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04x07 - The Secret Sharer

Posted: 03/19/19 07:49
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.07 - The Secret Sharer

“In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name…Merlin.”


Agravaine strokes Morgana's cheek as she lies unconscious on her bed. He gets up and walks over to the fire. Just then Morgana stirs, dreaming. We flash into her memory of Old Merlin in her house, stealing the Formorroh. Flash to her standing over him in the woods with the dagger.

Morgana: So, Emrys...

Old Merlin throws her with magic. Flash to Old Merlin standing over her, hand raised to strike with magic. She wakes, wide eyed and terrified, and sits up. Agravaine looks over and sees her awake.

Agravaine: Morgana!

He goes to her.

Agravaine: When I found you, you were unconscious in the woods. What happened to you? Morgana, who did this to you?

Morgana (teeth grited): Emrys.

Agravaine: The old man? He was here?

Morgana: He took the Formorroh. He destroyed it.

Agravaine: He knew of our plans to k*ll Arthur?

Morgana: He knows all our plans. All our secrets. He knows everything.

Agravaine: Someone's telling him.

Agravaine thinks for a moment, then closes his eyes in realisation.

Agravaine: Gaius! When I first asked him if he knew Emrys, he claimed not to know, but he was lying. I knew he was lying!

Morgana: Gaius.

Agravaine: He's the only one in Camelot who would know of the Formorroh. It has to be him.

Morgana gets up from the bed, clearly disturbed by her thoughts.

Agravaine: He must be telling Emrys everything.

Morgana recovers.

Morgana: Good. Then he can lead us straight to him.

Agravaine: Gaius is loyal and very stubborn. He won't do that willingly.

Morgana: Who said he had to be willing?





Merlin opens Arthur's curtains.

Merlin: Up you get.

King Arthur: What for?

Merlin: A bath.

King Arthur: Where's breakfast?

Merlin: Say, "Ah."

King Arthur: Ah?

Merlin stuffs some pastry in Arthur's mouth

King Arthur (muffled): Merlin! (He spits it out)

Merlin hurries to look over some documents on the table.

Merlin: Set aside some practice time.

King Arthur: Ah, wonderful. What for? Quarterstaff? Battle axe?

Merlin: Your speech.

King Arthur: Who to?

Merlin: The Guild of Harness Polishers.

King Arthur: The guild of who? I don't know anything about polishing.

Merlin: (unrolling a long scroll) For...tun...ately, I do.

King Arthur: That'll take hours to learn.

Merlin: You don't have hours. First, you have to receive Odin's envoy.

King Arthur: Do I have to give a speech?

Merlin: No. You have to listen to one.

Arthur rolls his eyes.

Merlin: Then you need to inspect the guards, perform a freeman's ceremony, oh...and to be a judge.

King Arthur: Preside over a trial?

Merlin: A garland competition.

King Arthur: (Falling flat on his bed) I never get any time to myself!

Merlin: I know, it's almost like having to work. Come on. You don't have time for this.

Merlin goes over to the bed and grabs Arthur, trying to drag him out of bed. Arthur struggles to stay under the covers.

Merlin: No, come on. No, out of bed.

Merlin forces Arthur out of bed along with all his covers.

Merlin: You're doing very well, Arthur.

King Arthur (on the floor): I don't think so.

Merlin fetches Arthur's shirt.

Merlin: Everyone's saying it.

King Arthur: I'm glad your friends at the tavern approve.

Merlin (pulls Arthur to his feet): I'm serious. You're becoming a very good king.

King Arthur: Thank you. You're still the worst servant I've ever known.

Someone knocks on the door.

King Arthur: Enter.

Agravaine enters.

Agravaine: Good morning, my Lord. May I have a word?

King Arthur: Of course.

Agravaine: Er...the matter I wish to discuss is a delicate one, Sire. Perhaps it'd be better if we talked alone.


Morgana rides through the woods. She approaches a city on a peninsula


Arthur dresses behind his screen.

Agravaine: We know there is a traitor amongst us.

King Arthur: I wish I could deny it.

Agravaine: But we have to consider everyone. Even those dearest to us. No one can be above suspicion.

