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03x04 - Light my fire

Posted: 03/24/19 10:58
by bunniefuu
The L Word - 3x4 - Light my fire

Previously on "The L word"

We install a chair for you over here, alright?

Just one chair because I want people lining up to get on your schedule.

Check it out

Shane for WAX.

what do you mean?

That the number of times, that you mentioned Dana.

What I tell you, I'm practically over her.

The NEA just pulled their funding

Are you loosing your stipend?

I don't know probably.

Surround yourself with people that you know and trust...

Somebody from your past.

Helena Peabody offered me a job.

Are you considering it?

She made it very attractive.

Who is that?

Jenny's girlfriend

You girls just relax, let us butches unloading the truck

Come on Shane

Oh I'm Angus, Partridge. I'm her Manny.

He is one cute nanny.

It's a benign solid lump.

We're going to do a biopsy.

How much is that?

dollars Madam.

I just have a salad and a side of fries.

What are you doing?

They're your friends...

You know...I don't really fit in.

Living your life against God's will

Is like blowing yourself into the eternal fire of Hell's damnation.

Is that what you want, sister?

I'm a former h*m* who found Jesus. have faith... this used to be as hard for me... as it is for you... until I was saved.

But isn't this worse?

Jesus hates the sin between two men... much more than that between two women.

It's better than Hell's fire...

I promise you.

Hope you back that up on your hard drive.

Where the f*ck were you?

I was hanging out at the beach.

But I was just...I was sleeping in my truck you know... trying to figure out what I am doing here in L.A.

What are you doing here in L.A?

I don't know!

I... I don't know what I am doing anywhere.

I... I don't know who I am anymore Jenny You know what?

Nobody knows who they are.

You know, that's what life is about.

You walk through life and you try to figure it out and you probably won't figure it out.

It seems like you know who you are.


I'm like... I'm... I'm the picture of togetherness and sanity.

You know... I... I thought I was supposed to be a writer and I'm this f*cking looser that get even get a publisher to call them back about stupid manuscript

Who cares?

You don't have to get published to be a good writer.

Ok... so when I'll serve you your cup of coffee you remind me that.

What are you talking about?

I'm, uh...I'm gonna be a waitress at the planet.

You got a job at the planet?

I did it's so awesome.

What are you doing?

Well, may be it'll give you just more material for your books.


Splashy...and splash

What are you doing?

We are cooling our tooties.

I have a meeting in minutes and I haven''t even fed her yet

I haven't even set up the pump.

I'm sure they'll hold the meeting for you - you're the boss now, aren''t ya?

That might be how you treated your subordinates, but I don't like to keep people waiting.

I never called my colleagues my subordinates.

But you know what, your Mama T is a little stressed right now.

She has her very first big staff meeting.

I don't even have time to pump now.

I just... I... I just do it later, can you um...pick up my dry cleaning please?

And now she thinks that just because, for this one she's the one to bring home the bacon that we should jump the burning hoops.

I know I feel the same way.

Would you like to hear some good news DJ suga?

I would, what is it?

I just got off the phone with Paul Erit and heard you DJ at Vulva Las Vegas...and he wants you for his VIP after party for Russel Simomns and his new band Black Butterfly.

Holly shit!
Oh my God, Russel Simmons?
Are you kidding me?

No no, I'm not kidding.

Oh my God Kit...
I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding...

Oh my God! come here.

This is huge... wait this is fantastic... Oh my God, when am I supposed to do this?

Tomorrow night at the Abbey at o'clock


I can't...

I can't do it, it's your... opening

No no... Don't even
I should... I... I am so sorry


Girl come on... look... look there's gonna be a lot others parties ok?...

There's gonna be a lot others parties, don't worry ok?

There's gonna be a lot others parties in Los Angeles with Russel Simmons?

Sure there will...

OK no but you think about it, let me know call me ok?


Come on this is a huge thing, don't give it up for Wax.

Welcome back to the Mercedes Benz challenge.

I'm Billie Jean King sitting with Dana Farebanks... who just won her match against Daniella Azulu.


Congratulations, it's so great to see you back on the court


What a come back story

But I just... I feel really good you know.
I feel like I'm getting my game back.

You know as a professional athlete... to come out as a lesbian... is really a big risk.

Do you get tired of people asking about your sexuality all the time?


