your good news.

- You did?

- Of course, Miles.

This is a big deal.

Cara, you should come.

Uh, sure.

Yeah, uh, I'll be there.


Hey, Rakesh just sent me Katie's address.

Okay, I'm gonna go down there and apologize.

Cool, yeah.

I'll go with you.

I thought you were meeting up with your mom.

Yeah, I can just reschedule.

But I shouldn't, should I?

- Okay, I'll see you later.

- Okay.

Hey, Miles.

I was thinking maybe you could invite Dad tonight.

Yeah, I don't think this is the kind of thing Dad would celebrate.

I mean, he's never even listened to my podcast.

Maybe he'll change his mind.

Have you ever known Reverend Finder to change his mind?

- Ali!

- Dad.

This is a nice surprise.

- Oh, you got a second?

- Of course.

Okay, well - I know it's short notice - Mm-hmm.

But I am throwing a little get-together at the bar tonight for Miles's podcast, and I want you to be there.

And you came all the way down here to ask me that?

No, I came all the way down here to convince you to come.


Look, Dad, I know you hoped his podcast would go away, but it's not a hobby anymore.

This is his career.

- You can't ignore that.

- I'm not ignoring it.

But you've never listened to it.

- Ali - Dad.

- Mm-mm, mm-mm.

- Look, as a Reverend, I don't expect you to support his views.

But as his father, I do expect you to support him.

Or things between the two of you will never get better.

You are going to be an excellent therapist someday.

- Someday?

- Mm-hmm.

Well, that's why we're here, Mr.


In reclaiming your identity, time is of the essence.

Actually, sorry, I'm gonna have to call you back.

God's in Hell's Kitchen.

That sick genius.

- Yeah?

- Hi.

I'm Miles.

I'm the guy that got you fired yesterday.

What the hell are you doing here?

- Um - How did you get my address?

I had a friend look it up online.

- Okay, good-bye.

- Wait, wait, wait, look, look.

I I just wanted to come by to apologize, okay?

I I felt really bad about what happened, so I looked up some waitressing jobs online.

Now, I have them here or I can email them to you.

Look, there's one midtown.

That may be too far, but if you take the C train, you can be there in 30 minutes.

- You're serious?

- Yes.

Look, uh, you seem genuine weird but genuine.

So, the the gesture's appreciated.

But, uh, it's fine.

My boss and I had been having those kind of arguments for months now, so it was bound to end sooner or later.

I'm actually on my way to, uh, an interview now, so Oh, that's good.


Well, look, if there's anything else I can do No, but I appreciate the offer.


What's up, little man?

Nice hat.

Nate, baby, why don't you go back in the other room?

I gotta take this.

Um, thank you.

- Yes.

- For coming by, so Hey, where are you?

That's halfway across town.

Jen, I'm already late.

I need this job.

Okay, can you just meet me at the restaurant and then just sit with Nate while while I do the interview?

No, I understand.

Oh, baby.

The universe really hates your momma.

What am I gonna do?



Good Samaritan.

You still wanna help?

So, what's your deal, Miles?

Are you, uh, with a church or something?


No, no.


I don't know.

You seem abnormally charitable, like one of those people doing God's work.

No, that would be my father.

He's a reverend.


Well, clearly it rubbed off.

You need to get that?

No, no.

So, is it just you and Nate?

Yep, ever since his dad went off to Europe to, uh, tour with his band.

How long ago was that?

Six years.

Right after Nate was diagnosed with autism.

That must've been tough.

It's been the two of us ever since.

But we get by.

All right, buddy.

Momma has a meeting, so, um, Miles here is gonna hang out with you, okay?

And then after, we can, uh we can grab some ice cream.

You'd like that, right?

I know.

Momma's trying to bribe you with some ice cream because she's so desperate, she's leaving you with a stranger.

But I think he's okay, don't you?

Okay, um here you go.

Look, uh, here's the thing about Nate.

- Um, he's nonverbal.

- Mm.

So he's not gonna talk to you.

- At all.

- Okay.

And he doesn't like to be touched or doesn't make eye contact.

Strong and silent type.

I got you.

All you really need to do is just sit here and keep him company until I'm done.

Don't worry, okay?

I'm not gonna let anything happen to him.


But just to be sure, let me see your driver's license.

Oh, okay.

There you go.

Yeah, I'm gonna hold on to this.

I know where you live now.

