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06x08 - The Last Word

Posted: 03/22/19 08:42
by bunniefuu
six eight Last Word

Listen, I can't tell you I didn't think about it.

I was kidding.

It's not like I would ever do something like that.

I like my freedom, I do.


Ask any one of my friends out there, and they can tell you the same thing.

You know what really sorts to piss me off me after all?

It's when couples always say the word "we".

I hate it.

"We think, we may, we might", but "we feel", that's the big one. Feeling is a solitary emotion.

So you and me feel like you're feeling in love and I, me, might feel like I'm being caged.

The other day, they, uh, they were putting that "for sale" sign for Bette and Tina's house.

And Jenny came ??? over with her video camera, wishing making this tribute video for them. She asked me to say something.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

I couldn't get a f*cking word out because everything she was saying was "we".

And we are wishing you well on your trip to New York.

Which I realize is kind of an adventure for you guys, right?

And I was thinking that it's actually an adventure for us, too.

Okay, just follow me here.

It's an adventure because, with you guys leaving, you guys were the supreme-wonderful-beautific couple and now we are taking, we're gonna take your place because we're the only ones left.

So this is really, really exciting.

So I give you my word that we're gonna make it.

I love Tasha.

I don't think you understand how much.

I don't think you realize either.

I love you, too.

I guess I'm just asking you guys to be honest about what's going on.

Alice, I swear to you.

Nothing has happened between us.

I know nothing's happened between you physically.

I'm sure you guys haven't even admitted it to yourselves.

So I know you think thinking is cheating, so...

I'm sure you think the same thing.

Just be f*cking truthful about your feelings!

It's obviously out of your control.

I'm not gonna accept that.

You have to accept it.

You can't...

All the military training in the world doesn't, you know, help you control feelings.

You can't...

I'm giving you a chance here to just be honest with me.

- Just tell me...

- Okay.


It's true.

And I'm only speaking for myself, but yeah, I think I have fallen in love with Tasha.

So there it is.

Thank you.

And f*ck you!

God, I'm so sorry, Alice.

- f*ck you!

- You gotta believe me, this is the last thing I ever wanted to happen.

First and for most, I have so much respect for both of you.

And for your relationship.

And I cherish this friendship.

Plus, I don't even think Tasha...

Oh, she does.


You're free.

No, no, no, God.

Please, do not break up because of me.

We're not.

- Don't do this.

- When we have sex, I don't close my eyes and imagine someone else naked in the shower.

- f*ck you.

- Oh...

You guys, please, please, don't...

You love each other.

Just get me out of the equation and everything will go back to the way it is.

Would you please shut the f*ck up, please?

Just shut the f*ck up!


Wow, you guys should just, you should give it a try.

- It's a great idea.

- Try what?

- What the f*ck does that mean?

- Just f*cking try it!


If you don't call me at five', the same time tomorrow, I'll know you, you made up your mind about what it is you want.

This is not...

This has never happened to me before.

Alice, you know that I live a life of honor and duty.

I don't want you to stay with me out of a sense of duty.

Don't stay with me because it's the right thing to do.

Save it!

Shut up!

The only person that I ever really loved as much as Tasha was Dana.

Dana Fairbanks?

And Dana broke your heart as well.

She broke my heart and then, she got sick.

- "Arise" by Be Co Me -

Jenny's here, so maybe we should continue this conversation later.

We don't have to continue it at all.

Don't be ridiculous.

I was just upset, okay?

I didn't expect to be kicked out of my sublet.

And I just felt that you were expecting me to invite you to move in here with me.

I wasn't angling for an invitation to move in with you.

Nothing could have been further from my mind.

Well, in that case, I'm sorry.

But you know something?

I would have said no if you had offered.

But it would have been nice.

So, what are you sh**ting?

I'm sh**ting a tribute video to Bette and Tina.

You know, I'm gonna do it for their goodbye party.

