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04x10 - A Herald Of The New Age

Posted: 03/19/19 07:51
by bunniefuu
Merlin 4.10 – A Herald of the New Age

“In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin”.


King Arthur, the knights and Merlin rest in the forest, Elyan wants to drink from his flask.

Sir Elyan: All right, who drank all my water?

Gwaine burps.

King Arthur: I believe you have your answer.

Sir Gwaine: You said I could have some.

Sir Elyan: I said you could have some. I didn't say you could drink every last drop.

Elyan throws the flask at Gwaine.

Sir Gwaine: I was thirsty.

Sir Leon: Here. Have some of mine.

Leon throws his arm forward, but loops it back and tosses it to Percival behind him. They laugh.

Sir Elyan: That's very funny.

Sir Percival: Here. Unlike these ignorant fools, I share with my friends.

Percival steps forward with his flask but tosses it to Merlin. Arthur smiles as the others laugh. His smile fades when he sees a clothes line in the trees.

King Arthur: Shh!

Merlin: What is it?

King Arthur: I saw something in the trees. There.

They approach and find a place strung with strips of cloth.

Sir Percival: What is this place?

Arthur seems slightly disturbed as he looks at a red flag picking up in the breeze.

Merlin (nervously): This is a shrine. In the time of the Old Religion, they built shrines like this to appease restless spirits. We shouldn't be here.

They keep still, the cloth waving eerily in the wind. Gwaine grabs Merlin's shoulder to scare him. The other knights smile.

Merlin: It isn't funny! Gaius told me about places like this and they're cursed.

Another breeze stirs up out of nowhere. A raven bursts out over head and they jump. Leon smiles.

Sir Leon: There's your spirit, Merlin.

Arthur seems more disturbed.

King Arthur: There's nothing here for us. Move out.

Sir Elyan lingers as they leave. He hears drops of water and investigates to find a well. He smiles and drinks. He looks down into the well and sees a boy. He looks behind him, but there's no one there. Voices whisper in the wind. Creeped out, Sir Elyan picks up his sword and leaves.





Arthur is lost in his thoughts.

Merlin: You all right?

King Arthur: What do you mean?

Merlin: You're very quiet. You didn't say a word on the way home.

King Arthur: It's called "thinking", Merlin. You should try it sometime.

Sir Gwaine: Merlin?

Gwaine tosses Merlin a bag.

Merlin: What's that?

Sir Gwaine: Salt. Pour it in a circle at the foot of your bed. Helps to protect you from evil spirits.

Merlin: Really? Does that work?

Sir Gwaine: Absolutely. And if it doesn't, Gaius can always put it on his supper.

Merlin: Very funny.


Gaius and Merlin are having dinner.

Gaius: I am surprised that such a shrine exists so close to Camelot.

Merlin: And it was cursed. I could feel it.

Gaius: You were right to be wary. The druids built shrines to bring rest to tormented souls. Souls that were so badly wronged they could find no peace in the other world.

Merlin: Why do they hang all the ribbons and flags?

Gaius: The ancient rituals heal the ground so the souls of the victims can find rest, but the magic that binds the earth is delicate and is easily undone. So the ribbons and flags act as a warning.

Merlin: Should've known that earlier.

Gaius: Did anyone touch anything?

Merlin: Uh, no, I don't think so. Why? What is it?

Gaius: Anyone who disturbs a resting place risks releasing the spirit. Merlin, you must promise me you'll never return to that place.

Merlin: Oh, don't worry. I've no intention of going back there. And for once I'm not lying to you.


Arthur stares into space, holding a spoon on his plate absentmindedly.


Elyan gets into bed and blows out the candle. He closes his eyes and hears drops of water. He opens his eyes.

Sir Elyan: Hello? (sits up in bed) Who's there?

He gets out of bed and investigates.

Sir Elyan: Show yourself!

No one seems to be there. Elyan goes back to his bed and sits. He shakes his head and lays back down and sees the well boy on the other side of his bed. Elyan scrambles out of bed, taking his sheets with him as he whimpers in fear.

Sir Elyan: No!


Gwaine hears Elyan's yelp as he walks down the corridor.

Sir Elyan: No!


Gwaine enters to find Elyan curled up on the floor, shaking in fear. Gwaine approaches and Elyan calms himself.

