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03x12 - The Coming of Arthur (part 1)

Posted: 03/17/19 08:00
by bunniefuu
Episode 3.12 - The Coming Of Arthur (Part One)


Corpses of knights in the mist. Amongst them, Sir Leon, lying on his back, he seems to be dead.


Council Chamber

Uther holds a Pendragon knight cape that is blood stained and torn.

Uther: It was Cenred who did this, you’re certain of it?

Arthur: Yes my lord. His messenger has only this minute departed from Camelot. Cenred said that the patrol trespassed on his land, and an example had to be made.

Uther: How many dead?

Arthur: All of them, Sire. Every last man.

Uther: The knights?

Arthur: All lost. Edric, Alduuf… Osric… And Sir Leon.

People stare at each other in the council chamber, the atmosphere is gloomy.



A group of people are looking for survivors amongst the bodies of the knights.

Man: Here!

They gather around Sir Leon. A man kneels and examines him. This man is a druid.

Iseldir: Quick! Help me. We do not have much time. Ready?

They carry Sir Leon in a cave.


Druids’ cave

Sir Leon is still alive but looks very weak.

Iseldir: His spirit leaves him. We must hurry.

Druids: (chanting) Buthed gwared…hrag pob ailed…

Iseldir goes near Sir Leon with a cup.

Druids: (chanting) Hrag pob evnis… boyd un thilis.

They repeat the incantation while Iseldir makes Sir Leon drink from the cup. Sir Leon opens his eyes, he seems to feel better.

Iseldir: Welcome back.

– Opening Credits –

Council Chamber

Arthur is welcoming Sir Leon.

Arthur: We thought you were dead for sure.

Sir Leon: I was dead, or as good as, until the druids found me.

Uther: Druids?

Sir Leon: Yes my Lord, I owe them my life.

Uther: How did they heal you? You were as good as dead, you said.

Sir Leon: I don’t know.

Uther: Did they use magic?

Sir Leon: Well, I…

Uther: Yes or no? It’s a simple enough question.

Sir Leon: I only know that I drank from some kind of cup, Sire.

Uther: Cup?

Sir Leon: It was extraordinary my Lord. I have known nothing like it. From the moment it touched my lips I could feel my life return to me.

In the room people look puzzled.

Uther: Well…your trials have left you weary I ‘m sure. We must let him rest.

Uther leaves the room; Morgana and Merlin are staring at each other.


Sir Leon’s chamber

Gaius examines Sir Leon.

Sir Leon: Is that it?

Gaius: That’s it. He is exhausted, Sire, and seriously dehydrated, but given time and he’ll make a fully recovery.

Arthur: Thank you Gaius.

Gaius leaves the room, followed by Uther and by Merlin.



Uther: Well?

Gaius: It’s remarkable, Sire. He bears no sign of any kind of wound. He is in perfect health.

Uther: And the cup he spoke of?

Gaius: From his description, I would say it was the Cup of Life.

Merlin stares at Gaius in disbelief.

Uther: You are aware of its power Gaius?

Gaius: I am, indeed Sire. But the druids are peaceful people. They would only ever use the cup for good. Sir Leon is surely proof of that.

Uther: Be that as it may, according to Sir Leon's description, the druids' cave lies within Cenred's kingdom. It is imperative that we get to the cup before he does.

Gaius: My lord, druids are secretive by nature. They will have the cup well hidden. Might it not be wise to leave it where it is?

Uther: I'm not prepared to take that risk.

Uther leaves.


Gaius’s chamber

Merlin: I thought the cup was destroyed with Nimueh when I defeated her on the Isle of the Blessed.

Gaius: The cup cannot be destroyed. Its magic is eternal, unbound by time or place.

Merlin: But why does Uther fear it so much?

Gaius: Because the cup can be used for evil as well as good.

Merlin: I don't understand.

Gaius: Many centuries ago, it fell into the possession of a great w*rlord. One night, he gathered his army before him. He took a drop of blood from each and every man and collected it in the cup. Such was the vessel's power that the soldiers were made immortal where they stood.

Merlin: So they could not be k*lled.

Gaius: The carnage they wrought was beyond all imagining. The King's no fool. He knows that the forces of the Old Religion are rising against him once more. Heaven forbid that the cup should fall into the hands of Morgause.