It's just gonna be exciting.


Do I have to be on camera because, you know, I really hate that.

I think it's a good idea.

I mean, I would like to get everyone on camera.

It would be great if you would do something as well.

- Sure.

- Great.

Do you want a drink, Jenny?

No, I don't think so.

I think it's a little early, for me.

But thank you.

It's never too early for a drink.

I'll have one.

So, tones of people have sent me tapes.


Who don't even live in L.A.

for the tribute video.

Okay, we should just start, right.


But if you guys could just stand close together just so I can get the pool in the shot.

And perhaps you could make a toast to Tina and Bette?

To Tina and Bette.

Oh, for crying out loud.

Admit it.

They were assholes.

They were pretty hard to penetrate.

You know, after, after a while I realized it's not that they're all total snobs, it's just they are insular.

Tigh, kind of, you know?

I'm not...

As we've got to know each other, I realized they're pretty amazing people.

Really special.

I call them framily.

More than friends, less than a family.

I wouldn't really go up there if I were you.

- Why?

- Because that railing is unsecured.

Weezie said she'd come over tonight and fix it.

Don't let Angie go near that.

That's dangerous.

Don't worry, I won't.

So, what are you two gonna do?

Well, we've registered with two adoption agencies that are experiencing same sex adoptions and uh, and we just wait for someone else to choose us.

What about...?

- No!

- Why not?


Come on, it's, it's perfect.

He has something that you guys want.

We're not talking about f*cking used cars, Kit.

I mean, you know, and anyway, I think he's coming to terms with the situation.

I think he's ready to be a father.

Well, let me ask you something else.


What's the deal with you guys just suddenly up and

- wanting to move to New York?

- You know what the deal is.

Tina has a new job.

I know, but you just opened up a new gallery, that you put your heart and soul in, you have a new business partner, and a beautiful and newly remodeled home.

Can I tell you something in confidence?

Of course.

I am so ready to get out of here.

I am so tired of everyone being all up on everyone else's business.

What business exactly do you want someone to get out of?

I want Jenny Schecter to mind her own f*cking business.

That's what I want.

Here's what happened.

Kelly Wentworth made a pass at me.

Remember the other night, after the opening, she came over here, uninvited, might I add, to celebrate and Jenny saw us through the window.

What did she see?

What were you doing?


She didn't see anything.

Kit, she didn't see anything, but I swear she's got some kind of f*cking crazy idea that I'm having an affair with Kelly.

And I swear, I'm not having an affair with Kelly.

But see, an other problem is I didn't tell Tina that night that Kelly came over and, and if I tell her now, it just, it just becomes this whole mess.

So, I haven't told her.

Yeah, it's gonna be a mess that you didn't tell Tina that Kelly made a pass at you.

And now Jenny's on this f*cking delusional power trip and she wants me to confess to Tina.

So, but, is that why you wanna go to New York?

I wanna go to New York because I think it would be a good move for us.

However, I am happy to be getting out of this little incestuous hot bed of lesbian interfucking connectedness.

You will never find a group of people who love one another more and who look after one another as lovingly as these friends do.

You can give me any army, assembly of God and I would put my posse up against them because they are so tight and fiercely loyal.

I can't believe you told her to go have sex with this girl and then to let you know what she decides, Alice.

That is f*cking crazy.

It's no more crazy than you not ending a relationship from hell 'cause you think it will k*ll Jenny.

Same thing.

I think she's capable of it.

And that would be a bad thing?

You know you don't mean that.

Maybe I don't.

No, you don't.

- "Play" by Kate Nash -



I just, I don't understand when you became so honorbound.

I mean, no offense but it's not like you've really been the most upstanding citizen when it comes to sexual fidelity.

I know.

Alright, let me try to explain this.


Please explain to me.

- I'm being serious.

- I am too.

I'm ready.

I just...

I feel responsible for her.

It's like I've been entrusted with this lost child, in a way.