I... I mean not anymore, it was easier thank to you...

you know... and you really paved the way.

I'm sor - you're my hero I just have to say that.

That's so embarrassing
No it's true


Isn't he cute?

I mean as I saw him as an indie, edgy, vegan, kinda way.

Oh my god I want to view him actually as a vegan... coz you what we say about vegans, that cum tastes really sweet.

I mean not that I had ever swallowed... I am...

Spit it kinda guy.

He's completely unqualified...

I mean it's ridiculous it's gonna hurt your business.

Billie's just try to give him a chance

Billie just wants to know what he eats.

ok darling... I do not need to get people jobs, to find out about their culinary habits.

and talking of which... when is the last time you ate out?

Wow... Saved by the bell.


Yeah... hold on
Please tell me you're not gonna f*ck him, I do not need a law suit.

I am not gonna f*ck him, I don't even want to f*ck him...

-His beauty holds no mystery for me.
-Oh my God... when?

He, on the other hand, is in an entirely different matter.

Who is that?

I don't really feel like I should hang out here while you're working you know?

No it's fine, it's fine... these people are my friends; we hang out here all the time.

Julia Lord is in the hospital...

I gotta go see her.

You want me to keep the baby?

No, I'm going to see if Angus is available.

she wants me to fill in for her, she is suppose to testify at a senate hearing in Washington tomorrow about... the disappearance of the NEA grant and...

You're going to Washington?

I might

Ok, See ya.
I don't know


Is it ok if Moira hangs out here while I start my shift?

Yeah... Yeah of course.

Hello... Moira

It's nice to meet you

You too... you're new to Hell A?

Actually she is looking for a job, if you know of anything... she is an IT specialist.

Oh... as in "make and make it happen".

Yeah... like that.


The evolution of the little black dress.

Sounds like a blue provoke.

Well, I was thinking... It'll... It will be a nice change to do a piece on fashion.

You know.

And I wouldn't even be tempted to bring up Dana, cause...

She has the worst fashion sense ever.

She really does

She's the worst dresser, I mean.

Before I met her she used to wear pads on her shoulders.



Um I could to that or I could a piece on a...the evolution on the pants suit, I have...

What does that have to do with the chart?

See, none of these ideas have anything at all to do with The Chart.

None of these Ideas have anything at all to do with the chart.

My last idea, what'd you think of my last idea?

You wanna read a children's book on air.

I don't get it.

Okay, uh..."If You Give a Pig a Pancake."

It's my earth daughter Angelica's favorite picture book but...

It... it's all about interconnectivity because if you do give a pig a pancake and she wants syrup to go with it um... leads her to the bath.

You know cause she's sticky.

And that leads her to bubbles which... and then the rubber ducky and um... a trip to the farm.

Anyway, if you see where it's headed it's kinda of a...

I mean I'll have a lot of more ideas tomorrow so... and I... we're gonna nail this thing.

It's gonna be fine.

Give a pig a f*ckin' pancake.


I'm doing a little party at my place tonight.


You should come.

Oh that's cool.

I don't know.

With just a few friends you know.

People like us.

Some people who've...changed their bodies to match up with their brains.

and if you've changed that brain too much up to their bodies.

you should bring Jenny and come along.

I'm not really sure I know what you're talking about.

Don't worry awesome.

We're good people.

You'll have fun.

Well, Julia said you will try to get me in to see the senators before the hearing.

Angus what are you doing here?

Well, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen, but I mean worth to try.

Come here give mummy a kiss.

Ok great thanks Irus.

What's Angus doing here?

I called him because I knew that you were going out tonight.

Why are you packing?

I'm going to Washington.


Julia was supposed to testify at the senate hearing.

but she hurt her back... surfing.

can you have at least called me?

I tried to get to hold you all day.

This is the third night in a row she's been babysat.

I thought, we weren't gonna to this to her.


You know I mean, is there any way that you can... reschedule your dinner?

It's not a dinner, it's a screening of a documentary, that Helena and I are interesting in financing.

Can you at least go in the morning?

It's a senate hearing Tina.

I don't think that we reschedule because we promise not do a babysitter three nights in a row.

When I took this job... you told me that you will take care of things at home you said that you'd be more than happy to do all the things for me that I did for you when you worked to the CAC.

Yeah... and I am.

I mean do you even know what's going on Tina?