King Arthur: Of course.

Agravaine: of your knights?

King Arthur: No.

Agravaine: You sure?

King Arthur: I would vouch for each and every one of them.

Agravaine: Well, I have suggested Gaius before, but...I can't believe that he'd betray you.

King Arthur: Nor I. Gaius has always been a loyal servant. Indeed, a friend. To me and my father.

Agravaine: was Gaius who told you where to find the sorcerer that k*lled your father, wasn't it? And we do know that he has dabbled in sorcery. What if his interest in the dark arts has been rekindled?

King Arthur: I've always believed I can trust Gaius.

Agravaine: Oh, me too. Perhaps I am being a little hasty. But it wouldn't do any harm to ask him some questions, would it?

King Arthur: I'm not sure there's any need.

Agravaine: Oh, I believe there is, Sire. We're talking about your safety, and the safety of the realm. Somebody is plotting against you, and it is my duty to investigate every possibility, however unlikely. I'm sure that Gaius himself would respect that.


Morgana walks through a market filled with townsfolk wearing turbans. She enters a temple.


Morgana approaches the guard in the corridor.

Morgana: I wish to see the Cathar…He's expecting me.

The guard moves aside. Morgana walks in. The Cathar is kneeling, praying. She faces him.

Morgana: You are Alator of the Cathar, warrior and priest.

Alator: You are Morgana Pendragon, High Priestess of the Triple Goddess, and last of your kind (he stands up). What do you seek here?

Morgana: I need you to abduct someone. From Camelot.

Alator: Camelot is no friend to our kind. From what I hear, the young king follows Uther's ways.

Morgana: You are a Cathar. Such things would not stop you.

Alator: Why should I risk my life for you?

Morgana approaches him and holds out her arm with the healing bracelet.

Morgana: Because I am willing to give you something in return. It was forged on the Isle of the Blessed by a High Priestess. Its healing powers are without equal in the five kingdoms.

Alator takes the bracelet from her wrist.

Alator: There is true power here. This is a precious gift. The person you seek must be important to you.

Morgana: Yes. I hope the man will lead me to my mortal enemy…Emrys.

Alator: It is as you wish. I will perform this task for you.


Arthur plays with his rings as guards escort Gaius into the room. He lingers in the background while Agravaine greets Gaius.

Agravaine: Please, sit down.

Gaius: Why have I been brought here in this manner?

Agravaine: As the king's right hand man, one of my jobs is to ensure his safety.

Agravaine holds out a chair for Gaius, who sits.

Agravaine: That means asking questions, even of his most trusted servants. Then, so be it. No one is to take offence.

Gaius: Have I done something wrong, Sire?

Arthur doesn't have time to answer as Agravaine sits down across from Gaius and starts to question him.

Agravaine: What is your attitude to sorcery, Gaius?

Gaius looks at Arthur, who waits for his answer.

Gaius: It is against the law.

Agravaine: And do you agree with that?

Gaius: I understand the reason for it.

Agravaine: That's not an answer to the question that I asked.

Gaius: The law is needed to prevent the abuses that have been perpetrated by sorcerers.

Agravaine: Can I ask you to be a little more direct with your answers? Do you agree that magic should be banned? Yes or no?

Gaius: Yes.

Agravaine: Have you ever practiced sorcery?

Gaius: A long time ago.

Agravaine: Recently?

Gaius: No.

Agravaine: Then how did you know the sorcerer (looks at Arthur) that k*lled Uther?

Gaius: I'd heard of him.

Agravaine: You told Arthur where to find him.

Gaius looks at Arthur.

Gaius: Yes.

Agravaine: That suggests you did know him.

Gaius: I was told of a dwelling where he could be found.

Agravaine: Who by?

Gaius: I cannot say.

Agravaine: Have you ever met with him? It's a simple enough question, Gaius. Have you met him, yes or no?

Gaius takes a breath and looks down before answering.

Gaius: No.

Agravaine can tell he's lying.

Agravaine: And you would be prepared to swear to that?

Gaius: Yes.

Agravaine: On oath?

