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03x11 - Twenty-Three

Posted: 05/09/19 06:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Magicians"

No magic means no more idiotic Earth rulers, and I get my kingdom back.

We are gonna hunt down every last living slaver, and hang them by their own entrails.


What does Jane have to do with The Beast?

Ember gave her the ability to create a time loop.

A time loop.

So far, all the loops ends in your death.

How many times have I died?

39 the Alice from the 23rd timeline was the sole survivor of The Beast.

- We need to talk to her.

- Well, you can't.

Well, what about a Tesla Flexion?

I'm from another timeline.

We only have two minutes.

I thought I'd never see you again.

The Beast, he he tore you apart, piece by piece, but not just your body, but your your Shade, everything.


I have sexually-transmitted lycanthropy.

It's totally curable.

- There is no actual cure.

- A silver b*llet.

These are my students, they are in need - of the Rhinemann Ultra.


No one but you can be within 20 feet of the blast [WHOOSHING]

It will k*ll anyone including your Beast.

So, you wanna tell me where you hooked up with your partner?


If he smells you again, he won't show.

If you want him, you might just have to risk losing your base.

You and your companions are on a quest for seven keys?


We have one of the keys in the Fairy Realm.

Without the key, everything collapses, which is why we can never give it to you.

I don't know what they think is going on with my nose.

Yeah, and those are not my teeth.

And only 1,000 Fillorian gold crescents for us?

Tick is cheap.

It'll be his downfall.

- I'll k*ll him.

- Who you gonna k*ll?

That d*ck, Tick Pickwick.

Your incursion into the throne room put that cheapskate on red alert.

Wait, we're on there too?

You're Kings and Queens of Fillory, so you're a threat to his reign.

Yeah, well, so was Josh.

I don't see his face on there.

He was more like a substitute teacher, didn't count.

We got news Julia sent a bunny.

Apparently, her and the Fairy Queen are on good terms now.

f*cking what?

Hold on, so, on Earth, the fairies are slaves, and the Fairy Queen is - A good guy, kind of?

- Uh-uh, you know what?

f*ck Tinkerbitch.

f*ck her right in the Egg McMuffin.

Guys, we need Tinkerbitch's help to get the Sixth Key.

Unfortunately, she's as helpful as pubic lice.

Right, which is why we should talk to Julia - and I think we should do it in person.

- Sorry, but we're all wanted, and Tick's just stepped up the patrols around the portal tree.

Why don't we just send one of us?

It'll be easier to break through.

- I'll do it.

- You can't.

Tick wants your head, says so right there.

Have you guys tried this Fillorian salami?

It doesn't taste like horse [CHUCKLES]


Jesus, f*ck.


I'm much too sober for all this.

Yeah, well, you have to hear it.

A lot of the McAllisters are dead, but Irene is still out there, and I don't know what she's going to do.

sl*very, mass m*rder and yet, it smells so floral in here.

Lucier's cleaning charm.

Next time, try less rosewater.

Any idea about how to deal with Irene, who will doubtless want her property back?

Well, she'll have to find it first.

Did you poke out her eyes?


I replaced all the wards and shields around Brakebills.

You did what?

By yourself?

That's impossible.

That's apparently what I can do now.

My magic's been growing, maybe because I helped free all those fairies.


This is new territory for me.

Me too.

Well, look, the school's yours again, if you want it.

Sober up.



So, the Fairy Queen can't give us the Sixth Key.

The Fairy Realm will collapse without it.

Well, that blows.

Honestly, my instructions ended at talk to Julia.

So what are we supposed to do now?


Uhh How did we end up at Burning Man?

We're inside a Tesla Flexion.

Is that a car?

A device that allows you to communicate across timelines.

Like, alternate universes-type shit?

Like alternate universes-type shit.

- Don't touch anything.

- Copy that.

Usual paradox/expl*si*n problems?

Someone cast this to pull us inside.

We just need to find out who.


Thank God, it worked.


- Holy mirror universes, Batman.

It's me.

Like, you're me Okay, calm your shit.

I'm from a different timeline.

You're in a Tesla Flexion, we only have Two minutes.

We know the rules.


Of course.

You pulled Alice into one of these before.

Wait, you're from that same timeline?

That's right.

Look, we need your help.

There's this monster here k*lling Magicians.

- We call him The Beast.

- 12 fingers?

Cloud of moths around his face?

