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04x04 - Aithusa

Posted: 03/19/19 07:46
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.04 - Aithusa

“In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin”.


While the druids are sleeping, a man steals a key. He connects it to what looks like his third part of the key. The two parts matches perfectly. The man turns around and finds the druids all awake. He runs into the woods, but he is pursued. He reaches a cliff and has to stop. The druids are getting closer to him so he grabs one of them and pulls a dagger on his chest.

Iseldir: It is not worth anyone's life.
Man: Isn't it ? It's cost me 20 years of mine.
Iseldir: It is of no use. You will never find the third part of the Triskellian.
Man: Ah, but you’re wrong. I already know where that bit is.

The man shoves his c*ptive at the druids and jumps off the cliff. He rides to Camelot.





Gaius is working late when the man knocks on the door. Merlin wakes up. Gaius answers the door.

Man: Hello, Gaius. Surely you remember me ?
Gaius: Only too well. Why are you here?
Man: Please, I could do with drying myself by your fire.

Gaius lets him in. Merlin watches the scene through the interstice of his bedroom door.

Gaius: You've a nerve coming back here. You left me in a lot of trouble.

Man: Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that. What can I say? Execution didn't really appeal to me. Don't pretend you supported Uther.

Gaius: Tell me why you're here.
Man: (Showing him the connected two parts of the Triskellion). Save your eyesight Gaius. It's the Triskellion of Ashkanar.

Gaius: Are you sure?

Man: I’m certain.

Gaius: Let me see. (Gaius examines the writing on it).
Gaius: It’s in a druid tongue. The bind runes are in threes. That’s rare.
Man: Oh, I can save you the trouble. They guide the bearer to the tomb of Ashkanar. Yes. We both know the legend. We both know what he hid there.
Gaius: A dragon’s egg. And you have come to steal it.
Man: I wouldn’t say “steal”.
Gaius: You’re forgetting one thing. You’re missing a part of the Triskellian.
Man: Oh, no. I know where that bit is.
Gaius: Where ?
Man (looking down): In the vaults...beneath your feet.
Gaius: In Camelot ?
Man: Where it has lain safe and secure for the last four hundred years.
Gaius: And you want me to help you to get it.
Man: We could bring this noble creature back to life.

Gaius looks sceptical.

Gaius: I want no part of your plan.
Man: You don't want to release the last living dragon?
Gaius: The old ways should die.
Man: That is not what you taught me.
Gaius: It's what I feel now. I believe in the King that Arthur will become and the future he will build.
Man: Think about it...
Gaius: I've given you my answer. Now I think you should leave Camelot sooner rather than later. Arthur may not be his father but he is no friend of the old ways.

Gaius opens the door for the man to leave.

Man (by the door): You’ll find me in the tavern in the lower town. Take your time. Gaius, I know I caused you trouble before, but I’m a changed man. Believe me.

Man leaves. Merlin gets out of his room.

Merlin: Who was that ?
Gaius: Oh, doesn’t matter.
Merlin: Gaius !
Gaius (sigh): He was a pupil. His name is Julius Borden.

Merlin: Why won't you help him ? This is our one chance of saving the dragons, of helping Kilgharrah preserve his kind !

Gaius: Borden is not a man to be trusted.
Merlin: You don't think the Triskellion is real ?
Gaius: That I have no doubt.
Merlin: Then what ?
Gaius: His motives, Merlin. Even as a young man he was prone to dishonesty ...who knows what path he is on now.
Merlin: You want the egg to remain lost forever !
Gaius: I don't want it to get into Borden's hands. The tomb of Ashkanar has lain untouched for more than 400 years. It is my belief it should remain that way. Now let’s get some sleep. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.


Kilgharrah: I never dared dream of such a moment, Merlin.

Merlin smiles.

Kilgharrah: Until now I believed the egg would never be found. That I would be the last of my kind.
Merlin: So the legend is true.
Kilgharrah: This is a chance in a thousand, Merlin. You must retrieve the egg.
Merlin: I know.
Kilgharrah: Then what is the matter ?
Merlin: Gaius has forbidden it.
Kilgharrah: Merlin ! You are a Dragonlord ! It is a gift passed down from your father. He gave up everything in his life to save me. What do you think he would say ? The egg harbours the last of my kind. I beg you, Merlin, in your father's name, promise me that you will do everything in your power to rescue it.
Merlin: You have my promise.