Sir Gwaine: What are you doing?

Gwaine moves and Elyan sees the well boy behind him. The boy puts a finger to his lips.

Sir Elyan: Nothing.

Gwaine looks at Elyan with confused concern.

Sir Elyan: I…I was getting a drink of water...tripped over the table.

Gwaine chuckles and gives Elyan a hand up.

Sir Gwaine: I missed you at the tavern earlier. Percival broke Sir Brennis's wrist in an arm wrestle.

Sir Elyan: Sounds like fun.

Sir Gwaine: Not for Sir Brennis. Get some rest. Arthur's planned a training session in the morning. You know how the King likes his training.

Elyan nods with a smile.

Sir Gwaine: Good night.

Gwaine leaves. Elyan searches frantically through his cupboards and finds what he was looking for: a small bag. He ducks under his bed and pours a circle of salt at the foot of it.


Arthur has fallen asleep on his table, his head resting on a plate. Merlin comes in and smashes some pots, waking him up. Arthur has food all over his face and hair.

Merlin: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

King Arthur: You didn't scare me, I was asleep.

Merlin tries to hold in his laughter at the stew all over Arthur's face.

King Arthur: Why have you got that stupid smile on your face?

Merlin: It's nothing. Why were you sleeping with your head on the table?

King Arthur: I fell asleep while I was reading.

Merlin glances at the table, no parchment or book in sight.

Merlin: What were you reading?

Arthur looks around and realizes that there's nothing he could have been reading.

King Arthur: I am the king of Camelot, I do not have to answer to the likes of you.

Merlin: Oh, you're in a good mood. You obviously got out of the wrong side of the table (laughing at his own joke) The wrong side of the bed, but you slept on the table.

King Arthur (sarcastic): That's extremely clever and funny, Merlin. There really are no limits to your wit. Now, will you please just get me some breakfast?

Merlin: Right.

Merlin leaves. Arthur looks down at the plate of stew and moves it off of the platter. He sees his reflection in the platter and lifts it for a better look.

King Arthur: MERLIN!!!


King Arthur: Pair off! Concentrate on counter-cutting. Gwaine, you're with me.

Sir Gwaine: What's that in your hair?

Merlin: It's stew.

Sir Leon: Why have you got stew in your hair?

Merlin (as if it should be obvious): Because he was reading.

The knights give Arthur a confused look.

King Arthur: Change of plan. I think we'll try something different.

Merlin stands in the training grounds wearing a helmet and a shield. He grimaces and holds the shield in front of his face as Arthur approaches and beats Merlin's shield with a sword. He finally hits hard enough to knock Merlin to the ground. Merlin stands up, holding his arm. He prepares as Elyan steps up next and he invites him to strike.

Elyan starts softly, not really wanting to attack his friend. He starts to get into it. A flash of anger crosses his face and his next strike knocks Merlin to the ground. Elyan continues beating Merlin's shield.

King Arthur: Elyan!

Elyan, in a fury now, doesn't stop and Arthur and the knights become concerned. Elyan raises to strike again and Arthur grabs his arm, stopping him.

King Arthur: Elyan! I think he's had enough.

Elyan relaxes. Merlin takes off his helmet.

King Arthur (sarcastic): You all right down there, Merlin?

Merlin mumbles a “no”.

King Arthur: Good.


Sir Percival: Well, Merlin will feel that in his arms tomorrow.

Sir Gwaine: All this training, when will we see some real action?

Leon and Percival chat. Elyan sees the sopping wet well boy in the corner between them.The well boy steps forward.

Sir Elyan: No. Oh, no.

Sir Leon: You all right?

The well boy steps around Leon towards Elyan who backs away.

Sir Elyan: Leave me alone!

Elyan backs up into Gwaine. Gwaine shoves him off.

Sir Gwaine: Watch yourself.

Elyan shoves back and they struggle, Elyan still staring at the well boy, until Gwaine punches Elyan out cold.

Sir Leon: Elyan!

Leon goes to Elyan. Percival looks down at Elyan, and then back at Gwaine who shrugs.

Sir Leon: Elyan. Elyan!

Leon shakes Elyan, but he doesn't wake up.


