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03x03 - Lobsters

Posted: 03/24/19 09:41
by bunniefuu
The L Word - x - Lobsters

Previously on "The L Word":

It's a f*cking shrine Alice, A bordering on psychotic, serial k*ller, obsessive type shrine.

Just don't want some dude looking at my woodle.

Keane up your woodle...

Well then, why don't you just go to a lady doctor?

Well if you know Billie Blaikie, he doesn't do anything small.

Dude, he is like the best party promoter in town.

This is Billie Blaikie, my new manager.

Oh! You won't regret it my darling.

Tina and I were thinking about hiring a nanny for Angelica.

I'll be honoured.

Do you want just to be my f*ck body on the road?

What do you want?

You just get back in the truck and I'll show you how a real man can f*ck.

Let her go bitch.

Well here is your fagot back.

f*ck you!

Chase invited us to come by and, I don't know...

Hey, hold on.


What's up? Chase.

Carmen, nice to meet you.



This place is something.

Hello, what's up?

This is it.


Guys, this is Shane, Carmen.

Dude this is so cool!

That's for the graveyard.

This place is awesome.

Check it out this is what we are doing.

These are all our boards, designs, sweetie like custom stuff, you know...

Excellent there're my stencille masters...

Do you have that special... Thanks.

Hey could you set that up?

Shane, I could totally get in this vest.

Oh yeah

Try it.

I like your vest


I love this place, hey dude I'm lovin' it but em...

What is it that you want me to do?

Hey, one stylish hair for you over here all right, Just one chair because I want people lining up to get on your schedule.

And then I think at my boyfriend to build you a really fat corner over here.

Eventually, we're gonna do like a line of hair products or something, you know?

Check it out: Shane for WAX.

So this is a reunion of sorts, A former lover perhaps.

Or a childhood friend.

umm... I'd say it's a former romantic interest Would we be getting back together me and this ex lover?

It looks like you going to start a whole new kind of relationship, It very interesting.

Was there anything in particular that you wanted to ask the cards about?


Work, romance, family?


I wouldn't mind a little bit of advice about this new business venture of ours

These film people they're so bizarre you know, one minute they...

One minute they're brown-nosing me, The next they're talking to me like I'm a complete f*cking idiot.

Why don't you go ahead and pick more cards?

Well, there is no mystery to running this business, if you follow your instincts and surround yourself with people that you know and trust...

People I know?

There's somebody from your past who could be a real asset to you in this venture.

Oh look at that!

It's the same person.

Hello, Julia hi.

No no I just try to put her down for a nap, what's up?

You are f*cking kidding me?

The NEA grant?

But I don't...

What... What does that mean?

Because of the political content?

What are they...

No don't... go ahead, go go just take it, but call me back and tell me what they recommend because you know what? I think we should sue them.

No I'm not kidding; yeah I'll talk to you later.

The NEA just pulled their funding because the art of decent is critical of the Bush administration.

Hey...That gotta be unconstitutional

Yeah well Julia is talking to our lawyer about it right now...

They try to get it into some kind of subcommittee hearing to testify before congress.

You know, this is the new McCarthyism, that's what it is.

Are you loosing your stipend?

I don't know probably.

I mean, because it was allocated on the NEA grant.

This administration is f*cking criminal, that's what it is...

Before you know it, the first amendment....

We have to let go Angus.

We have to let Angus go...

I can't believe you just said that.

We can't afford him, we couldn't afford him before you lost your funding.

You're gonna have to get real about our finances or we gonna be completely wiped out

Thanks, no thank you for laying your petty, bourgeois anxiety on top of my already profound anger and disappointment over losing something that means so much to me!

- Give her to me.
- Thank you.

Just give her to me, look I'll feed her.

Yeah this is Bette Potter for Greaten Nash.

Greaten, how are you?

No I just was...

I was looking at the auction calendar, and I see that you have important photographs and prints coming up next week.

