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04x02 - Livin' La Vida Loca

Posted: 03/26/19 09:11
by bunniefuu
The L Word - x - Livin' La Vida Loca

If it isn't Jennifer Shecter, author of "Some of Her Parts"...

Of course I'm gonna read my own review.

Why shouldn't I?


What were you thinking, you were gonna marry this ridiculous girl.

Alice worked for weeks setting this wedding up.

Helena spent a small fortune.

What Shane did is terrible.

And completely unforgivable.

I knew you were his daughter and it wasn't just because of the name.

It was the picture.

I mean, look at you three of you.

I left you a gift.

It's on the back porch.

I'm cutting you off financially.

The movie studio Paramount was looking to acquire...

Your mother wanted to unload it before she left for Antigo.

Who's Aaron Cornbluth?

He's our new boss.

Meeting him on wednesday.

My daughter Brooke's coming home from Ohio.

I always sat the two of you would hit it off.


Yeah, I can't wait to get started.

I will see you on campus Monday morning.

Who the hell is Papi?

This morning it was .

With the question that is on everybody's mind tonight.

Where is Papi?

Hey Alice!

Alice, over here!

Alice, right?

From the radio?

Yeah, you scared me.

Here I am.


You're... Papi.

I heard you've been looking for me.

You're Papi?

Si, that's me.

Excuse me, honey, are you Alice Piezecki?

I would have fell down that you were looking for me.

How much this means to me.

I've been listenning to your program every single day.

She's been waiting her whole life to be discovered.

Alice, hellooooo.

What a wonderful lady.

I am Papi.

Oh yeah?

She's looking for a woman, you idiot.

So why don't you f*ck off, huh?

I suppose she is Papi too?

Oh well, "papi" means daddy.

You know that, right?

You are going to find a lot of papies here tonight.

Hey, is this Gary Douglas?

Hi, I'm looking for a guy named Gab McCutcheon.


See, I'm his daughter and I was hoping he might...

No, I tried there and they said they haven't seen him since, yeah...


Right, I understand but do you think he might know anybody else that could...


No, um...

Thank you.



Still no luck, huh?


You know, I can do a computer search if you want.

I mean there's this great new program for tracking on missing people.

And it accesses to police records.

I mean I could look for Carla too.

I hope it works.

Jenny, he's a sweet kid.

I know that he's a sweet kid.

But the thing is, Shane...


Your friends just miss seeing you.

Jenny, I haven't gone anywhere.

Well, I think that you're hiding.

You know, you're in sort of distracting yourself by trying to get the kid off your hands.

I'm sorry.

Ballot and Gavin have this little real estate speed once or twice a year.

Good morning Chancellor Kroll.

Good morning.

It's been going on since Ballot got ten years.

Phillys, did you get my new project request?

I got it, Randy.


I recommend you give Gavin some extra studio space.

Hi Chancellor Kroll.

Good morning to you.

Good morning Chancellor Kroll.

I put him on this election committee to choose the architect for the new building.

He seems happy.

Now let's talk about your building.

We've decided the old humanities department for your new building.

Now all you have to do is raise the money to build it.

Well, I've worked up a list.

I don't see it as a huge challenge.


Have we talked about the trustee's brunch?

Next saturday.

At my house.

My husband might come down for it.

He's at Stanford.


The dean of the School of Engineering.

I'm looking forward to meeting him.


I'd like you to make a little presentation, just a few minutes on your goals, the world class artists shall we bring here to teach, how you're gonna reestablish California University as the leader in fine arts education.

In words or less I think I can do that, Phyllis.

Well just be sure to tell them we'll be doing it for / of the former dean's budget.

We've got a brilliant group of TA candidates for you to interview, Bette.

Thank you.

Well, there's a lot of competition.

You're the most glamorous dean they've had in years.

Matthew Reese was and bald.

Well, it's more about your background.

Your show Provocations was the flash point for the generation.

They all still seem to think you can change the world through art.

So do I.

Good morning Chancellor Kroll.

How do you explain this steaming pile of shit on my desk?

