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04x12 - The Sword in the Stone: Part One

Posted: 03/19/19 07:53
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.12 – The Sword in the Stone (Part One)

Arthur’s Chambers

Arthur dresses behind the screen.

Arthur: What’s taking so long?

Merlin: It’s the Feast of Beltane. The King must look kingly.

Arthur: I’m hardly going to look kingly in my undergarments, am I?

Merlin: Have a little patience. Think of something pleasant.

Arthur: You in the stocks?

Merlin: Wait one second...

Merlin fiddles with something.

Arthur: One.

Arthur steps out from behind the screen and Merlin spins around, hiding something behind his back.

Arthur: What have you got there?

Merlin: Nothing. My hand.

Merlin shows his right hand, then hides it behind his back.

Merlin: My other hand.

Merlin shows his left hand, then hides it behind his back. Arthur walks forward dressed in everything but his trousers. He turns Merlin around and sees his belt in Merlin’s hands. He takes it.

Arthur: Why are you putting another hole in this belt?

Merlin: I was, er...enhancing it for comfort and ease of use.

Arthur: Are you saying I’m fat?

Merlin: No! I’m saying the belt is one hole shy of perfection.

Arthur: Ridiculous!

Arthur tries to put the belt on over his chainmail. He cringes as he tries to squeeze it tight.

Arthur: Come on.

The belt doesn’t close.

Merlin: Don’t be too hard on yourself. A little extra padding goes with the job. What, with all the feasts and banquets and ceremonies.

Arthur gives up on the belt and hands it to Merlin.

Arthur: All right, Merlin, do what you have to do. Not a word of this to anyone, understand?

Merlin: Trust me, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s keeping secrets.

Castle – Siege tunnels

Agravaine strikes a match, lights a smoke grenade and launches it at the feet of the sentries guarding the entrance to the siege tunnels. The guards cough and choke. Agravaine steps past them and signals Morgana's troops with a torch. They signal back.

Castle – Dining Room

The dining room bustles with conversation as Arthur enters. He passes Gaius as he heads to the head of the table.

Arthur: Have you seen Agravaine?

Gaius: No, sire. Not since this morning.

Arthur: Strange. He should be here by now.

Arthur takes his place at the head of the table and Merlin arrives with a heaping plate of food.

Arthur: Ah! My favourite. Herb crusted capon.

Merlin: Easy now, we don’t want any more holes in that belt!

Percival chokes on his wine as he sniggers. Arthur laughs uneasily.

Merlin (to Gaius): Wine?

Gaius nods and Merlin pours him a glass.

Arthur: Merlin?

Arthur nods for him to lean in. Merlin steps closer and Arthur grabs the front of his shirt.

Arthur: It’s a good job you don’t have anything of any actual importance to keep secret, isn’t it?

Castle – Siege tunnels

Agravaine exits the tunnels and looks for Morgana's army, worried that she's not there yet. His expression relaxes and he smiles when he sees the Southrons approaching. He leads them through the tunnels.

Castle – Dining Room

Arthur watches Sir Percival chatting up a lovely lady. He turns away, depressed.

Merlin: You all right?

Arthur: No-one likes to be called fat, Merlin.

Merlin: Sorry.

Arthur looks around, continuing to mope.

Merlin: It's Gwen, isn't it?

Arthur: I look for her in the room; she’s not there… Then I remember why.

City Gate

Southrons snap the necks of the sentries at the gate, then cover the lower town with lighter fluid. Agravaine drops a torch on it and the whole lower town goes up in flames. He smirks. Morgana watches from the hills, Helios at her side and the Southron army behind her.

Morgana: It's time.

– Opening Credits –

Camelot – Lower Town

The townsfolk flee as knights attempt to put out the fires. Elyan shouts an order.

Elyan: Form a line to the well! We need more water. Now!

Sir Leon: Forget about the water.

Elyan: But if we can't…


Leon grabs Elyan's arm and directs his attention to the arch where the Southron army is advancing.

Elyan: How did they breach the gate!?

Sir Leon: We can't worry about that now. Quickly! Sound the alarm!

The knights draw their swords.

Dining room

Arthur stands in confusion as the warning bells sound and Gwaine enters.

Gwaine: Sire! We're under attack! They're within the city walls!

Arthur takes off his cloak.

Arthur: Merlin, get everyone to the inner chamber.

Merlin: Yes, sire. Everyone follow me!

