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04x11 - The Hunter's Heart

Posted: 03/19/19 07:52
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.11 - The Hunter’s Heart

“In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin”.

Gwen works in her yard wearing the red dress she wore four years earlier. She pauses to catch her breath and fingers her engagement ring on the string around her neck. She hears horses hooves and villagers begin to run and shriek, trying to escape the raiders riding into town. Gwen ducks behind the wall around her yard. A bandit knocks over a stand in the street and Gwen runs off. She turns a corner and finds her path blocked by a dismounted bandit. She tries to back up, but falls backwards and is quickly surrounded by bandits. The dismounted bandit raises his sword to strike. He's stopped by their leader.

Helios: Wait.

Gwen recoils as Helios leans over.

Helios: There's still some pleasure to be had here.





Merlin is following Arthur

Merlin: I'm not saying it's inappropriate. I mean, you're the king and I'm not, and of course it's your choice, there's no doubt about that. It could hardly be my choice, could it? What with me not being the king. But, nevertheless, I do feel I have to say something because, strictly speaking, these clothes are only supposed to…

King Arthur: Merlin.

Merlin: Yes, my Lord.

King Arthur: Could you do something for me?

Merlin: Of course. Absolutely. Not a problem, whatever needs doing.

King Arthur: Could you...please...shut up.

Arthur continues walking. Merlin pauses for a beat then continues talking.

Merlin: Yes, I can do that. Of course I can. That's not a prob…

King Arthur (distance): Now!


Arthur walks to the front of the room and faces his court. Merlin stands next to Gaius.

King Arthur: My Lords, fellow knights, you are all aware, Camelot's claim to the lands of Gedref has long been in dispute. Today I can announce that, after many months of confidential negotiations, the kingdoms of Nemeth and Camelot have reached an agreement.

There's some murmuring among the court.

King Arthur: There's nothing to fear. It is a fair and honourable agreement that befits two great kingdoms. Furthermore, our friendship will be cemented by a union that cannot be broken. My hand in marriage to Her Royal Highness, Princess Mithian.

The cour whispers and starts to applaud. Gaius sees Merlin staring slack-jawed at Arthur.

Gaius: Smile.

Merlin (shakes his head): He can't mean that.

Gaius: And clap. Smile and clap.

Merlin smiles and claps, pretending


Merlin follows Arthur back down the corridor.

Merlin: How come I didn't know any of this? How come you didn't say anything?

King Arthur: That's what "confidential" means, Merlin. Keeping it from blabbermouths like you.

Merlin: You can't do this.

King Arthur: No, you're right, I can't. Oh, wait a second...I'm the king, so I can.

Merlin: Surely it's a little bit...

King Arthur (sharply): A bit what?

Merlin: Soon?

Arthur feigns ignorance, but he is clearly angry and upset.

King Arthur: What do you mean?

Merlin: Erm, well…

King Arthur: You mean Guinevere. I told you not to mention her name again.

Merlin: Which is why I didn't.

King Arthur: How many times do I have to tell you? Guinevere made her choice. She betrayed me. Now she must take the consequences.

Merlin: But…

King Arthur: But what?

Merlin: Nothing.

King Arthur: That's right. Nothing.

Arthur turns to leave.

Merlin: Except that you still love her.

Arthur stops in the doorway, Merlin glares at his back. Arthur pauses for a moment, then turns around and marches angrily toward Merlin.

King Arthur: You ever say anything like that again and I swear you'll join her in exile forever.

They glare at each other and Arthur leaves.


A servant puts some scrolls away and locks them up tight. The servant locks the door as he exits and walks down the corridor.

Agravaine: Eoghan.

The servant startles as Agravaine steps out of the shadows.

Eoghan: My Lord.

Agravaine: Have you what I asked for?

Eoghan: I, was not so easy as I thought.

Agravaine: I hope you haven't forgotten how much I've done for you.

Eoghan:: No. No, of course not, my Lord.

Agravaine: Or how simple it would be for a man in my position to have you arrested. I should hate to see such young life wasted.

Eoghan: I cannot do it. I cannot betray my master's trust, my Lord. I'm sorry.

