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05x18 - Godspeed

Posted: 04/17/19 12:24
by bunniefuu
My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive.

To the outside world I'm an ordinary forensic scientist.

But secretly with the help of my friends at S.T.A.R. Labs

I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me.

But when my daughter came back from the future to help, she changed the present.


And now our world is more dangerous than ever.

And I'm the only one fast enough to save it.

I am The Flash.

Previously on "The Flash"...

Follow my instructions and we'll defeat Cicada.

Destroy his dagger and save your father.

That is a new timeline struggling to break through.

Thawne, another Cicada showed up.


I used to think that keeping secrets from people would protect them, but you can't really know someone with walls between you.

Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash.

Your partner. Your secret.

Dad, I'm sorry I lied to you!

So am I.

Dad, please. I wanted to tell you.

Dad! I tried to tell you. I'm sorry I lied to you!

- It's Nora, our daughter.
- She lied to us, Iris.


Since the first day she got here,

about Thawne!

♪ ♪

She knows what he did to us. To me.

To my mother.

I can't believe a word she says.

- We don't know that.
- Yes, we do!

We don't even know why she's working with him.

Now the pressing question is not why Nora is working with the Reverse-Flash.

Maybe I can talk to her and shed some light on the matter.

I think you've shed enough light.

Why, are you upset at me? What I should do?

I should just... I should not have told you?

How long has it been since you suspected her?

Since I arrived.



So you've been following this trail all this time and you didn't think to tell us about it until now?

I don't know where this trail leads.

- Are you kidding me?
- I'm not kidding you.

You don't come to a conclusion without facts.

All the facts.

♪ ♪

Shirley, I think, uh, maybe you should just give us all a minute here.

What, you're mad at me for doing what a master detective does.

Figure out something that you cannot.

I give you that translation.
Your anger is misplaced.

Look, whatever reason
Nora didn't tell us, I don't think she did it maliciously.

♪ ♪

Guys, even from here, I can feel how upset she is.

All right, babe, you've been around Nora for months.

You never felt that she was hiding something before.

No, never. Never.

Well, Thawne lied. He was a master at it.

It stands to reason he must have taught Nora some

- of his same tricks.
- Maybe.

Maybe not.

There's gotta be some way to figure it out.

♪ ♪

There is.

♪ ♪

I'm guessing this has everything from the day she arrived.

Maybe before.

♪ ♪

Read it.

From the beginning.


- Please stand back from the perimeter.
- Excuse me. Sorry.

Uh, excuse me.

- Excuse me, pardon me.
- Incoming call from Mom.

Mom, come on.

Ooh! I'm so sorry.

I just... I'm really late.

I'm... I'm really late for an important date.

Not a date, date. Not that I don't date, date.

I date, date. It's just, I have a meeting.

I'm making myself later. Sorry.

♪ ♪

Anyone seen CSI?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Where is West-Allen?

Ah, I'm so sorry, Detective Curtis. I didn't mean to be late.

I tried to hail a hover-taxi, but they kept passing me by and then

- I had to run all the way from...
- I really don't care what your reason is this time, West-Allen.

I just wanna find what meta did this.

Of course.

Chemical transport truck on its way to Dayton Labs.

It was att*cked earlier this morning.

But that makes two labs and another two transports this week.

And like the others, no one saw anyone.



God, there's residue everywhere.

- Benzene methanol.
- That's what they stole.

What's that used for?

Anything from nanotech to treating lice.

- Halothane.
- Halothane?

♪ ♪

- Wait a second.
- What?

♪ ♪

This truck has an Affinity , security camera.

God, Lia's gonna be so jealous.

Whenever the , 's tampered with, its failsafe releases a incapacitating agent.


So you're saying whoever did this picked the lock, disabled the camera, and stole might-be-lice medicine?

All before this incapacitating agent could do its job?

And no one saw them.

How is that possible?

♪ ♪

A speedster?

Nora, labmate, friend of mine,

You didn't happen to pitch your speedster theory to Detective Curtis, did you?

It is not a theory, Lia. It is the only explanation.


