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04x02 - The Darkest Hour: Part Two

Posted: 03/19/19 07:44
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.02 – The Darkest Hour is just before the Dawn (Part Two)


Ruins of Daelbeth

Arthur: We have to get him to Gaius.

Sir Leon: And abandon the quest?

Arthur: He saved my life, I won’t let him die.

Sir Leon: Sire, if we don’t get to the Isle of the Blessed hundred more will perish.

Lancelot: Let me take him.

Arthur: Carrying a wounded man, alone? It will take you two or three days to reach Camelot.

Lancelot: Not if I go through the Valley of the Fallen Kings. You cannot give up on a quest.

Sir Leon: Sire, he’s right.


Arthur: This is my fault, I’m sorry.

Merlin (talks with difficulty): Take me with you, please.

Arthur: You’ll die, Merlin.

Merlin: You don’t understand. Please, Arthur.

Arthur: Do you ever do as you’re told?

Merlin: I have to go with you.

Arthur: Merlin…

Lancelot: We need to leave…

Arthur: Go!


In the woods


Gwaine: Can you hear that?

Sir Leon : Bees?

Gwaine: Food.

Sir Leon: You trying to get us k*lled?

Gwaine: We’re riding to our deaths anyway.

Sir Leon: It’s good to give the horses a rest. You're quiet.

Arthur: That’s what happens after three days of listening to Gwaine.

Sir Leon: You did the right thing, you know. Merlin couldn’t continue with us.

Arthur: I should have saved him.


They attack Gwaine who tries to escape.

Gwaine: Ah! Ah! Ooh!

Sir Leon: If anyone can get Merlin back to Camelot, Lancelot can.


In the woods

Lancelot and Merlin stop near a brook Merlin lies on his back, close to the water. His hand touches the water.

A sweet voice: Lancelot. Lancelot. We bare you nor harm. We wish only to help.

Lancelot: What are you?

The voice: We are Vilia. Spirits of the brooks and streams. The tear in the veil has upset the balance of the world. Good spirits as well as bad roam freely. But this perilous state cannot continue for long.

Lancelot: Prince Arthur is riding to the Isle of the Blessed. He intends to heal the veil.

Vilia: He will need help from both of you.

Lancelot: My friend is sick. I need to get him to Camelot.

Vilia: Merlin is stronger than you give him credit for. The young warlock has great power and a future that has been written since the dawn of time. Do not worry. Even now, my sisters begin to heal him.

Lancelot looks at Merlin and smiles.

Vilia: You are tired. You must rest.

Lancelot: I need to find a shelter.

Vilia: You are safe here.

Lancelot: But the Dorocha…

Vilia: We will stay with you and protect you through the night.

Vilia surround Lancelot, they look like soap bubbles.


Tunnels of Andor

The knights approach the entrance of the tunnels.

Arthur: By dawn, we’ll be on the other side of the mountains.

Gwaine: You can’t be serious. The tunnels are crawling with wilderoen.

Arthur: The tunnels will take days off our journey.

Gwaine: If we make it out alive.

Arthur: We’ll cover ourselves in gaja berries.

Gwaine: Oh, sounds great (!).

Arthur: It’s your choice Gwaine, wilderoen or Dorocha?

Elyan : I know which I’d rather go for.

Sir Leon : Me too.


Gwaine stops.


The Dorocha att*cks Gwaine. Percival tackles Gwaine out of the way.

Gwaine: Never knew you cared!

Arthur arrives waving a torch.

Arthur: Quick!


They run into the cave.

Percival : Remind me again why we’re wearing this disgusting paste.

Arthur : Wildeoren are completely blind. They rely totally on their sense of smell. Gaja berries will mask our scent.

Gwaine: What are the chances of us getting through here withiout seeing a wildeoren?

Arthur: None.


Gwaine stumbles over a skull.


Arthur: Shh!


They all duck behind a big rock and hide.

Arthur: Keep still. Don’t even breathe.


It seems to leave. Gwaine smiles.


The wildeoren is upon Gwaine who cannot move. The others stare at the scene in disgust. Gwaine finally manages to k*ll the wildeoren with his sword.


Gwaine looks specially proud of himself.

Arthur: You fool!

Gwaine: It’s dead.

Arthur: That one is, yes. They hunt in packs.


