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04x09 - Lacy Lilting Lyrics

Posted: 03/27/19 08:45
by bunniefuu
The L Word - x - Lacy Lilting Lyrics

Lovely, lissome ladies, lecherous, leering lotharios, love is in the air.

Perhaps not the love with which you are familiar, but this is a love that will open your minds, touch your hearts, alter your worlds.

"L'amour, ma chérie, ma chérie...L'amour, l'amour, l'amour..."

"Les jeunes filles"

"Lez girls"

He has big Hollywood hits.

"Blue Crush", "Into the Blue"...

He's fantastic.
Is that "Into the Blue" like about somebody showing their ass on the beach or something?

What?! No!

Did you see "Crazy/Beautiful"?

Kirsten Dunst, she's phenomenal in it.

That's a fantastic movie.

Does that make him qualified to direct my movie?

He's extremely qualified. He's...
Okay, I don't wanna feel sushed in this process.

I wanna make sure that my voice's heard.

Okay, come on.


I mean, I just love exploring worlds, and cultures, and sub-cultures.
And I think you did an amazing job of bringing these worlds to life.
It just felt really vivid, and real, and you know, just...

I could, I could... I'm a visual writer.

And your films are so visual.
You're writing really visual.

And you know, I was thinking, wouldn't be it interesting at all if we open the film with a... a close-up, with a sort of series of micro sh*ts.

Really tight sh*ts.

We don't know exactly what it is we're seeing at first, and then we realize that it's...

It's uh, Jessie?

And Karina.
Karina, and they're f*cking, right?

But we don't... Ww've never seen anything like it. We dont even know what... pieces, like bodies... pieces, not even bodies. we will flash back to when Jessie first arrives in L.A., so we will not be linear. I just think the whole piece should be.

No, thanks, but this...

You're not supposed to know that Jessie and Karina are together because it's gonna ruin the suspens of the film.
Some of it would be linear, I mean, some of it might be.
Some, but I don't...

I'm just thinking visually right now 'cause that's what is that.

Again, just thinking at loud, would it be interesting if they were really having sex?


In real life?
You'd be surprised how many actors would love the opportunity to really...

to really go for it, you know, to not fake it.

To just be raw, real...
Isn't that pornography?

Why? Pornography is when there's no story.
This has a great story.

I just, I'm trying to find a way to make it different, to make it stand out.

I think the MPAA would allow us to get away with it because there's no penetration, well, there's penetration, but there's no... you know, there's no consommation.
I mean, no... insemination, no fornication.

This is Bette.


It's nice to meet you.
You too.

What's up?

You wanna go get some coffee?

No, I can't. I have a bunch of work to do before the faculty meeting.

But I'll see you later.

Hi Kit.

What the f*ck is he doing here?

He's uh, helping out, keeping things together with the vendors and...

Kit, please know my sorrow is as deep as my love for you. Angus.

Kit, I can't live without you. Love, Angus.


Would you just go away and stop bringing in flowers? It's not gonna...

Hey Papi.

Well, damn. Looks like someone beat me to it.
No one beat you to anything.

Here you go.

I had to, you know, thank you for letting me take you dancing the other night.

Thank you.

You showed me respect, you know?

And that really means the world to me right now.

Well, it was an honor and a privilege.

And, uh, maybe we can do it again sometimes soon, under less compromising circumstances, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, well, I don't think

I'm gonna be any less compromised anytime soon.

Then baby, I'll wait for you.

Because then I can show you that you'll never need a man ever again.

You know Papi can rock your world, right?

When you gonna stop that?
Stop what?

All that "Papi," you know, thing you do.

You know, the other night, I saw a different side of Papi.

A side that was deeper and warmer.

You know, not that Papi player thing you do to death.

If there was a Papi that I'd be attracted to, that would be the Papi that would rock my world.

What are you doing?
I was watching you asleep.

You were having quite the little sex dream.

No, I wasn't.
You were. You were like, "mmm, mmm".

You're full of shit.
I'm not! Then who's Lisa?

You were saying her name. Lisa.

No, I wasn't.
Is she an ex?

Was she your girlfriend?

She was, um, someone that I served in Iraq with.

A straight girl with a husband and a child.

You worried?

Hola Chica.


Is that you?

Get in here! Where have you been?

Hi. Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
No, it's fine, it's fine. Come in.

You're sure?
Tell us about your trip. I wanna hear.