Agravaine: You'd rather betray mine. Mm? (laughs) Of course, I understand. You swore loyalty to your master. It's commendable.

Eoghan sighs in relief.

Agravaine: Now, come. Neither you, nor I, will say anything about it (he stabs Eoghan in the stomach) Particularly you.

Agravaine takes Eoghan's legs and drags him off.


Agravaine rides through the woods.


Morgana: You're late. You have the plans?

Agravaine: There have been some unexpected developments.

Morgana: I hope you're not going to tell me you've failed me once again.

Agravaine: I'm sure there'll be the other opportunities in the future.

Morgana: Camelot grows in power every day, Agravaine. If we don't act now, there will be no future. Particularly for you.

Agravaine: It is not easy, my Lady. The plans for the siege tunnels have always been very well protected.

Morgana: And yet you assured me you could bring them to me. Or were you exaggerating?

Agravaine: No. Not at all. It will take time…

Morgana: Enough!

Morgana takes a moment and sighs.

Morgana: A man of your standing can go wherever he pleases, Agravaine.

Agravaine: You're not suggesting I take the risk myself?

She tilts her head.

Agravaine: But...if I should be caught...

Morgana: Mmm…Best not to be caught, then.


A servant fixes Gwen's veil for her new harem-like outfit. Helios comes in.

Helios: I was not mistaken.

Gwen stands and the servant steps back.

Helios: The filth of the pigsty cannot disguise true beauty (he bows) Helios. I'm only sorry we had to meet under such circumstances.

Gwen curtsies.

Gwen: Guinevere. I suppose I must thank you for my life. The villagers were not so lucky.

Helios: These are difficult times, I need new recruits. The youth of today are not always...enthusiastic. Who are you? From what family do you come?

Gwen: I am no one.

Helios: I find that hard to believe.

Gwen: Nevertheless, it is true.

Helios: No matter. I'm not concerned with where a person comes from, only with what they can become. Would you do me the honour of dining with me?

Gwen seems not happy with the idea, but puts on a smile and curtsies.


An assembly is gathered for the arrival of Princess Mithian. An armed guard precedes her. The party halts.

King Arthur: Knights of Nemeth, Camelot welcomes you and extends the hand of friendship.

The guards in front move aside and allow the princess to approach. Arthur steps down from the stairs, taking a breath as he prepares to meet his future bride. Princess Mithian raises her veil and Arthur is stunned by her beauty. Merlin raises his eyebrows at her loveliness. Arthur collects himself and steps forward as a guard helps her dismount.

King Arthur: Princess Mithian, you are most welcome.

Princess Mithian: Thank you, Your Highness. I have heard much about you and you are more handsome in person than reports suggested.

Arthur seems not to feel at ease with the compliment.

King Arthur: Erm...

Princess Mithian: Are we to stay in this chill all day?

King Arthur (confused): Forgive me.

Arthur takes her hand and faces the welcoming committee.

King Arthur: Tomorrow, there will be a great feast to welcome our worthy friends.

The knights, councilmen and courtiers applaud and smile. Merlin's smile fades.


Helios leads Gwen into a dining chamber. A lavish meal is set on a low table surrounded by rich cushions and candlelight. Gwen is surprised.

Helios: Were you expecting something different? Perhaps campfires and raw meat.

Gwen: I'm not sure what I was expecting.

Helios: Please, sit. I want to know all about you.

Gwen (sitting on a cushion): There's not much to tell.

Helios: Except how a beautiful woman ended up swilling out the pigs in the middle of nowhere.

Gwen: It's a long story.

Helios (sits opposite her): I have all night.


Agravaine dumps Eoghan's body and places a note in Eoghan's jacket before sneaking off.


Gwen: Once they k*lled my family, I knew they would come after me. I had no choice but to flee. I travelled many months before I found someone willing to take me in. Helping with the pigs seemed a fair price for such charity.

Helios: You have suffered much for one so young. Now those days are truly behind you.

One of Helios's men clears his throat as he enters.

Man: My Lord.

Helios: I said we were not to be disturbed.

Man: The Lady Morgana requests an audience.

Gwen starts at the sound of Morgana's name.

Helios: She's here? (man nods) Make her welcome. Tell her I will see her right away.

