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04x08 - Lamia

Posted: 03/19/19 07:49
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.08 - Lamia

“In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin”.


John stirs the fire while Mary folds a blanket.

John Howden: There's a chill in the air tonight.

Mary chuckles.

John Howden: What?

Mary Howden: You say that every night.

John Howden: Do I now?

Mary Howden: Only for the last thirty years. Stop your fussing and come to bed.

There is a scream outside. John lights a torch and gets up. Mary grabs his arm.

Mary Howden: John...don't go outside, I'm begging you.

John Howden: It's my duty. I'm the elder of this village.

Mary Howden: John, please!

John Howden: Lock the door behind me. Let no one in. No one, do you hear?

John searches outside. He enters a common building and sees a door opening and closing with the wind. He steps through the doorway and a man falls on him. John supports him and looks at his pale, staring face.

John Howden: Aldref?

Aldref is limp on his feet, eyes wide. John looks around him.

John Howden: Hello? Is there anybody there?

Nearby a figure slithers out of sight.





Gwen is at home. Someone knocks at the door. She opens it.

Mary Howden: Gwen?

Gwen: Mary?

Mary Howden: I was told I might find you here.

Gwen: Mary ! (pulls Mary into her house). What a wonderful surprise!

Mary Howden: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Gwen: No, no, not at all. What brings you to Camelot?

Mary Howden: I don't want to trouble you, Gwen. John and I, I…I know we haven't seen you for many years, but...there was no one else we could turn to.

Gwen: What is it?

Mary Howden: Just...we're just so scared.

Gwen: Oh, Mary...

They hug.


Gwen and Mary sit at the table. Gwen holds Mary's hand.

King Arthur: Guinevere informs me that you live in Longstead in the Fiore Mountains, is that right?

Mary Howden: That's right, Sire. Our village…we are blighted by a sickness. Three good men it has taken now. We have no physician, Sire. It is beyond our understanding.

King Arthur: I see.

Mary Howden: Forgive me. I have no right to bring such a small matter before the king.

King Arthur: You have every right (he sits) It's my responsibility to protect the people of this kingdom, whoever they may be.

Mary Howden: You'll help us?

King Arthur: I'll do whatever I can.

Mary looks hopefully at Gwen and touches her hand.


Merlin cares for a sick patient while Gaius speaks with Arthur.

Gaius: This is the fourth case of sweating sickness I've seen today. In normal circumstances, I'd be happy to travel to this village to investigate, but…

King Arthur: Of course. I understand.

Gaius: Might I make a suggestion, Sire? Why not send Merlin in my place?

Merlin looks at Gaius and Gaius looks at Arthur.

King Arthur: (dubious): Merlin?

Gaius: He has a knowledge of the healing arts. If the diagnosis is straightforward, he can prescribe a remedy, I'm sure.

King Arthur: And what if it isn't?

Gaius: Then he can bring his findings to me.

King Arthur: "Findings"? Merlin can't find his own backside most of the time.

Gaius: I think he's capable of much more than you imagine, Sire.

King Arthur: (aside to Gaius): Do you really think he'll be able to...handle the responsibility?

Gaius: Yes, Sire. I do.


Merlin: Do you really think I can do this, Gaius?

Gaius: I know you can.

Merlin: I'm not a physician. I don't have anything like the knowledge you do.

Gaius: You've been working for me for many years, Merlin. I suspect you know more than you think you do.

Merlin: I just do what you tell me to do. I don't have to make the decisions myself. These people will be putting their lives in my hands.

Gaius: I put my life in your hands every day, Merlin, as does Arthur and Gwen and all of Camelot, though they may not know it. You're the one who holds the fate of this kingdom in the balance.

Merlin: That's different. That doesn't require a lifetime of learning, just…

Gaius: Intelligence, courage, compassion (Merlin smiles) All I know is...I have every faith in you.


Merlin packs for the journey. Gaius enters.

Gaius: Merlin. Before you go (holds out his medicine bag), you'll need this.

Merlin: Oh, I can't take that, Gaius. That's your medicine bag.

