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03x04 - Be the Penny

Posted: 05/08/19 06:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Magicians

Q, I think this is it.

The Tale of the Seven Keys.

Jules, this is our quest.

Was there always a keyhole right there?


The eye can never be fixed.

But you can't spy on me anymore.

You have a week's sail back to Whitespire to think about what you've done.


I'm sorry.

You called me too late.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

He can't.

No, come on, Pen.

Don't, don't, come on.

Oh, no.


What the is happening?

We have to do something.

Do something!


Kady, he's gone.



K Kady.

Kady, I'm right [QUIRKY MUSIC]

You need to hear me.

I was astral projecting.

I wasn't in my body when I died it died.

Damn it!

Damn it.


Damn it!



Hey, I, uh What's wrong?

Um it's It's Penny.


Oh, come on.


I'm sorry.

Do you ever have, like, an inappropriate emotional response that you just can't Um Why is nobody crying?

I saved all your asses so many times.

Appreciate me!

Well, I suppose someone should say some words.


Okay, um, yeah.

We're here today to remember the life of a friend and student.

Uh, William Penny Adi Adi Uh I don't really know how to pronounce his last name.

It's Adiyodi.


Penny was complicated.

And I I, uh, think he probably hated me.

But, um None of us really knew him.

Not even me.

That's how he wanted it.

So, uh All I can really say is, uh I am so screwed.



Okay, come on.

Damn it.


Bodi, you down there?


I found one of them soft ones you like.

Don't burn it.

Oh, the vellum feels nice on my ass.

No, no, no, no, no.

I need that.

I got a surprise for you, too.

Fresh meat upstairs.

What's it been?

Two weeks since we caught the Librarian?

Not much left but gristle.


You ate a Librarian?

Hi, there.

- Eliot?

- Hello, kind strangers.

We were hoping to warm ourselves by your fire.

That's a bad move, Eliot.

What brought you to the Neitherlands?

Family vacation.

No, I mean We got here using magic beans.

- We used a magic key.

- Right.

But there's no magic now, so, um so we're stuck.

- Like you?

- That's right.

Fountains are all frozen over.

We haven't eaten in days.

Right, um If you had a an extra sandwich or something No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- Have a seat.

- Oh, thank you.

No, no, no.

No, Eliot, don't!

They're cannibals!

Oh, God.

- Thank you.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, that's don't eat that.

No, don't eat that, please.

You're eating a dude!

Mmm, it's not bad.

Oh, man, seriously, this place!

I can't believe that he's gone.

I mean, we were never really that close.

But I don't know, I I loved him, I think.

It's just how come you never really know how much you care about somebody until they're gone?

I remember he used to let me ride around on his shoulders.



I loved that.

Were you close with your dad?


For sake.

I saw him a few weeks ago.

It's crazy.

Um the cancer that he had was sort of inherently magical, so magic went away, and He's, like, in remission.


I didn't mean to, um No, it's good.

It's good.

it's the one good thing to come out of this.

I didn't know when I was gonna see you again.

I had nowhere else to go.

After the burial, I can't be in the same room as my mom.

I mean, we could use your help.

Finding these keys, bringing magic back Honestly, I don't think we should.

Okay, I don't really know where to begin with that.

But, I mean, for starters, I mean, this is this is our quest.

I sort of feel like we were elected.

It's magic.

Jesus, Alice, I You turn it back on, what happens to your dad?


Sometimes I want magic back more than anything.

And sometimes I just I look around and and see what a mess we made with it.

Right now I just wanna be 23, and not know what I want, and not know what I'm doing.


Oh, God.

I just remembered, I have to tell.

Eliot and Margo about Penny.


Aren't they in Fillory?


What are you doing?


That was super weird.

Your Majesty, if you would prefer, we can put into harbor at, uh, Broken Bay instead.

When did you get this sweet boat?


I miss all the cool shit.

We don't have a choice.

If we sail anywhere other than Whitespire, the Fairy Queen will fly in on the back of some whimsical animal, and she'll slit our throats, or worse.

