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02x12 - Ramifications

Posted: 05/06/19 15:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Magicians.

Hey, can you help me find some information?

What are you looking for?

Well, say a--a being with an enormous amount of power.

I'm looking for how someone might, you know, defeat them.

[speaking Russian]

"The art of k*lling gods.

" Any word on the Poison Room?

Believe me, I wanna get in there.

It's--it's above my pay grade.

Penny, Silvia.

- You really don't need my help?

- With what?

Trying to break into the Poison Room.

I am telling you the truth because you are the one I trust, and I really just need your support right now.

I controlled their minds.

Of course, honey.

Just like you have, many, many times.

They said they were just trying to summon a little help from some kind of god.

They were summoning an evil bitch.

The benevolent Our Lady Underground.

It is all about her.

Grinding men men and gods into the f*cking dirt, and then she leaves!

That's Miss Persephone.

That's Our Lady Underground.

Julia, why do you look like a 12-year-old?

Because I'm her shade.

Shades go to the underworld.

- Alice.

- Quentin.

I missed you so much.

Is there any way we can take her with us?

[alarm blaring]

- Jules, what the hell?

- I know.

This is my one shot, and this is what I want to do with it.

No one has ever brought niffin back to life.

Many try, but all [gagging and gurgling]

We have something that no one else has ever had.

We have Alice's shade.

The meta-math has never added up before, but with this Still tremendously bad idea.

Fine, f*ck him.

He won't help us.

We'll take it to Dean Fogg.

With one morning fart, I release more magic than Henry Fogg has in his whole life.

But you can't get it up for this?

No, you can't.

I won't.

The energy we would need would take a hundred Master Magicians.

That's a battery.

That holds magical current.

That is the biggest one that I've ever seen.

How many of those do you have?

Not enough to spare.

Took years to make, and I need it.

- No.

- What's more important than a life?

You talk like life means something.

If it doesn't, then what's the point?

This is what magic is for.

Boldly spoken for a student who lacked the balls to control a flea.

Look, I survived your abuse, and I got off my ass, and I went into the g*dd*mn world.

What have you done?

You-- you've sat around and drank.

- f*ck you.

- No, f*ck you.

Do you know why Alice went to Brakebills?

To find out what happened to her brother.

What happened was his friend Emily had the bad sense to fall in love with you, and it destroyed her.

And when he tried to help, it turned him into a niffin.

Now tell me that you hold zero responsibility for that.

You can't erase any of that, but you can help Alice.

You can help Alice now.

You look worried.

Just thinking about Alice.

She's gonna be really pissed at me.

Yeah, but when she has her Shade back, she'll get it.

Trust me.

Umspeaking of Shades, since this is probably the last time I'm going to have one Look, you do not have to do this.

Yes, I do.

You're a good friend, better one than I deserve.

Not true.

Blah, blah, feelings bullshit.

Let's begin.

First we separate Shade, which will pull niffin here.

- You memorize?

- Yeah.

- You can handle it?

- Yes.

[suspenseful music]



I'm going to fix you, but I just have to lock you in here for a minute, okay?

Thank you.

Julia, lock the cage.

[speaking Russian]

She's coming.

[speaking Russian]


[speaking Russian]



I'll burn you alive for this!

When you're ready, Coldwater.

It's gonna be okay.

[speaking Latin]

[speaking Russian]

Please, please, Quentin, don't.

[speaking Russian]

[speaking Latin]


[speaking Latin]

[electricity sparking]

[solemn music]


I brought you some clothes if you, um Okay.

Why don't I go get you some food?

You haven't eaten in, um Mayakovsky said to start with really bland food, so I thought oatmeal.


Why bland food?

Or why Why did I bring you back?


I couldn't leave you like that.


f*ck you.

So, the Poison Room.

The code to the door changes every couple hours.

The door itself is warded, alarmed.

And don't forget booby-trapped.

So instead of going through the magical dismemberment door, let's go through the back way.

That door isn't just a door.

It's a portal to another world.