And I was given this opportunity to be responsible for somebody else's feelings.


Well, it's sick, number one.

You don't get it.

You don't listen.

You're not listenning to me.

Out of all the people that you've been with, why are you picking Jenny for this?

Like, the girl is not even talented, she's not even a nice person.

She's like a fraud.

You know she stole my idea.

You know it.

I don't know that.

You know it because I told you!

It is your word against hers.

It always has been.

Oh my god, Shane!

I can literally prove this to you.

I have it on my computer.

I have the whole day.

I have the treatment on my computer.

- It's not about the treatment.

- No, it's.

I have...

It's the same treatment that I was talking about.

- It's m*rder!

- I don't care about your treatment!

It has nothing to do with that!

None of this has to do with her being an artist or or a good artist.

It has nothing to do with that.

Women drive me crazy.

I fall in love with women, but...

If I was to walk away from this, I think she'd go off the deep end.

I really do.

So it is a choice.

Between my happiness and hers.

That's how I see it.

Yeah, I, I don't know when, okay?

Listen, I gotta go.



Oh god.

I don't really feel like going to the movies tonight, do you?

Who were you talking to just now?


Just a friend.

A friend called nobody or...?

Is this gonna end anytime soon or am I gonna be under suspicion for as long as we're together?

I know it's a cliché, but being rich?

It's a curse.

You don't know what it's like, never know if anyone ever really cares for you or if they're just with you for the money.

Dylan, don't just...



Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I'll try to stop.

That would be nice.

Trust is hard for me.

Always, always has been.

I never really knew how to be with people before.

You know, even, even when I was with Winnie, I just used to buy and sell people, expect them to serve me.

Trust me.

Do you trust me?

- Yeah, I do.

- Yeah.

The reason why I was such a bitch when we first met was because my mother had always spoken about you with such great admiration.

You were the daughter I could never be.

The woman I would always have to measure up against.

Oh, Bette, I'll miss you so much.

I'll never forget the fist time I saw you at C.U.

It was a lecture and you were one of the ???

You looked so hot in your powersuit.

And I'm gonna miss double billing you, ladies.

My business is really gonna take a hit.

Oh, we'll miss you.

- "Love Is Dead" by Kerli -

Oh god!

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

We, we should get Weezie to have fix the railing before these people come over to the house.

What did you just say?

I said, "Oh my god".

That was the most intense orgasm I have ever had.

And I think you deserve one of the same.

Just kiss me.

- I was kissing you.

- I know.

But kiss me like this.

You know what I'd like to do when we get to New York?


I'd like to marry you.


Yeah, really.

- "By Your Side" by Sade -

Tell me about Tina.

She's the love of my life.

What are you doing out so early?

Going home?

I can't believe this is finished.

It looks incredible.

Nice touch.

Uh, not quite.

Yeah, Wizzie's gonna come and get fixed it for the party.

What you guys have been doing?

So, what?

Did you spend the night in your studio?

No, no, Jenny's using it.

I was just with Alice.

- With Alice?

- Yeah.

Yeah, she's uh...

What can I say?

She's really upset about that whole thing with Tasha and that girl, Jamie.

Oh, god, that was a disaster waiting to happen.

Wait, wait, just wait a second.


So Jenny is using the studio?

I thought it was supposed your photography studio?

- It is.

- That Jenny gave to you as a gift so that you could have some place that was yours, and yours alone.

Well, she's just, I mean, she just needed it.

She's making, she's do...

She's working on something.

It's important.

- It's gonna be good.

- This is bullshit, Shane!

You know what I think it is?

I think she needed to give you something so she could have something else to take away from you.

- Oh, come on, Bette.

That's harsh.

- Listen, I, I understand where you're coming from, I really do.

I just, I...

I'd like to think she's not that calculative.

Yeah, I have to agree with Shane.

And basically I think her heart's in the right place.

Yeah, I think here heart's in the right place.