We went to New York and dropped off my children with Winnie.

And then we flew straight on to Majorca.

We stayed at this most amazing villa overlooking the bay of Palma.

Oh my god! And then, there was this poker game.

You flew all that way to play poker?
It's so, like, unhealthy and unstable, and...
What are you, my mother now?

Well, you know what? If I was, I would probably disinherit you as well. So...

In which case, Alice, I would have to find an alternative source of income.

So I would go with Catherine to Majorca to play poker and win.
You won?

Only . $!
Oh shit!

Oh my god!

Oh my... I should play poker!

So this, um, agreement that you have with Catherine, is it official?

I mean, when you win, you split it fifty-fifty?

Yeah, pretty much.
Pretty much?

Yeah, we... You know, we have an agreement.
It's fine Alice, it's fine. It's how they do it.

Tash? Alice?
Is that Papi?

It sounds like her.

Papi! Ring the buzzer!

Where is your father staying?

Some shit in Hollywood.

And he didn't tell you why he was here?

I mean, he clearly wants something.

But mostly he uh... talked about Carla, trying to get her on a hospital.

Trying to?
Is she an addict or something?

I don't know if she is, but he was.

Here we go.

Do you want me to come with you?

No, no, just keep an eye on them.

Mom, look what I can do.

That's excellent, honey.

I had to just come by and make sure you all weren't going blind from too much sex.

Okay, listen.
I don't wanna lecture anymore, okay?

I just think, you know, Catherine and you are making . $ together, great, but where is your share?
Alice, please, I'm not an idiot.
We've got a business arrangment.

I just think you should think about it for a second.

Yeah, but it's not about thinking, man, you know?

That's just what happens when you're sprung.
I'm not sprung!

You are, a little bit.
I don't even know what that means!

You know, that's what happens when your heart just does what it wants to.

When you're whipped.


She's into somebody.

Man, I'm always into somebody.
It's not even like that.

How do you know?
She's got the look.

Shut the f*ck up, man. There's no look.
See, now, every once in a blue moon, you all don't know this about her, but, she falls for somebody.

And she gets that look. Look at her.

Look, all sweet and confused.

Who's the girl?
There's no one.

Okay, there could possibly be somebody.

But it's not even like that, man.
She like actually... gets me. She makes me wanna like to change my ways and shit.
I think you're right.

Oh, my God. What the frickin' frak?
Okay, you... you're not gonna get away without telling me.
And I am not done with you, missy.

f*ck you...

You are both sprung if you ask me.

Oh god!

Hi Alice.

Nice place you've got here.

Nice life.

You got roommates?

So where is my boy?

He's swimming next door.

Who's that?
She's a friend of mine.

You are a McCutcheon for sure.

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

Well, we're survivors, you and me.

When we fall off the wagon, we fall really hard.
But we bounce back.

And we always find a pretty girl to help put our shit back together.

f*ck you.

I know Carla dumped a huge loaded shit on you, honey...

You know what? You don't get it.

I'm nothin' like you.

And how dare you come into my house, and you sit there, and you build yourself up, because you're a pathetic f*ck.

I didn't come here to argue with you, Shane.

Then why did you come here?

I'm going back to Oregon this afternoon, and I'm taking my son home with me.


You can't do that. Shane...

I really appreciate you looking after him the way you did. You did a good job.

I'm forever grateful to you.

You can't just disappear for months with some f*cking girl and then you ripped my friends off.

You left him with nobody. I left him with his mother.

Oh, the mother!

You know, we...

We're good here. You hear me?
We're good. He's going to school, and he has friends, and he's happy.
I'm his father.

You abandonned him.
I'm his father.

That doesn't mean shit to me.
I'm sorry.

So what are you gonna do?
Take me to Court?


Yeah, I could. Listen, sweetie, I'm his father.

Any Court will look favor play on that.

They'll also find that I'm... for my son and his mother, that homeless junkie living off the...

And at the end, if they decide that I'm not fit, what do you think is gonna happen to Shay?

They might give him to you, but I doubt it.

And if I'm not mistaken, you have a record.

I was a kid.
That was a long time ago.

Shane is one of the most responsible people you will ever meet.

And if the Court doesn't think so, then what?

They'll put Shay in the system.

And you know what that's like, don't you, Shane?

Is that what you want?

It's really not a good time right now.
Why don't you come la...

Well, that wasn't the best time for my world to come apart either, Alice.

I'm uh...