Gaius: Don't worry. I've got plenty of spare supplies.

Merlin: Thanks, Gaius.

Gaius: Are you ready?

Merlin: As I'll ever be.

Gaius nods with a smile.


Mary, Merlin, and Gwen ride off with the knights. They stop at the top of a hill.

Mary Howden: My village lies at the foot of those mountains.

Sir Leon: With luck, we should be there by nightfall.


A few villagers gather as they arrive. Mary dismounts and John greets her with a hug.

Gwen: John (she hugs him). It's good to see you. We came as quickly as we could.

John Howden: Words cannot express our gratitude, Gwen. (he looks up) Where's Gaius?

Merlin: I'm sorry. He was needed in Camelot, but I will help in any way that I can.

John Howden (to Gwen): We're living in fear for our lives. We need a skilled physician, not a boy.

Sir Elyan (offended): His name is Merlin.

Gwen: He was appointed acting physician by King Arthur himself.

Merlin: Where are they?

John points. Merlin and Gwen head off in that direction.


Merlin uses a small mirror to check for breath.

Merlin: They're alive, but only just. How long have they been like this?

John Howden: Two or three days. We've tried to feed them, keep them warm, but nothing seems to make any difference.

Gwen: And you've no idea what happened to them?

John Howden: No. It just strikes suddenly, without warning.

Merlin: Well, we need to stimulate the blood flow. Poultice of betulial should work, and a tincture of belladonna to stimulate the heart.

Gwen nods to his instructions.

John Howden: Will it k*ll them? Will it...bring them back?

Merlin: Let's see what the morning brings. Right now we need hot water and plenty of blankets.

Gwen and John leave. Merlin waits to be alone and turns to one of the patients.

Merlin: Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare!

Merlin's eyes glow, but nothing happens.


Merlin is reading. He hears a hissing sound outside. He takes a fishing rod by the door and goes to investigate. After a tense moment with more hissing, he turns around the corner of the house and is startled by Gwaine.

Merlin: Gwaine!

Sir Gwaine: Sorry. Call of nature.

Merlin: I could've k*lled you!

Sir Gwaine: With a fishing rod? "Sir Gwaine was slain...with a fishing rod"?

Merlin laughs.

Sir Gwaine: That's the stuff of legends, eh?

Gwaine chuckles and walks off. Merlin hears the hissing again, but nothing's there. He follows Gwaine.


Merlin and Gwen see to the sick.

Merlin: I barely feel a pulse.

John enters.

John Howden: How are they?

Merlin: I'm afraid the treatments have had no effect.

John Howden: You mean they're dying.

Merlin: I'm sorry. There's something at work here that I don't understand.

John Howden: Are you suggesting sorcery?

Merlin: That's...possible, yes.

John Howden: I feared as much. The other night, when I found Aldref, I felt a...a presence. An evil in the air.

Merlin turns to Gwen.

Merlin: We need to get back to Gaius. Only he can explain this.


Gwen, Merlin, and the knights ride out.


Sir Leon sees campfire smoke and holds up a hand to stop the group.

Sir Leon: Dismount and muzzle your horses. Not a sound, any of you.

They dismount and they sneak closer on foot.

Merlin: Bandits ?

Sir Elyan (nods): Looks like it.

Sir Leon: We'll skirt their camp. With any luck, we'll reach the plain unnoticed.

Sir Gwaine sees a girl with her hands tied being jostled by the men.

Sir Gwaine: Over there.

Sir Gwaine draws his sword and rushes down to the camp. The others follow. They k*ll most of the bandits, and the rest flee.

Sir Percival: Over here.

Sir Percival is cradling the unconscious girl.

Sir Percival: Looks like we're too late.

Merlin checks her.

Merlin: No, she's…

The girl screams and tries to get away from Merlin.

Sir Percival: Hey. Hey. Hey, it's all right. It's all right.

Gwen crouches down next to them. The girl settles down as Percival cradles her and looks into her eyes.

Sir Percival: We're knights of Camelot. You're safe now. You're safe.

Gwen: Here (she reaches to untie the girl's bonds and the girl squirms). My name's Gwen. What's yours?

