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04x13 - The Sword in the Stone: Part Two

Posted: 03/19/19 07:54
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.13 – The Sword in the Stone (Part Two)

Woods (Night)

Southrons chase Arthur's party through the woods. Tristan supports Isolde as they go. Arthur's party approaches the mouth of cave tunnels.

Merlin: I’ll cover our tracks, you keep going!

Merlin turns away from the others as they head into the caves.

Merlin: *O drakon, fthengomai au se kalon; su katerkheo deuro.*

Merlin sees the Southrons approaching and Kilgharrah isn't arriving, so he heads for the caves. Agravaine hears the dragon's roar and looks up. Kilgharrah swoops down on them.

Agravaine: Take cover!

Kilgharrah flame roasts most of the Southrons as Agravaine tries to run

Moutain tunnels

Merlin catches up to the others in the cave.

Arthur: Did you lose them?

Merlin: We’re safe.

Arthur: You sure?

Merlin: Do I look like an idiot?

Arthur: Yes.

Merlin: He doesn't change, does it?

Arthur: Which way now?

Merlin looks around uncertainly.

Arthur: I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels.

Merlin: I did. It could be that way.

Arthur: Or it could be that way.

Merlin: Yes.

Arthur: That's very reassuring.


Agravaine and a few of his men come out of hiding to look out over the field of crispy Southrons. Kilgharrah roars again and comes back for another pass.

Agravaine: Run!

Agravaine and the remaining Southrons run into the mountain tunnels, followed by a stream of fire. They escape unscathed.

Mountain tunnels

Arthur and Merlin lead their party through the caves.

Tristan: So you know Arthur?

Gwen: I was a servant in Camelot.

Tristan: To Arthur?

Gwen: No.

Tristan: So why are you here?

Gwen: He's my king.

Tristan: I can't say I've detected many kingly qualities so far.

Arthur is upset as he over hear this.

Gwen: Well, maybe you don't know him.

Mountain tunnels

Agravaine and his men pursue Arthur's party. Agravaine hears something.

Agravaine: Shh!

They stop to listen and hear some pebbles move.

Agravaine (mouths): That way.

Mountain tunnels

Arthur's party stops and turns as they hear movement behind them.

Arthur: I thought you said we'd lost them.

Merlin: I thought I had.

Tristan: It won't take long for them to catch us.

Merlin: I'll go back.

Merlin heads back through the tunnel.

Arthur: What are YOU going to do?

Merlin: Create a diversion.

Arthur stops Merlin.

Arthur: It's too risky.

Merlin: I know these tunnels and Agravaine doesn't. You keep going.

Merlin hands Arthur his torch.

Arthur: Merlin...don't do anything stupid.

Merlin: Me?

Arthur looks after Merlin, hesitant to leave him behind, then follows the others. Merlin sidles along the tunnel wall as he hears the Southrons approach. He takes a breath and then steps around the corner to face them.

Merlin: OH, HELLO!

Agravaine and his men run after Merlin. Merlin runs into a dead end.

Agravaine: Merlin. Merlin?

Trapped, Merlin turns to face Agravaine.

Agravaine: Where's Arthur?

Merlin shakes his head slightly.

Merlin: Be careful.

Agravaine is confused.

Agravaine: What are you talking about? Where's Arthur?

Merlin shifts his weight almost sadly, not really wanting to hurt them.

Agravaine: Tell me. Now! Or I'll have to k*ll you.

Merlin shakes his head sadly.

Merlin: I don't think so.

Agravaine steps toward Merlin. Merlin throws all of them back with a flash of his eyes. He takes a few steps forward and Agravaine wakes, gasping. Agravaine looks at Merlin and sits up. Merlin looks down, then raises his head nobly to look Agravaine in the eyes.

Agravaine: You have magic.

Merlin: I was born with it.

Agravaine gets up, then something occurs to him...

Agravaine: So it's you. You're Emrys.

Merlin: That is what the druids call me.

Agravaine: And you've been at court all this time, eh? At Arthur's side. (chuckles) How you've managed to deceive him. I am impressed, Merlin. Perhaps we're more alike than you think.