Yeah, I tried to get people to call him Mothra didn't stick.

Here either, can't expect everyone to be down with the Kaiju classics.


Okay, guys, two minutes, right?

Right, uh, problem is, magic vanished.

These plumber guys showed up one day and just Shut it off like a faucet.

Here, too.

But you guys have no idea why?

No clue, except the problem is, we lost magic, but The Beast didn't.

He was suddenly unstoppable.


I don't understand.

So magic is gone, but then how does he still have it?

Dude, I don't know.

Maybe it has something to do with this key around his neck.

Wait, what key?

About yea big.

Rumor is, it gives him visions of the future.

Visions of the future none of our keys do that.

Look, Julia, in my timeline, you were the best student Brakebills ever had until you were horribly m*rder*d.

- Oh.

- But with your help, we might stand a chance against Mothra.

And Josh, well, you're me.

No argument there.


Shit, uh, please you have to find a way back here.

This is our most desperate hour.

Help us, Julia and Josh.

You're our only hope.




Ended on a "Star Wars" reference?

He really knew how to get to me.

We're his new hope.

All I'm saying is, can we even trust him?

Of course we can trust him.

It's me.

I would know if I was lying.

You said we can't get the Sixth Key, and visions of the future?

That has to be the seventh.

Any reason we gotta do this in order?

I don't know.

Up until now, the book told us where to go, we got a key, and then the book gave us a clue - about where to find the next one.

- Well, maybe this time, we flip it.

The key quest has been Q's thing.

I've been trying to figure out my own magic.

Listen, I say we take this problem back to him, and see what he and the others have to say about it.

Fine, but I will freely admit I was getting excited at the idea of a Josh-Julia solo adventure.


Yeah, what would the shippers even call us?




You couldn't even tell that I swapped the first letters.



Where's the portal?


What happened?

The time key sent us to the lab.

Not our lab.

This place is a wreck.

Damn, that was fast.

We're in Timeline 23.

Act out.

This doesn't make sense.

The key was supposed to take us to Fillory.

It just decided to send us back here?

What even are the rules?

Beats me they're weirdly inconsistent.

I guess we have some shit to take care of in Timeline 23, maybe key-related.

It worked!

They're here!


Holy shit.

Wait, you know her?

Of course I do, she was a year ahead of me, and hot, um [LAUGHS]

Okay, I know you by reputation, but how do you know me?

I don't know you here?


You went to Brakebills, I'm a hedge witch, we don't mix.

So, what happened in your timeline?

Um, I didn't go to Brakebills, so we became friends.


That does not sound like me.

Wait, you didn't go to Brakebills?

That's, like, Hermione Granger not getting into Hogwarts.

Alternate timeline shit is weird.

Tell me about it.

Why don't we go somewhere safer?

We can talk about all this.

Jesus, place hasn't looked this partied out since my first year.

So, you guys have no idea why magic went away here?

No clue, how about in yours?


A God was k*lled by a human.

The Old Gods took it away as punishment.

Bunch of Mount Olympus-sized dicks.

And magic going out here was the beginning of the end for us.

That Beast started k*lling Magicians first Brakebills, then the hedge witches.

So, we joined forces to survive.

Wait, so if The Beast is k*lling Magicians, is Brakebills really the safest place for us to hang out?

Oh, he hasn't been here since the first m*ssacre.

Thinks everyone's dead.

We have scoured what's left of the place looking for away to defeat that moth-faced cock-whistler.

That's how we found the Tesla Flexion, and a battery to cast it.

And this sweet jacket.

It's not magic, but might as well be.

Hey, speaking of magic, we got some big news.

- Julia can - [CLEARS THROAT]

Uh, tell you about it herself.

And it's not even it's not even big news.

I don't know why I said that [DRY LAUGH]

Your Beast has some sort of key?


We need it.

You help us k*ll our Beast, key is yours.



Let's celebrate, b*tches Powerful women.

So, Marina, huh?

You know, I've always had a crush on her.

I know.

Oh, right [LAUGHS]

Hey, what happened to the glasses?


You know, I've always been too scared to do that.

You are the braver Josh.

I've been through some shit.


Spring break Fillory turned into a m*ssacre.

- I ended up stuck - Stuck in the Neitherlands, me too.

If the Physical Kids hadn't shown up, I don't know how long No one ever showed up for me.

No one made it out?

Some made it out, they just forgot about me.


So, I came back determined not to need anybody.