Gaius: Yes.

Agravaine: Humph. Thank you, Gaius. It's been most informative.

Agravaine is clearly pleased to have caught Gaius lying.

Gaius: Is that it?

Agravaine: Mmm…for today.

Arthur stares at the floor in the background. Agravaine glares at Gaius as he leaves. They wait until the doors close and Arthur steps forward.

King Arthur: Is it really necessary to treat him like that?

Arthur sits on the throne.

Agravaine: Your life is at stake, Sire. We cannot afford to be fainthearted.

Agravaine stands.

Agravaine: And you saw with your own eyes he was lying.

King Arthur: He's definitely hiding something.

Agravaine scoffs.

King Arthur: But we can't be certain. We have no proof.

Agravaine: No. You're right, Sire. We do not. But I fear that if we keep investigating, we might find some.

Agravaine exits, leaving Arthur alone in the council room.


Alator rides through the woods with his guard. They stop for a view of Camelot.


A guard leads a horse up the street. Alator steps out of the shadows with is guard and follows him.


Merlin knocks on the open door.

Agravaine: Come in…close the door, would you?

Merlin closes the door and walks into the room.

Agravaine: Merlin. I realise what a loyal and trusted servant you are, so I have a very special errand for you.

Agravaine smiles and unwraps a dagger. He pulls it out of its sheath and holds it up, walking very close to Merlin. Merlin looks uneasy.

Agravaine: What do you think?

Merlin: It's beautiful.

Agravaine: Present for Arthur.

Merlin relaxes and smiles.

Agravaine: It's been crafted by the sword smiths of Gedref, but unfortunately, the blade has become somewhat dulled during the journey.

Agravaine sheathes the dagger and hands it to Merlin.

Agravaine: Would you sharpen it for me?

Merlin: Of course.

Agravaine smiles and turns back to his chair.

Agravaine: Oh, and Merlin...

Merlin turns around on his way to the door.

Agravaine: Leave it for the king to find in the morning.

Merlin: It would be my pleasure.


A guard leads a horse into the stables. Alator and his bodyguard sneak in and wait for the guard to leave. They untie a white horse.

Alator: Ga on wuda!

The horse runs out of the stables and off through the lower town.


Alator and his bodyguard hide under the battlements as guards pass by. They make their way to a door in the wall. Agravaine opens the door from the inside.

Agravaine: You're late!

Alator: Let us not waste time, then.


Gaius is working late. He hears something.

Gaius: Merlin?

Alator grabs Gaius from behind with a hand over his mouth.

Alator: Onslæp nu!

Gaius falls asleep and collapses into the bodyguard's arms.


The bodyguard tosses Gaius onto a horse and they ride off.


Agravaine enters with a bag. He plants a book titled "Witchcraft, Sorcery & Magic" in the room, and quickly packs some of Gaius's things.


Merlin places the sharpened dagger next to Arthur's bed while he sleeps. The warning bells sound and Arthur jolts awake. He looks over at Merlin who smiles at him.


Guards toss Gaius's possessions, breaking many of them. Agravaine holds the book he has planted.

Agravaine: My Lord, he was seen riding away from the city.

Sir Leon enters.

Merlin: That can't be true.

Sir Leon: Sire. (to Agravaine) You were right. A white stallion has been taken from the royal stables.

King Arthur: Well, where would he be going? Why leave at this time of night?

Agravaine: Well, I could hazard a guess, Sire, but I think a thorough search of his belongings may well provide us with the truth.


Alator and the bodyguard ride through the forest with Gaius. They reach a large natural stone bridge and mining caves.


Arthur flips through the books of sorcery that are scattered on the table.

King Arthur: And this was found in Gaius's chambers?

Agravaine: I am as disappointed as you, Sire. Someone so close, so trusted. And it's not merely the discovery that he was a sorcerer, is it? It's... it's the lies.

Merlin watches Arthur, angered by Agravaine's lies.

Agravaine: The lies and years of betrayal.

Arthur drops the spell book on the table, upset.

