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01x09 - Jeopardy

Posted: 05/14/19 13:56
by bunniefuu
Eight years ago, I was lead prosecutor on a m*rder trial that divided the country.

When the jury found movie star Sevvy Johnson not guilty of double homicide, I was devastated.

You did everything you could, Maya.

I left that life and everyone in it behind.

Then the unthinkable happened.

He k*lled again.

You have to come back, Maya.

This time, we're gonna get him.

Jessica brought the jacket to me evidence that he was beating her.

I'm willing to offer $18 million for information leading to Jessica's real k*ller.


Come on!

What are you doing?!

No, please!

You know I can't go back to the boss empty-handed.

My assistant she'll wire you whatever you need.



We can't afford to keep the uniform on protection detail anymore.

Maya's stalker leaving gifts at her doorstep.

He just m*rder*d a man in Maya's living room.

Least your case just got a whole lot easier.

With Wolf's guy out of the way?


I'll see you tomorrow, Leo.

I think I said too much.

I talk too much sometimes.

Gets me in trouble.

I should really get back to my hotel.

My boyfriend's waiting.

Day 25.


First pair of earrings I gave you during the Severen Johnson trial.

You wore them day 25.

You knew I'd be watching.

Y-Y-You wore them on TV, right?

I-I wanted to show my appreciation.

Then you left.

Eight years ago, you just vanished on me.

You should have told me they were from you.

I would have thanked you.

When you came back, I was going to.

I was, you know?

But it seemed like he's he's always around, you know?

I know you, Maya.

How you eat a spoonful of peanut butter when your blood sugar's low and how you watch HGTV when you're stressed and the Food Network when you're lonely.

I-I know you're allergic to penicillin.

I know sometimes you need comfort more than advice.

Does he know you like that?

Is he willing to do anything to make you happy?


I k*lled a man for you.

Get back here!








Somebody please help!



Oh, my God.


You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

I got you.

Are you sure you're all right?

You're not injured?

The medic checked me out.

I just have a few scrapes.

I'm fine.

Leo's worked in this building longer than I have.

You never know.

I've had his security clearance deactivated and tripled the number of guards around the building.

Surveillance cameras show that he left the parking garage and fled south.

Police are canvassing the area and checking his house.

- Riv.

- You okay?




Been worried sick.


I told you she needed more protection.

Look, I-I'm pissed, too, but this is on LAPD.

They pulled Maya's security detail out of spite.

I don't care if I have to wake up Chief Roberts out of his own damn bed.

I'm gonna get you guys shadowed 24/7 till this psycho's caught.

You stare, you're unemployed.

- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

How you feeling, mate?

Well, I won't be wearing flip-flops anytime soon, but otherwise What are you doing here?

In all the commotion, I forgot to tell you last night.

Your friend, uh Georgia?


She quit.

My day's already getting better.

Yeah, I wanted to come in and look over all of these tips that are coming.

Sevvy, you're wasting your time.

Angela was right about one thing.

$18 million brings out all the crazies.

No, listen.

I found something real.


A valet at The Mandeville in Las Vegas says that he saw Jessica in the hotel last President's Day weekend.

No, no, it's true.

She was there.

And what does that have to do with her m*rder?

The valet says that he saw some dude grab her in an Aston Martin.

She lied, Wolf.

She was bloody cheating on me.

Well, that doesn't mean you need to go to this dark place.

No, it's all making a whole lot of sense.

I mean, after she came back from the trip, she seemed different, distant.

I mean, that's why I hired Buck to follow her.

What if this guy k*lled her?

I'll find somebody new.

We'll check it out.

Not good enough, mate.

- I'm going myself.

- Oh No.

And you're coming with me.


I just quit gambling.

You want me to go to Vegas?

I'll keep you out of trouble.

You've only got nine toes to spare.

How am I supposed to convince Judge Song to let you out of the state?

Like you said, it's why I pay you the big bucks.

I don't know what you said to the Chief, but I've had two unis on me like glue, so thanks.

It's the least I could do.

Your safety is our number-one concern.

But since you're here I heard that Julianne Johnson paid you a visit last night?

She owned up to planting the jacket, and she's willing to testify.

Which means Wolf can't try to torpedo the rest of our evidence.

He's trying to torpedo Gabe Johnson.

This morning, we received a copy of a signed affidavit from his sister, Star.

She says Gabe followed her and Sevvy into the woods, and that Gabe assaulted Sevvy without provocation.

There's no mention of a duffel bag being burned or of one at all.

That is a complete and total lie.