Agravaine holds a hand out to Merlin, but Merlin raises his hand to strike with magic and Agravaine pauses, smile fading. Agravaine gestures submission and Merlin lowers his hand. Agravaine whips out a knife with to attack Merlin, but Merlin raises both hands and blasts Agravaine backwards with a flash of his eyes. Agravaine goes still as he hits the ground, eyes open. He lies dead whether from the spell, the fall, or his own knife stabbing him in the back as he landed on it. Merlin takes deep breaths and steps forward to look down at the men he just k*lled. He turns with a scowl and continues through the tunnels.

Mountain tunnels

Arthur slows to a stop and turns around.

Tristan: What are you doing?

Arthur: Shh!

Arthur listens and they hear rocks moving. Arthur looks up.

Arthur: Merlin?

Tristan: He knows the tunnels. He'll find his way.

Arthur: I'm going back.

Arthur walks past Tristan, Gwen, and Isolde and Tristan watches in confusion.

Tristan: For a servant?

Gwen: You're wrong about him.

Mountain tunnels

Arthur approaches a corner and prepares to attack the approaching figure.

Arthur: Merlin!

Arthur straightens up.

Arthur: Where have you been?

Merlin: Were you worried about me?

Arthur: No. I was making sure we weren't being followed.

Merlin: You came back to look for me.

Arthur: All right, it's true. I came back because you’re the only friend I have and I couldn’t bear to lose you.

Merlin: Really?

Arthur turns around and walks off...

Arthur: Don't be stupid.

Merlin smiles and follows.

Exit of the mountain tunnels (day)

Arthur's party emerges on the other side of the mountain. Tristan supports Isolde, and Arthur clutches his wounded ribs.

Tristan: So where now?

Arthur: To the plains beyond the mountains.

Tristan: You sure? That's Lot's kingdom. He's no friend of the Pendragons.

Gwen: Well, maybe we could find somewhere here, a house where we could rest.

Tristan: We're fugitives, a danger to anyone who harbours us.

Merlin: He's right. We must travel back towards Camelot.

Arthur: No, we need to keep going.

Merlin: If we hole up in the Forest of Ascetir, we'll be safe at least for a while.

Arthur: No.

Merlin: If anyone’s survived this battle, that's where they'll be hiding.

Tristan: I know which I'd do. You're the king, Arthur. You're our leader.

Arthur: All right.The Forest of Ascetir it is.

Tristan smirks and they walk down the mountain path.

Castle square (day)

Southron troops march into the square.

Castle dungeons

Gwaine is slumped in a corner, manacles on his wrists. Elyan tends to Gaius who is lying on the bed, pale and weak.

Elyan: Come on, Gaius, hold fast.

Guards open the cell. One restrains Elyan while the other picks up Gwaine and escorts him out.

Gwaine: Don't worry. Least we’ll get to eat.

Elyan grabs the bars as the Southron locks the cell door.

Council chamber transformed into a fighting room

Morgana unlocks Gwaine's manacles.

Morgana: So, you’ve another chance to sing for your supper. I thought I might make it a little harder this time.

Gwaine: Seems fair.

Morgana: Oh, but you can't fight with your bare hands.

Morgana hands Gwaine a wooden dagger.

Morgana: Never mind. You're Knight of Camelot. You'll be fine.

Morgana struts to her throne and the Southrons begin to cheer as a couple mercenaries enter the circle to fight Gwaine.

Gwaine: What the hell.

Gwaine sinks into a fighter's stance.

Forest of Ascetir

Isolde sharpens her knife while Gwen and Merlin set up a campfire and Tristan and Arthur collect more wood.

Tristan: Well, well, well, look at you. First you go back to rescue your servant, now you're getting your hands dirty. But then again, why shouldn't you? You're just like everyone else. There's nothing special about you, is there?

Arthur: Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I don't deserve to be king.

Tristan: Well, that's all right, because you're not. Not anymore.

Tristan struts off while Arthur tries to cope with that fact. Gwen watches Arthur sulk off into the woods and gets up to go talk to him. Arthur tosses the wood aside.

Gwen: Arthur?

Arthur keeps walking and Gwen jogs up to him and touches his arm.

Gwen: Arthur...

Arthur stops and spins around.

Arthur: Don't.

Gwen pulls back.

Arthur: What happened in Ealdor was a moment's weakness.

Gwen flinches.

Arthur: What you did to me... Everything I cherished between us, everything we had, it’s gone. That will never change.

Gwen: I'm sorry.