Gwaine and Leon look on as Gaius examines Elyan, lying on his bed with eyes wide and staring.

Sir Leon: Why doesn't he speak?

Gaius: I don't know. It's strange.

Sir Gwaine: It's like he's lost his mind.

Gaius: When I want your medical opinion, Gwaine, I'll ask for it.

Leon looks at Gwaine and shakes his head.

Gaius: Perhaps you'd leave me alone to treat my patient.

They start to head out.

Sir Gwaine: It would be better if Arthur didn't know of this.

Gaius: Why do you want to keep it from Arthur?

Sir Gwaine: Elyan hasn't been himself recently. He hasn't said anything, but he's clearly upset about his sister's banishment.

Gaius: Yes, it must've been hard for him to see that happen to Gwen.

Sir Leon: We wouldn't want Arthur to think that Elyan's loyalties are divided.

Gaius: Well, I'm sure the King doesn't have to know about every accident that happens in Camelot.

Sir Gwaine: Thank you, Gaius.

Sir Leon: Thank you.

Leon and Gwaine exit.

Gaius: Elyan, can you hear me? Blink if you can hear me.

Elyan doesn't move. Gaius picks up his medicine bag, the top drops to the floor and Gaius spots something as he bends to pick it up. It's the circle of salt. Gaius touches it, smells it and tastes it. Elyan continues his blank stare.


Arthur sits and stares out the window.

Merlin: Would you like me to make up the bed, Sire, or will you be sleeping on the table again? (Arthur keeps quiet, lost in thought) Is this about Gwen? (Arthur looks down sadly) We all miss her. You more than anyone.

King Arthur: You can go now.

Merlin: Arthur…

King Arthur: Get out!

Merlin leaves and Arthur is left to his gloomy thoughts.


Merlin enters. He is angry.

Merlin: I'm done trying to be nice to Arthur. I cook, I clean, I'm always there for him. Not to mention saving his life more times than I care to remember. Do I get any thanks? No. All he ever does is shout at me.

Gaius doesn't respond, focused on his reading.

Merlin: So now you're ignoring me. Great! I might as well not even exist. My name’s Merlin. Don't worry, I’m not even here.

Gaius (closes his book): I fear we may have more important things to worry about than Arthur shouting at you.

Merlin: What is it?

Gaius: Did Elyan disturb anything yesterday at the shrine?

Merlin: I'm not sure.

Gaius: I need you to be sure, Merlin.

Merlin: I don't know. He may have done. I tried to warn them. You know what they're like. They don't listen.

Gaius: I'm sorry, Merlin. It's just that I'm deeply concerned for Elyan. He hasn't spoken a word since he regained consciousness and I can find no physical symptoms to explain it. The only thing I could find was a pile of salt at the foot of his bed.

Merlin: Oh, no.

Gaius: What is it, Merlin?

Merlin: He's trying to ward off an evil spirit.

Gaius: With a pile of salt? That's utter nonsense.

Merlin: Elyan believes it to be true.

Gaius (sigh): Then I fear that Elyan may have disturbed the spirit at the shrine.

Merlin: What? What will that do to him?

Gaius: I dread to think what horror it might unleash. You must tell Arthur what happened at the shrine. You must tell him that Elyan is possessed.

Merlin: Well, I'm not sure he'll believe me, not in the mood he's in.

Gaius: You must make him believe you.


Elyan wakes from the sound of dripping water. Elyan bolts up in bed when he sees the sopping wet druid boy.

Sir Elyan: Leave me alone!

Druid boy: Please. Don't be angry with me.

Elyan processes the boy's words.

Sir Elyan: I'm sorry.

Elyan gets out of bed and approaches the boy. He tries to touch him but the boy backs away.

Sir Elyan: It's all right. Don't be scared (touches the boy) You're so cold.

Elyan hugs the child who hugs him back.

Sir Elyan: It's all right (kneels down) What do you want from me?

Druid boy: I want you to bring me peace. You must right the wrong that was done to me.

Sir Elyan (nods): How? What should I do?

Druid boy: It's easy. You must k*ll the King.

Elyan tenses at the request, then nods.


Elyan waits for guards to pass by.


Arthur is at his desk, reading. Elyan steps in silently, a sword at his hip. Arthur looks up, startled, then rolls his head in relief.