I mean we have to fight to preserve government support for the art.

PBS is up for grabs for Christ Sake.

And when I'm working I like to know that my daughter is at home with her mother,

Otherwise I can't do it Bette.

Then don't!

Really don't!

Are you gonna be paid for this?

I'm sorry.

I have to catch that red eye tonight.

Trying to meet with Barbara Grisham tomorrow before the hearing.

Senator Grisham?

The d*ke from Massachusetts?

I don't think she's a d*ke she is famously married to some software billionaire.

Oh... right, and?

Yeah and... I think is a little juvenile that lesbians assume that every strong outspoken women is automatically a d*ke.

Ok whatever...

Damn, I think she's hot.

Yeah used to now I think she's just power-hungry.

Yeah that's what makes her so hot.
Don't you remember when she tore Clinton a new assh*le over the Defense of Marriage Act?

She and Kerry were the only power-democrats who stood by us.

I wish you would come with me.

Yeah I do too.

God that's so cool!

I love that stuff.

I can't

I've got so much work to do I'm...

I'm in over my head I...

I gotta be at the screening in minutes I...

I love this job.

I'll miss you.

Do you realize this is the first time you've spent a night away from Angelica?


I'll miss you.

Honey don't do this, it's not your mess.

Oh you know what...

Someone's got to do it and the person who made this mess clearly has no intention... of doing it.

This is disgusting.

I think you should DJ Russel Simmons' party.

So uh... It really doesn't matter to you at all whether or not I'm at you're... opening?

H onestly...

It's not that big of a deal to me.



Oh... Oh wait.

Carmen come on!

Don't take it that way.

You know I want you to be there.


And I know, that's something you've been working really hard at.



Thank you.

That was amazing.

That was really... intense.

That's so upsetting.

We have to meet the film maker, is that her?

She is beautiful, isn't she?

Oh thank you so much...

Dylan... Hi, I'm Tina Kennard from Peabody Shaolin.

That was a really powerful piece of film making.

Well, I heard you might be coming I'm really, really gad that you made it.

This is Helena Peabody.

Dylan, we don't normally do documentaries but...

I'd really love to sit down and talk with about this.


You know we're looking for investors each to come in it $ a piece.

And if you... a, if you... If you read the prospectus...

Well, I... I assume you'd accept it all from one single investor.

You're kidding?

Call me and we will set a meeting?

Uh... to... to discuss whether $ is really enough for... may be we should think about... increasing your budget.

What are you some kind of an angel or something?

No, I'm just...

I'm really in all... of what you're trying to do here and...

I'm lucky enough to be in the position to...

Help you.

Can you just... wait, just wait here for a second, there's someone I really want introduce you to.


Who... Who is that do you... do you know?

And that is Dany Wilson, her producer.

And I think...her boyfriend.


I think I'll try... put her down.

Ok I'm gonna leave you to it cause she'll get quieter for you than she will for me.

That's cause she loves your company, so much she can't stand to see you get over.

And I understand completely how she feels.

Well, then I... I'll set the table.

No no no no no, you relax put your feet up this is your night off.

Oh! you've done everything else.

Please just wait until I get back.

Jenny and Moira so glad you could come.

And you...

Welcome home.

Come on in.

Hey everybody...

is my new friends Jenny and Moira... Do you go by any other name?

Oh not really.

She sometimes goes by Max.

Max fantastic that's a nice name.

Come on to Max.

Hey everybody.

is my new friends Jenny and Max.

We're going to Tom, Cynthia and of course...the lovely Ginger Vattis.

How are you doing Max?


Oh you're a bad girl.

I know, I'm a bad girl I just... you know, went on ahead and...

What are you doing?

um... mowing the lawn.

How is it looks like am doing?


almost old enough to be your mother.

My grandmother.

But I don't care.

You can't do this.

Do you mind telling me why?

Because it's not right, and you know it's not right.

I don't know. It felt really...right to me.

What do you know?

You're a child.

A very attractive child.

But still a child.

So... a... what's your novel is about Jenny?

My novel is about some bullshit, about my childhood.

it's not bullshit Jenny.

Here we go.
Thank you.

It's a complete... shit
She's got an amazing story about carnival.

I'm a sword swallower.

I have a very... very deep throat.

Tom is a writer too.

What kind of stuff do you write?

Non-fiction mostly.