Gwen walks back to the campfire tearfully.

Castle dungeons

Gwaine stumbles into the cell and Morgana stands in the doorway with a half loaf of mould bread.

Morgana: Enjoy your supper.

Morgana tosses the bread into the cell.

Morgana: I fear it'll be your last.

Morgana exits and the Southrons lock the cell door. Elyan gives some bread to Gaius.

Elyan: You need to eat.

Gaius: Whether I eat or not, I'm not long for this world.

Elyan: Come on, Gaius.

Gaius: I'm a physician, Elyan. I have spent my days watching the cycle of life. If there’s one thing I’m not afraid of, it’s death. Don't waste your food. If Gwaine has to fight again, he'll need all the strength he can get.

Elyan leaves the bread with Gaius.

Forest of Ascetir

Arthur lounges against a tree by the fire, arms crossed, brooding.

Merlin: Come on, I'll take watch.

Merlin sits down against the tree. Arthur continues brooding.

Merlin: Arthur, what's the matter? Don't listen to Tristan, he doesn't know you.

Arthur: I trusted the wrong people.

Merlin (shakes head): They betrayed you. That wasn't your fault.

Arthur: I was a fool. I’ve misjudged everyone. My uncle...Morgana... Every decision I've made has been wrong.

Merlin: You’re being too hard on yourself.

Arthur: I should be more discerning, wise...a statesman, a king! Tristan's right, there's nothing special about me. I'm just like everyone else.

Merlin: You're not. You're a worthy king.

Arthur: I'm good with a sword. That's all.

Merlin: Your people love you.

Arthur: Most of them are dead. Thanks to me.

Merlin: No, most of them escaped. They'll be here in the forest, I'm sure of that.

Arthur: If they are, they'll have to find themselves a new king.

Arthur gets up and walks away.

Merlin: Arthur... Arthur!

Forest of Ascetir (night)

Merlin runs through the forest.

Merlin:* O drakon,e male so ftengometta tesd’hup’anankes!*

The Great Dragon meets Merlin in a clearing.

Merlin: Well, thank you. You saved us all.

Kilgharrah: The land of Albion and the future we have all fought for was in peril.

Merlin sighs.

Kilgharrah: What is troubling you, young warlock?

Merlin: It's Arthur. He's lost the will to fight. He feels he's failed his people; he believes he no longer deserves to be king.

Kilgharrah: The fate of Camelot rests in your hands, young warlock For you and you alone can restore the king's faith.

Merlin: How?

Kilgharrah: You must make him believe that he can be king once more.

Merlin mulls that over.

Kilgharrah: I wish I could be of more help, Merlin.

Merlin: No...I know how. The people who fled Camelot, do you know where they're hiding?

Kilgharrah: I am a dragon. I can cover many leagues in the blink of an eye. They shouldn't be too hard to find.

Merlin: Then we have no time to lose.

Forest of Ascetir (day)

Merlin wakes Arthur.

Arthur: What?

Merlin: There's something I need to show you.

Merlin walks off. Arthur grabs his sword and follows.

Arthur: This had better be good because this really isn't the time for one of your ridiculous games.

Merlin: I was thinking about last night and how you were saying how you'd given up all hope, how you were a poor leader and a shoddy king.

Arthur: Shoddy?

Merlin: All right, shabby.

Arthur: Thanks(!)

Merlin: Well, it reminded me of a tale Gaius once told me.

Arthur: Merlin, I'm really not interested in your favourite bedtime stories.

Merlin: For once in your life, just...listen.

Arthur holds his hands up in defeat.

Merlin: Many years ago, before the birth of the five kingdoms, this land was in an endless cycle of bloodshed and w*r, but one man was determined to end all that. He gathered together the elders of each tribe and drew up plans for the lands to be divided. Each would respect the others' boundaries, and each would rule over the land as they saw fit. That man was Camelot's first king, ancestor to all that followed, including you, Arthur.

Arthur: Bruta.

Merlin: You know the story?

Arthur: Yes, every child in Camelot does. Can I go back to bed now?

Merlin: No. Because there's another part of the story that you haven't heard.

Arthur: Really?

Merlin: When Bruta was on his deathbed, he asked to be taken deep into the forest. There, with the last of his strength, he thrust his sword into a rock. If his lineage was ever questioned, this would form a test. Only a true king of Camelot could pull the w*apon free.