A messenger bunny, Your Majesty.

Penny's dead.



Penny's dead?

Was he not already?


- I can't believe it.

- Thank you.


He was my best friend.

Okay, I mean, all right.

I guess I always thought someday we were gonna bang.

Me, too, girl.

Me, too.


You know, I I thought we'd have normal problems.

Like, I'd look at other girls, and you'd get mad.

Or you'd tell me a story for the third time, and we'd realize we have nothing left to say.

But we don't get normal problems.

I know what you're looking for.


This is stupid.

What do you think this is gonna solve?

You can't hear a word I say.

There is no point in me staying here and watching you suffer if I can't do a damn thing about it, so I'm gonna go.

Try and find some way to fix this.

Goodbye, Kady.

- Julia.


Help her.


- What?

- The hell?

You're the only one who can.


What what happened?



- Jesus.

- Kady!

- Kady, come on!

- Um Oh Kady Come on!

Come on.

Please, Kady.

Wake up.




Okay, baby.

- Okay.

- [GAGS]

Holy shit, that was gross.


You you can see me?

You can see me?

Hey, what's your deal?



It's just, you're talking to me, and not through me, and that's that's kind of huge, Penny.

How do you know my name?

Well, I've been watching you and your friends since you got here.

I'm Hyman.


- Hyman?

- Mmm-hmm.

Did that mean something different when you were born?

Wait, you you haven't heard of me?

The Pervert Ghost of Brakebills?

I was a student here in the 1920s.

A Traveler, like you.

I would practice Astral Projection around the campus.

You know, pop into lectures, the dormitories, uh, showers, you know how it is.

- Uh, no.

- And as a prank, someone moved my body while I was Being a pervert.

And, yes, in their defense, I was given several warnings.

But I never found my body.

You can't cast a locator spell without actual fingers, so it must have died without me in it.

- That's a bummer.

- Well, joke's on them.

'Cause now I'm a ghost.

So it's all peeping, all the time.

You know you're not a ghost, right?

Wha I'm not?

You were on the Astral Plane when you died.

So was I.

Our minds were traveling.

Now they have no place to go back to.

Look, ghosts have some unresolved shit in this world, so they relive their death over and over.

Are you doing that?

People can see ghosts.

Ghosts can touch things.

I know, 'cause I've been touched by a ghost, Hyman, and it wasn't great.

We can't do that.

Okay, Professor, then how come I can sit in a chair?

Why why am I not just falling forever?

I don't know.

I don't make the rules.

Your ass just knows.

Look, didn't you didn't you figure all this shit out 100 years ago when you died?

I mean, haven't you communicated with anyone?

I mean, tried to get a message out that you're alive ish?

Believe me, I tried everything.

For years.

It did not end well.

- What do you mean, it didn't end - Shh.

Shut up.

Shut up.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How's Kady?

Sleeping it off in the infirmary.

How did you know to knock down her door?

- Just a feeling.

- Okay.

They're my favorite pairing.

The the tension between them.

Friends for years, but he's always loved her.

You're in a bit of a research K-Hole here, huh?

- Mm, yeah.

- It's cool.

It just reminds me of me.

So, the second key So, the knight's daughter, she found it in a sentient cave that just kept asking her riddles, and wouldn't let her in until it deemed her worthy.

- It was very patronizing.

- Wait.

Why does that sound familiar?

Because Rupert Chatwin found the same cave in the first Fillory book, "The World in the Walls.

" He was being chased by a belligerent cassowary.

- I remember.

- Right.

Um, so he finds this mountain of treasure, uh, but only takes one item.

A golden key.

- To bring to his friend.

- Right, that he met during the w*r.

So, look, if this story is real, and he actually did give him the key, then I I Jules, I think the key is here on Earth.


These two?

You and Kady are great.

I totally ship that.

Alice is okay.

She's a bit of a Mrs.


- You know?

- I don't get that reference.

Oh, Josh is my idol.