That's where the Poison Room is.

So if we find the right fountain?

We can walk right in.

I heard a couple librarians whispering about it.

The Poison Room fountain has a stack of books for a statue.

If we split up, we could probably find it within a matter of weeks.


No, no, no, I got this.

Think hours.

What makes you so cocky?

'Cause I'm a traveler.

And, for once, it's not totally f*cking me.

[wind gusting]

It is customary to bow in the presence of your High King.

I--wh-- How are you here?

I think, and by that, I mean I'm absolutely certain, that I was banished.

Had to be.

So in the books, Ember and Umber before Martin offed him, they did this to the Chatwins all the time, right?

Mm-hmm, um, yeah.

When their adventure was done, or Or what, Q?

My pregnant wife is locked up in Fairy Gitmo.

I'm betrothed to a rat.

My Pinot noir grapes are nearly ripe.

My adventure's just begun, so why else would Ember banish me?

Because I'm a f*ck up.

That's it.

So the button.


Uh, about that, um, we kind of bargained it away to a dragon in exchange for tickets to the Underworld.

You gave our only means of traveling to Fillory to f*cking Trogdor?

[wind gusting]

[melancholy music]


Both the high king and queen have vanished leaving you the only Child of Earth in Fillory.

Oh, my God.

They were my ride home.

Um, yes, also it makes you High King.

You can go to the Rainbow Bridge to be crowned.


Meh, let's skip the ceremony.

On to business, then.

Half the court are still rats.

The talking beavers are in revolt.

They're demanding dental coverage.

And the Measly Mountains, they've disappeared.

Completely just-- Stop!

The thrones are cursed.

Okay, is anything not f*cked?

Your High Kingliness, perhaps this is all too much for you.

There was a great king on Earth who had a philosophy: "Hakuna matata.

" Roughly translated, it means, "no worries.

" That's my philosophy too.

Who gives a shit about a few Measly Mountains?

- But-- - Erase them.

Bring in the talking rats to translate for the rat people, and we are giving all those beavers braces because they deserve it.

Say it, Tick.

Hakuna matata.

That's what I'm talking about.

[hip-hop music]

Don't know why Don't know why I came Don't know why I came I don't know why I came In this club with you, girl Don't know why I came in with these diamonds on my chain Surrounded by bad []

I can't get 'em out my face Maybe 'cause a []

handsome and wealthy Is it 'cause a []

cook like a professor?

I don't know how you feel Can you tell me?

Can you tell me?

I won't know how you feel till you tell me Can you tell me?

Is it 'cause I'm, 'cause I'm Handsome and wealthy?

Is it 'cause I'm a star?

It maybe could be my star status I got my chain and ring My Rolex watch, it got 50 carat It could be QC or even maybe it's me It could be that four hour flight Shopping in Beverly Hills!

What's on your mind?

I'm not Ginuwine ain't tryna spend no time I know my []

she so fine But I don't know what's on her mind Gotta pay that cost to be a boss I put on my Louboutins playing golf Young []

walking with Nina Ross I'm dropping the bombs like Viet Cong Don't know why I came I'm sorry.

I got my Shade back.

And then I lost it again for good, but I also discovered that I don't have to be like The Beast.

With the right help, I can do good.

I just have a chip missing.

What do you want from me, Julia?

To be the missing chip.

Tell me when to tap on the brakes.


Slam on them.

I trust you.

I need you.



Okay, we can try it.

The thing is, I think I kind of need you too right now.

There's something you need to know.

Does Reynard know that you're here?


Okay, that's good.

It's important that we keep up appearances.

I know.

I've seen what he can do when he's angry.

John, tell her what you told me about Our Lady Underground.

Reynard's obsessed with her.

I think they were lovers, but she left him.

Everything that he's done to her followers, to you-- It's not random.

- It's to get back at her.

- Yeah.

Holy shit.

Persephone is Our lady Underground.

I saw her icons when I was down there.

Maybe we can use her to lure Reynard.