Lamia: Lamia. My name is Lamia.

Merlin gets out some medical supplies.

Gwen: What happened to you, Lamia?

Lamia: I…was travelling home and the bandits took me. They… (whimpers and snuggles against Sir Percival).

Merlin: Your hands. Did they do this to you?

Merlin reaches to tend to Lamia's wrists, but she recoils from his touch.

Lamia: No ! No !

Sir Leon crouches down and puts a hand on Lamia’s arm.

Sir Leon: Are you strong enough to ride?

She nods.

Sir Leon: Then let's get out of here before they return.

Sir Percival picks up Lamia and they head off.


They all lead their horses, Lamia sits on Percival’s.

Sir Leon: We'll be safe here till the morning.

The group stops and Merlin offers Lamia help to dismount.

Merlin: Here.

She hisses

Sir Percival: Hey! (pushes merlin) Get away from her, Merlin ! (picks her in his arms)…and stay away.

Gwen (low): Merlin, he didn't mean it. They're just tired, that's all.


Sir Percival takes the first watch. He hears a girl crying in the woods and goes to investigate. He finds Lamia curled up by a tree. He kneels down and comforts her.

Sir Percival: Don't worry (stroking her face) No harm can come to you now.

Sir Percival holds her close and her eyes glow green with a hiss. She lifts her face up, but a twig snaps and Percival stands up, sword ready for attack.

Merlin: Sorry.

Sir Percival lowers the sword. Lamia glares at Merlin.

Merlin: Would you like some water?

Merlin holds out a flask. Sir Percival ignores him, returns to Lamia, and walks off with his arm around her.


King Arthur: It's been two days. They should be back by now.

Agravaine: There must be some delay at Longstead, Sire.

King Arthur: If there was a delay, they would have sent word.

Agravaine: Then the bridge is down at Brechfa River.

King Arthur: No, I already checked. A patrol passed through there yesterday.

Agravaine: Well, should I send some scouts out to search for them?

King Arthur: Gaius, is your work done here?

Gaius: Yes, Sire. I'm satisfied the sweating sickness is all but passed.

King Arthur: Then we leave for Longstead at first light.


Arthur's party rides out.


Gwen: Would you…

Gwen tries to hand Lamia a bowl of food, but Lamia flinches away from her.

Gwen: I'll just put it here.

Gwen places the bowl nearby and walks over to Merlin.

Gwen: She still won't eat. No appetite at all. Poor girl.

Sir Leon: Pack your bags. We ride East with the rising sun.

Merlin: Wait...East? Camelot lies West of here.

Sir Elyan: Lamia has asked that we take her home.

Merlin: No, we need to get Gaius.

Sir Gwaine: Gaius can wait.

Merlin: We were sent to help the people of Longstead. Their lives depend on us.

Sir Leon: You dare to question our judgment? You are not a knight! You're not even a physician! You're nothing but a servant! Come on.

Gwen: Please! Listen! Merlin's right, we have to get back to…

Sir Elyan: Stay out of this, Gwen. It's none of your business.

Gwen is surprised and confused. The knights all help Lamia on their way. Gwen scoffs in disbelief. Merlin is suspicious.


Arthur's party rides through the forest. Arthur sends out a scout and dismounts. Gaius dismounts and approaches him.

Gaius: Is anything wrong, Sire?

King Arthur (whispers): Listen. No birdsong. Nothing.

The scout comes back.

Knight (whisper): Sire!

Arthur draws his sword from his horse. They discover a Southron camp, corpses lying on the forest floor.

King Arthur: Does anything strike you as odd about these bodies?

Gaius: Yes, Sire. There's not a mark on them.

King Arthur: Not so much as a scratch.

Agravaine: Over here, my Lord!

Arthur approaches a prison wagon.

King Arthur: Southron sl*ve traders by the looks of it.

Agravaine: What were they transporting? Some kind of an animal?

Gaius (examines scratch marks on the wood): No. These marks were made by humans. And whoever they were, they did anything they had to to get out.

One of the Southrons moans. Arthur and Gaius check on him.