Well, it's a lie the jury very well may believe.

Wolf's already done a number on Gabe's credibility.

He hit Sevvy in self-defense.

Well, I'm concerned he's spinning out.

I put in a call to the motel we've had him in.

They haven't seen him for two days.

All I know is, we have one person saying there's a bag of potentially damning evidence and one person saying it never existed.

This is a problem.

We need to get Star Johnson on our side.

You need to flip her.

'Cause right now, our case is hanging on by a damn thread.

Am I under arrest?

That's my new security detail.

It's a long story.

- Can we talk?

- Come in.

I need to ask you a favor.

The D. A. 's office should put me on retainer.


What's going on?

Been worried about you.

I heard you left the motel.

He's staying here with me now.

Is that why you came?

No, Star Wolf has her on record saying the bag Sevvy gave you never existed.

She's lying.

I believe you.

Wolf is trying to use your daughter to create reasonable doubt, but I think I have a way to fix it.

If you could convince her to come in and give a deposition saying she was coerced into making a false statement Star is her father's daughter.

That child has defied being controlled since the moment she came out of the womb.

Then she should know what she's up against, because if she gets on the stand and lies, I'll go after her for perjury.

That sounds like an ultimatum.

Not my intention.

I just want you to be aware of the stakes.

I am.

All Maya wants is for Star to tell the truth.


I'll do what I can.

No, please.

I have a friend who's part owner at Rocado.

Nine-month waiting list.

You name the day, the time?

You're in.

No, thank you, Judge Song.

Thank you.


She is insufferable.

But I did get you permission to go to Vegas.

Oh, great.

You know, this little jaunt to Sin City could be your demise.

Right now, we're golden.

Maya Travis' case is crumbling.

It's getting weaker every day, largely thanks to my machinations.

I know, Wolf.

You're a genius, okay?

We start turning over rocks without knowing what's underneath?

That is gambling.

Listen, call the airport.

We're going.

Judge says you can't fly.


Guess we're taking a road trip.

Thanks for calling.

Yeah, no problem.

Still processing the scene, but I figured you'd want to take a look for yourself.

Leo k*lled Buck and tried to k*ll Maya.

Hell yeah, I do.

So, there's nothing here that speaks to where he may have fled.

No family in town, no friends, so Wait till you see in here.

Did you see this scrapbook?


And check this out.

We dug up some audio files from his computer.

Yeah, um, can I get a chicken salad?

No, wa scratch that.

A-A cheeseburger, fries, and a large coffee?

So he planted bugs in the w*r room, her house, and in her car?


That sicko wanted to know her every move.

Oh, Leo.

Big mistake.


So, you want me to use the bug in my car to lure Leo?

He could be out there, hiding somewhere, waiting to hear where you're gonna be next.

So then what I just drive around until he starts following me?


Use me as bait.

- What?

- I'm the one who provoked him.

All right, who, in his mind, is keeping you from being with him.

I'm a natural target.

Leo's already k*lled one person.

It's too risky.


James can help.

We have the LAPD on our side now.

We could do this.

We could keep him safe.

Maya look.

This is our best chance.

We could end this right now.

You're sure about this?


Let's do it.

Let's stalk the stalker.

Honey, I, uh I wasn't expecting a table for three.

I know.

I'm sorry.

This is Brianna Dear.

She's a Political consultant.

Your reputation precedes you.

I apologize for the intrusion, but I had a last-minute opening in my schedule.

Brianna and I met through friends at Perch last week.

I let it slip that you were planning to announce your D. A.

candidacy soon.

Matthew, I'm paid quite a lot to be realistic and blunt.

- Okay.

- The buzz around town is that the Johnson case has become a complete disaster.

But I have a plan that will save your political future.

Resign immediately.

Denounce Maya Travis and Alan Wiest for incompetence.

Then announce you're running on a platform promising to clean house at the D. A. 's office.

You are blunt.

And I have a 1:30 across town.

If you decide you want to take this to the next level, give me a call.

I can get you there.


I know.

It's not subtle.


Honey, it's slash-and-burn.

I won't do it.

You're a loyal man, Matthew.

It's one of the things I love most about you.

But you already saved Maya once.

You can't keep saving her.

It's time to start thinking about you.

The police think that Leo may know where we've been staying.

So we can't go back to the hotel.

I'm sick of relying on the cops.

You give me two minutes with that psycho, and he will not bother you again.

Don't talk like that.

Let them handle it.

Well, then, where are we supposed to go?

My friend Denise has a vacation home in Topanga.