Read for Go-magazine, bitch magazine, and I do... my own little scene: Boilworld.

I'm sort a kinda... working on a screen play.

Oh god! like everybody else in L.A...

No not me, I don't do it, I don't wanna ever write a screen play. I just wanna write...

What's your screen play about?

The life... a girl who becomes a boy. what he goes through... you know, small town... realizing he is really not a she.

You know, girlfriends, family shit, T, top surgery...

What's top surgery?

A bilateral mastectomy, you know it's similar to what a cancer patient would undergo.

Except that the nipples are re-attached and...the chest is reconstructed... with male contours.

So uh... it's about your life?


Maybe it's about yours... Max... uh? only you know if I'm presuming intent,

Just tell me shut up.

No, I mean I've definitely thought about it!

When did you think about it?

um... since I was a kid.

And how never told me about it?

I don't know, it's just never... just...

Really seem like something you talk about you know.

Oh... you can talk about it darling.

You have to talk about it.

Hey Billie!

Let's see, Leny Riefenstahl, Demi Moore, Susan Sarandon, Joan Collins...

Uh... Mary Kay Letourneau, Fran Drescher...

Who is Mary Kay Letourneau?

The school teacher who had the affair with the years old student.

Oh great, she went to jail!

Yes, but she's out know and she and Vili are married with like kids.

No way!

Way, it's a happy ending...

and I will wait for you while you're in jail.

I think it's meant to be, Kit, why are you fighting me?

I don't... I don't think you really what you get yourself into.

you don't me, you don't know anything about me.

I know you're gorgeous, I know I like you a lot. I...

know that when you sing it makes... a...

what's the weird thing on a man's neck?

An Adam's apple.

It makes my Adam's apple do like a mexican hat dance.

Well, did you know that I'm an ex-drunk.

I've served you water with lemon flavored Pellegrino.

Look I know you walked out on your son when he was a baby.

I know that he grew up and turned into someone you don't particularly care for.

And that fills you with sadness.

I know you had a hit record in , and then...lost yourself in a downward spiral of men and booze.

And now you have a thriving business, ten new songs and a couple of covers that you wanna record to a CD, that you're gonna put out yourself.

And a beautiful niece who squeals every time you walk in the room.

And I'm going through menopause.

We can't wait very much longer for Senator Grisham, Miss Lord we gonna get started.

My name is Bette Porter, I'm filling in for Julia Lord.

Senator Grisham...

any comment on your meeting with the president this morning...

He win your overrun of social security?

Nice of you to join us, Barbara.

Miss Lord here has been very patient.

uh... Miss... Miss Porter.

America's senior's citizens will be licking their wounds.

when the president gets his way, but right now...

we're here to discuss how much money we're going to bleed from the art's budget.

Thank you.

Thanks for the help, guys.

Hey, Carmen that looks really good on you.

You should take it.

She's bummed she can't make it tonight.

Why? There's gonna be other parties.

I know that's what I keep telling her.


What time is it?

It's like . .

It's what?

f*ck, here take, hey Carm...

Dana's game is on.


Actually I just wanna sit down and talk to her.

No, no no no I... I don't wanna get into a bidding w*r.

Oh, can you hang on?

Hey, she's really worked on that one

Yeah she's got a great coach.

Well, looks like Dana is about to serve.

Oh... um...

Sydney, I'm gonna have to call you back.


What's up?

Have you set that meeting yet? You know, with the documentary film maker?


Next Tuesday at . .

Next Tuesday?

What don't you just call and ask her out?

Oh come on Dana.

What? she is paying?

Wow... I've never seen her play.

Come on Dana you can do it.

Wow... she did it! ha ha... It's the game for Dana Fairbanks.

She did it.

Oh she's playing well.
Isn't she playing well?

I can't believe Irwin isn't here to see this.


Where is everybody? I'm here to help.

Al we're over here.

Dana's serving her next point, come here!

Guys this place is so...
Would you just shut up...

Great tensed moment, the crowd is completely soundless

Moment please!

f*ck it's like she's a headache.

Come on Dana get up, let's go!

Oh my god, is she all right?

No no no no, she's fine.

She... she just lost her footing a bit, that's all.

No, she is not that strong, she's pushing herself way too hard.

You obviously don't know her very well, she is strong as an ox.

Time violation warning, Miss Fairbanks.