Arthur jumps over the table and grabs a sword.

Arthur: Gwaine, secure the armoury! Percival, with me!


Elyan runs into Agravaine marching down the corridors with the Southrons.

Elyan: This is your doing.

Agravaine: Stand aside. There's nothing you can do about it now.

Elyan draws his sword.

Elyan: I can k*ll you for the traitor that you are.

Agravaine draws his sword.

Agravaine: Brave words, Elyan. And they shall be your last.

Elyan is thrown backwards and falls to the floor unconscious. The Southrons step aside revealing Morgana behind them with a hand raised.

Morgana: We don't have time to play soldiers, Agravaine.

Morgana marches past them and they follow.


Arthur leads the defensive through the corridors. Southrons pour into the main square.


Inner chamber

Merlin and Gaius help the wounded.

Merlin: The lower town is lost. It's only a matter of time before they reach the citadel.

Gaius: How did this happen? How did they get in without being detected?

Merlin: We knew Agravaine was planning something.

Gaius: It seems your worst fears have been realised, Merlin.

Merlin takes off.

Gaius: Merlin…

Merlin: I've got to find Arthur!

Castle corridors

Arthur slices through Southrons on his way down the corridor. Merlin runs to find him.

Camelot Lower Town

Helios kills his way through the lower town.

Sir Leon: We can't hold them for much longer! Lead the people to the woods! Retreat! Retreat!

Phoenix corridor

Arthur and his knights fights Southrons. Arthur kills the two attacking him, but a third takes down one of his knights and turns on Arthur, striking him in the ribs. Arthur cries out in pain. Merlin arrives. Arthur elbows the attacker in the face and clutches his side as he runs down the corridor. Merlin intercepts him and pulls him around the corner. Arthur yells in pain.

Arthur: Arrrgh! Been hiding in the broom cupboard as usual, Merlin?

Merlin: We need to get out of here!

Merlin shoves Arthur down another corridor, then turns back to the Phoenix corridor as the Southrons run toward them.

Merlin: *Bæl on bryne!*

The torch fires spring across the width of the corridor, blocking the Southrons as they cower back.

Courtyard corridor

Merlin and Arthur run down the corridor, Arthur still clutching his side.

Merlin: Are you all right?

Arthur: I'm fine.

They stop against a column and Arthur groans.

Arthur: Maybe a broken rib or two.

Arthur peeks around the corner and sees Helios and Morgana leading the Southron army. His expression changes to shock when he sees Agravaine with them. He rests back against the column.

Arthur: Agravaine.

Arthur's anger rises and Merlin grabs him to stop him from launching out to face the entire Southron army alone.

Merlin (whisper): No! It's no good! Arthur! There are too many of them. We can deal with your uncle later. All right?

Arthur calms a little and Merlin leads him away.

Merlin : Go!


Knights, guards, and townsfolk flee the city.

Sir Leon: Quickly, this way! Go on! Quickly! Go on!

Sir Leon looks back at the burning city.

Throne room

Helios approaches Morgana who lounges on the throne alone.

Helios: The city has fallen. Camelot is ours.

Morgana (unimpressed): And?

Helios gives her a look. She rises from the throne.

Morgana: Taking Camelot was the easy part, Helios. I want Arthur. Where is he?

Helios: He's right here, my lady. In the palace. He's nowhere left to run.

Morgana smiles. Helios smiles and laughs as Morgana st*lks past him.

Inner chamber

Gaius: I can bind the ribcage, but even that would run the risk of puncturing a lung.

Arthur: Do whatever it takes, Gaius, just so long as I can swing a sword.

Gwaine and Percival enter and bar the doors.

Gaius: How do we stand?

Percival: The citadel is overrun. We can't hold out much longer

Gaius: How long before they reach us?

Percival: Minutes at best.

Merlin: We can't wait for Arthur. If they find him, they'll k*ll him.

Percival: We must get him to safety while we still can.

Gwaine: Arthur would never abandon his people. He'd rather die.

Merlin: Barricade the doors. Give us as much time as you can.

Merlin and Gaius step aside.

Merlin: We need to get Arthur out of here whether he likes it or not. Give him some kind of potion, something to knock him out?

Gaius: I don't have anything strong enough. In my chambers, perhaps, but the Southrons control the palace.

Merlin: There must be something.