Elyan: Run!

They all run, chased by wildeoren.


Gates of Camelot

Refugees try to enter Camelot. Guards are closing the gates. Gwen watches the scene from a window of the griffin staircase.


Gaius: We need more stretches and sheets, as many sheets as you can find.

Gwen: Gaius. The guards were under orders to shut the gates at dusk.

Gaius: Whose orders?

Gwen: Lord Agravaine’s.


Council Hall

Gwen and Gaius enter the room, interrupting the Council meeting.

Agravaine: Gaius, have you come to join us?

Gaius: Why have you closed the city gates?

Agravaine: We have limited resources Gaius. As much as I’d like to, we simply can’t feed and water the entire kingdom.

Gaius: Surely the people have a right to be protected.

Agravaine: It would be putting Camelot in danger. Starvation, disease. You of all people must understand Gaius. The gates will remain shut until we are free of the evil the plagues us.

Gaius is about to leave the room.

Agravaine: Now, gentlemen, where were we?

Gwen steps in.

Gwen: My lords. May I be granted permission to address the court?

Agravaine: Guinevere?

Gwen: Prince Arthur taught me long ago that every citizen of Camelot is important. He would never stand by and let them suffer. He would help them if he could and we must do the same.

Agravaine: I feel the pain as much as you, but we don’t have a choice. If we keep letting people in, our food will run out within days.

Gwen: You’re wrong.

Agravaine: Perhaps you would enlighten me?

Gwen: Those outside the gates are landowners, farmers. For days, the refugees have been bartering their wares with the townsfolk in return for the safety of their hearths. They bring with them far more than they take.

Agravaine: But how long before those wares run out?

Gwen: Three days ago, Prince Arthur embarked on a quest to rid us of these creatures. At worst we have another three before he reaches his goal. Or do you think he will fail?

Agravaine: Of course not.

Geoffrey of Monmouth: Sire, she is right.

Agravaine: Very well. Re-open the gates.


Valley of the Fallen Kings

Lancelot wakes up and looks for Merlin.

Lancelot: Merlin? Merlin!?

Merlin is standing on a couple of rocks, in the middle of the stream, he’s fishing.

Merlin: Shh! Breakfast?

Lancelot: Merlin, what…? What are you…?

Merlin: What?

Lancelot: You’re meant to be… dying.

Merlin: Sorry. Here…

Merlin holds Lancelot the spearing stick he was using to fish.

Lancelot: What’s that for?

Merlin: Looks like you’re going to fall over.

Lancelot swings the stick at Merlin with the stick. Merlin ducks.

Merlin: No, not as quick as Arthur.

Lancelot: Oh, yeah?

Merlin: Come on, we need to catch up with the others.

Lancelot: No, you’re going back to Camelot.

Merlin: You might be.

Lancelot: Merlin!

Merlin: Say hello to Gaius for me.

Lancelot: Merlin!

Merlin: Arthur can’t finish this without us.

Lancelot: Arthur’s right about you. You don’t ever do as you’re told.

Lancelot: No.


In the Forest

The knights wash their hands and faces in a stream.

Sir Leon: They need to rest, Sire. Even Gwaine’s gone quiet.

Arthur: Sounds like a good reason to keep going.


Agravaine gallops in the forest.


Morgana’s hovel

Morgana sits by a fire she seems to be chilled to the bone.

Agravaine: My lady!


Morgana: What news of the mighty Camelot?

Agravaine: As we planned. The city is falling into wrack and ruin.

Morgana: And Arthur?

Agravaine: Last we heard, he has made it past Daelbeth.

Morgana: Will we never be rid of him?

Agravaine: Patience, my Lady. Even if he makes it to the Isle the outcome will be the same.

Morgana: Then what brings you here so early? Something’s wrong.

Agravaine: A minor irritant. Guinevere. She takes it upon herself to speak out against me.

Morgana: She’s dangerous.

Agravaine: But she’s a servant. A spirited one perhaps, but a servant nonetheless.

Morgana: No, you’re wrong. I have dreamt the future, and in it, that “servant” sits upon my throne. I would rather drown in my own blood than see that day.

Agravaine: Then we must make sure it never comes.

Morgana: I couldn’t agree more. We must make sure she never sees another dawn.


Uther’s chambers

Uther: Where is Arthur?

