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01x07 - Couldn't Not Love You

Posted: 05/03/19 05:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Village".

I got the digits.


Ava needs a favor from your father.

Sofia Lopez.

The same Sofia Lopez who's suing me?

Good to see you, son.

I came here to take my daughter home.

- Dad - You stay the hell away from her.

I've been having some PTSD.

Wouldn't wanna spook you.

Are you in love with him?

- We're family.

- We're not family.

You're just the person who got my husband k*lled.

I think I met a woman I can give my baby to.

She really wants a baby because she lost hers.

Do your worst, pal.

You said my dad was a firefighter on 9/11.

Yes or no?

- Mom?

- Yes.

You knew where he was this whole time?

17 years?

Hey, baby, what are you doing now?

A girl's gotta eat.

A girl's gotta get back to her mother.

As soon as she's done eating.

You're playing grandma.

I am negotiating a peace while playing grandma.

What did you do with Hansel?

You've got to keep your strength up.

Am I wrestling someone?

No, but you are talking to your mom today.

Actually, I was planning on moving the rest of my stuff down here today.

You barely use that dining room.

It's been a week.

You can't punish your mother forever, honey.

She lied about who my father was and then moved the deadbeat who ditched us into our building.

She's lucky I don't call child services.

They'd call a social worker.

Patricia Davis.

Nice to meet you.

The system is rigged.



What's wrong?

My father kicked me out.

I was hoping I could stay with you.

Regular orphanage.

Katie, I'd like you to meet Olivia.

Olivia's our granddaughter.



Um Okay, take her bag

- Good morning.

- Is it?

Not particularly.

Um, I'll come back.

Oh, it's fine.

- Your eye looks better.

- Well Time heals all wounds, right?

Well, I guess we should look at the bright side.

Some kids run a whole city away.

She only went three floors.

Her bed's just as empty.

Not a peep, huh?

I got a note.

Apparently we're meeting with adoptive parents before school this morning.

Communication's a good sign.

She signed it, "Your former daughter Katherine".

No, she's just trying to sting.


And now I get to convince rich people who did everything right with their lives to take my furious teenager's baby.

Oh, what's Patricia saying?

Katie's mad at me for lying, and you for abandoning us when you found out I was pregnant.

Wait, she doesn't know you never told me?

I've always said you left.

I never said when.

- I was going to

- Don't.


Um, yeah, I'll take the hit.

I broke up with you and enlisted.

Gone is gone.

Well, not telling her is what got me into this mess in the first place.


That's what you're wearing?

This is ridiculous.

You have all day to shave.

I'm late.

Ben was on the night shift.

I asked him to pick me up a bagel, so I could hit him up for a ride.

Pops, he's a cop.

My tax dollars at work.

Where you going?

To throw pebbles on my love's window.

We've been courting, but only over the phone.

You look sharp.

You got school?

First day back at the internship since Dad lost his mind.

That'll be fun.

One month till I graduate.

We can survive anything for a month, right?

Unless you're deported to a country that's branded you a dissident.

I'm gonna go warm up my throwing arm.

They're coming up.

Don't look so awkward.

I didn't know I was.

It's a beautiful home.

Playroom downstairs is bigger than our apartment.

Sounds nice.

It's, uh, Claire and Matt,

- right?

- Max.

Claire and Max.

What are you doing?

Mom, stop.

I'm sorry.

This woman has been through a lot.

If she thinks we're not on the same page, she's not gonna put herself through this.

We're not on the same page, Katie.

We are about adoption.

When we're through here, I need you to talk to me about Nick.

There is nothing to talk about.

You wanna forgive him for ditching you, when you were pregnant, go for it.

- I'm not interested.

- He didn't know I was pregnant when he left.


I was hurt and I was angry, so I never told him.

I hate you.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry we're late.

Did the doorman let you in okay?

Yeah, all good.

We come bearing baked goods.

- Oh, hello!

- Hey.

- Hi.

- So good to see you guys.


Uh, Max.

- Hi.


- I'm Claire.


That doesn't make sense.

Why would he keep her from us for 19 years and then suddenly drive her into our arms?

Because he is vindictive.

Whose side are you taking?

An hour ago, you were telling me to send Katie back to her mother.

How is this any different?

Because Sarah did not kick Katie out.

Baby, I would love to take that girl in, but this is a powder keg.

So what are we supposed to do?

I will talk to her.

You will talk to Gordon.

And why would I do that?

Because she may be banking on the fact that you won't.

This place is incredible.

