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07x20 - Confessions

Posted: 04/30/19 06:33
by bunniefuu
My name is Oliver Queen.

After months in hell, I have been released from prison and returned home with only one goal... to save my city, but things have changed.

Instead of operating outside the law, I am now working alongside the police.

I am no longer Inmate .

I am once more the Green Arrow.

Previously on "Arrow"...

Working with the SCPD... that's what's best for this city.

The whole city will be watching you, holding you to the highest standard.

Dad, please. Don't leave.

EMIKO: Dante took me under his wing, and he trained me.

I kept holding out, thinking one day you'd become the father I deserved.

It's never gonna happen, is it?

ROBERT: Is there something else you'd like to talk to me about?

No. Have a good trip.

When Emiko realizes that Dante has been manipulating her, it will drive a wedge between her and the Ninth Circle.

Rot in hell.

The Ninth Circle got away with a very dangerous biological w*apon... the Cygnus X- .

REPORTER: I have just received confirmation of two fatalities here at the Hudolin McGuire Metro Station.

SCPD have cordoned off the area, but the community is very concerned.

Rumors are already flying as to who might be responsible.

- REPORTER: Captain Drake.
- DINAH: How's it look?

You need to see this for yourself.

Hey, keep those damn reporters back.


This is where we found them.

Oh, my god.

We'll have to wait for the official M.E. report, but it seems obvious... blunt force trauma.

Looks like they got off a few rounds before they went down.

Did they hit anything?

Nothing alive.

Where are the suspects?

We've got two dead guards and one hell of a mess.

Your team was on-site.

I think you better start talking.

This is... this whole thing is ridiculous.

The real danger is still out there.

I don't think you get to decide the real danger, Mr. Queen.

We went to the subway platform to stop a t*rror1st attack, which we did, but the people that we were after

- are still on the loose.
- Well, luckily we have half the department out there right now following the same lead.

Do you think that these are average street thugs, Dinah?

These are t*rrorists that tried to release a biological agent in Star City.

Thousands of people could have died.

Two people did die.

We found two emerald arrows at the scene.

The new Green Arrow.

Why don't you tell me about her involvement at the subway tonight?


She was there.

She? How do you know that?

I think it's time we tell people the truth.

The new Green Arrow is my half-sister.

Her name is Emiko Adachi.

DINAH: She belongs to a t*rror1st organization called the Ninth Circle.

The vigilantes have been tracking her for a few weeks now.

Why didn't you inform the SCPD?

Because the Ninth Circle is just a little bit beyond the SCPD, Officer.

The SCPD-vigilante partnership works best when we operate as a covert unit.

Doesn't seem so in this case.

Well, I'm usually kept aware of what's going on, but I did not know about this.

Care to explain why?

Things started moving pretty quickly after you told us about Dante.

FELICITY: Oh, thank God.

Please tell me the news that you are bringing is about Emiko and her Ninth Circle buddies because I have had no luck with my typity-type finding anything thing.

Oh, well, you're in luck now.

Dante, not so much.

A couple SCPD beat cops found his body this morning.

Let me guess, and not from natural causes.

Not unless you call arrows and a knife to the chest natural.

JOHN: This was after you told Emiko that Dante k*lled her mother.

- Can't be a coincidence.
- No. She went ahead and k*lled the only father figure she had left.

FELICITY: Right. So that's a "no" on the evil sister redeeming herself then.

JOHN: Ok, so we have to stop Emiko from using this bio-w*apon that she stole from the D.I.A.

RENE: The terrifying bacteria that eats through everything?

Yeah, let's keep that contained.

Ok, so the bad news is that I haven't been able to find the bio-w*apon, but the good news is that the ninth circle won't be able to either unless they get a dissemination device,

A.K.A. a thermal fogger. And, yes, I checked.

The only place to get one is Aerodyne Initiatives.

OLIVER: Digg, let's get there and

- help them protect it.
- Ok.

DINAH: I'll follow up with the detective, see if I can get some more clues off Dante's body.

- Ok.
- And I'll hang back with Felicity and help her with the typey-type.

- That's ok.
- Moral support.