Gaius: I'm sorry, Merlin. Maybe there's something you can do. Arthur won't go willingly. What if he was to lose his will?

Merlin: Are you suggesting magic?

Gaius: Can you do it?

Merlin: I can try.

Merlin steps behind Arthur and Gaius steps in front of him as Arthur leans back against the table.

Gaius: I'm sorry, sire, this is going to hurt.

Arthur: Just get on with it!

Gaius presses his hands into Arthur's wound and Arthur howls in pain.

Merlin: *Mod Wes craeftleas…*

Merlin's eyes glow and Arthur stirs weirdly. Gwaine and Percival rush up.

Merlin: We need to leave now, sire!

Merlin looks at Gaius, waiting.

Arthur: Of course.

Arthur stands up, slightly unsteady and the others look at each other. Merlin gives Gaius a shrug and Gwaine and Percival brush off their surprise.

Percival: Then let's go.

Percival slings Arthur's arm around his neck and helps him out.

Percival: We'll use the Postern Gate.

Merlin gathers Arthur's things. Gwaine stops as the walk out and offers his hand to Percival.

Gwaine: I'll keep them off your back as long as I can.

Percival looks at Gwaine, then he grasps Gwaine's arm and exits with Arthur. Gaius just stands there.

Merlin: Gather your things, Gaius.

Gaius: You go, Merlin. I'll just slow you down.

Merlin: Gaius, no.

Gaius: You must know it's for the best.

Merlin: No, if you stay here…

Gwaine: No time to argue. I'm sorry.

Gwaine shoves Merlin toward the exit.

Gaius: Look after our King, Merlin.

Merlin hesitates, then runs off. Gwaine and Gaius face the door. The Southrons burst in, Morgana in their midst. Gwaine allows his sword to be taken.

Gaius: It seems your victory is short-lived, Morgana.

Morgana scowls and turns to the door.

Morgana: Prepare the horses! We're going on a hunt.


Percival support Arthur through the woods, Merlin at their side. They slow to a stop.

Arthur:Thank you, Percival.

Merlin: Can you walk on your own?

Arthur:Oh, yes. Just point me in the right direction.

Footsteps approach.

Percival: Shh!

Percival grabs someone.

Percival: Elyan!

Elyan: Don’t all back on my account.

They smile.

Percival: Is the way out of Camelot clear?

Elyan: As far as I can tell.

They head off, while Arthur lingers to watch Camelot burn. Merlin waits for him.

Merlin: Come on, Arthur.

Merlin nods for Arthur to follow and he walks on slowly.


Percival: They'll come after us. They know Arthur's still alive.

Elyan: Then we have to make it across the border. Find sanctuary anywhere we can.

Merlin: I know a place. Ealdor. It's beyond the White Mountain. Wait…

They stop and Merlin turns back to listen.


Merlin: Listen.

Percival: Run!

They run as Morgana, Agravaine, and the Southrons ride straight for them.

Morgana mutters curse. Morgana's eyes glow and they're all thrown forward. Merlin and Elyan help Arthur to his feet and they keep running. Southrons pursue on foot.

Merlin: Where's Percival?

Elyan: We have to go!

They reach a rock trench and Elyan stops.

Elyan: Go!

Arthur runs on. Elyan hands Merlin a sword.

Merlin: What about you?

Elyan: Don't worry about me. Go!

Merlin runs off. Elyan steps into the trench opening and fights off the Southrons as they come one at a time.


Merlin stops running and holds up a hand and Arthur runs into him.

Arthur: Sorry! My fault.

Merlin is surprised.

Merlin: I think we're safe for now… But we need to find you some kind of disguise. You're too conspicuous in those clothes.

Arthur looks down at his armour and red cape.

Arthur: Whatever you say. I'm entirely in your hands.

Merlin stares at simpleton Arthur for a moment and they continue on.

Council Chamber

Morgana is curled up on the throne, smiling up at Helios as Agravaine enters.

Agravaine: All quarters of Camelot are now under our control. Some knights have fled to the woods, but those that did not escape are either in our dungeons or dead.

Morgana: Very good.

Agravaine smiles at Morgana, but it fades when he catches Helios's eye.

Morgana: Now [...] the people of Camelot welcome me as their Queen?

Agravaine: They will swear allegiance to no-one but Arthur.

Morgana: I expected no less. Burn their crops.

Agravaine is clearly shocked.

Morgana: Let’s see how they feel when their children begin to starve.

