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08x00 - Movie - Greatest Moments ( 2018)

Posted: 05/04/19 07:15
by bunniefuu
Game of Thrones - Greatest Moments ( 2018 )

The best thing I've ever seen on television.

It's time to unleash the greatest moments of Game Of Thrones...

The best thing I've ever seen on television. chosen by you.

A crown for a king.

From a treasure trove of epic scenes...

I got goose bumps, actually.

..across seven expl*sive seasons.

My TV is coming alive.

Of feuding families... The Lannisters send their regards.

...and cataclysmic vengeance.

These women are much more powerful than the men.

Everybody has a motivation to k*ll.

Villain or hero... Characters...

...very quickly are taken out.

Death comes for all.

You're dead, you're dead, you're dead.

It's perfect poetic justice.

As ice and fire unite...

Wow! That is an intense scene.

...the end game is in sight.

She's hardcore. Who will claim the throne?

It's about survival. It's about power. It's about revenge.

The results have landed.

So don't even blink...

I didn't see that coming. we reveal your greatest moments.

I love this show.

I was watching thinking, like, the fire's burning, candlelight...

I was thinking this is good.

At No. , it's Melisandre's big bedtime reveal.

That was one of the best twists.

I did not expect that. I didn't expect it at all.

The Red Priestess has been hot property in Westeros.

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

I truly believe that she believes in the Lord of Light.

She's %, she's got this blind faith and that's why we like her... that's why I like her.

She's enticed the powerful to reach out and touch faith.

She's always used her sexuality to manipulate men.

Stannis was so bewitched, he sanctioned a terrible sacrifice.

Mother, don't, please!

The stuff that she's doing is grim-Bo. Like, nasty.

Now, in this moment, we see the beauty is facade, but the magic is ancient and very real.

She takes off the red dress and we're thinking, "okay, where are we going with this?" Then she takes off the necklace...

...and you see her reflection change in the mirror.

What happened to the beautiful, red-headed Melisandre?

She's got this young figure but, behind that, she's actually a very old woman that's been alive for many, many years believing in this god.

However, I feel like that scene kind of showed us she was starting to lose faith.

Not being, of course, obviously, old people should have sex, but it makes you wonder.

Like, all... She's getting sexy with all these young men.

They can't seem to resist her, can they?

Erm, apart from Jon Snow.

Undoubtedly a more powerful character with that aspect, erm, that she can manipulate what she looks like and how she appears to people.

She has, like, a huge wealth of experience and so much magic that she can make herself incredibly beautiful.

That's very powerful.

You don't know what she'd do with someone else and that's terrifying cos she can have that power over anyone.

You felt quite scared. You felt, like, "What happened here?" And cheated. Cheated of the glory moment we were all hoping to see.

Bran is a fire-lighter who started the raging fire.

Next up, at , is Bran Stark's downfall.

Climbed that tower against his mother's wishes.

He was this happy-go-lucky kid who just liked sort of living around the castle and being outdoors.

Everything went pear-shaped after that.

It's beautifully paced in that you know he's going to find something at the top of this tower.

Eventually, he comes across this scene that a young man should not see.

Being a ten-year-old boy, I don't know if I quite grasped, perhaps, the intensity of the scene back then.

You can see that Jaime's having sex with somebody, but then you kind of think that it must just be some wench that he's picked up from Winterfell.

Then, eventually, her-her face is shown and it's his sister.

And the strange thing about it, he's this sugary character, but he's sleeping wi' his sister.

At least I didn't see any of it while we were filming. Stop. Stop.

Yeah, you certainly got that these were strange people.

Are you completely mad?

He saw us.

Yes, all right. It's all right. It's all right. He saw us!

I heard you the first time.

You know, Game Of Thrones, incest, v*olence, whatever, it's sort of... not normal, but it's sort of, you know, the language of the program now.

At the time, certainly, it was hugely shocking.

We were steaming right ahead into all those taboos and we completely shatter them and dance on them.

Quite the little climber, aren't you?

How old are you, boy? Ten.


Jaime is trying to please his sister.

She's in a complete panic, the fact that Bran has seen him, cos she knows what it means, but he knows what it means too.

He knows that if the incest is discovered, not only will he and his sister be put to death, but their three children may very well, too.

It's a measure of the lengths the Lannisters are prepared to go to to achieve their goals which, you know, they'll do whatever it takes.

I think it's a fantastic moment because it sets up the tone of Game Of Thrones so well.

In a conventional drama, Jaime might cuff Bran round the ear and say, "Go away. Don't tell anyone about this." But no, what he does is far more shocking.

And he does it almost with a punch line.

The things I do for love.

There's no remorse, you know.

There's just this relish.

A sinner comes before you.

Cersei, of House Lannister...

It was schadenfreude, wasn't it?

Cersei and the Walk of Shame.

And what an awful haircut.

At , it's Cersei's great comedown as she fights to hold on to her son.

She lost Tommen to Margaery.

Take her. No.

Hell-bent on destroying Margaery, Cersei empowers High Sparrow and his religious fanatics to help.

I am the Queen. Tommen! Tommen!

In order to get Tommen back, she wanted to pretty much destroy Margaery.

But she is sealing her own fate too. Take your hands off me!

It's like Downton Abbey on acid.

Bad choice. Very bad choice. Bad deal.

Terrible move. It was a really, really bad gamble.

What will we find...

...when we strip away your finery?

And because she's dealing with people of faith, then they can't be bought.

And now comes a greater foe than Margaery, as they bring out the big nuns to make Cersei confess to affairs out of wedlock.

The Walk of Atonement took four days in total in Dubrovnik Old Town.

To demonstrate her repentance, she will cast aside all pride.

Who would've have thought we would've felt sorry for Cersei until the Walk of Shame? Which was heart-wrenching.

It was very, very tough for her.

Very few women could've done what she did, complete that walk.

I felt complete sympathy for her and thought...

I felt absolutely zero satisfaction in her Walk of Shame.

It's such a... such a sexualized form of humiliation, one that, you know, would really bother Cersei the most of all.

Ultimately, to watch Cersei's downfall...

...I mean, talk about moving and shocking.


It was really, really, an extraordinary piece of television.

Shame. Shame.


You really did feel for her there.

Absolute power at the beginning to, you know, being really fragile and humbled on the streets.

Shame. Her subjects, the people in the city that she completely despises, has no respect for, get their own back. f*ck off!

Shame. Bitch! Whore!

I hadn't expected to find it so harrowing.

Bitch! Shame.

And people coming out of nowhere, chucking themselves at you...


Whore! Shame. Whore!

And, of course, we had to do every section twice, because we had Lena acting it and then we had a girl called Rebecca who was her body-double.

Bless her.

It has to go on and on and on.

This is not a short punishment.

Whore! f*ck off!

They just had pots and pots of horrific bodily fluids.

Slut! You just thought that really looks real.

Are you sure that hasn't been contributed to in some way?

I think one of the reasons it makes it such a standout scene is because it is utterly relentless.

Not the typical v*olence, you know, a different kind of emotional v*olence against a character that we've gotten used to loathing.

Then, suddenly, we wanna save her from that.

You see her trying to maintain this regal presence, but she can't.

Shame. She's bruised.

She's cut. She's covered in spit and fruit and shit.

It's a proper, proper destroying of a character.


When we reached the Red Keep and I'm stopped and she carries on, you can feel...

I just thought she was brilliant, the way she played it, that they were so tight in on her.

And the way you just see her finally breaking down, breaking down, as she reaches that door.

It's good to have you back.

And then boom!

The twist at the end.

In comes mega Mountain zombie man.

I felt complete satisfaction when she was swept up into the arms of my own k*ller.

Cersei Lannister has been, for a long time, my favourite character on Game Of Thrones.

I don't judge it by whether the character's a goodie or a baddie.

I judge it by... I can't wait to see that character on screen again.

What's in there?

f*ck off.


And we'll have more great moments from the Seven Kingdoms after the break.

That's when you realise nobody is safe.

Welcome back to Game Of Thrones: Greatest Moments as voted for by you, the fans.

At No. , it's the moment that redefined TV drama and stunned us all.

It was at that moment you realised what Game Of Thrones was really about and what risks the show was willing to take to kind of entertain and torment their audience.

Wrongly accused of treason and aware that Sansa has struck a deal to save his life, Ned for once puts honour aside and throws himself on the mercy of the King.

My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch.

Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile.

And my Lady Sansa...

...has begged mercy for her father.

He does do what has been suggested to him, and that is that he does confess to treason.

Although it sticks in his craw, obviously, but he does do it.

Because he's been given reason to believe that, if he does that, okay, he may end up in the w*r, but he may not be k*lled.

But then he didn't reckon with Joffrey.

Sir Ilyn!

Bring me his head!