Gwen is stunned.

Helios: Are you all right?

Gwen: Yes, of course.

Helios: You don't mind if someone joins us?

Gwen: I had thought we'd be alone.

Helios: It'll take but a few moments.

Gwen: I should retire.

Helios: There's no need.

Gwen: I'm very tired.

She gets up. Helios stands up, too.

Helios: But we have barely begun to know each other.

Gwen: I'm sure there will be time enough. Thank you for your kindness.

Helios: Until the next time, then.

Gwen curtsies and pulls the veil over her face as she leaves. Morgana doesn't even glance at her as they pass each other in the tunnel. Gwen lowers the veil and breathes a sigh of relief. Morgana enters the dining chamber.

Morgana: You have company. You never change, Helios.

Helios: Do you have the plans?

Morgana: Not yet.

Helios: That was our agreement, Morgana. Without them, any attack on Camelot would be suicidal…

Morgana: Well, I hear your force is not yet up to strength.

Helios: Preparations are nearly complete.

Morgana: But not quite yet.

Helios: Are you doubting me?

Morgana: No more than you me.

Helios (smiles): I am sure we understand each other perfectly. Come... (pours a drink) You must be thirsty after your ride (hands her the drink) You are welcome to stay.

Morgana (smiling): Take care not to get too distracted, Helios. There's still much to do. Once I'm crowned Queen of Camelot, you may indulge yourself all you wish.

Helios: I may keep you to your word.

Morgana: I'll look forward to it.


Sir Leon shows Agravaine Eoghan’s corpse.

Sir Leon: I thought you should see for yourself, my Lord, as soon as possible.

Agravaine: You did the right thing, Sir Leon. Oh, what a shame.

Agravaine looks up.

Agravaine: Poor boy must've lost his footing on that wall.

Sir Leon: And so I thought. The wall has a high parapet, it couldn't have been an accident.

Agravaine: But he was drunk.

Sir Leon: Possibly, but there's no smell of intoxication.

Agravaine: We only have one recourse. We must ask Gaius to examine the body. See if he can use his expertise to tell us what happened to the unfortunate boy.

Sir Leon: I shall send for him at once.

Leon walks off and Agravaine smirks at the body.


Merlin is poking at his food at the breakfast table.

Gaius: Are you going to sulk all day?

Merlin: I’m not sulking.

Gaius: You haven't said a word all morning.

Merlin: I'm thinking.

Gaius: You know how bad that is for you.

Merlin (sighs): It is Arthur's fate to marry Gwen.

Gaius: If that's the case, then he will.

Merlin: But am I supposed to do anything about it?

Gaius: You don't think that's a little arrogant?

Merlin: Yes…and no. I don't know. I don't know what to do anymore.

Gaius: You could start by eating your porridge.

A knock at the door. Sir Leon enters.

Sir Leon: Gaius, I have a message from Lord Agravaine. He requires your presence.


Gaius: Poor boy's broken his neck. You can see the bruising just here.

Agravaine: Must be from the fall.

Gaius: Possibly. But from such a height, one would expect more injuries. There isn't so much as a graze, never mind any broken bones.

Agravaine: What are you saying, Gaius?

Gaius: I'm not sure. Not yet.

Gaius turns Eoghan's corpse over.

Gaius: Something here in his tunic.

Gaius pulls out the note Agravaine had planted and reads it.

Gaius: It's a letter from Odin's court.

Agravaine: Let me see.

Agravaine grabs it and pretends to read it.

Agravaine: I must tell the King at once.


Arthur reads the fake note.

Agravaine: Young Eoghan was the mapmaker's apprentice. He was a good lad from a decent family.

King Arthur: Yet willing to sell his country's secrets for a few pieces of gold.

Agravaine: And of course, he did have access to the city's most sensitive plans.

King Arthur: The location of the siege tunnels.

Agravaine: I fear so, my Lord. And I don't need to tell you what an enemy could do with such plans.

King Arthur: Was anything else found alongside this letter?

Agravaine: No, Sire.

King Arthur: Then it's possible the boy succeeded in his mission and was m*rder*d for his pains. I need to check the vaults.

Agravaine: Yes, of course.


Agravaine: No sign of a forced entry.