Merlin is on his way to the tavern.


Merlin enters Borden’s room. There’s a lump on the bed in the shape of a body, but Borden jumps out from behind the door and pins Merlin against the wall with a dagger at his throat.

Borden: What do you want?
Merlin: To help you.
Borden: Who are you?
Merlin: A friend of Gaius. I heard what you told him. I want to see a dragon’s egg. I want to come with you.
Borden: Did he send you?
Merlin: No.
Borden: No?

Borden opens the door.

Borden: Then get out.
Merlin: Please, I know everything about dragons. I’ve read everything...
Borden: Not interested. Go away.

Borden shoves Merlin out.

Merlin: All right, but you won’t get into the vaults without me.
Borden (scoffs): And how’s a boy like you gonna help ?
Merlin: Because I’m the personal servant of King Arthur.


Merlin tries to steal the key to the vaults while Arthur is sleeping, but Arthur wakes up.

King Arthur: What on earth are you doing?
Merlin: Looking for woodworm.

Merlin pretends to look for woodworm.

King Arthur: Before breakfast?
Merlin: That is when the worms are most active.
King Arthur: Get out.

Merlin starts to leave and sees the key on Arthur’s belt on the trousers from the day before.

Merlin: These need washing.
King Arthur: So do these. (Arthur throws some clothes at Merlin). Oh, and Merlin, before you go, I need that belt.

Frustrated, Merlin leaves the belt with the key on it.


Agravaine: We need to strengthen all our outlying defences as Odin’s raids prove. But it is the northern borders that are particularly vulnerable.
King Arthur: There’s always been so, and the reason’s obvious. If you look at the terrain here…

Merlin’s eyes glow and Arthur’s trousers drop.

Merlin: Allow me to help you, sire.
King Arthur: No. No ! Merlin ! (both fall down)
Merlin: Your Majesty.
King Arthur: Merlin !
Merlin: Majesty !
King Arthur: Get off me !
Merlin: I’m trying to help you, sire !

They get up from the struggle. Arthur pulls up his trousers.

Merlin: There we go. Will there be anything else, sire?
King Arthur: No !

Merlin backs out with the key in his hand.

King Arthur (clears throat): So, the terrain here...


Merlin lets Borden in through the outer wall.

Borden: I’m beginning to like you, Merlin.

They go down the stairs toward the vaults. Merlin stops.

Merlin: This is as far as I go. And this key opens the last gate. But you have to get past the guards.
Borden (taking the key): That won’t be a problem.

Borden distracts and then knocks out the guards, enters the vaults and takes the third piece of the Triskellian. He combines the three pieces and then returns to where Merlin is waiting.

Merlin: Follow me.

They exit and hide by the door to the outer wall. Borden lends the key back to Merlin

Borden: Thanks.
Merlin: Anytime.
Borden: Tell me, Merlin, would you say you’re a good liar ?
Merlin: Yeah, if I need to be.
Borden (knocks Merlin out): You going to need to be.


Merlin wakes up. He starts to get up and the key drops to the floor. He realises what happened, stands up, locks the door and runs to Arthur’s chambers.


Merlin puts back the key to the vaults, but he knocks a goblet onto Arthur’s bed. He scrambles over Arthur, stops the cup mid-air with magic, sighs in relief, and grabs it. Arthur wakes and sits up in bed, startled.

King Arthur: Merlin ? What are you doing ?
Merlin (puts a finger to his lips): Shhh ! (uses the goblet as an amplifier to listen to the bed headrest) I’m listening for woodworm.
King Arthur: I’m getting slightly concerned about you.

The warning bells ring.

King Arthur: The hell is that ?


Agravaine: The lock hasn’t been damaged, which would suggest whoever it was had a key.
Gaius (looking at Merlin): Strange.
King Arthur: Of all these treasures, this is all they were interested in. What was in here?
Gaius: I believe, sire, one third of a Triskellian, a type of key. A key that, according to legend, opens the ancient tomb of Ashkanar.
King Arthur: I remember my father talk of such a tomb. It contained a dragon’s egg.
Gaius: It has been said.
King Arthur: You don’t believe it to be true?
Gaius: Well, it is possible, sire. The wealth and wisdom of Ashkanar are without equal.
Agravaine: Is the egg still there?
Gaius: I can’t be certain. But, to my knowledge, no one has disturbed the tomb for more than four hundred years.
King Arthur: But with this Triskellian, someone could.
Agravaine: Sire, a dragon’s egg can live for a thousand years. Even today, it could still hatch, and another dragon would be born into this world.
King Arthur: So, all my father’s work to rid the world of these monsters would be undone.
Agravaine: That must be our fear.
King Arthur: Then we have no choice. We must hunt down this intruder, destroy the egg.