The title of it should be: 'Don't get too fond of anybody.' Nobody knew - not even Cersei...

knew what Joffrey was going to do there and that's the power of drama, basically.

Now Joffrey's in power, you see a whole shift in this game of thrones.

This is the person now in control and he doesn't have mercy and even his mum can't control him.

When he actually says, "Give me his head!", that's when his mother goes potty.

That's when he really revels in the discomfort that he has caused every other single person in that square.

And no-one is more distraught than Ned's youngest daughter Arya who bears witness to the horrific scene from agonisingly close by.

She's very brave. She does wanna look.

Her sister Sansa's crying, but she is just staring at her dad, willing it not to be.

Her desire to save her father with direct action, you know, is really part of her character.

And of course defines her at least in that moment from her sister who had also tried to save her father but by negotiation.

The children are trying to stop this happening and it's not gonna stop.

It just brings a much more human aspect to a very barbaric scenario.

Once you've got Ilyn Payne walking up the steps towards you, that's it. Stop!

You think, well, there's gonna be something.

Someone will shout something.

Arya's gonna get there. There'll be something definitely.

Stop it! Stop!

Stop it!

Stop! This is not a, you know, Robin Hood movie here, where three guys are gonna swing over the fence and beat the guardsmen who are surrounding the Merry Man who's about to be hung.

I try to be a little more realistic than that.

That's when you realise nobody is safe in this world at all.

It's very brave, you know.

They're not afraid of k*lling off some of the best characters.

The birds take to the air and, you know, just the way it was filmed.

It was tremendously powerful.

That was the only scene that really has brought a tear to my eye.

That was the worst TV experience...

..of my life up to that point, and Game Of Thrones has given me at least three or four more of those.

What's in there?

f*ck off.

The whole setup in the Dragonpit was so very, very well ex*cuted.

It was absolutely wonderful.

What I really liked about it was, right before the summit, when all the characters reunited.

At , Cersei's foes come en masse to meet her.

All these amazing, disparate characters and this is the first time they're all brought together.

I've not seen you for ages. I'm glad you're still alive.

I never thought I'd see you again, My Lord. Supporting the enemy.

It's nice to see people who had tried to k*ll people and people who had other people try to k*ll people...

'I know about you. You tried to k*ll... We'll talk about it later.' My favourite moments were the Hound and Brienne meeting.

I thought you were dead. Not yet.

Two warriors kind of acknowledging each other.

She's alive, Arya.

And having a lovely, little shared moment about their m*rder baby.

The one that needs protecting is the one that gets in your way.

She's doing fine. Still murdering, yeah. Proud of her.

Every moment is full of tension.

You don't know what's gonna happen.

You're waiting for the ambush by Cersei.

You have all these reunions from different sides.

Good ones. Bad ones.

It was just so well set up.

Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister, that was another nice moment.

I love it when Brienne of Tarth and Jaime share a look.

I am firmly on Team Braime.

The Hound meeting the Mountain.

Remember me? Yeah, you do.

I liked how he went up to his brother and he immediately knew, 'Yeah, you're uglier than me now, aren't you?' What did they do to you?

Yeah, you're gonna get it.

Where is she? She'll be here soon.

Cersei and Daenerys coming face to face for the first time, that's, you know, the clash of titans.

She was late. Everyone's expecting her to come in a different way, but she gets on one of her dragons and she swans in on the dragon as if to say, "Hey! I'm here. Look at me," you know.

"I am the Queen." You can tell she really hates it when Dany comes in on the dragon, she's like...

She looks like it's a little bit tacky.

She was always gonna turn up on a dragon.

If you have a pet dragon, you're gonna drive it in to the pit.

We've been here for some time.

And she makes Daenerys apologise to her.

Nice opening move.

My apologies.

It was gonna be difficult when Daenerys and Cersei got together.

But acidic greetings are swiftly forgotten when the Allies play their show-stopping hand, presenting Cersei with hard evidence of the true peril, asking her to join them to help fight it.

I didn't expect it A: To be there or it to still be alive.

Then, when the Hound kicked the box...

...and it just started running out, that was wicked.

It is the visceral payoff that we've all been waiting for.

I mean, she remains fairly cool, considering the zombie looked like it was about to eat her.

The Hound, who is this huge arsehole who's not scared of anyone...

..didn't wanna go near it.

The Hound throws the White Walker out, chops the White Walker in half.

Then Jon Snow comes out and gives, like, a White Walker TED Talk.

He's like, "We can destroy 'em with flames!" He just gave this nice, little demonstration of how to take out these Whites...

We can destroy them with dragonglass.

...while this one is like Terminator, like, half its body on the floor...

Case proved... it's over to Cersei.

Even when she stares face to face with an undead creature, can that be enough to get her to move off her own personal agenda?

There's only one w*r that matters.

The Great w*r.

And it is here.

At...'s the moment fans have been waiting for since the birth of those little fire-breathers.

Daenerys finally takes to the skies on Drogon Airways.

On the back of a dragon has always been the symbol of the Targaryens coming to claim their power.

Ever since those eggs hatched, we just knew that one day she was gonna get on the back of a dragon and fly off and cause havoc.

Throughout Game Of Thrones, there is one love story that has gripped us all.

One girl and her dragons.

They both start as... innocents, really and then they inevitably get bigger and scarier and bolder and braver and... you wouldn't wanna cross either of them.


She, of course, who thinks that Drogon is beyond her control now, suddenly they're reunited, which is an incredibly powerful moment.

And Drogon doesn't let her down when she's facing almost certain death during a civil rebellion in Meereen.

And you think, "She's done for." ...but there's a little bit of you going, "But she does have a dragon somewhere." And woof! In he comes!

I think every viewer would've been waiting for that, to see those dragons used to their full force.

Classic kind of... from the jaws of defeat.

Daenerys has had these dragons for quite some time now.

But that moment she gets onto Drogon and rides him for the first time, that is, more than anything we've seen her do so far, that's her claiming her birthright.

Who doesn't get chills when they see that moment?

All of a sudden, she's flying off.

Ha! Yeah, it's classic.

Who wouldn't want to fly off on a dragon? Let's be honest.

The dragon riders are what the Targaryens are all about.

That is how they wielded their power.

She's come into her own, this powerful woman.

She gets on one of her dragons and she's a ruler.

Queen of the dragons.

She's a dragon rider.

She became true to her name.

She was a fully-fledged Targaryen at that point.

It was brilliant to watch and it was just exciting to think, "Is she gonna get to King's Landing with these dragons and just, like, wreak havoc?" This was the showdown to end all showdowns.

In Westeros, you can't get family therapy, can you?

The purest form of conflict resolution is to k*ll your dad.

At No. , it's the nerve-jangling showdown between Tyrion and his father who not only sentenced him to death for a crime he didn't commit, he also slept with the woman he loved.


...put down the crossbow.

I think it's very significant, that he's on the toilet.

It sums up that he's trapped and he's vulnerable.

No guards in the loo.

Not when you're sitting having a crap, there's no guards around.

It's very humiliating for him as well. It's a private moment.

This is how you want to speak to me, hm?

Shaming your father has always given you pleasure, hasn't it?

All my life, you've wanted me dead.

Yes and you refuse to die.

I respect that.

He lives with a conundrum all the time, does Tywin.

I'd never let them execute you. Is that what you fear?

Because it's very apparent that, of his three children...

...Tyrion is the most compassionate, the most humane and the most intelligent.

You're a Lannister.

You're my son.

It's so tightly wound, this scene, cos Tyrion's obviously... he's at the end of his rope.

What's brilliant about him, he's so well portrayed, you can see yourself doing this.

I loved her.



Oh, Tyrion...

...put down that crossbow. I m*rder*d her...

...with my own hands.

Doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter?

She was a whore.

And Tywin was like, "Who? The whore?!" And, you know, still insulting him.

You know, doesn't respect him and his love.

We'll go back to my chambers and speak with some dignity.

I can't go back there. She's in there.

Are you afraid of a dead whore?

Tywin really has had it coming to him.

The audience is expecting some kind of payback.

You shot me!

And the fact that that payback is at the hands of Tyrion with a crossbow, it's kind of right and proper.

I think Tyrion's sitting on years and years and years and years of anger and frustration and resentment.

And then, after he's been shot by the first arrow, Tywin's true colours come out.

You're no son of mine.

I am your son.

I have always been your son.

When he releases that arrow, he releases everything into him.

It's really so silent, so powerful.

Whilst sitting on the lavatory. What a way to go!

It's a great death scene, I have to say.

Coming up: The quest for power reaches boiling point.

Viserys has to be the most deluded, arrogant character in the history of TV. Dany, please!

Welcome back to our countdown of the Greatest Moments Of Game Of Thrones as decreed by your good selves.

At No. , it's Season 's epic battle of Blackwater.