Helios: And what of Arthur?

Morgana nods and a couple of Southrons shove Elyan into the chamber. Helios nods and they shove him to his knees in front of Morgana.

Morgana: We'll find Arthur soon enough.


Merlin and Arthur find a hut with laundry hanging on the clothesline outside. Arthur hunches down over Merlin's shoulder.

Merlin: Perfect.

Arthur nods like an imbecile behind him as Merlin tries to get up with Arthur squeezed in next to him. Merlin sits against a wall as Arthur changes.

Merlin: In your own time. Obviously.

Arthur:Agh. Sorry, Merlin. Some of these things are a little on the tight side.

Merlin: Beggars can't be choosers, sire.

Arthur: No, you're right. I Probably should learn to think before I speak, shouldn't I?

Merlin smiles.

Merlin: It'd be a start.

Arthur: Agh. All done.

Arthur steps out from behind the wall for inspection. The trousers reach just below the knee, the sleeves barely reach past his elbows, and the shirt shows a large section of midriff. Merlin laughs.

Merlin: Well, Arthur, what can I say? You look like a total turniphead.

Arthur: Well, should I try something else? There's, there's plenty more here.

Merlin: No. No. That, that will do absolutely fine. Although, maybe I'll take that.

Merlin takes the money pouch on Arthur's belt.

Arthur: My gold!

Merlin: Probably safer with me.

Arthur: Of course.

Merlin smiles a bit, then gives simpleton Arthur a strange look.

Council Chamber

Morgana holds out a small black snake.

Morgana: Do you know what this is? No? It's a Nathair from the Mountains of Asgorath. Harmless enough most of the time, but with a little persuasion, it can cause a man pain beyond all imagining. So you have a choice. Tell me where Arthur is...

Elyan smirks.

Morgana: Or sample the delights of my little friend here.

Elyan: I'll tell you nothing.

Morgana: I was hoping you'd say that.

Morgana holds up the snake.

Morgana: *Unmicel snacca, suge tha nothan…swilcnesse!*

Morgana grabs Elyan. Helios and Agravaine watch as Morgana applies the snake and Elyan screams in agony. Later, Helios eats some chicken while he and Agravaine wait outside the t*rture chamber, listening to Elyan's screams. Agravaine is clearly disturbed.

Agravaine: Good God, will it never end?

Helios: What's wrong? Don't have the stomach for it?

Helios smirks at Agravaine. Morgana exits the t*rture chamber.

Morgana: Arthur travels to Ealdor. You will leave without delay. And Agravaine, fail me again and you'll be taking Elyan's place.

Agravaine sh**t Helios a look. Helios smirks and walks off at Morgana's side.


Elyan is dragged to the same cell as Gaius and Gwaine. Gwaine catches Elyan as the Southrons drop him and lock the door.

Gwaine: What have they done to him?

Gaius: This is the work of the Nathair serpent. He's been tortured to the limit of human endurance.

Gwaine: Can you help him?

Gaius: I'll do what I can.

Arthur's chambers

Morgana reads Arthur's documents. Agravaine enters.

Morgana: I thought I told you to leave at once.

Agravaine: My men are all ready to depart.

Morgana: Then what are you waiting for?

Agravaine: I...

Morgana looks at him with a confused scowl.

Agravaine:I just wanted to say goodbye.

Morgana: Consider it done.

Agravaine: And to ask you to take care.

Morgana:Why? I have nothing to fear.

Agravaine: Despite all that you have achieved, Morgana, you must remain cautious. There's danger at every turn. You can trust no-one. Not even Helios.

Morgana smiles and leans back.

Morgana: No-one except you, is that it?

Agravaine: I am your one true ally, my lady. I am your one true friend. I will do anything for you, you know that.

Morgana: I am grateful for your loyalty, Agravaine. That is why I've entrusted this mission to you.

Agravaine: I understand. Of course I do. I only wish it did not take me from your side where I can best protect you.

Morgana:Find Arthur and you need never leave my side again.

Agravaine bows.

Agravaine: My lady.

Agravaine exits and Morgana sits back and considers their conversation. Agravaine leads the Southrons out of Camelot.


Merlin senses something.

Merlin: Stop.

Merlin listens, then turns to Arthur and speaks slowly.

Merlin: Wait…here.

Arthur nods and Merlin heads off. Arthur heads off in the other direction. Merlin catches sight of set of travellers breaking camp. Someone puts a sword at his back. It's a blonde woman.

