17x19 - Girl, Internetted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Family Guy". Aired January 1999 - current.*
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"Family Guy" revolves around the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family striving to cope with everyday life in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
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17x19 - Girl, Internetted

Post by bunniefuu »

It seems today that all you see

Is v*olence in movies and sex on TV

But where are those good old-fashioned values

On which we used to rely?

Lucky there's a family guy

Lucky there's a man who positively can do

All the things that make us

Laugh and cry

He's... a... Fam... ily... Guy!

I tell you, Sundays are the best, aren't they?

You said it, chief.

Hey, Chris, what's the name of the girl on the end of the couch? I'm sure I've met her before.

I'll introduce myself to her.
That'll get her to say it.

(CLEARS THROAT) Hi. I'm Chris.

Hi, Chris.

Well, that didn't work.

ANNOUNCER (OVER TV): This Sunday at the Quahog Convention Center,

it's Streaming-Con.

All your favorite YouTubers, Instagrammers,

social media mavens and digital influencers under one roof.

Social media? Better swap my glasses for a monocle that will pop out when I'm confronted with modern talk.

LOL at thousands of the hottest Vimeos, memes,

- epic fails.
- Heavens!

Meet disgraced YouTube star Logan Paul and his cool bus,

the Golden Throated Homeless Guy

and his cool bus he poops in,

- Newly Sober Cat...

- formerly Grumpy Cat...

- and teen influencers Tyler Oakley...
- Who?

- Lele Pons...
- What?

- GloZell...
- Where?

- Joey Graceffa!
- When?

- Sunday. I already said that.
- Oh, I'm so embarrassed.

With special guest star, everyone's favorite

Internet how-to whiz, Corey from Corey's World.

What's going on, guys? I'm Corey from Corey's World.

And I'm gonna be live and in-person

at the Quahog Streaming-Con,

where you'll see I'm only five-foot-two.

And remember, that n*zi stuff I said was in the heat

of a very competitive Halo game.

And congratulations to Goldblatt ,

whose people definitely do not control the media

and all banking.

Dad, can we go to Streaming-Con?

Well, I wasn't watching all that closely.

Is it like a rodeo?

Um, sure.

We're going to Streaming-Con! Giddyup!

Looks like someone's going to Streaming-Con.

Rope a doggy for me.

Oh, awesome. Look over there.
You can take a selfie

in a hospital bed to get social media attention.

"Don't really want to get into it, but I'm fine."


Oh, boy. Well, this is the last thing I wanted.

I'm gonna do a Instagram story here where I insult a loner and it becomes a whole thing.

What's up, everybody? I'm here at Streaming-Con .

Weird ponytail.

They got a whole booth of cat GIFs here.


How-how do you say... Uh-oh.

Hey, man, I didn't say anything to that guy.

This is ridiculous.
You're hurting my wrist!

So check this out, guys.
I got kicked out of Streaming-Con .

Now, I don't know if anyone watching this is a lawyer, especially a constitutional lawyer,

- but...


Hey, guys, so I'm in my own trunk.

Uh, I think I'm gonna get m*rder*d.

Uh, but before I do, I forgot, I'm supposed to mention Triscuits.

Really, all the Nabisco products, they're-they're solid.

You know, like, on the back of Triscuits when they give you the recipes for those snacks?

Like, the-the mini pizzas?

I swear to God, make those little pizzas.

Hashtag it: #PetesTriscuitLifeHacks.

Go ahead and check it out.
Recipe in bio.

- Whoa!

(PANTING): I got away.

Hey, guys, I'm in an Uber, heading back to Streaming-Con.

Uh, man bun alert.

ANNOUNCER: Now seating for Corey: The Live Experience.

All religions welcome.

That's us! Come on, everyone!

Hey, where's Brian?

Hey, you know how Snapchat puts a fake dog tongue on you?

- How'd you like a real one?

- That was bad.
- Eh, times have changed.

Three years ago, I would've been a hero.

Three years ago, they would've been .

I need a nap.

Brian, turn on the heat and NPR.

RADIO HOST: We now return to NPR's Fresh Air.

TERRY GROSS: My guest today is a white music writer

who has written a book about the history of hip-hop.