King Arthur: Can he be treated?

Gaius: I… I could try, Sire. But I'll need time and somewhere to work.

King Arthur (to knights): He comes with us! (to Gaius) We'll make Longstead in a matter of hours.


Sir Leon heads towards Lamia to offer her some water but Sir Gwaine gets the water skin from him, pushing Sir Leon away. Sir Leon grabs Sir Gwaine by the arm and stops him.

Sir Leon: Why don't you watch what you're doing?

Sir Gwaine: Why don't you watch your damn tongue?

Sir Leon: You'd do well to learn some manners.

Sir Gwaine: Nothing I can learn from you, Leon.

Sir Gwaine shoves him. Merlin and Gwen look over.

Sir Leon: We'll see about that.

Leon shoves Gwaine.

Merlin: Enough! What's got into you?

Sir Leon pushes Sir Gwaine and they start fighting. Lamia twirls her hair with a smirk as Sir Percival and Sir Elyan pull Sir Gwaine and Sir Leon apart. Sir Leon is wounded.

Merlin: Great!

Merlin goes to check Sir Leon's arm.

Gwen: I'll get the medicine bag.

Merlin leads Leon away.

Merlin: Come on.

Lamia smirks.


Arthur gives orders to his knights.

King Arthur: Spread out and speak to everyone. Someone must know something.

Agravaine meets Arthur.

King Arthur: Did you speak to the village elder?

Agravaine: It seems they left yesterday morning.

King Arthur: Where are they headed?

Agravaine: Camelot, my Lord.

King Arthur: Something must've happened.

Agravaine: We can't go after them tonight.

King Arthur: Then we ride at dawn. See that the men are prepared.

Agravaine: Sire.


Gaius: And they've been like this for four days?

John Howden: And each day they grow weaker.

Gaius (nods): Merlin is right. This is no ordinary illness. There is sorcery at work here.


Merlin tends to Leon and Gwen brings him bandages.

Sir Leon: That needle’s the size of a spear.

Merlin: I'm sorry, it's all I have.

Gwen: There. Done.

Sir Leon: Thank you.

Sir Leon gets up in a huff and puts his shirt back on. Gwen sits in his place.

Merlin (low): Leon and Gwaine, I've never known them to act like this.

Gwen (whispers): Elyan's the same. I hardly recognize him.

Merlin: I think it's something to do with her.

Gwen (surprised): Lamia?

Merlin: The knights are like brothers. Yet, they fight and quarrel like foes?

Gwaine puts a blanket on Lamia's shoulders.

Merlin: It started the moment we found her.

Gwen: But look at her. She's just a girl. How could she affect them this way?

Merlin: I don't know.


Gaius enters.

King Arthur: Any luck with the Southron?

Gaius: I've done my best, Sire. His condition is perilous, but he lives.

King Arthur: Was he able to tell us anything?

Gaius: He is a sl*ve trader, as you suspected. They were travelling South with a girl.

King Arthur: Did he say what happened to them?

Gaius: He claims they fell under some kind of spell. Quarrels and fights broke out among them. They began to suspect the girl of bewitching them. Seems they were right.

King Arthur: Why? What happened?

Gaius: The girl escaped and k*lled them all but him.

King Arthur: How's that possible? She's just one girl.

Gaius: Not a girl, Sire. A lamia.

King Arthur: A lamia?

Gaius: A creature of magic. In their wars with the ancient kings, the High Priestesses of the Old Religion took the blood from a girl and mingled it with that of a serpent. The creatures they created had ferocious powers. They could control the mind of a man, suck the life from him with a single embrace.

King Arthur: Which is why none of the traders had a mark on them.

Gaius: But the lamia proved more deadly than their makers had ever imagined.


Sir Elyan is on watch as the others sleep.

Gaius (V.O.): They could transform at will and become hideous monsters.

Elyan hears a hiss and goes to investigate.


Gaius: And they kept on k*lling, Sire. They would not stop.

King Arthur: So this girl, this creature, is still out there somewhere.

Gaius (nods): I'm afraid so, Sire.