Merlin: Or Morgana.

Gaius: With Such a w*apon at their disposal, Camelot would be all but lost.



Uther is waiting.

Arthur: You called for me Father.

Uther: Cenred is our sworn enemy. We cannot risk him getting his hand on the Cup of Life.

Arthur: I know, Father.

Uther: You must retrieve it. Your mission must remain secret; you can speak to no-one of this.

Morgana is hidden nearby, spying on them.

Arthur: I will take only my most trusted men.

Uther: We've seen what happened to the last patrol that entered Cenred's land. You must go alone. I'm sorry to place such a burden upon you, but there is no one else I can trust.

Arthur: I understand, Father.


Arthur’s chamber

Merlin is packing.

Arthur: You will be ready by sunrise, won't, you Merlin?

Merlin: If I don't know where we're going, how do I know what to pack? Will it be hot? Will it be cold? Will it be wet? Will it be dry?

Arthur: Don't be such a girl, Merlin. We're not going on holiday.

Merlin: Holiday? What's a holiday?

Merlin begins to pack a red Camelot cape.

Arthur: Not that. Nothing bearing the crest of Camelot. We're going under cover.

Merlin: This is ridiculous. Are you going to tell me where we're going or not?

Arthur: Well, I can tell you it will be dangerous

Merlin: Great(!)

Arthur: And I can tell you we will be travelling through bandit-infested lands.

Merlin: Terrific. Then where?

Arthur: I can't tell you that.

Merlin: You don't know where we're going.

Arthur: No, Merlin. I know where we're going. It's just, I can't tell you, that's all.

Merlin: (joking) Right. Cos if you do, you'll have to k*ll me, I suppose.

Arthur: Immediately and without hesitation.

Merlin: Great.

Arthur grins.

Merlin: It'll be a surprise. I love surprises. Who doesn't love a good surprise?


Castle vaults

Morgana walks in the vaults, she stops, smirks and turns. Morgause shows up.

Morgause: What is it you wanted to tell me, sister?

Morgana: Arthur rides at dawn. He's been sent to recover some kind of cup. The Cup of Life, they called it?

Morgause: The Cup of Life - Are you sure?

Morgana: I heard every word.

Morgause: How long I have searched for it...

Morgana: Is it as powerful as they believe?

Morgause: Oh, yes. Trust me, sister, with the cup in our possession, Camelot would soon be at our mercy. Where is the cup now?

Morgana: It's in the hands of the druids. All I know is that their camp lies within Cenred's kingdom.

Morgause: Then perhaps Cenred will be of use to us again. He has spies everywhere. If he can have Arthur followed...

Morgana: Then Arthur will lead us all the way to the cup itself.

Morgause nods and they both laugh.


Morgana’s chamber

From her window, Morgana watches Arthur and Merlin leaving the castle



Arthur and Merlin are galloping trough the countryside. Three men are spying on them, and then they ride to Cenred’s castle.


Cenred’s castle

Morgause: Which way was the Prince heading?

Spy: For the Forest of Ascetir, my lady.

Cenred: Send word to the scouts in the area. They must be prepared.

Spy: Yes, Sire.

Morgause: Can your scouts be relied upon?

Cenred: Of course. I handpicked them myself.

Morgause: Why does that not reassure me?

Cenred: Do not concern yourself, my lady. The Cup of Life will soon be in our hands, and when it is, Camelot will be ours.

Morgause: You forget yourself, Cenred. It is Morgana that will take the throne, not you or I.

Cenred: I make no claim upon the throne, only the spoils of victory.

Morgause: You will get what you deserve, Cenred. (Caressing Cenred’s face) I can assure you of that.



Merlin: We're going to Cenred's Kingdom, aren't we?

Arthur: What makes you say that?

Merlin: Er, we're in the Forest of Ascetir. We're not stopping.

Arthur: You can think what you like, Merlin.

Merlin: Come on! You might as well tell me.

Arthur: Then I'd have to k*ll you. I told you that.

Merlin: Go ahead. I'm probably going to die anyway. Look at what happened to the patrol that came here! Dead, the lot of them!

Arthur: Sir Leon survived.

Merlin: Right, so that gives me, what? A one in 40 chance of making it?