- Stewie's loss.

I'm sure this'll be an enriching discussion.

Hip-hop has its roots in the call-and-response tradition

of the Southern black Baptist church.





Well, a nap was just what the doctor ordered.

- I feel like a new...
- And, of course, you can't write a history of rap

without mentioning Gil Scott-Heron...




What's going on, guys?

I'm Corey from Corey's World.

And today, I'm gonna show you how anyone can become an Internet celebrity, like me, Corey from Corey's World.

I bet you can't make my daughter Meg an Internet celebrity.

Dad, stop.

No, stand up, young lady.

Rectangle body, fridge bod, untapped market.

Go with that.

Everybody, hashtag #FridgeBodMeg.

(CHUCKLES) You're welcome.

- (GASPS) Oh, my God, Dad!

I'm trending on Twitter.

That's awesome, Meg.

I say we celebrate by eating Triscuit pizzas.

- Is it good?
- The recipe's right on the box.

- Yeah, but is it good?
- You can make them with ingredients you probably already have in the house.

- Dad, what does it taste like?
- That's right.

Ugh! It's like I dropped a tomato in some hay.

Yeah, it's like if a horse made a pizza.

Triscuits: make sure you have a drink nearby.

All right, Meg, now that you're an Internet personality, we got to build your brand.

Is there anything you can do?

Uh, yeah, actually, I can...


(EXHALES): I-Is...

Is there anything you can do in front of your dad?

- I can shuffle a deck of cards.
- Oh, good.

With my...


All right, we're taking your bedroom door off the hinges.

Is the lady who owns the Prius here?

- Uh, actually, that's me.
- Oh, well, your wife's car is totaled.

- It's my car.
- Sorry.

We were, however, able to save your purse.

It's a gender-fluid Euro carrier.

Either way, we'll have it towed back to San Francisco.

Hey, there are plenty of closer gay cities, you big ape.

How did this turn into my fight?

You're gonna need a loaner.

We have a pink Volkswagen Beetle you might feel comfortable in.

(GASPS) Ooh, Brian, we could be two in the pink!

Take that one! Take that one!

Yeah, I'm thinking of something sportier.

- The red Miata it is.
- Give me your manliest car!

Bill, I need a Hummer.

BILL: Again? You're insatiable.

Wise guy.


- Wow, that thing's big.

Brian, it's night now.


What's up? This is Refrigerator Meg.

Thought I'd give you a tour of my refrigerator lifestyle.

Let's see what we've got in here.

Ooh, check, check, check it out!

Boom! Mini cream!

Oh, and what's this? Strawberry yogurt?

Is-is your girl Meg some kind of health nut?

No, turn it around: grams of sugar!

Yeah, through the roof!

Check it, check it, what's this?

A bacon drawer? Stacked.

Rashers on rashers.
Best part about these bad boys?

Don't even have to cook them.

Cook them right in your stomach!

Wash it down with a little cream!




Oh, boy, that's-that's going right through me.

Sponsored by Oscar Mayer and Land O'Lakes.

If it's not Land O'Lakes, it's not cream!


PETER: Hey, Meg? You can't use the Charmin.

You're now sponsored by Safeway Rough 'n' Thin.

Don't forget to wash the tip of your middle finger

- when you're done.


Mom, we've got a problem.

See, I-I promoted Magic Shell ice cream topping on my channel,

- so-so they sent me a ton of it.
- Yeah, so?

Dad Han Solo'd himself.

Oh, my God, he's gonna suffocate.


I created a vanilla ice cream Peter covered in Magic Shell.

- Why?
- Because I must.

Don't listen to him. He's an imposter.

- I'm the real Peter.
- No, you're not.

I made you. I'm the real Peter.

Oh-oh, my God, I-I don't know which one to believe.

What do you mean? I'm a guy, and he's ice cream.


Thank God, Lois.

Does anyone mind if I turn the thermostat down

- to degrees?


There ain't a reason on Earth to waste it

It ain't a crime to be good to yourself

- ♪ Lick it up

Lick it up...

- Yeah?
- STEWIE: It's me.

Can you change the station?


Whoa, lick it up...