How long have you been here?

Five years.

The first two, it was a w*r zone.

Literally camping.

Well, not literally.

We renovated.

Uh, Katie said you were very kind when her friend introduced you.

I think that friend was matchmaking a bit, but please know I didn't have any idea.

- Of course.

- I did know what a talented artist Katie was from our mutual friend's photographs.

What photographs?

All I did was crochet a heart.

Claire's work was at the Venice Biennale.


Mom, it's a massive accomplishment.

If you're an art nerd.

Katie tells me you've always wanted to go to Italy.

Someday, maybe.

So, uh, you're thinking of adopting.

Cautiously, yeah.

In all honesty, Katie showing up here, felt a little bit like fate.

Well, we both want this.

- You asked for coffee.

- Oh, no, it's fine.

It's already in the carafe.

Just two seconds.

She's a bit of a Martha Stewart.

I will grab some cream and sugar.

You know, it's called a bus.

Takes you anywhere you want to go.

- It's also called flu season.

- Yeah.

- Can I see your g*n?

- Absolutely not.

How many perps you tackle last night?


What's the point of working graveyard if you don't see action?

Ava went upstate with Sami, so I've been a little sleepless.

I heard Gabey cut bait on her.

Yeah, she understood, and Sophia's great, but looks like it might not matter.

Yeah, a bunch of people picked up before Ava for the same offense had their hearings last week, and almost all of them are getting deported, at least the ones that aren't married to citizens.

Maybe you should propose.

I already did.

To my first wife.

Never technically got divorced.


You can wear the hat.

You're here.

You didn't give me much choice.

Hop up.

You're joining me in the meeting.

- Now?

- Right now.

Miss Lopez.

You know my son.

We've met.

Hey, Ron?

Anybody here?

Uh, sorry.

We're not open yet.

Door was unlocked.

Miss Lopez, what you're showing me are a spattering of evictions in different buildings over a 12-month period.

All of them holdouts amongst a larger group, being bought up by your client.

Evictions are approved by the court system.

There are thousands.

And yet all of these happened to have been signed off on by the same two city officials.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Pretty sure you wouldn't use the word barking if I were a man.

Pretty sure I'd say something worse.

Why would you do this?

Why would you sit me across from her?

So you can see what futility looks like.

I'm pretty clear on futility.

And what is that supposed to mean?

I'm done.

I quit.

You know what they'll think?

Your future employers?

Yeah, that I couldn't hack it at my own father's firm.

Nobody hires a quitter, son.

Of all the things you could have said to keep me They seem like nice people.

If you're serious about them, I think we should probably get a lawyer.

I'll figure it out.

This is a big decision, Katie.

We need to talk it through.

Or I could just make it on a whim.

I mean, screw the kid.

It's all about me.

I begged Nick to stay.

He broke up with me and enlisted.

I didn't want you to have a father who didn't want you.

He didn't want you.

He didn't even know about me.


Subway's this way.

You need to go to school.


To the right, the right.


Did I hit it?

I'm thinking we try the buzzer.

Romeo didn't use a buzzer.

Eh, Romeo ended up dead, and we might be, too, by the time you hit this window.


What are you doing here?

Oh, Gwendolina Ferrari, I'd like to ask for your company in, uh, a night you'll never forget.

Dinner, music, dancing.

- And an officer escort?

- Afraid I'll be clocked out.

The subway will do just fine.

Is that a yes?

I thought you'd never ask.

Hey, I saw we were short a few things after the weekend.

Those stairs are narrow.

I don't want you bringing stuff down.

But I'm bionic.

Look, I appreciate you taking the initiative.

Don't suppose you want to, uh, return the favor and send Katie home?

- Mom's pretty distraught.

- Oh, yeah?

How's her father?

Kicking himself for not telling her when he had the chance.

No, I feel awful, but yeah, I'm just trying to stay clear and give Sarah room to navigate.

We're on it.

Uh, I-I'll take over.

All right.

You have to tell her to come home.

But you're the one who asked her to leave.

Is that what she told you?

Look, if you want to hate me for what happened with your mother, then that's your choice, but destroying your relationship with Olivia just because she wants to know me This has nothing to do with you or Patricia.

It's between me and my daughter.

She's in my house now, so I guess it's between you and me.

Oh, you finally got some leverage, huh, old man?


You gonna hold her hostage?

Make me forgive you before you send her back?

Give me one good reason I should.

I'll give you ten.

I feel slightly uncomfortable you're not in school.