Yeah, I was just thinking maybe one of my_ maybe one of the _ would...

Yes that right I'm...

I'm thinking about auctioning something from my personal collection...

No... No... I... I don't wanna sell my Kiki Smiths

They were the first prints that I have...

How much?

I don't no, maybe like... Maybe... Maybe spin it...

Try spinning it...

I don't know...

Mmm... Oh my god... That is yummy...

Right they could even be bored of changes... Bored of the changes!


What is this?

Jambon a la "preccito"

No it's "spack", it's a salted and cold cured ham from the north of Italy.

Um... All right stop spinning that...

Uum... That is delicious....

What the f*ck...
La vissi ma cara mia


Have you ever thought about doing any vegan selections?

You know, making something fabulous with the Settan or Tempé

Billie what's going on here?

I was going over the new menu of Lara.

'Cause you know, a lot in our community are vegetarians.

A lot of vegan, and God forbid, we should forget those lactose-intolerant lesbians.

Billie, we did not discuss changing menu.

Oh come on Kit, you don't want to go through every single detail with me.

I don't?

No, you want me to come in here, take charge and free things up for you.

Hey darling how are you doing?

Then you could often write your songs, and perform your music, and make your record.

I do?

Yes, you do, you know you just have to trust that Billie Blaikie knows what he's doing...

f*cking freezing in here.

Ahh... don't! don't you...

Stop that! don't ya...

It's boiling here, I'm so hot...

Check out these things.

Anybody in here is hot?


Anybody cold?


Democracy at work.

Other things I was thinking about, Kit darling, was that

It'd be really nice and respectable if we could let who cut one of those... uh... virtual lands, and have a couple of free terminal

Virtual what?
Because you know our people, they kinda use to have a wireless with their coffee, you know what I'm saying?

Whose truck is that?
I don't know.

Who is that?

Jenny's girlfriend


Ahh you f*cking lunatic

Oh my God

Oh my God
Look at you!

Oh my God

Oh my God you guys look amazing
Look at you

Wow, my god, this is Moira

You must be Shane right
I am.

And that's Carmen
Hi how are you doing?

Look at your hair... you look fantastic

Did you just get here?
Yeah we did

Yeah, we just rocked up. Barely had time to take a piss.

We've driving for like hours.

Oh my God.

Yeah... We're puppy-sitting for a friend of Carmen's

Oh there come say hi
Who is this?

This is Otto

Hi, hi Otto,
You want to see, who this is for?

Hi Otto!
Oh mommy, what do you think?

You don't mind right
No I just have a bit of allergies but...

Oh shit
Oh no,no,no you know what, You're gonna be fine. He's part pit bull and he's... he's a bit hairless too.

So your allergies should be just fine.

You actually, people are usually allergic to the saliva more that the hair


That's cool

He is peeing...he is peeing
Oh shit

God...did he pee again?
Why did you pee? you pee on people?

You know what, how about we help you with your bags?

Oh you girls just relax, let us butches unloading the truck

Come on Shane

Big butch.

Go unload the truck

Hello to the car so glad to see you

hello to the tree so glad to see you too

Hello Mr. table so glad to see you

Hello Mr. Pottery...

Hey... what's go...
... so glad to see you

What are you doing with that child?

I'm taking her for a walk

Who said you could

Her mother, who are you?

Her aunt, Kit Potter...

Oh I'm Angus, Partridge. I'm her Manny

Oh... excuse me did you say her Manny?


Ohhhh I see, so my sister hires a dude to take care of her baby.

Such a problem solver that girl

She is a very smart lady

Yes she is, what a... a... Angus the manny, I'm gonna call you Mangus

Oh... ok

So what don't you come in and have something, come in and have a drink.

So that's my office.

What do you think?

I think you really know how to do it up.

I'll show you one of the sound stages.

So... has Bette found a new job yet?

Well, she's gettin' hungry look at her...