MAN: Mr. Queen, Mr. Diggle, it's a pleasure to finally meet the famous Green Arrow and Spartan.

I always believed in vigilantes in the city.

Well, love to hear it.

Wish we were meeting under better circumstances.

JOHN: We have reason to believe that an asset of yours has been targeted by an international t*rror1st threat.

Well, that's quite an accusation, but I can assure you our security's top of the line.

OLIVER: With all due respect, this organization is far more powerful than any private company could possibly contend with.

And with all due respect to you, we hired over a dozen of the world's best hackers and thieves to try to break into our facility.

None made it past the front entrance.

Uh, Mr. Toth, we're simply offering to help you.

What possible reason could you have for turning us down?

Well, I appreciate your concern, but we've got this covered.

DINAH: It seems odd that he turned you down.

We agreed, so we had Felicity do a deep dive into Toth's financial records.

Turns out he was getting some very large deposits.

So he was on the take...

- From the Ninth Circle.
- Mm-hmm.

And why the hell didn't you tell me?

Because we couldn't confirm it until later, Dinah.

Well, I want to believe you, Oliver, but you've got to admit, this looks really bad.

I mean, we got arrows at the crime scene.

We've got a very incriminating distress call from one of the victims, and you were there.

Not to mention the missing security footage.

Ok. Dinah, you know me, all right?

You know that I didn't k*ll those people.

You've k*lled before...

huh... many times.

Five months ago, you were sitting in a cell in Slabside.

You're not exactly innocent.

Enjoying yourself? You having a good time?

You have had it out for me since the moment that I was deputized by the SCPD.

DINAH: You know, those guards were not just k*lled, Oliver.

They were savagely beaten to death.

Do you understand how bad this looks for the department?

Yes, I do, but I didn't do it.

- Then who did?
- I don't know.

So it could have been one of the members of your team.

My team...

Stopped a t*rror1st attack.

DINAH: Except it wasn't just your team who was there, was it?

There was somebody else there, somebody besides Mr. Diggle and Ms. Smoak and Mr. Ramirez.

Yes, there was.

We thought the Ninth Circle

was gonna wipe out Star City.

So I made a call.

You do understand what accomplice to m*rder means, right?

You can't be serious.

Tonight's security footage from Hudolin McGuire Subway Station mysteriously disappeared.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Nope. Nothing, zilch, nada.

She's covering for her husband.

- Oh, come...
- That certainly is convenient.

And when exactly were you planning on telling me about Roy Harper's involvement?


After we saved Star City from the Ninth Circle's attack.

We know how you guys feel about "the unsanctioned."

Let's get real.

Emiko and the Ninth Circle know our faces.

Roy was our ace in the hole.

So you risked your new relationship with the SCPD by teaming up with a criminal.

Former criminal.

Roy left the city years ago, and he's been on the straight and narrow ever since.

Are you sure about that?

Yes, I'm sure about that.

Because we traced Harper's whereabouts after he faked his death in prison to get Oliver Queen off the hook, and his trail went cold in march of last year.

Oh. You mean when Ricardo Diaz kidnapped Roy to turn him against Oliver?

You might have forgotten about that since you weren't exactly on speaking terms with Oliver and I at the time.

It still doesn't explain where he went after getting freed from Diaz.

I'm sure the kidnapping was extremely traumatic.

He probably just went to go get some R&R... some Roy relaxation.

Not funny. I see that now.

Oh. So this is what legit looks like.

JOHN: That's right. A badge and a bunker.

Never thought I'd see the day.

JOHN: Good seeing you.

I'm glad you're finally seeing it in person again.

- Ooh!
- Oh!

Oh, I missed you so much.

Sorry. I'm just a little overly emotional these days.

I mean, not overly emotional, not, like, heightened or anything.

Because why would that be?

My hormones are totally in check, like they always have been.

Nerves of steel. You know me. I'm cool.

- Ok.
- The Arsenal. Nice to finally meet you.

You, too. Thanks for keeping watch.

The Glades can use as many heroes as it can get.

Welcome back.

All right.

How's Thea?

She's good. Yeah, I think she's finally found her passion.

You'd be really proud of her.

Last I spoke with her, she says you were zeroing in on the remaining Lazarus Pits.