Arthur: Rather less, actually. There are only two of us.

Merlin: So I'm not probably going to die, I'm DEFINITELY going to die.

Arthur: Always the pessimist, Merlin. Who knows, maybe, just this once, we'll have no trouble.

Arthur gets shot in the neck by a dart and he falls from his horse.

Merlin: Maybe you're right. If past experience is anything to go by…

Merlin gets shot in the neck by a dart and he falls from his horse too.



Merlin is waking up in some kind of jail. The floor is covered with straw. There are people around him, staring at him. The scene is fuzzy. Arthur slaps Merlin’s face to wake him up.

Merlin: What was that you were saying about me being a pessimist?

Arthur: Must've slipped my mind.

Arthur helps Merlin to stand up. A hand touches Arthur’s shoulder.

Arthur: (grabbing the hand) Touch me again, you die.

Merlin: Gwaine?!

Gwaine: No manners you royals. Merlin, old friend, you look terrible.

Merlin: Likewise.

Arthur: What are you doing here?

Gwaine: Well, you know, wrong place, wrong time, wrong drink.

Arthur: Nothing's changed there, then.

Gwaine: That's just not fair.

Arthur: Where exactly are we?

Gwaine: The bowels of an old castle. Belongs to a fella names Jarl.

Arthur: Never heard of him.

Gwaine: Lovely bloke. sl*ve trader.

Merlin: We're going to be sold as slaves?

Jarl: Right, you filthy vermin. Which one of you is ready to face my champion in the arena? No volunteers? Well, I shall have to choose one of you toe rags myself, then. Let me see… How about you?

He points to Merlin, who looks around.

Merlin: Me?

Jarl: Death or glory, boy. You should be honoured.

Arthur: Who is this so-called champion? Can he crush nothing but weaklings like this?

Jarl: You think you could offer a better contest?

Arthur: I guarantee it.

Merlin: Arthur, no.

Jarl: Very well… But if you lose, I'll feed your little friend to the crows piece by stinking piece. Are you ready, my champion?

Gwaine: I am.

Arthur and Merlin taken aback look at Gwaine. Gwaine gives them a sorry smile.


Cenred’s castle

Morgause: How could you let this happen? You let Arthur slip through your fingers.

Cenred: He was taken before my men could get to him.

Morgause: Taken? By whom, exactly?

Cenred: The sl*ve trader, Jarl. He's been working our western border for months.

Morgause: And you let him?

Cenred: We have an understanding. He doesn't bother me, and I don't bother him.

Morgause: And where is this Jarl now?

Cenred: Don't worry, Morgause. I'll find him soon enough.

Morgause: See that you do.

Cenred: Are you threatening me?

Morgause: Trust me, Cenred, when I am threatening you, you'll know about it.


Jarl’s den

Raucous men push Arthur and Gwaine in the middle of the arena.

Jarl: Gentlemen, the rules are simple. One man lives and one man dies. If you cannot or will not finish off your opponent… I'll k*ll you both.

Jarl throws swords at their feet.

Jarl: Let battle commence!

Gwaine and Arthur start fighting. The crowd cheers.

Arthur: Take it easy, will you?

Gwaine: It's got to look real, hasn't it?

Arthur: Fine. If it's real you want…

Arthur and Gwaine continue fighting. They drop their swords and wrestle on the ground.

Arthur: So far, so good.

Gwaine: What comes next?

Arthur: Er...there was no next.

Jarl: Finish him!

Merlin: Forbaern aeltaewlice.

Fire spreads along the ropes above the people. The men are panicking. It is chaos. Gwaine, Arthur, and Merlin manage to escape. They run out of the fortress.



They stop, panting for breath.

Gwaine: Now, that's somewhere I'll not be in a hurry to see again.

Arthur: Best stay out of trouble, then.

Gwaine: I could say the same to you.

Arthur: You could do, but I wouldn't have any idea what you're talking about.

Gwaine: C’mon. You must have done something to end up in a hole like that.

Arthur: Actually, we're on a quest.

Merlin: We're looking for the Cup of Life.

Arthur smacks the back of Merlin's head.

Merlin: What?

Arthur: What part of the word "secret" did you not understand?

Merlin: It’s… Gwaine.