Most of it predates me.

I've only been here nine months, Aaron.

And I had a mandate...

There's a new mandate now, Tina.

And that's to make Shaolin synonymous with the to market.

I need people around me who are hipped to their tastes, who speak their language, who can deliver the next Brett Ratner, Mark Lambert.

Tell me a movie you've always wanted to make.

"Twisted Forest" Every monkey in this town wants to make "Twisted Forest".

Old Betty won't sell.

She hates Hollywood.

Yeah, but she loves indian cinema, really obscure indian cinema, She's a freak for Satyajit Ray and we've talked for hours about Pather Panchali.

You spoke to her?

She also loves Mira Nair.

Which is what scelled the deal.

We're gonna start as soon as Mira raps post on Gangsta M.D.

She sold you the rights?!

We've got "Twisted Forest".


You get to stay.

I need you to do one last thing for me.

What's the deal with Helena Peabody?

She's a really great gal.

She has big heart, she...

And a really big bank account and she almost ran Shallin right into the ground.

Here's what I need you to do for me.

He sent you to fire me?

I'm sorry Helena.

It was a power trip.

He's a scumbag.

A scumbag you're working for.

Well, I need my job.

I couldn't afford to tell him to get f*cked.

Why did he fire me?

I think he's threatened by you.

He wants to establish himself as the boss and he's afraid that everyone's gonna think that he works for you.

Or it could have been that comment you made about his movie?

"Zombies on the Train"?

And how it appealed to the people with intelect *** ?


If you have a social life.

If you like to spend quality time with your girlfriend or boyfriend, visit your mother on the weekends, go to gym, several times a week to keep your body fit and healthy, I respect that.

I even envy it.

But you shouldn't be here.

Because if you're gonna TA for me, you shouldn't expect to have a life.

You're only here because you're intensely driven and you are determined as I am to make C.U.

the destination art school, ahead of RISD and Yale, and the only reason you can even contemplate taking on this added responsibility in addition to your already insane course load and the hours you spend in your graduate studio making art is that you are young enough and foolish enough to think that you can get by on three hours of sleep a night.

"Tonite P.M.

I'll B there.

Will U?" Oh sure you will, Papi.

You call your computer Papi?

Uh, no, it's a this girl on OurChart, Papi.

You know, she has more hits than Shane.

How do you not know this?

Where have you been?

Oh, right...

Stuck in the far reaches of hetero-ville, that's right.

Yeah, it's so scary.

Ooooh, scary.

I think I remember you lurking around there a couple of years ago.

But I did come to my senses.

See, that's the difference between you and me.

Hey girl.

Kit, hi, how are you?

Oh girl, I'm okay, thank you.

But I can tell you, I sure would have loved a large glass of red wine afterwards.

I swear.

I just felt so...


I've never had an abortion.

It must be really hard.

Oh it started with the reason why I had too much trouble getting pregnant with Angelica.

I had in my early 's.


And now you have a little angel.

Yeah, but only % of the time.

And her other mother has her the other % of the time and that's the way it should be.

It's hard on Bette too, you know.

And Angelica must never hear you say that Bette is any less her mother than you are.

I know, I would never say that.


I know.

It's fine.

Holy f*ck!

As I live and breath.

Wow, Shane?

Look who finally showed up.

Well, well, well, I was wondering when she would reemerge.

How are you doing?


Pretty good.


Looks like...

Carmen found you.

So, who is this gentleman?


Oh hi Shay, nice to meet you.

You're hungry?

Come on over here.

And I'll cook you up.

And you can talk to your friends.


Good to see you.


It's nice getting to know you, Eric.

We'll talk soon.

Thank you for your time, Dean Porter.


And what was that material call?

Oh, Synthecrete, it's amazing stuff.

It was devote by David Hurts.

I'll look into it.

And next, we have...


Don't tell me.

Nadia Krell.

That's very good dean Porter.

It's italian.

Have you heard back from Franklin yet, James?

Oh, yeah, he's planning on coming to the Planet brunch and he said he'd be honored to join the comittee.