Leonard Kroll,

I'm uh, Phyllis Kroll's husband.

Yeah... Hi, Helena.

You know Phyllis...

I imagine you all have had the priviledge of getting to know Phyllis.

Maybe not as...intimately as Alice did.

So what did you do to my wife, Alice?

What did I, what did I do to your wife, uh...

You know what? I'm gonna go, alright?

Because you told me you took care of this shit.

How did you turn her into a lesbian?

Leonard, nobody turns somebody else into a lesbian.

She told me that you were the love of her life.

That what she experienced with you was unprecedented.

She said that the sex was life-altering.


This is right where it happened?

Yeah, right here in this damn bed!

Marcus Bashun represents everything that is wrong with the program.

I mean, pornography in literature...

I think that...
Look, look, look...

Marcus Bashun's photo essay is the best work that I've seen in years.

It is a r*pe-fantasy.
How can you not see that.

Give your third-wave feministic agenda a rest, alright?

Art should be judged on its esthetic merits.

You cannot divorce the work from its meaning.

I agree with Karol.

Totally. Because his work is...
Okay, I think we've heard enough.

Kirstin, you recommand Marcus Bashun.

We're moving on.

Next, we have Loni Shipman.

Well, her work is mature, pedant, secure in the inspiration.

Loni Shipman is a daring original young voice.

And she needs the money. I'm sure that they all need the money, but we're here to discuss the quality of the work.

Marcus Bashun drives a new Mercedes Benz.

That's irrelevant.
You know, if you can't discuss the nature of the work, then we have to move on.

But each student's individual financial status is relevant.

We're behind.

We cannot debate criteria right now.

You let them argue about nothing for minutes.

It wasn't about nothing.
Excuse me.

I suggest that we break for lunch and we convene at . .

Let's have lunch.

I'd like to talk to you.

We need to talk.

Do you want to get something to eat?
I'm not hungry.

If you're mad at me about this morning, I wish you would tell me.

I'm not mad, okay? I'm just exhausted.

Come on...

So where did you...

So where did you go last night?

So where did you and Amy go?

A tiny place in Venice.

So she lives in Venice?

I hope you had a good time.


Holy Mary, mother of Jesus...
You alright?

I just got a text message from Alice.

Leonard Kroll is in my bed.

No way!

We'll contact a lawyer.

He's full of shit. He's all bravado.

No, he's... he's right about what he said.

But you don't know that.

You don't know how a judge would rule...

Will you... will you stop? Please!

I'm not having my brother go to foster care, that's it.

I'm gonna get Jared and we're gonna go.

So, if you wanna talk, just call me.

Maybe it's some sort of midlife crisis, or something like that.

Being a lesbian is pretty trandy these days.

You probably don't wanna say that in a room full of lesbians.

I think he might be right.
I think being gay is very cool right now.

Maybe in the younger crowd.
I can guarantee you Phyllis is not trying to be cool.

Well, menopause causes women to do crazy things.

You know, Leonard...

This might be really hard for you to accept, but, I think Phyllis might be a lesbian.

That is unconceivable.
You cannot be married years,

and have children, without some inclin...

Leonard, it happens.
Much more often than you could imagine.

She probably knew for a long time, she just didn't wanna admit it to herself.

You see, that's what's hard.
That's what I was saying, man.

It's bullshit. I mean, it's about sex.

I mean, I don't wanna be a pig here, but, I mean, what can you, ladies, do to a woman that I can't do to a woman?

Explain to me the big mystery.
Leonard, it's not about sex.

You know. I mean, it's about so much more than that. There's... things...

It's about knowing what a woman is thinking, what a woman is feeling, when you touch her.

I don't know about all that. Sometimes it's great when people are completely different.

But it's not about mechanics.
This is something Phyllis is going through for the first time in her whole life.
It's very big.

What did you do to her, Alice?
It's like you cast some sort of spell. She cried more over you than she has cried her whole life.

Leonard, it's not about Alice.
Right. It's not about her, man.

Yeah, but, she shouldn't have got involved with a married woman.

That's true.
So given.

And I, I wanna apologize to you about that.

The night I met you, you know, I put a stop to it. So...

But it's not about her. See, your lady was going down this road on her own.

Alice just happened first, I mean, nothing was gonna stop that.

Yeah, I met her at the bad time.

Leonard, listen...

Leonard, you've gotta hold on to yourself.