Isolde: Hello!

She smiles. Isolde brings Merlin and Arthur to Tristan, who's sharpening a knife.

Isolde: I found them lurking in the woods.

Tristan: See anything interesting?

Merlin: No.

Merlin and Arthur duck as Tristan throws the knife into the tree behind Merlin's head.

Tristan: You want to watch where you stick your beak, boy.

Merlin: I didn't see anything, I promise. We were just passing through.

Isolde: They've no horses, no supplies, nothing.

Tristan: Like to travel light, do you?

Merlin: Something like that.

Tristan: So where're you headed?

Merlin: North over the border.

Tristan: Lot's kingdom? He doesn't take kindly to strangers, I can tell you. Likes to decorate his fortress with their heads.

Merlin: So why are you heading there?

Tristan: I have my reasons.

Merlin: Right.

Arthur: I agree with him.

Tristan: What's wrong with your friend?

Merlin: He's a simpleton, he can't help it.

Tristan: Look after him, do you?

Merlin: Without me, he wouldn't last a day.

Arthur nods. Tristan narrows his eyes at them suspiciously, then looks back at his wagon.

Tristan: Very well, I suppose you can be on your way.

Tristan retrieves his knife from the tree.

Merlin: Could we not come with you? I mean, I would be grateful for the company, to be honest.

Arthur steps forward.

Arthur: I'm very annoying.

Tristan (scoffs): I'm sorry.

Merlin: Please?

Tristan: Don't push it, boy. You're lucky I let you go with your lives.

Merlin: I could pay you.

That catches their attention.

Merlin: With gold.

Tristan: Well, why didn't you say so before?

Arthur smiles like an idiot. Merlin looks at him and Arthur goes serious.

Near the hut in the woods

Agravaine finds Arthur's discarded clothes.

Agravaine: What kind of coward would deny who he is? Men, this way! They can't have got far!


Merlin and Arthur travel with Tristan and Isolde.

Tristan: We make camp here!

Isolde smiles as Tristan helps her down from the wagon and he holds her in his arms.

Isolde: Why, thank you.

Tristan: My pleasure.

Arthur sticks a leg out of the wagon and Merlin shoves it back in. Later, Merlin helps them make camp. He opens a box and Isolde steps around the corner of the wagon.

Isolde: That doesn't concern you.

Merlin: I'm sorry. It's just, I recognise that smell. That is frankincense isn't it?

Tristan: What if it is?

Merlin: It must be worth a fortune.

Tristan: It must be.

Merlin: You're smugglers.

Isolde: We prefer to think of it as free trade.

Tristan chuckles.

Merlin: It's forbidden. By edict of the King, if you're caught, you could be k*lled.

Tristan: Caught? Tristan and Isolde? I don't think so. We're too quick and too smart for the halfwit king in Camelot.

Tristan walks past Arthur who is hugging a tree, tapping it with his knuckles with an ear pressed against the trunk.

Merlin: You don't say.

Merlin goes to collect Arthur.

Woods (night)

Merlin and Arthur sit by their own campfire.

Merlin: More soup?

Arthur: Yes, please.

Merlin ladles some soup for Arthur.

Arthur: Thank you.

Arthur lifts the bowl to his lips.

Merlin: A please and a thank you all the same time? That's amazing.

Arthur: Is it?

Merlin: Mm. Well, let's just say manners are not your strong point.

Arthur: Really?

Merlin nods.

Arthur: In what way?

Merlin: Rude. Thoughtless, insensitive. And that's when you're in a good mood.

Arthur: I’m sorry to hear that.

Merlin: I don't think you realise how hard I work for you. I know you're the King, but it would be nice if you could do one small think for yourself as a...gesture, a mark of respect.

Arthur: Sorry to have been a disappointment, Merlin. I'll try harder in future.

Merlin: Oh, I look forward to that. On the other hand, why wait?

Merlin drops his soup bowl on top of the one Arthur is holding.

Merlin: That pot will need rinsing out as well.

Arthur: Of course.

Merlin: And when you're done with that, the horses need a rub-down, too.

Arthur: My pleasure.

Merlin watches Arthur as he gets up and takes the stew pot.

Merlin: Over there.

Merlin points. Arthur walks over the bushes and falls over, crashing down with a clatter. Merlin smiles and lies down.