Hey sister sit over here, I'm with Mangus


Hi, I see you meet my sister

Yeah I think she put five pounds on me

Oh he can afford it with that skinny booty of his!

Have you ever seen one so small and tight?

I'm really not in the habit of checking out the nanny's ass

Well... what did you get at The Bodhi Tree?

Um... I got 'Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart' by Mark Epstein.

Why are you going to pieces?

Well...first of all the NEA pulled the grant from my show this morning... because we live in the most repressive political climate in the last fifty years

Oh... that's so f*cked up...

Yeah... and then secondly Tina is so freaked out about money that...

I... I'm beginning to think that maybe

I should consider taking that Citibank job

Which just makes me wanna k*ll myself.

Hmmm... Don't even think about taking a job that doesn't make your heart sing.

Tell it like it is Mangus.

Being Angelica's nanny.

Makes my heart sing totally.


Oh... Pema Chodron, read this one first 'Comfortable With Uncertainty'...

Kit thanks, for the calories



Oh... oh... God...

He is one cute nanny

You're so bad.

I've decided I'm going to have much more of a presence here.

I don't know anything about the film industry but I know we could do better, than we have been.

Charlene has only ever been interested in low budget B slasher movies.

Not now that Peabody owns it.

I mean, just look at our publishing house, we have:

Stiron, Tudion, Joyce Carol Oates, Snapickle...

You should be mining all these titles for development



Are you interested?

Am I interested in what, Helena?

Coming to work for me

Well... With me

You have much more experience at this racket than I do...

So you'd pretty much have free reign to do whatever you think best.

Within reason.

Hey sweetie, I just went lock Otto up in my studio...but you don't think he's gonna eat anything in there, do you?

Hope not


Excuse me there buddy

Oh, oh

I just gonna move some of these bags into our bedroom
Our bedroom?

Em... Do you want, do you want some help?

No, I got it thanks Our f*cking bedroom...

- Our bedroom...
- Shttt...

She said our bedroom

Don't look at me.

Well, don't you wanna find out?

No this is Jenny's house

I know this is Jenny's house... and... and that's great but don't you think we should have had some notice before we gonna get some extra roommates all of a sudden.

Oh honey I'm sure that we gonna find out what their plans are tonight at dinner.

Oh my God is she coming to dinner with us?

Of course she's coming to dinner with us.

You're right, you're right of course she's coming to dinner.
Come on

I know she is nice
Don't... don't be like that

Ok ok you're right she is nice...
Hey you guys

We brought you a present from Colorado

Cow's balls?

From her new album on Martha records, that was Amy Cook singing 'Million Holes In Heaven'.

And I'm Alice Pieszecki, and you're listening to The Chart on KCRW welcome back...

Today on The Chart we're looking at... how do you end a vicious cycle.

Oh, and for those of you out there in radioland who are sick of hearing me rant about my ex, Dana, you'll be happy to know this is not about her.

This continuum of connectedness is about the cause and effect... of one psychotropic drug after another to the point where you're medicating your medication.

Why don't we start with... the very first anti-depressive I tried.

It made me just a little intense.

So, then I said to my doctor... can you just give me something strong, really strong, that will just make me happy, is that too much to ask?

So he gave me Lithium.

So that one really just made me hallucinate that I was happy.

Did you change your hair?

Then, the...uh... the withdrawal from those two dr*gs gave me A.D.D.

So, I got the A.D.D. drug.

You know the one.

I snort mine...

Do you snort yours?

Gurber Munster wrote me prescription for the new SSRI which he highly recommends, but said under rare cases may cause me to commit su1c1de.

So I was a little scared to take those...

Which meant I wasn't on anything...

Which meant I actually felt like having sex again.


Really made me want to k*ll myself.

How long ago did you first notice it?

Umm... just few weeks ago.


Actually I probably noticed it before that but it kinda went away, so...

I do have a rash...if you could look... take a look at it.

Ah I bet that's from your sport's bra

Then I could give you a little hydrocortisone cream to help soothe it.