That man is a Vagician.

But Quentin, I mean, the outsider let into the inner sanctum of secret knowledge.

As someone born in 1902, I find a heterosexual white male hero very relatable.

Anyway, Quentin is the duck's nuts.

No, that cannot be a real thing people said.

So we should send a message to Eliot.




Oh, my God.




They're cannibals!

- I told you!

- Oh oh, my God.

They made me eat a person.

We should make a deal with them.


You can't negotiate with cannibals.

You can't give them what they want.

- Well, can't we?

- No!

You're grounded.

We need to find a way out of here.

On the Muntjac, the Key created a door out of nowhere when we needed it.

I don't see any doors or places a door could be.

Downstairs in the Library!

You lied about the key.

They lied first.

I couldn't risk them taking the key from us.

No, you lied to me.

You were never collecting taxes.

Uh, can we have this talk when we're not being hunted by cannibals?

What is the key for?

- Fray!

- What does it really do?

It doesn't matter if we can't find a door.

Wait, there are doors all over the downstairs of the Library.

No shit!

I think that cannibal's sitting on the only entry point.

Wait, they're coming!

Run, run, run!

Slow down!

I have wooden toes!

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Hyman, where have you been?

I went with them to solve the mystery of Rupert's golden key.

Who cares?

If they find all seven keys, Penny, then something good happens?

I missed a bit.


- So the seven keys from the story unlock magic?

Oh, that's We think that Rupert Chatwin brought one back to Earth and gave it to an American soldier that he served with in World w*r II.

His name was Lance Morrison.

And it turns out that after the w*r, Lance went to a magic school.

- Breakbills.

- Right.

So if there are any records from the late 1940s, maybe that can help us find the key.

My assistant's file cabinet, bottom drawer.

Thank you.

- Pardon the interruption.

- Can I help you?

Wait a minute.

I know that guy.

I certainly hope you can.

I'm here on behalf of the Order.

At the Library formerly headquartered in the Neitherlands?

We need to talk about Penny.

Sorry to be blunt, but did Penny die a traumatic death?

Dean Fogg said you were the one to ask.

Yes, it was traumatic.

That explains it.

Penny signed a contract with The Order, guaranteeing his services in this life and, well, beyond.

Curiously, his soul never reported for service to our Underworld branch.

- Then where is he?

- I'm right here.

Likely in the process of becoming a vengeful spirit.

Best to nip that in the bud before his time is up.

What do you mean?

The soul is tethered to the body for seven days after death.

We can use that tether to yank Penny's soul out from wherever and send him on his way.

- How?

- Eat him, naturally.

Oh, sweetheart, I'm not gonna eat him.

I'm a pescatarian.

The Order has retained the services of a Corpse Eater - for situations such as this.

- No one is eating my body, okay?

I'm not done with it yet.

Kind of a ticking clock on this.

If the tether goes before Penny's soul passes on, he's right The Corpse Eater needs a tick to prepare.

She'll be here tomorrow at sundown.

Oh, and you're welcome.

The ghost children at the Plover house couldn't be saved.

But Penny still has his tether.

I'm not a ghost!

If he's a ghost, shouldn't he be, I don't I don't know, haunting us?

What if something else happened?

Yes, something else did happen!

It can take decades for a spirit to become malevolent.

Corpse Eaters are a rare creature.

If the Librarians actually have one, not just some sicko who wants a free meal, you should use it.

But what if there's a way to fix him?

To bring him back?

Without magic?

Julia has magic.

Okay, not much, but I It's just, I I I can't wrap my head around sending him to work for the Library for a billion years.

I don't trust them.

There you go.

Come on, Kady.

The Underworld's not so bad.

Quentin says there's a bowling alley.

And a billion years surrounded by books sounds like Heaven.

Damn it, Alice.

I thought we were bros.

Aah, let go, let go, let go!

My God!

I was only trying to follow the story.

No, what Julia does in the bath is not story!

It is revealing of character.