Gwaine: Gentlemen, gentlemen. It seems whatever it is that you're after - you could use a little help.

Arthur does not like that pleased but ends by nodding his assent.


Jarl’s den

Jarl: No-one makes a fool of Jarl. No-one! I want to know who they are and where they're hiding!

Bandit: My lord…

The bandit brings Arthur's bag.

Jarl: What's that?!

Bandit: It was confiscated from the prisoners, my lord. It may hold some clues.

Jarl: I don't want clues. I want blood!

Jarl searches the bag and finds nothing.

Jarl: Ugh!

He throws the bag to the floor and it jingles. Jarl cuts open the inside and finds coins and a sealed note.

Jarl: Well, well, well. It seems we were entertaining royalty.

He cackles.



Gwaine: So according to Merlin here, if you tell me where this cup is, you have to k*ll me.

Arthur: That's correct.

Gwaine: You may as well tell me, then. I mean, let's be honest - you couldn't k*ll me even if you wanted to.

Arthur: Yeah? Try me.

Gwaine: I already did. Back in the arena. I had you bang to rights, did I not?

Arthur: That… was just a game.

Gwaine: Oh, a game, right. I won that game, did I not?

Arthur: No, you didn't. One more minute...

Merlin looks more and more fed up with the conversation.

Merlin: One more minute and you both would've been dead. Neither of you won. You're plan was a half-baked disaster, and if it was not for that fire we would all be pushing up daisies.


Cenred’s castle

Cenred: You're certain it was Arthur?

Jarl: Oh, yes. It was the prince, all right. Matched your description exactly. He had his servant with him. Him and another man.

Morgause: And do you have proof of this?

Jarl shows the note found in Arthur’s bag.

Cenred: Where were they headed?

Jarl: West. Into the Forest of Gedney. They've no horses. Their tracks told us as much. You'll soon run them down.

Cenred: Excellent.

Jarl: Always glad to be of help to, people of qualities such as yourselves. Perhaps some small compensation for my, time and trouble?

Morgause: Oh, my dear man, how remiss of me. You will have your reward this instant.

Morgause uses magic to k*ll Jarl by throwing him against the wall.



Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine stop and look at the entrance of the druids’ cave.

Merlin: Well, don't tell me. We're actually here.

Gwaine: Easy, Merlin. Wouldn't want to rile the Prince.

Arthur, Gwaine, and Merlin go into the cave. The cave looks empty but there candles lit everywhere.

Arthur: It has to be here somewhere.

Arthur sheaths his sword. He notices a cloth move and pulls a small druid boy out of hiding.

Arthur: Where is it? Hmm?

He shakes the boy.

Arthur: Where's the cup? Tell me.

Merlin: Let him go, Arthur. He's just a boy.

Arthur: Where…is it?

Merlin: Arthur.

Gwaine draws his sword.

Arthur: Stay out of this, Merlin.

Merlin: No, Arthur, really.

Druids surround them. Arthur looks up and pulls his sword on the boy.

Arthur: One step closer...

Iseldir: There is no need for v*olence, Arthur Pendragon. The boy has done you no harm. Release him.

Arthur: Not without what I came for.

Iseldir: You seek the Cup of Life, do you not?

Arthur: I do.

Iseldir pulls out the cup.

Iseldir: It is yours. Please, now… the boy.

Arthur lets the boy go and grabs the cup, but Iseldir doesn't let go.

Iseldir: You meddle with a power you do not understand. Arthur Pendragon. By taking the Cup of Life you risk more than you know.

Arthur grabs the cup.

Arthur: I'll take my chances, thanks. Let's go.

Arthur, Gwaine, and Merlin turn to leave.

Iseldir (in Merlin’s head): ‘Emrys’.

Merlin turns and looks at Iseldir.

Iseldir (telepathy): ‘The cup is in your care now. Guard it well. The future of this land depends on it.’

Merlin catches up with Arthur and Gwaine out of the cave.

Gwaine: Hard work this quest business.

Arthur: Trust me, it's a great deed we did here today.

Merlin: Are you sure the cup wasn't safer with the druids?

Arthur: They can't be trusted, Merlin. No one can. The only safe place for the cup is the vaults of Camelot.

Merlin (mumbling): Yeah, but we have to get it there first.

Cenred and his soldiers are watching them.