I'd be a lone wolf brave, heroic, solo.

Got Lasik, found this sweet jacket, and changed my f*cking life.


Is this like that time when we got that Kangol hat in middle school and thought everything was gonna be different?

No, it's not like that at all.



And, uh [EXHALING]


Did you [STAMMERS]

Did you just roofie me?



Oh, ugh.

What happened?

What the hell are we tied up with?

It was Professor Sunderland's.

Wish I took more classes with her.

Why are we all tied up?

'Cause we didn't have a way to stop The Beast's att*cks, until now.

We're gonna give you to him.

This is insane.

You can't trust The Beast.

What makes you think he'll make a deal instead of k*lling you?


When he showed up here with his key k*lling everybody, he kept asking for you.

I don't understand, I thought I was dead here.

You are, it was actually pretty confusing.

So, maybe the guy with the face full of moths isn't in the best place psychologically.

But it gave me an idea.

Give The Beast what he wants Julia, from an alternate timeline in exchange for leaving us alone.

And what about me?

Sorry, bro.

You're the Cedric Diggory of this story.

At least he died looking hot.

The Beast should be here soon.

He can sense magic.

There's no way he'd miss that Tesla Flexion.

You have another choice.

In our timeline, we k*lled The Beast using a spell the Rhinemann Ultra.


Yeah, I've heard of that.

Don't you need God-level power to cast it?





Yeah, you do.


Also took care of your migraines, and smoking addiction you're welcome.

- How did you - Long story.

Act out.

Easy, cowboy.

I promise you, it's real.

And we can use it to stop The Beast once and for all.

So, what do you say?

You have this Rhinemann spell?

Dean Fogg will know where to find it, if he's still alive.

Oh, he's still alive not exactly the premier educator he once was.

Kind of a walking opioid crisis.

I'll, uh, take you to him.

But Josh is our hostage until we get back.

Enjoy swapping puberty stories.

They're the same stories.


So, you and Dean Fogg are on good terms here?

I mean, he did kick me out of Brakebills, but he's warmed to me a bit since then.

Nothing like watching all of your students and friends get m*rder*d by a creature from another world to open you up.

How do you know him?

I thought you didn't go to Brakebills.

It's complicated.

- You f*cked him.

- No!


Okay, defensive much?

He's not that bad in bed [SOFT LAUGH]


Hey, speaking of, what's the deal with you and me in your timeline?

I'm sensing some weird kinda tension.

- Is it the fun kind?

- Like I said, we were friends.

It wasn't always fun.

We got into a big fight, but we ended up kinda getting over it.

That's it?

From your face, I was expecting something a little more dramatic.

Yeah, sorry to disappoint.

This way?




Aww, come on.

I won't steal anything from you this time.

What did you steal from me last time?

Nothing, just forget I said anything.

Just I found an old student of yours, okay?



Come in.

Timeline 40?

I have to live through another 17 more of these.

Uh, you don't remember them all?

Only the ones I've been through already.

I thought 22 was absolutely dreadful, until this one.


Is that really necessary?

If I'm going to experience 16 more of these fiascos, it really doesn't matter what I do, now does it?

No, it doesn't.

So, what about that spell, the Rhinemann Ultra?

Ah, yes, the Rhinemann Ultra.

My friend Bigby had that.

Unfortunately, she's dead.

Everything went to shit when magic died.

Creatures got set upon, chopped up to steal their mojo.

That poor thing.


I k*lled a leprechaun once.

I'm not proud.

Just saying.

I'd forgotten how entertaining he can be.

You wouldn't happen to know where Bigby kept it?

The spell?

I don't.

But you're not the first students to inquire about it.

There was this whole puzzle thing I can skip over, but I sent two students to see her.


They died.

Seems to be a bit of a theme.

There's good news.

You see, their deaths were, well, earth-shatteringly horrible.

I mean, really awful [LAUGHS]

I don't like to think about it if I can help it.

Wait, so how is this good news?

Because they're ghosts, dear.

They still haunt the library, last I checked pretty deep in the stacks.

They might remember the spell.

But I'd be careful if I were you.

Ghosts, well, ghosts can be dangerous.


How could you do this to me, man?

You're me, I'm you, we're us.

I would never betray myself.

You haven't been through what I've been through.

Yes I have, except the Lasik.

There's more than that.


You know, I thought you were cool and brave.