King Arthur: Elyan, you startled me. Is everything all right?

Elyan steps forward and draws his sword.

King Arthur: Elyan? What the hell do you think you're doing!?

Arthur falls back in his chair to avoid Elyan's sword as it slams down on the table. Arthur rolls out of the way as Elyan stabs the floor. The King uses a stool to block Elyan's strikes until it is slashed apart and Arthur is left with only the stool legs.

King Arthur: Guards!

Arthur tosses the stool legs at Elyan and grabs a larger, sturdier stool. Elyan continues to attack, but is distracted when the guards enter. Arthur throws the stool at Elyan, then bolts forward to grab him, but Elyan is already running out. The guards chase after him.


Agravaine addresses the knights.

Agravaine: I know Elyan is a friend to some of you, but that friendship ended when he tried to k*ll the King. Do not let him escape. Now, go find him!

The knights disperse.


Merlin enters.

Merlin: What happened?

King Arthur: Elyan. He att*cked me.

Merlin: I think he's possessed.

King Arthur: What do you mean "possessed"?

Merlin: He may have disturbed a spirit at the shrine. I think that spirit's possessing him.

Arthur seriously considers this.

Merlin: Why else would he attack you?

King Arthur: Well, when we catch him, I intend to ask him that very question.


Sir Gwaine: I never thought I'd see the day we'd be hunting one of our own.

Sir Leon: I just can't understand why he would attack Arthur.

Sir Percival: Well, what would you do if your sister had been banished from Camelot?

Sir Gwaine: Well, my sister's an evil old toad, so I'd be eternally grateful.

Elyan dashes out from his hiding place at the end of the corridor.

Sir Leon: There he is!

They run after Elyan who picks up a bench and throws it at them. Then, he topples a candelabra, but they jump over it and catch him at a locked door. They face each other, swords at the ready, Elyan only has a dagger.

Sir Leon: Elyan, we don't want to hurt you.

Sir Gwaine: Put the knife down.

Sir Percival: Why don't we all just put our weapons down and sort this out like friends?

Percival sheathes his sword. Gwaine and Leon do likewise.

Sir Elyan: I had to do it.

Sir Percival: Of course you did (steps closer) We understand. We're your friends.

Elyan puts the knife down and Percival slaps him unconscious.


Elyan is shoved into a cell by some guards. The guards leave and Elyan is freaked out by the dripping druid boy.

Druid boy: You failed me.

Sir Elyan (terrified): I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Agravaine: Elyan must be tried and punished in accordance with our laws.

King Arthur: But that would mean putting him to death.

Agravaine: Well, so be it. You can't afford to show favouritism.

King Arthur: What if Elyan wasn't acting of his own volition?

Agravaine: What do you mean?

King Arthur: Merlin believes that Elyan has been possessed by some kind of spirit.

Agravaine: Oh. I have no doubt he's just trying to protect his friend.

Merlin: Why else would Elyan attack Arthur?

Agravaine (to King Arthur): His motive is obvious. He seeks revenge. You banished his sister from Camelot.

Merlin: I know Elyan, and no matter what he feels about his sister, he would never attack Arthur.

Agravaine: Arthur, you must see. All this talk of possession and spirits, it's just a ruse to save Elyan's neck.

King Arthur: But what if it is true? I'd be executing an innocent man. More than that, I'd be executing a friend.

Agravaine: You cannot be seen to allow someone to try and k*ll you and then escape punishment. You will appear weak. That puts the whole of Camelot in Peril.

Merlin: Arthur...

King Arthur: Leave me (Merlin is disappointed)…Both of you.

Slightly bewildered, Agravaine follows Merlin out.


Merlin: Agravaine is just pushing for Elyan's execution.

Gaius: Arthur may have no choice but to sentence Elyan to death.

Merlin: We can't allow that to happen.

Gaius: What do you propose we do, Merlin?

Merlin: There must be a way of ridding Elyan of the spirit that possesses him.

Gaius: It would require very powerful magic

Merlin: Then I must master it to save Elyan's life.

Gaius: And you intend to expel the spirit in the cells, under the noses of the guards?

Merlin: Of course not. First we need to break Elyan out of the cells. Did I miss out that part?