And Tyrion's tactic of wiping out the opposition in one fell swoop has almost worked.

But with King's Landing still under siege, it's time for him to step up and rally the beleaguered troops.

In that kind of world, as a man, you have to be tall and strong and powerful.

And he's powerful but in a different way.

He's fighting with his mind...

...more than with his sword.

Prepare to land.

The dwarf has played his little trick.

I think in Game Of Thrones it shows that anything can happen.

You have handsome princes who are the best swordsmen get their hands cut off.

You have children thrown from the top of towers.

And here you have Tyrion who is always mocked, finally have this heroic moment.

They say I'm half a man but what does that make the lot of you?

He doesn't look like a warrior. He doesn't look like a kingmaker.

There's no way he could assume the position of Tywin.

But then Tyrion demonstrates that he has enormous courage.

He was the best person to speak to the people of Kings Landing and to get them to protect their city.

Because he knows what it's like to fight.

He knows what it's like to have your back against the wall.

The only way out is through the gates.

And they're at the gates!

There's another way out. I'm going to show you.

Come out behind them and f*ck them in their arses!

First of all it's incredibly brave.

He doesn't have to fight.

There's no expectation because of his disability.

He steps forward and says, "I am but half a man. But here I am beside you." It's what I think a once-more-into-the-breach speech would really be like.

They're not going to follow him if he shows weakness.

And he wants to prove himself as a strong man, leading an army.

So he has to put on a good face in order to lead the army.

He's good at talking, isn't he?

He could talk himself out of any situation and he could sell anything to anybody.

Don't fight for your king and don't fight for his kingdom.

He's always got an intelligent thing to say to somebody.

Or a joke to make.

Don't fight for honour, don't fight for glory.

Don't fight for riches because you won't get anything.

We don't expect to see him the leader, but making comments at the side.

But suddenly, "Wow, it's him." If he gets in it will be your houses he burns.

Your gold he steals. Your women he will r*pe.

I was lucky enough to be right next to him when he was doing it and I don't know how many times we shot it and re-shot it but every time Peter did it it was incredible.

When he says these words I wrote for Tyrion, it's just like I pictured them in my head, just like I heard them in my head when I was writing them.

These are brave men knocking at our door.

Let's go k*ll them!

When I saw that I was like, "Wow. I wanna fight with him as well." He was really good.

At No. it's a golden oldie from Season .

As Viserys gets his reward for trading his sister for an army in order to reclaim the Iron Throne.

Go on. Feel the fabric.

He's basically pimped out his sister.

And he's quite proud of that.

Daenerys was this innocent girl, who was protected. But not.

Um... sold actually by her brother.

She's the only bargaining chip he has.

He doesn't have any wealth any more. No armies.

But he has HER, who he can trade to this Horse Lord.

Khal Drogo's army. I would let his whole tribe f*ck you.

All , men and their horses too.

If that's what it took.

He was horrible to her probably her entire life.

And she would never be...

She never would have turned into who she did unless he was dealt with.

Much to her brother's dismay, Daenerys and Drogo end up getting on rather well, and she becomes pregnant with his son.

Jealous, desperate and drunk, Viserys finally decides to call in his debt.


Viserys has to be the most deluded, arrogant character in the history of TV.

Why would you start a fight with Khal Drogo of all people?

The man is huge. And it's his tent and his friends are around.

So you're never going to win.

Keep away from me. Viserys, please.

Very often you get a scene like this where you think, "It's all about to go horribly wrong." Normally when someone asks for something they can't have, and Viserys is asking for the thing he will never be allowed to have, which is to be king.

Everybody wants the power of rulership.

Um... of being a king or queen.

Tell him I want what was bargained for or I'm taking you back.

And all the time we've been asked that question - "Who would make a good ruler?" You can keep the baby.

I'll cut it out and leave it for him.

She's realizing and feeling this inner strength inside of her.

He just completely underestimates not only Dany but Khal Drogo.

What's he saying?

He says yes.

You shall have a golden crown...

...that men shall tremble to behold.

She's really beginning to find, "This is my role.

This is where I'm going and Viserys is not part of this journey." This is when you realise that she's prepared to sacrifice anything for the greater good.

There was nothing more satisfying than seeing Khal Drogo play along with him.

And just say, you know, "Tell him he can have it." Just to see Viserys' face.

That was all I wanted.

What was promised.

The stillness in him and the knowing is petrifying.

He has all of the strength and he knows exactly what he's going to do.

You don't exactly see it coming but you know something bad is gonna happen.

It's probably the most gruesome death in the whole of Game Of Thrones which is saying something.

Look away, Khaleesi. No.

Daenerys shows absolutely no remorse.

She absolutely despises him. And there is no love lost.

She watched him die... and I'm not going to say she enjoyed it but he deserved it.

A crown for a king.

It's brutal. Even the noise he makes as he lands.

I can hear it now. I love that sound as well.

Dunk! When his head hits the floor.

It's so good!

It's almost been like, "The Night Kings have planned this.

They have waited for the dragons for this very moment." And also, poor little dragon.

At No. , it's a moment we thought could never happen.

Daenerys and her precious dragons have ventured beyond the Wall to rescue Jon Snow.

She wants to go and help him and fight.

He and his band of men are surrounded by the Night King and his Army of the Dead.

One of his generals hands him like... almost this javelin.

It's like, "Cheers, mate, for that spear." The Night King's so calm. This is why he's so scary.

We've learned to love those dragons cos we've seen them from babies, hanging out on Daenerys's shoulder.

And then she finally gets them to these monsters.

You kind of think, "Who's going to be able to k*ll a dragon?" Don't k*ll the dragon!

It seemed really easy for him to just k*ll the dragon.

He got that spear set up and lined it up.

And that was it, gone.

I'm sure Daenerys's heart just drops.

I thought it was amazing to see and really sad.

It was horrendous.

You've seen the dragons since they were really young.

And it was so sad when you see them disappearing.

Just went down and you saw the eye close.

And Daenerys who felt it.

It was heartbreaking. You really feel for the dragon.

And you think, "Right, well, we won't see him again." Oh, you do!

I didn't even think about him turning the dragon.

It was only when the dragon was being pulled out the ice I was like, "Of course! Now he can turn it." The Night King... k*lling this dragon...

...and then bringing it back to life in order to k*ll.

There was a lovely moment where I looked at the Night King and was like, "This guy's a real problem." This dragon has gone over to the dead side.

When Viserion reveals a blue eye, you kind of figure something's going to happen.

I find the White Walkers very interesting.

What do they want? Why have they been dormant for such a long time and suddenly they're starting to come out of their zone?

You've got a wall that's been standing for , years.

I still thought that there would be... a battle to be had at the Wall.

No battle, just demolition.

Swift and icy.

And then you hear something.

For me it was obvious he'd be riding and gets dibs on the dragon.

He didn't show much emotion but I know deep down he was, "Awesome!

I hate horseback!

Ah, yeah! Whooo!" That took that wall down fast.


The dragons would appear to be the ultimate w*apon.

Oh, that's just changed the whole ball game here.

When that happened you thought, "This takes us on a whole different journey now." Wow! And breathe.

And come back for more trial and retribution after the break.

I almost cried.

You're watching Game Of Thrones Greatest Moments, as voted for by you, the fans.

It's the first time we really see Dany take control.

You start to see like... proper bad-ass Dany.

At , it's the mind-blowing moment Daenerys completes her transformation from innocent girl to warrior queen.

All by stepping into Khal Drogo's funeral pyre along with three dragon eggs.

She has just burnt one of her enemies.

But it underlines Daenerys's new-found ruthlessness.

And willingness to wield her power.

At the point at which she walks into the fire she has no family left.

So she's lost her brother, her husband. She's lost her child.

And she's made a decision.

It's almost her walking into her... destiny, I guess.

She... In cold blood, really?

Strap the witch and completely emotionless.

Watched her screaming. Think she quite enjoyed it.

That showed she's a force to be reckoned with.

Obviously walking into the fire, it looks suicidal, and in a way a part of her is dying, her innocence is dying.

There's a possibility she's walking to her death.

If you've watched the show closely there are moments even from early on, she's in really hot bath water where she doesn't feel anything.

When she sees her brother die by having molten gold poured on his head, she's actually quite scornful. He was no dragon.

Fire cannot k*ll a dragon.

Even though you suspect she might live, you don't suspect dragons are going to come out.

I thought for a split second she was going to turn into a dragon!

But of course she's going to make it.

Thanks to the Targaryen dragon blood running through her veins, Daenerys survives the inferno.

And when she rises from the ashes, she's not alone.

What was very important when we were staging that scene is that these creatures are extraordinary creatures, the likes of which have not been seen in hundreds of years.

And so when they're born and you see that look on lain Glen who plays Mormont's face that look of just astonishment.