And I dug your jacket, but now I just think you're a d*ck, which sucks, because that means I'm a d*ck.

What do you expect?

My friends abandoned me.

Maybe they were right too.

What, did you roofie and betray them too?


It's not what I did, it's what I'm gonna do.

How do you know what you're gonna do?

The Quickening?

What's The Quickening?

I can't think about it.

I don' want all their blood on my hands.

What the hell is The Quickening?

Nothing you need to worry about.

Just be glad you didn't bang a werewolf.

Let's talk about something else, okay?

Now I need an aspirin.


Yeah, the library got ransacked after The Beast took out most of the school.

Honestly, I did most of the ransacking, but I didn't see any ghosts.


Eliot, holy shit!

Oh, what the hell was that?

I think I know the students who died here.

- Eliot and - Margo?


I told you we need to get our shit together, Eliot.

I have my shit together.

No, you're holding your shit together, barely.

There's a difference.

Don't let that pixie twat Bigby get in your head.


She called me a lush, which is basically just a nice way of saying alcoholic.


And she said I couldn't handle the spell.

Why don't you prove her wrong and help me, okay?

What are we doing?

Well, before we can do the Rhinemann, we need a power-up.

Here is a cooperative spell.

Now, if we can cast this together, it might just give us enough juice to k*ll The Beast.

And if we cast it wrong, kaboom.

So, let's not cast it wrong.

What if Bigby was right?


What if I am too drunk?


What if I screw it up?


You are not gonna cock out on me.

Cock out?

I'd say p*ssy, but let's be honest.

Which one is tougher?

Point made.




Oh God, oh God I screwed up, I screwed up, I screwed up, I screwed ah, ah, ah, ah Ugh [WHIMPERING]



I screwed it up, I screwed it up, I screwed it up, I screwed it up, I screwed it up, I screwed it up [WHISPERING]

I screwed it up, I screwed it up [ELECTRICITY FIZZLES]


- Where's my Bambi?



Where's my Bambi?

- Come on oh!

- Jesus Christ!



- Ugh, yuck, that was - So yuck.

Not fun at all.

Please tell me you got that spell.

Yeah, I, uh, I think I can make it out.


I think someone is following us.

When I give the signal, stay out of the way.



- Now!

- That's your signal?



So, it is you.

You're real.

You're alive.

Whoa, um, um Julia, it's me.

- Yeah, I I know.

- God, it's like I'm - I'm living in a dream.

- Just let me short-circuit this.

If you think following two strangers and then kissing one of them is dream behavior She's not a stranger.

She's my soul mate.

Oh, God.

Um, I'm I'm actually not your Julia.

You see, I'm from a different timeline.

One where romantic comedy behavior gets you arrested.

I'm sorry, I thought- - No, it's it's okay.

When I heard a rumor that The Beast was looking for her even though she's dead, I it's crazy, but I I had to see.

I'm sorry.

It was stupid.

Julia, we gotta get out of here.

- Where are you going?

- To k*ll The Beast.

- Let me come with you.

- Okay, sorry, buddy, but we got everything we need, no baggage necessary.

I wanna k*ll The Beast as badly as you do.


He's a traveler, could come in handy.

Eye roll.


It's working, I can feel it.


It's just a lot of moving pieces.

So what's up with me in your timeline?

Well, you're kind of in the Underworld.

Not good.

I'm not sure you're technically dead.

So, in the Underworld, but not dead?

That sounds worse.

Truth is, you got there because you did something heroic.

Unlike my alternate self, who's a d*ck, possibly related to self-esteem issues, and, I guess, lycanthropy.

Yeah, it sounds like y'all got something to work out.

Here he comes.

Hey, can I ask you one last time what is The Quickening?

No, you can't.

I don't wanna talk about my private tragedy, - so unless you want me to gag you - Okay, fine, d*ck Josh.

Don't call me d*ck Josh.

Then don't be a d*ck, Josh.

I am not a d*ck.

I've had harder life than you.

Did you?

What makes you so sure?

Because you get to hang out with Julia, who is awesome, and I get Marina, who is mean all the time.


Then why do you hang out with her?

Because when she dies, it's not going to feel so bad.

Truth is, maybe my friends abandoned me, or maybe, I pushed them away.

Because whatever this thing is that's looming because unlike me, you were dumb enough to bang a werewolf chick.



Don't call me d*ck Josh again.




Oh shit, we got company!


I hope you're ready.



Josh, go!