Gaius laughs nervously.


Merlin emerges from his room. Gaius brings him a flask.

Gaius: Elyan will have to be unconscious when you expel the spirit. I put a powerful sedative in this water.

Merlin takes it.

Gaius: And Merlin, remember, Elyan is not himself. You cannot trust him.

Merlin: I know.


Merlin looks down at the guards from the stairs. He sees a barrel nearby.

Merlin (casts a spell): *Strangaþ bydenfæt*

His spell knocks the barrel over. The guards approach it. His eyes glow and the barrel rolls down the corridor and the guards follow it.

Merlin (casts another spell) *Wyrþ gatu fæst!*

His eyes glow and the gates behind the guards shut. Merlin unlocks Elyan's door cell.

Sir Elyan (surprised): Merlin!

Merlin: I don't have time to explain. You have to trust me.

Elyan gets up and they head down the tunnels. Merlin unlocks another gate. The warning bells ring and they start to run. They emerge outside the city.

Merlin: We need to make it to the cover of the woods.


Merlin and Elyan run through the woods. They stop, panting.

Sir Elyan: You know, Merlin, you're much braver than you look.

Merlin: Are you calling me a coward?

They laugh.

Sir Elyan: I'm saying there's not many people with the courage to break someone out of the cells.

Merlin: I had to do it. They were going to execute you. I know that you would never hurt Arthur. Not of your own volition.

Elyan looks sharply at Merlin.

Merlin: After all that running, you must be thirsty.

Merlin hands him the flask. Elyan takes it with a smile, but he sees the druid boy shake his head behind Merlin.

Sir Elyan: Where are my manners? You must be thirsty, too.

Merlin: No, after you.

Sir Elyan: No, no, after you. I insist.

Merlin: No, I had some water earlier. If I have too much, I have to pee all the time. Ask Arthur, I'm always peeing. What are you looking at?

Merlin looks at Elyan's line of sight. He sees nothing, but appears disturbed.

Sir Elyan: I'm sorry, Merlin.

Merlin: For what?

Elyan knocks him out and looks at the soaked druid boy.

Sir Elyan I won't fail you again.


Gaius treats Merlin's head wound.

Merlin: Just before he jumped me, there was a presence there. I could sense it.

Gaius: It was Elyan who was supposed to be knocked out, not you, Merlin.

Merlin: I must find Arthur. Elyan could make another attempt on his life.

Gaius: After Elyan's escape, Arthur was put under heavy guard. There's little more you can do to protect him. This you think you could find it again?

Merlin: I'm not sure I want to. You said I was never to go there again.

Gaius: We have to find out all we can about this spirit. Unless we know what we're dealing with, we won't be able to help Elyan or Arthur.


Merlin leads Gaius to the shrine. Merlin stops.

Gaius: Merlin?

Merlin: It's just through these trees.

They enter the shrine.

Merlin: What are we looking for?

Gaius: I'm not entirely sure. But remember, don't disturb anything.

Merlin: Trust me, I won't.

They split up to look around. Merlin hears a crunch of wood and turns sharply.

Gaius (whisper): Sorry!

Merlin hears whispers and crying and finds the well that Elyan drank from. He looks into it and hears wailing voices. He gasps, sniffles and wipes tears from his eyes after having had a vision of the Druids' fate in the well.

Merlin: Gaius!

Gaius: What is it, Merlin?

Merlin: Something terrible happened here.

Gaius (studies the well): These runes are in the druid tongue. I also found this (holds up an arrow) There are crossbow bolts scattered all around.

Merlin: This was Uther's doing, wasn't it?

Gaius: It is revenge for Uther's crime that the spirit seeks.


Merlin enters while Arthur is reading over some documents. Arthur looks up stonily.

King Arthur: Merlin, good of you to join me. Perhaps I should fill you in on all that's been happening while you've been...that's a good question. What the hell have you been doing?

Merlin: I was…

King Arthur: Choose your next words carefully. They may be your last.

Merlin: I was the woods for some herbs for Gaius, very rare herbs, hard to find, actually, and I got lost.

King Arthur: You mean to tell me that you've been wandering around in the woods all night?

Merlin: Yes.

King Arthur: What happened to your head?

Merlin: I…I tripped over a root...and I hit my head on a tree and I knocked myself out.