Merlin: You all right?

Arthur: Yeah.

Arthur gets up and continues on while Merlin gets ready to sleep.


Agravaine rides through the woods, the Southrons bearing torches behind him on foot.

Camp in the woods (morning)

Arthur walks through the camp while everyone's asleep. He walks up to Merlin and kicks him to wake him.

Arthur (low): You better have a damn good explanation for this, Merlin.

Merlin stares at him.

Arthur: Fine. I'll just carry on kicking you.

Arthur kicks Merlin some more and Merlin scrambles to his feet.

Merlin: Arthur.

Merlin looks into Arthur's face.

Merlin: You're back.

Arthur: What do you mean, I'm back? You're talking gibberish.

Merlin: Listen to me, please. Camelot is lost. You were injured in an attack, you passed out. I had to get you out of there.

Arthur is stunned as he remembers.

Arthur: Where are we now?

Merlin: We're heading north to a safe haven, to Ealdor. Hopefully the knights will meet us there.

Arthur looks around the camp.

Arthur: Who are these people?

Merlin: They're, er...smugglers.

Arthur: Smugglers?!

Merlin: Shhh!

Arthur: All right, let's assume, for one moment, you know what you're doing. It doesn't explain why I look like a village idiot.

Merlin: It's the perfect disguise. No-one would ever suspect you of being, you know...who you are.

Arthur: I'm sorry, Merlin. I am not going around looking like this.

Merlin: You have to. You got to keep in character.

Arthur: Character? What character?

Tristan: You.

Merlin turns around.

Tristan: We leave as soon as the horses are watered. Explain it to the simpleton, would you?

Arthur looks at Merlin and Merlin smiles sheepishly. Merlin carries the sword as he and Arthur walk toward the wagon. Arthur takes the sword back and Tristan and Isolde look up.

Tristan: Simpleton.

Merlin: He's talking to you.

Arthur: I don't answer to that name.

Merlin: In character, remember?

Tristan looks down at the sword.

Tristan: Impressive piece…

Arthur (pirate): Thankyee, sirrr.

Tristan: May I?

Arthur lets Tristan take the sword. He examines the blade.

Tristan (scoffs): Magnificent. The only place you find workmanship of this quality is the royal forge of Camelot.

Tristan puts the sword to Arthur's throat.

Tristan: Tell me… how did you come by it?

Merlin: I won it in a card game. Gave it to him as a present. Won't be parted from it. Makes him feel safe.

Tristan narrows his eyes suspiciously. Arthur nods stupidly and Tristan hands the sword back to him.

Tristan: I hope for your sake that's true.

Arthur takes the sword like he doesn't know how to hold it.

Tristan: I'd hate to think that I was riding with a knight of Camelot.

Arthur hugs the sword to his chest.

Arthur (pirate): Aye.

Isolde giggles.

Isolde: A Knight of Camelot? Look at him!

Merlin chuckles. Arthur pretends not to know how to put the sword in his belt.

Tristan: You're right. Their knights may be stupid, but they're not that stupid.

Arthur puts on a big smiles and chuckles with the rest of them as Merlin tussles his hair.

Merlin: Pack your things, simpleton!

Arthur grabs Merlin's arm.

Arthur (smiling): Call me that again and I'll run you through.

Merlin: Don't worry, sire, I'm sure you won't have to keep it up for too much longer.

Arthur: How long?!

The man walking past them gets shot with an arrow. They turn and see Southrons charging the camp. Arthur grabs Merlin to duck out of the way. An arrow lands in the tree next to Arthur's head and they run to take cover behind the wagon with Tristan and Isolde. Arthur takes charge.

Arthur: Head for those trees, we'll cover you.

Tristan and Isolde exchange a confused look.

Arthur: Do you want to live or not?

Tristan steps forward to question Arthur, but Isolde grabs his arm and they run off.

Arthur and Merlin fire crossbows at the Southrons through the wagon. Merlin tosses Arthur another bolt and reloads his own crossbow.

Merlin: Now what?

Arthur: Now it's our turn.

Merlin: Who's going to cover us?

Arthur: Don't be a simpleton, Merlin.

They take aim and hit another two Southrons, but more keep coming. Arthur grabs the sword from the wagon and they run off. They take cover behind a fallen tree with Tristan and Isolde. Agravaine directs the Southrons by the wagon.

Isolde: They haven't found the cargo.