Didn't you just say that she disappeared?

Well, we just need to make Reynard believe that it's her.

If he thinks that she's here, he'll come.

Well, okay, and then?

We still don't have a w*apon.

We have him.

- What do you--?

- No, no, no, we are not k*lling you for your power, John.

- That's insane.

- Agreed.

Off the table.

What we are gonna do is teach you magic.

I'm not a Magician.

No, you're more, which is why it should be easy for you to learn.

I mean, we don't have the juice to take Reynard on, but you do.

Can you tell me again what the dragon said?

You know Mayakovsky banned me from seeing Alice for 48 hours?

He said that I am upsetting her.

Well, he's not exactly wrong.

Trying to help.

You did.

Now maybe you can help - by letting it run its course.

- What if she--?

Q, the greatest Magician on Earth is watching her.

I know Mayakovsky can be a massive assh*le, but he's not gonna actually let anything happen to her, not after what it cost him to bring her back.

All right, let's do that.

[clears throat]

I know it's hard right now, but it's gonna be okay.

I think.

Now will you please tell me what Puff the Magic Dragon said to you?

"The first portal is still open.

" I thought that might mean Stonehenge.

The kids go there in Book Three.

How many times was that portal open?


It's always some new, unexpected Except the first one that they used.

They went back and forth through that clock all summer, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Until their mother died and their uncle sold all their stuff.

Um, I think I saw it.

At my Yale interview.

It was the same one as the one on the cover.

I mean, the guy died.

They--they probably sold it off, but what if, um, what if the clock I saw was the clock?


Why the --ck are you taking a nap instead of looking for me?


I-I thought you were banished.

No, dumbass, I'm stuck in the Fairy Realm.

How can I see you?

Oh, shit, she must've mixed in the wrong strain.

We wanted "bang like happy pandas," not "see other worlds.

" Never let an amateur pack your bong, okay?

Listen, dipshit, you have to find Rafe, the squirrely little prick who works for the sloth.

He got me here.

He can get me back.

You could say "please.

" No, I literally could not.

I'm gonna go find Fen.

You find a g*dd*mn way to get me back.


Pretty sure this is it.

Book statue.

Not the most imaginative, those librarians.

Yeah, but not stupid.

Look at this cover.

And locked.

I've never seen anything like this.

Six-stage Vermel anti-tampering enchantment.

I can crack it.


[metallic creaking]

Pretty varsity [grunts]

For a kid.

My dad's a good teacher.

All right, so who pissed him off?

You're going to a lot of trouble to get at some of the most powerful battle magic in the universe.

Somebody's about to have a bad day.

I know it's hard for men to imagine women having their own reasons for doing anything, but I'm looking for my own book.

I've been hidden away in a library for the last year.

No TV, no Wi-Fi, had to find some way to entertain myself, so I started reading Kanye's book.

By the way, he's really misunderstood.

Anyway, right in the middle of a sex scene, the book just stopped.

Kanye dies during sex?

That's the weird part.

There were 20 more pages, all blank.

It's a glitch, right?

But then, every other book I checked of somebody alive right now ends in 20 blank pages.

[dark music]

The Order's known about it for years--they call it the Great Blank Spot, some kind of cataclysmic badness.

Well, what causes it?

They don't know, just that it happens soon, like, weeks.

How is reading your book gonna help?

Something happens that affects the library, it'll be in a librarian's book, but right now, they're moving all the librarians' books to the Poison Room, including mine.

The Order thinks that once your book is written, your fate is sealed.

Well, I've never seen a book be wrong.

- You?

- No, but I saw them reshelve your book 39 times.

Time loops exist, then I'm team Sarah Connor: "No fate but what we make.

" Fine, I'll grab your book for you.

I can get it myself.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're not coming.

How are you gonna get back?

I can't travel anyone with me.

Think this is my first time fountain spelunking?

Well, fountain didn't drop us in a lava pit, so we've got that going for us.

[floor creaking]


When they named it the Poison Room, how literal do you think they were being?