Arthur stops.

Arthur: Are you making this up?

Merlin: Of course not.

Merlin keeps walking and Arthur can't sort out if he's lying. Arthur follows.

Arthur: All right. If it's true, why haven't I heard this story?

Merlin: Well, history isn't really your strong point, is it?

Arthur: Then, where is this rock?

Merlin: Oh, it was lost many years ago during the Great Purge, but...I've managed to find it.

Arthur: I've never heard so much rubbish in my entire life.

Merlin: Are you calling Gaius a liar?

Arthur: No, I'm calling you an idiot.

Merlin: What's that then?

Arthur follows Merlin's line of sight. Arthur's stunned by the sight of the sword in the stone. They walk closer and Arthur is surprised again as a crowd of knights and peasants appear out of the forest, Sir Leon and Percival among them. Merlin smiles. Arthur glances back at him and sees Merlin's proud expression.

Arthur: What the hell are you playing at?

Merlin: I'm proving that you are their leader and their king.

Arthur: That sword is stuck fast in solid stone!

Merlin: And you're going to pull it out.

Arthur: Merlin! It's impossible!

Merlin: Arthur, you're the true king of Camelot.

Arthur glances back at the crowd of people surrounding the sword in the stone.

Arthur: Do you want me to look like a fool?

Merlin: No, I'm going to make you see that Tristan's wrong; you aren't just anyone, you are special. You and you alone can draw out that sword.

Arthur debates, then draws his sword and sticks it in the ground.

Arthur: You’d better be right about this.

Arthur approaches the stone slowly. He looks up at the crowd hesitantly, then places both hands on the hilt. He tries to pull it up, but the sword doesn't budge.

Merlin: You have to believe, Arthur.

Arthur shakes with the effort, but the sword doesn't move. Merlin looks at the crowd as Arthur struggles.

Merlin: You're destined to be Albion's greatest king.

Arthur lets go of the sword.

Merlin: Nothing, not even this stone can stand in your way.

Arthur looks at the sword and repositions himself. He places one hand on the sword hilt and closes his eyes. Merlin watches him.

Merlin: Have faith.

Arthur lifts his chin, willing himself to believe. Merlin's eyes glow and the stone released the sword. Arthur pulls it out and stares at it, amazed. Arthur's people watch in awe.

Sir Leon: Long live the king!

All: Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!

Castle corridors

Helios: When they arrived there, the ground itself was still on fire. They'd all been slaughtered, every last one of them.

Morgana: And Agravaine?

Helios: Dead.

Morgana: There's only one person who could've done this; only one man who could command a dragon. This is the work of Emrys.


Arthur walks with Leon, Percival, Merlin, and Gwen.

Arthur: What about the drawbridge?

Sir Leon: Well-manned.

Perceval: As are the Northern gates.

Arthur: The battlements on the south side?

Perceval: Arthur, even if we CAN get inside, she has an army.

Arthur: And we have what? A few hundred…

Perceval: And they still outnumber us.

Arthur: Yeah, but only three to one.

Sir Leon chuckles.

Isolde: And do you think they'll fight?

Sir Leon: Well, they'll fight for Arthur.

Arthur: It's not me they have to fight for. It's for Camelot.

Sir Leon: No, Arthur. It is you that people love, and you that they will lay down their lives for. I know that I would ride into the mouth of hell for you.

Perceval: And I.

Isolde looks at Tristan, who is surprised.

Merlin: And I.

Tristan is won over by the loyalty of Arthur's men. Arthur draws Excalibur.

Arthur: Then to the mouth of hel, it is.

They follow Arthur and Tristan watches Arthur in admiration.


Isolde tends to her wounded arm. Gwen passes her, carrying some blankets. Gwen sees Tristan give Isolde a bouquet of flowers.

Isolde: What's this for?

Tristan shrugs. Isolde catches Gwen's forlorn expression. Gwen watches Arthur sadly as Isolde approaches her.

Isolde: Never give up hope. Love is stronger than anything.

Gwen scoffs with a smile.

Isolde: Believe me.

Gwen smiles sadly at her kindness and glances back at Arthur. Merlin jogs up to Arthur.

Merlin: You all right?

Arthur: Yes.

Merlin: Do you think there are too many of them?