Gaius (shouting at Merlin): How could you be so stupid !? What were you thinking !?
Merlin: I am a dragon lord. It is my sacred duty to protect the last of the dragons.
Gaius: The tomb could’ve remained closed for another four hundred years and the egg would’ve been completely safe ! Now Arthur’s riding out intent on destroying it !
Merlin: We have to hope that Borden gets there first.
Gaius (scoffs): You trust Borden ? You really think he’s going to release that dragon ? (scoffs) I fear to think what he intends for the poor creature. Why couldn’t you leave things alone !?


King Arthur: Hurry up, Merlin !

The knights ride out. Merlin mounts and joins them.


They ride through the countryside.

King Arthur: Same hoof tracks. We must be closing on him.
Merlin: Look.

Merlin points to a pillar of smoke.

Merlin: He made camp. Ya!

They ride off.


Arthur checks the campfire ashes.

King Arthur: It’s still warm.
Sir Elyan: He can’t have more than a few hours’ lead on us.

King Arthur: We need to keep moving.

Later, Arthur checks the hillside.

King Arthur: Deer tracks.
Sir Leon: We lost him ?
King Arthur: It’s getting too dark to see. We have to find somewhere to hole up for the night.
Merlin: But we’re so close to him.
King Arthur: Unless you can see in the dark, Merlin, there’s not much else we can do.


Merlin is distributing the stew he has cooked between the knights

Sir Leon: Whoa. I’m famished. (Merlin adds another spoonfull). Thank you.
Sir Gwaine (grabs Merlin): yeah, I’m hungry as a horse.

Merlin adds another spoonful and settles to have whatever is left

King Arthur: As a point, Merlin, have you fed them ?
Merlin: What ?
King Arthur: The horses.
Merlin: Well…
King Arthur: Come on, they must be starving.
Merlin: But…
King Arthur: On your toes.

Merlin feeds the horses. He senses something, but sees no one.

Sir Gwaine: (Handing Merlin an empty plate) Mm. That was lovely, Merlin. Thanks.
Sir Percival: (Doing the same) Er, I loved it.
Sir Leon: (Doing the same) Me, too.
King Arthur: (Doing the same) If you’re going to wash those up, wash this, too. (Places cauldron on top of the pile of empty plates)
Merlin (ironical): Thanks.
King Arthur: Oh, hang on, there’s still a bit left. (Eats the last bits at the bottom of the cauldron) Mmm... Mmm... .

Merlin: Good, was it ?
King Arthur: A little salty, though.

Merlin turns to leave and do the washing up

Sir Leon: Merlin ! There's another plate here (Shows him a plate with Merlin's share of the food).

All laugh.


The knights and Merlin are sleeping. Merlin wakes up when he hears a whisper in his mind.

Voice (telepathy): Emrys. Emrys.

Merlin stands up.

Voice (telepathy): Emrys.

Merlin follows the sound of the voice through the woods.

Voice (telepathy): Emrys.
Merlin: Where are you?
Voice (telepathy): Emrys.

Merlin finds druids in the woods. Among them, Iseldir who lowers his hood.

Iseldir: Do not be afraid. We know your quest.
Merlin: How ?
Iseldir: The man you seek also stole from us. He passed through these woods not three hours before you.
Merlin: Which way did he go ?
Iseldir: To the east. But you must be wary, Emrys. The legends tell a tale that only the druids know.
Merlin: What do they say?
Iseldir: Ashkanar was a wise man. He knew one day men would come seeking to disturb his rest. The Triskellian is not just a key. It is also a trap.
Merlin: What do you mean? What kind of trap?
Iseldir: I do not know. But the legends are very clear, you must beware, Emrys.

Merlin starts to head back to camp.

Iseldir: Emrys, there is one other thing the legends say. Only when the way ahead seems impossible will you have found it.

Merlin leaves.


The knights sneak through the woods, swords drawn. They enter Borden’s camp only to find it abandoned.