Listen, I need to talk to Kady somehow today.


Now, I don't give a shit if it didn't end well for you in the past.

You are going to help me.

Or I will cock block you for the rest of time.


When I first got stuck in the Astral Plane, I spent months trying to push things.

I never got anywhere.

Until I tried being the thing.


Okay, focus on a penny.

Ha ha, get it?

'Cause of your name?

You get it.

Now, you're not gonna try to move the penny.

You're gonna try to be it.

So so pour yourself into its shape.

Inhabit it with your whole being.


Go ahead.

Be the penny.


I got this.

Be the penny.

Just be the g*dd*mn penny!

- Penny, just be it!

- What does that even mean?

You're getting confused by the whole Penny thing.

Maybe we should have started with a nickel.

- Wha - Huh?

- Be the nickel!

Maybe you shouldn't say the same dumb shit over and over!


I'm sorry, but you're a dullard!

A real dunce, I say!

You are worth less than a penny, and a penny is worthless!


Um This is weird.


You are the Penny.

What do I do now?

I can't move.

Well, how could you?

You don't have any feet.


What are you what are you doing?

- It sounds like you're pooping.


Holy zerts!

You did it!



I still have the taste of pennies in my mouth.

Wait, why why don't I Why don't I just project myself into my own body?

I know how to be that.

The only reason you're still alive is because you were Astral Projecting when you died.

So if you go back into your corpse, you'll just be dead.

I need something bigger.

I need something that can talk.

Yeah, uh, hey, be careful.

Controlling things with brains is much harder.

Be the bunny.

Be the bunny.

- Be the bunny.

- It won't work.

Fairy Queen bitch thinks she can break me with a few days' time out on Eliot's party boat?

Your Majesty, upon our return to Whitespire, might I suggest a hot bath to relax yourself?

I can't, because that chalky twat won't get out of my tub.

I keep waiting for Eliot to come back.

But maybe he never will.

That bunny I sent him was returned to sender.

For all I know, he's dead.

And him and Penny are blowing each other in Heaven.

Now, when I get back I'm gonna fix this.

Benedict, you're gonna round up the guards.

Tick, you're gonna go to that fairy-repelling hallway and you're gonna grind one of those bricks to dust.

You're gonna put it in the Fairy Queen's bath and when that knocks her on her ass I'm gonna cut out her heart and eat it in front of every g*dd*mn Fairy assh*le in the Kingdom.


Girl, you get shit done.


And I thought Hyman was a perv.

Be the Margolem.

Be the Margolem.

Uh, um, um, announcement.

You guys remember the Margolem?

Margo's doppelganger made of living clay?

Since Margo's been gone, I've been storing it.

You know, for safekeeping?


That's problematic.

It's not like that.

I just dress her up and pretend she respects me.

Anyways, she's been out of commission since magic died, only [GROANS]

She woke up.







I told you it wouldn't end well.

You know, I wish you weren't dead so I could k*ll you.

So, this Margolem must've had some residual magic left in her.

Or the living clay she was made of was a magical creature?

Uh, anyway, while we have you here, we found Lance Morrison's Breakbill records.

Um, it says that he was only a student for a semester.

But it also says in this file that he left because of a "code seven.

" Student su1c1de.

Or he magically exploded.

I don't know why they use the same damn code for both.

Okay, either way, he died on campus.

So the key might still be here, right?

But it says he was living in the West Dorm, - and there is no such thing, so - That's because it's buried.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

In the late 1940s, there was a haunting in the West Dorm.

At the time, it was considered bad form to have a ghost on campus.

Unlike today, where we put it in the g*dd*mn brochure.

"That ghost" is gonna k*ll them.

To death, Penny.

So, the Dean buried the whole dorm.

Magically protected the entrances so that students couldn't find it.

But magic is gone.

So we can walk right in.


What are you gonna do?


It's not my problem.

- They're your friends.

- Who I can't help in any way.

You go figure some shit out.


I'm not going down there.

What are you scared of?

You're dead already.