People ask for this

time delay

Which would be just tragic...

Amazing serve once again... For Dana Fairbanks.

Exactly, and she needs what she did wherever she finds it.

Come on Dana you can do it come on.

Game, set, and match, Miss Fairbanks.

Oh my god! look at this.

There you are, Ladies and Gentlemen

Dana Fairbanks is the Mercedes-Benz Challenge Champion.

An absolutely brilliant performance in the final from Dana Fairbanks.

Um... I'm sorry, uh...

In conclusion, I ask you to remember that looking at art... is an act of choice and that those who don't want to need not to look.

But I don't want my child growing up in a world that doesn't give her the option.

Thank you for your time.

Miss Lord, Miss Porter whatever your name is... is this something you want your child to have the option of seeing?

Senator, you're taking a piece out of context.

It's a show about political art, and as such it presents many many points of view.

Try telling that to the boys and girls who are risking their lives in Iraq.

This is Un-American filth.

Senator what do you think you're doing?


Not as Un-American as what you just did. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

You know what you are?

You're just the latest reigning, vigilante, self-appointed, cultural watchdogs of the moment.

Devoting countless hours and enviable resources to this bogus mission of stifling...

...creative expression in the name of patriotism.

-Miss Porter...
-And you know what it is senator?

It's a wanton distraction!

It is a wanton distraction. Because let's just be forthright and honest about what is truly unpatriotic.

Abject poverty is unpatriotic

The failure of our education system is unpatriotic.

Lies told by presidents as justification for w*r...

Miss Porter... unpatriotic.

It is unpatriotic that elected lawmakers fail to acknowledge, let alone address, real desperation.

The committee is in recess until further notice.

That was rather fiery.

Will you join me at a cocktail party tonight?

I've to get back to L.A.

You'll meet people who could swing the vote for you.

It's a limited offer.

And I won't to make it to just anybody.

Do not talk about Dana, do not even bring up anything that rhymes with Dana.

Do not...

Talk about Dana! Ok!

Hello welcome back!

That was... "All Fired Up" by the Tra la las.




I'm sure in a...the world of connectivity thought, I will come up with something really meaningful, really entertaining.

um... I don't really know what to talk about if I can't talk about Dana.

Wait a minute, my producer is trying to tell me something.

What Ruth, What do you try to tell me?

Something about a d*ck?


A dickhead?

A dickhead!

Ok... a dickhead.

A dickhead... um...

Speaking a dickheads!

What about George Bush... he's a total dickhead.

When what about is d*ck?

You know I mean... I... think that's really... that... the... question we need to put to the Democrats, why are we not talking George Bush's penis?

You know with all the times that the Republicans talked about Bill Clinton's penis.

You know, we knew its... its shape, we knew its size...

We knew who was friend with..., we... we knew it had enemies.

Bill Clinton's penis had a bend in it... you know, what about Dubya?

Is there a bend in the Bush Administration?

Oh yeah...

Baby I got us a pimp ride.

Seriously check it out, the seats in the back the go all the way down.

And then the sky light...

Panoramic sun-roof or whatever, it's like you can see the entire sky.

An it is suppose to be super smooth to drive.

Baby I have never been in a car this nice and I don't even give a shit about cars.

Wow... just let's check the sound system.

A wink in a presidential wank...

You know... I... I think as Americans... uh... as Americans, we need to take a long...

That was Alice, I wanna hear what she is saying.

May be if we knew more about George W's w*apon of mass-destruction you know...

we... we could figure how to blow him out of office.

Ok? so... so come on...

Alright, you... Nascent muckrakers and you so-called journalists, let's go... let's...

I say it's time to put the presidential privates...

In public.

Ok I am Alice Piezacki and this was the chart...

I think Alice has lost her mind!

Well, you definitely have the Senator from Connecticut vote.

You charmed her!
I don't know

Should I give you a lift to your Hotel?

I don't know where else.

My place!

I do have a rather good collection.

Abstract expressionists.

Oh... very good you do your homework.

Thought about running for office?

Well, I would... I would really love to see your collection Senator but do have to get...

Oh please, please, please Barbara.


Do you always get people to do what you want them to?

Then we should put you to bed.

No I'm fine.

No baby you don't look fine, you look... you look really tired.

I am really tired I played my ass off today!

I know what you did...

Look Lara, you're over reacting, really!