I think she just misplaced her meds.

I had this moment of jealousy with Kelly.

But it was only a moment.

- Kelly?

- Kelly Wentworth.

She was Bette's business partner.

She's uh, you know, she's like a bombshell.

Kinda vacant bombshell.

Kit calls her a vixen, you know, like a real predator type.

- "Lovers" by Habanot Nachema -

She still hasn't called which can only mean one thing.

They're having like a sexcapade.

Al, you can't keep doing this to yourself.

It's crazy!

I'm sure they have great sex.

You know?

They have so much in common.

I'm sure they're like, "Do you like it when I touch you like that?"

"'Cause I like it when you touch me like that"

You know, that's what they're saying.

Or "Oh my god!"

"I can't believe your nipple don't get hard when I lick them" "'cause mine get hard when you lick mine!"

You know, eventually, they should just stop having sex 'cause they're so the same.

They could just masturbate, it would do the same thing.

Alice, listen to me.

I have to go get a present for Bette and Tina.

I can pick you up, we could go to lunch,

- we could make it fun.

- Oh my god!


- That's cruel.

- Come on!

You've gotta get out

- of that skanky house of yours anyway.

- Okay, thank you.

Yeah, that's fine.

- What?

- What the f*ck I'm gonna do?!

Oh jesus!

Al, let me call you back.


Call me though, okay?

- What's wrong?

What happened?

- I have to finish the tribute video by tonight.

I just got this phonecall.

That three more people are sending in their tapes, which I need to pick up by Fedex by noon or whatever the f*ck the time is, and then digitize it, then I have to, I have to go to the grove, I have to get the editing software

- and then I have to go to ???

- Alright, Jen, shh, shh, shh.

Please, please, please, listen.

Listen, listen to me.

I'll go the ??? for you.

And I'll go to ??? as well.

You go to Fedex, I'll meet you at the studio.

Problem solved.

- What do you think?

- She understands me, doesn't she?

Oh, that was great, wasn't it?

- We had the best time.

- Did you?

What did you see at the zoo?

- Fun giraffe.

- You did?

Oh, yeah, we saw an old giraffe with a goiter on his neck.

- Really?

- Yeah, we saw baby lions,

- and rhinoceroses...

- That sounds like you had so much fun.

Let's go wash up.

Mama B. made you dinner.

Do you mind if I use your bathroom to change?

I'm gonna be late for work.

Oh, you're not going to our party?

Oh no, my man has to go to work.

He's got to be at the club.

There's a power room down the hall.

- Just right around the corner.

- Oh, you know what, it's tiny.

You should go upstairs and use our fabulous new bathroom.


Thank you.

The powder room is too tiny.

He's really big.

Hey, he won't make a mess.

He's the, the neatest and the cleanest man I know.

That's fine.

However, he's still a man.

And you're saying...?

Well, I just, you know, what if he forgets to put the toilet seat off or something?

You're kidding me, right?

No, I mean, I'm just not that crazy about the idea of some man in my beautiful new bathroom.

Don't look at me like that.

I'm not a man hater!

I don't have to!

- Oh my god!

- There are just some facets of man-ness that just make me queasy, that's all.

How do you put up with her?

Tell me.

Somebody help me!

He never pees in my bathroom.

- Nope, never.

- Right?


- Where do you pee?

- Powder room, right?

- "Sugar And Spice" by The Ditty Bops -


So there you have best ??? so I got you curry chicken.



- What?

- I don't know what I'd do without you.

You'd manage, I'm sure.

No, I would not.

I'd probably k*ll myself.

- Oh, stop!

- I'm going to leave everything to you.

You're my family.

Do you wanna watch this amazing video with Carmen that I'm about to look at lunch?

She's dancing.

I can't.

I have to go and get Bette and Tina's present.

You don't want this to be from us?

This is from you, alright?

I'll see you later.

- Well, good luck in New York.