Sir Elyan keeps on investigating. He hears a rustle and draws his sword. It's Lamia. She holds up her hands.

Lamia: Forgive me (Sir Elyan lowers the sword) I didn't mean to frighten you. I couldn't sleep.

Sir Elyan: Nor could I. Then again, it is my job to stay awake.

Lamia (walks closer): Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.

Lamia takes his face in her hands and kisses him. She hisses. Sir Elyan convulses and drops to the ground as Lamia's eyes flash green.


Everyone wakes.

Sir Percival: Elyan?

Gwen: He was supposed to be on guard. He should've woken us long before now. Elyan!

Sir Leon: Elyan! Elyan! Gwen, stay with Lamia. The rest of you, come with me. Spread out.

The knights draw their swords and head off.

Sir Leon: Elyan!

Lamia: Don't worry. They'll find your brother soon enough.

Sir Percival (distant): Elyan! Elyan!


Arthur leads his horse as he tracks Gwen's party. He examines the ground.

King Arthur: Six horses...running East...tracks are no more than a day old.

Arthur mounts and they ride off.


Sir Leon and Sir Percival carry an unconscious Sir Elyan

Gwen: Oh, g… Elyan! What happened to him?

Sir Leon: I don't know. We found him like this.

Gwen rushes to Merlin.

Gwen: Merlin! (whispers) She did this. I know she did.

Merlin turns to the knights.

Merlin: We need to get him back to Camelot now.

Lamia stands up.

Lamia: I know this area. There's a castle not far from here. We could take shelter there. You could tend to your friend.

Sir Gwaine: Then lead the way.

Merlin: We don't need shelter, thank you. We need Gaius.

Gwen: He's right.

Sir Leon: Silence! Both of you! You have no say in these matters! You come with us, or you stay here. It's up to you. Let's go.

Sir Leon and Sir Percival carry off Sir Elyan. Lamia glares at Gwen and Merlin and follows.


Gwen and Merlin ride in the back of the party. They speak in low tones.

Gwen: We could try reasoning with them or tell them Lamia's responsible for what's happening.

Merlin: They won't listen to reason. You've seen how they are. It's like they're under an enchantment.

Gwen: We have to do something!

Merlin: Arthur's our only hope now. We've been gone too long, he must know something's wrong.

Gwen: They'll never find us now. We're in the middle of nowhere.

Merlin: We need to give him some help.


King Arthur: Tracks stop here.

Agravaine: I fear we're wasting our time, Sire. For all we know, they could've gone back to Camelot already.

King Arthur: No. Camelot lies West of here. Tracks heading...East.

Arthur thinks for a moment, then turns to his knights.

King Arthur: Fan out! See what you can find.


Merlin waits as Gwen rips off part of her tunic and ties it to a tree. She mounts and they catch up to the others. They reach an opening in the trees that looks down on the castle Lamia mentioned.


Arthur's party continues searching for tracks. Agravaine finds some and covers them up. He smirks.


Gwen's party enters the castle through a cave.

Lamia: This way.

Merlin grabs Sir Percival's arm. The others continue on.

Merlin: This is madness, Percival. Elyan needs help. You know nothing about this girl. You have no idea where she's taking you.

Sir Percival looms menacingly over Merlin.

Sir Percival: You heard Sir Leon. We've no interest in your opinion. So keep your mouth shut, or I'll shut it for you.

They enter the caves and Leon's torch goes out.

Sir Leon: Is everyone all right?

Merlin lights his torch with a spell and brings it up to light Sir Leon's. Lamia is gone.

Sir Leon: Where's Lamia. Lamia!

They enter a great hall to find it strewn with skeletons.

Merlin: What is this place?

Sir Leon: Whatever it is, it isn't safe. We need to find Lamia. She could be in danger.

Merlin: We're the ones in danger, Leon. She's brought us here to… She's led us to a trap.

Sir Percival: That's a lie!

Merlin: She's poisoned your minds and you can't see…

Sir Leon: Enough!

Merlin: It was Lamia that att*cked Elyan!

Sir Leon (grabs Merlin): I said ENOUGH! (pushes Merlin to the ground).