But is there any history of breasts cancer in your family?

Not that I know of.

You really should find out, Dana. Are your parents still alive?

Yes, still alive, still together.

Great! So ask your mom for a history of your family.

Ok? 'cause it's just... you know good things to know.

So, have there been any changes in the color or texture of your breasts?


And any discharge from the nipple?

Um no

Ok up you get

Usually these little cysts are benign, a lot of women just have lumpy breasts.

I do, I have fibrous breasts.

It's pretty gross.

It's perfectly normal...and I'm just checking your lymph nodes here.

Especially in women your age, It's not like there is anything to be too concerned about.

Let's check the other side for you.

The lymph nodes are a little swollen but that could be from anything, the cold, even brushing your teeth too hard.

I am a super hard teeth brusher.

Well you're too young, Dana, to start getting mammograms on a regular basis...

But I'd like to do one, just to make sure everything is all right.

So, I am going to send you down to radiation.

And you just take that with you.

f*ck... f*ck.

Oh, hi Ruth, how are ya?

, Alice.


, what do you mean?

That the number of times, that you mentioned Dana... in this broadcast, which is down from in the previous show.

See, what I tell you, I'm practically over her.

I could fire you right now.

You could?

But I am not going to.

I am gonna give you one more chance.

But, I need to know in advance what your topics are gonna be.

And I'd like to see a script.

Yes, I'd like to see a script; I need to see a script, and which the letters D.A followed by N.A are nowhere in evidence.

How about that?



You look good...

In that orange.

Ok come closer. come on, take your breast, come on.

Like this?

Place it on the lower plate.

That's good.
Like this.

All right

And then I'm gonna lower the upper plate


Now maybe... a little uncomfortable... but it'll only last for a few seconds.

It's all right. I'm a hard-ass... a hard boob.

Hold your breast

This is KCRW Santa Monica at . , music and MPR news, morning, noon and night.

Don't forget to listen to chart with Alice Pieszecki

Thursday afternoon at o'clock.


Excuse me.

Excuse me sorry, would you mind turning it off? Thanks

God... that show is so funny.

Alice Pieszecki, the host is completely falling apart because her girlfriend left her.

The girlfriend just seems like this complete nitwit...and you don't know why Alice is so obsessed with her in a first place.

Do you have any idea why this is taking so long?

Dana Fairbanks.

Dr. Wilson is waiting for you in her office.

You can go back upstairs.

Ok thanks.

Birad? It sounds like a personal ad from my ex-girlfriend.

Right, well a birad- is a diagnostic assessment.

Now, this suspicious mass Dana could be absolutely nothing.

It could be what we call a fibroadenoma. farbbb.... blaaaa head muma, what?

I got soya bean pods in my boobs?

It's a benign solid lump.

But with the birad- we're going to do a biopsy.

Now I can get you in for that tomorrow with doctor Shapiro.

I'm supposed to go out to dinner tonight.

You go out ahead, I mean...

Just do exactly as you were planning to do because this is not a diagnosis... and with biopsies in pre-menopausal women, they're mostly benign.

So it's... It's probably nothing... right

But... we gonna find out for sure.

But try not to think about it tonight all right?

Yeah sure I can do that...yeah.

Is she asleep?

Uh-huh. her bed.

How was your lunch with Helena?

It's fine.

Are you hiding a book in that magazine?

It's.... um...

Mark Epstein talked about it in his lecture last week... It's

She a buddhist philosopher, Pema Chodron.

How cute... she looks like a wookie.

Actually there are a lot in there that...reminded me of you...

There is this one passage:

'We work on ourselves in order to help others but we also help others in order to work on ourselves.'

I don't know about that...

I mean, the people I work with, they're truly selfless.

Oh no no. I don't think she meant it the way that you're taking it.

That's... um...

Oh actually, there is another passage that... that reminded me of me... I...

'Feeling irritated, restless, afraid, and hopeless, is a reminder to listen more carefully.'