Tristan: They will. Besides, they weren't after the cargo. They were after you. Who the hell are you?

Arthur: My name is Arthur Pendragon.

Tristan: The King of Camelot!

Arthur: At least I was…

Tristan: I've lost everything I've worked for some good for nothing king!

Arthur: That's quite something coming from a smuggler.

Tristan: Well, I wouldn't have to be a smuggler if it wasn't for your damn taxes, would I?!

Arthur: Those taxes help protect the people of this land.

Tristan: My people are dead. You call that protection?

Merlin: Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but...

Merlin directs their attention to the Southrons charging them from behind. Arthur and Tristan charge the Southrons and fight side by side. Isolde fights more Southrons. One elbows her in the head and slashes her sword arm, kicking her to the ground. The Southron poises for the final blow, but crumples as Arthur stabs him in the back. Tristan runs to Isolde and holds her. Arthur and Merlin watch empathetically.

Tristan: Isolde… We had a deal. Partners for life, remember?

Isolde: When have I not kept my promises?

Tristan kisses her forehead.

Arthur: We need to keep moving. There'll be more coming soon.

Tristan: Then go. There's nothing stopping you.

Arthur rolls his eyes.

Merlin: Come with us to Ealdor. You'll be safe there.

Tristan: I'm choosy about the company I keep.

Isolde: He saved my life, Tristan. Thank you.

Tristan: None of this would've happened if it wasn't for them.

Arthur: She's injured. She needs shelter and rest.

Tristan sighs, looks at Arthur, then back at Isolde. Isolde nods.

Tristan: Very well. But know this, Arthur Pendragon, I do this for her. You and your kind bring nothing but misery to this land.

Camelot dungeons

Morgana arrives outside Elyan, Gwaine, and Gaius's cell with a few Southrons.

Gaius: Have you come to gloat, my lady?

Morgana: Is that any way to treat an old friend? I'll forgive you. After all, you're not looking your best.

Gwaine: Can't you see he's starving? We all are.

Morgana: Of course you are. You k*lled so many of my men. I'll have the kitchen prepare you a feast.

Gwaine steps forward, but Elyan grabs his arm and shakes his head. Gwaine steps up to the gate more slowly, chains dragging as he walks. Morgana raises an eyebrow.

Gwaine: I think not of myself, but of Gaius. He can't survive long without food.

Morgana smiles and steps close to the bars.

Morgana: Gwaine, so handsome, so selfless. Of course you shall have some long as you're prepared to sing for it.

Morgana smirks and steps away as the guards open the door and drag him out.

At the border in the woods

Arthur: This marks the border between Camelot and Lot's kingdom.

Merlin: Ealdor lies at the far side of the valley. Maybe half a day on foot.

Arthur: We'll rest here for the night. There's no way Agravaine could've tracked us through those mountains.

Merlin: I'll make a fire, we must keep Isolde warm.

Tristan lets Isolde go as Merlin puts her arm around his neck and helps her to a campsite. Arthur holds out a water flask to Tristan.

Arthur: Here, you should drink up.

Tristan walks on.

Tristan: I'll get my own.

Council Chamber

Southrons shove Gwaine into the middle of a fight circle where Morgana stands. She smiles at their rowdy enjoyment.

Morgana: Behold! A Knight of Camelot, famed as the greatest knights in Five Kingdoms.

Morgana grabs Gwaine's face.

Morgana: Let's see if that fame's deserved, shall we?

Gwaine scoffs with a smile and glares at her as she walks to sit her throne. A Southron brings out a couple of weapons.

Woods campfire (night)

Tristan and Isolde sleep in each other's arms, propped up against a tree trunk. Merlin and Arthur sit by the fire.

Arthur: You knew… You knew Agravaine was betraying me.

Merlin: I couldn't be sure. But, I did have my suspicions.

Arthur: I feel like such a fool. I put such trust in him. All this time I was blind to his treachery as I was to Morgana's.

Merlin: You were deceived, Arthur. It could happen to anyone.

Arthur: Yet it keeps happening to me. I cared about these people. I don't understand. What have I done wrong? Why do they hate me?

Merlin: No, they don't hate you. They just...crave your power for themselves.

Arthur: Perhaps. Would they still want that power if I was the King my people deserve? Maybe Tristan's right…

Merlin: Tristan was angry and...

Merlin looks over at them sleeping.

