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05x01 - Arthur's Bane - Part One

Posted: 03/19/19 08:05
by bunniefuu
In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name…Merlin.

Inside the castle.

Merlin wanders running.

He enters inside the royal room.

Merlin : Hello !?

He enters inside Guinevere’s room.

Merlin : Hello !?

He enters in the council chambers.

Merlin : Hello !?

Castle corridor. Merlin runs.

Throne room hall.

Merlin runs and joins Arthur.

Arthur : Well ?

Merlin : I’ve searched everywhere.

Arthur : Merlin, it’s not just me you’re keeping waiting.

Merlin (Chocking) : How’s it my fault !?

Arthur (whispering) : The Queen can’t just disappear.

Merlin : Well, where is she ?

Arthur : That’s was I sent you to find out !

Merlin : Do you know how big this castle is ?

Arthur : Funnily enough, I do

Merlin : Then perhaps, you should have a look

Arthur : Merlin, look, is there anything you’re actually capable of doing ?

Merlin : Putting up with you

A woman clears throat.

Arthur : Oh, well …

Arthur and Merlin look back.

Arthur : Guinevere…

Guinevere : I’m sorry I’m late.

Arthur : Late ? (turn back to Merlin) Not at all. Plenty of time.

Arthur and Guinevere come into the Throne room.

Sefa and Merlin follow them.

Throne room.

Arthur : Noble knights of Camelot, countrymen, friends. I welcome you to this meeting of the Round Table. For three long years we have been blessed with peace and prosperity. But now, it’s seems a shadow has been cast across our lands.

Vision of a snowing place and Gwaine is walking.

Arthur : Sir Gwaine set off for Ismere some six weeks ago. With him went threescore of our finest men. There has been no word from them since.

Gwaine and his men look at the snowing horizon. He look back to face grumbling wolfs.

Gwaine (screaming) : Run !

Gwaine runs, pursued by the wolf. The wolf finally hurts him.

End of the vision.

Throne room.

Arthur : At my request, Sir Elyan led a search party to the wastelands of the north. He found no trace of Gwaine or his men. It is as if they have vanished from the face of the Earth.

Vision of a snowing place. A wolf howls near Gwaine inconscious. Morgana comes.

***Opening Credits***

Snowing place.

Morgana drives a sleigh pulled by wolves, transporting Gwaine.

Ismere castle’s courtyard.

Gwaine is taken by Morgana’s men.

Ismere castle. Throne room.

Ruadan : The last of the Camelot patrol.

Morgana : How long before Arthur sends more ?

Ruadan : Calm yourself. There’s nothing to worry about.

Morgane : You’re wrong. We’re running out of time.

Ruadan : Prophecies do not lie. Arthur’s bane is real. Once it is known to us, his end is nigh.

Morgane : So you keep saying. Yet you cannot tell me what it is.

Ruadan : The Diamair will tell us. The Diamair is the key to all knowledge.

Morgane : And where is this key ?

Ruadan : It is here beneath your feet.

Morgane : For three month we’ve been searching and what have we found ? Nothing.

Ruadan : It is but a moment compared to the eternity of knowledge. The key will bring.

Morgane : If I find that you’ve lied to me…

Ruadan : Patience is the stepping stone to wisdom, Morgana.

Morgane : You think I don’t know that after all that I’ve been through ? For two long years I saw nothing but darkness. Patience and I are old friends.

The door opens. Two knights come, supporting Gwaine.

They threw him to the floor.

Gwaine : Lady Morgana, we really have to stop meeting like this.

A knight hurts him.

Morgane : You’re not looking so pretty now, are you, Sir knight ?

Gwaine : I would appear not.

Morgane : Arthur should know not to send his men so far north.

Gwaine : Well, get on with it, then. k*ll me.

Morgane : I will. But first you’re going to have to help me find something.

Vision of a cave and men digging.

Camelot. Private council chambers.

Knights, the King, the Queen and Gaius around the table.

Elyan : We know Gwaine and his men crossed the pass here, at Isulfor but beyond that, there was no trace. The trail went cold.

Arthur (to Elyan): What of this story that the fortress of Ismere has been occupied once more ?

Elyan : I heard many rumours, sire. All of them had one name in common. Morgana.

Arthur : Then we have no time to lose.

Gaius : What if the rumours are true Sire ? You may be walking into a trap.

Arthur : The knights of Camelot do not abandon their own.

Gaius : Morgana knows that. She’ll be waiting for you.

Arthur : These men have fought for me, bled for me.