A Josh has to live to tell our story.

Get back!

Anything inside of 20 feet will be ash!



The key didn't lie.


Getting a little sick of plot twists.

Focus, we need to get out of here.

I can travel, but I can't take anyone with me 'cause these f*cking things don't work without magic.

Let me try.

Quentin is The Beast.

Quentin is The Beast?

How the f*ck is Quentin The Beast?

Who's Quentin again?

He's the m*therf*cker who convinced my Julia to run away to Fillory in the first place and get m*rder*d.

Yeah, by The Beast.

So, you see why this is confusing?

Doesn't make any sense.

Alice 23 told us that The Beast k*lled Quentin.

She said that he tore out his Shade, and destroyed him.

Uh, did he look destroyed to any of you?

He survived a direct hit from the Rhinemann Ultra.

I didn't even think that was possible.

You'd have to have a lot of power, like a God.

Oh, we are in such deep shit.

Maybe we should just stay here in this branch of the library.

Hey Penny, where are all the Librarians?

I don't know.

It's been empty as long as I've been coming here.

It's the first place I found where I couldn't hear The Beast.

Now, is that The Beast beast, or the Q beast, or is there another beast?

I think we're missing some pages of the story here somewhere between Quentin was k*lled by The Beast and Quentin is The Beast, only more powerful.

I know who we should talk to the one person who tried to bring Quentin back.

do any of you have any clue where Alice is?


is there an Alice Quinn on this boat?

Other cabin.


I was going to give up on Quentin.

He died and his Shade went to the Underworld, and I couldn't reach it until your Tesla Flexion came through.

That changed everything.

Seeing him and hearing that he loved me just knowing that he was out there, if only I could bring him back.

So, what did you do?

There's a creature in the Northern Marsh who can give you just about anything for a price.

What kind of evil creature-type deal are we talking here?

When I die, I won't go to the Underworld.

Now, I belong to him.

So, Harvey Weinstein-type evil.

So, um, what did he give you?

The power to bring Quentin back without his Shade.

I was so heartbroken, I thought that maybe we could just fix it together once he returned.

It was the biggest mistake of my life.

Without his Shade, he - He wasn't Quentin.

- No.


He wanted Fillory for himself.

So, he k*lled The Beast.

But that wasn't enough.

So, he found a way to k*ll Ember, and steal his powers.

But because he k*lled a God [STAMMERS]

The Old Gods took magic away.

Quentin still had the power he stole from Ember.

He told me that Fillory was the only thing that he truly loved.

It was always his escape.

He was afraid of magic, of any Magician who might bring it back.

Anyone who would oppose him, take Fillory from him And the six fingers, moths how'd that shit happen?

I don't know.

He did tell me that he finally understood Martin Chatwin, that he was the only one who appreciated Fillory like he did.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

I just I loved Quentin.

And I wanted to see him again.

It's okay.

Hell no, it's not okay.

All of our friends died because of you, because of what you did.

Because of what I did.

Quentin and I used the Tesla Flexion to talk to her.

And if we hadn't, Alice never would've tried to bring her Quentin back, and none of this would've happened.

Whoa, whoa, time travel headache.

Okay, so, what, just because you gave her the sads, it's somehow your fault that she resurrected a crazy monster who m*rder*d everybody and got magic turned off?

I mean, yeah, I guess it's kind of a little bit your fault, but mostly it's on this blonde, seven-fingered nutcase.

So, why you on this ship anyway?

What is with all the bunnies?

Are you trying to send a bunch of messages or something?

No, I work for them.

They're radish smugglers, I I stack boxes.

It's the only thing they can't do.


And this ship is the only place Quentin can't track me, so I can try to fix my mistake.


By finding a w*apon to k*ll Quentin.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere.

I found this.

Don't ask me how.

Let me guess you traveled to the past and made a deal with a knife maker?

The only problem is, I don't have enough power to touch it.


I do.

I'll tell Captain Hopps I'm leaving.

Found some carrot wine.

The other Josh told me something terrible was going to happen to him.

Something did he f*cking died.

Yeah, but It's gonna happen to me too.

Whatever the holy hell was gonna happen to him that he never g*dd*mn told me because I never got past the part, it's called The Quickening, 'cause that's not ominous.

And they told me sexually-transmitted lycanthropy was no big deal.

That's what I always heard too.

Turns out, it's m*rder herpes.

So, yay.