It's greek.

It's my step-father's name.

Great, I love Grece.

I spend every summer in Mykonos which has artists and collectors.

My step-father has a house in Mykonos.


Come on in.

Shay, I know you're gonna love these french fries.

You want some ketchup?

Shay, you're doing okay?


Helena hates me, doesn't she?

No, she doesn't hate you.

But you know, apart from Carmen, she's the one who got hurt the most.

You know she's my roomate now?


Then what do you think I could do to make it up to her?

You've got million dollars stashed away in a sock?


I'm an industrial design major.

I did graphic design as underground.

Dr. Kroll actually really liked that last one.

You designed these prospectives for Dr. Kroll?


No, she went on and on about how, it was utterly distinctive but she had no idea that it was actuallly completely derivative.

Of Lazar El Lissitzky.

Well, that's acceptable.

I was inspired by your show at the CAC.

You introduced me to Moyen-Age, and El Lissitzky.

So you saw the "Constructivism" show.

That blew me away.

I just drive in L.A. and I was one of those east coast girls who, you know, think that California is completely devoid of any kind of culture.

Which is an absolute cliché.

Right no, I know.

I know that now.


Are you are you an athlete?



Because you have uh.

Because you have very beautiful arms.

I do some, you know, still yoga every now and again I just I really don't have any time to do anything more than that.

My ex-girlfriend was a professional boxer, and your arms sort of remind me of hers.

Well, I'm not a boxer, so I'd better not get in the ring with her!

A nyway.

I have to make a presentation at the trustees' brunch, as you know, and I would like to use a metaphor.

I wanna use a metaphor about being in a new place, full of wonder, and there's this comic, it's a little boy and it's his dreams' escape and the drawings are just exquisite but I cannot for a life be able to remember who did them.

Windsor MacKay.

You know I think that's right.

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" Yeah.

It's really genious actually.

I think that Dr Kroll would love that.

Even if it is derivative?


God no!

I mean by the time that we are done with it, I mean, just, I...


I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to be presumptuous.

Well, you are.

You're very presumptuous.

But why don't you come in on monday morning and we get started?

Then I've got the job?

Well I'd like to work with you on this presentation and we'll see how it goes.

When do you want me?

: .

I'll be here at : .

I really think it's a beauty, perfect combination of step location and angles of attack.

And I bet she has a Mercury EFI superventilated, right?

It's a choppy day, but I had it up to miles per hour in a matter of seconds.

We'd have to come out with it one weekend.

Yeah, that'll be great.

Brooke, this is Max Sweeney.

It's nice to meet you.

Thank you.

That's sweet.

I made a reservation at Hankcock Park.

I hope that's okay.

Oops, I forgot to tell you.

Brooke's a vegetarian.

Dad, that was like years ago.

Hankcock Park sounds wonderful.

Well, we can't keep up.

Hey honey, let me take the flowers.

And he sent Tina to do it?

It's not her fault.

She had no choice, really.

Come on Helena, she's a f*cking collaborator.

If she'd said no to the guy, she would have been out of the job, and she would have come after you for child support.

Oh come on you guys, you really think Tina would do that?

Come on!

She'd be entitled to it.

I'm sorry but under the law, she would, wouldn't she?

Oh, probably, probably...

Speaking of the law, Shane.


What the law has to do with him?

Well, there's school for one.

It's true.

It's illegal to keep a child out of school.

Well let them arrest me.

Have you thought about placement?

I know that they have these services.

You mean foster care?

Shane, I know you've had some really wack personal experiences.

But what about private social services?

I mean, for kids that don't have families...

Hey Shay, how did you like your cake?

Hey did you finish your milkshake?

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Look, the bathroom's right over there.



You should go with him.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

Hold his hair!

He doesn't have any hair!

Would you just go?!

Man, is that a f*ckin' disaster.

She's so not ready for this.

I wish Carmen was here to help her.

Yeah, well, she wasn't ready for Carmen either.

This girl that I, uh...

go to school with, she was att*cked.

It was like all over the news and everything.