Yeah, we found two already,

- which we destroyed.
- Mm-hmm.

We were checking the rest when we got your call.

Speaking of which, why'd you ask me to come here instead of Thea?

Star City's new t*rror1st is Oliver's new sister.



Don't you think Thea would want to know that?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

And I have every intention of telling her.

I just... this woman's name is Emiko, and we wanted to get her into custody before we told her.

I feel like she's finally free of her life in Star City, and I... I don't want to hurt her again with a wound inflicted on our family by our father.

FELICITY, VOICE-OVER: Roy had been traveling the world doing some extremely normal sightseeing.

Apparently he was too busy to even send a postcard.

Then why did you call him in?

Because of the thermal fogger.

The what?

The scary bio-w*apon that the bad guys needed to spread the bacteria through the subway's HVAC system.

The device found on the scene.

The device found at the scene, yes.

Look, we thought it was weird that the CEO of Aerodyne wasn't going to let us protect it from the Ninth Circle, so we did some digging.

And found that Jason Toth was dirty. Oliver told us.

We knew good old Jason would be looking for members of the TGA, and we needed someone with a vigilante-like set of skills.

Voila. Roy Harper.

The facilities at Aerodyne are no joke, and Roy is incredible at parkour.

I'm in.

OLIVER: Remember, Roy, the floor is armed.

FELICITY: If you touch anything...

and I mean anything... it is party time at Aerodyne,

- and not in a good way.
- ROY: Is there anything I can touch?

Walls and ceilings are fair game.

Anything that's not the floor.

So far, so good.

RENE: The control panel's on the other side of the fan.

I got to get higher.

I see it.

You hit metal, it's over. Shot has to be perfect.

Margin of error...
. , but who's counting?

Your target is the red button... second from the left.

ROY: I don't have a shot...

But I will.


FELICITY, VOICE-OVER: Just like that, piece of cake.

Oh, which actually sounds so good right now.

Do you guys have any cake or cupcakes or anything with, like, a cake-like...

Felicity, tell us what happened, please.

Roy squeezed his way through the blades, and then after that, it was easy to make his way into the R&D vault. Boom.

Heads up. We're late to the party.

OLIVER: That was our only way in.

Not the only way.

Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Toth.

Oh, your new sister... not a fan.


Take care of him. Move! Move!

Who the hell are you?

Your new worst nightmare.


See youse lads.



We lost the bio-w*apon.

So let me get this straight.

If your plan had worked, Roy would have successfully stolen a very dangerous piece of tech.

In other words, committed a felony.

Well, technically, Roy was there to stop the Ninth Circle from doing what they did, which was steal the device, so technically, Roy didn't do anything.

No harm, no foul. Could I maybe get a pizza?

- Just a personal size is fine.
- No. I think you've abused your food privileges enough for today.

- Ok.
- Tell me what happened.

We stopped the Ninth Circle from terrorizing the city.


And the two fatalities.

That wasn't our fault.

DINAH: Then tell me what you know.

We knew that the Ninth Circle wanted to maximize the bio-w*apon's impact.

There were two possible locations to do that... the ventilation room and the ventilation shaft.

Oliver went to one, John and Rene went to the other.

Roy and I went to the switch room.

FELICITY: Oh, wow! This thing is a fossil, and not in a fun ice age way.

Can you shut it down?

Well, once I shut down the ventilation path, we should be able to minimize the damage.

DINAH, VOICE-OVER: Did you have any indication those guards were still on-site?

No. I didn't see those guards or any guards.


Sounds like we're not alone. You got eyes?

All I got is two transit guards in the corridor.

If they're Ninth Circle, you can't let them in here.

Well, I can't just leave you here.

I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Go.

I stayed in that room until Oliver gave me the go-ahead.

And what about Roy?

What do you mean?

Can you account for his whereabouts between the time he left you and the time those guards were k*lled?

Guys, the vents are shut down.

Please tell me that you have the device.


He was keeping me safe.

That wasn't the question.

Felicity, do you know where Roy was when those guards were k*lled?

No, I don't.

Roy Harper, you are a hard man to track down.

I've been traveling.

So we've heard. Whereabouts exactly?