Okay? Remember what's important.

Alright. Your value in life is not Phyllis.

You're Leonard, and you still have a lot of great stuff ahead of you.

You and Phyllis had an amazing run.

You even have two beautiful children.

But life is all about change, and you've gotta confront it head on.

Do the hardest thing anyone could ever do.

Leonard, you've gotta let her go.

Oh my God!

You're f*cking deep.
Oh, shut up.

Oh boy!
I believe you have my husband.

He's in the bedroom.

He's, he's asking some pretty difficult questions.

I know the way.
Phyllis. Sorry. Just, wait.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to you, to say I'm sorry.

We... really... ended things not properly and...

You know, I just kinda disappear on that night.

Yes, you did.

I don't really know why.
I think it was just...

too much, you know?

Yeah. I'm sorry too. I, I absolutely suffocated you.

I was like a teenager in love, overwhelmed by my emotions.

It was too much.

I should never have put all that on you.

Well, I'd like to be friends.
Me too.

Yeah, great, okay.

You left.

We were in the middle of a conversation.

We were not in the middle of a conversation.

You were being snippy with me for going out with Amy after you told me to go out with her.

I told you to go out with her because you wanted to, okay?

I didn't tell you to wrap it in my face.

I didn't wrap it in your face.

How would you feel if I brought someone I was dating to school and I just paraded her around in front of everyone.

No, no, actually, don't.

Don't answer it.

f*ck you, just f*ck you.

Just... I'm sorry. It's nothing.
It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter?

Yes, I f*cked her.

But it didn't work.

Every time I looked at her, my head filled with pictures of you.

Her skin didn't feel as soft as yours.

I didn't like the way she touched me.

And her kiss... didn't make my head spin the way yours does.

You've ruined me for anybody else.

I told her I didn't want to see her anymore.

She was pretty upset.



You're a f*cking...


Can someone go see where Max is?

Why don't we just start without him... her... it?

Max is on the way.
What's hold him up?

Hey, sorry, I'm late.
We've been waiting.

I was on the phone with Spacecake, they're having problems testing their new device drivers.

So I had a long talk with them.

We're all on a schedule here, Max.

I was just trying to help out one of our clients.

Well, in case you haven't notice, we all have clients here.

We're all here to meet their demands.
That's why we manage our time.

It was poor judgement I knew a part, to keep the entire staff waiting.

Take a seat. We don't have all day.

And by the way, people, just so you know, there's nothing I hate more than when you make excuses for yourselves.

I won't even let my own daughter get away with that.

We all have to take responsibility for our actions.

Now, let's get started.

That's not why she went back to men.

It was the humiliation of finding out that her lover was cheating on her.

That was the reason.

Nina went back to men because she's one of those women that find safety and security by belonging to the dominant culture.

She only feels safe if there's a man by her side.

You know...
I'm sorry.

I love your movies.
It's such an honor to meet you.

Sorry, sorry, I'm just...
We're in the middle of a meeting, guys.

Miss, I'll sign my last name later.

So, anyway, as I was saying the story really centers around Jessie's self-determination and how she finds strength through that.

Yeah, it's right. I love these kinds of stories.
Because I love the ladies' stories. And

And I understand that Jerry is a woman, right?

Oh, Jessie.

Let me say that Jessie has had the worst men in her life, you know.

She's still been victimized by crapular guys.

And then she finds the ultimate epowerment...when she realizes that she doesn't need men.

She doesn't need them, she doesn't want them and she doesn't desire them.

Yes! Alleluiah.
This is such an optimistic movie about a girl who discovers herself and in doing so, she finds true loves. And that's very hard to do in a romantic comedy and it's why this a particular good one and I think the first and second acts lead right to a third act which uses that twist just a little more intrigue like maybe...

She's a princess in an other time and she reveals that she's been hiding that.

Because I need an image like a...
You know, it's...

Can I just add to it 'cause I just have like a little brainstormy thing.

I think that...

Okay, what if Jessie is a sex worker.

And Karina is, like, a wealthy businesswoman.

And then Karina hires Jessie for the night, sweep her off her feet, they fall madly in love, takes her shopping on Rodeo Drive and gives her the jewelry box and then her animal gets caught and she's like "ah ah ah", like that.

Next thing she gets in a bubble bath...

Okay, that's good, that's good. You know, she's really sensitive about her material.

Well, she doesn't want anybody to mess it up. I mean, you can do whatever you want.
What is your name?