You know I'm equally a fan of our fleet-footed super friends.

I mean, honestly, if I could have ever met Jesse Quick, it's like, hello, new best friend.


- No offense, um...
- Some taken.

Okay, but there hasn't been a speedster in Central City since that crisis piece your mom wrote about, like, decades ago.

I mean, Flash, Kid Flash, Jay Garrick, that... that weird purple speedster that just showed up one day.

They're all gone.

So what you're suggesting, highly unlikely.

Then we need to start believing in the highly unlikely.

Alternatively, um, you could...


Dial back your obsessiveness.

I'm not obsessive.

You never got to know your dad.

So you became a CSI just like him, and it's why you keep investigating the one case

Barry Allen never solved.


You call that obsessive.
I call that a hobby.

Right, your, um... your classic everyday...

m*rder hobby.

[LAUGHS] It's like your mom says.

You're, uh... you're excessive.

Do not quote my mother.

God, I wish CCPD would spring for one of these Affinity cameras.

I mean, trillion FPS, captures light in motion.


- That's lightning.
- The canister's gone.

White lightning. A speedster.

- Okay, maybe.
- No, not maybe.

It is! I knew it!

Okay, fine, you're right. But...


But what is a speedster doing stealing chemicals?

♪ ♪

And Eobard Thawne, aka the Reverse-Flash, was finally defeated and incarcerated and will remain in Iron Heights Prison

- for the rest of his days.
- I know.

- Incoming call from Mom.



See? I knew it.

There was never a speedster with white lightning.

[CLEARS THROAT] All yours.

- Thanks.
- Thank you for visiting the Flash Museum today.

The building will be closing in five minutes.

All guests should make their way to the exit now.

And Nora West-Allen, your mother called.

Please, for your sake and mine, call her back.

♪ ♪

So embarrassing.

Mom, why are you calling Mr. Myles?

I tried you at your lab.
You weren't answering.

I left three messages. You never returned any of them.

What else was I supposed to do?

Wait for me to call you back?

Why isn't your holo on?

Uh, it doesn't work in the Flash Museum.

For the life of me, I've never understood your obsession with that place.

What are you even doing there?

Are you there alone?

It's fine, Mom. I'm researching a case.

- What kind of case?
- One that I can't talk about.

I'm your mother, Nora.

And I'm an employee of CCPD who can't talk about open cases.

Mom, how many times do I have to tell you this?

You were married to a CSI.

Yes, I was.


I'm sorry. [GRUNTS]

What were you calling about?

I thought my daughter might want to know how I'm doing

in Coast City.

I almost finished my story.

I should be home in a few days.

- Great.

Uh, Mom, I gotta go. It's work.

- Love you.
- Love you.

- Hey.

Hey, meet me at Ollins Laboratory.

I sent the list of stolen chemicals to an old teacher of mine and I think he found something.

Appreciate the help, Dr. Bonwit,

- especially at this hour.
- Not a problem.

Ollins never lets me leave this place anyway.

[CHUCKLES] So Lia was telling me you might know how these chemicals

- can be used together.
- Yes and no.

Took me a bit to see it, but the only way they seem to work together is if they're built on a structure.

Like an extracellular matrix.

But there are thousands of extracellular matrices.

So until we know all the chemicals, we won't know the end results.

Sorry I can't help more.

That's okay. Thanks, Dr. Bonwit.

Now what?

We can't just wait for another lab to get hit.


BOTH: Holy shrap!


Dr. Bonwit!


Oh, my God!

♪ ♪

Yes, I am a god.

♪ ♪

The god of speed.

Go, go, go, go, go!



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Nora! [GASPS]

Somebody help, please! Someone help!

- Nora?

♪ Can't read my, can't read my ♪

- Nora?
- ♪ No, he can't read my poker face ♪

Oh, I knew an oldie would wake you up.

Okay, don't freak. Uh, we're in a hospital.

Me for this burn and you for a whole lot more.

- Dr. Bonwit?
- Uh, ICU.

But he's gonna pull through.