Arthur: The Southrons are men like you and me. Men we can fight. But Morgana... Her power is so great and we've got nothing to answer it with.

Merlin: I never finished Gaius's story.

Arthur: Not now, Merlin, please.

Merlin: Will you just listen?

Merlin puts his hands on his hips and Arthur lowers his head in acquiescence.

Merlin: When the sword was thrust into the stone, the ancient king foretold that one day it would be freed again at a time when Camelot needed it most. The man who freed it would unite the land of Albion and rule over the greatest kingdom the world has ever known. That man is you, Arthur.

Arthur's brow furrows and Merlin smiles.

Arthur: You're making this up.

Merlin: Why would I do that? Your head's already as big as your waist. I believe it, though. And I believe in you. I always have.

Arthur looks at Excalibur and considers what Merlin said.


Merlin plots by a campfire. A light bulb goes on and he smiles and scrambles to his feet.

Camelot outskirts

Merlin hides as Southrons patrol outside the city. He crosses over to a tunnel grate and raises a hand to it.

Merlin: *Tospringe*.

The lock bursts and the gate swings open.

Castle corridors

Merlin:*Min freondum ond min feondum.*

There's a flash of light and Old Merlin walks down the corridor.

Morgana: We must send emissaries to Lot's kingdom. We must offer a reward for Arthur's capture…

Morgana turns a corner stops in her tracks as she catches a glimpse of Old Merlin before he runs off.

Morgana: It's him! It's Emrys, he's here!

Helios: Guards!

Helios and the Southrons pursue Old Merlin while Morgana stands there terrified. The warning bell sounds as Old Merlin sneaks around the palace. A guard steps out of an alcove behind Old Merlin and he takes out the guard with a flick of his hand without even turning to look


Morgana's chambers

Old Merlin enchants an effigy.

Old Merlin: *Ontende eallne thaes drycraeftes hire awlje!*

The poppet's head bursts into flames and Old Merlin smiles and laughs as the spell whispers magic.

Castle corridors

Old Merlin unbuckles the belt of the Southron he knocked out.

Castle, staircase

Helios and his men run down toward the dungeons as another hooded Southron figure walks up the stairs. It's Merlin back to his young self.

Morgana's chambers

Helios: We’ve searched everywhere. He fled Morgana; he trembled at the sight of you.

Morgana (panicked): Then why was he here? Why does he choose to taunt me like this?!

Helios: We must hold our nerve. Maybe you should get some sleep.

Morgana nods and walks towards the bed.

Morgana: Make sure there are guards on the door.

Helios nods and exits. Still unsettled, Morgana lies down. She relaxes and falls asleep, Merlin's effigy whispering magic as it hangs under the bed.

Forest (day)

Merlin stares off into space. Arthur snaps his fingers in front of Merlin's face.

Arthur: Wakey-wakey! You look like you've been up half the night.

Merlin: I was. Couldn't sleep.

Arthur: I thought you said you had faith in me?

Merlin: Whatever gave you that idea?

Arthur shrugs with a smile. Later, Arthur gives orders to Leon and Percival, then sees Tristan and Isolde trying to catch his eye. Arthur approaches them.

Arthur: This is where we say goodbye.

Tristan : Arthur, all my life I've shied away from other people's wars, and despised the power and wealth that kings buy with the lives of men, but you've shown yourself to be different.

Isolde: You've shown us that you fight for what is right and fair, and for that reason, we would like to fight at your side.

Arthur is speechless in surprise.

Arthur: I'd be honoured to have you at my side.

Isolde nods.

Arthur: We'll stand together as equals.

Arthur gazes at Excalibur as Gwen approaches from behind.

Gwen: Arthur.

Arthur turns around.

Gwen: If anything happens to us, I want you to know...

Arthur: Guinevere...

Gwen: I understand why you can't forgive me. But I never once stopped loving you. Never once.

Gwen walks on and Arthur considers her words.

Forest and Camelot outskirts

The knights of Camelot arm themselves. Arthur stands at their front. He lifts Excalibur and swings it forward as he steps forward, signalling them to move out.
Red capes file towards the castle walls. Sir Leon leads one group, they take out the sentries on the wall with crossbows and head in. Sir Percival, Tristan, and Isolde take out another set of guards on another gate and wave in more knights. Arthur fights another set of Southrons and Merlin and Gwen make sure they're dead after they roll down the hill.