Guinevere : May I make a suggestion ? What if you were to take a different route ? Approach Ismere from the west.

Arthur : Through Annis’s lands ?

Gaius : It would certainly take Morgana by surprise.

Arthur : Would Annis grant safe passage to so many armed men ?

Leon : I believe she would, Sire.

Arthur : Dispatch a rider immediately. We’ll follow at dawn. Remember, if we’re to succeed, no one must know of our intentions.

Merlin get out of the room and hit Sefa. He drop her fruit plate.

Merlin : Sorry.

He helps Sefa to pick up the fruits.

Sefa : It’s fine, really. I’m the one who should apologise.

Merlin : What for ?

Sefa : I keep getting you into trouble.

Merlin : Ah. I’m used to it.

Arthur : Merlin !

Merlin (to Sefa) : You should hear him when he’s really angry.

Arthur : MERLIN !

Merlin : Like now. If you need help with anything, let me know.

Sefa smile, Merlin proffers a fruit bowing.

Sefa : Thank you.

Entrance of the castle.

Arthur, Merlin and the knights leave the castle.

Inside the forest.

Merlin (to Arthur): Do you think Gwaine and Percival are still be alive ?

Arthur : I have to find out. They’re knights of the Round Table. It’s a bond we share.

Merlin : I understand.

Arthur : If it was you who’d disappeared, Merlin, I wouldn’t bother.

Inside the cave.

Percival and Gwaine are digging.

Gwaine (to Percival) : Do you find the others ?

Percival : Every last one.

Gwaine : Do they know what we’re searching for ?

Percival : Some kind of key.

Gwaine : The key to what ?

Percival : I don’t know. But the men say Morgana is obsessed. She won’t rest until she finds it.

Gwaine : Let’s hope we won’t succeed.

Setting of a plain.

Arthur and his knights ridding.

Arthur : The gorge marks the start of Annis’s lands.

Elyan : It’s prime ambush territory.

Arthur : Take some men and follow the ridge line.

Arthur and his knights go on.

Elyan comes.

Elyan : There’s something you need to see.

They arrive in a village. There are death people everywhere.

They search in the rubble.

Voice : Emrys !

Merlin stops.

Voice : Emrys !

Merlin goes to a cave.

Voice : Emrys !

Merlin arrives near a sleeping old man.

He treats him when he wakes up.

Merlin : What happened to you ? Who did this to your village ?

Old man : That it happened at all is all that matters. I have been haunted by this moment for many years. Since long before you set foot on this Earth, Emrys, I have waited for its arrival with sorrow in my heart. For even as Camelot flowers, so the seeds of her destruction are being sown. The prophets speak of Arthur’s bane. You would do well to fear it, for it st*lks him like a ghost in the night. Unless you act quickly, Emrys, even you cannot alter the never-ending circle of his fate.

Merlin has a vision. A battle. Swords clash. Arthur is inside the battle. He fights with a young man. And the young man kills Arthur.

Arthur : Is he alive ? What is it ?

Merlin gets out of his vision, frightened. He says nothing.

Arthur : Come on, Merlin. You’ve seen a dead body before. As soon as we give these people a proper burial, we’re moving out.

Camp. The knights are sleeping.

Merlin wakes up.

Merlin : O drakon , e male so ftengometta tesd’hup’anakes !

Merlin (to the dragon) : I need to know about a Druid symbol. A black spiral. Within it, a thin yellow coil.

Kilgharah: It is the mark of a Vates. A Druid seer. Where did you encounter him ?

Merlin : On my journey here? He warned me of Arthur’s bane.

Kilgharah: His bane ?

Merlin : And then he show me a battle. A terrible battle. Arthur was fighting for his life. I saw him wounded. I saw him fall.

Kilgharah: The Vateses’ power of prophecy is unrivalled. Even by a high priestess.

Merlin : So, this battle will come to pass ?

Kilgharah: I do not know, young warlock, but one thing is certain. This was no chance meeting.

Merlin : You think I should heed his warning ?

Kilgharrah: There was a time when the words of a Vates were considered a gift.

Merlin : Then why do they feel like a burden ?

Kilgharrah: A wise man is not cowed by knowledge, Merlin. Instead, he uses it to guide him.

Merlin : How ?

Kilgharrah: That is something only you can decide. But remember, the Vates singled you out for reason. Now more than ever it is you and you alone that can keep Arthur safe.

Tomorrow morning.

Inside the forest.

Arthur and his knights ridding.

Annis kingdom.

Throne room.