Agravaine: I know it's hard to believe, isn't it, Sire? But we both saw him refuse to condemn magic. We both knew he was hiding something. And neither of us wanted to believe it,, with this...hasty departure in the middle of the night? These are not the actions of an innocent man, Sire. There can be no doubt. Gaius is the traitor.

Arthur leans back in his chair, still struggling Agravaine's words.

Agravaine: I'll send a search party as soon as possible.

King Arthur: No. What purpose will that serve? Let him run.

Agravaine (bows): As you wish, Sire.

Agravaine exits.

Merlin (About Agravaine's accusations against Gaius): How can you believe this?

Arthur looks down for a moment.

King Arthur: I know how you must feel. We questioned him. He's been consorting with sorcerers. He more or less admitted to it.

Merlin: And that makes him a traitor.

King Arthur: Why run if you have nothing to hide?

Merlin: He's given his life to this kingdom. He would never betray you.

King Arthur: Then explain his actions.

Merlin finally looks at Arthur.

Merlin: All right. They're lies. Gaius would never run off in the night.

King Arthur: Look, I know it's hard. But no break-ins were reported. His possessions are missing. A horse has been stolen.

Merlin (At the verge of tears): He would not leave without saying goodbye to me.

Merlin looks away again and stares in the opposite direction. Arthur sighs.

Merlin: Agravaine has made this story up.

King Arthur: I shall ignore that last comment.

Merlin: Because he's your uncle, you will not see who he really is.

King Arthur: Merlin! I've had my heart broken enough already today. I don't want to lose another friend.

Arthur stands up briskly.

King Arthur: Gaius...(holds up the book of magic)…condemned himself…(slaps the book on the table on his way out)…there's no more to be said.


Alator enters the cave. The bodyguard lays Gaius on a slanted slab of rock and Gaius stirs.

Morgana: You've had a difficult journey. You must be tired. It's time to wake up.

Morgana strokes his cheek and Gaius wakes.

Morgana: It's time for the fun to begin.

Gaius: Get on with it, Morgana. Whatever you want to do, just do it now. I'm not afraid to die.

Morgana: Dying is the easy part. I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I were you. My friend here's going to help me get some information.

Gaius looks at Alator for the first time.

Morgana: Some information you might be a little reluctant to give. I want you to tell me where Emrys is.

Gaius: I don't know anyone called Emrys.

Morgana: Oh, I think you do.

Gaius: Do what you will. I will never tell you anything, Morgana.

Morgana: Alator is no ordinary torturer. He's a Cathar...priest of the Old Religion. He has at his disposal some skills only known by initiates. But you're a learned man, Gaius. I'm sure you know exactly what he can do.

Morgana leaves and Agravaine follows her out.


Merlin sits on the floor reading a sheet of parchment. The door opens and he looks at it expectantly. It's Gwen. He turns back, disappointed.

Merlin: I thought you were him.

Gwen walks to him. She sits on the floor beside him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Merlin: Agravaine's behind this. He's done something to Gaius.

Gwen: Arthur told me what you said.

Merlin: He won't listen to me.

Gwen: I'll do what I can, but...Agravaine's his uncle. He...he trusts him more than anyone.

Merlin: Yeah.


Alator (spell): Ligfyr onbærne swiþe.

Alator's eyes glow and a circle of flame rises up around Gaius's stone slab.

Alator: Do not resist the fire. Let it enter your mind. Let the flames search out your thoughts. Feel them burn into the darkest recesses of your mind. Let them shine a torch on your deepest secrets. Bring them to the light.

Gaius (looks in pain): Acwence þa bælblyse (the spell puts the fire out)

Alator (surprised Casts another spell): Fyr wiþere! (it reignites the fire with more intensity).


Merlin searches Agravaine's chamber. He finds a chest under the bed and pulls it out. It's locked. His eyes glow and it unlatches. It's filled with books of Sorcery. Upset, Merlin shoves the box back under the bed. He notices a pair of boots nearby with reddish soil all over them. He rubs his thumb across the boot and picks up some of the dirt. He sniffs it and notices its odd smell. The door unlatches and he hides behind the dressing screen. Agravaine has a mirror set up in a position that allows him a view of the room, so Merlin can see where he is. Agravaine starts to undress and walks around the screen. Merlin has slipped around to the other side while Agravaine pulled off his shirt. Agravaine sees Merlin sneaking off in the strategic mirror. Merlin leaves and he steps around the screen, putting his shirt back on. He looks down by the bed and sees his boots with a thumb mark of dirt missing. He grits his teeth.