Do you like romantic comedy?

There you go! Case closed.

Come on.

No, wait. Wait a minute.

I wanna ask one more question.

We can't take anymore of their time, Leonard.

Why? What are they doing this more important than helping me understand why my life is suddenly fallen apart.

He's got a point.

Look at her.

Look at her. Is she not the most beautiful woman you have ever seen?

And the most brillant?

So how the hell am I supposed to get over her?

I'm not really that great. Tell him, Alice.
Oh Phyllis...

You are great. You're amazing.
You're beautiful. She's beautiful, Leonard.

But I'm a lesbian.
Yeah, yeah, you're one of those too.

But Leonard is fantastic too.
He's great.

Yes, you are.
You are so wonderful.

If I was ever gonna be with a man again, it would be with you.

Now, can we please leave?

Who needs a drink?

Right here.

Okay, up, up.

, , , , , , , , ...
sh**t! Good one.

... pro!

This is for you.

Open it.


It's for your birthday next week.
I put on the...

the songs we've listened to.

"Piece of my heart". Janis Joplin. I love Janis Joplin.

And this, this goes here.

You don't mind if we listen to this together?

How do you turn it on?

Cool! Nice sound, no?

You guys should go.
Alright? You got... a long drive to go somewhere, so...

Take care.

Listen, I...

I want you to be good to yourself.

And you know I'm always here if you need me.

So don't forget that.

I probably should have given you a better haircut.

Maybe some other time...

Come here.


That's bullshit, Max.
They can't treat you like that.

I mean, he looks for any excuse to pick on me.

And he can't step too far the line 'cause he's got the human ressources lawyer there, looking over his shoulder.

He's just gonna try make it so uncomfortable for me that I can't take it anymore.

Just quit!

I can't really afford to quit.

You mind grab it up for me?


I'm sorry?


Fellaney, that's me.

Who is calling?


it's my sister.

Hey Maggie.



What happened?

Why didn't you call me earlier?

What do you mean?
What are you saying?

What do you mean you don't wanna me to come home?

It's not...

You know what, Maggie?

It's not up to you, okay?
f*ck off!


Grace, my mom died.

I'm so sorry.

Is there anything I can do?

I didn't even know she was sick.

Maggie said she's heard the diagnostic weeks ago.

She doesn't want me coming home for the funerals.

Your sister asked you not to go to the funerals?

She's the only one who knows I'm transitionning.

She thinks it's gonna be too hard on my dad.

Maybe she's right, you know.

It would be a total disaster.

But she has no right to tell you you can't go.

I know.

Maybe it's for the best.

My family was pretty rough, you know.

And my mom...

She was the only one who was really there for me.

And I would just... you know, I never thought...

I just guess I just wish I could have seen her or something.

You have to go, Max.

Would it help if I was with you?

Why would you do that?

I mean, I mean, you barely even know me.

It's what I'd want someone to do for me.

I think we helped him.

Are you serious?
He hasn't even started to sink in.

Poor Leonard.

His heart's broken, you know.

He'll find someone else, but in the meantime, you need to stay away from married people.

Oh, look who's talking.

And by the way, don't think I've forgotten.

Your little break is over.
Who's the girl?

First of all, there's no girl, she's a woman, and second, she's special.
So, if you don't mind,

I'd like to respect her privacy.
Oh please, You've got it bad.

Oh my God!
Was that me?

No, that's me.
Let's wait, I feel it.

I got it.

Oh, Catherine!
Alice, give it.


Oh, hi Catherine.

"Oh, hi Catherine"


No... um, no.
I completely forgot.

Of cour... Yeah, of course, I'll be right there.

Alright. Bye.

I've gotta go. Catherine's dry cleaning.

What? You're running errands for her?

No, and no, and... no!
I'm just doing her a favor.

She's just doing her a favor...

Okay, well, don't forget to pick up your half of the money.

Whose's that?

I feel that.
No, it's not on there.

I may be sitting on it.

Got it, got it.


Hey Al.

Yeah, it's me.
Hey, Shane.

Oh my God, we've been having a party in bed all day.

Shane, come over.

I can't hear you.


Are you okay?
No, not so good.

No. Shay left.

Do you... do you wanna come and meet me?
Alright, where are you? I'm coming.

I'm at Sunset and Harbor.


Kit, what are you doing?

It's none of your business what I'm doing anymore.