King Arthur: He must’ve left in the night.
Sir Gwaine: No horse tracks.
Sir Leon: He’s covered them.
Merlin: We had him. We were so close.

Merlin walks off purposefully.

King Arthur: Where are you going ? We don’t even know which way he went.
Merlin: He’s heading east.
King Arthur: How would you know that ?
Merlin: Because I can sense it.
King Arthur: Sense is not a word I associate with you, Merlin.

Elyan finds some horse dung.

Sir Elyan: Hang on ! He’s right.
King Arthur: He can’t be.
Sir Leon: Well done, Merlin.

They all head east.

Merlin (to Arthur): Have you ever heard of the word “sorry” ?
King Arthur: No. Is that another word you made up ?


King Arthur: It’s a dead end. That’s it. Let’s go back.

The knights turn back.

Merlin: What about the cave ?
King Arthur: We’re wasting our time.
Sir Percival: Arthur !

Percival points down at a muddy footprint by the water. They enter the cave and draw their swords. They keep going deeper.

King Arthur: Merlin, this is ridiculous. Where’s he heading?
Merlin: There’s light ahead.

They come to a waterfall. Arthur puts his hand through it and crosses to the other side. They continue on the other side.

Sir Gwaine: No wonder no one’s ever found it.

They walk down a hill towards a giant tower.


They walk down a large trench path towards the tower and Percival gets shot in the leg with an arrow.

King Arthur: Take cover!

They press their backs into the trench walls. An arrow lands between Arthur’s feet. Percival groans in pain.

King Arthur: You all right ?
Sir Percival: Yeah.

An arrow flies next to Percival’s head.

King Arthur: Where’s he firing from ?

Arthur turns to Leon.

King Arthur: I’ll draw fire, get him to safety.

Borden sh**t at Arthur as he dodges to the other side and Leon helps Percival to his feet so he can take cover against the wall. Merlin sees Borden move on the ridge.

Merlin (whisper): Arthur.

Merlin directs Arthur’s line of vision. Arthur peeks out for a moment, then motions a plan to the knights. Arthur sprints to the other side of the trench. Merlin magic the crossbow out of Borden’s hands and smashes it against a tree. Borden runs off. Arthur reaches Borden’s former position.

King Arthur: What happened ? Where’s he gone ?
Merlin: Perhaps he ran out of bolts.

Arthur sneaks through the woods and the others follow. Merlin dashes past Arthur.

King Arthur: Careful !

Merlin stops and slides. Arthur pulls him back.

King Arthur: Who knows what he’s left lying in wait for us.
Merlin: We can go around that.
King Arthur: No ! (Arthur grabs Merlin to stop him). He knows we’re coming.
Merlin: That’s a risk we have to take!
King Arthur: We’ll make camp, continue at dawn.


The knights relax while Merlin cooks dinner. Merlin steps away from the cauldron for a moment. Borden sh**t something into it with a slingshot. Merlin checks to see that the knights are busy, then tries to serve himself first. Arthur comes over and grabs the plate just as he is about to take a bite.

King Arthur: Merlin, can you get some more firewood?
Merlin: Well, I was just going to try the soup…
King Arthur (eats it): Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. This is good. Guys, you got to try this.

The knights head over with their plates and serve themselves.

Merlin comes back from collecting firewood to find them all passed out.

Merlin: All right, don’t tell was too salty.

Merlin gets closer and sees they’re fast asleep. Gwaine is snoring. Merlin drops the wood loudly, but no one moves. He crouches down to the cauldron.

Merlin: Well, if you think I’m doing the washing...

Merlin finds the poultice that Borden shot into the soup and sniffs it. He hears Arthur start having trouble breathing. Merlin rushes over to check on him. The knights begin to suffocate either. Merlin places a hand on Arthur’s chest.

Merlin (whisper): Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare!

Arthur takes a full breath and returns to normal. Merlin rushes to Leon next.

Merlin (whisper): Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare!


Merlin rushes through the forest in pursuit of Borden. He stops at the tower and sees Borden climbing it. Merlin follows.


Borden arrives at the entrance. The key hole is on the wall. Merlin approaches. Borden puts the key in the hole and turns the lock. Merlin turns the corner and finds him.

Merlin: No !