I've stayed there before.

That would be nice get out of the city.

Get a little alone time.

I'll give her a call.

It should be okay.

Why don't I drop you here at the office?

You'll be safe until they catch him.

I'll head to the hotel and grab our stuff, and then get up to Topanga.

I'll text you the address and the lock box code, but you can't miss it.

It's just north of Lookout Trail.

There's a rooster on the mailbox.

Sounds good.

Love you.

Be careful.

I love you, too.

And I will.

And now we wait.


Initials here and here.

Signature here.

Automobile travel to and from Las Vegas only.

One overnight stay.

Any violation will land you back in jail.

Thank you, officer.

You realize that ankle bracelet has full GPS.

Those rocks we talked about turning over?

Maya Travis is gonna know where every single one of them is.

Wolf, I don't care.

I need to know why Jessica went to Vegas.

Let's go.

You got to promise me.

You cannot let me gamble.

- Not even a nickel slot.

- I won't let you out of my sight.

Come on.



I'm driving.

- Right.

- Yeah.

Be gentle.

That's my baby.

Been hours.

Maybe he's not gonna come.

You have to be patient.

Just want it over with.

CJ, checking in.

She can be a little overprotective.

I like CJ.

She said she was gonna kick my ass if I let anything happen to you.

You know she actually handpicked the surveillance team outside?

Maya wanted to call the whole thing off.

Thought it was too dangerous.

Ironic, isn't it?

How the women in our lives can be protective of us, but the second we're even a little protective of them We get the "I can take care of myself" speech.


Haven't you heard, man?

Chivalry is dead.

I'm a cowboy.

Chivalry will never be dead.

Have you heard from James?


Radio silence.

Same with Riv.

It's driving me crazy.

You know, this is weird.

I'm looking at this old security footage of Leo.

Three days last week, he goes down this basement hallway with a bag, and then comes back with nothing.

What's at the end of the hallway?

I don't know.

Boiler room?

Storage closet?

He was stashing something.



Copy that.

No sign of Leo outside.

Probably just the wind.

It's picking up.

Gonna go take a look.

You stay here.

Oh, my God.

You're okay.

I got a m*rder kit in the basement and fresh blood on a ladder.

I cut Leo's face.

What if he came back in the building after he att*cked you?

What if he never left?

How is that possible?

We swept the entire place.

He's a security guard!

He knows this building better than anybody.

He found a place to hide.

We need to put the building on lockdown.

I'll call Matthew.

He's not answering.

Go to hell.

You got some fight in you, Matthew.

Tell me what it is that you want.

Maybe I can help you.

You can't help.

This all went wrong.

It's too late now.

You're frustrated.

I get that.

And, uh I'm guessing you want to talk to Maya.


I can arrange that.

You think you know her, huh?

- Yeah.

- Not like I do!

I spent hours listening to her voice.

Getting to know the real Maya Travis.

What she really wants.


And what is that?


I think you know.

Deep down, you know.

I just wanted to help her.

I took risks for that girl.

But she doesn't care.

And she needs to know that there's a price for that!




Leo's not going to the cabin.


How do you know that?

He's still in the office, Riv.

He's here.

You should be grateful, you know.


Why's that?

You and Maya you have something special.

You know, I've seen you two together.

I've heard your private talks.

Maya doesn't think of me that way.

Oh, come on.

We both know that's a lie.

You're a lucky guy.

At least you know she'll miss you when you're gone.


I know it's hard.

- I really appreciate you coming.

- Yep.

I made reservations at the MGM.

We'll check in, go straight to the rooms, all right?


We can't stay there.


Why not?

I've been black-booked.

Casino term for "banned.

" Very hostile pit boss alleges he caught me counting cards, but - God.

- Whatever.

All right, listen, - I'll I'll call the Wynn.

Maybe they got a penthouse available.


Have to avoid that one, too.

Is there anywhere you haven't been banned, man?

Must be.

Uh Look, just please tell me you haven't done anything to piss off The Mandeville.

We're gonna need to look at those security tapes of Jess.

Well, technically, I've been black-booked there, too for life.

- Wolf.

- B-But I have a plan.

I have a plan.


Are you okay?

Hurts like a son of a bitch, but apparently, I'll live.

Why did Leo come after you?

Did he say something?

Eh not a word.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now.

He's dead.

It's over.

I guess you're right.

Matthew, I I know.

Me too.



IA just put me on administrative leave.

It's standard procedure.

What you went through is anything but standard.

I just k*lled someone.