Gwaine is sitting on a bench, waiting for Merlin. Merlin stops as he enters.

Merlin: What are you doing in here?

Sir Gwaine: Got bored of playing soldiers. And I thought I'd come and see how you were.

Still suspicious, Merlin takes a bag off the back of the door and opens it for Gwaine to exit before heading to a work table.

Merlin: I'm busy.

Sir Gwaine: Doing what?

Merlin: What do you think?

Sir Gwaine: Looking for Gaius.

Merlin: I know everyone thinks he's a traitor, but he's not. He's been abducted, Gwaine. He may even be dead.

Merlin turns to look at a book and brings a candle closer to examine the dirt.

Sir Gwaine: Probably don't need my help, then.

They exchange a look and Merlin softens.

Merlin (holds up his dirty thumb): Do you know what this is?

Sir Gwaine: Might do. (he gets up) Here. Let me see.

Merlin holds out his hand and Gwaine takes a swipe of the dirt and smells it.

Sir Gwaine: That's iron ore. Where'd you find this?

Merlin: That doesn't matter. Does it help us?

Sir Gwaine: Iron ore's pretty rare in Camelot. In fact, I've only seen it once, on a patrol.

Merlin: Where?

Sir Gwaine: Er...ridge of Chemary. They've been hewing iron from rocks there for hundreds of years.


From his window, Agravaine sees Merlin and Gwaine ride out of Camelot.


Alator: Feel the fire roar deep within you. Feel your thoughts begin to simmer. Let them flee the rushing flames. Let them run like burning oil. Let them escape. Allow them free, Gaius.

Gaius struggles against the magic.

Alator: Tell me.


Agravaine gallops through the forest.


Agravaine bursts in.

Agravaine: Merlin's onto us. He's out searching for Gaius even as we speak. He may even know where he's hidden.

They both hurry out of the hovel.


Merlin and Gwaine head into the mining caves.


Alator continues his mental t*rture.

Alator: Tell me about Emrys. Tell me, Gaius. Where can we find Emrys?

Gaius struggles not to speak, but can't help himself.

Gaius: In Camelot.

Alator: Where in Camelot?

Gaius: Emrys is…Emrys is a name by which he is known to the druids, but to me...I know him by a different name.

Alator: Tell me, Gaius.

Gaius starts to form Merlin's name…

Gaius: No!

Alator places his hands on Gaius’s head.

Alator: Who is he?

Gaius: H…he is the most powerful sorcerer who has ever lived.

Alator: What is his name?

Gaius: His to not speak)…Merlin.


Merlin and Gwaine enter the mine. Merlin notices the same iron ore on his boots.


Now Gaius is not fighting anymore and he continues to speak.

Gaius: For the druids' legends are true. Merlin is...Emrys. A man destined for greatness. A man who will one day unite the powers of the old world and the new, and bring the time that the poets speak of. The time...of Albion.

Gaius closes his eyes.


Merlin and Gwaine are still looking for Gaius The bodyguard jumps out at them. Gwaine fights him, but eventually Merlin steps in and, with a flash of the eyes, the guard is down. Alator hears the bodyguard's scream. Merlin helps Gwaine to his feet.


Agravaine and Morgana ride hard for the caves.


Gwaine and Merlin come to a fork in their search.

Merlin: We should split up.

Sir Gwaine: Yeah.

Merlin: Gwaine. If you find him, don't wait for me.

Gwaine nods.


Agravaine and Morgana arrive. Agravaine dismounts.

Agravaine: The black horse belongs to Gawain. He's a hot head. We've got to be careful of him.


Gwaine keeps searching. Agravaine and Morgana enter.

Morgana: Go to Gaius. If he remains alive, we're all in danger.

Agravaine: You can rest assured, he won't breathe another word.

