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02x05 - Chapter 13

Posted: 06/02/19 06:54
by bunniefuu
Apparently on Legion I'm dead.

You k*lled me.

You k*lled me.

- I didn't.

- Yeah, you did.

And I got to say, not cool, man.

Are you you at all?

Or is this just a mask?

We're trapped.

You got to help me.

I'm like a pet.

Or a houseplant.

Can you talk to him?

Get me out of here?

What would you do?

A new life?

A new body?

I'd live the living shit out of it.

And then what?

New symptom alert.

Unexplained malaise.

Any shift in reality may signal an attack.

If you feel something, say something.

This room is scary.

Hand, please.


Your hand.


Name, please.

Where's David?

I really want to talk to David.

It's right there.

Say your name, please.

Do you have any Benzedrine?




Maybe some Liquid Paper?


Lenny Busker.

Is Lenny your given name?


After my Gran-gran.

She was Let's just say she was a real salty broad and leave it at that.

And what do you see when you look at this?

A card.

And what's on the card?

What do you?


It's It's a blank card.


Is this?

Are you Are you guys suspending the laws of gravity or something?

What do you see now?

Look Man, I I'm just here to help, okay?

I I was a what do you a hostage, right?

- His hostage.

- Hmm.


Like a puppet, so But Now I'm happy ending, I escaped.



I just You were a consciousness without physical form.

You are now a living, bleeding body, so my question to you is this: how does that occur?

My Gran-gran.

She liked her Rondo citrus soda, and when I say Rondo citrus soda, I mean, vodka in a Rondo citrus soda can.

She-she was, like, one of those clocks that's all fives.

You know, those people that say they only drink after 5:00, but then, when you look on their clock, it's all fives.

Well, I I would go over there every day after school.

"Happy hour," she would call it.

- "Happy hour." - Mm.

Yeah, we would watch cartoons and then we would celebrate by drinking Rondo citrus soda in a can.

And I was nine.

Are you the Shadow King?

It was just me and my mom.


My mom, she wanted a big family, but her uterus fell out when I was born, so Plus, it turned out that, um, my daddy, he liked watching black guys bang pre-teen girls on the Internet more than he liked, say, going to work, so Is David coming soon?

Because I-I really need to talk to David.

There are rooms deep beneath this building where people are dumped and forgotten.

I would plan on that.

He knows where the monks hid the body.


The desert that used to be a valley.

He knows.

Why did you come here?

I told you.

I told you, man.

I'm a victim, okay?


Poor old Lenny, whose Gran-gran got her drunk when she was nine and then, bam!

She was just pulled into some crazy shit.

Are you clear?

I was dropped inside of a wall.

Are you clear?

Inside of a wall.

Did you hear me?

Do you know what that's like?

My ass was in one room, my tits were in another.

Then he took my mind and he made me do things, okay?

I'm not a bad person.

I'm not.

- You've been arrested 13 times.

- Okay.

Sure, but there's bad and then there's really bad, right?

I mean what did I ever do except hustle to get high?


I mean, shit, sometimes you got to throw a brick through a window or make some guy think you're gonna suck his d*ck under the highway and then your pimp shows up and he's got a rubber revolver, so the guy's on the ground and he's begging, "Please, don't k*ll me, I've got a family," or whatever.


That's just business, okay?

I am not a villain.

Whose body is that?

Can I just Can I just please talk to David?


The end of the world is coming, Daddy.

We don't got a lot of time.

Just, please Will I have to, um, you know, touch it?

The body?

Oh, no.

Uh, not afraid.

It's just a new suit.


Cashmere flannel.

When you become my age, you realize it's not about the thing done.

It's the beauty of the plan.

What is the universe without each sunrise?

That's how we judge our gods Not on their math but their poetry.

I'm just unclear on the circumstances of the recovery.

Are we talking a mausoleum?

Is it a pine box six feet under?

A golden sarcophagus?


There will be earth.



Oh Bones still sticky.


Some digging required.

But the reward A sunrise like you have never seen.


Nothing's felt real to me for a very long time.

Allow me.

Open it.

There she is.

Would you like to swing on a star?

Run away.

A-doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

How much is required?

See, we have these concepts.

The past, the present, the future.

The past I get.

It's everything that happened before.

And the future is everything that's still to come.

But what is the present?

Think about light about the speed of light.

Yeah, no matter how close something is, it still takes time for its image to reach your eye.

My glasses, say.

I show them to you, and it takes time for the image to reach your eye.

And more time for that signal to go from your eye to your brain, and even more time for your brain to process what you're seeing into information your body can react to.

Sure, it's millionths of a second, but still, it's not now.

So, my theory is there is no present.

There's only past and future.

The past and future of what?

Can I Can I see those?

It's okay.

You say you remember everything, right?


What color are my eyes?



They were brown in your old body.

Whose body is that?


The body that you should be worried about is his.

Because once he gets it, he's coming after us.

- Us?

- Yes.


I'm with you, baby.

I am.

I'm one of the good guys, okay?

That whole "evil Lenny" thing, that was I was just pretending, I was just faking it so that he And now what are you faking?


Hold still.