You're so dumb, Penny.

Ghosts can hurt whatever it is we are.

That one in the West dorm?

Terrorized me for a week.

Wait a minute.

If they can hurt us, then then they can see us.





All right.

Um, excuse me.

Lance Morrison?

Who are you?

Did my father send you?

You can tell him I am not coming home for winter.

Hey, ghost boy.

We need to talk.

You need to tell them that Penny - is in the room with them.

- What are you talking about?

- Well - No, I am not a bitch!

- Well, we don't think that.

- Right, no, of course.

Do you know anything about a golden key that maybe your friend Rupert Chatwin gave you?

- Rupert?


This place is quite something.

Nothing compared to where you've been.

He's in a ghost loop.

He's not even listening to us.

I brought you something.

From Fillory.


Take it.

It won't hurt.

It just reveals the honest truth of things.

Shows them as they truly are.

I see.


Damn it, Hyman.

This isn't terrifying.

It's just two dudes kissing.

You h*m* p*ssy.


Lance Morrison.

You've been speaking out of turn about your mother's family.

You have sullied the McAllistair name.

- All I did was tell the truth.

- Truth can bury us.

It's the key.

It's ruined everything.

Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt this little father-son moment, but could someone please just say the words, "Penny is in the room"?

- Say it isn't true.

- Okay.

You can't control yourself.

Don't blame the key for your perversion.


- Whoa, dude!



The key's in the dad's pocket.

I think he just Oh, shit.



I tried being nice.

You will say my name.

You say my name, you ghost d*ck!

What is your name?

That's not a name!

No, it isn't!


No, it isn't!

Uh, Q?

I think we might have broken this ride.


The Library has a Corpse Eater that can help take him to the Underworld.

What's she saying?

What What, stop signing!

- Burn his body.

- Burn his body?

Oh, hell no.

Then he'll be stuck there for eternity, turning into a ghost, or or worse.

She says, "Better than a sl*ve "to the people who k*lled him.

For a billion years.

" Am I the only one that knows that eternity is a lot longer than a billion years?


Lance said his mom was a McAllistair.

Well, that would explain how he got into Brakebills.

The McAllistairs are on the Board of Trustees.

They're one of the oldest magical families in America.

Lance's father held the key.

I mean, he knew how powerful it was.

That it would reveal truth.

It would show things that were hidden.

So, he would have kept it.

Except that he would have died by now, so Wait, could you get us into that house?


Irene McAllistair's been calling me every day looking for a lead on magic.


Perhaps if we could give her something that she really wants.

Hey, have you been paying attention to Quentin's stupid key thing?


Have I?

- Yeah, great, shut up.

The ghost said it has the power to reveal things that are hidden.

I'm a hidden thing.



Okay, tonight it'll be seven days since I died.

If I don't contact Kady today, she is either gonna burn my corpse, or worse, give it to the Library.

I'm not getting eaten.

You know, Q said Eliot already found one of those keys.

Okay, simple plan.

We use the key to make a Shadow Bat monster illusion like that priest did on that island.

We scare away the bad men, we get to a book chute, we find a door, and we get the hell out.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Please tell me you can see me.

- Jesus.

- Holy moly.

What have I done?

Eliot, what the hell are you wearing?

Hi Dad.

Hi, Dad.

This is your father?

Hi, Grandpa.

What is with everyone and their daddy issues today?

Dressed like that, everyone's gonna know you haven't worked a day in your life.

- It's just an illusion.

- I didn't think you could make a sailor's uniform look gayer.

- My God.

- It's just an illusion.

Eliot, you might be the only person in the multiverse more than me.

You're just an illusion.

I wish I could help.

- Henry.

- How are you?

- Oh, it is so good to see you!


I was so happy when you called.


Irene, these are my students.

Nice to meet you.

It's a pleasure.

Come on in.



Okay, there's some real "Beauty and the Beast" kind of stuff happening here.

I don't understand.

How is that possible?

Well, the house's enchantments run on a reserve of energy that my father built up over decades.