Castle, the gallery

Sir Percival splits from Tristan and Isolde.


Warning bells sound as Sir Leon leads knights through the palace. Arthur charges through the palace tunnels while Leon's party charges up the Griffin staircase. Arthur takes out a guard in the Phoenix corridor, then holds his wounded ribs as he continues on.

Morgana's chambers

Helios bursts into Morgana's chambers and she gets out of bed.

Helios: It seems we have company.

Morgana: Emrys?

Helios: Arthur.

Morgana relaxes and smiles.

Morgana: My dear brother... we must welcome him home.

Helios smirks.

Helios: Shall we?

Morgana smirks and they exit. The effigy continues to whisper magic from under Morgana's bed.

Castle corridors

Tristan and Isolde hide behind columns. They jump out and attack some Southrons together.

Council Chamber

Morgana and Helios wait in the council chamber while the mercenaries file out into the corridors.

Helios: It is as we expected; he is making his way here. He should be with us soon.

Morgana: And we'll be waiting


Percival's party fights their way through the dungeons. Sir Leon leads another party, Arthur makes his way through the palace on his own. Gwaine and Elyan go to the bars as they hear the commotion from their cell. Sir Percival arrives.

Gwaine: Come on, boys. What's taking you so long?

Sir Leon tosses Percival the keys and he opens the cell. Percival and Elyan grasp arms.

Perceval: You all right?

Elyan: I've been locked up with Gwaine for a week.

SirLeon supports Gwaine out of the cell while Percival goes to Gaius, who's lying weakly on the bed.

Perceval: Gaius. Come on.

Percival and Elyan help Gaius up.

Council chamber corridor

Arthur rounds the corner with Tristan, Isolde, Merlin, and Gwen to find five Southrons standing guard.

Arthur: One each. Pick your man. On me!

Arthur charges the front man, and strikes him. The mercenary stumbles towards Gwen and she knocks him out with her sword.

Council chamber

Morgana and Helios wait by the throne, listening to the fighting outside.

Morgana: I'm going to enjoy this.

Council chamber corridor

Arthur's party takes out the rest of the guards.

Isolde: Whatever happened to the idea of finding a bit of land and settling down?

Arthur walks over toward Merlin and looks at Excalibur.

Arthur: You know, this thing's not bad.

Merlin: Thought you might like it.

They prepare to enter the council chamber.

Arthur: Ready?

All: For the love of Camelot!

They charge into the council chamber, but stop short when they find only Morgana lounging on the throne, Helios standing it.

Morgana: Welcome, dear brother. It's been far too long.

Morgana gets up and walks toward him.

Morgana: I apologise if you had a difficult reception. It's hard to know who to trust these days.

Morgana stops in the middle and Arthur approaches her slowly. He raises Excalibur with an open hand to show he's not attacking her, and she watches his warily until he places the sword in his belt. He meets her in the middle.

Arthur (softly): What happened to you Morgana?

Morgana looks him in the eye almost regretfully, the hurt plain on both their faces and in their voices.

Arthur (softly): I thought we were friends

Morgana (softly): As did I.

Morgana's voice hardens.

Morgana: But alas, we were both wrong.

Arthur: You can't blame me for my father's sins.

Morgana: It's a little late for that. You’ve made it perfectly clear how you feel about me and my kind. You're not as different from Uther as you'd like to think.

Arthur: Nor are you.

Morgana becomes angry and backs away.

Morgana: I’m going to enjoy k*lling you, Arthur Pendragon. Not even Emrys can save you now.

Arthur draws Excalibur. Morgana smirks.

Morgana: Your blades cannot stop me.

Merlin braces himself.

Morgana: *Hleap on bæc.*

Nothing happens except the sound of the effigy's whispers. Morgana is confused and Arthur watches her reaction, still waiting for her attack. Morgana tries the spell again, raising her hand for strength.

Morgana (scared): *Hleap on bæc!*

Merlin seems to be absorbing Morgana's magic with the effigy's whispers. Both Morgana and Arthur realise that her magic's not working.

Arthur: Not so powerful now, my lady.

Helios pulls Morgana behind him as she panics. Morgana runs off.

Arthur: After her!