Arthur and his knight come in.

Arthur : Queen Annis.

Queen Annis : Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur : I’m most grateful that you have allowed us safe passage through your kingdom.

Queen Annis : We are allies, Arthur. And these are troubled times.


Royal room.

Sefa serves meal to Guinevere.

Guinevere : I can’t eat this I’m sorry.

Sefa : I’ll get you something else, my lady.

Guinevere : No. If you could just sit with me.

Sefa sits.

Guinevere : Are you hungry ?

Guinevere hands her the plate.

Guinevere : Eat. Please. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. Not knowing if he’ll return.

Sefa : You love him. I understand.

Guinevere : Do you have someone you worry about ?

Sefa nods.

Guinevere : But no someone you talk about.

Sefa : No, my lady. There’s no greater warrior than the king. He will return.

Guinevere : I know. You’re right. Thank you.

Queen Annis’s castle.

Diner room.

Queen Annis : What you saw at Asgorath is no surprise. Some months ago, Saxons began raiding our villages. They’re rounding up all the men they can find and taking them to Ismere.

Arthur : To raise an army ?

Queen Annis : People say Morgana is tearing the citadel apart.

Arthur : Why ?

Queen Annis : She must be searching for something. I dare not think what.

Arthur : Then my men may still be alive ?

Queen Annis : Yes, there is every chance. I think it’s time for some entertainment. I would love to see your fool perform. Given all his failings, he must have some skills.

Arthur (looking at Merlin) : You’d think so, wouldn’t you ? You heard the queen. Jump to it.

Merlin : I’m not a fool.

Arthur : That’s debatable.

Merlin : And I don’t have any skills.

Arthur : I know that. But we can refuse the queen when she’s granted us safe passage, can we?

Leon take the carafe of Merlin’s hands, Arthur applauses smiling.

Merlin incants a spell and he starts juggling, under the very eyes of Arthur.

King Arthur’s room.

Merlin look at the fire thinking.

Arthur : Where did you learn to juggle like that ? Honestly, I didn’t even know you could catch.

Merlin : Yes, well, I have many talents you failed to notice them that’s all.

Arthur : Come on, out with it. What’s wrong ?

Merlin : I’m not sure we should go to Ismere.

Arthur : Did you not hear Annis ? My men are alive.

Merlin : You don’t know that.

Arthur : Stick to juggling Merlin. Leave the important things to me.

Merlin : But…

Arthur : Here.

Arthur throws his boots to Merlin.

Merlin doesn’t catch them.

Arthur : See ? Explain that.

Merlin : I wish I could.

Camelot at night.

Sefa gets out in the night, Guinevere looks through the window.

Inside the forest.

Sefa arrives in a temple.

A man incants a spell : Crugon walo wide, cwoman woldagas, swylt eall fornom secgrofra wera wurdon hyra wigsteal westen stapolas, brosnade burgsteall. Hergas to hrusan. Forpon pas hofu dreorgiad, ond paes teaforgeapa tigelum sceaded. Crungon walo wide, cwoman woldagas, ond paes tigelum sceaded hrostbeages hrof.

He wakes up and threatens Sefa.

Sefa : It’s me ! it’s Sefa ! I didn’t mean to frighten you.

Ruadan : Fear is here. (He puts a finger on his temple) No one can make you feel fear. Do you understand ?

Sefa nods.

Ruadan : You have something to tell me ?

Sefa : Yes. Arthur has set out of Ismere.

Ruadan : As I expected.

Sefa : But he’s approaching from the west. Through Annis’s land.

Ruadan : You’re sure ?

Sefa : Certain.

Ruadan : When did he leave ?

Sefa : Yesterday at dawn. Shall I come with you ?

Ruadan : Your disappearance will create suspicion.

Sefa : What would you like me to do ?

Ruadan : You have served your purpose for now. I hope they haven’t ill-treated you.

Sefa : They’ve been good to me, Father.

Ruadan : They are Pendragons. They are good for one thing only : death.

He leaves.

Tomorrow morning. Arthur and his men leave Annis’s castle.

Queen Annis : Morgana has been devoured by hate. Be careful.

Arthur : I will.

Queen Annis : Good allies are hard to find. I’d hate to lose one.


Royal room.

Guinevere : Aren’t you forgetting something ? My papers for the council ?

Sefa : Of course.

Guinevere : Are you alright ?

Sefa : Yes.

Guinevere : You don’t seems yourself today.

Sefa : I’m sorry.

Guinevere : Last night…I saw you leave the city.