The world.

Don't make this harder than it needs to be.

You've got quite the rap sheet, Mr. Harper.

B&E, Grand Theft Auto...

Aggravated as*ault.

So is that why you came back to Star City, Roy, to steal a device from Aerodyne?

I came back to help prevent Emiko from stealing it.

She's the one you guys should be going after.

We will.

But first, why don't you tell us what happened after you failed to stop her?

I went back to the bunker to figure out a new plan.

According to Felicity, all Emiko had to do was fill that device with some sort of k*ller bacteria and Star City would've turned into a real-life horror movie.

Cygnus X- .

Yeah. So she ran some sort of algorithm and came up with a few possible places.

BINGSLEY: And that eventually led you to the subway.

Cut to the chase.

What happened when you got there?

Specifically, what happened after you left Felicity?

I didn't want to leave her, but she insisted.

We thought the Ninth Circle might have showed up.

ROY, VOICE-OVER: Turns out we were right.

Those guys in the hoods jumped me.

After I took out the first one, they just...

Just kept coming.

I tried to fight back, but there were just too many of them.

The last thing I remember is I was taking a mace to the face before everything went black.

And when I came to, you all were on the scene, and the guards, they were already dead.

So you have absolutely no idea who may have k*lled them.

It's rather convenient, don't you think?

You being unconscious at the same time two men are brutally m*rder*d?

You think I did it?

Whose side are you on?

I am on the only side that matters... the truth.

Now, why don't you stop wasting my time and tell me what really happened?

JOHN: I told you, Roy was unconscious when I found him, and that was before the guards fired their sidearms.

So you don't think he k*lled them.

I just don't see how he could have.

You don't have to protect him, John.

Dinah, I'm not.

Right, right.

But that is what you do, isn't it?

You always put other people's lives before your own.

At some point you might discover not everybody's worth it.

Look, you don't know Roy Harper the way I do.

He's had his troubles.

But deep inside, he's a very good man.

Well, you're very quick to defend Roy.

What about yourself?

Why? Are you asking me if I k*lled those guards?

It certainly doesn't help that you have blood on your sleeve.

Walk us through what happened after you arrived.

Well, there were two possible disbursement sites.

Oliver headed for the ventilation room.

And Rene and I headed for the ventilation shaft.

And that's when we ran into trouble.

Access should be here, ahead on the right.



- I've got her.
- Rene!

She's mine. Go secure the device.

So that's when you and Rene split up.

Rene was right. The device was the priority.

I was headed for the ventilation shaft, and that's when I found Roy unconscious.

And this was before the g*nshots.

That's correct.


JOHN, VOICE-OVER: I ran toward the source as fast as I could, but I was too late.

I checked their pulse, but they were already dead.

That's how I got blood on my sleeve.

What about Mr. Ramirez?

Where was he during all of this?



John, tell us what you saw.

When I got to the bodies...

That's when I found Rene.


What happened to your hand, Rene?

I cut it.

Well, that's obvious.

Was it around the same time you lost your glove?

What are you getting at, D.?

You know, I've seen plenty of perps change their tune the longer they sit in here.

The truth has a way of coming out.

This isn't my first time being falsely accused of a crime...


Two men are dead, Rene.

Now, we know Team Arrow was on-site as well as Emiko, which means our two main suspects are either her or...


I didn't say that.

Well, that's what you were thinking, 'cause you've been looking for any excuse not to trust me this whole year.

That's because you have given me every reason not to.

How many times have I warned you about Emiko?

I told you she wasn't trustworthy.

You refused to listen.

Well, now she ends up on the scene of an attempted t*rror1st attack and a double homicide, and you were there, too.

And you what? You think I helped her?

I just want the truth, Rene.

Tell me what you were doing before that mission tonight.

RENE: We managed to get the info on the Ninth Circle's target thanks to Felicity's algorithm.

She traced the chemical signature of the bio-w*apon to the subway station.

And that's when you headed off.

Yeah. Straight away.

You good with all this?

I'll be better once we get to the subway and stop her.

I know that it's going to be tough going up against Emiko.

You guys got really close, Rene.

If you're gonna try and give me a pep talk, save it. I'm good.