I know that I had to, but You saved Matthew's life and probably mine.

You're a hero.

Thank you for coming over at the last minute.

I think a proper family dinner is long overdue, don't you?

That's what we're calling it?

Family dinner?

What would you like to call it?

An ambush.

You should've told me that Gabe was here.

Look, I'm sorry for everything.

I just I I can't I can't do this.

Hang on.

Hang on.

I'm not mad at you.

I get it.

This This thing's screwed up the both of us.

Which is why I wanted us all to come together and make peace.

Come on.

It's just dinner.

All families have their problems.

The best families figure out how to solve them.

Now sit down, and let's say grace.

Dear Lord, thank you for the grace that you bestow on us in these trying times.

And, Father, give us the strength that we need to stand together as a family and remember that we are united in your name.


Oh, boy.

This place really does feel like home.


A home that steals your money and kicks you out.

I didn't say "a good home.

" What's the plan here, Wolf?

Well, we can't just waltz up to the front desk and ask for security footage trust me.

Casinos like to keep their private security private.

Unless, of course, you know the right people.

Who the hell is that?

With any luck, the right people.


What brings you all the way up to the top floor?

A headache I do not need today.

Why are you back in my hotel, Ezra?

Well, would you believe me if I said I miss you?

I believe you miss the blackjack table.


Did you think I wouldn't catch you again?

Well, actually, I was kind of counting on it.

I need a favor.

I don't do favors.

You have 90 seconds to clear this room.

Hang on.

I assume you know my client Sevvy Johnson?

The m*rder*r?

I'm familiar.

I was found innocent.

80 seconds.

Then I assume you know the most recent instance of him being accused of a m*rder he did not commit.

And it looks like this casino may be implicated.


Jessica Meyer spent one hell of a weekend here not too long ago.

Might just be the reason why she was m*rder*d.

I knew as soon as I saw you, it was gonna be a bad day.


What do you want?

Dig up security footage of Jessica, and I will make sure that what happened in Vegas stays out of the news.

Now, how's that for a favor?


Thank God you're okay.

Thank God we both are, huh?

How's Matthew doing?

He's in surgery.


Nightmare of a day, huh?

But it's over now.


So why do you still look worried?

- No.

- What?

No, I'm not worried.

Not at all.

I just What?

I don't know.

Um today just got me thinking about a few things.

Like you and me.

And our future.

Oh, my God.

And after all the insanity we've just been through, our future has never been more clear.

Riv No, no, let me finish.

Let me finish.


This This case has taken too much from you.

Let's just put it in our past and have our future just me and you on that farm.


Maya Travis will you marry me?

I'm not hearing a "Yes.

" I-It's just Oh, man.

You don't have to say it.

I've thought about it.

Of course I have.

I can't just leave.

Well, that's pretty clear.

It's my work.

It's a part of me.

No, it used to be a part of you, but now it's become all of you.

Maya, I never I never thought that you could become this self-destructive.

That's not fair.

Okay, if you don't understand what I'm doing here, you don't understand me.

Then I guess I don't, but, obviously I'm in the wrong place.


I'm just gonna go pack my bag.

It was nice tonight.

Even if your father couldn't be here.

Is that his choice or yours?


Lines need to be drawn, Star.

You used to be on hi side of the line.

I finally faced the truth.

I can't keep protecting him.

I have to do what's right.

And so do you.

I know that you and Gabe are telling two different stories about what happened to that bag in the woods.

Mom, I don't want to talk about this!

I'm trying to unburden you.

Tell me what really happened.

I didn't know what to do.

About the bag?

About everything.

I was scared.

I didn't want Dad to go to prison.

Is that why you burned it?

Just stay out of it.


Gabe said there was evidence in it.

Tell me what you saw.

You've got to be kidding.

You're recording me?!

I'm helping you.

That's what Dad said!

Did y know about this little trap?

It's not a trap.

We just want Dad to pay for what he did.

Oh, my God.

You were in on it.

I mean, Jessica was your friend, right?

Don't you want to do the right thing?

For her?

This whole family is toxic!


Star, wait!

We've been here an hour already.


It's gonna take a little time to go through stuff.

Hello, love.

Don't call me that.

I'm gonna say this quick, and then I'm gonna hang up.

Slow down.

What's happened?

I'm done.


With what?

With all of it!

I'm not going on the stand for you or for them.

I'm not going anywhere near this trial.

I am done with this family.


Star, please.

Listen to me.


What happened?

Bad news?

I don't know what happened.

Star she won't testify.

Well, we'll get her back.