- Oh, thanks, James.

Have you ever thought about moving to New York?

No, not really.

Yeah, well, maybe you should come work for Bette.

She hasn't offered me a job.

Well, that's because I don't have a job to offer, but I don't know, as if right now, I don't know that I ever would.

I'm sort of liking the idea of Tina supporting me and me looking after the children.

Why is that so funny?

Happy party, ladies.

- Bye, pumpkin.

- Bye, daddy.


Hey, you know what?

It's perfectly natural, don't worry about it.

Alright, so see you.

- So, I see you later, beautiful?

- Yes, you will, beautiful.

Oh yes, you will.

Maybe they're like "Oh my god, you're serious?

I like orgasms, too" I don't know what time.


Are you, did you get a gift or are you guys part of that video contigent?

Well, we recorded a message, you know, "Best wishes Bette and Tina", that kind of thing.

And you?

Yeah, I had too.

Although I'm sure Jenny will take credit for everything I said.

No, I meant, 'cause Dylan was over at Jenny's studio, I mean, Shane's studio, excuse me.

Tought that she was helping Jenny work.

On the video.

She's work... she's working on the video?

Well, isn't she helping Jenny edit?

I don't know.

Is she?

Shane saw her there earlier, so we just figured she was helping her out.

Well, actually, I first said that maybe they were having an affair and I was like "Yeahhh".

But then I realized that would suck for you.

Yeah, but Dylan's an editor, right? So, I thought maybe she was helping Jenny edit.

I thought that's why she was ever at her studio.

Shane's studio.

Yeah, well, thanks for that.

I need her not to know.

And I just want you to promise me that you're not gonna tell her.

No, you lied to me.

Now you're asking me to lie

- to cover you are lying.

- I didn't lie to you.

- I confided in you.

- No, you lied to me.

You really did.

And then after you promised that you'd come clean to her and you haven't done that.

Because I know that she won't be able to let it go.

Jenny, she has a huge problem with trust.

Obviously she does.

Are you surprised about that?

Look, you had every reason to be suspicious when Nikki's manager called.

Yeah, it was suspicious.

I was suspicious because I recognized your voice because you did such a bad job in personnating her.

- Should I tell her that?

- Just tell her the truth!

It's better that way and then you're all even.

She's not gonna think that we're even.


When she finds out that I knew before I went into Hit that Nikki Stevens was a set up, she's gonna think I'm a...

You're a liar!

And a con artist!

None of this bodes well for a relationship that should be based on trust.

Helena, wait.

Before you get really upset, now that everything is out in the open

- maybe you can...

- So you knew all along that Nikki Stevens wasn't interested in you directing her movie?

It was such a bad idea!

This was so unethical!

And I never should be involved in any of this.

And when you stood firm and rejected the pass that she made at you

- that was just an act?

- No, that was not just an act!

And when she spilled the beans at Max's baby shower, she wasn't really spilling anything?!


That was such a good performance!

You've been on the wrong side of the camera!



That is not her fault.

That's my fault.

f*ck you, Schecter.

You have interfered in my life enough now!

You created this situation, not me!

I'm not putting all on you, Dylan.

We created this together.

Well now, I'm uncreating it!


Listen to me.

It's totally unfair.

I had no choice.

Oh yeah?

How did you act that out?

Because I wanted to be with you and you didn't trust me!

Then I had to pass your test!

I swear to you, I would have done the exact same thing with Nikki Stevens even if Jenny hadn't told me!

I'm never gonna know that for sure, Dylan.

How can I know that?

Look, you can trust me.

Dylan, I can't.

Thanks to her, thanks to Jenny, f*cking Schecter, I can't trust you.

- "Fool # " by Brenda Lee Holly -

- I thought so.


- Hi.

I'm gonna go say hi.

- How are you?

- Hi, I'm good.

How are you?

- I'm good.

You look great.

- Thanks, you too.