The guy was brought up on charges.

Everyone knew he did it and he still got the Reynold's grant over my friend Sarah.


And I bet all the frat guys gathered around and said the girl asking for it, right?

Yeah, even some of the girls said it.

Or at least, they didn't stand up for her.

Wouldn't you feel powerless?

I mean, girls sometimes betray each other, just to keep their connection to their man.

They feel like without a connection to some man they're totally cut off of power.

Which I imagine is really scary, you know?



I've just never met a guy who understood that.

Let alone cared.

What can I say?


You try.

You're looking for somebody, miss?

I am.

And I think I might have been sent on another wild goose chase.

Do you know other babe by the name of Papi?

You're looking for Papi?

You're sure?

Okay, right over there.

Thank you.


Look, I don't know who this is but I'm really sick of these games so I'm not gonna...



Leave it!

f*ck you!

Oh god!

Okay, what's the plan?

You're taking me to Papi?

I ain't got no plan, baby.

It's you who wanted to see me.

Thank you so much for agreeing to sit down with me.

I know that you have a writing dead line.

Yeah, I'm I'm supposed to end up my story for the New Yorker and my agent tomorrow.

So I'm just like...


You know I did a story for the New Yorker last year.

I know.

I read it and I loved it.

I thought it was just fantastic.

That's why I said I wanted to do the interview with you.

No, I mean, not specifically 'cause you write for the New Yorker, but...

I told the publicists that they...

That I don't wanna do it anymore gay press after this.

Well, that's understandable.

I mean, you don't wanna be catalogued as a lesbian writer.

Well, not specifically as a lesbian, but catalogued as a lesbian writer memoirist as, you know, I just wanna be Jenny.


You know, I'm not happy unless I'm qualified with at least five things.

What are your five things?

p*ssy-chasing, con enthusiast, half Bu-Jew...

Wait, what's Bu-Jew?


It is half Jewish, but practicing Buddhist.

I'm Jewish!



Rock on!

Jewish sisterhood.

Way to go.

Jewish lesbians.

Yeah, you know, but anyway I...

The reason why I chose to write for Curve magazine is because they let me pick the books that I review.


And I only review books that hold a real significance to me.


Why does "Some of Her Parts" holds significance to you?

My partner's a survivor.

Hey Papi!

yeah, amigos!

papi, Papi!

Hey everyone!

Here, try this, try this.

You know she likes that, right?

Come on girl!

What's up?

Everyone, Papi's in the house.

Where have you been, huh?



Thank you.



A lot of people know you here.

What, are you like the pope in east L.A.?

Actually it's pronounced "Papi".


It's okay.

It's just a little more latina than your tongue is used to, chica.


Let me help you to say my name right.

You might need it later.


More better, girl, much more better.

Now, what I can help you with?

Not a lot of ladies put a APB to me over the radio.

Mostly their boyfriends are coming after me...

Oh, I hope I didn't put you in a bad position.

f*ck all men.

I'm honored.

Hey, can I?

Would you mind if I tiprecorded this?


Great, great.

Uh, interview web famous Papi...


Anita, will I have another fruit juice, por favor?

So what do you wanna know about Papi, huh?

Well, Papi, you have become sort of a legend in about days on my website.

You crashed my whole server.

What can I say?

I've been blessed.

It seems the ladies like me as much as I like them.

We're talking about a hell of a lot of ladies.

Like I said, I've been blessed.

A lot.


But, why do you think that happens to you?

It's not something I do, girl, you know.

I don't wake up in the morning saying "I'm gonna do some p*ssy today".

Well, sometimes.

Me too.



No, I just, I just do my thing.

I live my life and my life has girls in it.


Here's the question, Papi.

Why do you think they flock to you, Love I guess.

They know I love them.



Really Papi?

All of them?

I love their voices, I love their eyes, their hair, their curves, their bodies, their laughter their sadness, their wetness.

See, everything about a woman I love, touching them, feeling their skin against mine, making them feel good.

See, I respect them.

I respect myself.

And uh...

And what?

They like the way I kiss.