As if dinosaurs were roaming Earth again.

As if you and I saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex just right there.

That's what this is. It drops hints all the way along that the dragons are where the real power lies.

So when they emerge you know this is going to change everything for ever.

I was on set for some of the scenes we filmed in Malta.

It's all done with computer animation so I'm seeing Emilia acting out these scenes with like a green tennis ball on a stick.

But seeing him when the CGI wizards got hold of him crawling over her shoulder...

It was perfect. Yeah.

Blood of my blood.

They're frolicking on her naked body.

Three of them clearly her children.

You couldn't get a more powerful emblem of the strength of this woman and that's why all the men bow down in front of her.

You don't see if she's naked or not.

Because you just see the power and the pride in her eyes.

Such a powerful thing to see her standing there, clothes burnt away.

She's completely unharmed. Her beautiful baby dragons.

It was a powerful moment.

You see this adult woman in the most vulnerable position but with this growing strength from the inside.

And everything's been left behind. It's been burned away.

They worship her. When she's with the dragons she IS the mother of dragons.

And a pretty scary one.

It was just as powerful watching it in the flesh as it was seeing it back on screen.

It's such a difficult scene to watch because I loved Tyrion.

He was one of the good guys. He IS the good guy!

It was so emotional.

We all of us should feel guilty what we have done and what we are doing to him.

It's the trial of the century.

Tyrion Lannister, wrongly accused of regicide, is about to take a deal which would save his life but see him living out his days at the Wall.

But then the prosecution wheels out its star witness.

I almost cried. Really.

I didn't want to do it.

This man stands accused of murdering King Joffrey.

What do you know of this?

I know that he's guilty.

He and Sansa planned it together.


It's completely unjust of course.

You know. None of the audience believed for a minute that Tyrion is responsible for Joffrey's death.

I talked to the producers and I said, "Please could you just change it somehow?" She really loved Tyrion.

And now she's there and lying.

I was his whore.

I beg your pardon.

You said you were his...

His whore.

I cried in that scene. I get emotional thinking about it.

Seeing her come in and betray him like that and calling herself a whore when you know she's so much more than that to him is so difficult.


Please don't.

I am a whore. Remember?

For Tyrion, his lover's betrayal is too much to bear.

It triggers an outburst which leaves the court - and us - reeling.

Do you admit you poisoned the king? No.

Of that I'm innocent.

I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime.

I'm guilty of being a dwarf.

You're not on trial for being a dwarf.

Oh? Yes, I am.

I've been on trial for that my entire life!

He's absolutely right. That is what it's about.

He finally has an opportunity and an audience to address what everyone has been thinking about him his whole life.

And... here's a man who..

...risked his life... for these people.

Who's always fought against the prejudice he faces from his family, probably from everybody that he meets.

And he's innocent.

I did not do it.

I did not k*ll Joffrey but I wish that I had.

Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than , lying whores.

Seeing him at last saying what he really thought, which we know he must have been thinking for the whole of his life.

And to hear him doing that at that scene was almost orgasmic to watch.

I wish I was the monster you think I am.

I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you.

I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it.

It's so moving and it's so powerful.

It just sort of pours out of... Peter's heart.

And it's an amazing, moving scene.

At No. , it's the moment that had fans obsessing for a year over the fate of one of Westeros's greatest heroes.

Jon Snow's one of my favourite characters. He's the dude.

He's the ultimate good guy.

The guy who's fought so much.

Who's loved and lost. Who has maintained his honour. His dignity.

A lot of people watch it for Jon Snow's stories.

He's one of the most likeable characters in the show.

He's most likely for a teenage girl to have as a poster.

He's the One Direction of Westeros!

I feel like he is a good leader.

And that everyone should listen to what he says.

But not only did they NOT listen to him, they turned on him for making a deal with the Wildlings.

The fact he's done that and gone against all the Night's Watchmen that have died over the years defending the Wall.

The core of them are hurt by that and wanted to see him suffer.

They see him as a traitor which you see.

If it was the th episode of Game Of Thrones we should have known better than to think Jon Snow was safe.

When I saw the cross with "traitor" written on it I thought, "Oh, no. This isn't going to happen, is it? They're not gonna k*ll him." And then he just gets stabbed.

Who saw that coming?


They stabbed him six times in the heart.

Horrible horrible people.

Even though they were calling him a traitor, actually they were being traitors by what THEY did to him.

I was very upset by that.

I mean... that was dark. I found it really upsetting.

He wasn't allowed a brave death. It was a tragic betrayal.

He gave his life to the Night's Watch.

And they repaid him... by k*lling him.

Why, Night's Watch? Why did you k*ll him?!

That really hurt me as it did with most fans of the show.

As Jon's watch ended, fans anguished over whether or not he would return, eagerly anticipating the start of Season .

That for me, as an actor and as a person, was the hardest secret I've ever had to keep for an entire year.

I love how they left it on a cliffhanger from Season , to wait a year to find out. That was great how they did that.

It's about the Lord Commander.

The former Lord Commander. Does he have to be?

It was possible to bring people back but we don't know if Melisandre can do it or anyone that's in close proximity to Jon Snow is able to do that.

I never had his gift.

Have you ever tried?

You can see it in her face. This God she's believed in for many years, she's starting to kind of disbelieve in.

And so it's a conflicted Melisandre that carries the hopes and dreams of everyone.

To see his naked body laid out with cuts and bruises.

It was really a lot to take in. A lot to take in.

I think she's starting to question everything she's ever believed in.

Please. But when her attempt fails, the viewers' agony is prolonged.

That little moment of defeat that Melisandre has. You see the defeat travel down from thought into hand.

As she thinks, "No, I haven't been able to do this.

It's lost." The brilliance of the whole sequence of everybody leaving. It is over.

It's failed.

And you're thinking, "That was a waste of time, wasn't it?" John being there, it was a nice kind of reassuring moment.

The fact that he's their guardian, guarding his master. Even in death.

We finally realise it's going to work when the wolf goes... Hello?

And that brilliant overhead shot of him.

You just sit there hoping it's going to happen but I did not believe he would come back to life.

And then it's that moment of...

And he draws breath and you're... Yes!

And he goes, "What the f*ck am I doing alive?" There he was. Jon Snow has returned.

There's nothing we like more than saviours coming back from the dead.

When he made his vows to the Night's Watch he was theirs until he died.

And now that he's died he's free of those vows and he can support whoever he wants to and fight for whoever he needs to.

Coming up after the break... a dragon and a wolf, a snake in the grass...

...and one man and his dog.

Good doggie.

We've already seen some corkers.

And there's plenty more to come.

At No. , it's decision time for Sansa.

The Stark family reunion threatens to turn sour.

Have my sister brought to the great hall.

The Starks are finally back together.

But you feel they're about to get torn apart by Littlefinger.

He's been whispering in ears and very clearly plotting something.

Where did you get this?

Littlefinger gave it to me.

Littlefinger is so evil.

You'd see him in the shadows with his little moustache.

He'd be... Hmmm.

He pretty much set in motion everything that's happening in the Seven Kingdoms.

He thrives on chaos.

I think it's been his strongest tool in a way.

And he used to own a whorehouse.

And his latest scheme is to turn the Stark women against each other.

I thought it had worked when Sansa called Arya into the courtroom.

They sowed enough doubt about Littlefinger splitting the sisters.

You do believe that Arya may be in trouble at that point.

They've been at each other's throats since they got back.

Are you sure you want to do this?

It's not what I want. It's what honour demands.

Don't let this happen. They've only just got back together. Are you kidding me?

You stand accused of m*rder.

You stand accused of treason.

How do you answer these charges?

Lord Baelish.

What?! Yes!


A great moment where, for once, he's at a loss for words.

I couldn't... He couldn't believe it either.

They pulled the wool over HIS eyes!

Oh, they had him!

We've seen him lie and betray and accuse.

And suddenly, the spotlight is turned on him.

There's nowhere for him to run.

Oh, Littlefinger!

They're confused.

Which charges confuse you?

That was so well set up, so well ex*cuted.

And came as a complete and total surprise.

You m*rder*d our aunt, Lysa Arryn.

You pushed her through the Moon Door and watched her fall.

Do you deny it?

Sansa lays it out ruthlessly and clearly.

The conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, it was you who started it. Do you deny it?

It is thrilling to see a character who's been put upon the whole way through start to take control.

I deny it.

None of you were there to see what happened.

None of you knows the truth.

My favourite moment in the trial of Baelish was when Bran gave his testimony.

You held a knife to his throat.

We see that shock and surprise play out on his face.

That's the nail in the coffin for him. There's no way he can escape now.

You said 'I did warn you not to trust me.' Bran's ability to see into the past becomes crucial.

Baelish is like 'Oh, I didn't know...