Morgana: I'll deal with Merlin and this hot head.

They separate. Merlin continues searching and sees firelight ahead. He ducks into hiding as Alator comes around the corner. Alator stops, but doesn't look down to see Merlin. He leaves and Merlin carries on his search.


Agravaine finds Gaius. He steps into the stone circle and checks Gaius, who's still alive. Agravaine pulls out a dagger and goes for Gaius's throat.

Sir Gwaine: Agravaine! So it was you! You abducted him.

Agravaine: What? No!

Sir Gwaine: What are you doing?

Gwaine places his sword at Agravaine's throat.

Agravaine: He's unconscious, I'm trying to help.

Sir Gwaine (about Agravaine’s dagger): With that?

Agravaine: I want to see if he's still breathing.

Agravaine lifts the dagger from Gaius's throat to his nose.

Sir Gwaine: And is he?

Agravaine: Just. You can see the breath still on the blade, look.

Gwaine holds the torch near the dagger and Agravaine parries Gwaine's sword.

Agravaine: Now do you believe me?

Gwaine puts his sword back at Agravaine's throat.

Sir Gwaine: Then how did you know he was here?

Agravaine pauses, thinking on his feet.

Agravaine: Guards at the western gate saw you and Merlin leave. Knowing Merlin's concern for Gaius, I thought it must be some new information at hand. So, I just followed your trail.

Gwaine backs off and nods.

Sir Gwaine: You agree he was abducted, then?

Agravaine: Yes, of course he was. Now, we must get him back to Camelot without delay. Come on.

Sir Gwaine: We have to find Merlin first.

Agravaine: No!

Gwaine looks back, suspicious.

Agravaine: I fear if we do not leave now, Gaius will not survive. We've no time to lose. Give me a hand!

Gwaine starts to go anyway.

Agravaine: Look, the people who took Gaius have already fled. I saw them with my own eyes from the ridge. We must get back to Camelot by night fall.

Gwaine hesitates.

Agravaine: Come on, Gawain! Help me! Please!

Gwaine sheathes his sword and goes to help.

Agravaine: Merlin can find his own way back.


Merlin reaches a dead end. He turns back the way he came only to be thrown backwards by Morgana.

Morgana: You really are a thorn in my side, aren't you? (pulls out a dagger) When will you learn not to meddle with things you couldn't possibly understand?

Morgana throws the dagger and controls it to stay at Merlin's throat as he scampers backwards on the ground.

Morgana: It's difficult, isn't it? When there are so many different and painful ways for me to be finally rid of you.

Merlin: I don't care what you do to me. I want to know what you've done to Gaius.

Morgana: Well, Gaius had some information I needed. The whereabouts of the sorcerer Emrys. If he gave it to me willingly, his suffering would not be prolonged, but...if he did not...

Morgana smirks.

Merlin: If you have harmed him...

Morgana: Why are we discussing his fate when it's time to decide yours? Not whether you're going to die alone here in this godforsaken place. That's gonna happen anyway. But how ? Or more precisely how painfully ?

Alator enters.

Morgana: Alator, this is Merlin.

Alator is surprised and looks more closely at Merlin.

Morgana: He's just a serving boy, but he's the most troublesome serving boy I've ever known. I take it your time with Gaius was fruitful?

Alator looks at Morgana.

Alator: Gaius told me everything.

Merlin looks at Alator.

Morgana: So you know who Emrys is?

Alator: Indeed I do.

Alator walks forward and Morgana follows a few steps, desperate for his answer.

Alator (ducking by Merlin's side): Not only do I know who Emrys is, I know exactly where he is.

Morgana: Then tell me.

Alator (looks at her): Never.

Alator stands and aims his staff at her.

Alator: Forþ fleoge!

Morgana screams as she's thrown backwards against a rock and collapses unconscious. The dagger at Merlin's throat drops. Merlin scrambles to his feet.

Alator: Merlin, I am Alator of the Cathar. I am honoured to be of service.

Merlin: You have magic!