I can make a woman come just by kissing her.

Well I hope I didn't bore you to tears.

You didn't bore me at all.

I didn't shut up.

I mean, you know everything there is to know about me and...

I don't even know where you come from.

I come from Wilmette.

It's in Illinois, outside Chicago.

Do your parents still live there?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Why don't we save all that stuff for the second date?



You'll think I am .

I don't think this has ever happened to me.


So, you've never been caught with your tongue in some girl's throat?

Well, my parents, you know, they weren't that strict.


Well, you're a boy.

Yeah, I know, I was kind of a good kid.

Are you or were you?


Well, let me teach you how to be bad.

Go on, get inside.

Call me?

I might...

be able to wait till tomorrow.

But, I'm gonna be thinking about you all night.

I didn't want the boys to come across as one dimensional monsters.

And whatever, what I was trying to show is that, I think that in our culture, sometimes boys are condoned for their actions and the message is "go ahead, r*pe these girls, the girls are for raping".

Well, it seems to me that the real monsters in your book are your parents.


I mean, I didn't want my parents to come across as evil.

I love my parents so much.

You know?

And when that thing happened, they were just devastated.

But you know, I think as adults, they had the power to help me overcome it, and they chose not to.

And instead, it festered into a pathology, and I think the sum of it made me pretty dysfunctional.

You know?

It probably made me into the dysfunctional liar that I was for most of my young adult life.

You know, that's a very brave thing to admit about yourself, Jenny.

I don't know.

I mean, I think that's why I write, 'cause you just wanna get all this stuff out.

I don't think I've ever opened up like this to someone before.

You've made me feel very safe.

Thank you for that.



That makes the bed pop out?

Nice beats.


Yeah, good beats.

This makes the bed pop out.



Well I just...

I just feel like maybe...

I think like maybe you're moving a little fast.

But we need time for the full tour.

I'm gonna take you places you've never been before.

Oh, I highly doubt that, Papi.

How about that?

You like that?

Oh, wow.

What are you doing?


Magic circles.


Circles are good, right?

Oh, yeah, circles are good.

Yeah, circles.

Oh, wow, circles.

Like that?

Oh yeah, I think I really like circles.

Oh, wow.

Yeah, circles.

Circles are great, Papi!

Cirles are really great, Papi!

Oh my God.

Hey, come on in.

I feel like I never see you anymore.

You're so busy.

I saw you earlier this evening.

It's just a feeling.

I'm allowed to have feelings, aren't I?

What's wrong?

Did something happened?

Where is Angus?

I feel so damn guilty.

Kit, you told me that you were clear about this.

You said that you and Angus both agreed this was the right decision.

It was the right decision.

But I feel so sad for Angus.

He... he's trying to be really brave about it but I know he feels so sad.

You know Kit, you can be sad for yourself too.

I'm just glad he's not here to see me being this sad because it would only make him sadder.

You think maybe I can.. have a little hug?

Oh wow!

How do you say I'm done in spanish?

You're not done.


Oh Papi!

That's how you say my name, girl?

Do you wanna come in?

Oh, no no.

Thanks, though.

But it's against the rules.

Rule number , Papi doesn't do breakfeast.


Well, it was fun.


I had a really good time.

So did I.

You know, I'm glad I found you.

Alright Alice, see you around.

Well, well, so we had a busy night.

Yeah, I was working.


Yeah, working pretty hard.

Alright, see you.

Oh my god!


Really Papi?


That girl does love working.

It's kinda freaking me out.

I mean, she is the boss' daughter.

And then, I don't even know how it works.

So you should come out.


Is it or .net?

You know what?

You don't understand.

Coming out for me is not the same as it is for you.

She said that I was gonna be out first thing this morning.

So I don't understand why I can't find it because when she called me to get some comments she said the reviews were already done.

I thought you were gonna let me read the reviews before you look at them.

No, I don't need to with this one.

We had this understanding and you know, I think that's the kind of thing that happens when two gay women speak to each other.



Here it is.



Jennifer Schecter, "Some of Her Parts"...