Gwen: I am unsure.

Uther: Where is he?

Gwen: The Prince is on a hunting trip, Sire.

Uther: When will he be back?

Gwen: In a few days. Is there something you need?

Uther does not respond. Gwen is about to leave the room.

Agravaine: Your devotion to the King is most impressive. There is something I would like to discuss. I wish to apologise. Yesterday, I feel let the Prince down. I’m grateful that you spoke out.

Gwen: I didn’t mean to be discourteous, my lord.

Agravaine: Well, you weren’t. Not in the least. Gwen, if you would permit, I would be grateful to seek your advice. You understand the people.

Gwen: I’m not sure, I…

Agravaine: If nothing else, I know that you will be honest with me. It’s not appropriate to talk now. But perhaps this evening, you could come to my chambers. Please, Guinevere? These are dark times. I need help if I am to guide through them.

Gwen: Very well.

Agravaine: Thank you.

Gaius enters as Agravaine is leaving the room.

Gaius: Is everything all right?

Gwen: Yes. He wishes to speak with me later. I think he means to seek my counsel.


In the forest

Merlin and Lancelot discover a lodge. They enter. The place is silent and seems to be empty.It seems to be a hunter's lodge.

Lancelot: Hello?

He opens a curtain with his sword and discovers a man sitting. The man is frozen.

Merlin: We can’t stay here.

Lancelot: There’s nowhere else, Merlin. We’ll make a fire. It will keep us safe and dry. And there’s more than enough fuel to get us through the night.

Merlin: Here. *spell* Bael onbryne!

The fire starts in the grate.

Merlin: I’m not entirely useless, you know.



Morgana sneaks into the tunnels under the castle.


Guard : Get on the other side.

Guard : Yes, sir.

A guard notices Morgana.

Guard: Halt!

Morgana knocks the soldier down without even turning around.


Agravaine’s chambers

Agravaine pours a beverage from a silver jug into a beaker. Gwens is seated, she looks slightly uncomfortable.

Agravaine: But do the people feel safe? You can speak honestly.

Gwen: No they do not.

Agravaine: Go on.

Gwen: They are frightened. Night after night, they have seen their friends, their children, their parents, all snatched cruelly from them and they don’t know who’ll be next.

Agravaine: What can I do to reassure them?

Gwen: Show courage. Shutting the gates showed you were as terrified as they were. It’s like a horse and its rider. If the people sense your fear, they will not trust you.

Agravaine: I’m grateful for your advice. You have a wise head on your shoulders, Guinevere.

Agravaine stands behind Gwen, he seems to be about to strangle her. Then, he gives the feeling he’s changed his mind and he goes away.

Agravaine: I have kept you long enough.

Gwen: And I must go to see the King.

Agravaine: Do not concern yourself with that. I will ensure he is well looked after. It has been a long day. I’ll have my guards walk you home safely.

Gwen: Thank you.


Camelot: Lower town

Gwen walks in the street, with two guards. Morgana looks at them from the battlements.

Morgana: *spell* Hleap on baec!

They are all knocked out. Morgana smirks.


In the Forest

A fire is burning, the knights stand around.

Elyan: Seen anything?

Arthur shakes his head.

Elyan: Do you know what we’re going to face on the Isle of the Blessed?

Arthur nods.

Elyan: Do you want to tell me?

Arthur: The burden is mine and mine to bear alone.

Elyan: Look around, Arthur. We would fight 1 000 armies with our bare hands for you. You are never alone. We stand together. Come on, I’ll take over. You need some rest.

Arthur: Thank you.


They all gather around the fire.


Uther’s chambers

Gaius enters the King’s chambers. Uther is alone and the place is messy.

Gaius: Gwen?

Gaius goes out to look for Gwen.


Camelot: Lower town

Gaius : Gwen ?

Gaius discovers Gwen, lying unconscious in the street. One of the guards is dead, frozen.


Gaius is att*cked by the Dorocha. Gaius waves his torch and gets rid of him.


Hunter's lodge

Merlin: You don’t have to continue on this journey with me you know.

Lancelot chuckles.

Lancelot: Try and stop me.

Merlin: Why, because you’re a knight you feel honour-bond.

Lancelot: You wouldn’t understand. It doesn’t make any sense to me either.

Merlin: Gwen?