I'm gonna go feed her, if we're gonna go to this Jenny dinner.

Um... Would you call Angus...

And... Make sure he's on his way?

Helena Peabody offered me a job.

So are you considering it?

I don't know yet...

Somebody in this family's gotta make a living.

I have made a living for the last years,

I don't think my ability to make a living is really in question.

I'm not questioning your ability; I'm questioning your desire.

I thought you hated the movie business?

There is a lot I hate about the movie business...

I definitely haven't said yes...but she made it very attractive.

So then there' reasons that I... should feel... threatened or...

No... there's nothing between us anymore, nothing at all.

Well... did you talk about money?

I don't know yet.

I don't... I... I don't know... I

I still don't know if I'm okay with it... I...

I'm not sure it's up to you.

You know what you guys, I totally think it's an either/or...

I think Jenny can have me in this party, or she can have Dana and Lara.

Jenny's girlfriend is a huge tennis fan.

She thinks Dana is fantastic.

Whoop-dee-f*cking-doo. You know, I...

I don't understand why I'm always the one who has to behave.


Yeah Come here

Oh my God!

Have you seen this?

That's nothing; you should have seen it before.

Hey... Al' can you hurry up we're late.


I'm excited we're going to Tile.

It was written up last week in L.A magazine.

Supposedly the chef, Armione Perlman, reinvented the food preparation

Yeah... I'm...

I'm throwing it away...

I'm done with it. I just haven't got around to it, okay?

Yeah... Yeah totally, it's fine.

Hey do you think my lipstick is like... too moored?

Mmm... You know what I'll just blot it a little bit.
All right.

You have some?

That's ok.

Ok let's go.

So what's Jenny's girlfriend like?


Um... Jenny's girlfriend...

I... I think she is sweet.

Yeah... Yeah sure.

Shane, lock the door.

Oh I know...

Hey guys

Hi ya

How are you doing?

Have you been waiting long?


Hi Alice.


Is Jenny with you guys?

No, no but she'll be here soon.

How is she?

She seems really good.

Yes she's got a new girlfriend


Imported from Spokane



They are both in the midwest, right?

But she's okay... she's...

Happy, she's not...

She is healthy right? She is not doing the...

Yeah, Yeah, no, no, no...

Uh... She got out of the hospital after months.

She's been doing really well.

Oh good...

I had a cousin who was a cutter...

The urge is so powerful.



How are ya?
Oh look at you!

Hi, I'm sorry

It's ok, How are ya... You look great

How was your drive over?


Oh I'm sorry this is Moira.



Hi everybody


Nice to meet you. Bette.

Moira nice to meet you.


Um... you know, Dana, Moira is a huge fan of yours.

Oh really?

I'm a really huge fan, actually.

That's nice... Thank you.

It's really nice.

I'll just have a salad and a side of fries.

It's a nice green salad as a roquette frisé and shaved Jerusalem artichokes with a pine cone infused juice.

How much is that?

dollars Madam.


I'm... actually I still read screenplays for these couple screen writers friends that I know. that... I would love that.

Have you decided madam?

Uh... I would like what ever the chef recommends, what is good tonight?

Armione is recommending the lobster tonight.

It comes with sautéed baby chicory, lemon froth and shaved dry tuna roe.


Sounds really good, I love lobster.

Oh baby you should go for it...

Armione does amazing things with see food you guys.


According to L.A. magazine restaurant reviews but...who reads that?

Ok I'll have the Cioppino


Thank you

Although, I'm sure it doesn't compare to the one that Lara made last week, it was amazing.

It's good, it was damn good.

Oh yeah I was gonna ask you guys um... when you had Martina and Theresa over um...what do they think about sculpture in your house?

you know that one with the two athlete bodies, that like kinda ugly... where they like...

How do you... what?

It freaks me out; who does she know that we had Martina over for dinner?

All right, just let go baby please.

Are you ready to order?