Okay, ready?

Jennifer Schecter's autobiographical examination of her violated childhood is sexually explicit, self-indulgent and self-pitying?

You know what?

Maybe you really shouldn't be reading this right now.

Schecter is an undisciplined writer who applies a sloppy solipsistic logic to an undisciplined life.

Her central thesis of childish sexual abuse is both the cause and an excuse for deceitful adult behaviour, is both insulting and dangerous to those myriad women who have suffered at the hands of predatory men.


"C'est la vie!" f*ck you, Stacey Merkin!

f*ck YOU!

Jenny, come on.

The kid's here.

Oh my God!

My bag!

I was waitlisted for this bag.

Hey, we'll clean it up!

Okay, right?

What are you screaming about?


What happened?

I spilled.

No, that's not what happened.

What happened is that Stacey Merkins revealed herself to be a true c**t.



And she used her gayness to get me to open up.

And the thing is, Shay, I didn't even want to do the f*cking...

Second time.

...interview in the first place.

You're done?


Look, Shay...

Listen, there's mac & cheese in the freezer, alright?

And if I'm not gonna be back for lunch, Jenny's gonna help you with the stove.

I'll see you later.

Have fun!

You watch him.

Shay, say "Stacey Merkin's a f*cking c**t".

Okay, you know what...

Say "Stacey Merkin's a f*cking c**t".

No, you know what, he's not gonna say it.

Say it.

Say it, say it, say it, say it.

Have a great day, Jenny.

Stacey Merkin's a f*cking c**t.

Hey, do you have a second?


Oh, Nadia.

I'm sorry.

I'm just so excited.

I found the book.

And it is, it is fantastic.

"Heads will roll" is going to love it.

Heads will roll?

AVC Kroll.

We call her "Heads will roll" Kroll 'cause she fires at least one dean a year.

Just look at this.


As you know, it's the original.

But we are gonna make this CU.

And, I'm gonna make you little Nemo, because this is your dream for the future of the School of the Arts.


No, little Nemo is a student.

Make it a boy, 'cause most trustees are men and they're so sentimental about their boyhoods.

Now I want you to focuse on the School of the Arts but I also want you to acknowledge the other departments of the university like make this physics, and, make this athletics.



You're amazing.

Uh Preston, I was just coming to see you.

Well, good work Nadia.

So you see where I'm going with this?

Yeah, absolutely, I do.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Hey, can I call you Bette?

She could call me anything she wants.

Dean Porter's just fine.

Hey Marta, can you get my little brother a smoothie or something?

-A smoothie?

-Yes, a smoothie.

Is it so hard to get the kid a f*cking smoothie?

Marta, don't get me shit.

Just give me a smoothie.

Shane, your next client's still waiting.

Can I get your signature on this thing?

Jodie Lerner is gonna be here in weeks.

It's such a coup getting her as an artist in residence.

I love it.

I would also like to try Lee Bontacue and John Balthazare.

And Edward Shay, he owes me a favor.

I also have a list of all of our equiptment needs because if we wanna be truly competitive with the rest of the top tier...


I'm sorry.

Go on.


If we're gonna be truly competitive with the rest of the top tier...

then we're gonna need to upgrade our digital media resources.

I've been married years, Bette.

I have two children, they've both gone away to college.

Are you okay, Phyllis?

Are your children okay?

Have you ever had the conviction you've been living a lie your whole life?

No, actually I haven't.

No, of course not.

You're courageous.

You live your life boldly, honestly.

I wish I could take your example.

Phyllis, you are a woman of incredible accomplishments.

I cannot possibly see...

I think I'm a lesbian, Bette.


In fact, I know I am.

I've known it since I fell in love with my college roomate.

We didn't act it.

I was too afraid.

It didn't fit in with my life.


I wonder where she is, I wonder if she even remembers.

I just can't keep this inside anymore, Bette.

Do you know what I mean?



Wait, no.

No, I don't, I don't know what you mean.

I have to find out about these feelings.

I have to find out about what I've missed.

Why don't you talk to someone?