Gwen: Please! My brother's hurt! We need to find him somewhere warm!

Sir Leon is barely able to contain his anger and rushes out. They follow. Sir Gwaine and Gwen continue carrying Sir Elyan between them. Sir Gwaine stops.

Sir Gwaine: Over here.

They enter a vine-covered room and set Elyan down.

Sir Gwaine: I'll make us a fire.

Sir Leon: Percival and I will search for Lamia.

Leon gets in Merlin's face.

Sir Leon: You will stay here and you will do as Gwaine says. Do I make myself clear?

Sir Gwaine steps on a wooden box, breaking it, stating his authority


Arthur's party rides through the woods.

King Arthur: It's impossible. They can't have just disappeared.

Agravaine: It could be that we're following the wrong tracks, my Lord. Any number of people pass through these woods.

King Arthur: It was them. I know it was.

Agravaine: Maybe we should go back to Longstead, try again in the morning.

King Arthur: By morning they could all be dead.

Agravaine: They're knights of Camelot, my Lord, more than capable of looking after themselves.

King Arthur: Maybe so. But you're forgetting one thing, Uncle. Guinevere is with them.

Agravaine: I realise that, Sire.

King Arthur: We keep going. All night if necessary.


Merlin leans against a column while Gwen sits on the floor stroking her brother's head on her lap.

Sir Gwaine: We need more wood.

Merlin: I'll go and get some.

Sir Gwaine laughs humourlessly.

Sir Gwaine: No! You stay where you are. I'll go get it myself. You're not going anywhere.

Merlin: Gwaine, please listen to me. It's not safe for you out there.

Sir Gwaine: You trying to tell me my business?

Merlin: No, I'm just saying that...

Sir Gwaine: What?

Merlin: Nothing.

Sir Gwaine whips the torch in front of Merlin's face and st*lks off. Merlin turns to Gwen. She's crying.

Gwen (about Sir Elyan): If he doesn't get some help soon, he's not going to make it.


Sir Gwaine searches the castle, a hand on his sword hilt. He hears a noise and draws his sword, but it turns out to be a rat crawling through some bones. Meanwhile, Sir Leon and Sir Percival hear a hiss.

Sir Percival: That was her. I'm sure of it.

Sir Leon (excited): Lamia? (looks down both ends of the corridor) It's nothing.

Leon continues, but Percival hears a hiss and walks toward it.


Gwen: I don't understand it. Why have only the knights been enchanted? Why not us as well?

Merlin: You're a woman.

Gwen: So?

Merlin: All the victims have been men.

Gwen: So why haven't you fallen under her spell?

Merlin: I've just been lucky, I suppose.

Gwen: There must be a reason.

Merlin: Maybe it's because I'm not a knight.

Gwen: The three villagers weren't knights, either.

Merlin: Who knows?

Gwen (shakes her head): There's something about you, Merlin. It's the way she looks at you as if you were the enemy.

They hear a distant yell.

Merlin: Whatever you do, don't leave this room.

He leaves


Merlin hears the lamia hiss and investigates.

Merlin (whispers): Gwaine?

Merlin approaches Sir Gwaine who is standing against a column.

Merlin (whispers): Gwaine?

Merlin touches his shoulder and Sir Gwaine falls on him, slack jawed.


Arthur's party continues their search. Arthur finds one of Gwen's cloth scraps on a broken tree.

King Arthur: Agravaine!

Agravaine: Sire?

Arthur holds Guinevere’s cloth scrap.

King Arthur: It's Guinevere's.

Agravaine: How can you be certain?

King Arthur: It's from her tunic. I'd know it anywhere. We must be close.

Arthur rides off.


Merlin runs down a hall and hears the lamia hiss.


King Arthur's party reaches the view of the castle.

King Arthur: Come on.


Sir Percival hears a girl weeping and investigates. He pulls back a curtain and finds Lamia curled up on the floor crying.

Sir Percival: Lamia.

He crouches down to her and turns her to face him.

Sir Percival: You all right? I've been looking everywhere for you.

Lamia: I thought you might never find me. Thank you, Percival. Thank you.