I didn't know you could do that. That's awkward.

Agh! Please help me!' Sansa, I beg you!

He immediately went to begging.

Just goes on his knees. 'No!' 'Please!' Right at the back of the throat begging. 'Please!' This has to work.

Littlefinger, even when he is doing that, you still feel like he's trying to work an angle.

I love you.

More than anyone!

He's entranced by her.

Maybe love is too strong a word for Littlefinger.

But he's certainly obsessed with her.

And this whole fancy Sansa's mother and now fancying Sansa.

Come on. Dude!

But Sansa is finally ready to cut herself free from her abusive protector.

Sansa and Littlefinger has been enigmatic. And frequently disturbing.

She was listening, taking all that on board.

She knows how to play a few tricks and games of her own now.

The pupil becomes the master.

Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish.

I will never forget them.


That must have felt so good.

Arya's got pretty ruthless now.

It's a shocking death. She slashes his throat and he's still trying to talk.

All that blood is coming out onto the floor. Horrific.


She watched her dad being ex*cuted.

Now she's an executioner.

A scary circle completed there.

Ah, gosh!

He's finally not going to be whispering in any ears any more.

At No. , we celebrate the unlikely and whirlwind courtship of two great leaders.

Jon Snow and Daenerys, it had to happen.

Good people, both doing things for the right reasons.

They make a good power couple.

But it's going to be interesting to see who is really going to rule.

I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms.

And I will.

You'll be ruling over a graveyard if we don't defeat the Night King.

It began with a power struggle.

They're all so good, aren't they?

They seem to be sort of... They're the good guys.

You want them to come together and to rule the world.

But they can't!

It would be too perfect.

Little did we know the sparks were going to fly and they would find themselves attracted to each other.

And after she supported his quest to fight the Dead with great sacrifice, Jon was smitten.

She lost the Dragon for him.

Now his heart is involved.

But this is a love story with a sting.

It's typical of the show that you've been wanting them to become lovers and you get the loving moment as you're totally given the information that you're watching incest right now.

A brilliant twist.

It's so wonderful to see the two of them come together.

And then you've got this revelation that they're related.

The sex scene was intercut with the story being unearthed.

What a fantastic reveal it was.

Through Bran as the medium.

Bran turns love detective.

And reveals to us that Jon is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaeryn.

The older brother of Daenerys.

Okay, what's happening here?

Hang on a minute. Oh, no!

Of course, yeah. Incest again.

You're sleeping with your nephew, girlfriend!

It gets even sexier. He's having sex with his auntie and his little brother's watching.

The whole thing was weird.

How will Daenerys react when she finds out?

She's got a nephew! She's got a f*cking nephew. You know what I mean?

The interesting thing is we, the viewers, have discovered this via Bran.

But Jon doesn't know it yet.

And the fact that Jon Snow is actually legitimately in line for the throne now.

'He's never been a bastard.

He's the heir to the Iron Throne.' There might be a lawyer present for that sit-down.

That's awkward for her. 'Yeah, by the way... Mm... It's me.' It does have certain implications, possible implications, on control of Daenerys's dragons.

Actually, you should be humbling yourself to him.

Because he's the king.

Oh, and by the way, he's your nephew.

It is one of the best moments of Game Of Thrones.

It is one of the best moments.

I think a lot of cheers went up around the globe.

At No. , it's the glorious moment that Sansa plays judge, jury, and executioner.


Ramsay Bolton, the stuff he did to Sansa, he took psychotic nature to another level.

Though defeated in battle, Ramsay is still cocky, still goading.

Is this where I'll be staying now?

He's got a brilliant survival instinct.

Trying right until the very end.

And he says some really horrible things to her.

Absolutely still trying to get into her head.

You can't k*ll me.

I am part of you now.

He had such belief in his power over her, that he thought that she wouldn't be able to.

But Sansa's done with being damsel in distress.

She has the most incredible character arc.

She starts as an innocent girl.

She gets taken as a c*ptive.

The fairytale has been beaten from her by successive tormentors.

Sansa has learned some painful lessons along the way.

Things aren't like she's been told in songs and stories that meant so much to her as a kid growing up.

She escaped Joffrey and the Lannisters only to be duped into marriage with a greater monster.

It's horrible what happens to her. Brutal.

Some pretty awful stuff at the hands of Ramsay.

And finally, she and we get our revenge on him.

Now Ramsay's time is up.

Finally, she got control.

And she was able to say 'I'm a strong woman. This is what you've done to me.

It ends here. It ends here.' Your words will disappear.

Your house will disappear.

She really has suffered a lot.

And I think her core now is as hard as stone.

All memory of you will disappear.

There was only one way to k*ll him and Sansa found the right way to do it.

That is sweet. That is sweet.

It shows a lot about how Ramsay's mind works.

My hounds will never harm me.

He has this weird arrogance that he feels invincible, he doesn't think he can die.

'They're not going to eat me. They're my dogs.' They are loyal beasts.

They were.

Now they're starving.

The dogs come in and you can hear the panting and the sniffing.

That was beautiful.

I've still got that image in my mind.

Very fitting, I thought.



He could have turned into a whining coward.

It was better that he wasn't. Gave him a bit of nobility.



It's a pretty sweet moment when the dog takes a chunk.


Ned Stark told her 'You're not allowed to turn your head.' She's ruthless.

She's her mother's daughter and her father's daughter.

A Stark through and through.

And her strength is finally coming to the fore.

It's her being a Stark, but it's also her saying power is muddy.

His best friends consumed him.

People all over the world, it's like...

Good doggy. Not long enough. Not long enough.

Personally, I would have liked to see the dogs get down to the bone maybe.

Or from above. In a wide shot.

She's a character that will surprise people.

She's not what she seemed.

She's hardcore.

She's going to do some damage.

Because she's had a nightmare.

Boom! Yes, Sansa, it's your time.

Let's take a break to refill our goblets and toast our enemies' demise.

But do hurry back for some out and out carnage.

The characters, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead.

From seven tumultuous seasons.


A glimpse of these creatures is where it all began in season one.

We see them before the titles in the very first episode.

And people talk about them as if they're just mythical creatures.

But we've had to wait until season five to see the White Walkers unleash their full might.

At No. , it's a big moment for the Night King.

It starts oh, so quietly.

Jon Snow has ventured north beyond the Wall to Hardhome to urge Wildlings to join him.

Jon Snow is trying to get all the Wildlings out of there.

And then we come.

Shut the gates!

There's no way that shutting the gate is going to keep us out.

From zero to a hundred miles an hour in the space of a second or two.


The battle scenes were so vicious and real.

It was quite savage.


During the attack, the Night King is up high on a ridge, watching it with some of his commanders.

Not fighting, of course.

He wouldn't need to, not with his best soldiers down there.

And it's now that our hero finally comes face to icy face with the enemy he fears above all others.

It's the battle that we've all been waiting for.

There's this amazing fight between the pair of them.

It's his stillness. How rigid he was as he jumped down.

I thought, oh, my God! He's terrifying!

They're bursting through doors and walls. And end up outside.

It's very rare we see a scene on anything, movie or TV, where we really don't know what's going to happen next moment.

Every moment is completely unexpected.

It's that moment of realization the viewers have at exactly the same time as Jon Snow has.

Longclaw, his sword, the Valeryan steel, can k*ll White Walkers.


That is a monumental moment in Game Of Thrones because that changes everything.

The Night King sees Jon k*ll one of his best men.

He's observing what's going on.

I think it's with a look of curiosity.

There's a curiosity and intrigue with who this Jon Snow character is.

But it is a fleeting victory.

Jon Snow is about to witness the full might of his enemy's arsenal.

They're not just wandering around k*lling.

They really are battling. They're fighters.

They pile over the cliff.

There's this absolute avalanche of bodies.

The Undead pouring over the cliff face.

You think, this is it for everybody.

Or they're going to put up a hell of a fight.

There's real horror in that. But what a spectacle it was too.

All of a sudden...

They're crucial to the White Walkers.

Terrifying. An army that will do anything.

Has no fear, even of death, obviously.

Cos they're dead.

I watched it four or five times in a week.

I held my breath every time.

Heavily outnumbered, Wun Wun the giant smashes a path for Jon and the Wildlings to escape.

He picked up the biggest flaming log he could and started using it.

Hitting whatever he could as fast and as hard as he could.

Then, as Jon is forced to beat a retreat, Ol' Blue Eyes ventures down for his curtain call.

That great moment at the end where I raise my arms.

When I read that in the script, it gave me goosebumps.

It's a great moment.

One of the greatest moments I think I've ever been involved with.

He very deliberately is looking at Jon Snow when he does this.

'Come at me, bro' kind of moment where he raises his hands.

It was... amazing. Absolutely amazing.