You shouldn't be drinking, Kit.

Yeah, and who do I have to thank for that, hmm?

Can I... can I give you a ride home?

Why? So you can beg at me and tell me how sorry your ass is?

Please. Give me a break.
Can I, can I please just talk to you?

Hey, everybody!
Stop what you're doing.

Just shut the f*ck up and listen, okay?

The man wants to talk.

Uh. I'm sorry.


I'm an idiot. And I made a huge mistake.

You think?

I know you hate me right now.
And I don't blame you.

But I love you.

I love you more than anyone I've ever loved in my entire life.

And I'm gonna stick around, as long as I can

in the hopes that you'll eventually forgive me.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I'm stickin'.

Thank you everybody.

Thank you.

And have a good night, you did great in helping me out. Thank you.

That reminds you of Phoebe Cadlek?

I can't believe you remember that.

I remember every little thing you told me about yourself.

Loni Shipman deserves that scholarship, you know.

She does.

We'll see.

I saw a great piece of metal this morning on my way to work.

It was really cool.
On your way from Amy's?

She didn't wanna stop for it.


I was thinking of having a diner party.

I really want you to meet some of my friends.

Don't worry, it's not formal.

And they'll love you.

Can I cook?
I don't know. Can you?

I'll make a... fruit cake and spaghettis putanesca.

Your italian is very good.
Thank you.


I'd love to.

You're just beautiful.

Really. So...


It's amazing we have this meeting with Lawrence.

Because he is the first producer to marry independent film with commercial success and he's done it over and over again with Gus Van Sant, and Quentin Tarantino.
So we need to listen to him.

This is really important to hear his ideas.
He's a very specific take on this.

I'll listen. I'll be quiet.
I won't say anything.

Really? Okay. Lawrence!

Hi, how are you?

You look great.
You look fantastic.

You must be Jenny.
I am.

I love your story, Jenny.
What part do you like?

We can't wait to hear your ideas.
Oh, great.

Right, Jenny?
Yes. What do you like about lesbians?

Lesbians... What's the matter to love about lesbians?

You know, I was into lesbians way before this new chic lesbian fad.
And if you know, I actually have a mm print of "The k*lling of Sister George".

Hey, come sit down.


Yeah, right there, it'll be great.

When I read your story, I thought, this could be just like a regular lesbian movie, 'cause it's been done a million times before it.

I don't think it's been done a million times.

What could we do to push the boundaries, what could be yes lesbian, but lesbian plus.

I've gotta admit, it's always been my life dream to make a musical, and I really think that's what "Lez Girls" is, is a musical.

I love that.

I love it!

I love it, I love it.

What did I say at the first meeting?

She wants a musical.

I love it. I have been dreaming of this.

Okay, before you say another word, let me show you something.

I'm so excited.
There's this woman who is extraordinary and I've been wanting to work with her for a long time, and I really think that I could make a marriage between the of you.

Yeah, yeah.

Okay, cool.
Ladies, whenever you're ready.

Lovely, lissome ladies,

lecherous, leering lotharios;

love is in the air.

From as far as Paris, and as close as Silver Lake, from the minds of the magus, from the bodies of the virgins, the mouth of babes...

I give you the "Ditty Bops".

I give you "Le Cirque du Ferrer".

I give you

"Lez Girls", the musical.

Hello, I'm Jessie from Any Little Town, USA.

Countess Karina, the mistress of the Pluto café.

I have a boyfriend, but I'm intrigued by you

Just one smooch in the ladies room and I'll show you what to do...

"Lez Girls" come into our world it's a catch, it's a can, it's a life without the man in the city of the angels the devil lies within

Come on, come on, let us begin "Lez Girls" coming to our world, You'll be shocked, and amused, titillated and confused by the sultry sapphic story of a certain group of friends

Come on, come in, we're ready to begin

Well, you were there when he needed you, right?

Yeah, yeah.

And you'll be there again if he needs you.


Well, Shay knows that.

He knows he didn't lose you.

And I think that's the most important thing 'cause

we both know what it's like to lose someone we love.

But in the meantime,you have to drive by this f*cking bill board everyday, and I don't want you to get angry every time you pass by it.


How is it?

Wow! I'd never thought you'd look that good with facial hair.


Oh, beautiful!

You got it?

Look at that.

You're a really good friend, Alice.

You saved me.

I love you, Shane.
I love you too.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

I'm gonna have a big...


"You look like shit"