This may hurt.

Hold on, something's wrong.

I'm just gonna Shit.

Buy a girl a drink first.

Yellow six alpha.

Orange puma nine.

Seven blue doom.

Have you ever seen a shape in a cloud, or a face in a knot of wood?

Every few months Jesus appears to the unsuspecting in a piece of toast.

Or does he?

Human beings are pattern seeking animals.

For thousands of years, our survival depended on being able to spot patterns in nature to find predators hiding in the wild.

And so now, centuries later, we are still looking, still searching every cloud for faces, as if our lives depend on it.

So strong is our belief that a pattern must exist that the human mind will project the pieces that don't fit.

So, where the pessimist sees danger hiding behind every back, the optimist sees friendship.

Which is why, when we encounter coincidence, we often see conspiracy.

Doesn't bother you.

What we do?


- Hmm.

- Moral-ity.


Oh right.

The electrons that make up this car were part of a star once.

A star that exploded billions of years ago, k*lling any and all life that may have existed on hundreds of planets.

Or did it?

My point If those atoms still exist, if they are holding this car together as we speak, then perhaps the idea of life and death - is obscene.

- Hmm.

Wait, maybe not obscene, but irrelevant.

What were we talking about again?

Morality of k*lling Not Because you and I, we are not human.

The lion.

Does a lion ask the morality of k*lling a deer, or a mantis of k*lling a hummingbird?

h*m* supérieur Melanie.

So, you see the morality is not the problem.

I'm going to k*ll you, you know.


You know what hit me earlier?

I had no idea what silence was until Farouk was out of my head.

Real silence.

I can even hear the room.

- Hmm.

- The air moving.

A heartbeat.

What was her name?

Your Gran-gran?


Like me.

And if I gave you a Rondo citrus soda right now Just the words make my tongue sticky.

Did you ever date men?

Yeah, of course.

There was one boy, in high school.

Jordan Balish.

Lasted a week.


Because if he was gonna jab something hard into me, I sure as shit was gonna return the favor.


You're still working for him.

- The Shadow King.

- Mm-mm.

Lenny, I can read your mind.

Okay, I'm not not working for him, but it wasn't my idea, I swear.

I swear.

He put spiders in there.

- Sewed 'em up into my brain.

- Look here's my problem.

I can't tell the difference between your ideas and his They all look the same so how do I know you're not lying?

Some of my memories like how I stole my mom's checkbook and then her social security number, and then took out all these loans in her name until she Did that happen?

Her funeral?


You said you found his body Farouk.


I don't know but he found it, and he sent me here to tell you.



He can't reach you now I'm protecting you.

It doesn't matter, kid.

I've got no Intel.

The sensei kept secrets.

From me and from Oliver.

He kept us in these little drawers, you know, like in the morgue, and then took us out when he wanted to play.

We only saw what he wanted us to see.

And why are you really here?

Because I missed you.

Come on.

Clockworks, remember?

David and Lenny?

The good old times?

We were like white on rice.

And I know he sent me but can't it be both?

Lenny how are you real?

You tell me.

The guy's like a god.

He's a mutant with psychic powers, he's not a god.


Whose body is that?

I don't know.

I just I told you, I was in my drawer, and then I just woke up.

You woke up?

I'm not lying.

I was in the absent place, and then I just There she was in the mirror looking back at me.

With blue eyes?


That part's weird.

What you said before That you k*ll me Well you have been in the sun too long.

I'm more powerful than you.

Then again maybe I've found your weakness.

Oh, my weakness.

You'll see.

But in the moment of attack and then it will be too late.

What fun.

What a grand amusement.

Uh, may I please have a hint?

- You may.

- Uh-huh?

Your hint is a simple mathematical question.

What is one plus one?



Ah, you're very sly.

A true snake.


Go to work.


You're not lying.

You really don't know how you got here.

I told you.

I just woke up.

I-I don't understand.

Why-why would he make you real again?

Why send you here?

He has a plan.

That's all I know.

I'm sorry.

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear David Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear David Happy birthday to you.


How was your day?

Eh, acceptable.

Donuts were made and sold.

Miles driven.

I had that dream again.

During the day this time.

What, you took a nap?




Took a nap.


Was wrong way around.

It was wearing clothes.

In my dream I had a mustache.



And when I spoke my voice was was music.

What was I saying?

And now we are this The machine that bleeds The organizing principle.

So Hmm.


Probably nothing.


Just Do you ever have that feeling that something bad is gonna happen?

But also maybe that it hasn't happened yet?

There's a word for it.

What is it?


Where are the guards?

Stay here.



Who's there?

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Oliver?

What did they do with my old body?

The one in the wall?

They buried it.


In the desert.



I'm not sure Farouk found his body.

I think he found mine.

Good news.

Your brother's back.


I've come to take you to him.


I'll just I'll go get my coat.

What are you doing?

Finding the sculpture in the stone.

No, no, no!

Oh, no!





- Let me out!

- What's happening?

Let me out.

- Hey.

- No, no, no, no.

It's okay.

It's okay.


It's okay.

It's okay.

Wait up, Amy.

I'm coming for you.