Alator (nods): I understand the burden you carry. I have lived with it all my life. I have been shunned, persecuted, and sometimes even hunted in every corner of the five kingdoms. I understand what that feels like. You're not alone. From what Gaius told me, I do not have your great powers, Merlin, but I share your hopes. For I, and others like me, have dreamt of the world you seek to build. And we would gladly give our lives to help you do it.

Alator kneels to Merlin who sighs in amazement.


Gwaine and Agravaine ride into the square with Gaius slung across Gwaine's horse.


Gwaine jogs up the stairs ahead of the guards carrying Gaius. He meets Arthur on the landing.

King Arthur: What happened?

Sir Gwaine: We found him. He'd been kidnapped.

Arthur looks at Gwaine. He looks worried.

Sir Gwaine: He's in a bad way.

They follow the guards carrying Gaius, Agravaine behind them.


Agravaine and Arthur watch Gwen mopping Gaius's forehead.

Agravaine: It seems I misjudged Gaius. Merlin was right all along.

King Arthur: We were lucky he found him.

Agravaine: Indeed. If it hadn't been for the tenacity of your boy, Gaius would be dead. We both owe Gaius and Merlin an apology, my Lord.

Arthur leaves. Agravaine follows him after a last look at Gaius.


Morgana wakes in the cave. She picks up her healing bracelet which has been thrown to the ground by Alator. She looks frightened.


Merlin sits by Gaius's bedside. Gaius wakes.

Gaius: I'm ashamed.

Merlin: Why?

Gaius: Your secret. A secret I thought I'd protect with my life.

Merlin: Gaius, you could've died.

Gaius: But if Morgana had found out...

Merlin: She didn't. She didn't count on Alator's true loyalties.

Gaius: I worry that one day I'll let you down.

Merlin: My worry is Arthur.

Gaius: We can't tell him about Agravaine.

Merlin: He needs to know.

Gaius: We don't have any evidence. And you've seen how dear he is to Arthur.

Arthur knocks and enters.

King Arthur (looks tense): I think I owe both of you an apology.

Merlin (still a bit angry): Not to me. To Gaius.

King Arthur: Yes…Merlin, will you give us a moment?

Merlin gives Gaius a mischievous look and his mouth turns up in a cheeky manner.

Merlin: Does that mean I get the morning off?

Gaius smiles.

King Arthur (relieved): Yes.

Merlin raises his eyebrows, smiling.

King Arthur: Yes, you can have the morning off to...clean my chambers, polish my armour, and launder my clothes.

Merlin turns to Arthur.

Merlin: You certainly know how to apologise.

Arthur grins with an amused shrug. They share a look and Arthur nods to him as Merlin leaves. Arthur approaches Gaius's sickbed.

King Arthur: Are you all right?

Gaius: I'm just glad it's all over.

King Arthur: I made a mistake.

Gaius: I've looked after you since you were a nurseling, Arthur. You should've known I love you far too much ever to betray you.

Arthur looks touched.

King Arthur: Gaius...who abducted you?

Gaius swallows hard and considers for a moment how to answer.

Gaius: I couldn't say. But I'm certain they were in league with Morgana.

King Arthur: What did they want?

Gaius: Information. About help bring down the kingdom.

King Arthur (softly): Did they get it?

Gaius (shakes his head): Morgana got nothing from me.

Arthur sighs in relief. He sits in the chair that Merlin vacated and grasps Gaius's hand.

King Arthur: I'm grateful.

Arthur braces his arms on his legs.

King Arthur (softly): But there's a matter that still concerns me. When you were asked about the sorcerer who k*lled my lied.

Gaius: I did, Sire.

King Arthur (softly): You admit it?

Gaius: I chose to protect him. I feared you would seek him out and execute him. That would've been a grave mistake. The sorcerer did not k*ll your father. Uther was dying. He tried everything in his power to save him.

Gaius sees Arthur having difficulty with what he said.

Gaius: Contained within this great kingdom is a rich variety of people with a range of different beliefs. I'm not the only one seeking to protect you. There are many more who believe in the world you are trying to create. One day you will learn, Arthur. One day you will understand...just how much they've done for you.

Arthur processes Gaius's words and nods.