I feel like somebody dropped a bowling ball on my bladder.

Suck it up.

Can I play devil's advocate?

You didn't tell your mother you were pregnant because you were terrified of what might happen.

For a few weeks.

And you chose to withhold who the father was.

From her, not my kid.

You're splitting hairs.

You're supposed to be on my side.

We're all terrified our deepest truth might strip away what little we have of the things we love.

Hey, thanks for the meme.

Also, I don't buy that.

Are you fine with us just being friends?


If you're not ready to talk to your mother, you should at least talk to this father.

He was in the dark just like you.

I'm fine with just being friends.

I completely believe you.

And now you're just lying to prove we all lie.

That is a distinct possibility.


I told Katie you never knew I was pregnant, and she said she hates me.

She's a teenager.

She's chock full of pregnancy hormones.

She doesn't hate you.

She should.

I kept her from the father who would have loved her.

You didn't tell me, because you were afraid I wouldn't stay for her.

I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would only stay for her.

I couldn't not love you, Nick.

I still can't.

I had another moment today.

- You threw up?

- Uh-uh.

Loud noise.


Keep seeing him, and I've called half the guys I served with, but nobody remembers a Rashad.

Well, maybe I'm just going nuts.

Crazy people don't think they're crazy.

We'll figure this out.

How is this fair?

With me all beat up, you have not aged a day.

You want me to make you feel young again?


Go away!

It's Katie.

She can't see me here.

I wasn't expecting to see you.

I wasn't expecting to be here.

You want to come in?

Um, I don't really know what I'm supposed to say.

Yeah, I've been trying to figure that out for months.

Any luck?

Long time no see?

That's the best you could come up with?

Well, my talents kinda lie elsewhere.

I don't know anything about you.

Fire away.

I' an open book.

How long did you and my mom date?

About a year.

Did you love her?

- Yeah.

- Why'd you break up with her?

Uh, that's a tough one.

Felt I had a duty.

Would would you have wanted to know me all these years, if you could have?

Yeah, of course.

Sorry my mom cheated us.

Katie, I haven't been back long, but it's pretty clear your mom's whole world - revolves around you.

- Is there anything else I should know?


I make a mean teriyaki salmon.

- You cook?

- Yeah, only teriyaki salmon.

I dated a pescatarian Japanese chef once.

What do you say we hit the grocery store and I make dinner?



Oh, look.

I found some pictures I want to show you.

This was in Paris.

We took a cooking class.

Let me tell you, it was sublime.

I found some books in the bathroom.

Books about cancer.

Is Ron sick?

No, honey.

I am.

Look at me.

I'm gonna be fine.

And as long as we're sharing secrets, I'd like you to tell me the real reason that your father is upset.

I'm in love with a girl.

How long have you known her?

A few months.

She started up at the restaurant I work at.

It just sort of happened.

Sometimes love sneaks up on you.

Um, Patricia, can I speak with you?

Uh, here.

He didn't kick her out because of us, Ron.

- Patricia - He kicked her out, because he's a sanctimonious bigot who can't handle the fact that his daughter likes a girl.

She's not dating a girl.

She's dating a woman, ten years older, and he didn't kick her out because she's gay.

She left angry because they don't approve of her, coming home drunk, smelling of pot.

- What?

- And apparently she stole money off of them.

So you're taking their side?

We're not taking anyone's side, honey.

We just wanna know the truth so that we can help.

Ron's ten years older than you.

My father didn't approve of that, either.

- Olivia - Forget it.

I can stay somewhere else.


- Ben?

- Hey.

I was just dropping a friend off a few streets down.

In uniform?

Good deed for the day.

What a coincidence.


Thought I'd drive by, you know, and

- Look, I could keep driving.

- No, no, no.

It It's good to see you.

It's just Here you are.

- Same as it ever was.

- A little different.

I guess so.

I I was I was going for coffee.

Do you feel like walking?



Don't worry.

The neighbors are mostly new.

They'll think I found myself a handsome stranger.

No idea he's my husband.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Is it still the worst coffee in the city?

Yeah, but it's hot and it's close.

Well, hot's an improvement.


Unless it's too hot.

Still good.

Why did we ever come here every day?

Because you're a sucker for a punch card.

And the baby liked donuts.

Yeah, he did.


- I forgot about that.

- Oh, it's it's it's cool.

It's okay.

Old habits.

I got a lot of them.

Are you happy?


More lately.

Oh, yeah?

Why is that?

Making an effort, I guess.


Two years.