Um, but the speedster did get away with a crazy amount

- of carbon disulfide.

Don't worry about that right now.

How are you feeling?

I... I feel fine, actually.

My fingers are a little tingly but other than that, I... I feel really good. It's weird, right?

I'm just so glad you're okay.

Your doctor said you got hit with five billion joules of electricity.

Which means, um, I, uh...

I, uh, kind of called your mom. Um, and she, uh...

She freaked more than normal. Um, I had to.

- You could have died.
- Lia, is she here?

She's on her way from Coast City.

Uh, and she is wearing her aggro pants.

I mean, she has called me, like, times.

You should have ignored her. Just, I don't want her to worry.

I did.

Uh, which is why she doesn't know about this.

The paramedics said that you went into cardiac arrest when you got here and so they had to use the defib nodes to restart your heart, and when they did, they found this.

It was buried underneath the scar under your right shoulder.

What is it?

They say it's a metal scrap from the shelf you got thrown into, but I don't know.

It looks kind of old and... and pretty fried.

Okay, wait, but now that we both know you're okay, can we please talk about the fact that you got struck by lightning from a speedster?

So schway, right?

The only thing is no one's gonna believe us.

We both saw it. They're gonna have to.

♪ ♪


- Stay calm.

There has been an incident. System check in progress.


♪ ♪

What the hell?

Catch this.



I'm okay!

- You sure?

Yeah, dude. I'm a speedster.

All of my nerves are tingling and my synapses must be going crazy because my reaction times are way off the charts.

♪ ♪

What am I gonna do about my mom?

She freaks out any time someone even says the word meta.

Okay, well, that's understandable.

I mean, her non-meta husband died because of metas.

Yeah, but writing about the Flash... the meta-human...

- made her career.
- So we can't tell her?

No, we can't tell anybody.

Not until we figure out how I got these powers.

And I don't think it's a coincidence that this happened after my little run-in with the god of speed guy.

You mean when Godspeed hit you with his lightning.

Which, according to the Flash Museum, is exactly what happened to...

BOTH: The Flash.

- - in progress.

Bank heist.


No, no. You can't do that.
That is a bad idea.

That is like cut your own bangs bad.

I'm just gonna do a little run-by.

You are a CSI, not a superhero.

Our jobs are the same as the cops.

We get the bad guys.

All right. Go get 'em, Flash Woman.

- Lady Flash.

Hot Flash.

♪ ♪

Not that one.

Okay, we're gonna workshop that later.

Until then, I have to guard Central City.





Stop or I'll fire!


Keep your hands where I can see them!


Oh, um, I'm sorry. Are you okay?




Oh, uh...



What in the world?

Bug and Byte, you're under arrest!

- Go, go, go!
- Take them down!


You fried your gauntlet and half the fleet.

It was only three cruisers.

Now Captain Frye's gonna be on his warpath which is gonna make everybody's life miserable.

- I'm sorry, Nora.

I know today didn't exactly go so great.

Both robbers got away because of me.

Cut yourself a slice of slack pie.

It was your first day. No one got hurt.

And plus they found Bug and Byte hunched over with runner's cramps, like, ten minutes later.

But I still feel so bad.

You're looking at this all wrong.

Today was not Nora's big failure.

Today was the Femme-Flash's big debut.


Naming superheroes is not easy.


Lia, you are the best friend a shrappy speedster could ever ask for.

But I think we both know that CCPD isn't equipped to stop this guy.

The only way we're gonna catch him before anyone else gets hurt is if I start thinking like a villainous speedster.

And how are you gonna do that?


I'm gonna go see one.

♪ ♪

Reverse-Flash, huh?

Well, officer, you're, like, the second person in years who's come to visit this psychopath.

Not even a call.

Are you sure you want to interview him by yourself?

I've been alone with criminals before.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

You have five minutes.



♪ ♪

Eobard Thawne?

♪ ♪

My name is Nora West-Allen, and I'm a CSI tech with the CCPD.

I wanted to ask you a few questions, if I could.


♪ ♪

Come closer.

♪ ♪

Nora West-Allen.