I mean, maybe a therapist, or...

I've been lying to my therapist for years.

I need to talk to you, Bette.


Why me?

Because you seem so comfortable with it.


You seem so fulfilled that I have to, I have to know how you've done that.

It's a process, Phyllis.

I mean, it wasn't always easy.

God, I sure hell hope it is not to late for me.

Do you think it's too late for me?

It's never too late, Phyllis.

It's never too late.

Where is she?

I want her to look at me in the eyes and say all of this to my face.

She's a freelance writer.

She doesn't have an office here.

Oh yeah, what's your name?



Jolene, you're a liar, because I can see right here, I see that Stacey Merkins is in suite and I'm gonna go to her office right now.

I told you that she's not here.

She comes once a week for a staff meeting.

Oh yeah?

May I ask you something?

Jolene, did you read that piece-of-shit review that she wrote about me in your little magazine called Curve?

Because actually, I got a rave review in Publisher's Weekly magazine.

Can you just look up my review, please?


Jennifer Schecter.

Good for you, Jennifer.

Then you shouldn't give a shit what she wrote in this piece-of-shit magazine.

Well, I do give a shit.

Because I think she should be fired.

I think she used duplicitous methods to get me to open up.



She used her sexual orientation and her gayness to get me to open up.

And do you know what Merkin means?


vag*na wig.

That's what her name means.

Shame on you for not correcting her sloppy syntax and grammar.



I need you to come check this out.


Oh, shit, Shay.

Hey, Marta?

Would you give me a mop, please?

Hey Shay, don't worry, okay?

Don't sweat, it's no big deal.



The dye's all f*cked up.

Look at this!

Alright, you know what?

We'll make some more.

Just take the f*cking things and I'll help you.

Hey, Marta.

You can tell my brother to come back in?


You asked my brother to come back in?

He left.

What are you talking about, "he left?" He just walked out the door.

He's nine!

Jesus Christ!

What, is life so f*cking hard for you?!

You're fired.



Shane sounded really upset.

Here she is.

How long has he been missing?

Alright, listen.

My f*cking worthless assistant said he could be walking on Robertson, but I don't know.

Ok, then we'll check on the east streets and we'll head over the Beverly center, okay?

We can check out the park.


We need more people.

I can't get through to Helena.

Me and Jenny can go to skate park and check it out, right?


We'll ask everybody if they've seen him.

And have you filed the police report yet?

No, no, no, but Kit said she was going to.

So you just call me and let me know?

Yes, absolutely.


Thank you guys.


Don't worry, Shane, we'll find him!

Wait, wait, no, no, what do you mean I need a picture of him?

No, no, no, I don't have a picture of him!

I haven't known him for that long.

f*cking moron!

And what are you, f*cking blind?!

Hey, look, it's this guy.

Hey buddy.

Have you seen a kid around here, like years old?

He has brown hair and blue eyes and he was wearing a grey sweatshirt.



How old did you say you were again?

I'll be in November.

, huh?

You know what happens to -year-old boys who run away, don't you?


Miss McCutcheon?

Thank you!

Thank you!

Oh my god, oh my god!

What the hell were you doing?!

Just lucky it was me who picked him up and not some wacko.

I'm sorry.

I had a hard time finding your number but your story told me the name of that WAX I thought it was a...

place or something.

Don't ever run away from me again, do you hear me?

Where did you think you were gonna go?


Look, I'm your home now, okay?

And we both have to get used to that.

Thank you.

Let's go.

This is crazy.

We're never gonna find him here.

I know.

Oh, it's Shane.

Hey Shane, hey buddy.

How is...

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

This is...

She found him?

That's great!


Okay, yeah, we'll just see you back at the house.

Yeah, take your time.


Get him a big burger.

That's a good idea.

Okay, see you later.

Okay, bye.


Oh thank God, thank God.

Can you believe that?

How do you feel?


Who's that?


That's uh...


So, would you like to come back for a nightcap?

Rule number , never go home with a girl whose roommate you just f*cked that same morning.

But uh, thanks for the offer.