What more terrifying thing can you see than a whole new army suddenly come from the bunch you just k*lled?

It's a challenge to Jon. 'Look what I can do.' How do you fight that?

He's seen the real enemy and there's a lot of them. And they're coming.

You don't have a chance.

If you're going to deal with Cersei, you've got to take her out.

High Sparrow wanted to have this trial to get her to be judged.

That's just not happening. Not happening.

You saw her walk of shame.

At No. comes the Exocet payback.

You make her walk naked through the street, you watch your back.

Be prepared for her to strike back.

Cersei is meant to go to her trial.

You see Tommen looking really nervous.

Margaery getting ready.

It's so elegant and so intelligently structured.

They are the bells of doom.

It's like a heartbeat...


It's daunting.

Gathered in the High Sept to the Tyrell family and High Sparrow.

In fact, all who have crossed Cersei.

Then the no-shows begin.

Tommen wanting to leave.

I'm late for the trial.

The iron giant. 'No, not going, kid.' Even he must have known at that point that something was up.

And there's only one person who could construct something and that would be his mother.

Once the Queen Mother's trial is concluded, brother Loras is free to leave.

Where is the Queen Mother?

High Sparrow obviously didn't know who he was dealing with.

Show her the way.

That moment when Lancel spots the kid.

The score, as it gets sort of operatic.

The creepy kids.

k*lling Pycelle, I was just riveted.

I was riveted by every aspect.

Beautiful. That whole moment was beautiful.

That quiet menace that she had.

Love her. Love her.

Hate her. Love her.

But also, everyone in the Sept as they gradually started to realise.

There's something wrong.

Margaery knows what's up in an instant.

Cersei is very clever.

She was always going to have a way out.

We all need to leave.

That was when my stomach was like, oh, man!

She always was going to have some sort of dastardly plan.

Because we're told, we accept it.

The flame is green.

It's another brilliant invention.

There's fire.

But there's wild fire.

And wild fire is just worse.

I got goosebumps actually.

The moment they wouldn't let her leave, that's when she was 'Oh, here we go.' Oh, man.

This is going to go down!

That was brilliant.

The Lannisters, they do revenge in a big way.

It's revenge plus.

Bravo. Bravo.

Pure victory, isn't it?

Pure victory.

I think maybe after that, she thinks she's unstoppable.

But her victory has a terrible price.

She thinks Tommen's still safe up in his bedroom.

She's wiped out pretty much all of her enemies in King's Landing.

She loves it. She's just drinking wine.

Big smirk on her face.

She's a bad mother.

She's a bad mum.

Oh! I didn't... I didn't see that coming.

I didn't see that coming.

The king is dead. But now it's long live the queen.

She accepts very swiftly her fate.

Once she loses her final child.

Absolutely gutted about Joffrey.

Like, inconsolable.

Then really, really upset about her daughter.

Was a bit like 'Oh, well. Now I'm queen.' It doesn't matter the nature of the behaviour.

The fact that a woman has managed to achieve that position and get that much power against all the odds.

If Tywin had been around, he would probably have been... reluctantly proud.

You best buy a new hat.

Because after the break, it's wedding season in Westeros.

A royal wedding is not an amusement.

Welcome back to our celebration of death and destruction across the Seven Kingdoms.

As we count down your greatest moments.

One of the ongoing themes in Game Of Thrones is you're happy to see somebody's comeuppance, but at the same time, nobody would wish that on their worst enemy.

I think everybody who watches Game Of Thrones was hoping this day would come.

There must have been great cheering across the realm the day that Joffrey died.

At No. , it's the wedding, which is everybody's happiest day.

Except for the bridegroom.

He won't make it to the last course.

Very good, very good, off you go!

I love the people that you hate.

He was so good at what he did, he made you despise him so hard.

I've never hated anyone as much as I've hated Joffrey.

A gold dragon to whoever knocks my fool's hat off!

I hate you so much, I want you to live and do more stuff.

So I can hate you for longer.

Probably one of, if not the, greatest television villain of all time.

He is a bully. He's a miserable kid with absolute power.

Everyone, silence!

Just when you think that it can't get any more ridiculous and he can't be any more rude and awful, he brings on his dwarf show.

I give you...

...King Joffrey!

It's awful because you're watching him being a total arse.

And nasty.

The theatre play that he puts on beforehand.


Margaery is playing that game with Joffrey.

She's playing up to it. 'I love it when you k*ll loads of things or when you do your weird stuff.' Uncle, you can be my cup bearer.

Seeing as you're too cowardly to fight.

Your Grace does me a great honour.

It's not meant as an honour.

The way he treats Tyrion is totally despicable.

He sees it as an opportunity to wield his power because he can.

'Be my cup bearer. Pick that up.' The way he treats Tyrion and everybody at that table, he's just hideous.

I said kneel!

The kind of evil that Joffrey...

And the kind of pain that he'd inflicted on everyone, on Tyrion, on all...

People in his family. The whole lot.

He needed to be punished.

After three and a bit seasons of Joffrey's evil antics, his chickens, or in this case pigeons, have finally come home to roost.

My hero!

He was pushing it far too far.

But then you realise why.

It's because they're setting it up for this wonderful moment where he begins to choke.

It's nothing.

He's choking! Help the poor boy!

When I saw it, I saw how brilliant it was.

It wasn't a slashing of the throat.

He didn't have his hand cut off or anything like that.

It was a very, very painful seconds for him.

The death of Joffrey was really exciting.

Help him!

I thought it was absolutely magnificent.

It obviously really hurt.

Jack Gleeson did an incredible job with that scene.

The look in his eyes, it gave the scene a poignance.

I was like, why wasn't he punished longer?

Why was it so short?

Maybe we weren't meant to be satisfied by his face turning purple and Cersei weeping over the corpse of her dead son.

My son! It wasn't enough!

It wasn't enough.

Personally, I would have liked his death to have been slightly more drawn out.

It must have been painful, and he did bleed from the eyes.

But you could have given me another full minute of Joffrey choking on his own blood.

I would have been happy with that.

At No. , it's the moment where Daenerys throws a surprise barbecue for the Lannisters.

It just reminded you of why you really want dragons.

After sacking Highgarden and stealing all its gold, the Lannister loot train is homeward bound, ready to pay their debts.

It starts off so sort of slow and peaceful with Jamie and Bronn chatting.


Bronn first hears the noise of the Dothraki.

And the horses come over the hill with the Dothraki and you think, oh wow.

You see Jamie going 'Oh, shit.' Get back to King's Landing. I'm not abandoning my army.

You're the commander, not a damn infantryman.

It's the moment where you go 'I told you so.' Only a fool would take on the Dothraki on an open field.

The screaming hordes of Dothraki.

Spears up!

Those poor Lannisters, I really wanted to feel for them.

I wanted you to know that they were the best kind of Roman army.

They were organized and they were strong.

Then those Dothraki come.

It's alarming.

That lot comes over the hillside, hundreds of them, whooping and yelling.

They're coming at tremendous speed.

Slaughtering everything in their path.

And that's just the Dothraki.

That's without a dragon.

Over the top of a hill comes this bloody dragon.

Oh, my God!

What is this?!


That is an intense scene.

It was so bad, I actually started to feel sorry for the Lannister soldiers.

I don't think they were aware that there was going to be a dragon.

It's a one-two punch that these poor guys can't take.

They're running but there's nowhere to hide.

Because the dragon is slaying them with all his fire.

Daenerys attacking the train shows her cunning and her strategy.

It's a brilliant move.

But it also takes her into danger.


I love Daenerys.

She's one of my favourite characters.

It's almost like the further people are pushed, the more they stop thinking about the individual consequences of their actions.

They start going 'Maybe we're going to have to k*ll all these people to get where we need to get to.' When I saw Daenerys, I'm like, that's my girl!

Everything, literally, going up in smoke.

It's like bringing in an F- to a World w*r One battle.

It's true, it's a w*apon of the future.

This is one of the first times we're down there in the middle of battle when there's dragon fire everywhere.

But the Lannisters have a special w*apon of their own.

Qyburn's scorpion is over there. Go and get it, then.

I can't sh**t with one hand.

Tell you who the MVP was. Bronn.

Bronn was the star of the show.

Bronn gets on the scorpion.

Which looked like it should have been manned by maybe ten people, it was so big.

I don't want Bronn to die. It's real edge of your seat stuff.

Come on, you fucker!

You care about members of both sides in that battle.

Boom! Daenerys's dragons are not invulnerable.

They didn't k*ll him.

But they bloody nearly did.

When Tyrion arrives mid battle and looks out on this incredible scene of carnage...

...he's all of us at home watching.

He wants to root for his queen, but then his brother's down there too.

I don't think Tyrion has been in a more difficult position in his entire story than watching Jaime during this battle.