Cenred: Get the cup… then k*ll them.

Arthur: We're approaching the border of Cenred's lands. Beyond the forest lies Camelot.

Gwaine: And food and water and a nice hot bath.

Arthur: Quiet.

They stop.

Arthur: Listen!

The forest is completely silent.

Merlin: I can't hear anything.

Arthur: Exactly.

Gwaine: Never satisfied, you city types. It's too noisy, it's too quiet...

Cenred's men jump out of hiding.

Arthur: Run!

Soldiers start chasing them. Arthur is shot in the leg by an arrow. Arthur falls unconscious. The soldier takes the cup from Arthur's bag. Merlin uses magic to knock the soldier out, but the cup goes flying and then rolls down on a hill, straight into the hands of Cenred's men below.

Gwaine: Merlin!

In the forest, the night has fallen, Gwaine and Merlin inspect Arthur's wound.

Gwaine: Right. That doesn't look too great.

Merlin: Arrow must've been poisoned. He's got a fever. We need to keep him warm.

Merlin takes off his jacket to cover Arthur.

Gwaine: I don't get it. Why all this bother over a cup?

Merlin: Because in the wrong hands it can become a terrible w*apon.

Gwaine: Not so great Cenred's got it, then.

Merlin: It's worse than you can possibly imagine.


Cenred’s castle

Cenred’s soldiers are gathered. Cenred and Morgause bring the cup.

Cenred: Loyal friends…our time is at hand. From today no sword will fell you, no spear will stop you short. Your blood will not be spilled in vain, but in victory. You march with the mightiest w*apon of them all: immortality.

Morgause: (casting a spell) Gegadra anne here from pise bune and heora blod… Swa paet he ne abuge and ne swelte noht,ac libbe a on ecnysse.

Morgause lifts the cup, then cuts a soldier's hand and pours the blood into the cup.

Council chamber

Uther: Arthur should be back by now.

Sir Leon: I'm sure there's a simple explanation, Sire.

Uther: You know as well as I do he's been gone too long. Take a patrol, as many men as you need. Whatever it takes, find him.

Sir Leon: Yes, Sire.

Sir Leon leaves.

Morgana: You show great strength, my lord.

Uther: What do you mean?

Morgana: Day after day you must send your only son into danger.

Uther: Not a responsibility any father would wish to bear.

Morgana: You must try not to worry. He's the First Knight of Camelot and your greatest warrior. He's made it home safe in the past. Why should this time be any different?

Uther: You're right. Of course you are.



Merlin and Gwaine sit by a dying fire camp. Arthur lies on the ground, shivering with fever.

Merlin: We need more firewood.

Gwaine: You're right about that.

Merlin: D’you want to go and get some?

Gwaine: Not really. Thanks for asking.

Merlin: There's wolves out there. Bears, boars...

Gwaine: Exactly.

Merlin: I'm not a warrior. I can't defend myself like you.

Gwaine: Never too late to learn… (silence) Merlin, don't you know when someone's joking with you? If I die collecting firewood, keep it to yourself. I got my reputation to consider.

Gwaine walks off. Merlin kneels over Arthur.

Merlin: Gehalge … Gehalge. Come on. Arthur, come on.

The spell does not work.


Cenred’s castle

Cenred and Morgause watch the army of immortals leaving the castle.

Cenred: Magnificent, aren't they? My army of immortals.

Morgause: YOUR army?

Cenred: Well, they are my men.

Morgause: Correction. They WERE your men. It is I that made them immortal - they are bound to me now.

Cenred: Do not think for one moment that you can cross me, my lady.

Morgause: Cross you? Never. (casting a spell) Ic bebiode the thine cyning cwellan!

A soldier lifts his sword.

Cenred: What are you doing?

Morgause: Have I not always been honest with you, Cenred?

Cenred draws his sword.

Cenred: Stop! Stop, you answer to me not to her.

A brief fight starts. Cenred pierces the soldier through with his sword, but the man does not fall.

Cenred: Morgause, Morgause, Make him stop! Please, I beg you. Make him stop!

The soldier disarms Cenred and knocks him to the floor.

Morgause: Did I not say that, when I threatened you, you'd know about it?

The soldier raises his sword.

Morgause: Well, now you know.