You have a big bowl.

Yeah, um...

Bette and Tina, they're moving, they're moving to New York, so it's my present to that.

Oh, that's, that's great for them.

It is what is it.

I think they'll be okay.

- So, I...

- How are...

- No, sorry, go ahead.

- No, no, no.

- I was just...

- Okay, um...

Go first, I'm sorry.

No, I was just gonna say I heard about you and Jenny, that that's great and, I guess, that's surprising.

After how upset she was with the whole Nikki thing, I would never have expected that.

I mean, she seemed really upset the night that she told me about you and Nikki, so it was just to think of you guys together is kind of where did that come from, you know?

- I had this...

- I'm sorry.

What night?

- What night?

- The night that I dropped off your jacket?

Anyway, yeah, I just, I had this stupid idea, after what my mum did, that you were being selfless and you just dumped me because of the challenge that my mum put to you.

Which was completely ridiculous and I thought, you know, that you were just trying to protect me because you knew you would screw around on me, but, well, you already were screwing around on me.


You know, I just, I wrote the letter because I wanted to say all this stuff and...

I'm sorry.


What letter are you talking about?

The letter.

It's in the pocket of the jacket that I gave to Jenny to give to you.

But it doesn't matter.

I mean, I'm really okay, you don't owe me anything.

At all.


So, you know, I felt for you like a million other girls and I fell apart like a million other girls, but really, you know, I didn't die, and I'm here and I'm okay.

- Good.

- Yeah, I wish you and Jenny the best.


Can I help you?


No, no, I'm gonna, I'm gonna comme back for that later.

- "A Taste Of Honey" by Sarah Vaughan -

What the hell?

It's just f*cking incredible!

Hey, can I get you a drink?

A Captain Morgan's and coke.

- Really?

- It's my fourth of the day.

Nice work.

I started at this morning.

Oh, god, you go, girl.

This to you, Alice.

Drinking my way through it.

She still hasn't called?

I'm sorry.

Where is Dylan?

Oh, maleficent.

Lovely, Bette.

- I think of Jenny.



- Here you go.

as Kaly, the goddess of destruction.

That's very generous of you.

What did Jenny do?

Whatever, it doesn't really matter now.

Are they here?

Not here yet?

Maybe Shane threw a bucket of water on her and she melted.

I think that's the first mean thing you've ever said.

That's so on.

Got it.

Very good.

Very beautiful.

She always saw me for who I am, you know?

She helped me accept it.

It's one of the most important things that's ever happened in my life.

I never knew anyone who could see someone's inner desires and thoughts quite like Jenny.

It's kind of scary actually.


I have decided to make up with her this evening.

- for Shane's sake.

- Really?

Good for you.

Let's all give it a try.

Why not?

- Yeah.

Come on, we can do it.

- Like a mass.

- Yeah, here to Max.

- Let's try.

My friends are different.

Especially Kit.

What about Jenny?

This is so beautiful.

This is very fancy.

I'm just, I need to close that door.

I don't wanna ruin the surprise.


It's the video.

Where is the, is that, that closes the blinds?

Jenny, I have a bone to pick with you.

I know, you know, this thing with Bette and Kelly.

I mean, come on, you need to let it go.

You know, Bette said nothing happened.

Do you actually think that I want to hurt Bette and Tina?

Then don't.

I don't want to be involved in this.

I can see that I'm making everybody uncomfortable.

I can see that my friends don't wanna be around me anymore.

That they want me to shut the f*ck up and go away.

I just wanna do the right thing.

Well, Bette said that Kelly hit on her and she rejected it.

It's not true!

- Do you have proof?

- I'm not a liar!

You don't have proof.

You got...

I don't wanna show you.

If you have proof, I want you to show me.

You can press "play".

Very complex, talented, self-destructive, sometimes very generous, but complicated, complex.


Tell us about the movie.

What's it called?

That was called "Les Girls".