♪ ♪

Don't be afraid.

The dampening capabilities of this cell can negate the powers of , meta-humans.

The glass, the walls, the ceiling, the floors are all connected to a power energizer that will zap this place with kilojoules instantly should the dampeners fail.

Making the cell phase-proof.

♪ ♪

I couldn't hurt you, Nora West-Allen.

♪ ♪

Even if I wanted to.

♪ ♪

What are your questions?

♪ ♪

How did you end up in here?

Was there nobody at CCPD that could answer that question for you?

All the files pertaining to the Reverse-Flash have been cyber locked.

And there's almost nothing about you in the Flash Museum.

Except for the date of your imprisonment.


That's all there is in the Flash Museum?

That's interesting.

Will you tell me how you were defeated?

Why do you want to know that?

It'll help us with an investigation.

You need to work on your lying.


Your shoes are new.

But your soles are worn.

You have singe marks on your sleeves and singe marks on your pant legs, but most of all, your cheeks are flushed with windburn.

Oh, I know that windburn.

I can still feel it.

♪ ♪

You're a speedster.

♪ ♪


Time's up.

Please, I need your help.

Come on. Let's go.

♪ ♪

Time to repent, Professor.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Thawne figured out I had powers, but he wouldn't tell me anything about them.


And don't tell me it's nothing 'cause your whole face says it's something.

You know this metal fragment they found underneath your shoulder?


Well, something about it was bugging me, so I did some digging.

It turns out it's not from that shelf you got thrown into.

It's, uh... It's tech.

A chip made by S.T.A.R. Labs years ago.

Like a chip you would use to find a lost animal?


It's to dampen your speed.


You didn't get your powers when Godspeed hit you with his lightning.

It looks like you always had them.

I... I've always had powers?

♪ ♪

Why do... Who would put a power dampening chip inside of...

♪ ♪

Your mom lied to you your whole life.

I mean, that's next-level aggro.

How could she keep something like that from me?

I mean, what else has she lied to me about?

I think you're gonna have to ask her.

Oh, just the idea of that makes my blood boil.

That could be the macchiato.

It's possible I might have made that a triple.


At least I have one person in my life I can still trust.


♪ ♪

- A triple.
- That's been established.

No, no, no, not the coffee.
I mean, yes, the coffee.

But the chemicals that Godspeed stole.

Benzene methanol is unstable, and if you add the carbon disulfide that he stole from Ollins Lab...

Kablooey. I remember that from th grade Analytical Chem.

And the only way to combine all those chemicals together is if you add some kind of binding property.

Right, you'd need a plus-one oxidation state, like a... a dioxygen difluoride.

Yes, and somewhere that's able to store that and the only place in Central City that can is Stagg Industries.


♪ ♪

I cannot believe my first time at Stagg Industries is as a burglar.

Or are we vigilantes?

♪ ♪

Lia, I found it.

♪ ♪

Unless your super speed came with super biceps, we are not getting this out of here.


That's mine.


Uh, okay. Try and get this open.

It'll evaporate in seconds.

If you want it, you're gonna have to come through me to get it.

Ah, you're a speedster like me.

So you need it too.



♪ ♪





♪ ♪

- No!



♪ ♪

Lia! Lia!



The one person in the world she thought she could trust died in her arms.

Nora must have felt completely alone.

♪ ♪

- But she wasn't.
- Yes, she was.

Because I wasn't honest with her.


After all I did, she gave me a second chance.


It's the least we can do for her.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Don't make me regret this.



♪ ♪

What are you doing?

I'm giving our daughter the chance to explain this for herself.

♪ ♪





I heard about... Lia.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪

I know how it is to lose someone you love.

♪ ♪

If you don't wanna talk about it right now, that's okay.

Or maybe you just don't wanna talk about it with me.

♪ ♪

Nora, can I just make sure that you're okay?

Nora, I went to the hospital and they said that you left.

I guess lightning doesn't hurt as much when you already have it coursing through your veins.

♪ ♪

Does this look familiar?

♪ ♪


How about now?