Cenred: Morgause, please...!

The soldier runs Cenred through and kills him.



On the top of a hill a patrol of Camelot watches Cenred’s army marching.

Sir Leon: My God! … All right men, come on!

They run through the woods, but they are caught by mounted soldiers. They try to flee. Sir Leon manages to throw one of mounted soldier from his horse. They start to fight, Sir Leon runs his sword through the soldier, but it does not k*ll him. Sir Leon is stunned and he has no other choice than running to save his life.



In the camp, everybody is asleep. Arthur coughs and wakes up.

Arthur: Where's the cup?

Merlin and Gwaine wake up.

Arthur: Where's the cup?

Merlin: Cenred's men - they took it.

Arthur: Then what are we still doing here?!

Merlin: You were unconscious.

Arthur: Always an excuse, Merlin.

Arthur tries to get up, but groans with pain. Merlin and Gwaine get up to help him.

Arthur: We have to get back to Camelot before it's too late


Camelot – Council Chamber

In the town, the church bell tolls.

Uther: We must convene the Council of w*r.

Sir Leon: They cannot be stopped. The soldiers, Sire. They will not fall.

Uther: What are you saying?

Sir Leon: They will not die.

Uther: Gather the Knights. Prepare whatever defences you can.

Sir Leon: But Sire.

Uther: DO IT!

Morgana smirks. Sir Leon bows and leaves the chamber. Uther turns to Gaius.

Uther: It’s Cenred. It must be. How? The location of the cup was secret.

Gaius: There's only one explanation, Sire. We have a traitor in our midst.

Morgana still smirks.


Camelot's army prepares for w*r. From a window, Uther looks at his men gathered in the courtyard. Sir Leon, who is getting ready for the battle, looks really frightened.


Morgana’s Chamber

Gwen watches the immortal army marching towards Camelot, she looks frightened. Morgana comes in.

Morgana: Gwen.

Gwen: Is it true they attack at dawn?

Morgana: I'm afraid so.

Gwen: And no word from Arthur?

Morgana: Nothing.

Morgana does not really hide her satisfaction.

Gwen: Then all is lost. We'll be massacred. Every last one of us.

Morgana: Not everyone has to die.

Gwen: What do you mean, “not everyone”?

Morgana: Those that defy them - those that choose to fight - they will surely die. But those who do not resist, those who choose to welcome change… They will have a future here. Everyone has a choice, Gwen.

Gwen: You know I have always been loyal to you, Morgana. And I always will be.

Morgana smiles and takes her hands.

Morgana: Then have no fear. No harm will come to you, I can promise you that.

They hug. Gwen looks uneasy, Morgana smirks.



From the top of hill, Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine watch a village on fire.

Gwaine: What the hell happened?

Arthur: I don't know. We need to hurry. We're still a day's march from Camelot.

They resume their way to Camelot. Arthur is limping.

They find the corpses of the Camelot knights.

Arthur: A Camelot patrol.

Merlin: There's not a single enemy body.

Arthur: He's right. This wasn't a fight, this was a slaughter.

Gwaine: Who could've done such a thing?

Arthur: An army of men that cannot die. Come on.

Arthur, Gwaine, and Merlin climb over another hill. They discover smoke rising from Camelot. On The way to the castle, they cross a battle field, the ground is strewn with bodies of Camelot's soldiers.

Arthur: They never stood a chance.

They arrive in the lower town, ruins are still smoking. Arthur struggles to open the door of a house.

Gwaine: Here… let me.

Gwaine kicks the door and they all enter the house that is dark and silent. Suddenly, some jumps in front of them waving a sword. Arthur and Gwaine take defensive stances.

Merlin: Elyan!

Elyan: I'm sorry.

Merlin shuts the door.

Arthur: Where is everyone?

Elyan: I- I - I thought that...

Arthur: Elyan, please, What happened?

Elyan: They came out of nowhere. A mighty army. Weapons were useless against them. They were men, Sire, but not men… Nothing could k*ll them… Nothing.

Arthur: Where's your sister? Where's Guinevere?

Elyan: She was in the citadel when they att*cked.

Arthur: Then there's still hope.

Elyan: Sire… The citadel's been taken.

Arthur, Gwaine, Merlin, and Elyan leave the house. Arthur is limping more and more.