Or "Lez Girls".

Everybody pronounced it differently.

Hey, T, I'm gonna show everyone the master bedroom.

When Shane and Jenny are here, send them up.

- Jenny is already here.

- Oh, she is?

- "Never Quit Loving You" by Jill Barber -

Here, try this.

That's good.

Oh, be careful when you're up there, you guys, because our contractor bailed out on us and she didn't finish the railing, right?


I'm just gonna take them up there now.

Wow, this is the coolest.

I would spend my life in here.

Alice has one of the biggest hearts of anybody I know.

She takes risks.


I can't believe you guys are not gonna get to enjoy this place.

- Well, we already have, actually.

- Really?

Can I talk to you for a minute?


- I'll be right downstairs.

- Sure.

- The sheets are nice.

- You think?

I'm gonna get another drink.

Do you want one?

Bette, Jenny has a video

- of you and Kelly.

- What do you mean?

- From the opening or something?

- Girl, come on, now.

You know, I think you just f*cked up.

I think it'll just come back, it'll just so bite you in the ass.=

What are you talking about?

I told you, Kelly came over, she was drunk and I said no.

Girl, stop, stop!

I saw it!

Jenny showed me this video that she shot through your window, with your face between Kelly's legs!

- Come on!

I saw it!

- That's not possible!

That's bullshit!

- You did it!

Don't lie to me!

- That's impossible!

What's going on, Shane?

Where are you taking me?

- Why are you not at our party?

- You just trust me, Tina?

Where is everybody?

I don't know.

Don't I get to have a lawyer here?

I don't know.

You're entitled.

I think that the reason that none of the others have asked for a lawyer is that, uh, well, they really trust one another.

What do you mean they really trust one another?

You know, I think that they feel that no one of them is going to say anything that would hurt the other.

Now, they're very, very close and boy, they're looking up for one another.

- "Hangin' Hi" by Lykke Li -

- Really nice.

- Guys?

You guys?

You guys, come to the media room because the videos that I made are about to start.

So, it's gonna be about three hours long, so you should get started.

Where is Shane?

I don't know.

Have you seen Bette and Tina?

- Bette's up there.

- Okay.

I'm gonna go get Bette and Tina.

You guys should come...

Oh, you're coming!

That's so great.

Okay, I'll just go get Bette and Tina.

- It's beautiful here.

- Look, I just want you to know something.

My family and the life that I have worked so hard to rebuild for them means everything in the world for me.

And there is nothing that I wouldn't do to preserve and protect them.

I would never do anything to hurt your family, Bette.

I love you.

And I love Tina.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Because you know what, I don't really care if you think that I f*cked Kelly.

All I really care about is that you know that I will not abide anyone who threatens my family.

Complex, complicated, talented, very talented and self-destructive, sometimes very generous, but complicated, complex.

I wish I could say the lone person that's so excited you guys are going to New York, congratulations, I wish you all the best. I'm sure, as always, whatever you take on is a challenge you're gonna completely... How could do f*cking do that to me?

How would do f*cking do that to me?

I'm just gonna put her out of her f*cking misery.

I wanna take this opportunity to thank you.

Eventually you might have ended it up with that nutcase, Jenny.

Ah ah, just kidding, Jenny.

Come on,
you know I love you.

And I have to say it's really nice of you to do this.

That's pretty cool. We'll miss you, guys.

I have to tell you something about Jenny.

I have decided to forgive her, and to make peace with her.


I'm alone now and I need my friends and...

You guys are gonna be together.


We're not together.

I thought you said you couldn't break with her?

That was then.

What does this have to do with who k*lled Jenny?

I don't understand, at all, these questions.

So you think someone k*lled Jenny?

I just was checking on Angie.

She seems to sleep.

Oh, that's good.

That's good.

I was upstairs.

- I got a sweater, I was cold.

- Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I, uh...

I want to talk to you about something.

And, uh, it's just I just don't know if...