When he was a child, there was a blackout that lasted for months.

So he wanted to be prepared.

Please, come.

Follow me.

Unfortunately, they won't last.

Most of the enchantments have failed already.

Which is why I was so intrigued by your call, Henry.


Would you like a martini?

- Martini!


Um, can I get an olive in mine, please?

Thank you.

Thank you.

So, which one of you can do magic?

Um Well, I, um So, before I knew about magic, real magic, I I used to do a lot of sleight of hand tricks.

So, it turns out that I wasn't very good at it.

Um, I was cheating, um, by using translocation spells without really knowing it.

Uh, I don't know why, but, um, those tricks still work.

Or you have a squished olive in your pocket.



Not at all useful, but, uh I can do more.

Um, do you have a deck of cards?


Uh, excuse me.

Where's your restroom?



Holy shit.


I'm sorry, Penny.

It's been six and a half days.

Time's up.

Come on.

Come on, find it!

Come on!

Damn it.

Kady, wait.

I just need more time.

- It's not too late.


Corpse Eater'll be here any minute.

Honestly, why do you care?

He was my friend.

He wasn't one of you.

You're right.

I barely knew Penny.

I don't know where he was from, I don't know about his family, I don't know I don't know how he found magic.

But I know what it's like to be trapped and to totally lose control of yourself and your life.

But in the Underworld, he still gets to be Penny.

Dammit, Alice, I'm still me.

It took everything I had to try to save his life.

And then he died anyway.

And then, I and then I was relieved.

To be done.

If Penny was here If he could tell us what he wanted But he's not.

Okay, look, they're both terrible options, but if I had to choose, please don't send me to the Underworld.

I know you don't want the responsibility.

So don't take it.

Let me.

No, Kady, please.

Be the candle.

Be the candle.

I'll go get the Corpse Eater.



Penny That's uncomfortable to hold makes me feel like.

I don't know, like I'm not really myself.

Okay, then I will pass on touching it.

Oh, uh, I checked the book.

Uh, so, you unlocked chapter three.

Um, and it looks like the the next key might be in Fillary, maybe.




Dean Fogg.

Good morning.


It is the morning.

Irene sent her apologies.

Our little show did not convince her last night.

We're out of time.

As of this morning, the Board of Directors put Breakbills up for sale.

The school will be closed.

I'm out of a job.

And I'd say you're evicted, but I have no idea who actually owns this building.

Uh, Quentin, is this Scotch or Rye?

- Uh, rum.

- Excellent.

Well, carry on.

I'm going to go lie down.

Well, look at it this way.

Uh, now we've both been kicked out of Breakbills, so we've got that in common.


Holy shit.


- Thank Christ.

- Eliot?

- Hey.

- How did you Hey.

Can I please have some water?

- Yeah, sure.

- Sparkling, please.

Gather 'round.

Story time with Uncle Eliot.

This story is called "Eliot did nothing wrong but was chased by cannibals through the Neitherlands anyway.

" Sorry, who's this?

Oh, right, yeah.

Meet Fray.

Our daughter.

I'm sorr your Wait, your daughter?

Please, hold your questions till the end.

So, the cannibals blocked our only point of egress.

Naturally, I resolved to use the key, which, in Fillory, created illusions of a terrifying monster.

- He made his father instead.

- No spoilers.

But, yeah.

What she said.

Turns out the key creates illusions of what you most fear.

Hence My dad.

I told my father that the guys in the tent didn't know the difference between a tractor and a backhoe.

So he went to set them straight.

You saying you you fed your your dad to cannibals?

An illusion of him.

But yes.

It was very cathartic.

There was lots of screaming on both sides.

But we snuck right past them.

We found a key, too.

- Oh.

- Um We've been We've been calling it the truth key 'cause it well, it reveals truths.

- Truths.

- I can handle a little truth.


I don't know.

I don't see anything.

Maybe it doesn't work on me.

- Oh, hey, Penny.

- Wai