- Nora...
- Lia found it before she died.

♪ ♪

You put this inside of me, Mom.

To dampen my powers?

You lied to me my whole life.

♪ ♪

I know.

Who else knows?

♪ ♪

Who else?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Everyone that I love has been keeping this from me?


Because I told them to.

Why would you do that?

Nora, I was trying to protect you.

- From what?
- From this city.

From... from meta-humans.
From... from yourself.


- Nora, you don't understand.
- No, I don't understand.

How did I get my powers?

What do you have against speedsters?

Nora, I have already lost so much.

I can't risk losing you too.

♪ ♪

Well, you just did.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'm gonna miss Lia too.

West-Allen, we all know how close you two were.

If you need some time off, I'm sure Captain Frye...

We need to get the guy who did this.

Whatever it takes.

We ran the evidence from the crime scene.

Turns out there was foreign DNA in Lia's exit wound.

But we've used it to positively ID this guy.

August Hart. Bio-hacker.

Mercury Labs intern, and then grad school.


♪ ♪

All yours.

Says he was kicked out for testing tachyon stimulants on coma patients.

What the hell's a tachyon?

A particle that moves faster than light.

Well, an arrest warrant's on its way now.

I promise you this guy's gonna get what he deserves.

♪ ♪

Yes, he will.

♪ ♪

Did you know not all villains had meta-human powers?

- Some u...

- Make sure you get this.
- Everybody move!


Godspeed's lightning...


It turned blue, just like Zoom's.

Hey, wait a sec.

♪ ♪


Although her body disintegrated, authorities uncovered evidence at Mercury Labs of the illegal speed-enhancement drug, Velocity- .

This volatile stimulant gave Trajectory incredible speed, but at a deadly price.

That's it.

Benzene methanol, carbon disulfide, dioxygen difluoride.

The base for the extracellular matrix for Velocity- .

Only he's trying to make one that will last forever.






How do I stop a speedster?

- You can't.
- Not alone.

- But with you, I can.

♪ ♪


That plinth, it takes incoming calls and from what I hear, you have a few left.

You could walk me through it via comms.


He has stolen enough chemicals to make an extracellular matrix that replicates speed powers.

I told you to leave.

The only thing that is stopping him from becoming a speedster permanently is a stabilizing agent.

Once he gets that, he will be unstoppable.

I told you to leave! Guard!


He k*lled my best friend in front of me.

♪ ♪

She's gone because of him, and you are the only person that can stop it.

♪ ♪

What the hell?

You need to leave now.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Okay, I'm at the innovation lab at CCU.

- Are you there?
- Yes, I'm here.

Okay, are you sure this is gonna short out

- the scanner circuits?
- Yes, I'm sure.

Vibrate your hands together. Build an electric shock.


♪ ♪

- Schway. It worked.

Now look for the brightest room.

♪ ♪

The converter needs constant fluorescent light.

♪ ♪

Now locate the biometric converter.

It will be a kidney-shaped object I think I found it.

♪ ♪

No way for Godspeed to stabilize his Velocity- now.


You don't learn, do you?

That's mine.

Come and get it.

♪ ♪


It worked!

♪ ♪


He's got more V- .


♪ ♪

Nora, you need to get out of there now.

Right now!


♪ ♪

I can't lose him!


Did you hear me? I said I can't lose him!

All right, Nora, do you see any walls near where you are, preferably concrete?


Because I want you to run into one.

Or rather, through one.

I can't run through a concrete wall!

Yes, you can.

If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body... your cells will be in such a state that they will phase right through that wall.

I can't do this!

Nora, listen to me.

Listen to my voice.



Feel the wind on your face.

The ground beneath your feet.

And the lightning.

Its electricity surging through your veins.

To your nerve endings from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes like an electric shock you never want to end.

You're part of something greater now, Nora.

You are part of the Speed Force and its power, its power is yours to use. Now do it.


♪ ♪

I can't.

I can't do it. [HEAVY BREATHING]

♪ ♪

Then good-bye, Little Runner.

No, no. Uh, I'm sorry.