Merlin tries to chuckle at his own supposed clumsiness. Arthur's not fooled.

King Arthur: Mm. Well, after wandering around in the woods all night, knocking yourself out, you must be hungry.

Merlin: I'm starving.

King Arthur: Pull up a chair. Tuck in.

Merlin: Oh, thank you so very much, I am actu…you're joking.

Arthur gives Merlin a blank stare as confirmation. Merlin takes away Arthur's plate of food and exits. Arthur continues with his reading.


Merlin stops behind a column to finish off Arthur's breakfast when he sees a hand sticking out of an open door. It's an unconscious guard.

Merlin: Oh, no.

Merlin drops the plate.


One of the guards behind Arthur drops without a sound. Arthur gets up and the other guard drops. Arthur turns to see Elyan stepping around a column with a cross bow aimed at him. Arthur dodges it and it hits his throne. Meanwhile, Merlin runs back to the council chamber. Arthur takes one of the guards' swords and Elyan draws one.

King Arthur: Why are you doing this?

Elyan is sopping wet. Arthur draws back, confused and unsettled.

Possessed Sir Elyan (in druid boy’s voice): I must avenge my death.

Possessed Sir Elyan att*cks and Arthur parries.

King Arthur: What've you done to Elyan?

They continue to fight and Merlin arrives at the council chamber door, but it's locked.

Merlin (muffled): Arthur!

King Arthur: Don't make me k*ll you, I don't want to k*ll you.

They continue fighting. Outside the room, Merlin's eyes glow and the council chamber door busts open. He breaks into the room, distracting possessed Sir Elyan. Arthur throws Elyan to the floor, making him drop his sword, and steps forward, sword poised for the k*ll.

Merlin: Stop! That's not the Elyan we know!

Arthur looks down at the now-defenceless possessed Sir Elyan on the floor and backs away. Possessed Sir Elyan gets up and runs off.

Merlin: You let him go?

Arthur breathes harshly, a dark look on his face.


Gaius and Merlin wait as Agravaine reports to Arthur.

Agravaine: The palace is secure. No one is able to get in or out, and we're searching the lower town even as I speak. Fear not, my Lord, Elyan will be hunted down and slain. I'll see to it personally.

King Arthur: Thank you, Uncle.

Agravaine nods and exits. Arthur turns to Gaius and Merlin.

Merlin: You know that isn't Elyan or you wouldn't have let him go.

Arthur nods.

King Arthur: When Elyan spoke to me, it wasn't with his voice. It was the voice of a boy, a child.

Gaius: That is the voice of the spirit that now possesses him.

King Arthur: What do you know about the shrine, Gaius?

Gaius: I believe the site was once a druid camp. There is evidence that the camp was att*cked. Your father was relentless in his persecution of the druids. Many died. I believe it is one of those tormented souls that now possesses Elyan.

King Arthur: And that's why he seeks his revenge.

Gaius: The spirit craves peace. He wishes to find his proper place in the other world, but the unjust nature of his death has denied him that.

King Arthur: Is there anything that can be done to change this?

Gaius: In druid lore, only the atonement of the perpetrator can bring the spirit peace.

Merlin: But Uther's dead. He can't atone for what he did.

Gaius: Indeed.

King Arthur: What about Elyan?

Gaius: Elyan is no longer the man you knew. The spirit has a hold on him that may be too powerful to break. All we can hope is that he'll be found before he has a chance to enact his revenge.

King Arthur: And if we do find him?

Gaius: Then I fear you have no choice...but to k*ll him.


Arthur broods while Merlin clears the table.

Merlin: It's not your fault. You can't be held responsible for everything your father did.

King Arthur: That'll be all, Merlin. Thank you.

Merlin: Are you sure you don't want me to stay?

King Arthur: I think I'm going to get an early night.

Merlin: I'm pretty tired, too, what with having spent the night in the woods.

King Arthur: No one said anything about you getting an early night, Merlin. In fact, you can make up for your little escapade by polishing my armour.


Merlin polishes Arthur's armour.


Merlin walks to his chambers and sees Arthur walk down the corridor behind him wrapped in a cloak. Merlin follows.


Arthur bears a torch as he walks through the castle tunnels. Merlin follows.