Daenerys is there next to the dragon and then Jaime thinks, 'Oh, this is my... This is the moment.' Flee, you idiot.

You can see the pain on Tyrion's face here as Jaime charges Daenerys... and what he says to him.

You f*cking idiot.

He's terrified and thinks he's going to lose his brother.

He's there riding and Daenerys just looks at him.

And the dragon's like, 'Not today!' Phew! It was fantastic.

Jaime, what are you doing, mate?

I wouldn't have even done that if you had two hands.

At number five, it's a cold-blooded ambush of the great and the good.

I remember getting on the Tube.

The whole first page two and three were pictures of the Red Wedding.

And everybody on the carriage was reading about that. It was amazing.

I came out of the room and I walked through.

Everyone said, 'What's wrong?' I said, 'I've just watched the Red Wedding.' I watched it in my room and it was pitch black.

I went outside cos I needed some light. I needed daylight to cleanse me.

Having broken his pledge to marry Walder Frey's daughter, Robb Stark makes amends by offering his Uncle Edmure to marry in his place.

Catelyn and Robb and his wife and all the others... Nobody saw it coming.

It's almost like a seed of hope within her heart at that point...

that possibly they have taken a turn for the better.

The first moment that initiates the change of thought for Catelyn is when the band strikes up.

If she was an animal and she smelt blood, this was the start of it.

What is going on here?

The tension is built so brilliantly in that scene, it really is.

There's something not quite right.

I feel I've been...

remiss... in my duties.

The more bonhomie he exudes the better and the hospitality.

And underneath is bubbling this... He can't wait for the moment.

He almost taunts Catelyn, doesn't he?

He knows it's about to happen.

Roose gave her the weirdest like, 'Mmm-hm?!' Kind of like...

'Mmm?!' And he's revelling in that, actually.

So that's his cruel, sadistic side.

He knows all along, as he's chatting to Catelyn before that, what's gonna happen.

Just casually glances down at this sleeve as if saying, 'I dare you. Go on.' And she peels it back.

My king has married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift.

Why would you wear chain mail to your wedding?

What is the purpose of chain mail? To prevent you getting k*lled.


And it all kicks off.

I knew what to expect and yet I watched it like...

I was screaming at the television.

Absolutely screaming at it.

Just that first move. Bosh. Loads of times.



No-one's safe.

All the characters. You're dead, you're dead.

Ugh! Arh!

It's insane.

Everything that we've come to expect and love from Game of Thrones.

The whole goal there was for me to build it up to the point of the most jocular, most happy, most powerful moment and then pull rug out from under the audience and hit them in a way that they'd be emotionally scarred. That was my goal.

It was a bit of, like, dinner-time theatre for him.

It's the cruelty of it and the relishing of it.

And it's the fight for survival right up until the end.

There's still something honorable and powerful and wonderful in that grief.

Lord Walder. Lord Walder, enough!

She's just visceral, isn't she? She's wild.

For her, it's not even about her own life at that point.

Let him go or I will cut your wife's throat.

At every stage of this scene you think, 'There is going to be some kind of bargain.' Maybe there's some hope or redemption.

I'll find another.

It's as easy as that for him. Just as simple as that.

He's just wonderfully heartless.

But it has a certain wit about it.


The Lannisters send their regards. Uh!

One of the most famous lines in the whole show.

I'm gonna let you know this information just before I k*ll you.

Um... and it's swift and it's brutal.

And the only point that she goes, 'f*ck it' is after she watches her son get k*lled.


The horrible caterwaul that comes out of her.

It just sticks with you.

I mean, it's very real.

Her resignation when she's standing there.

It's just a beautiful stillness, a peace. A sort of surrender.

Extraordinary TV.

So much loss, so much pain.

And we've got absolutely oodles more for you after the break.

Arrhhh! It's anguish. Utter anguish.

Welcome back to the cruel world of Westeros and your greatest moments from seven series.

At number four, it's Arya's face-off with Walder Frey.

She's been waiting for such a long time, such a long time, for her revenge.

Walder's a big scalp on the orphan's k*ll list for hosting the Red Wedding slaughter of the Stark family.

Walder Frey.

She's there. She's at the Red Wedding. She's outside.

Powerless that night, it would take three seasons of savage schooling before she'd be back to play assassin.

Arya was arriving when her family were being m*rder*d at the Red Wedding.

Arya was on the back of the Hound's horse when she saw her brother's body...

...topped by a wolf's head.

She had to basically take this anger and keep it.

And she had a lot of time to think about how she was going to do this.

The Faceless Man gave her the power of disguise to ambush victims.

Arya's one of my favourite characters.

She's gone on this mad journey to becoming a bad-ass assassin.

She doesn't seem like a kid from a...

...kind of royal family any more.

She's definitely been on a different path.

And now Arya's cooked up something extra special for Walder.

Revenge is a dish best taken cold.

And she did coldly and calmly and coolly and it wasn't like, 'I've been waiting to do this.' I thought she did it brilliantly.

Where are my damn moron sons?

Black Walder and Lothar promised to be here by midday.

They're here, my lord.

You wonder if you're hearing it. 'Where are my sons?' 'They're here.' To get Walder Frey back in the same place, you know, where the Red Wedding took place, and to feed him his sons in a pie, that takes alot of planning. That takes a lot of time.

And that takes a lot of hatred.

It's very Shakespearean, as so many of these things are.

They weren't easy to carve.

Especially Black Walder.

She feeds him his children in the hall where her mother was k*lled.

It was a fantastic twist and a bit of Mission Impossible in there as well.

Yeah. And he couldn't believe it. He was thrown, a doddery old man, and he didn't know what hit him.

My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that.

The last thing you're ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die.

Do it, Arya. Do it.


I was delighted when Arya finally got to Walder.

I wasn't expecting it, but it was like for like, there's no doubt about that.


'I liked the fact that there was so little dialogue.' He didn't get to do a farewell gurgling, ranting speech or anything.

The thing about Game of Thrones, even the really good people become quite twisted and psychotic.

'I literally cannot wait now for her and Cersei to face off.' I can't wait.

I'd never heard of 'trial by combat'. I didn't know you could get people to fight for you.

Trial by combat - you can get someone to fight for your honour.

So whether you're wrong or not, as long as they win the fight, that's what matters.

At three, a masterclass in the perils of taking your eye off the prize.

It's the Mountain and the Viper.

Tyrion is on trial for k*lling Joffrey, which we know he didn't do.

Tyrion's life now rests in the hands of his champion - Oberyn Martell.

He's the Red Viper, he's an amazing k*ller.

I always drink before a fight. It could get you k*lled. It could get me k*lled.

But, I mean, if I didn't drink I wouldn't have been agile.

Today is not the day I die. Mm.

Ellaria has total faith in the Red Viper...

her lover's powers as a fighter.

But the minute she sees the Mountain, she doubts it.

You're going to fight that?

I'm going to k*ll that.

With the Mountain representing the crown, the odds are stacked against Tyrion.

He was enormous! Grrar!

I think she suddenly has a sort of flash of what could happen, what might happen.

Don't leave me alone in this world. Never.

Then you've got this great little fight...

...against this little guy who's a little bit too cocky and this giant guy who's a little bit too angry.

Have they told you who I am? Some dead man. Rrarr!

Oberyn has a massive grudge against the families.

I'm going to hear you confess before you die.

You r*ped my sister. You m*rder*d her.

You k*lled her children.

Say it now and we can make this quick.


The one thing that he's ever lived for is to avenge his sister's death.

And he knows that now that the opportunity is presenting itself there's no question that he will get what he wants.

And he does... kinda.


The way he moved like a snake.


The whole thing was very sexy and also very terrifying.

You k*lled her children!


And he wants to expose, you know, these criminals publicly.

No, you can't die yet. You haven't confessed.

That's far more important to him than k*lled the Mountain.

Say her name - Elia Martell.

It was very much like David and Goliath...

if David was overly cocky and didn't just get the job done.

Who gave you the order?! Say her name!

I know you're angry about what he's done to your family, but can you stop with the spins and just k*ll him?

Say her name.

He just got cocky. In that last minute he got cocky.

And I think the problem is is they were cocky. They are cocky.

If this was nowadays he would have had a selfie stick and tried to take a selfie, 'Hey, I beat him.' He was doing that stuff.

By this stage you know very much what show you're watching.

So you're expecting it not to go well for the Viper cos he's talking too much.

So, from that point on, I thought, 'Just shut up. Get him. k*ll him. Please don't do it.' Say it!

I'm like... I can't watch. I'm like this.

'I can't believe it's gonna happen.' Ah, yes, just... smashing his head.

We all know what happens next. Oh, God, it's awful.

Elia Martell. Arghhh!

For him to actually tell me what he did to her right before he crushes my face...

I k*lled her children then I r*ped her.'s that darkness that it sends you to bed with at night.