King Arthur: Boy would've had full access. There's no need to break the locks.

Agravaine: A complete inventory will be necessary, my Lord. With your permission, I'll start right away.

King Arthur: Meanwhile, double the guard and bring in the mapmaker. It's possible the boy wasn't acting alone.

Agravaine smirks as Arthur leaves him in the scroll vault alone.


Agravaine hands the siege tunnel map to Morgana.

Morgana: I hope you're not going to disappoint me once more, Agravaine.

Agravaine: Plans to the siege tunnels of Camelot. Good as a key to the gates.

Morgana unrolls the map.

Morgana: But a good deal more deadly (uses magic to copy the plans) “De gelicnesse ond afæstne þa þim clute þa”.

Morgana's eyes flash and the map glows like fire. Morgana rolls the map up, revealing a newly made duplicate underneath.

Morgana: You've done well, Agravaine. Finally.


The court dines. Arthur chats with Princess Mithian at the head of the table. Merlin isn't pleased to find them smiling and laughing together. He casually strolls to the head of the table to interrupt them.

Merlin: Would you like more soup, Sire?

King Arthur: No, thanks.

Arthur turns back to Mithian.

Merlin: You sure?

Arthur leans forward and lowers his voice.

King Arthur: Merlin, you've asked me that three times now. Will you just...

Arthur makes a "go away " face and Merlin leaves. Mithian puts a hand on Arthur's arm.

Princess Mithian: You were saying?

King Arthur: I...was very surprised.

Merlin's eyes glow as he walks away and Arthur's hand flips a spoonful of soup onto his chainmail.

Princess Mithian: Oh.

King Arthur: Er...sorry, I, erm...

Princess Mithian (using her napkin to wipe the soup off Arthur's clothes): No harm done.

She chuckles at the situation and Arthur regards her warmly. They share a long look and Merlin rolls his eyes. Agravaine approaches them and disrupts the moment.

Agravaine: The vaults are secure, my Lord, and, er...there were no plans missing.

King Arthur: Thank you for performing your duties with such haste, Uncle. Now you have to make up for lost time. We are to have dancing and I hear that your jig used to be something to behold.

Agravaine: Er..."used" is the word, Sire. Alas I am not as nimble as I once was.

King Arthur: Nonsense.

Agravaine: I do feel that dancing is best performed in youth and appreciated in age.

Arthur and Mithian chuckle as Agravaine departs hastily.


Arthur walks Mithian to her chambers.

King Arthur: I'm afraid the Festival of Ostara will soon be upon us.

Princess Mithian: Should I be worried?

King Arthur: It's a tradition in Camelot to have a hunt that day, but Merlin can arrange a tour of the city.

Princess Mithian: A tour?

King Arthur: Some of the buildings go back many centuries.

Princess Mithian: Arthur, I love hunting.

Arthur stops, surprised.

King Arthur: Really?

Mithian stops and faces him.

Princess Mithian: Really. I believe these are my chambers.

King Arthur (nods): Of course.

Princess Mithian: Well then I bid you good night, Sire.

Mithian holds out her hand. Arthur takes and kisses it.

King Arthur: Goodnight, Princess.

They look at each other for a moment. The pause continues and Mithian glances down at their hands.

Princess Mithian: If I may...?

Arthur inclines his head, asking for the end of her question. Mithian nods down at her hand and Arthur realises and lets it go. He clears his throat.

King Arthur: Sorry.

She turns to leave.

King Arthur: Mithian.

She stops and turns around.

Princess Mithian: Yes, my Lord?

King Arthur: I was...thinking, perhaps...

Princess Mithian: Yes?

King Arthur: You...might like some breakfast.

Princess Mithian (confused): Breakfast?

King Arthur: Tomorrow…with me.

Mithian smiles.

King Arthur: A picnic…er…somewhere…nice. Somewhere nice.

Princess Mithian: I look forward to it.

Mithian smiles as she turns into her room. Arthur smiles, somewhat relieved. Then shakes his head at his own botched invitation attempt.

King Arthur: Breakfast. I...rubbish thing to say.

He walks off mumbling to himself.


Morgana arrives at the caves and dismounts. Helios opens the siege tunnel map.