Don't worry.

My daughter s-she she hates me.

My daughter hasn't talked to me in six years.

You got a daughter?


She's a lawyer.

Sevvy, the thing about kids you can only hurt them if they love you.

If they don't love you, they don't care what you do.

Believe me, I know.

Don't make it any easier.

Am I interrupting something?

A welcome interruption.

Please tell us you found something.

Well, let's just get this over with - so I can kick you out of my casino.

- Mm-hmm.

I found some security footage on Jessica.

There she is, being picked up at the front of the hotel.

This guy who is he?

Well, I can promise you, it's not what you think it is.

It isn't a date.

I know him Andre Spencer.

He runs the Tactical Advantage sh**ting Club.

A g*n range?

A high-end g*n range.

He trains clients with deep pockets.

Door-to-door service.

Is that a hobby of hers I don't know about?


Jessica hated g*ns.

She told me she'd never shot one in her life.


What can I do for you?

Tell me what the hell you were doing with Jessica Meyer.

Sevvy, easy.

Act nicely.

Nah, it's cool.

Figured somebody would come around eventually.

Just wasn't expecting the great Sevvy Johnson himself.

I'm a big fan of you, my brother.

I told her that, too.

So you remember Jessica?

Come on, man.

I read my TMZ.

I know who she was dating.

We took care of her, believe me.

What do you mean, you took care of her?

What the hell was she doing here?

You didn't know about it?

Then I guess there's something I should probably show you.

Jessica bought the whole place out.

She said she needed her training to be quick and private.

Training for what?

She said she got a part in a movie.

Started off shaky, but as you can see, she's a fast learner.


What g*n is she using?

That's the Infinity Titanium .


Not my choice for beginners, but she only wanted to use that.

Nothing else.

We need a minute.

So, I'm guessing there was no movie.

Want to tell me why that g*n is so important?

Wolf, that was the same g*n that we have at home.

I kept it right beside the bed where we slept.

This is the woman I loved.

And I think She was planning to k*ll me.

- Maya?

- Hey, Effy.

I was just looking for Matthew's room.

He just got out of surgery.

And you're the last person he needs to see right now.

He almost died because of you.

I don't know what I was thinking, convincing Matthew to bring you back.


I wasn't gonna let Matthew take the fall if this case went wrong.

That's the only reason you're here right now.

I don't understand.

He's planning to run for D.


All you are to my husband is political cover.

My chief deputy, Matthew Collier, was overcome by Ms.

Travis' stalker.

Thankfully, his life was saved through the heroic efforts of our investigator, CJ Emerson Don't.

He's not worth the spike in your blood pressure.

Well, the surgeon said I was lucky.

It was just a deep laceration.

No muscle damage.

And you're getting a ton of positive press.

For getting tied up and almost k*lled?

There's a wave of public sympathy for you.

I called Brianna.

She said we should take advantage of the moment and announce your candidacy.

I want to hold off on that.

Take some time to think about what we really want.

This is what we want.

And we need to strike while the iron's hot.


I'm scheduling a press conference for Friday.

We can do it right here in the hospital.

I'll go get you some ice chips.

Maya, it's Julianne.

I spoke to Star about what we discussed.

She's not gonna help us.

I'm sorry.

He gave me this when we got home.

He did it again.

I laughed too hard when Gabe made fun of Sevvy's crappy golf swing.

I'm such an idiot.

My dad tried to warn me, and I should have listened.

I can't believe it.

She was gonna k*ll me.

Calm down, Sevvy.

Must have been her plan to k*ll me and take all my money.

That doesn't even make sense.

You and Jessica weren't married.

- She wouldn't have gotten a dime.

- What the hell was she doing, then?

Training at a g*n range like a bloody assassin?

Maybe Star's right.

I turn everyone I love against me.

Why didn't she just leave you?

I mean, I gave her everything.

She wasn't who you thought she was.

I didn't know who I was bloody living with.

That's the question.

All this time.

All this time, you were Oh, my God.

You actually might be innocent.

I've watched this a thousand times and never noticed.

The only reason why I noticed it now is because I pressed "Pause" at the right time.

You see it?

It could be an artifact, a flaw in the tape.

Let me play it frame by frame.

Look at the right side.

That's a shadow.

Somebody else was in the storage unit when Jessica made these tapes.

I laughed too hard when Gabe made fun of his crappy golf swing.

I'm such an idiot.

My dad tried to warn me, and I should have listened.


I need to say his name.

I forgot to say "Sevvy's crappy golf swing.

" Let's start over.