The door opens and Borden looks back at Merlin before entering. As he does, smoke pours into his face from the mouths of gargoyles. Borden coughs and falls to the ground. The smoke floods down towards Merlin who covers his face with his jacket and holds up a hand.

Merlin: Þrosm tohweorfe.

The smoke is pushed back and disappears. Merlin crouches down by the unconscious Borden, picks up the torch and continues on. He walks up a few steps to a great hall and smiles as he sees the dragon egg on a pedestal. He approaches and puts down the torch. He touches the dragon egg.

Borden: Give it to me !

Borden walks up the steps.

Merlin (angry): It’s not yours to take.
Borden: You give it to me and I will grant you a half-share, Merlin.
Merlin: No, it must go free.
Borden: Don’t be a fool ! Think of the power it could bring us ! The lands we can rule over, the riches.
Merlin: I’m not interested in that.
Borden: With this dragon at our command, we will live like kings. We will have the freedom and power to do as we wish !
Merlin: Dragons cannot be used like that ! They must be left unshackled, free to roam the earth.
Borden: But this is your chance Merlin. Your chance to escape your meaningless life, your worthless existence !

Merlin: It’s not my life that is pitiable, it’s yours. You’ve wasted it...for nothing.

Borden grabs the torch and threatens Merlin with it.

Borden: I pieced together the Triskellian. I found the path that led us here ! The dragon belongs to me ! Now, hand it over !
Merlin: No.
Borden (swinging the torch at Merlin): You are not gonna stop me, boy !
Merlin: Dragons are magical creatures ! They belong to no man ! (Falls to the ground) They are for the benefit of all !
Borden (scoffs): What do you know ? You are but a serving boy !
Merlin: I am the last dragonlord (Borden’s face falls) and I am warning you...leave this egg alone.

Borden tries to strike Merlin with the torch. Merlin blasts him away. Merlin gets up and takes the egg. Borden is still unconscious. The tower begins to collapse. Merlin runs out. He reaches his satchel in the woods and puts the dragon egg in it. The knights run up to him.

King Arthur: What the hell happened ?
Merlin: The tomb was a trap. He set it off. He never got out.
King Arthur: What about the egg?

Merlin: (shrugs) It would’ve perished with him.
King Arthur: Are you sure? We need to be certain.
Sir Leon: Nothing’s going to survive under all that.

The tower completely collapses. Merlin glances down at the bag at his feet.


Merlin and Gaius eat supper.

Gaius: Shame about the egg.
Merlin: Yes.
Gaius: You weren’t able to save it ?
Merlin (shakes his head): No.

Gaius looks at Merlin who keeps himself busy. Merlin looks up and Gaius tilts his head. Merlin starts to grin and Gaius joins in. Merlin gets up and fetches the egg.

Merlin: All the jewels, all the treasures, Gaius, nothing compare. (Merlin carefully hands it to Gaius).
Gaius: And it was nearly lost because of you.
Merlin: I’m sorry, Gaius. I was too quick to act.
Gaius: You have to think things through. Ashkanar did exactly that. He had the foresight to conceal this for more than four hundred years. And now (handing the egg back to Merlin), it’s down to you, Merlin. For you to decide what you intend to do with it.
Merlin: I’ve thought about that. I’m going to make sure it goes back to where it belongs.


Merlin carries the egg through the forest and places it on a tree stump. Kilgharrah flies in and looks down at the dragon egg.

Merlin (anxious): Is it still alive?
Kilgharrah: It can live for more than a thousand years.
Merlin (smiles): So, you are no longer the last of your kind.
Kilgharrah (chuckles): It would seem not.
Merlin: When will it hatch?
Kilgharrah: Young dragons were called into the world by the dragon lords. Only they had the power to summon them from the egg. As the last dragon lord, this solemn duty falls to you, Merlin.
Merlin: How do I summon it?
Kilgharrah: You must give the dragon a name.

Merlin closes his eyes and invokes his Dragonlord powers. Kilgharrah watches carefully.

Merlin: Aithusa !

The dragon's egg hatches and a white dragon gurgles.

Kilgharrah: A white dragon is, indeed, a rare thing...and fitting. For in the dragon tongue, you named him after the light of the sun. No dragon birth is without meaning. (Merlin smiles and cries as he watches the baby dragon breaking its way out). Sometimes the meaning is hard to see, but this time I believe it is clear. The white dragon bodes well for Albion, for you and Arthur…and for the land that you will build together.