Oh yes... um... I...the Green Pea Ravioli please. Thank you

Did you order? I'm sorry.
Oh yeah.

Jenny tell me about your book, your editor have you heard back from them lately?

No, I think she has a very busy schedule.


Moira, do you read Jenny's stuff?

um... well, I'm a computer technician...

So, who is the editor that you sent it...?

This lady named Jan Martin.

Oh my God, Jan Martin!

You know her?
Yes, she's famous.

Is she that New York Lady, right? You used tell me about...

That big editor that you always used to talk about?

Did you send it to her directly or did you... do you know her...? I mean from school...?

I... I met her because her daughter was my roommate in the hospital.

So Jan would come out and visit her.

Was her daughter a...

...cutter too?

Oh god...

It's fine, you know what, it's so good to talk about it because it's...f*ck it, it happened, and it's better not to tiptoe around all that stuff.

That's very generous of you, thank you.

And you're healthy?

I'm fine.

That's all that matters.


So Jan Martin's daughter was sick...and now she has an eating disorder and that's...

Oh god please, please that's awful, don't let that happen to our daughter.

Oh my god...

I don't think it's possible to control that...but I think what you can control you communicate with them about what's happened, gonna happen.

Well, I can guarantee you that nothing will happen to her...

'cause I won't let it.

Oh honey...
I mean it

I mean it Auntie Shane, I do mean it.
Auntie Shane.

Guys let's just...

No, let's don't talk about this anymore, it's getting too dark.

Lets just... talk about something else. Ok?

All right, all right, all right

Yes, yes, yes.
I'm sorry... Oh I'm sorry.

So, um... You guys have a kid?


A daughter, she is months old...

Her name is Angelica.

You know a bunch of women back in my d*ke community in Wilmette.

They're doing that too.

-That's cool.

My Angelica...

You are my Angel...

With your angel eyes...

You're my honey pie.

I think she's asleep.

You should really think about putting out your own record, Kit.

I don't know anything about...

This... This internet distribution stuff that they do today.

It's easy...

My band and I are putting out our second record right now.


You could totally do it, Kit, I mean...all your pull and all the people you can get to play with ya.

Well, I...I've got songs. I've... about ten songs I would love to record.

But I would have to talk to you more about that.

Yeah sure.

I'll be happy to talk you through it.

Oh, wow!

I took a...

It's amazing.

Sea urchins.

-Look at that.
-It's so beautiful.

That is absolutely incredible.

-Does anybody wanna taste?
-Yeah, I would love to.

So um...Dana and I...we booked our tickets to southern France, you guys, we leave on the th next month.

-Oh, fun!

Does anybody want some of my lobster?

What's the sauce on this, Bette?

I think it's lemon froth and shaved dry tuna roe.

Whatever, it's good, right?

Do you want some... Do you want some lobster, Moira?

No I'm fine, thanks.
Well, it's not gonna bite ya.

No, I'm fine, thank you.

Moira, don't you like lobster?

Yeah, actually I like it a lot.

Do you want some?

I don't think the claws have any sauce...

I'm sorry, there's only the tail left, but you know...

If you want, you can have the tail and wipe the sauce off.

No that's cool.
Are you sure?


I know something interesting about lobsters.


You don't have to put a lid on the pot when you cook female lobsters.

Does anybody know why?


When you cook a pot of male lobsters, and they realize they're in this pot of boiling water, they all start totally freaking out.

They're like "f*ck we gotta get out of here"

And they start making these little ladders, and helping each other getting out of the pot.

So you have to put a lid on the pot to keep them inside.

But female lobsters, you don't have to put a lid on the pot.

Because once they realize they're in a pot of boiling water, They all just start grabbing each other and they're like holding each other down.

They're like: "If I'm gonna die, everyone's gonna die."

And none of them want to let any of the others get out of the pot.

It's a real shame, isn't it?


These crazy female lobsters... Just get yourself down!

Jenny, I'm just gonna go.