So, have you seen your friend Miles lately?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I was with him earlier, actually.

- He's a nice guy.

- Is he cute?

Uh, what?

It's a simple question.

You're 12, right?

Well, yeah, but I'm a New York 12, which I'm practically 16.

Excuse me, you are not.

I know, Mom.

I'll be back here in an hour.

- Bye, Cara.

- Bye.

Bye, Liv.

- She's great.

- She's growing up so fast.

You still run?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, every morning.

Me too.

So, how's work?

Uh, it's good.

Oh, great.

I read your articles.

- Which ones?

- All of them.

You're a great writer.

So were you a journalism major in college?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I was.

I'm trying, Cara.

I know.

It's just, um You keep asking me all these questions about my life.

Kind of a reminder that you weren't in it.

- I'm I'm sorry.

- No.

It's okay.

Oh, you know what?

It's, uh it's work.

I I gotta take it.

Rakesh, impeccable timing.

What's up?

Finally someone picks up the phone.

Listen, I got a lock on God's location.

He's in Hell's Kitchen right now.

Okay, just text me the address.

- I'll meet you there.

- I will, I will.

But I need you to go get Miles, all right?

He's not picking up my call.

He is at Dom's Diner on the East Side.

How do you know that?

I just tracked his location on Find My Friends.

Doesn't everyone do that?


But, uh, I'll go get him.

Um, I'm so sorry.

I'm following a story, so I have to go.

Oh, it's okay.

I understand.



Hey, you know what?

I'm a Yankees fan too, Nate.

Who's your favorite player?

Ooh, let me guess.

Aaron Judge.

Hey, Eric.

Yeah, good, man.

Oh, no, no, no, we're absolutely still on for this afternoon, mm-hmm.

Wait, Nate.


Um, no, yes.

I will see you in an hour.


Nate, Nate, buddy.

Hey, hey, where are you going?

Nate, we've gotta get back to the restaurant.

Okay, good, you stopped.

Now, can we please go back into the diner?

Okay, or we can go in here.

Nate, Nate!

Nate, hey, your mom's gonna be out of her meeting really soon and we gotta get back in the booth when she's done.


Okay, you like the pianos.

Um You know what?

I'll tell you this.

I'll play you one quick song, and then we have to go back.



Okay, wow.

Yes, um okay, it's very simple.

Uh, all major notes.

E, G, B, D, F "every good boy does fine.

" My mom was in charge of my dad's church choir.

She taught me how to play.

It's really simple once you get the hang of it.

This was one of her favorites.

Sometimes in our lives We all have pain We all have sorrow But If we are wise We know that there's Hope for tomorrow Hey.

Wait, you're that girl that was with Miles yesterday, right?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, it's Cara.

Um, I came here looking for him.

Have you seen him?

Yeah, he's watching my son.



Lean on me when you're not strong And I'll be your friend And I'll help you carry on For It won't be long Till I'm gonna need Somebody to lean on Nate, let's go.


- Katie?

- All you had to do was sit there, and you leave?

- I thought I could trust you.

- Well, we were coming back.

Stay away from me and my son.

Come on.

Wait, K Katie.

Wait, listen.

Katie, listen to me, please.

I'm sorry.

Katie, I'm sorry!

Miles, what is going on?

I was just trying to help.

Wait, what what are you doing here?

I thought you were with your mom.

Yeah, I was, but Rakesh got a lead on the God account.

- I came to get you.

- Well, I'm sorry you came all down this way, but I have an important meeting I have to get to, so Wait, so you're just gonna walk away?

Look, I tried to help, okay?

And I didn't do anything but make things worse.

- She's better off without me.

- No.

No, don't do that.

Okay, I know that your podcast is important to you Do you?

I've been working on this for years.

- This is my one shot.

- Yeah, I get that.

- But we also need to help Katie.

- "We"?

When did this become about "we"?

The only reason why you're here is to avoid being with your mom.



I didn't ask for this.

You wanna help Katie, be my guest.

But I'm done.


You don't wanna help Katie, I will.

God is nothing but a lie a made-up fairy tale to control the masses.

So come take a drive through a godless world together with me, the Millennial Prophet.

All right, Miles, uh, let's go again.

A little more energy this time.

And, uh, I guess really really believe what you're saying, okay?

Okay, well, is it okay if I rework some of this to make it sound a little bit more like me?

Yeah, don't don't overthink it.

Just, um, trust me, okay?