I don't want to give you a pep talk.

I want to make sure that if you're going out on a mission, you're doing it with a clear head.

When I first met Emiko, avenging her mother's death and helping the Glades were the only things that mattered to her.

Right, except she was lying.

Then why did she k*ll Dante?

Why'd she do it?

I mean, she turned on a member of the Ninth Circle for her mother. That tells me that family means more to her.

Fine. It doesn't change the fact that she could potentially k*ll thousands... thousands of people.

I know, I know, but she's still your sister, man.

Doesn't any part of you think that maybe she's doing all of this because of what your father did to her, that if not for her upbringing, she'd be fighting with us instead of against us?

A big part of me thinks about that...

All the time.

At a certain point, Rene, people need to take responsibility for their actions.

Emiko made her choice. I've made mine.

You need to make yours.

There's something I'm not liking about your story, Rene.

The part where we save the city?

The part you're not telling us.

Everything I told you tonight is the truth.

Then why did we find your fingerprints on the m*rder w*apon.

What were you doing with that pipe, Rene?

I didn't do anything.

That's getting harder and harder to believe.

John and I split up.

He went after the b*mb.

I went after Emiko.

And did you catch up to her?


Emiko, it's not too late.

- Let me help you.
- I don't need your help.

I spared you once.

This time, I won't be so generous.

Why are you doing this?!

Because the Queens took everything from me.

Now it's my turn to take everything from them.

This isn't you.

You care about the Glades.

You're dressed as the new Green Arrow, and you k*lled Dante.

And that proves what exactly?

That finding your mother's k*ller means more to you than the Ninth Circle.

Why else would you risk murdering their leader?

You really don't get it. Dante wasn't their leader.

I am.

Your mother would hate what you've become.


RENE, VOICE-OVER: I was still searching for Emiko when I heard the g*nshots.


BINGSLEY: Where were you exactly?

Some random corridor.

The g*nshots were close.

I followed the sound, which led me to the platform.

You know we have a witness who pins you as the first person on the scene.

Yeah. John. He showed up...

he showed up seconds after I did.

What are you not telling us, Rene?

Someone else got to the platform before I did.

DINAH: And who was it?

It was Oliver.

Bring back Mr. Queen.

You didn't tell us the truth.

What are you talking about?

Your friend Ramirez says he found you near the bodies.

OLIVER: I have no more ways to tell you I didn't k*ll those guards.

BINGSLEY: Let me tell you what I think.

I think you and your team were there to stop the t*rror1st attack.

I even think you did.

But one of the bad guys got away. You went after them.

And transit guards Rosenberg and Kim got in your way.

I didn't k*ll those guards.

Ok, then who did, Oliver?

Because I really want to help you, but I can't do that unless you're honest with us.

So let's try this again.

Tell me what went on in that subway, and I want the truth this time.

OLIVER, VOICE-OVER: After we separated, I went to the ventilation room.

VIRGIL: Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Whoa, whoa. Careful, careful.

One wrong move, and we'll all be in a load of trouble.



You're a real pain in the arse, you know that?



DINAH: That's not the part we're interested in.

We appreciate you disarming the device, but that's not why you're here.

OLIVER: The device is a w*apon that was gonna k*ll thousands of people, and now it's in SCPD custody, thanks to us.

What happened next?


I was still in the ventilation room when I heard the g*nshots.


OLIVER, VOICE-OVER: The guards must have gotten off a few sh*ts.

Oh, no.

But when I got there...

The k*ller was standing over them.

They were gone.

Blood everywhere.

And you got a good look at who did it.


Then who was it?

Oliver, then who was it?

It was my sister.

Emiko k*lled those guards.

I can't believe we're letting him go.

Oliver Queen is protecting his sister.

It makes sense.

I don't know. Something doesn't feel right.

We don't have enough evidence to keep them here.

Their stories line up.

Mayor Pollard agrees.

So how's it look?

Pollard bought it.

Yeah, as far as the SCPD is concerned, Emiko was the one who k*lled those guards.

You all are very, very good liars.

So are you, D.

We know that this wasn't easy for you.

DINAH: No, it wasn't.