Don't need to wait...


Oh, yeah...

Five different stations, all playing "Lick It Up" by Kiss.


Well, it's nice of you to once again drive me to day care, Brian.

Sure. It's only three klicks away.

I just hope I don't get branded a "Hummer guy."

I can feel the Earth warming.

No one needs a car this big.

Yes, but I like how when you cut to an outside shot,

Sam Elliott is narrating your drive.

SAM ELLIOTT (OVER RADIO): When you need to take a talking baby to day care,

you'll move mountains.

And if the mountains won't move,

drive right over 'em.


And, yes, Big Lebowski fans, I've seen the movie.

I don't need to hear the lines.

This place is paying Meg?
Uh, to do what?

Nothing. When you have a million followers, people just pay you to hang out.

Yo, yo, yo! Everything here is made with corn syrup!

- Just drink the corn syrup!



Oh, my God, she collapsed!

We got to get her to the hospital.

Don't want to wait till you know me better...

- Anybody need a ride to the hospital?


Does anybody need a ride to the hospital?

- How is she?

- What?
- How is Meg?

I'm worried! Her pulse is very weak!

Her middle finger smells weird.

Meg has Type diabetes.

The one where you're supposed to shame her, not feel sorry for her.

But I need to draw a little more blood for the lab.

As I suspected. Sap.

- Vermont gold.
- I love sugaring season.

Me too.

"The moon, though slight, was moon enough to show

"On every tree a bucket with a lid, And on black ground, a bearskin rug of snow."

Robert Frost, "Evening In A Sugar Orchard."

Robert Frost!

What? Dad?

It's okay, Meg.
You had a diabetic coma dream.

Dad's still an idiot.
I'm still an idiot.

Coming up, local anchor brings a concealed w*apon to work, as is his right.

But first, popular Internet star Meg Griffin has Type diabetes, and is also the new face of diabetes drug Pancresta.

Refrigerator Meg here.

If diabetes has you down, get your insulin levels up with Pancresta.

ANNOUNCER: Pancresta may cause heart disease,

swelling, allergic reactions.

Do not take Pancresta if you are pregnant

or plan on becoming pregnant.

If you have a problem with addiction,

do not take Pancresta, as smoking Pancresta may mimic

the otherworldly high of heroin.

Chopping up and snorting Pancresta may amplify

and/or enhance sexual experience.

Rock concerts on Pancresta may be excessively transformative.

Pancresta may cause intense philosophical

and scientific breakthroughs.

Pancresta can be delivered directly to your home,

and since we're here, why not, we'll do a bump. (SNIFFS)

Pancresta is not for everyone, just the sexy people.

Lame losers should not take Pancresta.


Makes opiates look like (BLEEP) baby aspirin.

Meg, like everyone who doesn't have diabetes, I'm not sure how it works, but I do know you could go blind, you could have organ failure, you could lose your feet.

No amount of fame is worth this.

James Woods High School will also be saluting their own diabetic Internet celebrity with a pep rally in her honor this Thursday.

Sponsored by Pancresta, which feels like being inside the warm, wet mouth of the Lord.



You know, I think you like driving this Hummer.

You're a Hummer guy.

I'm not a Hummer guy, Stewie. I'm a responsible Prius driver who's making the best of a bad situation.

I didn't ask for this car.

I also didn't ask for these slowpokes in front of me.

- Out of the way, you old bag!
- Brian, that's Paul McCartney doing "Carpool Karaoke" songs we can afford.

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes



How should we end the scene, Brian?

Sam Elliott or Kiss "Lick it Up"?

Why not both?

SAM ELLIOTT: "Lick it up. Lick it up.

Oh, yeah."

That's about all I care to read of that.

Refrigerator Meg here having one of my favorite snacks: french fry sandwiches on white bread.

Bad sugars and starches are the b*mb!



Meg's feet are gone. Rotted.

I have a gift for knowing when something bad happens to someone's legs, kind of like a shining.


CLEVELAND: How you doing, doc?




Oh, you were thirsty, weren't you?

Good girl. No!

Good boy. You're a boy car.

- Yeah, that's weird. Stop that.
- Stop what?