This is what your listeners want to hear.

- Okay.

- All right.

All right, Miles.

Let's go again.

Yeah, yeah, I'm ready.


I feel like a dagger has been plunged through my heart - over and over and over.

- So, wait.

Did you actually speak to Jaya, or did you just interpret what you saw?

Of course I did not speak to her.

I threw up on the side of the street, - then I came right here.

- Okay.

I guess, you know, it's my fault.

It's my fault.

I somehow convinced myself that someone as beautiful as Jaya is gonna be interested in me, customer service rep who lives in his parents' basement.


But it's a nice basement.

Don't try and make me feel better.

I'm just not good at relationships.

That's just because you've never been in a serious one.

Likely a defense mechanism.

And now that you found someone you actually like, you're scared you're gonna screw it up.

- You're good.

- Oh, thank you.

God is nothing but a lie.

Listen, sorry about that, Miles.

It's, uh just a minute.

It's a little technical difficulty.

Oh, hey, uh, corporate sent these over.

A little welcome-to-the-family gift.

Good luck, right?

Uh Y uh, yeah, th thanks.

Uh, is is everything okay with the sound?

Yeah, it's, uh, just a little technical glitch.

Nothing to worry about.

The engineers need to reboot the system.

Why don't you take a break, come back in a couple hours, and we finish up then?

Oka okay.


Oh, well if it isn't the man of the hour.

Rakesh, I'm pretty sure the God account just sabotaged my promo at Frequency.

Cara said that you have a lead.

I did, Miles.

I did.

But, uh, I kinda got sidetracked and lost it, so trail's gone cold, my friend.

Just like life.

- Wh - Don't ask.

- Okay, well, is Cara here?

- No, not yet.

- Miles, what did you do?

- Don't ask.

Oh, crap.

I forgot I invited her.

Do not let her see me, okay?

Yeah, it's a little too late for that.

Rakesh, what's going on?

Uh, nothing.

I, uh I I I wanna go over there and sit down.

- Why?

- I just do.

I wanna go sit on that chair.

You wanna go on lunch dates with pretty-boy banker types.

It's it's all good.

It's all good.

I we're all free to do whatever we want.

So you were, what, following me?

No, I was following God.

Look, that's not important.

Stop turning this around on me.

I'm not turning anything around.

Look, Rakesh, what you saw was just Was none of my business.

I get that.

I totally get it.

I misread the situation.

I thought I thought we had a real connection.

And clearly you've got that connection with a lot of guys.

That's what you think of me?

I'm just being a realist.

No, no, you're just being an idiot.

So, what happened with your promo?



I don't know.

I'm supposed to be back in a few hours.

You don't sound excited.

I thought this is what you always wanted.

Oh, no, it is.

It's just like, it's not what I expected.

You know, it's like they're trying to make me into something I'm not, or maybe they're asking me to be who I am.

I'm not really sure anymore.

Maybe that's what you have to figure out.


Oh, and I was such a jerk to Cara.

Oh, I knew that.

I was just wondering why you haven't called her yet.

- Dad.

- Hello.


I'm gonna go get you a drink.

Well, I'm surprised you came.

That makes two of us.

No, I mean, it means a lot you know, you being here.

- What changed your mind?

- Uh, what do you mean?

Nothing, nothing.

Just glad you listened to my podcast.

- Look, Miles - You didn't listen to I know you're disappointed, but I'm here to support you.

How is that, exactly?

I don't need to listen to the show to know what it is.

I mean, I've heard this conversation before.

People railing against God.

And and it is always - a one-sided conversation.

- No, it is not.

The the only one-sided conversation that we're having is this one, and you would know that if you listened to my podcast, Dad.

Come on, Miles, you keep talking about a one-sided conversation.

Then let's change the subject.

Uh, the Yankees beat the Sox three to two, bottom of the ninth the other night.

See now, when you were in high school, we would have gone through the stat lineup.

You wanna talk about baseball.

I want to talk about anything.

Other than the one thing that matters the most to me.

Dad, if you can't do that, then we cannot have a real relationship.

I'm sorry.

I have to take this.

- Hey, Cara, what's up?

- Miles, listen to me.

- You need to get down here.

- Down where?

Where what are you talking about?

I'm at Katie's apartment.

Her son Nate's gone missing.

Okay, stay right there.

I have to go.


- Anything?

- No.

Thank you for calling.

I gave them a picture of Nate.