Gwen and Merlin chase after Morgana. Southrons enter the council chamber from behind, fended off by Tristan and Isolde, while Arthur takes on Helios. Arthur clutches his wounded ribs while they fight.


Morgana takes out some knights of Camelot with a sword as she makes her way through the corridors. Merlin follows.
A knight of Camelot strikes Morgana from behind as he jumps out from behind a column. She takes him out, but not without sustaining a deadly wound in her side first.

Council chamber

Arthur struggles to fight Helios with his wounds. Helios knocks him down and disarms Arthur. Helios raises his sword for the final blow, but Isolde stabs him in the back. Helios sweeps around and slices Isolde as he falls down dead.
Arthur realises what happened as Isolde turns to Tristan with a tragic look on her face. She drops her sword and falls to her knees. Arthur and Tristan go to help her.


Gwen turns a corner cautiously, still in pursuit of Morgana. Morgana rounds the corner at the other end and Gwen crouches into a fighting stance. Morgana approaches and they fight.

Gwen: What did I do to make you hate me so much?

Morgana: It's not what you did, it's what you're destined to do! I'm sorry, Gwen, but I can never let that happen!

Morgana disarms Gwen. She steps forward to k*ll Gwen, but she's blown backward. Part of the ceiling collapses with the blast. The glow in Merlin's eyes dies out. Merlin approaches Gwen.

Merlin: Are you all right?

Gwen: Yes.

Merlin steps forward to find Morgana in the rubble smoke.

Gwen: What happened?

The smoke clears and Morgana is gone.

Merlin: I don't know.

Gwen and Merlin return to the council chamber.

Council chamber

Tristan holds Isolde in his arms as she dies.

Isolde: I'm sorry.

Tristan: Shhh.

Gwen and Merlin enter.

Isolde: Our dreams...

Tristan: Isolde, don't.

Arthur leans against a column, eyes bloodshot as he watches them.

Isolde: I wish...

Tristan: I wish, too.

Isolde: Hold me.

Tristan puts an arm around her shoulders and she dies. He cradles her face in his hand and kisses her, then holds her body as he cries. Arthur swallows hard and looks up at Gwen. She looks up and they hold each other's gaze.

Arthur's chambers

Gwen sets a fallen chair upright in Arthur's chambers, which seems to have been trashed during the attack. Arthur enters.

Gwen: It will take some time.

Arthur: Merlin can take care of it.

Arthur smiles and Gwen smiles back. Her smile fades as she steps forward.

Gwen: If you want me to go, to return to Ealdor...

Arthur: I want you to stay.

Gwen waits uncertainly as Arthur steps forward.

Arthur: Guinevere...

Gwen: You don't have to say anything…

Arthur: Whatever's happened between us...

Gwen: Please, Arthur, I can't forgive myself.

Arthur: I don't care.

Arthur steps up in front of her and Gwen waits.

Arthur: I just don’t ever want to lose you.

Gwen smiles a little. Arthur considers her for a moment and then takes her hands. She waits hopefully.

Arthur: Will you marry me?

Gwen smiles.

Gwen: Yes.

Arthur begins to smile.

Gwen: Yes, with all my heart.

Arthur and Guinevere step into each other's arms and kiss passionately.

Throne room

The doors open to reveal Guinevere dressed in a rich, purple and gold gown, walking down the aisle between the knights and courtiers of Camelot. Guinevere kneels on the dais before Arthur. Arthur smiles down at her. A man brings the queen's crown to Arthur on a pillow and he takes it. Elyan, Gaius, and Merlin stand in the front row. Merlin is dressed in richer clothes. Gwaine and Leon stand behind them.

Arthur: By the sacred laws vested in me, I crown you...Guinevere...Queen of Camelot.

Arthur crowns her and she smiles up at him. Arthur takes her hands, her engagement ring on her first finger, and she steps up on the dais. They kiss wholeheartedly and Guinevere smiles as they part. Arthur holds her hand and turns them to face their subjects.

Arthur: Long live the queen!

All: Long live the queen! Long live the queen! Long live the queen! Long live the queen! Long live the queen!


Morgana stumbles through the forest, clutching her wounded side. She falls and goes unconscious.
Wings sweep overhead and Aithusa lands next to her. Aithusa breathes healing magic on her and she wakes.
She looks at the little white dragon in wonder as Aithusa watches her and then flies away.



– Closing Credits –