Everything on the street still reminds me of him.

I like that about it, though.

He's gonna be on my mind anyway.

It's nice to be reminded of the good.

The days at the park, fall leaves And he picked up every stick he ever walked by.

Yeah, he did.

Are you here to say good-bye, Ben?

Just driving by.

I'm glad you did.

You know why your father didn't approve of me and Patricia?

My grandmother was in an accident.

You pulled the plug.

Nine months on life support.

The doctor said her brain was gone.

The pastor said, "Leave it up to God.

" You know, when you're struggling with something like that, sometimes the hospital offers a social worker.

Mine was named Patricia.

I don't want your father to lose you like I lost him.

You think we could try talking?

And if that doesn't work, you know you always have a place here with us.


It's Claire Danville.

I was hoping we could chat.

Um, yes, sure.


Is everything all right?

Eh, just a little maintenance delay.

All right with you.

You seem a little distracted.

If we can't talk candidly, this won't be much of a date.

I'm thinking about my Rosemary.

Mmm, your wife.

I feel a little guilty.

Me, too.

My Leon.

He he was the sweetest man who ever lived.

Why don't you tell me what you loved about her?

It would take all night.

Well, from the looks of things, we're not going anywhere.

We met at Coney Island.

Coney Island.

I love that.

This is a great apartment.

How long have you been here?

Uh, since Katie was little.

It's only the second home I've ever had.

I love what you've done with it.


It's small.

Too much stuff.

Well, I know people who are as empty as their big apartments.

It's what's inside that counts.

This isn't easy, is it?

Katie's handling it remarkably well.

For you.

It's her baby.

And your grandchild.

Do you drink wine?

A good sushi chef will tell you the rice is more important than the fish.

I'm not allowed to have sushi.

Yours will be well done.

So, where were we?

- Favorite movie.

- "Last of the Mohicans".

Tell me you've seen it.

I've seen everything.

Movie rentals were cheap.

It's amazing, right?

I mean, when he has to leave her behind the waterfall.

- "I will find you!

" - Oh, yeah.

And then Alice throws herself off the cliff, and you're just like, "No!

" Devastating.

You thought I would pick a w*r movie, didn't you?

It is a w*r movie.

Stereotype me.

Put me in a box.

I am a hopeless romantic.

Oh, me, too.

- So what's yours?

- "Harold and Maude".


It's about a suicidal teen boy who falls in love

- with an old lady.

- Hmm.

- Does anybody skin a squirrel?

- No.

Then I'm pretty much out.

- You have a Band-Aid?

- Yeah, bathroom cabinet.

I got this.

You want something to drink?

Jedi, dinner!




You're home.

Not for long.

What's going on?

Please talk to me.

- He doesn't care.

- Who?


What are you talking about?

I was ten in that photo.

Where did this come from?

His things.

No, I I don't understand.

He didn't just find out about us.

He's known for years.

He saw me in that picture and he didn't come back.

You were right.

He didn't want either of us.

Hi, Katie.

What's she doing here?

I stopped by to talk to your mom about the baby.

You might want to think twice.

It's genetically predisposed to be a liar.




Katie, honey, it's Patricia.

Give me a call when you get this message, okay?

Straight to voicemail.

I was hoping she'd pick up for you.

And she just left for no reason?

I don't know what I did.

It's what you didn't do.

What is this?

Somebody sent it to me.



Years ago.

And you didn't come back?

Answer me.

You didn't tell me.

I figured either she wasn't mine - or you didn't want me to know.

- It's not about me.

How could you see this little girl with no father and not want to meet her?

I was in a different world.

You don't deserve her.


What have you done?


Is this a drive-by?

I'd be driving.


Well, I didn't see that coming.

Yeah, you and me both.

For the record, I didn't ask or or need you to turn my deposition into some grand soapbox heroic moment.

Can we not do this?

But it was.

It was what?

A hero moment.

For what it's worth, he's wrong.

You're smart and you're driven, and employers will see that, and you'll get your fast cars and fancy ski vacations yet.

He told me people become lawyers to get justice or to get paid.

I did it so my dad would see me.

I see you.

I wanted to do that for a long time.

I did it.

Don't take credit.

Can I take credit for this one?

45 minutes.

You're cute when you're angry.

- We missed our reservation.

- I had a late lunch.

Yeah, but I promised you a night you would never forget.

I'd say this is pretty memorable.

Hey, kid.

How much for whatever you got?

Excuse me.

Hey, Nicky.

I think you should leave