Have you seen Jenny?


Are you okay?

Yeah, I was just kinda cold.

I just want to go get my sweater.

It's getting really cold.

Guess what, you guys.

I felt a kick for the first time today.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- That's great.

- Cool, huh?

- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

- May I?

- It's great.

- I guess that's my little baby.

- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

- You seem good.

- Did you see Jenny out there?

- No.

Bette and Tina, welcome to New York City.

Come on!

The party is waiting for you.

You know.

And the rest of you, I miss you, I love you so much. You guys have changed my life.

I'll never forget any of you.

Thanks so much and as Kit would say, continue to live the life you love and love the life you live.

I certainly do.

- I'm getting married.

- It's Ivan.[/i]

Look at that.

What can I say?

- Oh my god!

- She's a champion surfer.

I don't know.

I hate water.

- He looks good.

- But you know what, right?[/i]

It's all about that.

Look, I have my guide as ??? all my exs.

I'm gonna throw you a huge party and I do mean a huge party because you know I've got a very big place in New York.

Five floors.

So there will be room for all your exs.

Mama Mia, you're going to New York?

The Big Apple?

- Where is she?

- What can I say?[/i]

I think she's in the south of France since fall.

How did Jenny got that?

I think she probably just sent it to Jenny.

I hope that what you're gonna do...

- Where is Jenny?

- ... is gonna go to New York.[/i]

Last time I saw her she was looking after you.

Well, she still isn't back yet.

- All the times you were there...

- Oh, wow, look, it's Carmen.[/i]

And I wish you nothing but success and happiness and joy and...

I love Carmen.

Everything that this world has to offer because God knows you deserve it.

I can't believe she did that.

- Wow, Jenny went all out.

- Shouldn't we pause it?

'Cause I think Jenny wants to see her little action.

I think it from the bottom of my heart.

I'm supposed to be her friend tonight.

I'll go get find her.

- Yeah, you guys.

- Come back.

- I think we should pause it.

- No, don't pause it.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

- Terribly so.

- Thank you for everything.

Oh yeah.

And, um,
you're gonna be in our hearts, I mean, we'll never disappear from you, we'll always be there.

I'm always gonna hold this special place for you right here.


- It's so sweet.

- Enjoy New York.[/i]

What more can I say?

You're in our hearts.


Let's go and say , , , we love you Bette and Tina.

- Oh, you guys.

- We love you, Bette and Tina![/i]

We're gonna miss you, Tina and Bette!

That's it.

- "Have You See That Girl" by Lee Ann Womack -

Fine, Bette and Tina, I love you guys.

Tell me what we know.

Any dr*gs and alcohol?

Come on!

Put your hands over you head!

Nice and high.

Here you go, sweetheart.

Nikki, what are you doing here?

I just, I, I, I came here to talk to Jenny.

I saw what was going on at the dance marathon and I just saw the way that she was keeping you like a prisonner.

So I just wanted to tell her

- that she had to free you...

- Nikki, shut up.

Nikki, shut up.

Hold it!

- What's going on?

- Sorry,

- you can't go in.

- What's goi...


I'm, I'm a police officer, well, I'm in the academy, okay?

What's going on here, please?

What are you doing here?

Come here.

Are you okay?

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm not going anywhere.

You know I'm afraid this is gonna take a bit longer than we thought.

We'll do whatever you need for us to do.

We'll cooperate with you.

Yeah, we're a very tight-knit group.

And we take care of each other.

None of us did anything wrong and we don't know what happened out there.

You probably just want us to come down to the station.

- Right?

- Oh, that would be great.

I'm just gonna go change my clothes.

I'll call James.

- You're okay?

- Yeah.

You guys, um, you guys changed my life.

Wow, you really did.

And I'm, uh, I'm never gonna forget you.

So I thank you for everything.

That's it.


Thank you for following me on this final season.

I hope you enjoyed my work.