That we all seem to love!

It culminates... a piece of excessive v*olence, you know.

I mean, a man's head being squashed like a melon.

Then I smashed her head in like this!

That's quite a lot of energy to do that, that disgusting thing.

And then they messed it up. He messed it up.

And that 'Arhhh!' - it's anguish, utter anguish.

It was one of the fantastic deaths, I have to say. I'm sorry.

You're hereby sentenced to death.

It wasn't the wine, it wasn't the helmet, it was the 'blah, blah, blah.' Grab a quick snack but come straight back because we're about to reveal the number one greatest moment in the whole Seven Kingdoms.

That was the most cinematic thing I've ever seen on Television.

Welcome back. We're closing in on the top spot.

But, first, let's find out what you voted the second greatest Game of Thrones moment.

At number two, dig deep for pain.

It's the big loss of a huge fan favourite.


Hodor has been such a great, great person.

He's been a great character, he's been a great servant to Bran.

Game of Thrones is a world of hate and fight and Hodor's just Hodor.

He's just all for the love. It's great.

He's the only innocent character there, I believe.

I believe. I think he had no agenda.

Hodor. It's all right, Hodor.

There's a character that is wholly good and deserved absolutely nothing of what happened to him.

But Hodor wasn't always known as Hodor.

Willis, come here.

Which we discover when Bran is taken back to Winterfell of the past by the Three-Eyed Raven.


Not always a man of few words, he was once the Stark's stable boy.

If there was any character that needed further delving into their backstory, it was Hodor.

And what a backstory it was.

...and lowers it when he's going to dodge, m'lady.

Hodor talks.

It was so compelling because we've been tracking that relationship for so long and those two have really been this beautiful... allegiance.

But while Bran is enjoying his history lesson, the White Walkers have come for him and have arrived en masse.

They have evolved and they are getting bigger and stronger and there are more of them against us.

And it's terrifying.

Ooh, I don't like the Night King.

Does anyone like the Night King? He's a bastard.

Um, yeah, he's an incredible character. So scary.

Get Bran and run!

It's got action...

Arhh!'s got gore, it's got sadness.

It's got pretty much everything that we watch Game of Thrones for in that one moment.

It is literally my favourite moment of the whole show. It's wicked.

And it reveals a big secret.

You have to wake up. We need Hodor! Hodor. Hodor.

Bran is unaware of what's going on.

Bran, we're all gonna die! Bran, wake up!

That's just terrifying.

Skeletons falling from the ceiling. There's White Walkers k*lling the Three-Eyed Raven.

Leave me.

One by one, Bran's companions lay their lives on the line to protect him.

I felt sad for them, especially Summer.

Summer's been with us right from the start. She makes a huge sacrifice as well.

It's just madness. Madness.


Leaf was like, they're coming so fast that she needs something.

She needs to do something to delay the process.

She realizes that if it means that he could survive I'll do it.

Everyone has basically just give in... in order to give way for Bran.

But it is Hodor's final selfless act to ensure Bran's survival...

Hodor, hurry! Argh!

...that leaves a gaping hole in the viewers' hearts.

For a lot of people, especially the loyal fans who've been following it from series one, that payoff was a huge one.

I didn't realise what it was gonna look like and then when I saw it it kinda hit me.

Hold the door!

I practically had to drag my jaw off the floor because it was such a huge moment and that was a real honour to be the one who, indirectly, gives Hodor his name.

With Bran simultaneously straddling two timelines, he unwittingly gives Willis a glimpse of his own fate, altering him immeasurably by shattering his young mind.

The way it's shot and the way it keeps cutting in to Bran back with young Hodor...

Hold the door!'s really traumatic.

Hold the door!

Even though I knew what was going to happen, I found it so sad.

It was a completely pure act of protection.

His life becomes a circle at that point, which is an unbreakable loop in time, which is tragic.

Hold the door! Hold the door!

Suddenly, it's like a jigsaw moment that everything makes sense.

Brilliant symmetry. Brilliant symmetry.

Hold the door!

'Hold the door.' The bit where they sort of disappear into the snow, he realizes, I think, at that moment, 'That's it.

They've gone. I've done my job.

But I'm still not gonna let go.' Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door!

It just showed, like, just pure love.

Hold the door!

It was so heartbreaking, especially because Bran's really one of the one few good innocent characters.

Hold door!

And then it turns out that, inadvertently, he's caused his best friend's breakdown and then his death.

Hold door. Hodor.


It doesn't get sadder than that.

And now - drumroll, please...

it's the moment you voted number one.

The ultimate northern showdown.

Bastard v Bastard.

This is what Game of Thrones does. It sucks you in.

It builds up. Because you knew this moment was gonna come.

It's the classic good versus evil.

Jon Snow versus Ramsay Bolton.

They've always been after their father's acceptance.

They've always been looked down at as being a bastard.

So I think they really understand each other and they've both risen very high in the world when, really, the odds were against them being bastards.

You invested in Jon Snow. He's died and he's come back to life.

Ramsay Bolton is a crazy, evil, demented, wicked, wicked person.

He's the biggest bastard of all time.

I hate the character. You know, his presence really does overcome you even just watching it through a screen.

The thing is is that Ramsay's a lot more cunning than Jon.

And Jon's instantly outmanoeuvred with Ramsay's opening gambit, setting the tone for the battle to come.

Ramsay has his own way of doing things, doesn't he?

Run to your brother.

But then that's the Boltons. They're not physical fighters.

But they're in your mind.

They're absolutely in your mind.

He was deliberately missing the first four or five arrows to give the young kid and Jon Snow some hope.

Zigzag! Dude's sh**ting arrows at you and you're running in a straight line.

It cuts you off at the most passionate point.

It was devastating. Really devastating.

It was just great to be able to be a part of something that was obviously so filled with passion and emotion.

With yet another Stark lost, Jon realizes he's played right into Ramsay's hands and is stranded in no-man's land without his army.

And then he's like, 'Well, you know what? f*ck it.' And I loved that moment. That moment of realization.


I'm not normally a fan of action sequences but this was, hands down, my favourite bit of TV that I think I've ever seen.

It gave you a really amazing sense of what it's like to be Jon in that battle.

They're ripping heads off, stabbing each other. Horses are coming at Jon Snow.

That was the most cinematic thing I've ever seen on Television.

You could really understand what battle meant.

You read about big battles where the bodies are piled up and piled up.

And it's just... For me, the idea of being in a battle like that is just a nightmare.

I'm sure a lot of people perished in that way.

And then, terrifyingly, the Bolton forces outflank Jon Snow's and enact the crush.

When they surrounded them and then they started crushing them, I thought, 'This is it.' How is this gonna end? This can't end in any other way.

Epic. Epic TV.

They were being driven into the mud.

Jon Snow was being suffocated under the bodies... of his own men.

Jon Snow is almost buried alive. He's almost trampled.

And it's so fantastically shot.

I don't think I've ever seen a battle done like that.

It was... it was totally intimate.

The suffocation of it. You couldn't not engage with it emotionally.

The audience feels it with him. You just feel utterly claustrophobic.

The mud. Covered in mud. And it was all blurry.

I was like, 'It's over. I don't know how he's supposed to get out of this.

I know that he should do, but I don't know how.' But when he does burst forth and take that huge gasp of breath...

...just as he did when he was resurrected, it's a nice mirroring. It's him almost being reborn for a second time.

And then, when all hope is lost, the cavalry arrives to snatch victory from Ramsay's clutches.


I think what was genius about that finale was that no-one saw it coming.

Jon Snow wouldn't have won the Battle of the Bastards without Sansa leading the Knights of the Vale, along with Littlefinger, to Jon's rescue.

Defeated on the b*ttlefield, Ramsay retreats to Winterfell to cower behind the walls.

But he hadn't reckoned on the might of Jon's battering ram.

Hodor was famous for holding the door.

Wun Wun is famous for banging them down.

He knew he wasn't gonna make it past that battle.

Before if you're going to go out, go out in a hail of arrows.

After all the loss, there is one final satisfying moment, as Jon gives Ramsay a stark reminder of who rules the north.

Ramsay was eventually going to get his comeuppance. He'd lost all credibility.

Still trying desperately to cling on to some semblance of strength in front of Jon Snow.

Jon Snow just flattens him, smashes his face in.

It was a moment of pure, unbridled joy, not the kind of thing that Game of Thrones delivers very often.

I thought that was it for him.

I thought he was gonna k*ll him there and then.

He's still got that wry smile on his face.

Which is so frustrating.

He was a bastard to the end.

Well, there you have it. The greatest moments.

The good, the bad and the ugly, just the way you voted for them.

Queens squared off, whispers were silenced...

...and a dragon was lost.

And now, like all of Westeros, we wait for the glorious coming of Season 8.