Merlin: ...afraid. He needed to blame someone, but it's not you that's to blame.

Merlin looks at Tristan and shakes his head.

Arthur: You seem very sure about all this.

Merlin: All I know is that, for your many faults, you are honest and brave and truehearted, and one day you will be the greatest King this land has ever known.

Arthur: Well...good to know I have the support of my servant at least.

Merlin: I'm not alone. Believe me.

Council chamber

Gwaine fights one of the Southrons. Gwaine disarms one of the man's weapons.

Gwaine: That all you have? I was promised a decent fight.

The Southron pulls out another w*apon from his belt and disarms Gwaine.

Gwaine: You're a very angry man, I can see that. Must be hard… being so ugly. Children crying, women screaming. Come on.

Completely unarmed, Gwaine knocks the Southron to the ground. The Southron gets up with one w*apon left. Gwaine climbs on his back and punches him in the stomach. The Southron rams Gwaine into a column, but Gwaine gets off, punches the Southron and kicks him against the column. Gwaine picks up the mace and knocks him out with it in the now silent council chamber. Morgana stands, clapping slowly.

Morgana: Congratulations, Sir Knight. And admirable display. You've earned your reward.

She indicates to someone and they toss a half-loaf of mouldy bread at his feet.

Morgana: But you're going to half to do better if you want some more.

The Southrons chuckle darkly and Helios motions for two more warriors to step forward. The chanting begins again as Gwaine prepares for their attack.

Ealdor (day)

Tristan supports Isolde and the four travellers enter the village. Hunith catches sight of Merlin and runs to hug him, huge smiles on their faces.

Merlin: Mother…

Hunith: Welcome home, Merlin.

A house in Ealdor

Merlin checks on Isolde sleeping on the bed while Tristan and Arthur eat.

Merlin: I’ve cleaned her wound. No sign of infection. So as long as she gets plenty of rest, she'll be fine.

Tristan: Thank you, Merlin, for everything you've done for her.

Merlin nods and leaves.

Arthur: I'm sorry I brought this...misfortune upon you.

Tristan: Well, I may have lost my cargo… but I still have my beloved Isolde.

Arthur: Then you're richer than you know.

Tristan considers Arthur and then looks at Isolde. Arthur watches them sadly.

Woods (night)

Agravaine and the Southrons sneak through the woods around Ealdor.

Agravaine: Spread out. Ensure the village is surrounded. No one must escape.


Merlin walks with his mother.

Hunith: It's good to have you home, Merlin.

Merlin: I'm so sorry it's been so long.

Hunith: I understand how it is, your life in Camelot. I worry about you sometimes. The dangers you must face.

Merlin: Mother, I don't want you to worry.

Hunith: I can't help it. It's what mothers do.

Merlin: Well, we are safe here. All of us.

Merlin looks at something.

Merlin: How's she been?

Hunith: As well as can be expected, but, erm...a broken heart takes time to mend.

They regard Gwen through a crack in the door as she stands there sadly. They continue walking. Gwen steps forward.

A house in Ealdor

Gwen dressed Arthur's wounded ribs. He wakes and realises someone's there. He lifts his head when he recognises her. She waits sadly for his response.

Arthur: Guinevere.

Gwen smiles sadly.

Gwen: Hello, Arthur.

Arthur sits up on his elbows.

Arthur: What are you doing here?

Gwen shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head.

Gwen: It's as good a place as any.

Arthur stares at her.

Gwen: I've missed you.

Arthur: And I you.

Gwen smiles bitter sweetly. Arthur sits up and Gwen waits until he holds out arm to hug her. She leans forward and they embrace each other tightly.


Merlin and Hunith hear screams as they sit talking. Merlin stands and sees the Southrons' torches surrounding the village.

Merlin: Agravaine... He's found us.

A house in Ealdor

Merlin, Arthur, Tristan, Isolde, and Guinevere watch as Agravaine and the Southrons harass the villagers.

Tristan: Any suggestions?

Merlin: Round the back.

Merlin waits for them to leave, then his eyes glow and he sets a cart rolling toward Agravaine.

Merlin: *Bæl on bryne!*

Merlin's eyes glow and inside the cart goes up in flames. Agravaine and the Southrons dash out of the way just in time, but Agravaine looks up to see Arthur's party escaping.

Agravaine: There! Get them!


Southrons chase Arthur's party through the woods. Tristan supports Isolde as they go.