Lancelot: I made her a vow I would keep Arthur safe.

Merlin: You don’t have to worry. I’ll keep him safe.

Lancelot: I made a vow, Merlin.

Merlin: You still think about her?

Lancelot: No. Arthur’s a better man than me.

Merlin: I’m sorry.

Lancelot: Why? He loves her… and she’s happy.


Gaius’s chambers

Gwen: I remember the guards walking to my door… and then… nothing.

Gaius: It’s just a surface wound. You were lucky.

Gwen: Everyone talks about the coldness but I don’t feel cold at all.

Gaius: You weren’t att*cked by the Dorocha, Gwen.

Gwen: Then what? Gaius?

Gaius: I fear someone wanted to do harm.

Gwen: Why?

Gaius: I don’t know.

Gwen: I’m sure if they did, they’ve done a better job.

Gaius: Maybe. But cold-blooded m*rder is suspicious. Better to leave you to the Dorocha.

In the forest

In the hovel, Lancelot and Merlin are asleep. The wind blows out the candles and then the fire. Merlin wakes up.


Merlin: Lancelot!

Merlin relights the fire using magic. The Dorocha att*cks. Lancelot and Merlin rushes to the door and start running through the forest. They are chased by the Dorocha.

Merlin: *spell* O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd ‘hup’ anankes.

Flames burn the Dorocha. The Great Dragon has come to rescue, he lands on a field. Lancelot draws his sword.

Merlin: It’s all right. It’s all right. It’s all right.

Merlin bows slightly to the Dragon.

Merlin: Thank you.

Dragon: Who is your friend?

Lancelot: I am Lancelot.

Dragon: Of course Sir Lancelot. The bravest and most noble of them all.

Lancelot: I’m not sure that is true.

Dragon: We shall see. For now there are more pressing things at hand the Dorocha cannot be allowed to remain in this world. The sundered veil must be restored.

Lancelot: We are on our way to the Isle of the Blessed to help Arthur heal it.

Dragon: Indeed. But at what price?

Merlin: I know the Spirit World demands a sacrifice.

Dragon: It demands noting, it is the Cailleach, the gate keeper to the Spirit World who asks such a price.

Merlin: And there is no other way?

Dragon: There is not.

Merlin: Arthur intends to sacrifice himself to heal the veil. It is my destiny to protect him, you taught me that.

Dragon: Merlin, you must not do this.

Merlin: Then, I have no choice. I must take his place.

Dragon: From the moment I met you I saw something that was invisible. Now it is there all to see…

Merlin: A lot of what you see, Old Friend… is what you taught me.

Dragon: It will be an empty world without you young warlock.

The Dragon flies off.


In the forest

Merlin and Lancelot rides.

Lancelot: When we get to the Isle of the Blessed do you really intend to sacrifice yourself ?

Merlin: What do you want me to say?

Lancelot: I look at you and I wonder about myself. Could I knowingly give up my life for something?

Merlin: You have to have a reason. Something you care about. Something that’s more important than anything.

Merlin nudges his horse into a gallop.

They overlook a castle from the top of hill. There is some smoke going out of the castle.

Lancelot: Looks like someone beat us to it.

Merlin: Bandits? Do you think we’ll make it before night fall?

Lancelot: There’s only one way to find out.

They start galloping to the castle.


In the castle

Arthur and the Knights sit by a campfire. Gwaine starts taking off his socks.

Elyan: Has something died?

Gwaine: Why am I always the butt?

Sir Leon: Can’t think.

Gwaine: Pick on Percival.

Percival: Why me?

Elyan: He washes.

Sir Leon: And he doesn’t set fire to his socks.

Gwaine’s sock starts to burn.

Gwaine: No!

Arthur: Quiet!

Lancelot enters. He is alone.

Arthur: Lancelot? How’s Merlin?

Lancelot: Bad news… he’s still alive.

Merlin comes in.

Elyan: Merlin!

Arthur: Good to see you, Merlin.

Merlin: Yeah. Good to see you too.

They hug Merlin. Later, they are all asleep except Merlin and Arthur.

Merlin: It’s going to be fine. Everything will be all right.

Arthur: I’m just tired

Merlin: You don’t have to sacrifice yourself.

Arthur: I have to save my people.

Merlin: I will take your place.