If I find out I may turn into a monster and k*ll everyone, I'd run far away.

'Cause if you're near Julia when that happens, I'll k*ll you myself, d*ck Josh.


- We can't do that.

- But it totally works.

We pop in, we throw Alice to The Beast, and when he's munching on her entrails, Penny pops you behind and you s*ab Q-bert in the back.

Marina, I'm not going to use Alice as bait.

Why not?

I mean, you heard her.

This is all her fault, she wants to fix what she screwed up.

There are ways to do this without sacrificing her life, okay?

Are you getting cold feet because The Beast is your former best friend, the unimpressive white guy?

No, it's not that.

Because people have already died in this timeline.

Basically, everyone I know they're dead because of short, blonde, and crazy, and I guess you.

But why would you give a shit about that?

You just want your stupid key.

I tried to k*ll a God once with help from a friend you.

I used you as bait to lure him.

And when I couldn't get back in time, he k*lled you.

I screwed up, and you died.

And it was horrible.

Jesus Christ.

I'm so sorry.

I couldn't tell you before because it was my fault.

And I can never do that to someone again.

So, what do you wanna do?

I mean, this shit is dangerous.

We can't just waltz up on The Beast.

He may act like a beast, but, deep down, he's the Quentin I've always known.

So, what are you saying?

You wanna spare him?

I wanna use that against him.

Uh, wow.

He really let the place go.

What is all this shit?


The Winter's Doe what's left of her.

Jesus, did he eat her?

These are the polished rocks from the Silver Banks.

That's where Martin Chatwin learned to skip rocks.

This is a bugle from Brass City.

Rupert learned to play on this.

- You guys, this isn't trash.

- No.

This is a "Fillory and Further" fan boy's collection.

It's trash.

Quentin's been hoarding this.



You're not a very good player, whoever you are.




- Alice?


I can smell you.

Why don't you come on out?



He knows I'm here.

Hurry, quick, let's go.

I'm trying.

Shit, he must've cast a ward.

I can't travel into the throne room.

Fine, you don't wanna come out?

Then I will fill the room with fire.


You guys stay, I'll go.

- No, Alice, don't.

- I have to.


If I don't, he'll k*ll all of us.

I'm here, Quentin.


I am the only one who can stop him.

I made a mistake.

- I should never have run from you.

- That's what I said.

You k*lled every Magician you could find, except me.


I thought about it, but you were doing such a good job of torturing yourself.

And the others, I I could say that they were a threat, but honestly, I just realized that I didn't like them very much.

Doesn't sound like you.

I know you.

You knew me.

You're not Martin Chatwin, you're not The Beast you hate The Beast.


But you show up with a face full of moths, and everyone loses their shit.

People think that The Beast is invincible.

Who wouldn't use that to their advantage?

I think that he would be flattered I did a Dread Pirate Roberts.

"The Princess Bride.

" Please, Quentin.

I know the man that I love is still inside you somewhere.

Yeah, I ate him.

Okay, this is obviously a ploy to buy your friends time, so why don't we just get this over with?


That's a familiar scent.


You can't k*ll me, you've already tried.



What did you what did you do to me?

- It's my Shade.


And I can live without it if I have to.


Everything that you are feeling right now, I have felt grief, sadness, shame, regret.




I k*lled her.

I'm so sorry.


Where did you find the key?

Um I heard it could be used to bring back magic, and I couldn't have that, so I got it first.

I know why you were looking for me.

The key it showed you visions of the future me k*lling you.

Julia I'm here to tell you I'm not.

I'm not going to k*ll you.

I wanna help you.

The visions weren't of you k*lling me.

I saw you opening a lock at the End Of The World.

You were trying to let magic in, but you let in something much worse.


A monster.


One even worse than me.

You should take your Shade back.



You look dumb.

I'm trying to get this stupid key to open up a door.

Well, isn't there, like, some kind of ritual for that?

Or It would be nice if there was, but no, so, key-waving.

Is that my Josh's jacket?


Hm, you look cooler.

You are mean.



So, the key show you anything?

Visions of the future?



Then I guess you don't know that I'm coming with you.


Your Penny's dead, or, not alive in some confusing way.

- Penny, I don't - I'm not asking permission.


I'm not her.

I know that.

It's just, there's nothing here for me.

But there?

Give it time.


Hey, uh, Jules?

We have a door.


Um, is it bad that Marina just ran right through?

I honestly don't know.