The way you're touching, feeding,

- and talking to your car.
- His name is Mark McGrath.

What's happened to you?

I-I don't know. All I know
is I love this Hummer.

God, the power.

I deserved a sweet ride for a little while.

It felt so good.

People turned their heads when I pulled into Hooters, Lids, GNC. It's not fair!

- How much creatine...
- I've been doing a lot of creatine!

- All set.

You can probably get another
, miles out of this thing.

Well, let's see... I drive about , a year, so when this car goes, I'll be...

Dead for years.

Let me just say goodbye to the Hummer.

I'll miss you, Mark McGrath.

I'll miss scaring the hell out of homeless people with your cruise-ship-grade air horn.

I'll miss catching the eye of women smoking outside of government buildings.

But mostly, I'll miss driving a military vehicle

miles an hour through a school zone

- to get Crest Whitestrips.

The back side of this car is all wrecked.

Who fixed this thing, your wife?

- No, she can't fix a car.
- That's my point.

She passed away last month.
She was addicted to Pancresta, so she didn't so much pass away as elevate to a higher level of consciousness.

Just turned into a smiling beam of light right before my eyes.

She told me to be at peace, and I was.

I'm hearing a lot of good stuff about this Pancresta.

Sorry, Mr. Griffin. I don't know what happened.

Looks like you got the Hummer for another couple of days at least.

Stewie, why did you do it?

Oh, you were having so much fun, Bri.

Besides, the Earth is on fire.

One dog driving a Prius won't fix that.

Where to?

Let's do donuts on Mark Ruffalo's lawn.

- BRIAN: Yeah!


Hey, come on, you guys. Knock it off.

Hey, why don't you turn into the Hulk?

Oh, right. You're just a Hollywood sissy.

I'm calling the cops!

Oh, you hear that, Brian? Hulk's calling the cops.


SAM ELLIOTT: Turns out old Mark really was the Hulk.


And Brian and Stewie got tossed clear up to New Hampshire.

I'm Sam Elliott.

This concludes your B story.


Look at 'em all out there, Meg.

They're all here because of you.

Hi, Meg.

It's your friends, Patty, Ruth and Esther.

If anyone remembered what we look like, it would be shocking how fat we are.

You've inspired us to gain all this weight, and we just wanted to say thanks.


♪ ♪

Dad, I can't do this.

All my friends are fat because of me.

I don't want them to lose their feet, too.

Everybody needs their feet.

SAM ELLIOTT: Feet. Those little weirdos on the end of your legs.

I used mine to mosey on over to the A story.

I'm going out there to warn everybody about the dangers of unhealthy eating.

Meg, I am so high on Pancresta right now, I don't care what you say.

Three dimensions?

No, six dimensions.


Be at peace, Meg.

Be at peace.

Phone. Forgot my phone.

- GIRL: We love you, Meg!
- GIRL : Eat something gross!

BOY: I was gonna take you to prom as part of a cruel bet, but I'm fat now, too!

Hey, everybody.

I want to talk to you guys about something important.

Being healthy.

I'm still Refrigerator Meg!

But from here on, my fridge will be full of fruits, vegetables and lean meats! Yo, yo, yo!


Bring back the fridge!

CROWD (CHANTING): Bring back the fridge!

Bring back the fridge!
Bring back the fridge!


- What's going on, guys?

I'm Corey from Corey's World.

Did you hear that all the Jewish kids stayed home from school that day?

Is everyone okay, Principal Shepherd?

Mostly. We only had one fatality.

An old janitor was crushed under the bleachers.

Huh. Has anyone claimed his feet?

Yeah, and has anyone claimed his mop?

Good news! The feet transplant was a success.

So... good news all around.

PETER: Well, I'm glad everything's back to normal.

LOIS: No, it isn't!

Meg got the dead janitor's feet,

Brian and Stewie got thrown into New Hampshire by the Hulk,

and you're a beam of light.

CHRIS: I have the shining now.

LOIS: And Chris has the shining now.

PETER: Lois, just do a line of Panc.

LOIS: (SNIFFS) Ah! Road House!

PETER: Road House.

SAM ELLIOTT: Road House...

is a movie I was in.
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