I'm going for a little biopsy on Tuesday, we'll find out that if there's anything to worry about, but...

Right now, in this minute...

I'm huge f*cking tennis star.

Yes you are!

Yes I am!

I'm just not comfortable with those girls.

Why don't you give another try?


Because those people are my friends.

Your friends weren't really friendly to me.


I just... I feel like...

I just don't really fit in you know.

I just... they're so cool.

I don't know sophisticated.

I think that not thinking you're cool is f*cking cool.

Where did you get that suit?


Wonder woman, I can't believe it!

Oh you were fantastic.

Thank you.
Absolutely fantastic.

Thank you.

Dana sorry, that was absolutely brilliant.

Thank you.

I can't wait to see you in Wimbledon.

Thank you.

Jenny, Hi.


Thank you.


Hey, congratulations.

Hey, Thanks, Thanks.

And, that volley in the second set was like so awesome.

That was when I psyched her out, nobody else notices that.


Go... awesome you look, you look good.

Hey thanks.

You're welcome.



Thanks Al.

Um... Drinks...

It was like the best game you've played in a long time.

You watched it?

Yeah I watched it.

I'm really proud of you.


Congratulations to you to.

Thank you.

It was a great kiss.

Ok... I'm gonna...


I can... I can really only stay for one Senator...


And I just opened a fabulous bottle of Scotch.

Barbara, I can... really only stay for one drink, I have a very early flight.

But I'm really glad I got to see... your... incredible collection.

Let me... ask you something.

Why did you get fired from the CAC?

Is it because you're a lesbian?

What? did you google me or something?

This afternoon...

After your pyrotechnics.

No I don't think the pyrotechnics were mine, I think senator Horsey... who is a ridiculous grand-stander... and you made him look like a fool.

I loved it.

Well, then...If you googled me then, you know that I have... a partner named Tina... and a months old daughter.

Is Tina... as intense... as you are?

Is your husband as fluid as you are?

My husband and I have an arrangement.

It works out well.

For both of us.

Come to bed with me.

I can't.

That does not sound like a Bette Porter statement.

Tina and I don't have an arrangement.

Excuse me... just for a minute.

Oh you made it!

I wouldn't have missed it man.

It's amazing.

Oh so glad you're here.

I want you to do my hair.

I will do your hair. Where's the baby?

She's at home.

And what about Bette, where is she?

Uh... she is in...

What... guess who...

Hey, how are ya? What I can't here you


Baby you can... just go in there.


Yeah... really?

Have you seen Moira?

She looks amazing.

I know she looks like a hot guy.

I like it.

Hey Alice,

How are you?

Have you um... Have you seen Carmen?

I think, she is at like some fat ass Russel Simmons Party

I don't know.

Don't you think it's weird she is not here?

I think it sucks.

I'm sorry but why are you telling me this right know?

Because Tina we have an agreement with one another.

So you wanna have sex with her?

And she is in another room and you're asking my permission?

I'm not asking your permission Ti...

I don't know...

Well, you'd better hurry... coz I don't think Senator Grisham is gonna wait around for you for very long.

So it would be fine with you if I just went back in the living room and f*ck her on her $ carpet?

If that's what you wanna do Bette.

That's not what I wanna do Tina.

I just... I just want you to care.

Do you?

uh... are you all right in there?

Have gotta go.

Thank you. if you need some encouragement.

I'm sorry.

I really don't need any encouragement.

You... you are an exquisite woman.

And the only thing that I want more that you right now... is for my girlfriend to want me like you do.

Well, She obviously doesn't know what she is missing.

That was just not meant to be.

It'd have been good though'...

I'm sure it would.



What are you doing?

You're supposed to be with Russel Simmons.

I know surprise!

She is with Russel Simmons.

Oh! Actually I'm with her. Hi!

How are you doing I'm Russel.

I'm Shane.

Glad to meet you. This is Samora, my assistant.
Hi how are you doing?

You know what? Your girl, she is very talented.

Yeah she's not so bad.

But I can also say that she has a priority straight because even know I hired her...she is for you!


That's true?


Well, straight, I don't...

Guess what?

I have a surprise for you.

I worked on this mix

All week for you.

Just for you.

Go play it for her!
I wanna hear it

Could you play yeah...!

Yeah ok all right!

You gonna love it!

All right.