Let's just do this fast.


Coming in on the weekend.

Now, that is work ethic.

I was hoping to run into you, actually.

I, uh, have questions, and I would appreciate some fatherly guidance.

I'd like that too.


It struck me that I've missed a lot of birthdays.

Open it.

[ominous music]


N--what is--?

You went back to the witches.

Where is she?

Where's my wife?

Oh, here and there.

I saved you the biggest piece.

Are you still trying to be a good person?

As if there is such a thing.

Left alone, you would fight and fight against your nature.

And you would waste so much of what you really are.

If you think doing this is going to turn me into you, you don't understand people at all.

I've been at it a long time.

Well, look at Julia.

I put a tiny black spot on her soul, and she scrubbed at it so much she put a hole in it.

She can never go back to who she is.

Now neither can you.

This is an investment in our future, son.

Someday, when you've embraced what you really are, you'll come find me.


[boat horn bellows]


Can I help you?

Hi, we're looking for a clock.

It belonged to my grandfather.

The auction website, it listed this address.

Auction websites don't do that.

Ugh, fine.

We bribed the webmaster.

The clock's got a lot of sentimental value, so.

Sorry, there's no clock here.

"The clock was an unremarkable thing on its surface.

"To keep his mind off the troubles of w*r and family, "Martin set out to repair its inner workings, "and in place of a mechanical heart" "He found a new world.

" That's my favorite chapter in the book.

Holy shit, there are two of you.

- Don't touch that.

- Oh.

Please, put that down.

Sorry, okay.

Is that?

A screenplay for the failed 1983 feature film adaptation.

There was a "Fillory" movie?

No, the studio wouldn't pay for the talking bears, so the director, he quit in protest.

Can I?


Q, uh, I found Grampy's clock.

Wait, they changed the Chatwins Skateboarding Americans.

I know, a travesty.

And they got Jane completely wrong.

A girl that timid could never grow up to be a Watcherwoman.

Okay, real talk, I'll give you $1,000 for the clock.

It's a collector's item.

- $20,000.

- It's not for sale.

Wait, the books never said who the Watcherwoman is.

[tense music]

Well, it's-- it's not hard to deduce.

Anyone who's always wearing a hood is clearly a character you've met before.

You know, don't you?

That it's all real.

You--you've been to Fillory.


Been to Fillory.

Even in Fillory the Watcherwoman's identity is a secret.

Who are you?

Oh, my God, Q.

He has horns.

Like Ember, like, just like Ember.



[ominous music]

Holy shit.


In the flesh.

What even is that?

Lightning storm, huge.

Happened every time Persephone ascended from the Underworld.

She used to come every spring.

Now, decades, no pattern, no trace.

Except these modern accounts show four storms stretch across the entire swath of Southern Europe, and, smack in the center, Murs, France.

So we just need to kick up a light storm, - a few twisters.

- And Reynard will think Our Lady is on Earth.

He'll come running.


[door opens]

[door closes]

Are you okay?

II need a drink.

[ominous music]

How was spell practice?

I can barely make a spark.

I thought you said it'd be easy.

You know, no pressure or anything-- Do you ever think about where you'd be if he hadn't-- r*ped me?

No, I try to focus on who I was.

It's getting harder, though.

Reynard thinks he broke you, that there's no coming back from what he did.

Do you think that's true?

I hope not.

Well, whatever happens, don't let him be right.

I think you should go get some pizza.


Food run.

Listen, I wish we had time to talk this through, but ultimately, I know you'd agree with me.

What are you talking about?

Ahh, ahh, oh, my wards.

I'm sorry.

Why, why are you doing this to me?

After everything Julia's been through, I can't make her do this.

Do what?

This is very good.


I don't have time.

Ah, brilliant, the shortcut there-- I don't have time.

I understood everything, and now it's fading like a dream that you woke me from.

Why can't I do magic?

You're newborn again.

You must crawl then walk.

How long?

What's the rush?