You can get a ride home from Carmen and Shane.

Uh, will you excuse me for a second?

Moira? Moira!

What are you doing?

I'm just gonna go, okay?


Look, this should cover me.

Okay, I don't understand. Did something happen, just now?

They're your friends, I don't really fit in.

Oh my God, Moira.

They're getting to know you and...

That's gonna take some time and they're gonna think you're f*cking amazing when they get to know you.

Maybe she kept Jenny from felling lonely.

You know what it is, when you're... with someone that's completely wrong for you.

Just because you don't wanna be alone.

I don't know, maybe she's Jenny's type.

Oh yeah! 'Cause Carmen's such a stone-butch too.

I wouldn't certainly call Moira stone-butch.

All right, then what would you describe her as?

Miss "Hi, let us butches help you ladies out with your luggage"? Right?

She comes from a place know, you have to define yourself as either/or

It's probably the other language that she has to describe herself.

She has the language of those shit-kicking boots and that lumberjack walk.

I'm just surprised that she wanted to roleplay like that.

Especially after everything that Jenny's been through.

Well, she could be completely different in the bedroom.

Maybe she's "butch in the streets and fem in the sheets"

Oh my God, that's so original.

You know what, what difference does it make whether someone is butch or fem?

Leave the labels alone, just let people be who they are.


What do you guys thought of that lobster thing anyway?

Oh come on! Competitive female lobsters. It's so not true!

Is everything okay?

Do we have dessert?

Oh, I love that child.

I f*cked up with my own.

Oh, every parents fucks up one way or another.

No, I really f*cked up.

I just left him, when he wasn't bigger than that.

I just dumped him with his stuff-shirt father and old-school grand-parents

And went off and did my music. now I don't really have a leg to stand on complaining about why he's a fundamentalist bigot.

Here's what I think about that:

What do you think about that Mr. Mangus?

I think when you're called to play music,

there's not a lot you can do about this.

Sometimes, it pulls even stronger than that biological thing that bonds a mother to her child.

Well, all right then.

Good night, Mr. Mangus.

Good night.

I will take that. Thanks.

Oh Bette, no no no no!


We should do the maths.
No, no no, I've got it.

No, really, it's Jenny's coming home dinner and it would be my privilege.

Thank you, that's very generous of you.

- That's sweet Bette.
- You're welcome.

Bette, Thank you.
There you are.

I just wanna talk, okay? I'm not gonna attack.

What do you want to talk to me about?

I just wanna know if you're happy.

Yeah, I'm happy.

I mean, for the most part, I'm happy.

I'm glad one of us is.



No, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that you're unhappy I'm sorry that I made you unhappy.

But Alice, I don't know... I don't know what to do. What can I do?

I'm getting over this. I am. I'm working really hard to get over this.

Maybe we could be friends again one day.

I would really love that.

I miss you.

Come back to me then.



Okay. I let you wash your hands.

I know how you like to wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.

Everybody likes to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom.

Yeah, but it's super cute the way you do it.

Is everything okay?

Hmm hmm.

What a day... wow.

I'm sorry Ma'am, but your credit card was declined.

You're kidding me.

I don't know how that's possible.

Bette, no no no.

No, really, it's not a big deal.

You know, I bought some Balenciaga boots, they probably put me over the limit.

It's not a big deal.

Oh, I remember. I put a...

Bette, Bette...

Jenny, no, you're still our guest of honour, no matter what.



Does this make you happy now?

Helena, hi, it's Tina.

I hope I'm not calling too late.

No... Actually I've been thinking about your proposition.


I think I'd like to give it a try.



You heard anything from her?


I'm sure she's okay.

She's a big girl, she can take care of herself.

I feel like such an assh*le.

I should have gone with her.

I'm sorry we weren't more accommodating to your friend.

We were just excited to see you.

And dinner was about you and... I don't know.

I guess she shoulda understood that.

-I f*cked up.
-No, you didn't.