They're, uh they're searching the neighborhood now.

But, uh, he's so alone.

Wait, how long has he been gone?

- Almost two hours.

- Hey, look.

We're gonna find him.

- This is all my fault.

- No.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

You cannot blame this on yourself.

You don't understand.

When we got home from the music store, I I was so emotional, I I broke down.

I just started crying.

It must have freaked him out.

I turned around and he had he was gone!

Look, I I'm really sorry we left the restaurant, okay?

I didn't know how to stop him.

No, it's not that.

When I saw him in there he smiled at you.

He's never smiled at me.

Do you have any idea what that feels like?

To not be able to connect with the person you love most in the world?

I try so hard to reach him, but I don't know if he can even hear me.

I've tried everything to get through to him.

But you come into his life for a few hours.

A few hours.

And you're able to connect with him in a way that I never have.

And probably never will.

It wasn't me who he connected to.

It was the music.

I think I know where he went.

Oh, no, it's closed.

Hey, open up!

Look, there's someone in there.

Can I help you?

Please, have you seen my son?

He's he's eight years old.

He has special needs.

- He was wearing a Yankees hat.

- We were just in here.

I was playing the piano for him.

Yeah, that's right.

"Lean on Me.

" Yeah, he showed up not long ago, just as we were closing.

Do you have any idea where he went?

No, sorry.

He took off.

I figured he was with someone.

Okay, okay, thank you.

- Thanks.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


- Nate?

- Katie.

- Nate!

- Katie.


We know that he was here and that he was safe.

Okay, we just just need to figure out - where he's going next.

- She's right, okay?

Now now, he came here for a reason.

Uh, the piano, but he never got to it because the store was closing.

You think he's looking for another piano?

- Why?

- I'm not sure, but maybe that's where he's headed to next.

Okay, well, I'll look for the closest music store in the area.

Wait, wait, wait.

Don't bother.


Central Park's not too far from here.

Yeah, let's go.


I don't understand.

Did did you did you teach him how to play?


No, I just showed him a few notes.

What song is he playing?

"Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon.

It's the song I've sung to him every night since he was born.

You said he doesn't hear you.

Well, I think this is his way of telling you that he does.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy It's weird.

Those angel wings, I saw them yesterday.

Maybe it was a sign.

Or just a coincidence.

Look, about what I said earlier I'm sorry.

Okay, I was frustrated and I took it out on you.

Yeah, you were kind of a jerk.

Yes, I was.

But that didn't stop you from helping Katie.

You kept going and because of that, she was able to find Nate.

I mean, after everything that I said, I'm really surprised that you called me.

Well, I knew you weren't really walking away.

Or at least, I hope so.

You know, you were right about one thing.

I was using the God account as an excuse to avoid my mom.

I just couldn't figure out how to talk to her.

Maybe it's like Katie and Nate.

Just gotta find your own version of music.

Is everything okay?


Yeah, there's just something I have to take care of.

- I'll talk to you later?

- Yeah.

I know you want me to be the guy talking to one side, but I really think people are ready to have a conversation.

You're an atheist, Miles.

What kind of conversation do you wanna have?

One where I can get the other side to listen and change a few people's minds.

I'm sorry.

You're wrong.

I know what's best for your show.


But it's not what's best for me right now.

And it's crazy.

A few weeks ago I would have jumped at the chance.

What changed?

That's a good question.

Guess you'll have to tune in to my podcast to find out.

Thank you.

Humans are social creatures.

Communication is the foundation of our culture.

It's supposed to be how we all connect.

But in an age where everyone's talking, we've forgotten how to have a conversation.

What are you doing here?

Hey, uh I thought about what you said.

And, uh, you were right.

I was an idiot.

No arguments here.

I totally overreacted.

Keep going.

Well, everything I said is just it's not how I feel.

I I think you're great.

Um I'm just not good at this.

So I just came to say I'm sorry.

So, that's it?

You're just gonna give up?

What do you mean?

Look, Rakesh, we just met.

And you're fun.

But if this is gonna go somewhere, then we have to be able to communicate.

- But the - Yes.

It was a date.

But I set it up before we met, so Okay, so where does that leave us?


Can you still get us reservations for that vegan place?

Maybe it's about finding a new language Hey.

You mind if I join you?

I'd like that.

Or putting aside our differences - - And really listening.

Because when we do, you'd be amazed at what you might hear.

I'm ready to have a real conversation.

Are you?