Helios: Where did you get this?

Morgana: The source is impeccable.

Gwen peers out from behind a rock, listening to their conversation.

Helios: If I'm to risk my men against Camelot, I need more than impeccable, Morgana.

Morgana: The king's uncle and most trusted advisor Lord Agravaine. I doubt you'd find a source more impeccable than that.

Gwen pulls herself up on a jutting rock to see them through the entrance crack.

Helios: Then it is only a matter of time. I will send word the moment our forces are at full strength.

Morgana: Don't delay. The treaty of Nemeth will be sealed in days.

Helios: It will be soon.

The rock that Gwen is standing on breaks off and she stumbles backwards. Morgana and Helios hear it and Gwen's retreating footsteps.

Morgana: Someone's listening!

They rush out of the room in search of the spy.

Morgana: Did you see who it was?

Helios: Not for sure. Seal the camp! Account for everyone!

Helios's men run through the tunnels. Helios checks Gwen's sleeping chamber followed by Morgana.

Helios: Any sign?

Servant: She's taken nothing.

Morgana: Who is this woman?

Helios: A serving wench I recently acquired, no more. Check the river.

Morgana looks down and recognizes the dress folded up on the bed. She smiles and picks it up.

Morgana: Does this woman have a name?

Helios: Guinevere.

Morgana: Your appetite has betrayed you. She's no serving wench. We must find her now!


Gwen runs through the woods, chased by Helios's men. She rushes down towards the river, looks back for a moment and then steps down into the water. Helios's men run down to the river and continue running along its bank. They pass and Gwen surfaces from the water.


Arthur leads Mithian by the hand to an outlook in the forest. Merlin carries all of the food, blankets, and pillows.

King Arthur: How about here? What do you think?

Princess Mithian: Well, the view is certainly spectacular.

King Arthur: Yes.

Merlin collapses to the ground as he puts down all of the picnic gear. Arthur crouches down.

King Arthur: Ground isn't really smooth, is it? It's a bit bumpy.

Arthur gets up and walks left a few paces.

King Arthur: Ah, what about over here?

Mithian looks down at Merlin who is rolling his eyes.

King Arthur: Ah, yes, this is much better. Merlin.

Mithian joins Arthur. Merlin picks up all the gear and hauls it over a few paces. He puts it down. Arthur looks at him and takes a breath.

King Arthur: Perfect. Perfect.

Merlin sets all of the gear down on the ground and rubs his shoulder.

King Arthur: Yet, is the view really as good?

Princess Mithian: Arthur...

King Arthur: You prefer the original. Right, then. Merlin!

Arthur walks briskly back to the original spot.

Princess Mithian: Don't be so mean.

King Arthur: He doesn't mind, do you, Merlin?

Merlin shakes his head with a stiff smile.

Merlin: No.

King Arthur: Besides, he needs building up. Look at him.

Princess Mithian: Enough. Thank you, Merlin. I'll do the rest.

Merlin picks up all of the picnic gear and Mithian carries the picnic basket back to the original spot.

Arthur and Mithian lounge on pillows. Mithian giggles and Merlin sh**t a disgusted look at the pair of them from his spot against a tree trunk. Merlin's eyes glow and Arthur belches. Mithian's laughter fades, and Arthur looks at her in embarrassment.

King Arthur I'm sorry, I, ahem, really don't know what came over me. I...

Arthur shifts awkwardly. Merlin's eyes glow again and Arthur belches again. Mithian looks at him curiously and Arthur tries to cope with his embarrassment, shaking his head.

King Arthur I don't know what to say.

Mithian belches loud and long and finishes with a smile. Arthur is taken by surprise and they laugh. Merlin nods his head and rolls his eyes.


Morgana rides up to Helios in the woods.

Helios: The trail has gone cold. We should call off the search until morning.

Morgana: No! That woman must be found. I'll search all night if necessary.

Helios: She could be anywhere by now.

Morgana: There's only one place she'll go. To Camelot and to Arthur. Gather your men.

Helios whistles and his men return.


Gwen huddles near a campfire she built. She fingers her engagement ring on the necklace and startles at every noise.


Merlin emerges from his room as Gaius pours over Eoghan's supposed note from Odin.