I'm stuck in this-- this oily, disgusting cage, and I--I can't even f*cking see.

I can't do anything.

On the contrary, you're finally in a position - to do something interesting.

- f*ck you, what do you know?

I know, as niffin, you care about nothing but your own mind, so congratulations, a perfect life with zero meaning.

Now as human-- Humans are weak pieces of shit.

Do you know what magic is?

Energy capable of making this sh*thole world one fractional speck less unbearable because we shits try so f*cking hard, and that--that is not weakness.

Believe me.

You don't like this world?

Good, you see its faults.

It gives you focus and solitude to actually fix it.

Adderall, to fortify you.

Makes you write like Tolstoy.

Don't make face.

dr*gs are fun.

Hey, I wasn't sure what kind you wanted, so, I don't know, I-- [solemn music]

Oh, my God.

He made--he made me.


He made me do the ritual.

Collect his--his power.


Oh, my God.

Hey, you get yourself cleaned up, and I'll handle the rest, okay?

There you are, you son of a bitch.


Sylvia, where are you?


Sylvia, read it when you get back.

We gotta go.

You betrayed Ember.

Well, I wouldn't call it that.

I just had no choice.

It was a matter of survival.

A condition of the agreement I made with Martin Chatwin.

He had Fillory booby-trapped to the gills.

He was about to fillet me.

So you faked your own death, and you moved to Vancouver?

Well, if I had to leave Fillory, Canada was the obvious second choice.

What is it that you enjoy about Fillory?

Uhit reminds me of a time before I realized how shitty being an adult is.

And there's opium in the air.

And how do you feel about turtles?

Indifferent, I guess.

Not a fan.

Would you sleep easier knowing that your entire world rested on the back of one or several?

What--why are you asking?

Because as visitors to my previous work, you make for an excellent focus group for my new world.

It's something I've been building.

Testing a few things out.

It's more of a pocket world, really.

I call it Cuba.

That's already a place.

- Is it?

- Yes.

- You're sure?

- Absolutely sure.

Oh, damn it.

Look, this is all very interesting-ish, but I have a kingdom to fix.


You were never meant to fix Fillory.

Of course I was.

No, you were meant to entertain like some reality TV star.

Oh, Ember must've found you so boring.


Fillory was created out of the unification of opposites.

Ember is a creature of entropy and chaos-- And you have every season of "Law & Order" on DVD.

The most perfect show in creation.

When Ember and I were together, there was balance.

Without me, chaos reigns.

Give up, Children of Earth.

Fillory cannot be ruled.

[dark music]



Come on.

Stop worrying about me.

f*cking travel out already.

Look, I will carry your ass back by-- You don't get it!

I don't make it back to the rope.

My book didn't have a blank spot.

So what?

What happened to "there's no fate but what we make"?

If you carry me back, you die too, Penny.

I read it.

Leaving me is the only way you have a chance.


- Penny.

- I got your book.

What the hell?


Oh, my-- Help!

Give me good news, Rafe.

Unfortunately, returning from the Fairy Realm is, uh, problematic.

All I have is this tincture that takes you there.

Why would I drink this?

Then I'm stuck there with Margo, and you can't get either of us out.

Prince Ess of Loria, Your Majesty.

Where's my father?

Hey, I don't think we've formally met.

Cut the shit.

I will tear this place apart if I have to.

So uh, funny story, uh, your--your dad is actually a rat person now.

- Do it.

- He's-- [dramatic music]

[gate latches]

Break it down.


Hakuna matata has failed me.

It pains me, but I simply cannot go back to Fillory.

So you're just gonna let Ember turn Fillory into a telenovela?

Well, you don't understand how he is.

He pitted animals against each other by offering only the sexiest the ability to speak.


Drunk off his chair, obviously.

When he gets snacky, he talks about turning humans into rats.

Holy shit.

Ember turned everybody into rats.

Oh, he finally did it.

That's been on his bucket list for centuries.

Ember cock-blocked me.

You are a god of Fillory.