Sefa : I…

Guinevere : Sefa, I may be the queen, but you don’t have to hide your secrets from me.

Sefa : My lady ?

Guinevere : Whoever he is, he’s lucky to have you.

Sefa : Thank you, my lady. There are so many things to remember.

Guinevere : I know that better than anyone. You’re doing well. Honestly.

Sefa : Thank you my lady.

Snowing place.

Ruadan is ridding.

Ismère. Throne room.

Ruadan comes in.

Morgane : What is it ? What’s wrong ?

Ruadan : Arthur is riding for Ismere as we speak

Morgane : Impossible. I’ve had sentries posted at the border for weeks.

Ruadan : He’s approaching from the west. From Annis’s lands.

Morgane : Why would he do that ?

Ruadan : He means to surprise you. He will be on us in less than a day.

Morgane : Prepare for battle. We ride tonight.

Inside the forest in the night.

Merlin is thinking. Arthur joins him.

Arthur : Merlin.

Merlin : How can they laugh and joke ? Hmm ? Don’t they know what we will face in Ismere ?

Arthur : Yeah of course. But a warrior learns to enjoy each day as it comes.

Merlin : Because he knows it might be his last.

Arthur : Why are you so upset ?

Merlin : Morgana is powerful. She’s dangerous.

Arthur : I know.

Merlin : And you don’t care ?

Arthur : Only about my men. They’re more than friends, they’re more than brothers. No matter what lies ahead of me, I won’t abandon them, as I know they would not abandon me.

Merlin : I understand. I wish I didn’t, but I do.

Arthur : Come on and have some food.

Ismere castle. Courtyard.

Morgana leaves with her men.

Tomorrow morning.

Inside the forest.

Arthur and his men hear a sound.

Merlin : We’re surrounded.

Leon : We can’t stay here.

Arthur : Run !

Arthur and his men are att*cked by Morgana’s army.

Arthur is wounded.

Merlin evacuates him in the forest.

Merlin : Astige thu wyrm !

A snake frightens the horses.

Arthur regains consciousness.

Arthur : What happened ?

Merlin : You don’t remember ?

Arthur : Where are the others ? Leon ? Elyan ?

Merlin : There was nothing I could do. I had to get you to safety.

Arthur : What actually happened ?

Merlin : The usual. I saved your neck.

Arthur : You saved me ?

Merlin : Yes. And I can juggle. I keep telling I have many talents.

Arthur : So it would seem.

Merlin : Come on.

Inside the cave.

Gwaine and Percival sleep on the floor.

Gwaine see a light.

Gwaine : Percival. Percival.

Percival : What ?

Gwaine : There’s something out there. Did you see that ? What was that ?

Inside the forest.

Merlin : Could we have a break ?

Arthur : As long as it’s quick. I want to reach Ismere before dark.

Merlin : Ismere ? We are heading back to Camelot !

Arthur : Navigation is not your strong point, is it ? Camelot is south. The sun rises where ?

Merlin : In the east.

Arthur : And what have we been walking towards all day ?

Merlin : To our deaths. The two of us against Morgana, are you mad ?

Arthur : I told you, I’m going to rescue my men.

Merlin : No.

Arthur : If you’re afraid…then go.

Merlin : I’m worried about you.

Arthur : Right, I’ve tried sending you home, but if you’re not going to do as I ask, the least you can do is shut up. Come on.

Merlin : You know, if Morgana doesn’t k*ll you, I will.

Arthur : Threatening a king is treason, Merlin.

Merlin : What about threatening an ass ?

Arthur : I heard that.


Arthur’s men come alone.

Council chambers.

Leon : We were ambushed. Morgana and a band of Saxons att*cked us as we crossed the border into Ismere.

Guinevere : And what of Arthur ?

Elyan : I tried to protect him.

Guinevere : What are you saying ?

Elyan : We lost him in the battle. We don’t know what happened to him or Merlin.

Gaius : How could Morgana have known ? How could have known that Arthur was approached from that direction ?

Guinevere : Someone betrayed us.

Inside the forest in the night.

Arthur and Merlin are sleeping.

Merlin : Arthur ?

Arthur : Hmm ?

Merlin : I need to tell you something. The man…The old man in the village.

Arthur : Just think about something else.

Merlin : No, I need you to listen to me. Before he died, he tried to warn me. He told me that you were in danger and that the danger was close.

Arthur : He was dying, Merlin. Who knows what he was saying ?

Merlin : I think that he was a Druid seer.