Merlin: I don't know why I bother. I should just leave him to it. Let him make his own mistakes, see how he gets on without me. I should resign.

Gaius is too absorbed to pay attention.

Merlin: I said, "I should resign."

Gaius (looking at the parchment): Quite so.

Merlin: Gaius, you're supposed to say, "No, no he needs you even if he doesn't realise it."

Gaius (still examining the parchment): Something's not quite right here.

Merlin: Exactly.

Gaius (to himself): I can't put my finger on it.

Merlin: I have to go hunting. I hate hunting.

Merlin puts on his jacket and heads for the door.

Merlin (sarcastic): Thanks Gaius. You really made me feel a whole lot better.

Merlin slams the door shut on his way out and Gaius looks up.


Knights, servants, and guards prepare for the hunt. Arthur mounts his horse.


Mithian catches up with Merlin as he trudges miserably through the castle.

Princess Mithian: You're not a fan of hunting?

Merlin stops and turns to Mithian who waits expectantly.

Merlin: What sport is it when one side has dogs and spears and crossbows and the other nothing?

Princess Mithian: Not much of a fan of me either, are you?

Merlin seems surprised.

Princess Mithian: Come on, Merlin, I'd have to be a fool not to notice.

Merlin: I'm sorry if I caused offence.

Princess Mithian: I'm sure you have…good reasons. One thing I've learned since being here is that Arthur values your opinion above almost all others…even if he'd be the last person to admit it.

Merlin pretends to scoff, but smiles.

Merlin: You can say that again.

Princess Mithian: I like him, Merlin. I really do. I didn't expect to, but...well, he's a loveable person, isn't he? Underneath it all. All I ask is that you give me a chance. Can you do that?

Merlin (nods): Yeah.

Merlin smiles with a nod and Mithian smiles back.

Princess Mithian: Thank you.


Morgana rides through the woods in pursuit of Gwen. She stops and sees smoke from Gwen's campfire rising in the distance.


Gwen wakes at the sound of a horse whinny. She gets up and begins to run. She passes a tree and snaps one of its branches in her rush. Morgana continues and stops to look for any signs. She spots the snapped twig and heads off in that direction. Gwen runs full tilt now as Morgana gallops through the woods. Gwen falls, but gets up quickly and keeps going. Morgana catches up and cuts her off.

Morgana: Gwen. Nice to see you again. Oh, you've forgotten. I've hunted these woods since I was a child.

Gwen: Leave me alone. You've already done enough harm.

Morgana: You misjudge me. We were friends once, were we not?

Gwen scoffs.

Morgana: I only wish to help (she points) The path to Camelot is that way.

Gwen: You think I'd ever trust you again?

Morgana: Mmm, true, I might be lying. But perhaps not.

Gwen: I know these woods, too.

Gwen runs off.

Morgana: Truth is it doesn't matter which way you go.

Morgana's eyes glow and Gwen screams as Morgana throws her into a tree. Gwen falls to the ground, unconscious.


Hunting horns sound as Arthur and Mithian's party make their way through the woods.


Morgana glowers down at Gwen and snatches the engagement ring necklace off of Gwen's neck. She starts as she hears the hunting horn. She looks down at Gwen, smirks, and drops the ring.

Morgana: You wish to see your beloved Arthur again? And so you shall. (casts a spell) *Nu bebiede ic þe þæt þu lætest þine flæsc sclice gelic nysse. Wyrþ deor!*

Morgana's eyes glow and a golden shimmer glows over Gwen's body. Morgana leaves with a smirk.


Merlin walks alongside Arthur and Mithian's horses.

Merlin: Maybe we should call it a day.

King Arthur: Nonsense. We've barely begun.

Merlin: Not much point in hunting if there's nothing to hunt, is there?

King Arthur: Well, we could always give you a five minute head start, Merlin.

Mithian smiles at Arthur's joke.

Sir Leon: Deer!

They chase after a doe running through the woods. Merlin slows to a walk and separates from the group. He spots the doe and it looks at him. He senses something and hears Gwen's weeping. The doe reflected in his eye forms into a tearful Gwen as his eyes glow. He realises what's happened and sees Gwen's running reflection as the doe passes by a small puddle. The hunting party passes by Merlin and he comes to his senses and chases after them.