Lamia kisses Sir Percival and her eyes glow green as Percival's life force is drained. He falls unconscious.

Sir Leon (arrives in time to witness it): No. No. No! No!

He tries to attack her but she blasts him away. Merlin arrives to find Lamia crouched over, kissing Sir Leon.

Merlin: You won't find me such easy prey.

Lamia: Your magic holds no fear me. I could've k*lled you anytime I wished.

Merlin: Then…what are you waiting for?

Lamia att*cks, throwing Merlin backwards. She hisses.

Merlin: Þurhdrif hie ecg!

The spell throws a sword into Lamia's torso. She is blasted away. Merlin gets up and checks Sir Percival's pulse. Lamia hisses from the shadows. Merlin searches for her and is smacked with a tentacle. The lamia pursues him.

Merlin: *spell*

Merlin collapses the ceiling on the lamia. Gwen hears the collapse. The rocks have not squashed the lamia. She bursts through with a shriek. Gwen hears it, grabs a sword, and goes looking for it. Merlin runs from the lamia. Gwen finds Merlin running towards her.

Gwen: Merlin!

Gwen goes to Merlin, but he pushes her in the opposite direction and they take off running as the lamia comes around the corner. The lamia knocks Merlin down, grabs his leg with a tentacle and drags him in. The lamia is about to strike when…

Gwen: Get away from him!

Gwen charges the lamia and runs her sword into it. She strikes again, but loses the sword and falls down. She and Merlin slide quickly backwards along the floor, trying to scramble away from the tentacles, but the lamia looms overhead. Merlin raises a hand ready to cast a spell, his eyes already glowing but the lamia topples forward, a spear in its back, revealing Arthur behind it. Arthur steps cautiously forward, checking for any movement. Gwen scrambles to her feet and runs to him.

Gwen: Arthur!

Gwen jumps into his arms. He laughs.

Merlin: You carry on. Don't worry about me.

King Arthur: Sorry.

Arthur helps him off the ground. Laughs and pats his shoulder

King Arthur (teasingly): It's almost good to see you, Merlin.

Merlin: Likewise.

King Arthur: Almost.

Merlin scoffs in amusement. Arthur goes back to Gwen and they walk out. Merlin picks up Gwen's sword and follows.


Gaius treats the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur enters.

King Arthur: How are they doing?

Gaius: I have given them the same compound that cured the villagers, Sire. They're fortunate that you got to them when you did.

King Arthur: Thank you, Gaius.

Arthur pats Gaius on the shoulder and Gaius nods. Arthur shakes hands with Sir Percival, who's awake and he exits.


Arthur emerges from the temporary ward and sees Merlin.

King Arthur (teasing): So…Merlin. Being saved by a woman! That really can't feel good.

Merlin: Feels a lot better than being dead.

King Arthur: Does it? Being saved by a woman…(raises one hand, palm up) …or dying…

He raises the other hand, palm up, and shifts them like he's weight the scales. He drops his arms.

King Arthur: I'd have to think about that one.

Merlin: Well, don't think too hard. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

Arthur drops his jaw in mock astonishment and punches Merlin in the arm. Merlin grins.


Arthur stands at the table reading some documents. Someone knocks.

King Arthur: Come.

Gwen enters.

Gwen: You wanted to see me?

Arthur turns around and leans against the table.

King Arthur: Just want to make sure you're all right. You've been through a lot these past few days.

Gwen: I'm fine. Nothing a change of clothes couldn't cure.

King Arthur: I thought I knew everything about you, Guinevere. Your loyalty, your wisdom. Since when did you become this fearless hero?

Gwen (chuckles): Well, maybe you just didn't notice before.

King Arthur: Mm. Maybe I didn't. Truly…(he takes her hand) you showed great courage back there.

Gwen: I did what anyone else would've done.

King Arthur: You did a good deal more than that. You were equal to any knight of Camelot. I'm proud of you.

Gwen (beams): Really?

Gwen steps closer. Arthur smiles.

King Arthur: Really.

Arthur takes her in his arms and they kiss.