Arthur: Let's go.

Elyan: How much longer can he keep going like this?

Merlin: I don't know



They have to hide to avoid Cenred’s men. It’s getting more and more difficult for Arthur to stand.

Gwaine: Where now?

Arthur: Now, er... Now we, er...

Merlin: Arthur, you can't go on.

Arthur: We must. We must find the others...

Merlin: You can't go on without treatment.

Arthur: Guinevere… my father.

Merlin: Elyan, do you know your way to the dungeons?

Elyan: Yes, I think so.

Merlin: Go with Gwaine. See if you can find them.

Arthur: I'm going with them.

Merlin: You're not.

Arthur: That's an order.

Merlin: To hell with your orders. You're coming with me.

Merlin puts Arthur's arm around his shoulder and drags him down the corridor. They have to hide again to avoid a patrol.


Gaius chamber

The place is in a mess. Everything has been wrecked.

Arthur: You're disobeying orders, Merlin. I'll have you in the stocks for this.

Merlin: Fine. Now, stay put. And try not to move that leg.

Merlin looks for a potion. He hears the sound of glass smashing in the cupboard. He picks up Arthur's sword and goes to check it out. Merlin yanks the door open.

Merlin: Gaius!

Gaius: Merlin!

They hug.

Merlin: Are you all right?

Gaius: All the better for seeing you.

Arthur clears his throat.

Gaius: Arthur!

Merlin (whispering): I tried to heal him, using magic, but it didn't work.

Gaius nods and goes to Arthur. Arthur grunts with pain.

Gaius: This may hurt a bit, Sire.

Gaius examines the wound. Arthur groans.

Arthur: Ah…

Gaius: The wound is infected. I'll have to re-dress the leg to reduce the inflammation.

Arthur: No, no, no. We haven't got time… Just give me something to keep going.

Gaius: Yes, Sire.

Merlin: It's the army of immortals, isn't it?

Gaius: We'll be lucky to get away with our lives. Any of us.



Gwaine and Elyan hidden in a corner, see Uther being dragged out of a cell by Cenred’s soldiers.

Uther: Where are you taking me? I am the King! I demand to know


Merlin’s room

Merlin is packing staff hidden under the floor of his room. He takes a big book and after a short hesitation, the flask of water the Fisher King gave him.


Gaius chamber

Gaius gives Arthur a potion.

Gaius: The effect will be instant, Sire, but I cannot guarantee how long it'll last.

Arthur: Thank you, Gaius.

Gwaine and Elyan enter.

Elyan: The King, Sire. He's alive.

Arthur: Where is he?

Gwaine: They're taking him to the throne room as we speak.

Arthur: This may be my last chance.

Merlin: Arthur, there's too many of them. You'll never make it.

Arthur: I won't leave my father to die here alone. Gwaine, Elyan, take Gaius and make your way to the woods beyond the castle. I hope we meet again.

Gwaine, Elyan, and Gaius leave.

Arthur: Merlin, you should go with them.

Merlin: Nah, I've seen the woods already.

Arthur smiles. They sneak through the corridors. Arthur stumbles.

Merlin: Are you all right?

Arthur: Keep moving.


Throne hall

Merlin and Arthur hide in a gallery above the Throne Room. The hall is packed. Soldiers force Uther to his knees in front of Morgause.

Morgause: Well, Uther… How the mighty have fallen.

Arthur makes a furious move, but Merlin grabs him.

Merlin (whispering): The guards are immortal, they'll cut you to ribbons! What use are you dead?!

Morgause: I don't think you'll be needing this anymore.

Morgause removes Uther's crown.

Uther: This is unlawful. You cannot do this. You have no right to the throne!

Morgana: No, she does not. But I do. I am your daughter, after all. Don't look so surprised. I've known for some time.

Shock dawns on Arthur's face. Morgana is seated on the throne. Morgause nods to a soldier, and the soldier shoves Geoffrey of Monmouth forward, he is holding the crown.

Geoffrey: By the power vested in me… I crown thee Morgana Pendragon… Queen of Camelot.

Geoffrey of Monmouth puts the crown on Morgana’s head. The soldiers oblige Uther to bow. Morgana and Morgause smirk. Arthur looks at the scene with horror.