Why are you just sitting here and letting your brother shit all over it?

You let The Beast happen.

You shut out a child who needed shelter, and when he became a monster, you ran.

You hate chaos?

Then fix the chaos that you created.

You're right.

But some mistakes cannot be repaired.

And from those, we must move forward.

And I shall try to avoid repeating such mistakes in my new world.

Fine Then give us the clock.

Why do you care?

Fillory's on its last legs.

Everything you've said tells me Ember is tired of the game.

He's likely to smash the place like a toddler.

Trust me, that'll be it.

End of Fillory.

And don't get sentimental.

We aren't ready to walk away yet.

We know you still love Fillory.

You literally have every memento to prove it.

If you can't fix it or won't save it, then let us try.


You love Fillory.

It's my home.

Then the clock is yours, Your Majesty.

But heed my warning.

Nothing entertains Ember more than a whimsical death.

[tense music]

[speaking Latin]

[ominous music]

- Hey.

- Hey.

How's Penny?

Still alive?

I could've worded that better.


They cleared out the whole infirmary.

Something about radiation.

That can't be good.

And not much I can do about it right now.

So you've got time.

k*ll it with me k*lling Reynard.

Good news, found a spell in here.

Turns metal objects into god-piercing weapons.

And if it can be anything, g*n, right?

But it took everything John gave us just to make one b*llet.

So we've got one shot.


Fall back.

Don't inhale thesmoke [dazed laughter and coughing]

Oh, shit.

Luckily, I'm a pro.

Come on, come on.


- Josh, you can see me?

- Fen!

Josh, help me!

Help me, please, hurry!

Tick, tell my story.

[wind blowing]

Well, this is it.

[thunder rumbling]

The sign Reynard's been waiting for.

Come on out, assh*le.

Something feels so right about tricking him with goddess omens.


Let's get scarce.

Let's go.

[thunder crashing, wind blowing]

I know you're here.

There he is.

The lightning, the wind Always were a drama queen.

[thunder rumbling]

I can't get a clear shot.

Go on the other side.

- I'll get you a clear shot.

- Kady!


I should have known.

Where's Julia?

Why don't you ask me where John is?

What did you do?

Nothing he wasn't asking for.

Hated you so much, he begged me to k*ll him.

You bitch!

You liar!

[g*n cock]


Kady, what?

It's you.

You ignored us, and now you're here?

All of a sudden?


To ask you to spare his life.

I don't understand.

Why do you care?

He's my son.

Did you know what he was doing?

Of course you did.

He r*ped me.

Your son.

I'd be sobbing and telling you every detail, but I lost my Shade in the abortion, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it.

Let me deal with him.

Why would I trust you?

Come the f*ck on, lady.

There are consequences to k*lling a god, Julia.

I lost my friends.

I lost everything.

He turned me into a monster.

You're a survivor.

[solemn music]

You're still capable of mercy, Julia.

Don't let him rob you of that.

It's your choice.


I am so disappointed with what you've done.

You left me.

You left me.

Well, I am back.

And it's time to go.

No, no!

How could you do this after everything we've been through?

I k*lled John for this.

It was the right thing.

How the hell would you know that?

Sorry, Kady.

Our Lady sent me.


Hey, I'm sorry I hurt you.

I tried to do the right thing.

But I'm not sorry that you're alive, and maybe that makes me selfish, but I The world's a better place when you're in it.

Say the word, and I'll stay.

[tense music]

If you want me to leave you alone for a while and figure this out on your own, I mean, let's face it.

There's probably nothing that you can't figure out.

You are Alice Quinn.

Okay, so the plan so far is, find a way to stay in Fillory and never get banished again.

Find a way to stop Ember or drive him out or, I don't know, anything but letting him get so bored he decides to just shake the Etch A Sketch and end our kingdom, everyone I care about, and the well spring in the process.

So, thoughts?

You're talking about conquering Fillory.

For its own good.

Your plan is the exact same as The Beast's was.


[clock ticking]

Do you got a better idea?