If anybody finds out about what we did, our partnership with the SCPD is over.

And the same goes for my job.

We just risked everything.

That's why we all had to agree.

This was the only way.



- I've got her.
- Rene.

She's mine. Secure the device.

I'll be fine. Go.



Hey! What the hell's going on down here?

GUARD: Vigilante attack in progress, Hudolin McGuire Metro Station.




Roy, stop it! Look at me!

Roy, stop!


Rene! Rene, don't touch that.


They're dead.

What the hell happened here?

What are we gonna do?

We have to protect him.

Two innocent people are dead, and we're covering it up.

OLIVER: Dinah, if someone on this team goes down, this entire team goes down.

JOHN: He's absolutely right. And if pollard knew the truth, we would be sitting in lockup while the city rehashes whether vigilantes are a threat or not.

FELICITY: Which would free Emiko up for evil plan B.

But Roy is not a part of this team.

He's been gone for months doing who knows what.

With due respect, you don't know what he's been through.

Roy is and always will be as much a part of this team as the rest of us.

DINAH: Except the rest of us don't go around k*lling innocent people.

JOHN: Dinah, as horrible as that was, let's not lose sight that we stopped an attack tonight.

And we framed Emiko for m*rder.

OLIVER: Emiko's a m*rder*r, a m*rder*r who's the leader of the Ninth Circle.

And as long as she is out there, this city will remain under threat.

JOHN: I hope we can all agree on that.


My search algorithms are up and running.

It might actually be a good time to go ask Roy what happened.

I'm pretty sure I already know.

That wasn't Mirakuru.


How did it happen?

What do you mean?

How did you die?

How did you know?

You, Thea, and Nyssa left here over a year ago in search of Lazarus Pits, and I have not seen bloodlust like that since Thea was resurrected by one.

Damn it.

To help, I need to know what happened.


The Thanatos Guild had us surrounded.

I tried to get Thea to safety, but I was hit with an arrow, which... which is ironic.

I don't really remember a lot after, except for... except for seeing Nyssa and Thea destroy the Pit.

The one they used to bring you back.


Nyssa had the Lotus Elixir.

She and Thea thought that we could control the bloodlust, and we did.

Until you didn't.

I keep trying to figure out why.

And all I can think of is that maybe the Mirakuru changed something.

You know, I never would've come back here if I would've known what was gonna happen.

- I never meant to hurt anyone.
- I know...

But keeping this information from us, it jeopardized all the things that

we have been working for this year.

I never asked you to cover for me.

I didn't want you to.

You never have to ask me.



Felicity has something.

I expanded my search parameters, and presto.

Facial recognition puts Emiko in an abandoned building a few miles outside of Star City.

Any background on the building?

I mean, you name it, it's been it.

Hospital, shipping warehouse, manufacturing plant.

I mean, it's had more owners

than a "fortune" company.

Which means it could be a cover for something.

Yeah, something being the Ninth Circle's headquarters here in Star City.

Emiko's there, which is all that matters to us.

We're going after her as a team.

Are you sure?

RENE: We got your back.

Oh, hey, Dinah!

Thank you for wiping that security camera footage.

I could not get there before the cops did.

I thought that was you.


Let's go wide.

Arsenal, on my .

Overwatch, any heat signatures?

FELICITY: No. Not even yours.

Thermal imaging can't penetrate

through those walls.


I have eyes on her.

JOHN: Moving to intercept.

JOHN: Oliver, confirm your location.

This is over.

Is it?

Right now, Sergeant Bingsley is receiving an anonymous gift delivered to his office:

The missing security footage from the Metro Station.

You're the one who made it disappear?

You set us up.

What do you want?!

For you to suffer the way I suffered.

You and your team are gonna die in there.

And I will be out there destroying your legacy.

You'll die a villain just like our father did, and I will be the cause of both of your deaths.

And justice will finally be served.

What did you say?

I had the chance to warn our father about the "gambit."

It was rigged to explode, and I knew about it.

I let our father die because he didn't deserve to live.

And neither do you.

Bye, brother.

FELICITY: Oliver, do you read me?

Does anybody copy?

Oliver, come in.


John, come in! Oliver?

Come in, please!

Come in!