Arthur: Merlin…

Merlin: What is the life of a servant compared to that of a prince?

Arthur: A good servant’s hard to come by.

Merlin: I’m not that good.

Arthur: True… One thing… Look after Guinevere. I want her to be happy in her life. She deserves it.

Merlin: Don’t worry. I’ll make sure.


Seas of Meredor

Arthur, Merlin, and the Knights arrive on the shore of the Seas of Meredor..

Arthur : The Isle of the Blessed.

The ferryman waits for them by a longboat. They huddle in the boat and it glides across the sea.


Sir Leon: What is that?

Gwaine: I hope I’m wrong.


Arthur: Wyvern!

Wyvern shriek as they fly around the fortress

Percival: You’re right!

They enter the fortress, wyvern attack. The Knights try to hit them with their swords. The situation does not look that good.

Merlin: *spell* s’enthend’ apakhorein nun epello –o-o!

The wyvern fly off.

Gwaine: See? That’s how to deal with them!

Arthur: We need to keep moving.


Sir Leon: Sire, you must go on. We'll fend them off.

They split into 2 groups.


Isle of the Blessed – Altar

Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, and Gwaine arrive in the altar hall.

The Cailleach: It is not often we have visitors.

Arthur: Put an end to this. I demand you heal the tear between the two worlds.

The Cailleach: It was not I who created this horror. Why should it be I to stop it.

Merlin: Because innocent people are dying.

The Cailleach: Indeed?


Gwaine rushes to her with his sword. She knocks him out.

The Cailleach: Is this the best you can do?

Arthur: I know what you want.

The Cailleach: Do you? … and are you willing to let me have it?

Arthur: I’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary.

Arthur starts walking.

Merlin: *spell* Forb fleoghe!

The Cailleach: So, Emrys, you choose to challenge me after all. Will you give yourself to the spirits to save your prince?

Merlin: It is my destiny.

The Cailleach: Perhaps. But your time among men is not yet over, Emrys, even if you want it to be.


Lancelot looks at Merlin, smiles and walks into the tear where he disappears.

Merlin: No! No! No! N-No…




Arthur: (voiceover) ‘I want to pay tribute to Sir Lancelot. We owe him a great debt. But it is not just his deed that we will never forget. It is his courage, his compassion, his unselfish heart. He was the most noble knight I will ever know. He gave his life for all of us.

A huge pyre has been set up in the castle yard. There is a folded knight cloak and a sword on the top of the pyre.

All the Knights are gathered; there are soldiers in line around the pyre.

Arthur sets fire to the pyre. Gwen stands in front of the burning pyre. She is crying. Arthur grabs her hand.

Gwen: He didn’t sacrifice himself for Camelot. I asked him to look after you and he promised me with his life. He was true to his word.

Arthur looks slightly puzzled. He pats her on the shoulder and lets her alone in front of the fire.


Morgana’s hovel


Agravaine: Arthur was lucky.

Morgana: And Guinevere?

Agravaine: It was only by chance that Gaius found her.

Morgana: No you’re wrong. We are not thwarted by luck, it was Emrys.

Agravaine: Emrys?

Morgana: The Cailleach warned me about him. She said he was my destiny and my doom. It was he, who thwarted us, I’m sure of it.

Agravaine: So what’s to be done?

Morgana: As long as he exists, I will never gain what is rightfully mine. You must help me find this ‘Emrys’ and destroy him.


Merlin’s room

Merlin is in his room, he seems to be weeping. A door opens in Gaius’s chambers.

Agravaine: Gaius?

Gaius: How can I be of assistance?

Agravaine: You’re a man of great knowledge and wisdom.


Gaius: Knowledge, perhaps.

Agravaine: Have you ever come across a sorcerer called Emrys?

Gaius: No, it doesn’t sound familiar.

Agravaine: Well, if you do hear mention of the name…

Gaius: I’ll be sure to tell you.

Agravaine: It will not go unrewarded.

Agravaine leaves the room. Merlin comes out of his room.

Gaius: The only person that could have heard that name… Morgana. We know her powers are growing. She too must have seen the Cailleach.

Merlin: But Agravaine?

Gaius: I suspect he’s not as virtuous as he seems and don’t forget, he has every reason to despise Uther. We must be aware; Morgana can never know the truth. She must never know who you really are.