Sir Leon: Beauty.

Leon aims, but gives up when he notices Arthur next to him.

Sir Leon: Sire, she's yours.

Arthur aims. The doe stops and looks at him. Arthur sh**t and Merlin's eyes glow. The bolt misses and Arthur gives his crossbow a confused look.

Princess Mithian: I thought you were a good shot, my Lord.

Mithian aims and sh**t.

Princess Mithian: Gold sovereign says she's hit.

They urge their horses forward. Merlin runs through the woods searching for Gwen while the rest of the party searches for traces of the doe.

Sir Leon: Deer tracks.

King Arthur: Ah. It can't have gone far.

Merlin looks worriedly around the woods while Arthur searches for more deer tracks. Arthur sees something shiny on the forest floor and crouches down to pick it up. It's Gwen's engagement ring on the necklace and he recognises it.

Princess Mithian: Have you found the trail? My Lord?

Arthur stares at the ring, completely lost in it.

Princess Mithian: My Lord?

Arthur looks up at Merlin, trying to process the pain of this shock. Merlin looks back at him, breathes heavily and continues to roam his eyes around the woods worried for Gwen. Mithian looks at Merlin and back to Arthur, sensing something's wrong.

Princess Mithian: My Lord?

Arthur stares off into the woods, breathing heavily in his emotion.

King Arthur: There'll be no more sport today.

Arthur gets up and walks past Mithian, lost in his own head.

Princess Mithian: I didn't take you for a poor loser. Sire?

She looks back at Merlin, trying to sort out Arthur's sudden dark mood.


Merlin rides into the woods searching for Gwen.

Merlin: Gwen! Gwen! Gwen!

Merlin dismounts and goes searching for her.

Merlin: Gwen? (he spots something) Gwen? Gwen?

He finds her lying unconscious, shaking, a crossbow bolt in her leg. Merlin pulls out the arrow and places his hand over the wound.

Merlin: (casts a spell) *Ic hæle þina þrowunga*.

His eyes glow. He places a hand on her shoulder and eventually she sighs and stops shaking, relaxing into sleep.


Merlin sits with Gwen as she sleeps. She wakes.

Gwen: Merlin!

Merlin: How are you, Gwen?

Gwen: I'm all right! (she hugs him)…I think. What are you doing here?

Merlin: You were injured.

Gwen: Oh, yes, I remember now. Where's Morgana?

Merlin: She was here?

Gwen (nods): She enchanted me. She and the Southrons and Helios, they're planning to attack Camelot.

Merlin: They'd never succeed. They must know that.

Gwen: They have help. Agravaine gave them plans of the siege tunnels under the citadel.

Merlin: Agravaine?

Gwen nods.

Merlin: We must tell Arthur.

They hear something nearby.

Gwen (whisper): What's that?

The sound of hoof beats draws near. Merlin gets up to check and sees three knights riding through the woods. Merlin smiles a little.

Merlin: It's a Camelot patrol. They can lend you a horse.

Gwen: No!

Merlin: But Gwen…

Gwen: Please, Merlin.

She grabs his hand to stop him.

Gwen: I can never see Arthur again.

Merlin: He wants to see you.

Gwen (shakes her head): It cannot be. Not after I betrayed him.

Merlin stares at her

Gwen: You go. Tell him of the danger.

Merlin: Gwen, if you stay here…

Gwen: I have what I deserve.

Merlin tries to grab her hand and pull her with him.

Gwen: Go! Hurry! (she nods to him) Go!

Merlin looks at her and then heads off.


Arthur broods in his room, fingering Gwen's engagement ring. Merlin bursts in.

Merlin: Sire, I need to talk to you.

King Arthur: I told you I didn't want to be disturbed.

Merlin: Sire, it is important. Very important.

King Arthur: You defy me? You defy your king?

Merlin: Yes! I do! You know I would not do so unless the situation was grave.

Arthur puts the ring on a table and grabs his gloves to follow Merlin out.


Arthur marches through the castle with Merlin.

King Arthur: The idea is preposterous! I've known my uncle since I was a child! I refuse to believe that he would ever betray Camelot!