Arthur : You expect me to listen to a sorcerer ?

Merlin : Why would he tell me that ? He had no knowledge that I even knew you. We have to turn back.

Arthur : I can’t. Even if what he said were true, it makes no difference.

Merlin : Arthur, without you, Camelot is nothing. All that we’ve worked so hard to create…Everything will be gone.

Arthur : Look, no matter what adversity we face, we stand for what is right. To betray our beliefs, Merlin, that is what would destroy everything we’ve strived for. I swear I’m going to rescue my men. Or die trying.

Merlin : Then I swear, I will protect you or die at your side.

Inside the cave.

Gwaine see a light again.

Gwaine : It’s back.

Percival : Where are you going ?

Gwaine : Cover for me.

Gwaine walks to the light. He heards a hiss.

Guards arrest him and hit him.

Tomorrow morning.

Inside the forest.

Arthur and Merlin wake up with the Morgana’s horses sound.

They hide them.

Morgane : Don’t just stand there. Find them ! I don’t care how long it takes !

Arthur : If only we had a horse.

Merlin : Or a pig.

Arthur : You can’t ride a pig !

Merlin : No, but we could roast it with carrots, parsnips and apples.

Arthur : Merlin !

Merlin : Right, we won’t waste those apples. We’ll put them in a pie.

Arthur : Stop it !

Merlin : I have to eat something.

Merlin see two rabbits motionless on the road.

Merlin : Rabbits ?

He steps forward to take the rabbits.

Arthur : Merlin !

Arthur steps forward on Merlin.

They are caught in a net.

Merlin : I got them !

Camelot. Council chambers.

Sefa comes surrounded by two guards.

Sefa : What have I done ?

Guinevere : The night before Arthur set out for Ismere, there was a meeting of the king’s privy council. Did you hear what was said ?

Sefa : No my lady.

Guinevere : Yet you were right outside the door.

Sefa : I was bringing your supper.

Guinevere : Later that night, where did you go ?

Sefa : Nowhere.

Guinevere : Don’t make this hard on yourself. All I want is the truth. We both know you left the city through the southern gate. Look at me. Do you deny it ?

Sefa : No, my lady.

Guinevere : Who did you see ? You can tell me.

Sefa : You wouldn’t understand.

Guinevere : Who did you see ?!

Sefa : My father. I saw my father.

Guinevere : And you told him what you’d heard ?

Sefa : He only wants what’s rightfully his. Were he a physician or a warrior, his skills would be revered. But sorcery… He deserves respect like any man.

Guinevere : Respect is to be earned. I cannot be bought with blood. Your treachery cost the lives of many good men.

Sefa : I didn’t mean to…

Guinevere : You have admitted your guilt. You leave me no choice, Sefa. By the laws of Camelot I find you guilty of treason.

Sefa : No !

Guinevere : I sentence you to death. Take her to the cells.

The night.

Arthur and Merlin are in the net.

Arthur : If I could reach my sword, we’d be able to cut the rope.

Merlin : Oh ! Don’t put your knee there.

Arthur : Where ?

Merlin : There !

The sword falls on the floor.

Arthur: Merlin !

Merlin: That was your fault ! That was your fault !

Arthur : Great. Just great.

Merlin : Where did the other rabbits go ?

The cave.

Gwaine is unconsciousness.

A creature steps forward on Gwaine.

The creature : Ic the thurhhaele thinu licsar ! Ic the thurhhaele thinu licsar

Tomorrow morning.

Arthur and Merlin are sleeping when the net falls on the floor.

Long hair man : I’m sorry. Did we wake you ?

Arthur stands up and wants to take his sword.

Long hair man : Not so fast.

He takes Arthur’s sword.

Long hair man: The king of Camelot. You will fetch a handsome price. Alive… or dead. Any last requests ?

Arthur : Let my servant go. He doesn’t deserve to die like this.

Merlin : If you’re going to k*ll him, you’ll have to k*ll me first.

Arthur : Merlin, step aside.

Merlin : You know I never do as I’m told.

Brown hair man : Stop !

Merlin looks back. The men steps forward. Merlin recognizes the men of his vision.

Brown hair man : Shouldn’t we leave it to the Lady Morgana to decide their fate ?

The man with long hair leaves the place.

The black hair man helps Arthur to stand up.

Brown hair man : You don’t remember me, do you ? You saved my life once, many years ago.

Merlin : Mordred.

Arthur and Mordred look back on Merlin. And Mordred look at Arthur.

Mordred : Hello Arthur.