I trust you. Uh, what now?

Nora, you can't run forever.

You're gonna have to stop him.

Tell me what you see around you.

Um, uh, I'm on th and Park.

I see Choi Enterprises, Peercoin Bank, and CC Citizen Media.

Media, the satellites.

Nora, we're gonna use the satellites' electromagnetic radiation to break the V- bonds.

Flood Godspeed with anti-endorphins.

Neutralizing the V- instantly.

Exactly, but here's the thing.

Those satellites recalibrate on the hour emitting very short bursts of microwave energy.

You're only gonna have a few seconds to get Godspeed in front of those bursts. Do you understand?

So I just need him to follow me into the building.

Not into the building. Up the building.

Uh, okay. I can do that.

Um, how fast do I have to go to run up a building?

As fast as you can.

♪ ♪


Here he comes.

Then run, Nora.



♪ ♪

Wait for it, Nora. Wait.

♪ ♪

And now!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Nora. Nora!

We did it!

We did it.

Yes, we did.

Well, we don't have to worry about Godspeed anymore.

August Hart is in the custody of CCPD.

Bravo, Little Runner.

I still have a lot to learn, you know.


- You could train me.
- I can't train you, Nora.

♪ ♪

There's just not enough time.

What... what are you talking about?

- You're...
- Nora.

My time on this Earth is coming to an end.

♪ ♪

There's so much I wanted to ask you.

So much that I still don't know.

So much that my mom has lied to me about.

♪ ♪

You have no idea.

What do you know?

♪ ♪

Thawne, please, you may be the only person left in my life who won't lie to me.

♪ ♪

Nora, how much do you really know about the Flash?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Five, six, seven.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Holy shrap.

♪ ♪


Good evening, Nora West-Allen.

Um, hi.


You know who I am?

Of course. Nora West-Allen.

Daughter of Iris West and Barry Allen, also known as the Flash.

♪ ♪


S... Did you...

Did you just say my father, Barry Allen, was the Flash?

Would you like me to play your video message, Nora West-Allen?

♪ ♪

My... My message?

Yes, from your father, Barry Allen.

Uh, y... yes.

Nora, I don't have much time.


If you're watching this, it means you're like me.

♪ ♪

You have powers.


It also means I wasn't there to help you learn how to use them.

I wasn't there for a lot of things.

Remember, my sweet Nora, always remember, I love you.

I always will.

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

I just wanted to see you, Dad.


♪ ♪

[SIGHS] Thawne... showed me how.

And Cicada?

The one case we both couldn't solve.

♪ ♪

It was my idea to come here and make it right.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Can I have a minute alone with Nora?

♪ ♪

Of course.

♪ ♪

How many times did you go back to Thawne?

How many times?

After the night of the Enlightenment.

Five, uh, maybe six.


Even knowing he k*lled my mother?

- Dad...
- I understand... coming back to meet me... and the team.

I do.

I even understand going to learn how to do it, kept going back.

Even after you knew what he did.

Even after he wasn't your only option anymore.

And the worst part is, you lied to us every time.

D-Dad, I...

I don't trust you, Nora.


I can't have anybody here with us that I don't trust anymore.

♪ ♪

W-what are you saying?

It's time for you to go home.


[PANTING] Dad, please don't do this!

I promise I will never see Thawne again!

Dad, don't do this!

Nora, if you try to run back in time again,

I will feel it in the Speed Force.

I'll know.


Good-bye, Nora.



♪ ♪


So she finally came clean.


Or did you figure it out all by yourself?

One wasn't enough?

♪ ♪

You had to try to take my daughter from me too?

♪ ♪

My daughter!

I knew you'd react like this.

You're always so emotional, which is why I had her keep all of this from you.

You can't blame the Little Runner, Barry.

She just wanted to spend some time with her dad.

♪ ♪

Don't hold that against her.

♪ ♪

Consider it a condemned man's last request.

♪ ♪

You always thought you were so much smarter than us, Thawne.

♪ ♪

But you lost.

♪ ♪

And now you're finally gonna get what you deserve.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