Arthur unlocks the cabinet with the siege scroll map.

King Arthur: Plans for the siege tunnels are kept here.

Arthur opens the cabinet and feels around the back for a while. Merlin's confidence builds and his irritation rises. Then Arthur pulls out the map. Merlin is confused. Agravaine enters as Arthur opens the scroll.

Merlin: I don't understand.

Arthur puts the scroll back.

Agravaine: I came as soon as I could, my Lord. Is there a problem?

King Arthur: No, Uncle, not at all. I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you.

Merlin: Can we please…

King Arthur: One more word out of you and I swear to God I will send you into exile.

Merlin looks at Agravaine who smirks at him.


Arthur sits on the end of his bed, fully dressed in his chainmail, fingering Gwen's engagement ring. The door opens and Merlin enters.

Merlin: Have you not slept, Sire?

Arthur doesn't move. Merlin stands dutifully, arms folded in front of him.

Merlin: Is there anything you need?

King Arthur: How can I love someone who's betrayed me? It doesn't make any sense. And how can I make myself love another? Tell me that.

Merlin: If there is nothing else that you require, perhaps I could…

King Arthur: I don't know what to do. I have no idea...what to do.

Merlin watches Arthur struggle and Arthur looks at him.

King Arthur: What should I do, Merlin?

Merlin: All I know, my Lord, is that no one would sacrifice more for Camelot or you than Gwen.

King Arthur: And if that were so?

Merlin: You must do what your heart tells you, Sire.

King Arthur: What if I don't know what that is?

Merlin: I think you do.

Arthur looks down at Gwen's ring and plays with it as he thinks.

Merlin: Is there anything else, Sire?

King Arthur: You may go.

Merlin bows and walks off.

King Arthur: Thank you, Merlin.

Merlin looks back and exits.


Princess Mithian's escort waits for her in the square as she descends the steps. Arthur faces the square as she passes him without a word.

King Arthur: Princess.

She stops, but doesn't turn around as she puts on her gloves.

King Arthur: Forgive me.

She turns to face him.

Princess Mithian: The time for words is over, Sire.

King Arthur: I understand. And it is for this reason that I hereby offer you and your descendants all the disputed lands of Gedref.

Princess Mithian: You would give up your ancient claims?

King Arthur: I have no desire for w*r. Or to grieve you any more than I already have.

Princess Mithian: Such an offer cannot be rushed into.

King Arthur: I've had my scribed draw up an agreement (he pulls out a scroll) If you're happy with the terms, I'll sign forthwith.

Princess Mithian: And if I refuse?

King Arthur: It's all I can offer. I do so most humbly.

He bows his head and looks down, then looks at her. He holds out the scroll, waiting for her response. She considers him for a moment and then takes the scroll.

Princess Mithian: Tell me...who is it that trumps a princess?

King Arthur: No one (thinks for a moment)…and everyone.

Mithian's mood lightens.

Princess Mithian: What great family is she from?

King Arthur: None. She's the daughter of a blacksmith.

Princess Mithian: And for her you would risk your kingship? Your kingdom?

King Arthur: Without her, they're worth nothing to me.

Mithian considers this and looks down.

Princess Mithian: Hm…I would give up my own kingdom to be so loved. Farewell, Arthur.

Arthur smiles a little.

King Arthur: Farewell, Princess.

Mithian gives him a small smile back and turns away.


Merlin prepares Arthur's bed as Arthur stares out the window, lost in thought. He turns to Merlin.

King Arthur: Have I been a fool? (Merlin looks up) To give up so much for a woman who betrayed me? A woman who I might not even see again?

Merlin: You will see her again. You did the right thing, my Lord. As I knew you would.

King Arthur: And how could you be so sure?

Merlin:'re Arthur. You're noble. You're the Once and Future King.

King Arthur: Doomed to be a bachelor.

Merlin chuckles.

King Arthur: What's the point of loving someone who cannot be found?

Merlin: Gwen will be found. You will find each other.

King Arthur: Are you really wise, Merlin, or just a prating fool? I can no longer tell (Merlin takes a couple steps and trips on Arthur's chamber pot)…As if there was ever any doubt.