Arthur heads through the woods, Merlin close behind. Merlin loses sight of him. He searches and turns at something behind him but no one's there. Arthur steps up behind Merlin, hood pulled down.

King Arthur: Merlin.

Merlin spins around.

Merlin: Fancy meeting you here.

King Arthur: What the hell are you doing creeping around in the woods?

Merlin: I'm following you. What the hell are you doing creeping around in the woods?

Arthur takes off his cloak.

King Arthur: Something I should've done a long time ago.

Merlin: Elyan could be out here. Do you know how dangerous that is?

King Arthur: I have to face him. Feel free to go back to Camelot anytime you like.

Arthur continues on. Merlin follows. Arthur stops and looks back at him.

King Arthur: You're not going back then?

Merlin: Thought I might tag along. Don't want you getting lost and scared.

Arthur smiles and keeps walking.


They approach and stop just outside the flags.

Merlin: Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe we should wait until it's light.

Arthur ignores him.

Merlin: Or we could just do it now. Whatever it is that we’re doing, in the dark, when it’s incredibly scary and dangerous.

They reach the centre of the shrine. Arthur puts his sword away.

Merlin: Is that a good idea? We might be needing it.

King Arthur: I'm not sure a sword would be much use against a spirit.

Merlin: What about against Elyan?

Arthur ignores him.

King Arthur (loudly): I'm here! That's what you want, isn't it?

Merlin: What are you doing?

King Arthur (looks at Merlin): Everything Gaius said about this place is right except for one thing. It wasn't my father that led the raid on the druid camp. I did.

Possessed Sir Elyan appears. Arthur faces him.

Possessed Sir Elyan (in druid boy’s voice): My blood is on your hands. I cannot rest because of what you did.

King Arthur: I know.

Arthur holds his hands out and kneels.

King Arthur (begins to cry): I am responsible for what happened to you. And for all the v*olence that happened here. When I led the attack on your camp, I was young and inexperienced. I was desperate to prove myself to my men, to my...father.

Possessed Sir Elyan walks closer.

King Arthur (still crying): I told the men to spare the women and children, but I know that some of them ignored the order. And there was so much happening. I wanted to stop it...I froze. I didn't know what to do.

Possessed Sir Elyan steps closer.

King Arthur (breaking down): I can still hear the screams. I cannot right this wrong. Nothing I can ever do will change the horrors that happened that day. But I can promise that, now that I am King, I will do everything that I can to prevent anything like this ever happening again. From this day forth, the Druid people will be treated with the respect they deserve. I give you my word.

Possessed Elyan draws his sword.

King Arthur: I am truly sorry for what happened to you.

Arthur prepares himself for the blow, breathing hard but possessed Elyan drops his sword. Arthur is surprised. Possessed Elyan takes Arthur by the shoulders to bring him to his feet. He looks into Arthur's face and hugs him.

Possessed Sir Elyan (whisper): I forgive you.

Possessed Sir Elyan steps away and the spirit leaves Elyan’s body. Arthur watches it in awe. Elyan rouses, but stumbles forward, and Arthur catches him.

Sir Elyan: Arthur?

Elyan faints as tears run down Arthur's cheeks.


Merlin enters with Arthur's laundry. Arthur looks up from his reading.

King Arthur: How's Elyan? Is he going to be all right?

Merlin: Gaius says he's going to make a full recovery.

Arthur considers for a moment as Merlin puts the clothes in the closet.

Merlin: You know, that was incredibly moving what you said at the shrine.

King Arthur: As long as Elyan's going to be all right, it served its purpose.

Merlin: It wasn't just about Elyan, though, was it? You meant it. I know you did.

King Arthur: Does this have a point, Merlin?

Merlin: I don't think I've ever seen you cry before. Not like that. You had tears running down your cheeks. It's nice to see this new sensitive, emotional side to you. It suits you.

King Arthur: Shut up, Merlin.

Merlin: I really thought you'd changed.

King Arthur (closes the book): Then you're as stupid as you are ugly.

Arthur walks off.

Merlin: So, there's no chance that we could have a hug?

Merlin opens his arms and Arthur stops on his way to the door. Arthur glares as he turns around and Merlin starts an attempted runaway as they go off screen.